The Christian index and southern Baptist. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1892, August 11, 1881, Page 7, Image 7
The Farmers’ Index. AU letter! Intended for the Editor of this De partment should be addressed, "Fabmirs' Indbx, Drawer 24, Atlanta, Ga.” CITY AND COUNTRY. For seventeen years in succession, after reaching manhood, we resided on the same farm and sat under our own vine and fig-tree—literally and figura tively. We still own the same farm, and annually receive satisfactory rents from its beautiful level acres, but have resided for the past six years in this city. Circumstances, largely provi dential in their nature, induced the abandonment, for a time, of the pleas ures and comforts of actual farm-life, and a temporary (as we expected) so journ in Atlanta. After the experience of six years, we are still as much as ever of the opinion that a life in the country is much to be preferred and that the farmer’s calling is the most important, the most dignified and useful, and, if rightly followed, the most satisfactory of all secular pursuits. The farmer deals more with Nature and Nature’s laws than the merchant, the mechanic, the lawyer, or the physician ; and ought to be, and we believe generally is, a better and happier man. He may not have the luxuries and conventional enjoy ments of the wealthy city merchant, or professional, or the daily excitements of the mind and the conveniences of living which are enjoyed more or less by every city resident, but the true farmer has more real comfort and in dependence, better food and water, purer air and sky, closer communion with Nature and Nature’s God, and a better chance for Heaven. Since our residence in this city we have been more than ever impressed with the fact that most of the develop ments of energy, capital and progress, have been in the interest of cities and towns, and railroads, to all of which the unsuspecting and often culpably negligent farmer is made to pay tribute. Even the Legislature, composed largely of farmers, and sent here to legislate for the good of all, seem to fall far short of properly appreciating the op portunities afforded by their office of developing the State in away that will benefit the greatest number. A pitiful appropriation for an experimental farm for the benefit of farmers, is coldly re fused ; the immigration bureau of the State barely receives permission to run itself; the educational fund is kept at a shamefully insufficient amount; while the great railroad corporations engage much of the attention of legis lators and the rates of interest, ques tions of taxation and temperance, and other matters consume the remainder of their time. But we are about to be led off in a direction not indicated by our caption above. We have just finished our fifth move in six years, and the reflections with which we started to write, were induced by the circumstances surrounding. We are not yet weaned from the country. We hope to get back to the farm and country life and ways in a few years, and therefore feel that we have “no abiding place” and no title deeds here. But our main ' purpose in writing thus is to cover an apology for our de partment this week. The worry and discomfort inseparable from “moving” have left little opportunity for think ing and writing. SMALL NOTES. Crushed Limestone as a Fertil izer.— The use of crushed or ground limestone as a fertilizer has been oc casionally suggested for many years past. It was very widely distributed and tried some years ago under the name of the Grafton fertilizer, said to have been made in New Hampshire. But its effects were not in any way marked. It was also ground in Sus sex county, N. J., a number of years ago, and tried as a substitute for lime; but its results were not encouraging. Clam-shells and oyster-shells have also been ground and sold for manure, but the business was not successful. There is no apparent reason why ground limestone should be any better than the calcareous marls which are found in many of the lakes and ponds in New York and New Jersey, or in those deposits along the seashore every where from New Jersey to Florida. These marls have been found useful when applied in heavy dressings, but they are too bulky to bear the expense of transportation to any considerable distance. Fine carbonate of lime, either from shell-marl, leached ashes, ground limestone, or any other source, is an important constituent of fertile soils; but if sold, it must be at a very low price, or it cannot compete with the air-slaked lime, which is much finer and in the majority of cases would be better. If ground carbonate of lime is to be used, it would be thought that clam shells and oyster-shells would make the best material for the purpose, on account of the phosphoric acid and the animal matter in them. But a careful analysis shows that the clam-shell con tains 96.45 per cent, of carbonate of lime, and the oyster-shell 97.14 per cent. And of phosphoric acid, the former contains only .04 of 1 per cent., and the latter .07 of 1 per cent., while of organic matter, neither of them con tains as much as 1 per cent. The rests of the shells consists of small quantities THE CHRISTIAN INDEX AND SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST: THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1881. of iron, magnesia, soda and insoluble matters. There does not seem to be much in the nature or uses of carbon ate of lime as a fertilizer to encourage any one to erect expensive machinery to either crush or grind limestone rock to prepare it for that use.— Country Gentleman. The Cross-Cut Saw.—Ten years experience in the use of crossing-cut saws has proved to me that I have been working under many disadvant ages until recently. My wish is for all to know the great advantage of a plan which I pursue. Take a new saw that has never been set, place it between two boards cut to fit the saw, clamp it tight on a bench or vice; take an iron wedge, file one corner to suit the set of the tooth when finished, then take a small hammer, hold the wedges with the left hand, strike the tooth lightly with the hammer until at the light place; then turn the wedge on the op posite side, and on the next tooth and set it in the same way ; now then you reach the third and most important tooth in the saw; leave it perfectly straight; pass on to the fourth tooth and set as you did the first; turn the wedge, set the fifth the other way; leave the sixth straight, and so on till you finish. Now take your file, dress the two teeth as you do the common saw; the third file perfectly straight and square, leaving it about one twentieth part of an inch shorter than the others. Continue in that way un til you finish, and you will find that it will cut twice as fast as the old way practiced by most .of the farmers.— Southern Cultivator. ADVERTISEMENTS. ar n Eiya ISAfH LJm Sit CURE W Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf of Rare Value, and Is a POSITIVE Remedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body—for Torpid Liver—Headache—Jaundice- Dizziness, Gravel. Malaria, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary Organs. For Female Diseases, Monthly Menstruations, and during has no equal. It restores the organs that make the blood, and hence is the best Blood Purifier. It is the only known remedy that cures Bright’s Disease For Dia betes, use Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. For sale by Druggists and Dealers at 81.23 per bottle. Largest bottle in the market. Try it H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. Janß ts H DOES ■WONDERFUL n 111 ■ ■ Q CURES! ■ Borause it nets on th© LIVER, BOWELS H H and KIDNEYS at the game time. O Because it cleanses the system of the poison- ■ Wl ous humors that develop© in Kidney and Urt- ■ ■■nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Const}. *3 ■ pation. Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ■ Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. ■ BEB WHAT PEOPLE SAY : Bl Eugene B. Stork, of Junction City, Kansas, ■ Kidney-Wort cured him after regular I’hy- |M ■|siciana had been trying for four years. Mrs. John Arnail, of Washington, Ohio, her bow was given unto dlo by four prominent LJ and that lie was after ward* cured by ■ ■■kidney-Wort. ■ ■■ M. M. B. Goodwin, an editor in Chardon, Ohio Im was not expected to live, being bloateuß n beyond belief, but Kidney-Wort cured him. ■ ■■ Anna L. Jarrett of South Salem, N. Y., saysLJ seven years suffering from kidney ■ and other complications was ended by the use of H M Kidney-Wort. |J ;■» John B. Lawrence of Jackson, Tenn., suffered ■ ■■for years from liver and kidney troubles an<lß| n|after taking “barrels of other medicines,”|Q ■ Kidney-Wort made him well. Michael Coto of Montgomery Center, Vt..H| kJ suffered eight years with kidney difficulty and fcj ■ was unable to work. Kidney Wort made him ■ ■ “ well as ever.” ■ CURES kidney diseases, Q LIVER COMPLAINTS,! HConstipation and Piles. ■I t7*lt is put up In Dry Vegetable Form in ■ ■■tin cans, one package of which makes six quarto ■3 of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Con- ■ ■ eentrated, for those that cannot readily pre ■ ■ pare it. ■» I ■ HF it acta with equal efficiency in either form. ■ W GET IT ATTHE DRUGGISTS. PRICE, SI.OO Q I WELLS, RICHARDSON A Co., Prop’s, I Q(WiU send the dry post-paid.) BIRLIXGTOM, IT. H lebiv mt U VISITORS TO ATLANTA, GA., ARE INVITED TO CALL AT THE PALACE JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT OF J. P. STEVENS & CO., 84 Whitehall St., Where a pleasant hour may be spent looking over their immense stock of Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, silverware, etc. Visitors are also admitted into their Watch Factory, where the process of manufacturing time-pieces can be seen. septlfi ts w - kiF ’ .M. Manufacturing /A. JEWELER K kOT * Medals and Badges for Schools, Colleges and So —WtnW cieties. Badges of every known order on hand, Prise Meoals for Yacht ing, Rowing, etc. R. W. KIP, send stamp for catalogue. 62 Fulton St., N.Y. j une23-8m CHEAPEST ROOKS in thelllOßLD Macaulej’s His- K Taine’s History of ■ Full de tory of England. ||Eng.Literature 1 i’gen ecriptire b l ge 12mo. volb. vol.handsomely ■■ ca/r/b pi/r cloth; only 8‘2.00 bound, for only so cts. Frrr. Hamhattan Book Co.. 16 W.l4th St., N. Y. P.0.80x r* my 26 1/ ADVERTISEMENTS. WOMAN’S TRIUMPH! MRS. LYDIA L PINKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positive Cure Ct» J! tkose PalnfU Complaints and Weaknesses so c tea ♦'? our beat female population. ft w." I or re entirely the worst form of Female Com* pfeinta ail o**arian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcer*- ttnn, Failing and displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weak ess, and is particularly adapted to the Ohan r, of Lire. it will diss: r.-e and expel tumors from the uterus in aa ear)" stage of development. The tendency to can oer-” hu ora there is checked very speedily by its use. ifaintn sM, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach, -t arcs Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, JtUCJe*. ’ ’ Bit ", Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi rection. That fueling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. it will at ull time: ana under ull circumstances act in narmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure ol Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurp sod. LYDIA E. k'INKHAM*. VEGETABLE COM. POUND is prepared at and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also i the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkhm freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above. Mention thia Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness* and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents net bex febStf SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1881. 1881. CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, Meriwether County, Ga. For health, comfort and pleasure, go to this favorite resort. Everything new and strictly first class. Baths, either hot or cold, from Chalybeate Spring water. Best Orchestra and Brass Band in the South. Buy tickets and check baggage to Talbotton, Ga., or Thomaston. Ga. For rates ad dress THOMPSON & CHFNEY, Proprietors, Je23 2m TUTT’S PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite,N.usea,bowels costive, Pain in theHead.with a<full sensation fr the back part, Pain under the shoulder blade", fullneßß'after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temperTl.ow spirits, Lobb of memory, with a feeling of having ne"g lectecTsome ciuty. weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering of the "Heart, Dots before the eyes, Y ellqw Skin, H eadacheTßestless ness at night, highly colored Urine. IT THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS »re especially adapted to such cases,one dose effects suchachange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system Is nourished. end by thelrTonle Aetlonon the lilgestlve Organs. Regular Ktools are pro duced. Price 25 cents. 35 Murray St., N.Y. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dye. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of fl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. (Dr. TITTH feINIAL of Valu.Mr Inform.lion .nd k Utehil ReeelpU will be mailed FREE on application.F mHyl2 ts CTO "3 t v 135 Writing Letters,Type, Figures, <"|t? SCTe? BEST p RESS | • R-3? Ink, Reglets,Gold,Nippers, Case,Rack, (—IOO Cards, outside case: All for 86.00. ~ 3 N. C. EVANS, 50 N. Ninth St., Phila- S-5 delpbla, Pa. *p!4 if COLLINS AXES. The inanufactu* rers of the justly celebrated brand of SAM*L W. C O L LIN S Axes beg leave to inform the public that they continue to manufacture the favorably O known for more than fifty years. They can be ob tained from any leading whole sale dealer in your section. Ask for them— and take no other. Prices as low as any good axes. Manufacturers address : COLLINS & CO., 212 Water St., New York City. my 2« 3m mayl2 ly 0 nia A WEEK, *l2 a day at home easily made, /s Costly outfit free. Address True d Co., Anrusta. Metric rrev9« ly o'7o A WEEK. *l2 a day at home easily U) J Z, made. Costly outfit free. Address Taus £Co. .Maine. A GENTS WANTED lor the Best and Fastest /A Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Publishing Co.. IcblO-ly Philadelphia, Pa. _ ADVERTISEMENTS. U. S. STANDARD SCALES. CHICAGO SCALE CO., CHICAGO, ILL.. Manufacture more than boo different varieties- f*. I | Y/ I-1~ CHICAGO SCALEV Jv Bl I IbF Stooonno pTO fl, 2 Ton Wagon Scale, S4O; 3 Ton, SSO; 4 Ton, S6O. Beam Box, Brass Beam, Iron Lovers, Steel Bearings, and full directions for setting up. 700 lbs. Brass Cotton Beam a id Frame with Fixtures Complete, $45. Scales for Merchants, Ginners, Farmers, Coal Dealers, Grain Dealers, &c, AU Scales made of the Best Material and fully Warranted. Get the BEST SCALES and SAVE HALF YOUR MOSEY. FULL PRICE LIST to any one. ap&myeow2t juu&jnly evwßt ageow2t BECK.CREGG & CO., Agents, Atlanta,a G. JOHNSON & FIELD, MANUFACTURERS OF The Racine Farm and Warehouse Fanning Mills. S These Celebrated Milla have long been used by the Farmera and most prominent Millers ana Grain dealers in the United States, who recommend them as being the best Machines ever produced for cleaning and grading Wheat, Barley. Oats, Corn.and Seeds of every description. They do the work more perfectly and have greater capacity than any other machines. They are etrongiy built of the very beet materials, highly finished, and provided with Superior Attachments, Sieves, and are made in three different sizes, one for Farm use, and two for Warehouse or Miller's use. They are warranted to give satisfac tion. Correspondence solicited and descriptive circular and price list sent free on applica tion to JOHNSON & FIELD, RACINE, WIS. je23eowßt MARK W. JOHNSON & CO., Agents, Atlanta, Ga. F L O R I ID -A.. REVISED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR OF DELAND, FLORIDA. January mHE village of DeLsnd is located five miles east I of our landing, on the St. John’s river, where all river steamboats pass; very near the geo graphical center, north and south of Volusia county, and almost in the center of THE GREAT ORANGE HELT. This place is about twenty-five miles from the Atlantic ocean, and is almost constantly favored with a tempered SEA BREEZE, and from its elevation above the river, Its location among the pines, and its isolation from all stand ing water, it is peculiarly adapted to the necessi ties of invalids. This belt of land is about twenty miles long, and averages about five miles wide, is gently undulating, an ', in our immediate vicini ty, somewhat hilly. Our lands are Unsurpassed In Fertility by any pine region in the State. In our village which is only four years old, we have a Fine School Building, used also for union Sunday-school and church services. We have dally malls, three general mer chandise stores, one of the largest in South Florida, a drug store, millinery and notion store. The.Florlda Agriculturalist, a large eight page weekly, Is published here, and H. A. DeLAND, Fairport, Monroe Co., N.' my 26 ts MACON HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. GEO. S. OBEAR, 110 Cherry Street, MACON, GEORGIA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, STOVES OF KIJSTDS. OUR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF THE FOLLOWING: FINE CHINA DINNER AND T’A Sets, nlftin and decorated, Fine Chamber Sets, Glassware, cut aud plain; Silver and Plated Ware, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Casters. Cake Baskets, Pickle Stan is, Toilet Stands. Cindlestlcks, Syrup Pitchers, Batter Dishes. Children’s Sets, Communion Sets, Napkin Rings, Card Receivers, etc. All kinds of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Tin, Stamped and Japaned Ware of all descriptions. Hardware, Woodware and Willow-ware, Agate Iron Ware, Chandeliers, Chimneys, Lanterns and Lamps of all kinds. Wire Goode, Bird Cages, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Churns, Fly Traps, etc., etc. COOZECIJSTGr STOVES. Excelsior, Champion. Menteo, Cambridge, Calamet, Eclipse and Southern Planter make, and Kerosene Oil Stoves, and many oilier articles too numerous to mention- „ . , Write for a Circular and Our Prices. Prompt and full information given. Goods shipped to any point. Full satisfaction given or no sale. *•" Remember the address. ft pl4 ts GEO. S. OBEAR, No. 110 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. Bookwaiter Engines. * * EFFECTIVE, SIMPLE, DURABLE and CHEAP ►WBraKE-adFl Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. Guar- I d anteed to work wdl and give full power claimed. E.VRRY PLANTER MMMHIMwi Who runs a Cotton Gin or Corn Mill should have one. Steam ’Tas' fl Power 18 much better and cheaper than horse power. BWoklwl'M SEE OUR LOW PRICES: V 3 Horse Power Engine *240 00 - BfIKSI 4U 00 ffl’y ' 8X •• " “ <4O 00 f s£j jmME Address Manufacturers for descriptive pamphlet. JAMES LKFFEL & CO., apl4-tf SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. a FROM 14 TO 10,000 lbs. WEIGHT. _ True to pattern, sound and solid, of unequaled strength. M PH BB BB fl toughness and durability. n ill 11 il X An invaluable substitute for forgings or cast-iron requiring \ | L L I three fold strength. A 1 | . p. I , Gearing of all kinds, SHOES AND DIES FOR STAMP MILLS, U X Hammerheads. Crossheads for Locomotives, etc. IB ■ Hi IM ■■ 15 000 Crank Shafts and 10,000 Gear Wheels of this Steel now —» - m ma Al A* running prove its superiority over all other Steel Castings. M I R Wfl Isl H H CRANK SHAFTS,CROSSHEADS and GEARlNG,specialties, fl A U 111 J Al I ■ V Circulars and Pnce Lisis free. Address I . R A I I 11 IT 11 CHESTER STEEL CASTINGS CO. U ££ |p p p pl p| |p (Formerly MeHaffie Direct Steel Castings Co.) aeptjg a Work CHESTER, Pa. 407 Library St., PHILADELPHIA' Sth, ISBI. Is a valuable paper for those desiring Information about Florida. A railroad from our landing via DeLand to the Atlantic coast is chartered and work commenced ; also, material on hand for a Telephone to our landing. Our boarding houses afford good fare at reasonable prices. For the information of invalids, we will add that several good physicians are settled In our midst, cultivating oranges as a business, but affording excellent medicafaid when required. They re port the following. Remarkable Health Record i | "During the years 1878, 1879 and 1880, within a circuit of six miles diameter, DeLand being the center, with a population averaging over 250, many of whom came here invalids, there have been but four deaths. Two were Infants under six months, and two were meu who came here sick.” A Chain of Lakes northwest of us affords protection from frost so perfect that the extreme cold of December 29th, 18s0 did not Injure our orange trees or fruit. We are offering these choice lands to actual settlers at from $lO to S3O per acre. Village lots and improved property for sale also. 1 For further particulars call on or address Y., Or J. Y. PARCE, DeLand, Volusia Co., Fla.,' ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1780. SETfCOMPLETE IN TERRY, S>B. SET COMPLETE IN PLUSH, 164, Parlor, Lodge and Church Furniture- No charge for packing. Send for illustrated catalogue. SHAW, APPLIN & CO., mrlH eowGm 27 Sudbury Street, Boston. 7(1 YOUR NAME lOc ■ V New styles, best artist*: Douqneta, Birda, Gold Chronios, Landscapes, Water Scene*, etc —no two alike. Agent’s Complete Sample Book. 28c. Great variety Advertising and Bevel-Edge Cards. Lowest prices to dealers and printers. 100 Sam ples Fancy Advertising Cards, 50c. Address STEVENS BROS., Box 22, Northford, Ct. dec9 eowly SPCMCIAMC lor o tdii:rß, I dlOlUlvO widows, fathers, mothers or children. Thousands yet entitled. Pensions given for loss of finger.toe.vyo or ruptnre,varicose veins ■r any Dlmvukc. Thousands of pensioners an<* soldiers entitled to INCREASE and BOUNTY. PATENTS procured for inventors. Soldiers land warrants procured, boughtand sold. Soldiers ind heirs apply for your rights at once. Send S -tamps for “The Citizen-Soldier," and Pension and Bounty laws blanks nnd instructions We can refer t>> thousands of Pensioners and Clients. Address N.W. Fitzgerald & Co. Pension A Patent A tfj s. Luck ilvx Sse, Wushington, D. C. ap2B eowßt Or Light on the Great Future in this Life through the Dark Valley and in the Life Eternal. ILLUS TRATED. Sells fast, fays over nn A MONTH FOB AGENTS. Send for clrcularand terms. Also send address of two or more book sg.nts and 10 cents for cost of mailing, aud receive the People’s Magazine of choice literature free for six months. Address P. W. ZIEGLER A C 0.,? feb3-tf 915 Arch St,, Philadelphia, P fThe Great 1 IpUT Church Lilin I. FRINK'S Patent Reflector* give the Moat Powrrhil, the Nofteat. Cheapcat and the Beat Light known for Churches. Stores, Show Windows. Parlors, Banks. Offices, Picture Galler ies. Theatres, Depots, etc. New nnd ele gantdesigns. Send sire of room. Get circular and estimate. A liberal discount to churches nnd the trade. 1. P. FRINK, 651 Pearl St..N.Y. my 28 eow2ot NORTHERN TEXAS Offers greater attractions in the way of lands, healthy country, mild climate, abundance of timber and water than any other section now open to settlement. In it the Texas an 1 Pacific Railway is now being extended westward over one mile per day, and is now offering for sale at low rates and on easy terms over 4,000,000 acres of land. For descriptive circulars and maps giving truth ful information, address W. H. ABRAMS, Land Commissioner T. & P. R’y, Marshall, Texas. july2l 3m STOVE PIPE SHELF Ww and utensil stand. AGE MTS IVAXTED for tto most convenient article ever oflbM to housekeepers. Agents meet wttb greater success than ever. One aaeol made 8192 in 15 days, another !n 2 davs, another #27 in 1 day. Boxing ami Freight Free to Agent*. Send tor circulars to Dearest address. J. E.SIIEPARDACOm Cincinnati, 0., or St. Louia/Mfe augl eow39t Win Railing and Ornamental Win Work DUFUR & CO.» fcOOgrf North Howard street, Baltimore, Md. Manufacture Wire Railing for Cemeteries balconies, etc., sieves, fenders, cages, sand ,nd coal screens, woven wire, etc. Also iron bedsteads, chairs, settees, etc., etc. febl9-ly AGENTS WANTED FOR Fastest Selling Book of the Ave I FOUNDATIONS of SUCCESS, to transact ness, valuable tables, social etiquette, parliamentary usuage, how to conduct public business; in fact it is a complete Guide to Success for all classes. A family necessity. Address for circulars and special terms, AKCHO" PUBLISHING CO., BL Louis, Ma. octifl . SSOO Reward. WE will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, or Coetlveness we can not cure with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satis faction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills. 25 cents. For sale by all Dru tglsts. Be ware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine Annfactured only by JOHN C. WEST A CO., he Pill Makers,” 181 4 183 W. Madison Street, Chicago- Free trial packages sent by mail pre paid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. ap2B ts NEW RICHBLOOD! Parsons’ Purgative Pills make New Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Anyperson who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, i f such a thing be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. /, S. JOHNSON A CO., Boston, Maso formerly Bangor, Me. my 26 ly •Y K Fashionable Cards, no two alike, with £ieJ name 10 cents, post paid. Gao. E. Rxxn & Co. Nassau, N. Y. octlß.ly I WILL GIVE YOU ROSY CHEEKS. RENEW YOU. Tested 30 years. Hurley's Syr. Bars, and potash, Louisville, Ky. mayl2 ly The Comparative Edition of the REVISE NEW TESTAMENT James”and "Revised” versions in parallel columns. Free from J |'T r " rs *bich render many reprints nse- Ola Uy ■ less. Changes shown ata glance. Only BOOK required. Saves Time. Save* tion. Needed bv »H Bible™" J. C. MeCURU Y A CO., Phlludephli, P. myl2 ly ADD A Al kJ *3O to Sl.oOO : Z to 32 STOPS UIUtAjN O PIANOS «125 up. Paper free* y Addree DANIELL F. BRaTTY* dec9-tf Washington, N. This remarkable medk cine will cure Spavins, Splint,Curb, Callous, he.. W or any enlargement, and v will remove tho buneb w ithout blistering or cans. Inga sore. No remedy M ever disco vercti equals it for q certaintyofaction in stop. W r --——— - -m3 ping the lameness and re- al F w«a mov ’ n K *l*® bunch. Price fltW. Send for illus. P* I 1 titrated circular giving positive proof, and your ' 11 agent's address. Kendall’aflpav- Carets sold by llrugalats, or ’embyDr. B. J. Kendall 4 Co., Enos burg Falls, Vermont. feb!7-tf DI A lift 0. SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS I I ANU V O» find shipped to all partaofthe ftDGAUC II country. PRICES lAJW UlluANd II terms of payment eany. Rend lor Catalogue. HORACE WATERS & CO~ Manufacturera and dealers, 82fl Broadway, New Yodu augll 6t » PMfutMd Coraao, ha. Cunl>. jam. on. 10*. 41 Mixed Osrda u*< Uv ) fiMPookH Knife, S6O. Antamph Album, HZ) UFuaCardfelfe. Bwe.,CUutwiUn, sepueowmt 7