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Page 18
The Southern Israelite
Jerusalem (J. T. A.) The Hebrew
language is be inf? adopted by Arab
merchant# for their display signs.
This practice has penetrated to Nablus,
known as an anti-Zionist stronghold
where a number of Arab merchants
have supplemented their signs in Ara
bic with signs in Hebrew characters.
Jerusalem (J. T. A.) The name of
James Rothschild, son of Baron Ed
mond de Rothschild, will be inscribed
in the Golden Book of the Jewish
National Fund by the vine growers in
the Rishon L’Zion region. The culti
vators took this decision at their an
nual meeting held Thursday at Rishon.
Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—With the
coming into existence of the extended
Jewish Agency for Palestine, the Ha-
dassah organization, which is carry
ing on medical and health work in the
country with the aid of American
Zionist women, is to be transformed
into the health department of the
Zionist Executive, according to a pro
posal formulated here.
The “Ha’aretz” reports today that
a proposal to this effect will be sub
mitted to the forthcoming Zionist
Congress in Zurich. When adopted by
the Congress it will need ratification
by the Hadassah convention, which
meets in Atlantic City in September.
Sam Greenberg & Co.
96 Forrest Ave., N. E. — Phone WAlnut 7909
Atlanta's Leading
Campaign Being Waged In Germany
Against Einstein
Famous Scientist May Leave Country
(New§ Letter from Berlin)
In the years ot acute anti-Semitism
in Germany Einstein entertained
serious thoughts about leaving his
Germany, and it was during that
period that Rathenau uttered these
strong words: “The day that Ein
stein is forced to leave Germany will
be for us a national catastrophe, a
moral defeat, as was the day when
the Treaty of Versailles was signed.”
It is now once again rumored that
Einstein is contemplating leaving
Germany for good and it is likewise
being said that offers are forthcoming
from Switzerland, Holland and Eng
land for Einstein to settle there,
where he is being promised the great
est prosperity.
Einstein’s modesty and his averse
ness to publicity are well known all
over the world, and should he decide
to quit Germany it won’t be on ac
count of any vain ambitions or petty
self-love. However, it should be real
ized that Einstein has had to put up
with the greatest insults and threats.
There are wide circles in Germany
who consider Einstein and his theory
as a bluff and as a clever piece of ad
vertising in behalf of the powerful
I nternational Judaism.
It has quite recently been revealed
that a secret “organization to un
mask Einstein” exists in Berlin. This
organization, to which some profes
sors belong, is a true characteristic
of intellectual conditions in Germany.
For everything theer must be an as
sociation, an organization, for with
out this it doesn’t go. However, this
organization is still more characteris
tic of the anti-Semitism mentality in
Germany. What is this organization
trying to accomplish? What is there
to be "unmasked”? Is not Einstein’s
activity open to all the world? But
the legend of a Jewish power and of
a Jewish world mastery has penetrat
ed so deeply the empty heads of the
German anti-Semites that they can
not conceive Einstein's reputation in
the world and the general respect in
which he is held all over as being
other than the work of a Jewish
Maffia, ’ an adroit advertising stunt
of international Judaism, which has
upset the heads of these simple-mind
ed Gentiles. How does it happen, the
German anti-Semites are asking
themselves, that all the world is bend
ing its knees to this new god, Ein
stein, although but a few men say
they understand his theory? And
e\en if he is somewhat of a savant,
what does he mean to us Germans?
He is not one of us—and to boot, he
is an Internationalist and Communist.
There was a time when Einstein
was on the black-list of the Hittler
people, and after Rathenau’s death
Einstein was recipient of a great
many anonymous letters threatening
him with death. Subsequently the
ignominious episode took place when
the professors of the Berlin Universi
ty publicly “sentenced” Einstein and
the hooligan nationalistic students
threw stones at him. It was thought
that there would be no recurrence of
any such terrible ties. But no;
Einstein’s illuminating moral person
ality and his world reputation stick
like a bone in the throat of the Ger
man anti-Semites, spoiling their
humor, and they don’t want to leave
him in peace. This ridiculous and
shameless “organization to unmask" I
Einstein perhaps takes itself very
seriously and is workingAiard to mus
ter material against Einstein. Up to
now this organization has succeeded
in getting together against Einstein
a long list of terrible crimes: Ein
stein is an Internationalist; he is an
out-and-out enemy of Germany; he is
one of the very few professors who
refused to sign the famous appeal
of the German Professors during the
war; Einstein some time ago in a
lecture delivered in London on the
subject of anti-Semitism is supposed
to have declared that German race
hatred is the most stupid and most
dangerous; Einstein sold his manu
script of the Theory of Relativity to
America. And this last goes to show
that he also serves the Jewish God
of Gold and that he still has in mind
to do good business.
What is more shameful in this
campaign against Einstein, is that
professors and earnest politicians
should take part in it. This City of
Berlin! First he was offered a gift
of a villa that really did not belong
to the city; later the Mayor proffered
another piece of property to Ein
stein and for weeks long closed coun
cils were held and German nationals
raised a hubbub and fuss and placed
so many obstacles in the way that
Einstein finally, as is known, fore
went this homage and flatly refused
to accept any gift whatsoever from
the City of Berlin. Einstein's de
cision in this regard is tantamount
to a slap in Berlin’s face. However,
we must also realize Einstein's feel
ings and remember that he is already
surfeited with the never-ending anti-
Semitic threats, raillery and insult?
and that he wants to quit forever the
land toward which he could never
show great affection. It is not a secret
in Germany that were it not for cer
tain intimate friends who have hetd
him back he would have taken this
action long ago. It is also certain
that the German Government and the
German scientific spheres will use a-
means at their command to influeno
Einstein to control his feelings an
to remain in Germany, because
quitting Germany at the present l. c
would naturally be interpreted a.
over the world as an open demonstn
tion against Germany. ,
To a certain extent we Jews shoiL
be grateful to German anti-Senna
Einstein himself has recently nn--
a public statement that up
thirty-fifth year he had never
keenly conscious of his Je^i j
and that it was the “German en' 1 ^.
ment” and the “conditions of n er ‘
that opened his eyes and ma j e# .
reflect upon his belonging to the
ish race and his being attached 0 ^
Jewish destiny. If Einstein a
come one of us in heart and >
is anti-Semitism that has cont ” v j„|
thereto, this anti-Semitisni tj I
been the exterior cause of E ins
interior revolution as a Jew- ^ I
Copyright 1929 by the Jewish
graphic Agency, Inc.