Newspaper Page Text
JAhOft l*m>UY, PmMtM, tNAttUi* 0. GOODRICH. CA#fil»*
11 usamd wimiv,
Georgia Railroad Bank
DAIO tP CAPITAL, • **■>.«>«*•
Itm-r T«b»# • » ItaM * Now*. Il«(| p. Mtt>w4
HmSw M' HalOiM, )•**• * **•*»•«•*. 1 •>**•* fM'AWf.
||rt*f« I’ A* teKHM
i ltttifU <«»>4nA. <»i»» * *♦«•». )*«•** *u»
Tlm IMMIrt CMftMMfi i«4 IN
| p «Mtk
(BpwlSi 10 Tl** H*»»ld }
ttoftdv , **' -it# oa., Jni f ID «■ Mr. U<
M:» Jmmm K JoMaoA. *ft«r A l«
mvtk* •ra.ktto* I9AT. bav# rvtw.w#.)
Tb*ir R»ifmn •*» *n*«» »* Wnrt*
|A«: >n. Srm VCWX*fi totood *ad
Ma&hsttan Buck. R>
TB» MnMM Md Ik*
Bfaurtk t,*##u* o>6»»»ii ■ of lb*
North Moran d'ainn or* in mmiob
hot* Msnv of uwi i i #bto#t 41-
vlara and moat |miW*M !*•*«* *«k
am nm In it fitovtywbor#
j*it. • and wb’t* nr* mart* In whIMM-e.
Almoal XHtbont rmpiiM. tb* hustn***
knur* am with tenfin* *l
- maklwf «IU il» nailnai <-o! it*
Rr4, Wht* and Rio*. A* tb* program
et tlw Spoonb U*in* will no doubt
proa* iQirmtißf. It Ml |i*rt brio* in
fall: im
frlfiir aflr* no to—
DrrstKiH! iwrin; R*» R M RooSb
of I>n ii Ulo.
Wkf Irttnirn Should br Or $*D onl
la E**ry (’■ mmua.iy; Ofvilto A. Park,
Itinf to Organ!*- Epworth Leaguvs.
W B King. Maria.
QitMikmi and iM ter*
Saturday afternoon—
tVootianal mrtrt, Mina E Dtllr.’
Coclley. Saadncrllli.
fbarlty and Hslp.Mlss Units Olaai.
Thr L*n*i*r’ Work ai a Paxtor’#
Help, Mias Mary Wraton. Eaat Ma
Tb* Uagur'i Work for tk* B">u!x of
Mm. R*v. H. P. Jon**, Irviaton.
Saturday nriUßf-
Drvo* lona 1 Smrttt, 0. P. Chatftold.
Irv lot on.
DfvolktMl tnrrtln.T. J. I* Grrdinr
Thr Duty of Mental Colture. R*v. T.
H Thompson, Tonnill*.
Tb* Boris! Sid* of Christian Lite:
R«v. WW. Plmecn. Maron. v
Sunday morning—
E[iworth League Devntlonxl Meeting
Subject—All for Chrial R. F. Bur
den, Macon.
Sandersville welcome* ra cltlxen*
Mr. W. H. Millor and wife, late of
Brunswick. Mr. Miller ha* accep ed
the position of prescription clerk at M.
D. Jamerson's drug store.
Ml* of Dublin I* the guest of
l»m. S. J. Smith.
Misses Camille and Mamie Rhode*
of Augusta are visiting the Misses
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Can be Used as Soor. a* (las and Tubes
arc Obtained,
Washington. July 10. —Gen. Gr.teiy
has received a dispatch from Col. Allen
at Plar' >1 Kste, Cuba, regarding the
signal fcv.'ps balloon used for observa
tion purposes with Gen. Shatter's army.
He eays that tbs balloon, which wan
hit by the enemy and split, has been
repaired, but the supply of stored gas
tubes for it is exhausted. Attempts are
now being mode to get tubes from the
front, where th# gas generator is kept.
Col. Allen reports further that a sec
ond balloon la expected from Tampa
I ...jwlSSe.y ■ ■ —•
Silver Novelties
We are still continuing our Special
Sale. Don’t fail to visit our store be
fore all the Bargains aje sold.
Fine Plated
Spoons and Folks.
Odd Sets.
Get Prices on Them,
Wm. Schweigert & Co.,
WAA FINEO ft 475.
Dan Dcßnrge'aben. tb* Prince of
UnmMem. Punished.
Rom*. On. July lo Juda- W M
| M»nry and •Rollellof Oca real Mas#
' W ighi r*tura«4 from LaPayeu* ye*,
i *etday. tsbtf* they bad be*a holding
Tlfe rowdy element was rtthee coo
.tried and Bred of wared away, and II
! t* believed that Chickamauga will 00l
! be earned with tbeae putt again.
Dan Deßardelaboo. one of Ike moat
, not -rtou* nnd most *uccr*#fui gambler*
In tb* ora a try. plead guilty In all raana
and waa toed m#o aid Meta, aggre
i aatlng a total expenditure to him of
«i,m ir report* are in**, however,
1 Oellardclatxn could well aßrrd It, aa
he woo fitow In Chickamauga with
hi* gambllag hell Im lor* k* waa In
j dirtad He pnld lb* money.
Solicitor Wright went lo Cbatfanoo
ga and had a talk with Drttardrlaben
‘ln an oSre. The grabler tauebed at
tb* aoilrltor when It waa suggested
.hat he must pc bark to LaFaretl* an I
stand trial. Heßardelaben to a friend
I i f Our. Taylor * and did not believe
(but tbe executive would permit them
to carry him awny from Chattanooga.
"You might aa well go bark and Aim
roe ab nt •SO," said the sport. "That**
| all you' 11 get out of It, and you had
belter let well enough alone.”
He had no more than finished talk
ing before an officer vatk.xd In with
the proper requisition paper*, and
placid him under erreat.
Then DeHardetob* n and bia Wife
wtr > tu a towering rage, and burled all
kinds of lirnundatlon* at Uov. Taylor *
head for Issuing arqutelttpn paper*
Dvßardelahen to one of the meet
widely known and sueressfnl gam
bler* In the country. He to particu
larly well known In Islington. New
Orleans Montgomery and Denver. He
baa been here, and many • local sport
baa had good cause to remember hi*
visit. He was a rather hapdannv- fel
low, clean shaven and ha* blue eye*.
He make* a good appearance, but there
are few slicker sharjer* In the busi
ness than he. He and wife are in Chat
——— ”* a
Trunk Repairing
By expert trunk makers. Augusta
Trunk Factory. MS Broad. • Phone 2181.
(Coucord IN. H I Patriot !
They do say that Alger Is disloyal at
heart and is nursing Sbnfter ns a Pres
idential possibility, while be afts nt the
McKinley council board. Thin to little
short of high treason.
It to certainty gratifying to the pub
lic to know of one concern In the land
who are not afraid to ba generous to
the needy and suffering. The proprie
tors of Dr. Kimg'a New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have
given away over ten million trial bot
tlca of this great medicine; and have
the satisfaction of knowing It has abso
lutely cured thousands of hopeless eaa
-I*. Asthmo, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and
all diseases of the Throat, Chest and
Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on
Howard & Wlllet, druggists, and get o
trial bottle. 10c. Regular size 60c. and
SI.OO. Every bottle guaranteed or price
(St. Louis Post-Dispatch.)
Old man Lelter may think by this
time that young man Lelter would
have done as well to have put In a big
crop of wild oats as to have tried to
hcndle so much wheat.
Bea-n tha 11,8 Kll,l) You Haw Heats Bouidit
The ItoUlU l t rine A Iff* 4) T«J4
I wfthev New a of the tA'Mhe** Aas seal*
WwkiagtM Da July It -fkw raw
muaity waa alk eked gad start.ed W*4>
**o4sy aaniiaf wpntt iesmiag that*Mr.
Lewi* lAt artist g who had N*a living
for same years on tltm f, H Colley's
plsatstma sbtwit aigbt nui«S sotuhsaat
:if town an Little rlvev. had been shot
and Instant!) kl.ied by Bill Ricbaid*.
a negro Hying on lb* plage
The rirramataare* of the killing, an
staled by eye witneweee see aa fallow*
Ksriy Wtdseedsy mofgittg Me. Land
borg went down to H li lie hards house
to see why he bad tailed to do *o*n*
work which he had directed him lo do
the day before The asgfo was Insolent
•n«! threatening and failed to git * any
reason why hs failed to do tb* work
which be had be«n ordered lo peifortn.
Trun word* they came (o blow* and
were anally rryanlrd by the negro's
wife. Mr. Londborg them started to
ward* hi* house. After going • short
dlstaore. he heard some one running
up the path behind him. and on turn
ing aaw ih* Infuriated cegro with a
double bar tried shot gun point**! nt
him. Without saying a word the negro
raised the gun and Bred, and poor
L wi* Luadborg fell to the earth a
Mr. Wm Grant, who manages Mr.
Ilarvey Nvwaotne e saw milt, haa been
sawing lumber on Mr. Collti'i place.
He had token breakfast with Mr Lund
borg ant bad gone only about a quarter
of a mile from th* house when he heard
tbe gun fire, which was Immediately
followed by the scream* of several ne
gro women who had been eye-wltnese*
to th* killing. Mr. Grant, becoming
stormed. Immediately returned to the
horse, to find tbe man with whom be
had broken bread only a tew minutes
before, la tbe agonies of death. Hr
came at once to town and notified Dep
uty Sheriff Ellington, who Immediate
ly forwarded the new* to Sheriff Calla
A posse was formed here whlcji was
largely augmrtiled by the time they
reached th* seen* of the rrlmo. M”.
John L. Hill’s hound* were secured, but
owing to the fact that a heavy rain
had fallen after tbe negro left, the dogs
were unable to trail him. The posse
hunted the murderer faithfully all day
Wednesday and Wednesday night, but
he has succeeded so far in making good
his escape. All of the sheriffs within
radius of fifty miles have been noti
fied, and it to probable he will be ar
rested before many days.
Mr. Londborg. the murdered man,
was a native of Sweden, and came to
tht* country several year* *go. He has
been llTlng on Mr. Colley’s place sine?
his arrival here. He was a very quiet,
law-abiding cltlxen, and was r.epected
and liked by all who knew him.
He was buried at Clifford’s Grove.
Important Railroad Meeting In Col
umbia Friday.
Columbia, S. C., July 9.—A meeting
that to of importance to Columbia
and the up-country waH in progress In
Columbia yesterday. It was a meet
ing of rallioaders and pertained to
freight rales.
There was present on th.? part of the
roads General Passenger Agent T. M.
Emerson, of the A. C. L., and General
Freight and Passenger Agent W. J.
Craig, of the C. & W. C. division of
the A. C. L. All members of the board
are present except Mr. Thomas, who to
out on the campaign.
An understanding between the con
ferees may be reached late this after-"
noon, but this will not finally dispose
of the matter, as the Southern, which
competes with the A. C. L. tn the up
country, will have to be given a hear
ing on the conclusion*. So a series of
conferences on the point at Issue will
probably follow.
The question befer.? the conference
to whether the combination recently
entered Into between the A. C. L. and
C. & W. C. should be considered as one
road and required, to work under one
tariff or whether It should be consid
ered two roads and have the benefit of
the double tariff. Th.? divisions which
were formerly separate and known as
the P. R. & A. and tbe P. R. & W. C.
have lately been under one menage
irent, although they have had the ben
efit of two tariffs. Now it is sought to
require them to operate as one road,
and use the single tariff, which they
are resisting, claiming to be separate
and distinct, ana therefore entitled, to
the two rates.
If they are required to operate the
single tariff the freight rales st Green
ville, Andr-rson and Spartanburg and
at Columbia and intermediate points
from the up-country will be reduced.
Tbe reduction will not be considered In
small shipments, but a.together It will
amount to upwards of a gr?at deal,
and the final decision on the question
will be looked forward to with keen
interest by all this section of the state.
(Columbus Press-Post.)
There la no likelihood that Mr.
Cleveland’s recent speech will resurrect
him from the grave he has dug for
himself. Nothing short of an earth
quake will be sufficient to uncover him.
jUftlrit |f IfilMtxl Ukfi tic Sold to ft
Cfißfi TfcfMKfc.
Tim# Am Vtftttem tl <**«%•*
in«f) rumM
(|t§»prfat |w Thtf
Ofinfintn, 0« . Jtttf |G Out Wilfc* i
- iif iimi Aus tint 4 Kilttftiy
t*a»# up i6ft#ur4Nkf tirfttttftll tft »|mN»4
jiftftdfty ftttti Hit ftlrtwfft. |tt. R4*n4
I ftftd Of. lift) fit etit**? •! (ft I net iift.
Mr ftftd Mm Toft dimu man up
| Wwl»Ft4») vi • tltii lo Mill Crtftl.
Milt Jfcfti* Tito t»r ft*** tft in our 111 li#
viliMv vuuitfttf rrt'ftto Mi mi Jftui* tui
i be*.* non of (|foff(cwi < a old ffttoftlftft
Mur* fthft mu• ft fcuftftlft Util# tftftftift.|
Wft ftv« Kind *fcft rrnrmbm old frt#u4ft
Mioft Kuftftftift ilftftiftft. no# of tftrr
ivtdi ft m** rhomioK dr«t ttooor pw
I pUft, !• viftlllM hrr ftlfttftf. Mr« »U 1
Mlaaee Mary an 4 Kal* Ittetaer are
' t Iso at hum* for lb* holiday*, at Os
tortoo. which certainly baa Ita sbart of
charming iuni* Into aeoaon.
Mr*. T. T. Talley nod her email folk
are ai Villa Merlon.
Mr. Martin Dunbar woe a guaet at
Mr. lireirt I’hlnliy a on Bdoday.
Mr Lyon Martin spent Sunday nt
Bens Bowl
Ms. Jacob Pblntojr arrlvrvl at "Rreesy
Hill" on Tbursday evening W* hope
b*a rant here wilt 4a him iota of good
Mr Phials* I* nn old frvnd of our
Itttl* village, and (Irovriown will try
and be on Ita heat behavior aa to
wen!her during hi* stay.
We missed our little village organist.
Mia* Carrie Lee Clifford, on Biutday.
not only on account of her fine- music,
but for her sweet and kindly nature
that made all tb* children her loving
Mr. and Mr* Winslow Hamilton
were guest* at Mr*. Willie Heggle’a on
Miss Ellncr Smith, one of Harlem’*
fairest daughters, to on a visit to her
friend*. Mias Carrie and Miss Mary
Willie Heggie. ,
Miss Floy Bhoekley. also of Harlem
to in Orovelown on a vtolt to Mias Mat
tie Lou Green.
An amusing Ineldent occurred on
Thursday a* one of the train loads of
soldier* passed through Grcvetown.
Many bright eye* watched them and
Ogc pret.y enthusiast of sbout seven
teen, who hart mailed a letter for a
blue-eyed soldier boy. nskert him for
i one of his button* for a souvenir. “I
j declare. It’s too bad,” he sighed, run-
Ining his onnd through his curls, "but
I've cut them every one off—got noth
ing hut the coat left.'’ Then looking
down into the lovely face as a happy
thought struck him) “But I say—will
you have the coat for one?” "Certain
ly I will!” she laughed bark. The
train was moving, but off came the
coat and out of the window It went, a
friendly xephyr lending such kindly as
sistance as It flew that it londed across
the g'.ender shoulders, the extended
arms clasping her In a loving embrace.
Ye gods and little flshea, why didn’t;
l stay in that coat!" alghed the sol
Tbs best Salve in tne wrfrld for
Cota. Bruises, Sores, Ulcer*. Salt
Rheum. Fever Sorea, Totter, Chapped
Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and ai: Bkln
Eruptions, and positively curea Piles,
or do pay reqt>L~d It le guaranteed to
give pertect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 26 cents per box. For
sale by the Howard & Willett Drug
A Red Hot Fight on the Populist Pro
bate Judge.
LaFayette, Ala., July 10. Politics Id
this county to beginning to warm up.
The race between th? present incum
bent, Hon. Lloyd Robertson, and Hon.
A, J.Driver for the office of probate
judge Is growing in caloric with the
wcEthcr. The ben? of contention be
tween them seems to be the brother *n
black, and it Is thought that If Driver
can carry one-thjfd of the negro vote
ho will oust the present probate judge
by several hundred majority. Many
believe that he will divide the negro
vote equally with hie opponent, owing
to the fact that he has always bean
looked upon by them as a fair man
and one that would do justice between
man anti man. He Is at the
head of tbe democratic ticket in this
county, and it is earnestly hoped and,
believed that the entire ticket will be |
elected and th? present administration |
eternally ousted. The present probate,
judge was elected on the Populist tick- j
et six yoars ago, when this entire see- j
tlon of the state went Popu’. st under j
the leadership of Captain Kolb, who,
posed as the Moses of the farmers and |
led a great many of them out of tlio.
Democratic party, but who has himself
returned to tha fold of Democracy and
vsi-th him a great many good, but once
misguide dmen. Two years ago the
Democrats of this county elected those
officers which Ufbre to be elected in
the county that year by, over seven
hundred majority, but the six-year of
ficers remain ye.t (o be defeated, which,
it is thought will be handsomely done
on the first Mpnday in next August.
Horner, La.--<Srop prospects were
never better.
,j , , -■
rural Mt4kt*a sUfc|*ri a* frr
Hr tail Prim.
Knttng* AMxstnwwl By IM IM**iml
Washington. July 11. Th* internal
•tveoue bur>*u ha* iißosawt ih* lai
tuning tkrtotoaa in regard to taxm u*
' <i*r firbsdato U <4 th* not n>»«***
Mil; Matt cxtmrt to Itohta la a lass
it lo#, and ih* tool that a lax ha* ai
r*a4y baaa paid oa lb* haar front nhirh
[ tk* txirtrt to aah haa so haartng oa
tha qnaailoa cm Ih* laxaMltty of aa
I arttrlt la Ita aaw and nrlktl form.
paicai aalkiM moat h* •lamprrt
nrrardiag lo Ih* rrgutot ratal I price aa
fix*4 by ih* n»aau*nrtnr*t. and aot ati
th* selling prir* Tor laatanr*. If !h*
pr ntart retail price of an artß I* a II B
mB ih* sails II at W rants, tl
would rrqutr* a •Isay tax of Ilk wan
Chrmlcul praparalloo* sort prepared
.true*. Ilk* ph.-aarotla*. sulpboaal. aa
-1 <>r rwall yrlrr. sad not arid in pr*pai*o
j paakagaa by th* to all** ttr* he Id to b*
I taxnbl*.
In rvaard to the adnOnlatrollnn of
! he stamp lax on bulk s.s*l> wktrb
iliava no fixed or #rtv*rU**4 retail prir*.
th* bureau rt*.ldr* that all mertlrtnal
prvparatlou* subject to tha stamp lax
sort all perfunn-rle* and eoamoUe arll
, Ire. *r* equally liable to th* stamp
lax when sold In what are termed bulk
pa-kag**. a* when sold In ratnll park
age*, and th* t*!u* of live stamp* to be
affixed mu*f correspond with the price
charged for a elnglt parkag* with Ita
ranlenu. This derision specially ap
plies to Imported bay rum. cologne
i eiien, vaseline and petroleum, wbleh
are held to be roomette article*, and
lo bitter* claimed to be mrdirtnal wb*o
told In krga. half barrel*, etr.
Dealer* may retail directly from *ucb
' bulk package*, which have been prop
|er y stamped by the manufacturer or
; Importer, drawing from tbe some in
qiianiltiea lo suit their cualoroers. with
out any nddlttoual stamping, but the
stamps attached lo such bulk parkages
will only protect the original article*
1 contained therein, and only protect
I Hint so long n» It to kept within *uch
istamp'd packages.
I.' bulk packngca are broken and their
' rpnteuta drawn off Into smaller vessels.
, thereby ceasing to be Identified with
i the stamped package In which they
wen? put up by the manufacturer or
|sold by the Importer, sueh contents are
liable to sciiure If slnmp* are not as
fixed to the articles thus sold or offered
or exposed for aa’?.
| Concentrated extracts of witch haxef
'or bamomelia, napier compound lico
rice powder, pardoe scidllti powder and
neplcr direct of witch hxxei or? taxa
ble und?r Schedule R, because they are
all proprietary medicinal article*, ami
are put up in a manner and form simi
lar to that of proprietary articles In
general, because the diseases for which
they are a remedy are placed on the
label and becaur? special claim to made
as to their excellence aa preperatlons.
Artificial llthla wa’ers manufactured
from pure distilled water by odd!*-'
lithla bicarbonate and advertised as
jvneflcla! for gout, rheumatism, etc.,
sre taxable under the first paragraph
of Schedule B, ond the stamp must be
fixed to each bottle or syphon. In ac
eordnnge with Ihe retail price or value.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis
ease relieved In six hours by "New
Great South Amerlcnn Kidney Cure.”
It to a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness In relieving pain
In bladder, kidneys and bark, In male
or female. Relieves retention of water
almost Immediately. If you Want quL.c
relief and cure, this to the remedy. Sold
by L. A. Gardelle, druggist, Augusta,
Ga., 612 Broad street.
It is Not Thought Sampson Sought
to Deprive Him of His Honor.
Washington, July 10. —The navy de
partment has become very sensitive to
Inquiries about the omission of Com
mc;dore Schley’s name from the report
of the annihilation of Cervcra’s fleet on
Sunday last. The most careful ques
tion put to the naval offleers provoked
animated discussion of the comments
of the press, and earnest protests were
made against Admiral Sampson’s
critics who have Intimated that he ap
propriated to himself a victory that In
part appears to have been won by Com
modore Schley.
Secretary Long is represented as re
gretting the comments Indulged in, but
It Is also understood that h? regrets the
otoaslon for them. Many naval offleers
who ate very great admirers of Admi
ral Sampson admit that it would have
been very fortunate if he bad modestly
waived the credit for destroying the
Spanish fleet, and relied upon an equal
ly generous public to give him praise
as the commanding officer.
There docs not appear to be any
ground for believing the report heard,
but not verified, that the dispatch of
Admiral Sampson was so censored
after it reached th? navy department
that the commendation of Commodore
Schley was omitted. The regulars were
edited, cut of a war d?partment dispatch
a few daya ago by some one who did
not know the slfinlflconce of Gen. Shat
ter’s dispatch, or else desired to liave
his praise for the regulars applied also
to the volunteers. So, in transcribing
the Sampson dispatch, it may have
happened that a reference to Schley as
the commanding officer of th? ships
sensible man and take
advantage of the big sale
we are conducting on Gents*
Fine Summer Shoes for $2.19
They are strictly $3.00 Shoes under
ordinary conditions, but conditions aro
not ordinary at present, and we are taking
the bull by the horns to unload surplus
that ik tb# fltri may have been
tnteuaderatourt. and waa dropped out
Hut tht* excuse would not free thi mon
who mad# It from blame
In the mure* of time. It to the opin
ion of Secretary L>tig, th* report of
Commodore Acbley, ae tbe bead of tbe
dlvtxton, must rearb tbe navy depart
ment. and to will that of Admiral,
Sampson Thee* mutt trll exactly tb*
etota of affair* Wllb the ship’s re
I port* It will be possible to determine
whether It wa* Schley or Sampson wbo ]
rctnmaniYd tbe vraseta that dextroyed
[ the Spaniard* It I* not considered at
all probable that Admir*l Sampson de
sired to eruwd Schley out. Sampson-i> j
a gentleman, and be to a highly hon j
ora tile one. It la ronalderetl Incredible 1
that bo should rarty objection to Bchley ;
so far aa to deatre to rub blm of the
credit for a handsome action.
Thera hat been Interest manifewted,
at the navy department in tk' xtory ]
that Cervcra told In Santiago on Fri
day or Thursday tost, at n dinner, (hat .
he Intended to leave on Saturday night
or Sunday morning, that the French j
coneul told some officer# of tbe United
State*, who sent It to Bbafter, to be by j
him aent to Admlrnl Sampson. That;
■could have prepared him for some-,
thing on Monday.
Several naval officer* dlacredlt th?;
report that Sampson dlitruxts Bchlay.:
because br'ore Sampson arrived at ]
Santiago Sch’c; had formulated a plan
to enter the harbor and give- battle toj
Cervera’* Beet. It to not supported by
evidence, but by the rolneidoncc that
Sampson hurried to Santiago as soon
as be learned that Schley wa* there,
and that he ha* been opposed to using
the ve*sel* of the flr.'t to .do what
Schley wa* desirous of doing when he
became second In command.
A Notable Wedding to Occur In At
lanta Soon.
The announcement of th' approach-,
tog nuptial* of Mr. J. M. Slaton and |
Mr*. Sarah Grant Jnekson. b • !i of At
lanta, will be received in Augusta with
more than ordinary Interest. Th> 1
hr dc-eleet and M \ Slntrn have a num
ber of friends In the city.
No cards have been tostiert, and the
contracting | artlc* have advised only a
few of tbelr int.mate friends of the
approaching nuptials. The wedding
ceremony Wit be performed nt the
home of the bride’s father, Capt. W. D.
Read whnt th? noted Dr. Thomas S.
Powell has to Bay for Harris Llthia
Mr. T. J. Harris:
Dear Sir:—l have found the use of
the water from your Llthia Spring In
South Carolina so efficacious In the
case of a young lady patient of mine
who has suffered for y?ar with Dia
betes, with all Its different attendants,
that I want to add my testimonial to
the many you already have. The pa
tient I refer to has used th? water free
ly at home for scarcely a month now,
with more beneficial results than from
months spent at the different noted
llthia springs in different parts of the
United States, besides long continued
use of the same waters at home. Oth
er of my patients and friends are now
using the same with best results. I
cordially recommend It to all suffering
from similar diseases. Very respect
fully your. Thomas S. Powell, M. D.,
Pres. Southern Medical College, At
lanta, Oa. _
Gtnnt. >t Pi‘»fbtr«c -bH, Mo In*.-
inline* h tv* b**n issued nd !ti* car- -'
HI I? Hill In 1*1) quitl.
AT - ta ks: o is nut only one of tb*
m »t •h.xrm'fig and Hvotifut women in
Atlanta wr etc, but to oa* of itte rtoh
«at young *cmn tn the south. She
enme* from an lilustrlun* familv on
both iii-M. her tabler to ng on* of tba
tn> st prominent and «*iltblt*t ■ .ugena
of Ibis city, and her moiher being a
detccodam of atlstorraLc southern
lineage .
Mr Blaton to * member of tbe taw
firm of Oltcn. Slirtoo * Philllpa and
la oni »* Atlanta* foi moat tndouk
M . -in «’ xurld tket^H
ung mnn of et- rllug ebnract^^ft
the and brilliant pr.iml**. aft
Both Mr Slai u pod Mrs. JacMH
have Innumerable friend* aft over ft
north, a* well as the south, and thft
New York Hun's announcement of y**-l
terday creat.-d a mo*t plnomnt aurprts*.
It I* poaltlv«ly known, however, that
the ceremony will be performed next
Tueedxy. The detail*, however, are not
A man In Virginia rode forty mile* to
Fairfax Station for th* exprea* purpose
of getting Chamberlain's c»ugh Hem
t-ily. and took home with him a dosen
bottles of the medicine. Tbe druggist,
who relate* the Incident, add*: "Tour
remedy seems «■- be a general favorite
wherever known ’ Jla effects are In
d. ed wonderful In all lung and throat
trouble*. Procure a bottle at Alexander
Drug * Seed Co.. C. H. Parr, of B*U
Tower Drug Store.
(Philadelphia Time*.)
With Sobral on » flying *quadroa
and Carranxa sneaking along out
cooats In a row boat to redeem him
self we eliall soon be In a position to
even up things all around.
(Kansas City World.)
From the stories of General Shatter's
weight, which to said to be over 300
pounds, one would Imagln? him about
the warmest rotmber of tbe American
army In Cuba.
An Ohio jury failed to reach an
agreement after three days' delibera
tion. A Jury of women couid have dis
agreed lo three minutes. Chicago