Newspaper Page Text
e 16 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE August 3, 1979
Synagogue Directory
Candle Lighting Time: 8:18 p.m.
Ahavath Achim, (Conservative), 600 Peachtree Battle Avenue, N. W. Dr.
Harry H Epstein, Rabbi; David H. Auerbach. Assoc., Rabbi; Isaac
Goodfriend, Cantor. Daily service, 7:15a.m.and 6p.m.; Friday evening,
6and 8:15 p.m.; Saturday morning, 8:35 and 9a.m.; Saturday evening, 8
p.m,; Sunday, 8:30 a m. and 6 p.m
Anshi S'Fard,(Orthodox), 1324 North Highland Ave., N.E. H laratoot,
Hon. Pres.; l abel Merlin, Pres.; Saturday morning service, 9 a m
Beth Jacob, (Orthodox), 1885 l.aVista Rd , N.E. Emanuel Feldman.
Rabbi; Benjamin Stiefel, Cantor. Daily Minyan, 7 a.m. and 8:30 p.m.
(Class in Halacha nightly between Mincha and Maariv); Friday evening,
7 p.m.; Shabbat morning, 8:30 a.m. (follwed by congregational kiddush);
Shabbat evening. (Talmud group one hour prior to Mincha), 7:50 p.m.
(followed by Shalosh Seudos); Sunday morning, 8 a m. (followed by
Beth Shalom, (I.ibcral/Traditional), East Atlanta Area, P.O. Box 298,
Clarkston, Ga. 30021 Rabbi Donald Peterman. Information is available
at 294-8157. Friday evening, 8 p.m.; Briarlake Elementary School.
Saturday morning, 9:30 a m. Congregational offices, Clarkston Village,
Suite M; Study Group, 2-3 p.m Home of Rabbi Peterman
Etz Chaim, (Conservative), Rabbi Shalom Lewis, P.O. Box
28904, Atlanta, 30328 Friday evening and Saturday morning services
held at First Baptist Church of Roswell, Mimosa Blvd. Friday evening
service, 8 p.m.; Saturday morning, 9:30 a.m. Information is available by
calling 973-0137.
Jewish Home, 3150 Howell Mill Rd., N.W. Benno Wolffs, Religious
Director, Friday evening, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday morning, 9:15 a.m
Relatives and friends of residents most welcome
Or VeShalom, (Sephardic), 1681 Druid Hills Rd.. N.E. Robert Ichay,
Rabbi; Joseph Cohen, Rabbi Emeritus. Friday evening, 6:30 p.m.;
Saturday morning services, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday morning, 8:30 a.m.
Shearith Israel, (Traditional), 1180 University Dr., N.E.. Phone, 873-
1743. Marc H. Wilson, Rabbi; Arnold Samian, Asst. Rabbi. Weekday
morning, Monday and Thursday, 6:50 a.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Friday, 7 a m.; Weekday evening, 8:20 p.m.; Friday evening, 6:30 p.m.;
Shabbat morning, 8 a.m.; Shabbat Talmud class, 7:15 p.m.; Shabbat
Mincha, 8 p.m. (followed by Shalosh Seudos and Havdalah); Sunday
morning Tallis and Iefillin, 8:30 a.m. (followed by breakfast).
Temple Emanu-EI, (Reform), Donald Tam, Rabbi, 120 Copeland Rd.,
N.E., Suite 217, Atlanta, 30342. Friday evening services, 8 p.m., Decatur
Federal Savings and Loan, Dunwoody Village. Information available at
393-1248; Rabbis office, 257-0633.
Temple Sinai, (Reform), 5645 Dupree Dr., N.W. Richard Lehrman.
Rabbi; Harvey J. Winokur, Rabbi; Sid Gottler, Cantor. Friday
evening services, 8:15 p.m.; Saturday mprning, 10:30 a.m.
The Temple, (Reform). 1589 Peachtree Rd., Alvin Sugarman. Rabbi;
Beverly J. Lerner and Fred V. Davidow, Asst Rabbis. Friday evening,
8:15 p.m ; Saturday morning, 10:30 a m.
Yeshiva High, (Orthodox), Rabbi Herbert Cohen, Dean. Daily morning
service, 8 a.m.; Daily afternoon service, 2:25 p.m.;
Friday mght, 10 minutes before Sundown; Saturday morning service, 9
a m.; Saturday evening service, 15 minutes before Sundown Shabbat
services are held at 1168 Biltmore Dr., N.E.
ROSH HAS HAN A Sal.-Sun., Sept. 22-23
YOM K1PPIIR Mon., Oct. I
SVCCOT Sat.-Sun., Oct. 6-14
Deputy Prime Minister Yigael Yadin accepts invitation from
Hadassah's national president, Bernice S. Tannenbaum, to address
the opening plenary session of the organization's 65th national
convention to be held in Chicago Aug. 19-22.
Emanu-El school
holds registration
Temple Emanu-El's registration
for aunday school will be held from
7-9 p.m., Wednesday, Aug 8, at
Decatur Federal Savings and Loan
in Dunwoody Village Parents
who have already pre-registered
their children need not attend.
For more information call
Barbara Litt, 992-7688.
Etz Chaim Sisterhood
has board meeting
Congregation Etz Chaim
Sisterhood will have a board
meeting at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Aug
7, at the home of Sandy Smith.
For further information contact
Ruth Gordon, 973-1844 or Sandy
Smith, 973-2174
Mizrachi Women
get-together Aug. 13
American Mizrachi Women will
host new members at its summer
“get-together” and luncheon from
10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday, Aug.
13, at Zaban Park.
Swimming facilities will be
available afterwards, free of charge
for members, with nonmembers
invited to swim for a nominal
charge. A drawing for paid-up
members will also be held.
For reservations send a check
for $2.50 to Mrs. Charlotte Rich,
1290 Pasadena Avenue, N.E.,
Atlanta, 30306, or call 872-8960.
Reservations should be made by
Aug. 6.
Judaic art guild
has monthly meeting
The Pomegranate Guild of
Judaic Needlework will meet at 10
a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 7, at
Congregation Shearith Israel
The guild is a study group whose
purpose is to perpetuate the
enjoyment and understanding of
Judaic art. The public is invited to
For information contact Mrs.
Albert Easton.
Bicentennial Post 976
plans annual picnic
Bicentennial Post 976 will hold
its annual picnic beginning at 1
p.m., Sunday, Aug. 12, at Gross
Lake in Conyers.
A barbecue dinner will be served
at 4 p.m. with children of members
served free of charge. The public is
invited to attend.
For reservations call John
Folsom, 377-9996 or Meyer
Abgott, 394-6525 (home), 761-
5244 (business) by Aug. 9.
Dr. Aaron and Judy Breus,
chairpersons of Post activities at
the Jewish Home, have been
sponsoring bingo games for
residents of the Home on the
second Monday each month. The
Post will also have a fund-raising
(lea market sale in the latter part of
August to benefit projects such as
the Jewish Home.
To donate used furniture and
other household items contact
John Folsom.
Beth Shalom schools
have Aug. 26 registration
Registration for Congregation
Beth Shalom's religious school will
be held from 10 a.m.-noon,
Sunday, Aug 26, at the synagogue
office, Suite M, Clarkston Village.
The religious school year begins
on Sunday, Sept. 9. The Sunday
school program is designed for
children aged 3-18. Hebrew school
begins in the fourth grade for those
children desiring to be Bar or Bat
Mitzva. Fees include the cost of all
textbooks and materials.
There are still some openings for
qualified instructors, aides, and
specialists for the fall term.
For information and registra
tion forms call the synagogue
office, 294-8157.
Peachtree ORT
sponsors ‘Health Sunday’
Peachtree ORT will sponsor a
“Health Sunday” from 4-8 p.m.,
Sunday, Aug. 5, at the Sporting
House near Executive Park.
Activities will include tennis,
swimming, racquetball, and
volleyball. A dinner will also be
The cost is $15 a couple for
advanced reservations and $18 a
couple at the door.
For information and reserva
tions call Randie Passoff, 457-4493
or Debbie Richter, 921-7161.
“Israel and Peace” will be the
topic of the next program in the
“L’Chaim” series to be aired on
WSB Radio from 10:30-11 p.m.,
Sunday, Aug. 5.
The series, which is being
broadcast on Sunday evenings by
WSB Radio in cooperation with
the Anti-Defamation League of
B’nai B’rith, focuses on
contemporary issues of interest to
both the Jewish and general
communities. Guests with
expertise in areas such as
government, religion, and law will
be interviewed by Aubrey Morris
of WSB, Stuart Lewengrub, ADL
Southeastern regional director.
Atlanta Lodge sponsors
camp for visually impaired
Atlanta Lodge B’nai B’rith will
sponsor its second annual Camp
“OR” for visually impaired
children from Monday, Aug. 13,
through Wednesday, Aug. 15, at
Zaban Park.
Activities for children aged 7-17
include swimming, boating, crafts,
horseback riding and “beeper”
baseball. This year's program will
also feature special activities such
as a heart saver course offered by
the Georgia Heart Association.
Volunteers are needed to staff
the camp and to aid in transporting
the campers. All volunteers are
invited to bring their families.
For further information call Ted
Marcus, 451-4995 or 525-0457, or
Stan Sonenshine, 448-6394
Israeli stamp society
meets Aug. 9 at AJCC
The Atlanta Chapter of the
Society of Israel Philatelists will
meet at 8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 9,
at the AJCC. A stamp auction and
swap session will be held at 7:30
The group, which is devoted to
the study of Israel and Holy Land
philately, meets the second
Thursday of every month at the
For more information write the
chapter at 1345 Did Woodbine
Rd., N.E., Atlanta, 30319
Etz Chaim hosts
USY ‘Wheelnicks’
Congregation Etz Chaim will
host 45 teen-agers from United
Synagogue Youth “Wheelnicks,"
who will be staying at the homes of
members of the congregation
during their visit to Atlanta.
United Synagogue Youth on
Wheels is a six-and-a-half week
bus tour of North America with
more than 300 youths
participating. USYers from Group
C Tiyul Gimul will visit Stone
Mountain, Six Flags, and other
points of interest. They will travel
to Charlotte after their Atlanta
and Betty G. Cantor, associate
“Israel and Peace,” which was
originally scheduled to be
broadcast on July 22, has been
rescheduled for Aug. 5 because of
President Carter's speech and the
Braves game. Consul General Joel
Arnon and Peter White of the
Southern Center for International
Studies, will be the guests.
The next two programs will deal
with “The Ku Klux Klan, 1979” on
Aug. 12, and “Terrorism” on Aug.
For further information call the
ADL office, 523-3391 or WSB
Radio programming, 897-7500
‘L’Chaim’ examines Mideast peace