The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, May 26, 1881, Page 3, Image 3
Children’s Corner. R«v. T. C. BOV KIN, Bute 8- 8. Evangelist, Ed BIBLE-EXPLORA TIONS. After all the wheat and barley had been gathered, Boaz took it to the threshing floor and threshed it, after which it had to be winnowed in order to separate the grain from the small broken pieces of straw, left in it after threshing. When Naomi knew that Boaz was to winnow barley that night in the threshing floor, she told Ruth to wash and dress herself, and to go to the threshing floor, and to speak to Boaz the words she had told her. So Ruth did as her mother-in-law bade her; and Boaz winnowed his barley, and then had a feast. And after he had eaten and drunk, and had enough, she came near and spoke to him, say ing : Thou art our near kinsman ; and asked him to be kind to her. He an swered : May thethee, my Then he told her, not to fear for he would do for her all that she needed, because all the people of Beth lehem knew that she was a virtuous and good woman. And he said to her, bring forth thy vail and hold it, and when she had brought it, he poured into it six measures of barley. And she carried it horiie to Naomi, and told her all that Boaz had done, saying: These six measures of barley he gave me, for he said, Go not away without taking something with thee for thy mother-in-law. Then Naomi told Ruth to wait and see what else Boaz was go ing to do. The next day after Boaz had winnowed his barley, he went to the gate of Bethlehem, and called to him ten elders or principal men of the city, and told them and all the people that he was going to take Ruth, the daughter-in-law of Naomi, to be his wife; and that they were the witnesses. And they prayed that the Lord would bless Ruth, and make Boaz still richer and greater than he was then. So Boaz took Ruth to be his wife, and Naomi was glad for her daughter-in-law who had loved her so devotedly, and came back with her from Moab to Cana an, to live with the children of Israel and serve the Lord. And the Lord blessed Boaz and Ruth, and gave them a son of whom it was said : And.... be unto... a ... of thy ..., and a .... of thy.... ENIGMAS. No. 1. BY B. M. B. I am composed of 25 letters. My 5,4, 22, 14, 24, 25 was a queen who saved her people from death. My 19, 18, 8,3, 12, 17 interpreted a king’s dream. My 1,9, 7, 6 was among the herds men of Sekra. My 13, 24,15, 23 was the father of Abraham. My 2,7, 5 was a word used by Jesus in denouncing the Scribes and Pharis ers. My 20, 21, 13 what the soul of the diligent shall be made. My 11, 3,4, 14 was the father of Saul. My 16, 10, 19 was one of the sons of Zilpah. My whole is a proverb of Solomon. No. 2. BY M. 1. A king to whom Paul appealed. 2. A beautiful tree which produces oil. 3. A king of Israel who exacted fifty shekels of silver from the rich. 4. A jewess who married a Gentile, mother to a good young man. 5. A word signifying end-light, first stone in the Breast-plate. 6. A city where Paul destroyed all in it save one. 7. A sacred edifice built on Mount Moriah. 8. A country plentieus in gold in the time of Solomon. 9. A son of Ham. 10. A well known bird, unclean by the Levitical law. The initials spell Christ’s precious invitation. The finals, the dying thief’s request No. 3— By Louella. Top line: a terra used to denote many. Next right line outward : a son of David. Next line inward: site of the first camp of the Israelites. Bottom line from left to right: a city in the S. W. part of the Holy Land. Next line outward: a Christian of Rome to whom Paul sends greeting. Next line inward : son of Hannah. Leading from the center, left up ward : father of Zipporah. Right upward : Jacob’s eldest son. Left downward: a woman who hid the spies in Jericho. Right downward: one of Jacob’s wives. Abig a i L zn e o aa i c r n v in is a a at ’Hor i t e S Seme of the enigmas sent us have been lost or misplaced. We have sev- THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1881. eral on hand which will appear before long. Answers for enigmas in Index of April 21st: No. 1, by G. W. A., Jeremiah. No. 2, by Birdie, MAN ELM b e i o b e ph a zh c n ei e o r n No. 3, by Luther, Jesse Mercer. No. 4, by S. E. D., ANSWERS FOR LAST WEEK. No. 1. Star by B. X I \ d a* H3VS3H S ERAPHIM u z > a K No. 2. By M. E. A., of Florida: Rev. R. T. Hanks. No. 3. By T. B. and H. C.: T. C. Boykin. CORRESPONDENCE. Dear Uncle B.—l am a little Ala bama girl. lam not large enough to, make puzzles yet, but a friend made one for me, and I send it to you. Mam ma reads the paper to me, and I like it. I shall soon read well enough to read for myself. Your little friend Louella. ~ We are glad that Mamma reads the paper for Louella. Would that all Mammas would do as much. The enig ma goes in this week, but we have j taken some liberties for sake of brevity, i which we hope will be excused. Berdie’s questions will go in next j time, perhaps. We are much obliged to her. She is one of our best ex plorers. We cannot fully express our grati tude to our good sister and faithful ex plorer, M. She says of some enigmas sent: “I trust, if they do not suit, they will at least encourage you to keep up your department. May God bless every effort of The Index. May He keep us all in the right path.” Nearly anything she sends “suits.” Sometimes we have more than we have space to use. She does greatly encourage us. Julia and Battey send correct an swers and an enigma that will see light when we have space. Has John join ed yet? Give him our best love. Tell him to write us a letter anyway. Safe Little ErFiE.-She came bound ing down the steps all ready for school. “Come across,” called her little friend, Johnnie Bates. “I’ll wait for you.” Right in front of her were two dancing horses. “I can’t come across the street,” said Effie, “till the horses pass.” “Oh, pooh,” said Johnnie, “clip across. You will have time; the horses are standing still. They don’t mean to go on yet. ’Fore I’d be such a coward!” Down sat Effie plump on the stone step. “I can’t come across till the horses go by, not if they don’t go in a week,” she said. “My mamma said, never to cross the street alone, if there is a horse to be seen; and I’m not going to.” Just then the horses, that a man was trying to manage, became frightened at the kite that some boys were playing with, and broke from him. Away they went, right over the very crossing that Effie would have taken I Effie’s mam ma ran to the door, pale and tremb ling. She had seen those dreadful horses fly by! “0, my darling,” the said, putting her arms around Effie, “what danger you have been in!” “Why, mamma!” Effie said, looking up at her mother, with her eyes full of wonder, “I don’t think I was in a speck of danger. You told me not to cross the street when I saw horses, and of course I wouldn’t. So how could they hurt me?” — Leafy Fern. A little boy—Willie—once heard his father read this verse at family prayers: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” He could not wait till his father had finished reading; he ran up to him and said : “0! father, did He get in?” “Is Jesus knocking at my heart?” “I will let Him in!” “My back aches so, and I feel miserable,” said a hard working man. The doctor ques tioned him and found that he had been ha bitually costive for years, that now his kid neys were disordered, and his whole system deranged. Kidney-Wort was recommended and faithfully taken, and in a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of this medicine on the bowels and kidneys is wonderful. —Congre- gationalist. —— A physician of great prominence in Thirty sixth street, New York city, was unable to even help Mr. Wm. McKee, of Paterson, N. J., suffering the agonies always attendant upon diseased kidneys. As an honest man and practitioner he prescribed and cured him by using one bottle of Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. as'gfau 13S Writing Lei tors, Type, Figures, Sfe BEST PRESS! Ink, Eaglets,Gold,Nippers. Case,Rack, OS S s 100 Cards, outside case: All for 56.00. 2a» W.C. EVANS, 50N. Ninth BL, Phila m K 3-3 delphla, Pa. apll ts IHE END OF THE WORLD. PREDICTED BY PROCTOR AND ENDORSED BY MANY AS TO OCCUR THIS YEAR. A SCIENTIFIC ISSUE TAKEN BY OTHERS AND OF LITTLE COMFORT TO THE ADVENTISTS. SOME MATTERS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE WHICH ARE OCCURRING AND REQUIRE CARE. Everything Indicates Important events the present year. The unusually severe winter ; the floods which have followed It, and the prospectively Intense summer are all signifi cant. And while there are no grounds for ap prehending the ‘end of the world,” there is reason why care and caution should be used on every hand. The end of the world is lia ble to come to very many who do not careful ly guard their lives and especially should the kidneys and liver be kept In perfect or der at tills season. How this can most effect ually be done may be Judged by the follow ing stat. ment, which Is one of thousands of a similar nature: Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., of Washington, whose experience in tills direction is both ex tended and valuable, has made the following statement. “I have known of several persons who re garded themselves as greatly benefited and some of them as permanently cured of dis eases of the kidneys and urinary organs by Warner’s Safe Kidney and 1.1 ver Cure. I have known, too, of Its use in similar cases by physicians of the highest character and stan ding. Ido not doubt that it has great virtue. This treatment I want, in the interests of hu manity, to recommend.” These are certainly times which try the constitutions of the most hardy and it is im perative, if life and health are desired, that care should be exercised. Do not delay ; life may depend upon it; health and happiness certainly will. ADVERTISEMENTS. YQUR OWN everybody, every bun- V A VTTtyTiTV netm, all the States. Fur JLJduW Fanners, Mechanics, Business Men, Professional Men, Laboring Men. Capitalists. The only book of its kind. A great suc cess. Low price. Easy to sell, gives pe "feet satinfac tion. The most rapid sales ever known. Over 1000 agencies established. Agents make SSO to $176 per mo. One sold 70 copies, another 51 in a few days. Agents Wanted. Send for Circulars and terms. Address, P. W. ZIEGLER A CO.. 1000 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. apl4 Bteow Hthe only medicine? n IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM R kJ That Acts at the Same Time on B The Liver, H The Bowels, N ■ and jthe Kidneys, u M These great organs are the natural cleansers W fl of the system. If they work well, health will be La r 1 perfect, if they become clogged dreadful dis- ■ 11 eases are sure to follow with *1 H TERRIBLE SUFFERING. U fl Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, M M Constipation, Biles, Kidney Complaints, F 3 Fl Gravel, Diabetes, Rheumatic Pains or Aches. M IJ are developed because the blood is poisoned with ■ 1 m the humors that should be expelled, naturally. I QKIDNEY-WORTWiOUwIi N the healthy action and all these destroying M Fl evils will be banished; neglect them and you ■■ 11 will live but to suffer. 11 |fl Thousands have been cured. Try it and you I . ■ will add one more to the number. Take it and 11 3 health will once more gladden your heart. al Why •uffor longer from the tormeut of nit Hcliing bnek ! jPj. • ■ Why henrtneh dl»tre»» from Constlpntlmi Mini I’lleet 1 Kidnet-Wort will cure you. Try it at once and fl be satisfied. Yourdruggisthasit. I’ricell.OO. I. M GF It is put up in Dry Vegetable Form, in M ■ tSTtin cans one package of which makes six IM [ 1 OTquarts of medicine. ■ 1 29 fy Also in Liquid Form, very Concentrated Lg CW*for tho convenience of those who cannot M n tdyreadily prepare it. It acts with equal H II tST efficiency in either form. N "wells, RICIIAKDSON A CO., Prop's; jj M (Will send the dry post-paid.) BVKLIXGTON, VT. R feblO Alt ts —37 — A. 0. M.GAY&CO., CLOTHIERS, Hatters 5 Furnishers, 37 Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. FINE GOODS A SPECIALTY. OUR CLOTHING IS GOTTEN UP BY THE best Tailots in the business, and for general make-up, style '■nd fit, is equal to Merchant Tail ors’work, and coats much less. We carry a large stock of the Neatest, Nobbiest and most Stylish Hats for young men. A good line of E. Morris & Co.’s Celebrated Silk and Stiff Hats, and a full ani complete line of FURNISHING GOODS, Including an elegant line of Neckwear, etc. Please favor us with a call. A. O. M. GAY & CO, 37 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. ap!4 2m AGENTS WAMTEn FOR Fastest Soiling Book'of the Aire 1 FOUNDATION of SUCCESS, ness. valuable tables, social etiquette, parliamentary ut>iiage, how to conduct public business; in fact it is a complete Guide to Success for all cbasses. A. family necessity. Address for.circulars and special terms, ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., St. Louis. Mo. OCtl6 aj * BEST WASHER AND WRINGER in the world. Guaranteed to do perfect work a’ money refunded. Warranted for 5 years. Pric* of Washer, »8. Sample to agents, *8.50. Price c. Wringer, 57.50. Sample, $4.25. Circulars free. ERIE WASHER CO., ERIE, PA. nov 4-261, STOVE PIPE SHEIf AND UTENSIL STAND. AGENTS WANTED for the TESErjffiSMJw most convenient article ever oflbred ■Sir housekeepers. Agents meet wMh greater success than ever. One made 8193 in IS days, another *B9 In S days, another bowl»c.aa4 Freight Free to Agent*. Send for olrcnlan to nearaet addrew. J. E. SHEPARD « CO- Cincinnati, 0., or St. lonia,iMr augl eowSOt tTfN Varieties French Chromo Satin, Pearl flu- Od Ished, etc., cards name in gold, 10c. Card MliS; Northford, Ct. dec9-tf ADVERTSIEMENTS. MACON HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. GEO. S. OBEAR, 110 Cherry Street, MACON, GEORGIA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, STOVES OF ALL TCITTDS. OUR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF THE FOLLOWING: FINE CHINA DINNER AND T A Sets, plain and decorated, Fine Chamber Seta, Glassware, cut and plain; Silver and Plated Ware. Knives, Forks, Spoons, Casters, Cake Baskets, Pickle Stands, Toilet Stands. Candlesticks, Syrup Pitchers, Butter Dishes. Children’s Sets, Communion Sets, Nankin Rings, Card Receivers, etc. Al) kinds of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Tin, Stamped and Japaned Ware of all descriptions. Hardware, Woodware and Willow-ware, Agate Iron Ware, Chandeliers, Chinn eys, I anteins and Lamps of all kinds. Wire Goods, Bird Cages, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Churns, Fly Traps, etc., etc. COOKING- STOVE 3. Excelsior, Champion, Menteo, Cambridge, Calumet, Eclipse and Southern Planter make, and Kerosene Oil Stoves, and many o ber articles too numerous to mention Write for a Circular and Our Prices. Prompt and full information given. Goods shipped to any point. Full satisfaction given or no sale. *»" Remember the address. apt, ts GEO. S. OBEAR, No. 110 Cherry Street, Maeou, Ga. ID. AZEORG-A.IT, 80 WHITEHALL STREET, A.T3LAISTTA, - - GEORGIA, MANUFACTURER OF SJLZDIDLES -AJSTID AND DEALER IN SADDLERY HARDWARE, AND THE FAMOUS STUDEBAKER AND OLD HICKORY FARM WAGONS AND CINCINNATI BUGGIES. My motto is, First-class goods, low prices and quick sales. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. feb24 8m jk Bookwaiter Engines. EFFECTIVE, SIMPLE, DURABLE aud CHEAP Compact, Substantial. Economical and Easily Managed. Guar anted to work well and give full power claimed. EVERY PLANTER Who runs a Cotton Gin or Corn Mill should have one. Steam potter is much better and cheaper than horse power. MjQjjWrjS/a see our low prices-. : Horse Power Engine!?! as* 35500 f Address Manufacturers for descriptive pamphlet. - JAMES LEFFEL * CO., apll-tf SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. IMPROVED SHEET IRON ROOFING, J MANUFACTURED BY T. C. SNYDER & co, CANTON, OHIO. Cheaper, stronger and better than tin, and less F”'*' JSrtr-ya,. Hable to get out of repair. Any mechanic can IS? Q S? IuIIIhUHIIH apply it. Sample citcular and price list sent free I ™ M iMBroW « n requeat. apHßm CELERY As a Remedy for Nervous Diseases. WHAT THE MEDICAL PROFESSION SAY ABOUT 11, AND — The Good Results Attending Its Use In Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Indigestion, Sleeplessness, and Paralysis. CELERY has come Into public notice within the last few years as a nervine, but scientific ex Seriments and experience have proved beyond a oubt that it controls nervous irritation and periodic nervous and sick headaches to a marked Brown Squard says that Celery contains more nerve food than any other vegetable or substance found in nature Celery was first discovered and used as a nervine by French But a combination of the EXTRACT OF CmLEK i AND CHAMOMILE, whichhasbeen but recently introduced to the profession and the public by Dr. C W. Benson, has produced such marvelous re sults in curing nervousness and headaches, and especially nervous ai d sick headaches, neuralgia, paralysis, indigestion and sleeplessness, that it has excited public attention and newspaper com ments,and many physicans have tested themerits of this preparation with the best results, as quoted below from a few: WHAT PHYSICIANS SAY. “Dr. Benson’s preparation of Uelery and Chamo mile for nervous diseases Is the most important addition made to the materia medica in the last quarter of a century.”—Dr. J. W. J. Englar, of Baltimore. .. ~ “These Pills are invaluable In nervous diseases. —Dr. Hammond, of New York. “Dr. Benson’s Pills are worth their weight in gold in nervous and sick headache.”—Dr. A. H. Sohlichter, of Baltimore. “Dr. Benson’s Pills for the cure of neuralgia are a success.” —Dr. G. P. Holman, of Christiansburg, V ’ Pills are a special preparation, only for the cure of special diseases, as named, and for these diseases they are worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers, 'they are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, nervous headache, dyspep tic headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, sleeplessness and indigestion, and will cure any case Price 50 cents, postage free. Sold by all drueaists. Depot, 106 North Eutaw st., Baltimore. Atlanta Depot at L AM AR, RANKIN A L AMAR 8 Drug Store, corner of Pryor and Decatur streets. mrßl ts ACTIVE AGENTS, Teachers, Students, Men TESTIMONY OF * TIQ By Herbert W. Morrln, R.B. TH E Author o/Science and the Bible, etc. A Grand Array of Evidences, Aids, Witnesses and Records, from History, Natural Science, Modern Research and Every De partment Os Human Knowledge. Recommended bj/ the Press and Leading Clergy of all Denominations. A Magnificent Vol ume Suited to th* Times. Clear Type. Fine Illustrations, Paper and Binding. Sells Rapidly and Agents Basily Clear SGO5 GO to 8100 per month. Send for Description and Terms to l. C. MoCUBDY & CO.. Pbila.. Pu. •myl2 1 y R. F. Lawton, Pro’r. | Henry E. Rees, Cashier. R. F. LAWTON, BANKER AND BROKER, 40 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, IN all its departments, attended to with care and promptness. Securities bought and sold on commi sion. Collections made on all accessible points, with dispstch. at lowest rates. mr2s ly |Z CATARRH can j permanently Cured by the N use of CHILDS SPECIFIC. H n Can be used at home by the | patient. Free treatise by mail. Rev. T. P. CHILDS,TroyTO- S may 19 20t FOR SALE. PRINTING OFFlCE—Established and com plete. Three good Presses and new type Office attached to a Stationery Store with a good trade. Office only for sale, with a guarantee of plenty of work. Terms—Tws-thirds Cash, balance payable In Printing In small payments. Address F. M. Pickering, Printer and Stationer, No. 144 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, O. This is a good chance. ap2B ts SALEM IRON WORKS, 8 -A. LE M, W- O. C. A. HEGE, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER OF Improved Circular Saw Milla icith Uni vernal Log Beam, RECTILINEAR, SIMULTANEOUS SET WORKB AND DOUBLE ECCENTRIC FRICTION FEED. The simplest, cheapest, best and most accurate, warranted to saw lumber true and even. Took Premiums at North Georgia Fair, »50 w cash, and Alabama State Fair, Diploma and in cash. Five sizes built Bend for descriptive circulars J. H. ANDERSON, Agent, 69 Broad St., Atlanta, Ga., DEALER IN SAW MILLB, ENGINES, ETC. nov2s ts . Ginger, Bnchu, Mandrake, Stlllfngia and many other of the best medicines known are com bined so skillfully in Parker s Ginger Tonic as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the Best Health and Strength Restorer ever used. ' It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Neuralgia,! .Sleeplessness, and ail diseases of the Stomach,. Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and all Female Complaints. , ! If you are wasting away with Consumption or. any disease,use the Tonic to 7 day. No matter what; your symptoms may be, it will surely help you. , ! Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness,, is the Best Family Medicine ever made % entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Preparations and; other Tonics, and combines the best curativeprop-, !ertiesof ali. Buy a s°c. bottle of your druggist.. None genuine without our signature on outside; wrapper. Hiscox & Co., Chemists, New York.J PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM sept 28-ts. SFALSEGODS By F. S. Dobbins, late of Yokohama, Japan. A new work of matehb ss interest, describing the strange superstitions of Heathen Nations in all pattsandaieaof the world. The only volume ever issued covering the great subject Contains a thousand facta stranger than fiction—the wild Im aginationsof Idolaters concerning Deity and Spir its, the Destiny of M ,n, with all the strange beliefs, legends, customs, forms of worship, temples, shrines, sacrifices, etc., connected therewith. Is illustrated and bound in unique style. A truly wonderful book, certain to self immensely. For sample pages, terms, etc., address HUBBARD BROS., Pryor, corner Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. ap!4 cow3m 68500 Reward. WE will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsln, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we can not cure with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compiled with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satis faction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills. 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., “The Pill Mekers,” 181 i 183 W. Maditon Street, Chicago. Free trial packages sent by mail pre paid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. ap2B ts FOR SALE. A fine Mill for both com and wheat. Also, a half interest in a fine Gin. Also, a large two story building, suitable for variety works, and all run bv the same Engine. TERMS EASY. Address A. Van HOOSE, ap2B ts Senoia, Georgia. AGENTS WANTED to■ bestFamlly Knit ting Machine ever invented. Will knttapalrof stockings, with HEEL, and TOE complete, In 30 minutes. It -will also knit a great variety of fancy work for which there is always a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the Twombly Knitting Machine Co.. 409 Washington St., Boston, Mass. ap2B 341 AND NOT BOLD I mayl2 ly ADVERTISEMENTS. WOW’S TRIUMPH! MBS. LYDIA LPmAM, OF LYHH, MASS. DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positive Cure ft* .J tAwe PoiitfLl 0«m»lolute sud WeakaeftM* c tea to our b«»t female population. rtw ' evre entirely the worst form ofTeniale Com plaint? ailo’ arian trouble®, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, and Displacements, and the consequent HpinaA Weak css, and is particularly adapted to the duur; of hue. xt wid diss F’e and expel tumors from the uterus In aa earl/ stage of development. The tendency to can cer • hu: ora there is checked very speedily by its use. ret-ov falntn 'sn, flatulency, destroys all craving for nthuulonte, and relieves weakness of the stomach. '1 arc." .’Uo.'.tlng, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, fOßcrr’. Hit- Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi •estioßu That fueling of ’>eadng down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It <lll at uil timer anu andall circumstances act in aarmony with the laws that govi i n the female system. For the cureuf Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurp sect. LYDIA E. PIXKIIAM’ VEGETABLE COM. POUND is prepared at and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price dix bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also i the form of loxenges, on receipt of price, fl per box for either. Mrs. Pinkhori freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address aa above. Mention this Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness* and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. SOLD BY febStf 6S ENGRAVINGS THE ELOISE, A TREATISE giving an index of diseasea, and the symptoms; cause and treatment of each, a table giving ail the principal drugs used for the horse, with the ordinary dose, effects and antidote when a poison ; a table with an engraving of the horee’s teeth at differeat ages, with rules for tell ing the age of the horse; a valuable collection of recipes and much valuable Information, and The Index one year, J 2.60. Addresa J AB. P. HARRISON A CO., mrlO ts Atlanta, Ga. PAYNE’S FARM ENGINES. 4Kb ° W♦- a W g •MW- OfeSifeldCTSll a ’ co Vertical and Spark-Arrestirg Engines from 2 to 12 horse power, mounted or unmounted. Best and cheapest Engines made. 1150 up wards. Send for Illustrated catalogue (“a” If for information and prices to B. W. PAYNE A SONS. Box 1218. Corning, N. Y. jygfrly Qbh Seeds, Plants and Bulbs are H| IfcCnwl Grown, Wholesale and Retail in immense quantities, at the Mohawk VEH Valley Seed Gardens. Seeds for SBqJb Dealers, Market Gardeners, and KgV ■ Florists, a specialty.—trade list free. ■ Nelms' Ft oral Instructor, an M elegant, Ilustrated Quarterly, devot- ■■■ cd to gardening in all its branches. HM Subscription pi ice 20 cts. per year. ■ ■&■ Sample copy and Priced Catalogue, ~<■ with packet of choice flower seed, Eljj for 3 cents. Nellis’. Perpetual Let-■■ KgS| tucc—one sowing lliw remain fit for eating 14 weeks, the best ever intro duced; pit. 25 cents. Address a. C. NELLIS, Canajoharie, N.Y. | Jan 27 4m WANTED every Invalid to know that great relief can be Lad by the ua eof Price’a Re clining Bed. Made v ith or without a commode. It adjusts the back and legs to any given position. It is recommended by the faculty as being the most complete bed evor made for confirmed in valids. A large number sold, and every patient delighted. Would like to have Physicians and Clergymen to act as agents. Trade solicited. Send for circulars. Address C. B. PRICE, 82 Bth St., Louisville,Ky.)y2O-tf TJJ-SF’ BISn.CHE*PKST M USE sept 9 ts Lowest price., ever known ■On HE V 0,1 Breed. - Ixmrlera, ■ Bl Blßßw* KlH< **' Hn ' 1 R, '' olvrra ' hl B Bl II Wl ■ K rf,;it, y reduced price. Hl Bl Send stamp for our New Illustrated Catalogue (B) P. POWELL & BON, S3B Main Street, CINCINNATI, 0, septMMtl SHELDON COLLINS, MANUFACTVBIR OP Black and Colored Printing Inks. New York, 36 Frankfort 8L; Philadelphia. 72$ Sansom St.; Bieck Inka Works, Point Breese Phil adelphia ; Colored Ink Works 26 Frankfort St., New York.Jy2o-ly Ohurcb, School, Fire-alarm, Fino-toned, low-priced, warrant* •' catalogue with 1500te«tlmon!alj,prloea,elc., Bentfrea. ■llymyer Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati. < Jy27 26t XNg jt CIS /"Y Agents wanted. Sells ■ •hltl rapidly. Particulars free W j. ft. fencer, 11 Wash ington street, Boston, Mass. jy*-ly S A. V i£ ID tw OMR can poftitiveh/ urrd. For Illustrated Pamphlet, givini full pnr ticulars. address The Thomas Harrow Co..Genova,l’Ll. febl7tf Stock Speculation and Investment. Operations on Margin or by Privileges. Special business in Mining Stocks. Full pyUculars on application. JAMES BBOWN, Dealer in Stockl and Bonds. 64 A66 Broadway. New York. octlOly organ BEATTY s"w rr---.. to •»»». «- - Daniel f. Beatty. Washington, a.» J«™-» cn'yrt A WEIK. »1» a day at home easily iD / zL made. Costly outfit free. Address Taua *o*. Tugusta, Maine. «r-< 3