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ELQM£ Coming
The big icment that all Spelnan stu
dents ha*e been waiting for is aInoat
herr--the Morehouse College honeocjning
What makes this oelebration so excit
ing and so near to our hearts is that
Spelnan students will be in the spot
light. "Miss Maroon and Whi^e" and her
attendants, the fraternity queens and
their *.- attendants all hail frcn
Spelnan this year. This will be an ex
citing weekend for the queens. Imagine
how thrilled "Miss Maroon and White will
feel as she reigns owr the entire More
house student body.
In case you are wondering who the
queens are here is the list: Miss Maroon
and White, Bettye Walton- her attendants
Phyllis McKinney and Coralycr Willinnq
"Miss Chega", Margaret Rucker- "Mlsr#
Unpoda", Constance Wheatley. "Miss Kap-
pa", Jajf*ie Johnson; her attendants.Myr-
na Smith and Barbara Fisher; "Miss Sig
ma", June Hector, her attendants, • Taena
ucott- Miss A 1 ha", Juliet Biaokburn,
"The Sweethearts of Alpha", Helen Kerr
and Shirley Larkins; "M iss Torch",
•Patricia Carter.
There will be seme gala activities
for the celebration. The beginning
event is the Ceronari on of.MiSs Maroon
-n n< * White* It is ac impressive affair.
The queens look charming and regal as
they march down the aisles representing
the men of Morehouse.
Then the big day arrives Saturday the
day of the game, Morehouse will play
Knoxville College. Before the game
there is the big honeconing parade. It
promises to be the biggest and most
colorful in quite a while.
And then ^or the most rxcitinq moment
r Cl tV Maroon and Whi t r Bail
For the school year 1957-1958 Spelnan
.had thirty students as nominees for the
publication of Whc's Who in .'American
Colleges and Universities. These 8tu -
dents are members of the junior ^and
senior classes who have 'the highest
scholastic averages. They are* Pri-
cilla Anderson, Joan Anthony, Jul
iette Blackburn, LetitJ.a Bottoms,Min
nie Boyer , Dorothy Carithers, Dorothy
Coleman, Carolyn Crawford, Helen Davis,
Pauline Drake, Evelyn Engram, jJMarily n
Francis, Lucille Fultz, Francis Glo -
ver, Beverly Hamm, June Hector., H&len
Kerr, Shirley Larkins, Alvera Lewis,Nan
cy Mencham, Roslyn Mito^ell, Roslyn Pope
Dorothy Robinson, Margaret Rucker,Irene
Stokes, Paula Sullivan, Gladys r Thomas ,
Dorothy Thompson , Roslyn Washington ,
and Janet Webster.
Of the students only nine can appear
in the publication. To determine these
nine, an election was held among the bo
dy, with particular emphasis on lead
ership, character, and service. The re
sults of the election were not available
at the time of publication.
which will bring down the curtain on
homecoming activities for 1957. This
affair is planned for Saturday even
ing at the "Waluhaj<» Ballroom. This is
the biggest formal affair of the year ,
so girls, get those ruffles and frills
For the freshmen the homecoming cele
bration promises to be a new thrilling
whirl of events. For the upperclassmen
it promises to be a repeat performance
of exciting moments. It promises to
be an affair to remember.