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About Brunswick advocate. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1837-1839 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1839)
tmm pB&UNBWICK, (Ga.) juNE 1, M&J. K BRVNBWICX AND ALATAMAHA ■ CANAL. K Oar friend* interested in the prosperity of ■pannrMti will no doubt be pleased to team n»tth»»a»a*i ant work is rapidly prOgrestityj I-o <4pmT Ik fcw days since, by invite |gk>n of one of the contractors, we took a ride .ulottf 1 Considerable part of the line, and most we jet* agreeably disappointed to see the retak iC a condition so forward, and that por tion of the caoal finished, looking so well. Tbifriqark, from various unavoidable causes, hap Um somewhat delayed, but we are happy to *tf, there ie now every prospect of its spee dy completions * From the leek site place to a point . sanfdn nfile»iy&hi town, file work may be re garded aa finished, excepting merely the fofriHfibn of embankments in a few places whece the canal crosses the marsh, and a tri f fling amount of excavation from ‘Ellis’s roaiT to the ‘brick yard.’ Ia addition to this the canal is completed for nearly three miles at 04 near the termination of the route. g We understand the Chief Engineer has re ceived orders to. commence the building of the locks early in the ensuing anturrm. These wre intended to of masonry, laid in hydraulic cement, with foundations ob tained by piling within a coffer dam—the site being drained by means of a steam engine. During the session of the Legislature of Georgia, in the winter of 1838, it seemed to be the settled policy of the State to aid works of internal improvement The session of ISIS), however, dissipated the hopes which tiie stock holders had entertained of receiving any assis tance front "that source; and relying no longer on vague promises, we understand they have raised funds more than sufficient to finish the work. It is the intention of the contractors early in j October, we learn, to place eight hundred j hands on tin* work who will not be withdrawn its completion. Those persons who have tJeretofore. been so sceptic; in regard to this if fit, must now withdraw ir doubts; and l)Jb enemies to the opcnmjw*), this port, might ■Marell cease their opm «n, for the canal ■ill be speedily rail-road will made, and Brunswick . re long become an point, benefiting our State bnd the at large, in spite of all the opposi- 1 be raised against it. gSg&jdriH>>> *t extent or tiif. Territory IIIII^Ksu. —Our attention has been called few days past to find out the wherea new County lately introduced into yjtahis State, called “Chattooga." Upon casting oqr eye across the map in a North Western direction some -150 to five liun idred miles up to the extreme corner of the IBtate we find its location. It takes its name ■from a small stream which empties into the fTomessoe; its distance however, is so short to that noble river, that the whole County may Jjesaid to be in its fertile valley. HKi Mir paper of to-day will bo found an nd- of a sale of lots in anew town within its limits. We call attention IHlthe subject r.s one illustrating strongly the Vjst benefits of Internal Improvement. The P^jrait*Western and Atlantic ltail IloaJ passes] ulrougU tliis new County. Sauk ok Dasie.v.—The Federal Union Ktys,—‘‘The bills of this bank and branches arc : Rail received at par by the Central Bank, in pay- j *inent of debts clue to it. The amount already redeemed of the bills of the Darien Bank, by the .mother bank and at the several branches, to- Rpether with the amount paid into the Central warrants the belief that a resumption of payments will shortly take piace at this bank and it* branches. The holders of the notes /should not make any sacrifice on them.” An examination has been had in relation to the collisjpn of the steamers North Carolina Vanderbilt, which took place about a Mntli since ofTGeorgetown light. Both boats ■ «re from Charleston bound to Wilmington. ■ Advertiser says a patient and Ufinpartcdl investigation of all the circumstanced Kbas resulted in the removal of Captain Davis ■from the command of the Nfirth Carolina. ■Captain Davis was a favorite with the Coaipa niy and the community, and nothing but a stern bee of duty could leave forced the Directory HT fieak him. ■ . ■Lpe Directors of .... Western Bank of Bk flames upwards of two hundred and sixty- Bj thousand dollars of their redeemed bills. thousand dollars of their issues are still The Western Georgian, from l earn t^ie foregoing, says the bank solvent, and will again resume neatness in a short time, UI frigate Constitution, (old ironsides) LSumpiodore Claxton, sailed from New York Mjt, the* 22d for Vera Cruz and the Pacific BftanJh. Hh« Nop Y<wk says that the sixteen or eighteen days she re v vtaed lat Sat harbor, she was visited by about , wy fhoosand persons, s majority of whom f m*. ladies. The Constitution has. the same wtujteh l ** she had whap she took the Guerier f Sfrhns a crew of about five hundred men. f Houston, of Texts, has joined a •fuwperance Society, and delivered several Itetro** in fkror of the cause of temperance. Latk ratti Epn<|ip.-4'nie pneket ships Hibernre and EarluSL hogs arrived atNew .York, hringi to the S** Liverpool to the 94tb April. The cotton mar ket at the latter place at the latest data*, was quite doll, and the aalee for a number of days previous very small. Money was not so pfln ty In London, as at last accounts. Affairs at Manchester were gloomy—mills at a stand, and apprehensions felt about failures among the spinners. The following summary is from the Com mercial Advertiser of the 22d inst Ireland.—The grand debate on the Irish policy of ministers was brought to a close of the evening of the 19th, almost every member that ever spoke at all having taken part in it. The ministerial majority on the main question’ was 22, the vote being for Sir Robert Peel’s amendment 296, against it 3188 Mr. Dtincombe’s amendment was killed by a majority of 219—the vote being for the a mendment 81, against it 299. A terrible scene occurred at Woolwich, at the infliction of his sentence upon a soldier who had been condemned to receive 150 lash es. - A recruit had his feelings so harrowed by the scene that be went mad, shrieking dread fully in his frenzy, and committing furious acts of violence, so that it was with difficulty he was secured and taken to the hospital. The Lordon Sunday Times, of April 21, charges Mr. Freer (a comedian who has lately j arrived in this city) with leaving his wife and I family destitute in London; and n’.so brings ! theßame accusation against Mr, Burton, now j a popular actor in Philadelpi ja. A female radical association has been esta blished in Lancashire—the women doing all the speaking, although men are allowed to be , present at the ncetings. If wo may judge from the police reports lb i the London papers the use of the Bowie knife is getting to be quite as fashionable in Eng land oe in Mississippi or Arkansas. N.o less than 3 or 10 cases of stabbing arc reported in • the journal before us. 1 The treaty so long in agitation, confinn- I ing the separation of Holland and Belgium, 1 j was signed on the 10th of April, by I lie repre sentations of those kingdoms and of England, i France, Austria, Russia and Prussia. There is nothing new from Spain. There is no intelligence of interest from France, except the fact that the opposition had been successful in electing three of the four vice-Presidents of the Chamber of Depu ties. The four elected were Calinon, Teste, Etienne, opposition; and Gunin-Gridaine, min isterial. No ministry had yet been formed, but Mar shal Soult was still negotiating for that pur pose. At the date of the latest advices from Paris, Sunday, April 21—the following list was in circulation, as likely to be gazetted on Mon day, Sotftaf President of War. .Foreign Affairs. Pupin Justice. Rassy Intpri r. D’Arguot Finances. Sauzet Instruction. Sufaure Comiriejxc. The Press.— The following remarks from t!--* Portsmouth Journal, in relation to the newspaper press, Wo entitled to the serious consideration of th&,«<Miductonr*tjf public jour nals in this country. Newspapers are exten sively read, end consequently exert an influ ence on ttie minds of the community; great care should therefore be used ih*at a correct and healthy tone be given to them, “TA< Press, is a moral instrument of grekt power, exerting a strong influence especially on a community in which almost every a reader. The Newspaper reading ia pis country is more extensive than most peopjfl are aware of; and the influence of this particular kind of reading, on the moral feelingsartdAjteb-_ its of the community, is immensely great— Hence may be seen the importance of having newspapers conducted by men who will gives healthful moral tone to their writings and -mh lections; who will be careful to shut out tajjM ever would tend to diminish modesty, ojrm lessen respect for divine or human laws; and who will det slip no fair opportunity of promot ing virtue and suppressing vice, by timely en couragement or warning. We are not of the number of those who de claim against the whole mass of our newspa per; as a source of evil almost unmixed with good. Neither do we number ourselves arnong those (if sucii there be) who would boast them selves of our great amount of newsreading,, without stopping to enquire into the moral tendency of many of the papers which are read so freely. The subject is not to be disposed of ia this way:—but there is ns great a difference in pa pers as in men. Every political party, every religious sect, has its organ. Every city, and almost every considerable town its news paper, or more generally a number. To a great extent, these papers are the index of the public mind; and they are usually managed in such a way ns to suit the class of subscribers which the proprietors expect or hope to obtain. Does an editor use foul language in his paper, admit profane or indecent jests or expressions, or speak lightly or irreverently of the most sa cred things? it may be taken for granted ei ther that he has a most depraved set of readers, or they will get tired of him. If, on the other hand, his columns are kept as pure as possible from all that is demoralizing—if he take pains to make a paper fit to be read in the most virtuous and refined family circle, it may be safely inferred that his customers are chief ly to be found among people of sound morals and correct habits. In these important respects, the editor and his readers act and re-act upon each other. A virtuous and refined community require an edit or of pure taste:—and he in his turn, tends by his labors, to preserve and perpetuate their re finement and virtue.” Balloon Arrival—Movement Exttjl oßDiNAßy.—Among the arrivals at Philadel phia on Tuesday was one tl»t created uncom mon excitement among the' citizens. At aix in the evening, a balloon was observed passing over the ci(y towards Camden, at moderate speed sod but* abort distance from the earth. Varioos (taJM |ln Nw Ui American) were the conjectures** tai'sho was in it or where it cause from, but from iu tardy movements all appeared taeetrtfefe jf bid nearly tired 5 BRUNSWICK ADVOCATE. in trevaffiag from some distant port. Mr. Panllin was the tarial stranger. He left Read ing at lfrminutef before 4-afclocb, Tuaaday and fbout three a mile from Oftndqjf, N. 1, at aix o'clock in the evening, having performed the distanW,*frf ty-three in two hours and ten minutes. He landed in safety. Bttx!—The following are the latest fads, wo have seen recorded by the English penny a-liners:— There was sold lately, at an auction in London the wig worn by Queen Elizabeth —! j the same which she threw at the head of Lord I Essex. Her most gracious little Majesty j Victoria, who, by the way, inherits a goodly | portion of Betsey’s spirit, gave £SOO for it.— At the same auction, John Liston, the cele brated comedian, gave seventy guinea* for an afple, preserved m spirits—the identical pip pin, which falling, led Sir Isaac Newton to discover the I&wa of gravity. [From the Savannah Georgian.] IMPORTANT FROM FLORIDA. The War Concluded. By the steamer Florida, Capt. Nock, arrived on Saturday evening from Garey’s Ferry, our attentive correspondent has ad vised us that hostilities have ceased, and that peace will hereafter bless the citi zens of the distracted Territory of Flor ida. We have the gratification of laying before our readers a copy of the General Orders, issued by General Macomb, an nouncing the termination of the war. (from our correspondent.) “To the Editor of the Savannah Geor gian — Sir —General Macomb lias issued a Proclamation to the inhabitants of Flor ida, in which he states that the tear is over. A boat leaves to-day, to go up the St. John’s for the purpose of bringing the General here on his way to the North. Six companies of the 2nd Dragoons leave immediately for the North. Five dismount ed go to New York, and the remaining 011 c (K.) takes all the best horses through by land to Jefferson Barracks.” Yours, &c. Sandburgh, May 24th, Black Creek, Head Quarters of the Army of the U. S. Fort King. Florida, May IS, 1839. GENERAL ORDERS: The Major General, Commanding-iu- Chief, has the satisfaction of announcing to the Army in Florida, to the authorities of the Territory, and to the citizens gen erally, that he has this day terminated the War wjth the Seminole Indians, by an agreement entered into with Chitto- Tuste-uugge, principal Chief of the Sem inolcs, and successor to Ar-pi-e-ke, com monly called Sam Jones, brought to this Post by Lieut. Col. Harney, of the 2d Dragoons, from the Southern part of the peninsula. The terms of the agreement are, that hostilities immediately cease between the parties, tliat the troops of the United States, and the Seninoie and Mickasukie Chiefs and Warriors now at a distance he made acquainted as soon as possible with the fact, that peace exists, and that all hostilities are forthwith to cease on both sides; the Seininoles and Mickasukies agreeing to retire into a dis trict of country in Florida below Pease preek, the boundaries of which are as Sallows, viz: beginning at the most South- Mrn point of land between Charlotte Har bor, and the Sanybel or Coloosa-hatchec river, opposite to Sanybel Island, thence into Charlotte llarb<w by the Southern pare between Pine Island and said point, along the Eastern shore of said harbor, 40 JKWk-Chopko or Pease Creek, thence «Wiat river to Hatchee-Tliloke or Big Creek, thence up said creek to its source, thence Easterly to the Northern Point of CHfttifeofoaid Lake, called Istepoga Creek, sOth# lfSlfimme river, thence Southwardly downftreKlssimme to Lake Okee-Chobee, Jftence strettl ThWiigh said Lake to Ecali- Jahatchee or Shirk river, thence down said river W estwardfy tb its mouth, thence along tho sea shore Northwardly to the place of beginning: that sixty days he al lowed the Indians N&rth and East of that boundary to remore their Families and ef fects into said district, frherc they are to remain until farther arrangements are made, under the .protection of the troops of the United Stiiwp irho are to see that they be not molested Sylntruders, citizens, or foreigners, and tltet the said Indians do not pass the limit! HRlfhad them, ex cept to visit the posts whtOti will be hereafter indicated 10 them.— -All persons are therefore forbidden tb enter the dis trict assigned to said without written permission from some command ing officer of a military post. ALEXANDER MACOMB. Major General Commanding-in-Chief. By command of the General, EonraitD ScHRIVER. *-^£ Capt. &. A. A. General. MA. R&Uey Rebecca Sawyer requests re formation through (he Boston paper* relative to Joel Barlow Sawyer, her only child, end main dependance, who left Boston two yeip ago to act as engineer on the railroad row from Charleston, S. C., to Georgia, and has ndfj been heard from since. Publishers at the South will please circulate this inquiry. The scarlet fever is very prevalent at Boston, ninoty-two cases baring terminated fatally, up to the fifth April last, being owe mere tfc*» oc curred duringthtreMeofiam. The M*tk eal Journal inaiststhat this mortality in a petti that the disease is not properly treated. The last Milledgevdle Recorder says: “By the scheme recommended by the Convention to tjje people, the number of members for each County, in the Representative Branch, accord ing to the last census, will be as follows: Appling l Jones fi Baker 1 Laurens Baldwin 1 Lee j Bibb a, Liberty 1 Bryaft | Lincoln 1 Bulloch J Lowndes I Burke a Lumpkin 1 Batts l Macon 1 Camden 1 Madison 1 Campbell 1 Marion 1 Carroll 1 Mclntosh 1 Cass 2 Meriwether 3 Chatham 3 Monroe 3 Chattooga 1 Montgomery 1 Cherokee 1 Morgan 2 Clark 2 1 Cobb 1 Muscogee 3 Columbia 2 -Newton 2 Coweta 2 Oglethorpe • 2 Crawford 2 Paulding 1 Decatur 1 Pike 2 DeKalb 2 Pulaski 1 Dade 1 Putnam 2 Dooly 1 Rabun 1 Early 1 Randolph 1 Effingham 1 Richmond 2 Elbert 2 Scrivcn 1 Emanuel I Stewart 2 Favette 1 Sumter 1 Floyd 1 Talbot . 2 Forsyth 1 Tuliaferro 1 Franklin 2 Tattnall 1 Gilmer 1 Telfair I Glynn 1 Thomas 1 Greene 2 Troup 3 Gwinnett 2 Twiggs 2 Habersham 2 Union 1 Jlall 2 Upson 2 Hancock 2 Walker 1 Harris 2 Walton #"• Heard 1 Ware 1 Henry 2 Warren 2 Houston 2 Washington 2 Irwin ] Wayne 1 Jackson 2 Wilkes 2 Jasper 2 Wilkinson 1 Jefferson 1 A gentleman from a southern city was : arrested here yesterday morning, on land ing from the Norfolk boat, in conformity with instructions to that effect received by a member of the bar of this city, which had beeu transmitted in anticipation of his arrival. While in custody he made so strong an appeal to tho attorney, to be permitted to go to his hotel for the pur pose of seeing that some ladies who had been confined to his safe conduct would be properly taken care of, that his request was at once granted. It appears, however j that instead of going to the hotel, he im- I mediately engaged a vehicle to convey him with all speed to n point where he ! might intercept the rail road cars for Philadelphia. The failure of the gentle j man to return, in conformity with the ! pledge, soon aroused suspicion as to his true object, and the police were quickly iu pursuit, and succeeded in taking and bringing him back.—[Balt. Amer. 21st inst. REGISTER OF THE WEATHER Ba. in 2p. nt. (i p. m. j May 24 73 86 76 25 75 85 76 26 80 84 80 27 77 85 78 28 78 !>2 81 20 60 80 66 30 70 82 71 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF BRUNSWICK. ARRIVED. j May 251 h. Steamer Forrester, Drake, Flo rida. 26tli. Steamer Ivanhoe, Gale, Savanh. I 3(Jth. “ Florida, Nook, Savanh. \ Sailed. Sloop Merchant, Burnt Fort. BURNT FORT STEAM MILLS, May llHh. Sailed schr. Myrtle, Stannard,! Boston. , 24th. Schr. Elizabeth, Reynolds,Boston, j 23d. Arrived, schr. Ann Elizabeth,] Summers, St. Marys. May 26th. Sloop Merchant, Wilson, Darien, j Executrix Sale. WILL be sold before the Court House door | in Wayne County, on the first Tuesday [ in August next, between the usual hours of sale, - agreeable to ftn order of the Inferior Court of said county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, the lands on the Great Satilla River, contain- l ing 70(1 acres more or less, commonly known i by the name of Walnut Hill, belonging to the ! i Estate of Sherrod Sheffield of said county, de- ] ! ceased.—Sold for the benefit of the heirs and j ■ creditors. ELIZABETH S. SHEFFIELD, ] j" nc * Executrix. _ i Notice. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Au gust next, at the Court House in Glynn County, between tile usual hours of sale, all j that lot of land in said County containing one hundred and ninety acres more or less—boun ded at the time of survey on all sides by ! marshes, and by Blythe’s Cutt-off-Creek, and granted ts Joshua Miller on tho 18th of No- j vember, 1800. Sold by order of the Inferior Court of Richmond County, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. - JOHN W. HUNTER, * 1 Adm’r. of June 1 JOSHUA MILLER, deceased. Steam Boat Notice. THE New Steam Boat |VANHOE,Capt. Gau, will cun during tbo Summer as a regu wMProket between Savannah, Brunswick, St. jMjjfi Jacksonville, and Black Creek. For frvqpl er passage applv to "W. . ROB’T. WALSH & Cos. Ajftfc Agents. m dodicke’i Matchless Sana* Ji - -v live, cideitvto thehumati system. O’The article pabhahed below, concerning the new and popolar doctrine advanced by the illustrious Goelicke of Germany, cannot fkil of exciting a deep and thrilling interest through out ear country. [Translated from the German.] LOUIS OFFON GOELICKE, or ikItMAKT, THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BENE FACTORS. Citizens of Xorth und South Jjmerira, To Louis Offon Goelicke, M. !>., of Ger many, [Europe] belongs y>e imperishable honor of adding a new .and precious doc trine to the Science of Medicine—a doctrine which, though* opposed by many of the faculty, (of whichjte is a valuable mem ber,) he proves to be as well founded m truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ—a docArine, upon the verity of which are suspended the lives of millions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his opposers to refute, vit: Consumption is a disease nlteays occasioned by a disordered stute of bis Vita (or Use Princi ple) of the human body: O’ often secretly lurk ing in the system. Jar years before then is the least complaint of the Limps —and which moy be as certainly, though not to quickly, cured, as a common cold or a simple headache. An invaluably precious doctrine this, ns it im parts an important lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, teaching them that this insidious foe may be an unobserved inmate of their “clayey houses’’ even while they ima gine themselves secure from its attacks, leach ing tliei.t that THE GREAT SECRET IN THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH. TS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE INTHE BLADE. AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illustrious benefactor of man is also en titled to your unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for the invention of his MATCHLESS SANATIVE,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it lias so signally triumphed over our great common enemy jyCONSUMPTION, both in the first and last, stages,—a niedi* i ie which has thoroughly filled the rnnuim ill the Mate ria Medica, and thereby proved itself the UrCosqcFiioß or Piivsicians rj\ —a medi cine, for which all mankind will have abun dant cause to bless the beneficent hand of a kind Providence, — a medicine, whose won drous virtues have been so glowingly portray ed even by some of our clergy, in their pasto ral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often become the happy instruments of changing despondency into hope, sickness into health, and sadness of friends into joyfulness. GOELICKE’S MATCHLESS SANATIVE, a medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of our globe.—a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegetable, animal and mine ral kingdoms, and thus possesses a thkek fold power,— a medicine, which, though de signed as r remedy for consumption solely, is possessed of a mysterious influence over ninny diseases of the human system.—a medicine, which begins to be valued by Phys'-'ians, who are daily witnessing its sstonishing enres of many whom they had resigned to the grasp of the Insatiable Grave. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for infants, a quarter drop ; the directions explain the manner of to’ ing a half or a quarter drop. Price —Three and one-third rix dollars* ($2,50) per half ounce. * A German coin, value 75 cents. A certificate from three members of the MED ICAL PROFESSION in Germany. We, the undersigned, practitioners of medi cine in Germany, are well aa are that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the faculty, but not of it-* benevolent mem bers, who are uninfluenced by selfish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either of the soundness or nn soundness of Dr. Goelicke’s new doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally known—for what our eyes behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Offon Goelicke first caine before the Gerinnn public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the high est contempt, believing and openly pronounc ing him to be a base impostor, and the prince of quacks. But, on bearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of curiosity mere ly, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our self-interest) publicly to ac knowledge its efficacy in curing not only con sumption, but other fearful maladies, which we have heretofore believed to be incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine, was at once swallowed up in our utter nston j ishment at these unexpected results; and, ns ! amends for our abuse of him, we do frankly confess to the world, that we believe him a ! philanthropist, who does honor to the proses ; sion, and to our country, which gave him birth. 1 The recent adoption of this medicine into some of our European hospitals, is a sufficient guaranty that it perforins all it promises. It needed not our testimony, for wherever it is used it is its own best witness. HERMAN ETMULLER, M. D. WALTER VAN GAULT. M. D. ADOLPHUS W’ERNER, M. D. Germany, December 10, 1836. Appended below arc ir few certificates of cures from the extremely numerous fist that lias been sent to the proprietor; and from the respectability of the sources from which they emanate, the most sceptical cannot doubt the wonderful effects of this medicine. Post Office, Kingston, N. Y., July 21, lsSjfe Dr. Rowland, Sir—The effects of the Ger* man Sanative aro great in this place# * (Jae woman that was in a deep and who had been in continued night sweats for seven months, now considers lierjjy well. She took no other medioine but thggpiiMtive. Another case—a man that was taken bleeding at the Lungs till he could not raittgfciaißelf in his bed, htt been restored to perlbot health by the Sanative. #9O JOHN V. TiyiURGH, P. M. - Post Office, Charlotte Jane 15,1838, Sir—l have sold all thhßanative. and want two packages more It has per formed a remarkable care of palpitation of the heart, and the Individual says it is the best medicine ever oflhasd to the American people, although* the it down. P. O. North Eaton, Ohio, July 2,1838. Sir—l .ml entirely out of the Matchless Sanative, and have hourly calls fbr it— raenv to oSLnT 511 give Mfyprice BOt, nil eo*M tares mM the post week more than one hundred ttltsre worth af it, had it been ss hand, -it islnrty • great mediator. Many in this vicinity are fast recovering from the consumption hj tire u.e of rt. and. c. wuirorJKm (JjTThe above prer.ions medietas {fire origi n-si discovery of LOUIS O. GOEI.ICKE, of Germany,) is for sale by (wBCfUB, ttfe Agent for Brunswick, where circular*, certi fying the good effect of the medicine, may he seen. June I— 6m Notice. WILL be sold at Wayne Court Hoqse-, on the first Tuesday m August next, a Ne gro Man by Die name of CALEB, belonging to the estate of Richard W. fllyaa, dceeaard- Tenn* mode known on the day of seta. MOSES S. HARRIS, jane 1 Administrates. IVotice. FOUR months from thiC date Ido expect fa apply to the Court of Ordinary of Wayne County, for leave to sell a Black Negro Girfjby the name of Mariali, belonging to the estate nf Norl Raulerson, late of Wayne Cos. deceased. JACOB RAULERSON, june 1 Administrator. Attention! PEOPLE of alienations, of alt religions de nominations, and of all occupations: You are hereby respectfully invited to at tend a sale on the twenty-third day of July next, at 11 o'clock, in the forenoon, of the lot* of the new town of tsommerviHe, Chattooga County, Georgia. This town is situate nn a gently undulating piece of ground in the enchanting valley of Chattooga River, on its western bank, hairing Taylor’s extensive ridge of mountains, in beautiful prospect to the East, and lofty spurs of tlm Lookout niouutain to the West. Imme diately nt the northwest end of the Tow*, ia a beautiful blue limestone spring, issuing several hogsheads of the most limpid water per min ute, and upon the north-eastern part of (he town, several other fountains are to be found, which have never ceased to issue pure «n<l limpid water. Herr the dyspeptic who has found nostrums and learned doctors’ means in effectual, may come in tlie certainty of the use of these waters, and inhaling the atmos phere of the most healthful section of country upon our Globe, radically healing his impair ed digestive organs. We would, therefore, especially invite ihe dyspeptic, and si! those who desire to Keep frcjK from this fashionable disease, to come and purchase lots or farms in the vicinity. The lots are admirably sized and shaped, for merchants' stores and dwellings, mechanic's workshops, their dwellings and gardens, the horticulturist, and last not least, tpc culturist. Here the merchant may vend a reasonable amount of goods,at fair pro fits; the house joiner, the brick and stone ma son, the carriage maker, the black and white smith, the watchmaker and the tailor, may get profitable employment, in their respective line of business. > A seminary of high order, for the education of females, is about being established in- the vicinity of this place, and the earliest attention will be given to the establishment of a male academy. We regret (lie inadequacy of out humble pen to descrilie nature's best effrrt for the grandeur of scenery of tlie surrounding coun try of this enchanting spot; it wanid take the pen of n Cooper, or a Symipe#, to do justice to the subject. Cotton, small grain, and silk, will be tho staples of this country, and believe him not, who will tell you, that tlie Georgia mountain valleys will not produce as mucu cotton per acre, as the best lands in Morgan, Green, Jef ferson or Burke counties. Tlie terms of sale will be OKK-riFTH cosh, the residue in equal instalments, at six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four months. Purchasers giving their notes, which, on being paid, per fected titles will be given. WILLIAMS CROOK,> AGRIPPA MOSELY, I Justices CHAS. A. HEARD, V of tire JSKNJ. ECHOU4, I Inferior Court. H. W. TOMLINSON, j Summerville, Chattooga Cos. Ga., June 1,1839. Hricktt. THE Subscribers are ready to contract for any quantity of Georgia Bricks, to be de livered during the Summer, and have now ready for immediate delivery One Hundred Thousand, 9 by 4 1-2, which they will sell at low prices. Apl 27 ROB T. WALSH & Cos. Brandy and fluin. FINE Cognac Brandy and Holland Gin, in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale by Apl 27 ROB’T. WALSH te Cos. Aewark Cider. ™' DOMESTIC Liquors and fine Newark Ci der by the burrel. For sn-le by . Apl 27 ROB’T. WALSH & Cos. Children’* Shoe?. OX CASES just received per schr. James m Francis, and for sale by ■ w , mar 16 J. W. Copartnership, THE subscribers have assomaled tltertttMMM iu business under the firm of STO< ’ K W ELL A WILSON, happy l’u.!' -ii; II- iko Carpentering. Akt. They h"pe by strict attention to hasfrtaaiCWHSfres. i isfitciiun to llluwrt-mpTnying(hero. * -M.IL Boats repaired, andoll johata thota lnip done at abort notice. - m ' GEORGE STOCXWEUdfff^ BENJAMIN WILSQ**^ May 11—-ts For .Yew YorteiCf .-££■* REGULAR line «fTucket Brigs, with superior oecxiimo dations for Panofigir*, having cabin oil deck, and *ll state room berths, will sail « follow* V ... Brig CLINTON, Capt. Tho*. Lyons, 393 EXCEL, Sherwood, 373 tons, Hubbard, 398 tons, 20th BrigMAPWON, Bulk ley, 318 tons,tst June. - Brig WM.iTAYLOIt, ltoey, 249 tons, to Brig JOS&USTA, Liven*are, 398 tons, do. This splendid lino of Brigs will soil from * Savannah, at the above dotes. All persona wishing freight *r passage to the North will h litre every information oforded there, and f r"to' ded ft o ” Pitchy Steamboats. Ap- Pj »Tv 4 roFt. walsh * Cos, *>.. k-t :T-'