The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, April 01, 1911, Image 11
THE ATL ANTI AN 11 4 *jSetmjairirQui]rii'-' ESSIC BROS Correct Dress for Easter FOR Men and Young Men A remarkable Spring display ot au thentic fashions in “Benjamin” clothes* An exhibition conducted for the benefit of discrimi nating dressers who appret ciate the importance of true styles, exclusive .fa brics and proper tailoring' A galaxy of refreshing Spring models direct from the great New York tai lor shops of Alfred Ben jamin & Company. : : Our new model for this season, the “Dixie”, a full box, is a winner You will be delighted when you see the fit and stylish appearance of all our new models. Our Prices are Moderate Suits $15.00, $18.50, $20.00 ——up to $35.00=—— CORRECT CLOTHES ■ FOR MEN 26 Whitehall Street