Newspaper Page Text
She ittnrirtta Advocate.
The wem t - *.Ve ekl y
(s issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings at
$2 50 a year Strictly in Advance.
The Weekly Advocate
Is published every Priday Evening
$1 50 a year in Advance,
Blanks! Blanks! Blanks!
"WJLANKS in any quantity and of every vb
1J riety kept on hand or printed to order, at
'the lowest po” : Me price, at this office.
AlsoJOB WORK, of every varie
ty and style, executed in the neatest
in 1 most approved style of the art. and at
prices which cannot be ••murrnnred at’ by the
‘closest-fisted” in or out of this section of the
jountry. Give ns a trial.
gulvtWinn tits-
Georgia Cobb County:
HER K-\S. Rasberrv Eason Admin*s rator
v V on laee-t tv of Elias S. Norton deceas d
late of sit I o tnfv. applies to me for letters of
dismission rem said Administration.
Tiie«e are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular those concerned to file their objec
tions. if any they have, in my office on or before
the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters
of dismission will be granted the applicant at
that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb
' County.
Given under my hand, at office, in Marietta,
this 30th September. 1861.
JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary.
Oct. 1.- Gm.
Georgia Cobb County:
WHEREAS, ElizibethGier, Administratrix
of Charles Cler. deceased, late of said
County, applies to me for letters of dismission
from said Administration.
These are therefore to cite and Admonish all
and singular those concerned to file their objec
tions. if any they have, in my office on or before
the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters
of dismission will be granted the applicant at
that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb
Given tinder my han 1 at office, in Marietta,
this 30th September. 1861.
JNO. G.CAMPBELL. Ordinary.
Oct. 1.-Gm.
Georgia C >bb C >u itir:
WIEREAS. II C. Jackson. A Im'nistrator
>f John Hull deceased, late of said t’oun
tv applies to me for letters of’ dismission
fr<>in said Administration.
These are therefore to cite and Adm mish ill
and singnl ir those concerned to file their <>biec
tions. if anv they have, in mv offi *e <>n or before
the first Monday in \pril next, otherwise letters
of dismission will be granted the applicant at
that term of the Court of Or I n try of Cobb
Given under mv hand at office, in Marietta,
this 30th September. 1861.
JNO, G. CAMPBELL Ordinary.
Oct. 1. Gm.
Georgia C jbb Cou iy:
Wl ER EAS. Clayton Vaughn. Administrator
of Moses Russeau, deceased, la e of sai i
Coun'y. applies to me for letters of dis
mission from said Administration.
These are therefore to Cite and Admonish all
and singular those concerned to tile their objec
tions. if any they have, in my office on or before
the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters
of dismission will be granted the applic mt it
that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb
Given tinder mv hand, at office, in Marietta,
this 30th September. 1861.
JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary.
Oct. 1. 6 m.
GWB3IA, Paulding County.
WH '.REXS. Isaac Osbond Administrator of
th • Estate of John Osbond. deceased ap
plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said
These are therefore to cite an 1 Admonish all
persons concerned to be ami appear nt my of
flee on or before the first Mondiyin March next
to show c.mse (if any they have' why said Let
ters Hismissory should not then be granted the
Given under mv hand at office this September
2nd. 1861. ’ MILES EDWARDS. Or dy.
GEORGIA. Cobb County.
WHEREAS. Parks Hardeman. Adinr. of
Martha I‘. Hardin n. deceased, applies to
me for Letters **f Dismission from said Admin
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular those concerned to tile their objec
tions. if any they have, in my office.on or before
the first Monday in March next, otherwise Let
ters of Dismission will be grante I the applicant
at tn it term of the Court ot Ordinary for said
Given nn lev mv hand at office, in Marietta,
this Angust 29th 18'1.
Georgia County:
l < ’ HERE.4S. James Sneed as the son of de
▼ cense i. applies to me in writing for let
tors ot administration on the estate of Elijah
Sneed, late of said county deceased :
These are therefore to cite an 1 admonish a’l
and singular the kindna! and creditors of said
deceased to fi’e their objections, if any they
have, in mv office on or before the first Monday
in December next, otherwise letters of udminis
tra'i n will be granted the applicant at that
term of the Tburt of Ordin iry for s iid count v
Given under my hand, at M irietta. this 26th..
duv of October. 1861.
Oct 29 -30 d. JNO G CAMPBELL Ordy.
Georgia Cobb County;
WHEREAS George M Daniell, ns the broth
er of deceased. has apuhed to me. in writ
ing for letters of lelministralion on the es
tate of William R. Daniell, late of said county
ibwea-s-ed :
These are therefore to cite and adrnot i h all
and singular the kindr»“d and creditor- < t -aid
deceased, to fi’e their objections if anv they have
in mv office on or before the first Monday in l*e
cvinber next, olherwite letters of administration
will lx* granted the applicant at that term ufibe
Court of Ordinary of said county.
Given under mv hand, at .Marietta, this 26th
day of October 188'.
Oct. 29 :UM JN«) CAMPBELL Ord’v.
•p VO MONTH' after date application wi Ibe
1 ma le to tue Court of Ordinary of C-bb
« < aivy for lenve to sell the wn liv i led bait in
teresi of R V Montgomery, deceased in one
town lot in the city ot .V r'et’a for the benefit
e s their heirs .and cnMuor* of said deceased.
Illis Noix-mher 3. I#6L
’*11" t »fO' T«>vVKßY,admx
The Mariella Semi-Weekly Advocate.
Georgia Cobb Coaaty:
WHEREAS .-’ M 'legarity, as the brother of
decease l. ha* app’rnd to me. ia writii g,
for letters of a iministration on the estate
of John W Megarity, late of said county de
ceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the k*n Ired and creditors of said
deceased, to file their objections, if any they
have in my office on or *efore t e first Monday
in December next, otherwise letters of adminis
tration will b* granted the applicant at that
term of the Court of Ordinary for said county.
Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 2l’th
day of October, 1861.
Oct. 29—3<)d. JNO G CAMPBELL, Ord’y.
Georgia County:
WHERE AS. Nathan W Smith, as the friend
of deceased, has applied to me in writing,
for letters of administration on the estate
of Samuel S Henderson, late ot said county, de
ceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to file their objections, if any they
have in my office on or before the first Monday
in December next, otherwise letters of adminis
tration will be grante t the applicant at that term
of the C’eur of Ordinary for said county
Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 2Gth
day of October
0ct.29—30d. JNOG CAMPBELL Ordy.
G org>a C"b County :
’VHEREAS, Enoch Faw. -as a friend of de
ll ceased, applies to me in writing for letters
of administration on the estate of Isham B Har
low. late of said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to file their objections, if any they
have, in my office on or be ore the first Monday
in December next —otherwise letters of admin
istration will be granted the applicant at that
term of the ourt of Ordinary of said county.
Given under my hand at Marietta, this 26th
day of October, IBCL
Oct. 29-3i)d. JNO. G CAMPBELL Ordy
Executor’s sale.
A GREEABLE to the last Will and Testament
of Eli McConnell, lateot Milton county, de
ceased. we will offer for sale in the Town of Al
pharetta. within the leg il hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in December next, the following
lotsol Land, to-wt: No. 784. 797. 798. 799.
BM. B,H. 8)2. 853. 85 4. 855. 856. 857. 858. H’>9
860. 861. 869. 870: 871. 87 '. 873. 871. 875. 876.
9 .'5. 9'6, 9 7. an 1 9 9 in the Second District of
the -second Section of originally Cherokee coun
ty. now tiie counties of Cherokee and Milton,
containing 11-0 acres.
The pl ce is one of the best, farms in upper
Geo gla well impr >ved with goo 1 dwelling
and all oilier nece-s iry out buildings, and a ine
merchant Mill, situate I upon a never failing
stream of water, an 1 in a healthy location.—
Also, upon the premi-es re attache I several
Machine Shops so situated that the mteninery
is propelled by w itei'.
n. b. McConnell f '
We will also sell on W -dnesd ty the Ith day of
December next, upon the petuntses describ.* 1. a
quantity of Wn** it.t'or i Fod ler. I Mu e. 2 Sets
Blacksmith's Tools 1 s : x horse U agon and
Harness Farming ools of a’l descriptions an 1
»arious other irticl *s b *'ong ng to a farm and
too tedious to mention
September l l'h W L
Ge. ogia. Pautdi-g Cundg.
HE>iRV H ILDER) ' ibel f r Divorce in I’.iu’d
vs > ing -up rior Court. August
It appe >riitg to tl e <’on t by the ret rn of the
Sheriff that th*- dele dant is not to be f und in said
countv. n <1 it further appjari g that she r si t s
witho t the Omits <>f tins -tnte.
It is ordered hv the C >u*t. th t service b e per
fected b- pub.ieati m arc >r ling to Law, i i such
cases :n .d ■ xrd pr >vi ad
I earti'-' the ah >v to b a true copx tisen from
the miuut.-s oft,
, ot (4th, < L. 4TRIDTLVND o’>
id to .1 tra.or’s S <le
TV T LL be b don* the Cmirt House door
' V in the t<>w iof Cmniri g lors\ th cou tty.
Georgia on thefirst Tu *sdav in December next,
the lan Is b dunging to th** estate ol Samuel
Edmonson, late of sRd count) deeeaaed consist
ing of the following lots : Nos. 164. 73 an 1
half of the un livi le 1 lot No 187 -the widow’s
dower exce te 1 -j of 1<)<) acres, off the South
end of the two first named 1 >ts. Sold for the
purpose of distribution. Term* tn ide known
on dav of sa'e. M M. D. B-N’l LEV .
Oc' ber 21st. 1861. .1 Iminis'rator.
Adm ni •'trat jta d t le.
llftLLbc sob! under n order of the t'ourt of
Orlinaryo*’ ‘'o'>b •’••untv.'m the first Tues
•lay ih J tnmry n xt b-f »-e tho Court ll.ui-e d->or
in >»c city of Mariettx. between the legal hours of
sa e the following p op**rt». One town l-.t in te
city of 'I iriet' »i' u ‘ted on the R .s«c'l road with
tigood frrtned dw Ing there m t present occu
pied by Titos Brook
Also lots of lan I Nos. 8 . >9 *♦• d south hdf of
No, 9 tn the fir-t di triet of second see ion, Cobb
County, with a •od fron d dwel'itig nd al nec
cssa v ut bui 'li"gs good wat rAc There are on
th's p’ace fifty acres of c eared land, an excellent
fi uit nrcha-d d th- property of lien T
Meacham deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and
c*cdito sos said deeea-ed Terms made knoan on
d vof sale. October 2'th I*6 ,
t d s JOHN O ll KY<. Admr.
>M< r iLL be sold before the Comt House door
▼ » in the Town of Jas .er on the first Tues
day in J mu try next, between the legtl hours of
s tie. nt public oute y. the following propertv.
Lot <if bin I No. in the 12th District and 2d
Section of Pickens county. Levied on by v>r
tne of a fi fa issued from the Superior t’ourt of
Bibb county, in fivor of Erislus Henry, jr.. v>
Clark S Putnam. Levied on as the property of
thedefen l int. Pointed out by John E. Price
as agent of
B. F. H VNIE. Dept. Sh ts.
November 16th. 1861.
HKOL'GiIT I’o J lit..
STATE GF GE< >RGIA. i Brought to the
Ph kkxs Chai v. j J.iil «*» said conn
tv by Thos. Kuykendall, a runaway slav. -V»
who sass his name is J"hn and that he beto g
to .4vers Newton, ot Jasper county, in said
Stale. Said slave is five feet four and a b ilf
inches high, of dark complexion, and weighs
about 150 pounds suppose I to be about J 5
rears of age. The ow ner is hereby notified an 1
r»*q*iir»Ht to come f**r ' t Ipa ythe ch rges agaitis:
him prove pro*»erty ••! take liim awty. othvr
w se he will be sold at ortling to I iw.
B. F. H aNIE. Jailor.
November D'-th. 18 L
• H »l’K. * d«*V. and 14 <U' Cl<M*ks c eap
IBrgal gislvcttiicni.’nt'i,
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John
./A. J. Hardman, lateof Cobb county decea-ed,
•are hereby required to m ike immediate pay
ment ; and all persons having dem mds against
said estate are requested to present them, pro
perly attested, to the undersigned, within the
time prescribed bv law.
Nov. 9. 1831—Gw.
GEORGIA, Paulding 1 County:
IV HERE A•? Jane Cooper and Nathan Cooper
’» applies to me. for letters of Administration
on the estate of Moses Cooper deceased.
These are therefore to cite and require all
persons concerned to be and appear at my of
fice on the first Monday in January next, to
show cause if any they have) why said letters
should not be granted the applicants.
Witness my hand and official signature this
Nov, 6th 1861.
GEORGIA, Paulding C unty;
WHEREAS Enoch Pinkard Administrator
on the estate ot James N. Pinkard de
ceased applies to me for letters of dismission
from said Administration. These are therefore
to cite und require all and singular all persons
concered to be and appear at my office in Dal
las on the first Monday in June next to show
cause (if any they have) why said letters of
dismission should not be granted the applicant.
Witness my hand and official signature, this
November Gte, 1861.
Nov. 12,1861. per S. L. Strickland.
GF, •RGIA, Milton County.
WiiEHEis Wil'iam Morris of the county of
Milton, claiming to be an executor of
the nuncupative will of Shidrack Morris, has
filed said nuncipative will in my office for pro
bate at the regular term of the court of Ordina
ry to be held for the county of Milton the first
Monday in December. 1861. You, R. N. Flem
ming. Jam *s Morris and the heirs at Law of Jo
seph Morris, and all others, next of kin, are
hereby cited and summoned to be and appear
at the Ordinary’s office in the court house of
said county, on the first Monday in December,
isc.l. then and there to attest the probate of
said will, and to contest thestme if yon please.
In witness whereof, we have hereto set our
hand and seal of office, this 4th day of Novem
ber. 186’. O. P. SKELTON, [L S. j
Nov. 12. Ordinary.
STATE OF GEOR7IA. Forsyth County.
MAIIALA V. IIL’ uPHRY’’. 1 L’bel for Divorce
vs. > in Forsyth Superi-
DAVTD R. HUMPHRY. )or Court, August
Term 1861
It appearing to the Conrt that the defendant
in s iid case does not reside in s iid counsy. and
it further appearing to the Court by the affi la
vit of the plaintiff that said >efendant does not
reside in Georgia. It is therefore or ler"d by
the Court that service of the writ in said case
be perfected on stid defen lant by the public i
tion of this or er in the Marietta A Ivoca’e. a
public j-m-n il published in the city of Marietta.
G t . and it is further ordered that said defend
ant be and appear at the next term of this
Court and answer said case or it will proeee 1
as by def inlt. ISA A 1 ’ S. CLEMENT.
Aug i‘lst 1891. Att’v pro Libi t.
Granted. GEA. D. RICE Judge J. C
A true extract from the minutes of the Conrt
Sept. 39th. 1861.
GEORGIA. Cobb Cocxt In the Superior
Court. Present the Honorable
Judge of said Court.
CASTLEBERY & ROGERS, ) Mortgage. Ac.
vs t September Term
BENIAM N I*. BISHOP. ) 1861.
IT appearing to the Court by the petition of
Mei rill T. Castleberry and John Rogers us
ing the firm name and style of Castleberry A
Rogers, (accompanied by the four proinisory
notes and Mortgage deed, th it on 'ites.xth day
of April. Eighteen Hundred and •rixty-one, the
defend mt m ide and delivered to the pl.mtilfs
his f- ur promisory notes, bearing dde the d h
and year aforesaid, whereby the defendant
prom -ed thirty d -ys after the date of s iid
promisorv notes, to p iv you" petitioner or bear
er the s i'd sums ins iid nr-unis try notes, speci
fic Ito wit: bv two of said promisory notes the
sum of Fifty dollars each an I by the other two
of sai 1 promisory notes the sum of thirty-five
dollars and 80cents each, m .king i i the ng. re
gate the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-one
Dollars and sixty cent-, for value received.—
And that afterwards on the day and year afore
said. the defen lant the better to secure the
payment of said lour promisory notes executed
and delivered to the plaintiffs his deed of Mort
gage whereby the said defendant Mortgaged to
the plaintiffs lots of land Nos. 12*18 and 1253 in
the 16th District and 2nd Section of said conntv.
containing sixty acres, more or less. And it
further appearing that said four promisory notes
remains unpaid, it is therefore ordered that the do pay into Court on or before the day of the next Term thereof the principal
interests and ..osts due on said four promisory
notes, or show cause to the contrary, it any he
can. and that on failure of the defendant so to
do. the equity of redemption in and to slid
mortgaged premises, be forever thereafter bar
red and for c'osed. And it is further ordered
that this Rule be published in the M iriett.i .4d
t'ocale. a public Gaz< tte of this State once a
month for three months, previoif to the next
Term of this Court, or served on the Defen 1 mt
or his special agent or attorney at least thr e
months previous to the next term of this ’’ourt.
Judge Superior Conrt. B. R. C.
I certify that the ab >ve is a true extract fr un
the minutes of this Court this September 26th
IS d. DILLARD M. YOUNG. Clerk. S. C.
November Bth. 1861.
GEORGIA, Paulhng County.
TT ' r H ERE \S. Enoch i’iukant. Administrator
\ V . \ de
ceased, applies to me for Letters us Dismission,
from said Administration.
These are therefore to cite and Admonish all
persons eoncenxsi to be and appear at mv of
fice. on or before the first Monday in March next,
to show* cause ( : f any they have why - iid Let
ters Dismissory should uot then be Granted the
Given under mv h ind at office this September
2nd. 1861. ’ MILES EDWARDS. Or’dy.
Arater's Sale.
UU’'ILL be sold on the first Tuesday tn Jan
▼ ▼ uary next, before the Court House door
in the town of Dallas. I’aulding county. Geor
gia. within the leg il hours ot s ile. Lot ot Land
No 187. in the Kt District and 31 Section, and
Town lots Nos 3. and 11. situated in Drake
Town Paulding county. Ga. Sold for the ben
efit «>f the heirs and cre<litors of Wtn. Green,
late of Pai Iding county deceased.
Terms made known on dav of sale.
R. M. BRYANT. Adtu r.
November 11th 1861.
Churc-teg in Marietta.
M. E. Churchßev. Alex. Gkaham. Pastor.
Presbyterian..,... . .Rev. E. P. Palmer. Pastor
Episcopal ,St. James'* Rev. S. Beneotct. Rector
Baptist. filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath
in each month by the Rev. Mr. RawbaC.
Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and
Attorney and Couneellor at Law
M ARIETTA Georgia.
October fi. Iy.
Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery.
Marietta Georgia.
October 6, ly.
Attorney and Councellor at Law
Marietta Georgia.
Jnlv °9. ,vl
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Marietta Georgia.
june 15 iy
Marietta, Geo gia,
"YTTILL practice in the B’ue Ri Ige Circuit
W the Supreme Conrt of Georgia, and the
District Court at Mrrietta.
February 29. 1861ly.
A Dim? AT L.UV
Marietta Georgia.
Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted
to his Care.
Oct. 12 ly.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Dawsonville Georgia.
WILL give prompt attention to any business
confided to his care in the Blue Ridge
circuit.—Sept. 21. 1860 -ly.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Acworth, Cobb County, Geo.
TTTii.i. practice in Cobb Cass, Cherokee, Mil-
V> w»n, Pan’ding an 1 Fulton.
Hon. J. W. Lewis. Hon. L. J.
Gar’rell. Atlanta. N. G. S. Avery, Acworth.
Viy inform ttion as to responsibility of
parties, promptly given. --Feb. 29-’6l
Attorney a rtt XLenx'V.
jYlririettrv, t-J-portria.
Will practice in Fulton Pnul l'ng and all the
counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit , in the Su
preme conrt and District court.
April 5, ’6O-ly.
E. F t W.
Marietta, Georgia.
W if LL lilisrently attend to anv hu ines j enn-
• v fl 'e Ito his care in the counties of C- bb,
Cherokee. Milton and Paulding
»’L i F MS collected .is soon a-* it can be d me by
law. an-l tie* money promptly p d I over.
Jan 20 l-«l.
Ivlcir OcX.
BUSINESS confided to their professional
management in the following counties will
he transacted viz: Campbell. Paulding Polk.
Cobb Cherokee. Forsvth. Lumnkin. Fulton and
Milton. Also, in the District ’’ourt at Marietta,
and at *he Supreme Cour’ at Atl >nta.
't’he District C<>nrt sits at M irietta on the
second Mondav in March an 1 September Re
turn 20 d ivs before Court. —feb?9 '6l-ly.
W. T. DAY'. J. W. HEATH.
est? TTorttlx,
.'.ttarnf'y* at Lfnc,
Jasper. Pickens County. Georgia.
TTY ILL practice in the counties of Pickens.
VV Gilmer. Fannin. Lumnkin. Dawson. Mil
ton Cherokee. Murrav an 1 Whitfield.
The utmost vigilance given to collections, and
m m» ys promptly paid over.
ept. 1 4th y.
IST. 13. CL-1: LT3T33T,
.S.ttorney »mcl Counsellor nt Ln\V r ,
Marietta, Cobb county G-a.
Will practice, ami give prompt attention to
all business confided to his profession i! ‘-are. in
tin* District Court of th** U. S at Marietta. The
■Supreme Court of Georgia, oi Atlanta, ami the
Superior and Infenor (ourts of the Blue Rid-ge
r renit. and the counties adjoining Cobb of oth
er circuits.
Especial attention given to the collection of
debts, and the securing of all manner o claims.
Prompt and efficient attention will be given to
all manner bihAiness in the Courts of Ord
rv in the courrtv of Cobb and adjoining jo inties.
■ Feb. 10 * one v
Cl ALL at the buck Store and g<*t a copy of
) the Man of
Camp McDonald,
Elegaotlv colore l m 1 prin’»‘d. Price only 75
cen:s for the Map and list of others and men.
Any quantity in Sacks and Barrels to be had
at the lowest m ;rket price at
t- 1 'NG RES.-IONA L i'i-> IRICT
Anpling. Glynn,
Bulloch, Liberty, .
Bryan, Mc’iitosh,
Chatham, Montgomery,
Camden, Pirce,
LTmrltom, Scriven,
Clinch, Telfair,
Coffee. Tatnall,
Eilingnnm, Ware,
Emanuel, Wayne,
Baker, Irwin,
Berrien, L< wudcs,
Brooks, Lee,
Calhoun, Miller,
Clav, Mitchell,
Colquitt, Randolph,
Dooly, Terrell,
Decatur, Thomas,
D mgherty, YY r ilc6x.
Early, Worth.
Chattahoochee. Stewart,
Muscogee, Sututer,
Macon, Schley*
Marion, Taylor,
Harris, Talbot,
Quitman, Webster.
Jasper, VVilKins<>u,
J mes, Houston,
Putnam, Twiggs.
Baldwin, Laurens,
Bibb. Pulaski
Burke, Lincoln,
Glascock, Warren,
Columbia, ashington.
Ham; ck, Wilkes,
Jefferson, Richmond,
Clarke, Hart,
Elbert, Newton;
Frankl n, Tuliafeiro,
Greene, Walton,
M rgnn, Oglethrope,
Butts Henry,
Clayton, Pike,
Fayer c, Troup,
Meriwether, Spalding,
M nroe, Upson.
Campbell, Fulton,
<>bl>. Haralson,
Carroll, Heard,
Coweta, Paulding,
DeKalb, Polk,
Bmks, Lumpkin,
Dawson, Milton,
Cherokee, Pickens,
Forsyth, Towns,
Gwinnett, Rabun,
Habersham, Union,
Hall, White,
Cass, Gordon,
Chattooga, Giltner,
(’at'osa, Mffrriiy,
Dale, Walker,
Fl -vd, Whitfield
1 Chatham, Bryan. Effingham.
2. Liberty, I’atnal l . Mclntosh.
3. Way< e. Pierce. Appling.
4. G1 vnn. Cannier*. Charlton.
5 Cofi'e--. Ware. Clinch,
fi Echols, L ■wiid<*s ( Berrien.
7 B oks, Thomas. C Iquitt.
8. D-'..-'.tiir. M : bell. Miller.
9. Eari\. Calhoun, Baker.
10 D>ug!.erty. L**e. Worth.
IL Clav, Ila dolpii. Terndl.
12. Stewart, Webster. Quitman,
13. Sumter, rfchb y. M icon,
14. Do ly, Wilcox, Pulask’.
15 Montgoincy, Teliair, Irwin.
IG. Laurens, Johnson, Emanuel.
17. B i.loch. Scriven, Burke.
18. Richmond, Glascock. Jefferson,
1.1. Taliaferro, Warren. Greene.
2". Baldwin, Hancock,- Washington,
21. Twiggs. Wilkinson. Jones,
22. Bibb, Monroe, Pike,
23. II iGton. (’rawford, Taybir,
24 Marion. C lattahoochee, Muscogee.
2 » Harris, Talbot, Upson,
26 Spal ’ing. Butts. Fayette,
27 Newton, Wahon, Claike.
28 Jasper. Putnain, Morgan,-
29Wilkes, Lincoln, Columbia,
30 Ogle’horpe, Madison. Elbert,
31 Hart. Franklin. Habersham,
32 White. Lnniokin, Dawson,
33 Hall, Bank-, Jackson,
31 Gwinnett. DeKalb, Henry,
35 Clayton. Fulton, Cobb.
36 Meriwether. C weta, Campbell,
37 Troup, Heard. Carrroll,
38 II iral-on, P *lk, Paulding;
39 Ctierokee, Mdton. Forsyth,
40 Union. T<>w"B. Ribun,
41 Fannin. Gihn*'r. Pickens,
42 Cass, Fl -.yd. C’tiattooga.
43 .Murray, Whitfield. Gordon,
44 Walk f >ade. Cato isa.
On and alter this date. I will sell Goods for
cash: ONLY.
Those wishing goods in tuy line will find it to
their advantage to give a.c a call.
Augnst Its 1861.
Wil ow Spring - Nursery.
4 FINE aNsortnaeftt of the most popular va
j Y rietie< of
For sole bv
Mrrietta. Ga.. Oct. 4th. 18 I—ts.
FIGS.—A fre lot ine<t received by
Camp McDonald, Ga.)
Nov. 11 1891.}
At a rtiteetinff of the “Blue Ridge VoL
unteerH,” held this day, the following
preamble and resolutions were adopt**
ed; —
Whereas, We the officers and pri
vates of tlie ‘’Blue Ridge Volunteers,”
have since our encampment at this
place, been recipients of the kindest
hospitality extended towards us by
Judge Joseph Donaldson of Cherokee
County in being the invited guests »t
his house, and enjoying many repast#
at his table; and, in every way our
comfort cared for, and that too fret
of charge. Therefo’e Le it
ReaJlved, Ist. —That we tender to
Judge Donaldson and family our sin
cere and heart felt thanks for the many
acts of kindness shown us: and that
we will ever remember them with the
loudest emotion of our nature, as »*
/rue 2-^'iW and the soldie>sfriend.
2d. That we wish lor him and his
family a long, happy, and prosperous
3d.—That we trust that the God of
Buttles will shield our, lives, nerve
our heuits and strengthen onr arms for
the Conflict in which wc are engaged;
that we may soon conquer our foes ami
attain a just and honorable peace that
we may again have the pleasure of
meeting and taking by banJ him whom
we so much esteem,
4th.—That the “Cherokee Mount:uu>*
eer,” be requested to publish the fore
going resolutions, and the “Marietta
Advocate, an 1 “Southern Confederacy”
be reques ed tu copy.
Capt. J. H. HUGGINS, Chin.
IL W. Barclay. Secy.
Ata called meeting of the “Tate
Guards,” laid on the morning of the
4th inst. it was ur aiiiinously
Resolved, Ist.—That we fully concur
in the above resolutions, as expressivu
of our feelings towards Judge Joseph
Dom'ldsou und family and that we here
by temier to them our kindes. thanks for
the many acts of kindness shown us
in taking care of ami providing tor us,
in our passage to and from our homes,'
while encamped at this place.
2d.—That those resolutions be pub
lished as above requested.
S. A. COX, Chm.
R. B. Krily, Sec’y.
■ ■
A late number of the Baltimore S»dh
contains the following statement of the
manner in which the “Grand Army” is
now being filled up.
Negroes and Aliens i > carry on the
Wa< of Subjugation.— On Sunday even
ing a regiment of unnaturalized Gel «
means, many of them just from the
shores of Europe, passed through this
city for W a>hington.
A friend who witnessed the passage
of this body, and who followed them to
Camden Station says there were not a
doZen in the regiment who could speak
or umlei.stand the English language.—
A German wan went among them wlrilu
delayed at sta ion to inquire where
tin y weie rom,and how they camo lo en
list. He was told that a large number
of them had not seen New York a
week, and having been offered good
wages ami one hundred dollars at the
end of the war and a promise that all
the laud they conquered in the South
should be divided among them, they had
promptly enlisted in the army. They
neither knew nor cured anything about
the nature of the war; they hail enlist-'
ed for the p ty.
Wc are informed that at an early
hour this morning there passed through
our city a ngiment a number of whom
were negroes—rough, uncouth, ignor
ant negro s—marsh:.iled in Lincoln’s
service for the subjugation of the South}
Do ihe “unconditional Union men,” the
advocates of Lincoln’s Government, en
dorse this hiring of Hessians and ne
groes to war upon their brethren of tlic
South? W ill they still plead for a Un
ion with such masters and such mater
ials? If such an exhibition as this will 1
m>t arouse the slumbering pa'iiotism
and self respect of tho people, then
they are’only ill to be slaves of the ty
rants who are forging their chains
and associates of the negroes who uro
called upon to subdue them.
He is Coming t> Charleston.—Ex-
Govi rnor, now Col. Barstow, of Wis
consin speaking of bis raising a regi
ment of cavalry, says :
At the a Ijoiirnmi nt of the Democratic
Nat'onal Convention, in Charleston, sev
eral genth ni**n invited me to come to
Chariest »n again. I promised that I
Would, and 1 am going as soon as my
regiment is ready to march.
App>intn\e«ts of Rr^gadie>•Generals
in the Northern Army. A Washington
dispatch says:
Among the recently appointed Brig
adier Generals are Morgan, of Ohio,
and Col. Phillip St. George Cooke, who
recently brought thither his cavalry
troops fr<>m Utah. He is a na’ive
and appointed from Virginia.
NO. 34.