Newspaper Page Text
f Samuel Hill,
Js fionu •pining) and has tOR is/ILE , in
Ji road-is tree1 1 next ctuor bcL'iu Captain
Kentedy, ia its Srick Buildings ,
1 j Hhdi. Brown and 3 of loaf and lump
6 Hhdi. Jamaica k 6 New-Yush Rum,
5 Pipe* Cognac Brandy, and * Holland
5 Quarter Ctfks cherry and 5 Tenticriflfe
4 Chefti b:ft Hjfoa Tea, and 12 Bsga
300 Ban Waggon T} rc, and aat bar iron
3*> fcit* Waggon Boicj,
izo ttoUK'unuuidt, German and Slider
jo Jugg* Oil, and to K?g* Lead,
Sntc» and H rtti ot Ladies, Gini/crncn i
and Y rath** »ff/rted.
I'ifh and (*«* r man LineiiMfiTosted.
~ Straw, Leghorn, Chip and WrJ-ow Ben- I
net* and Giplcy Halt?,
Patent worked Cord?, Clothr, and Toil
Coloured Cambrick Cord, snd I acte do.
P -cket Sc MadraU Fancy Miiflin*
, Lace Bottomed Drrfl:* & Bordered hlk.
Writing, W.'aping and P;in:ing Paper,
20 Saddles and Bridlci,
10 Piece* Table Oil cloath,
10 L’fjuu calc*,
3 Bmcii coprsft,
2 B iti cotton cards, No, Z and 10,
20 Piece* cotton bagging,
jc c Pieces caiic •(»,
$ C«flc» Hibard'# Brown Stoat,
8 Liquor ca f e«.
With an aflbrtment of School
B3OKS, & p aying ceres, Blank B&oks
Sc Ledgers with Double & Sing'c entries.
CLUbtr 25 (ts)
For Sale,
* 30 Hhds. prime retailing Mo
20 Craic* well zfl'urted Crockery w?re,
c ton Swccd 7 i ~
I do, cm.«, r I lnnwag£:.i Tyre.
x Igaan bar& ploughmcuid Ire 1,
3 Faggot; German V
I do. Cm *lc>*s Hammered
A few dozen bottle* excellent Lie e juice.
November 22. (p)
j J. &R. Blackburn,
k fpe& r uUy inform their f fiends and the pub
lics that they have taken a Store four doors
/ hfjou) Judge Wth'fen’s ‘Brood-Sirtti :
| The Follozoi ,
—v 1 z
BACKSTRAP, Suwartuw, )
Fair and Fatfe*op and > BOOTS,
Ptain J
Fine Sh >e* firtt and f:ccnd quality,
ItJoarfe ditto.
Ladies black Morocco and leather faring
A large and general sff irtment of
Morocco and Lather Shoctcea and Slip
fit p cr *»
A large assortment of LEATHER, ccn-
J Jifling ol Bootleg*, Calf, Rid, Seal and
f Morocco Skins,
With a general sod very elegant sffortment
„ | e< Ladu-s plain and emhrutdcrepi Englifli
and American K-d, and Tambored Box
Plain and printed Calico;. 1,
Fancy Marlcidc*.
Plain cambiick Mtflins,
Cotton Girdles lor the vraifl,
Black and white fi k do.
Silk C*rd» and T*flirls i*i caps,
Ditto lor gown ike vet,
tiilk Frog* fur gown back*,
White and black open Lac*,
Bcrtinj, white fitfc Brtide,
Cotton do.
Large Ball Trimming,
Black Cotton Cord,
Brown ard blue silk do.
sass Trim mug, Silver Thread, ;
White and black rich iacc Veils,
Black lace Closks, whit® Gorton
Bali Colton for f wing,
Carabray Mtflio,
6 4 Figured do.
6 4 Lcnesu do.
\ Straw S.nfer.ct,
A L« eau Vales, Shoe Bow*,
f Sfiincal dc,
Large Cstnel* hair Shaw!#,
,' SSaw Bonnets, ditto,
■Patent Safyendcro,
Plain and figured rich loft Crapes,
Mens & Wcrac.ii plain laced Cotton Hof c ,
Men* coerff a d fine worsted do.
Coat a id YJI Burtr?n«,
Ladies and M.ff s beaver habit Glove*,
Men* blue, browu and mixed Cloath, and
Prize Wrappers,
Ditto Lion Sxin,
London BottUd Porter, tc Bottled Cider,
A small Confignmcnt of Cordials,
I, Co fidmg of Shrub, Cinnamon, and
Peppermint, '♦
All of which they are determined to fell
•n the I *wrft terra* for ca«« «r couir
* s try rßdnwci,
Mb..» Qdsbtr »j, [ ( fj
Benjamin Hsll & Co.
Respectfully inform their friend*
and the public (hat they have just re
ceived at (heir store one doer below Mr,
George Randolph’* Printing Office, the
following Articlea, which they will fell low
for c aih or country Pr*d oeir by whole*
faie and retail.
Back Strap and Common Fair
'Pop Boot*.
Sowartow and three quarter do.
Mem Ccarle end fin;. Ihoe* affbrted,
Boy* do, do. do.
Ladies Kid, Morocco & leather Slipper*,
MiflU Moiocco and leather do.
Children’s Leather & Morocco Belkina,
WixM Calf Skint, Fair Topi do.
Seal fitina, Calf fleiut, Sc Cordcvan Boot
Men* and Women* Siddlc*.
Plated fir common Bridle* Sc Martingalr,
Hoife-whip* and Whip Thong*,
Saddle Baggs,
Meui Cattcr ?nd Rorum Karts,
Ladies and Boy* do.
Shoe B’atki'g & Shoe Broftiei,
Together wim a few rheaim of writing
November is. (»0
Tones & Semmes’s,
Commission Ware Houfc
aan no w inco:.»?lete order,
For the recept ion of ail kinds of
Goods and Produce.
They can allure their friends and
the public that their
Cotton Ware House,
Is equal to an| in this city, and that their
attention to the business, of those who may
commit it to their care, will be unremitted.
Their utes of Siorage ard Commissions will
he as low as any in this place,
Ihty arc also just receiving at
tbeir Stoic on Broad-ft rcct, a u i
Frelh Goods,
C onffi ng of the ft lltnving art ides :
l Baies Hqudnnrs, I bale Llonlkin coatings,
zbox 44 Irilh linen, i box Sufpcndcrs,
4’h Jamaica 7 RUM
i it Not
coward 3 in barrels Sc hhds.
MolaflTcs in hhds.
Lilbon, Malaga 1 WINES in
Tennerilfe & Sherry / ca(ks
Holland Gin rnd best Cogniac Brandy
Brown and loaf Sugars '
Codec, Pepper, Spice and Nutmegs
Hv Ton, Young Hyfon and Sulhorg Tea’s
6 Tons of Country and Swedes Iron for
Waggon and Carriage tire
Shcrr Moulds—London Poiter
Crates of aHorted Crockery
And on Confgvment,
iooo BuQids Ground Salt.
AH ol which will be fold on the leweft
terms for c.tfh or Produce.
No-vember 20. [tf]
John Hill & co.
the balance of their
Fall Goods;
Among Mick are ——
BLUE, Extra Superfine
N ‘ > Cloths and
uKli 1 . I r
BLACK, } c afiimers,
D». Second Quality,
Getting* and Feaiuonghti,
Plain* spd Kendal Cotton*,
Calicoes and Liter*,
Frdbionable Patent Cotd,
Worfttd Marfcils and Swanfdown vest
I Shapes,
Ec J goings £ftd Ls^rr,
Men’* and Women’s Saddles,
io Trank* Coatfeaud Fine Shoes,
z do. Ladir* Morocco and Kid do.
*o Bcxe* China.
B ft Jamaica Rum, four years old,
Cogniac Brandy,
Holland Gin,
New Er-gTaod Rum,
sssm wine,
Sa.t, Scz, ScCm
November 19. [3l]
Patent New London Bilious Pills.
A Frelh Supply,
Just received from the Patente e ,
Gtofs, Dozen or Retail, Wy the fuhfcribcr,
Nrvtmbtr ty.
Sheriffs Punk Titlu,
For Sale at Mia OJice,
Sam’l M, Mayo,
Begs leave to inform his friends
and the public that he has removed from
Broud-Street to the house lately occupied by
Mrs. Bozeman.
{Sign of the Boy & Horse .)
In the street leading from the
market to the terry, where hat opened
Waggon Yard .
Thofc who favor him with their
cuftcm may drpend on the fceft uf»ge.
N. B. There i* a good fiable well piovi.
ded with Corn zed Feddcr,
November it, [tf]
Lewis M‘Coy,
A/f OST tefptft fully informs the public,
iVI that he has Irafcd fur a term ©f year,
that long eftabliflied Tavern, non* fide of
Broad-Street August a, Georgia.-
Where his Bar it well (applied wirh W'lnvs,
HU Larder with the heft previtient the mar
ket S' rd.. His Stable, which is large,
airy and enmmedious, jg well Kcrcd with
Corn Fodder and every nactfla.-y f rthefe
horfirs, which may be put under his sate,
attended by a sober, careful and attentive
Oft let.
From his unremitting attention
tohufiutfl, with the comforts & fatiifaflionof
hbgusfts, Sr aided by bia famiiy, he hopes
to i brain (hare of the public patronage;
which it ftial* ever be his desire to merit.
A number of gentlemen can be
accommodated with board by the week,
morth, cr year, On the usual t«nns,
November 8. (tj)
The Negroes belonging to the
Entire of Anthony Haynes Deccalcd,
Will be Hired,
At Columbia Court-house, on
Friday the fccond day of January next.
N. B. Ncvcrthcicfs I expedt
to receive them ard the Hire on the day
November aq. [3-]
Will be Rented
For 12 months from thefrjl of
January next.
The Plantation belonging to
the est ate of George Lowe deceased, in
Richmond county.
The Negroes belonging to laid
estate will be hi<ed for the fame term. The
perfoni renting or hiring, to give Bond
with approved lecuiity.
Wit. HART, Adnir,
November *9. (31)
The Su If fiber has For Salt x 6
African Negroes,
They have bee* one year in the
country, and worked to advantage —the a
be*vc Negroes are a well efaefen set, and wsl
be fold low for cash or produce.
September to. (ts)
Valuable Plantation.
CONSISTING of 161 7 acres on Savan
nah Rivet in Burke County, and 767
on the opposite fioc in Soutli-Carolina —
The value of the Pine Lands, on this fide,
and the rich lew Grounds on the other fids
of the river, renders the whole a
Valuable If ate.
The advantages of an elevated
fituatiou, the eftabliihment of a Ferry con
stantly, and with the command of Lands cf
every quality, upon a navigable river, ate
so well known as to need no other descrip
tion.—Terms of payment, and the price,
willbccafy; for particulars, apply in Au
gafta to Thomas Flcurnoyefq ; of Seaborn
Jones efq. at his fsat in Sciiven county,
and in Savannah to
July «». (ts)
M . J |H|
V j'v
On the jirji Tyutjday in January next, at
Franklin Court Houje , between the hours jjJ
of iO and 3 o’clock,
2 87-j acres of land in Frankli* \ :
county, on the water* of the north fork of \
Broad river, adjoining John Smith, granted V 11 1
ta John Ware, taken as the property of | Ml f'
Richard Call dec. to fatisfy Thomas Carr* \ll *
aad pointed cut by Geo, IMawca, the hoi- \ ijr.
d«r of the execution.*—ico acre* in said 1
county, on the Grove rivet, adjoining 1 1$
Grant and Robins j including the pi?ma- I
rton and improvements wketeon Edward I
L avcll new lives, '-.ken at his ptojerty, to
4ati !y Satnurl M*Kic, pointed out by ie- w ,f.'
ferdent.— acres of krd in Laid county, J
on the Grove river, b-iog the urpei put t *
©f the ftirvey cf lardwfereon Thomas Jot- J V-.
dan new live*, taken ei his property, to •_ ||
fathfy Hugh M'Doraid, pointed cut by M
defendant.— 316 actra in f*id cunty, on C fl
Indian ettek, giantfd to Wo, Hightower,
well improved, including the pretnifea
wlsreon Philip Brown new lives, nken as
hi* property, to fatisfy jLhn M‘Entirc and I I
others.—so acres, more or less, in I y
county, on Indian creek, adjoining Philip jft (
Brown and John Arnold, taken as the pio- 1
perty of Lewi* B try, Co fatitfy James v
Nate, pointed out by the Plaintiff. I
H. TERRELL, Sheriff 1; f
D -cf.mhtr 6- [ jtj Ik |
On the jirji 7* uejdcy in January next, at
the Market hovjt m the Ctty oj Angujia,
between the usual hours,
Will be Sold, I
One Houie and Lot lying on I (
ti e Notch fide cf Bread fitter, below the I <1
Market house; contairirg about 1 acre*, I !
more or left, and is in front about 70 yards, •
more or less. / j f
AL c O,
One Negro fellow, by the |
name ot PHlLL~pcimrd out by the<te
feodanrs, John D’ and Chifley
Boflick jun. and Levied on to fotisfy an ill
execution in favor of Robert Creffweil efq. > t j
—Conditions offale, cash. 1
JUR : HAUKKSS, ». s. ff
Ncvemhr 29. (61) fj
On iht jtrji Tuefday in January next, at I
Columbia Court Hou/e, between the vju&l
hours, I
640 Acres of land in Colombia |l •
county, be the fame more or kfs, whercca i •
Henry Hampton trow lives, joining Napier r
and Carr, to fatisfy two executions chained ’
against laid Hampton, in favor of Win*
JLcc for John Howard.
ALSO, h t
One houie and lot in Wrjjhtf- y ?
boro, whereorf Peter Overbey now hvw» $
executed as the property of laid Cyetbef* f
to fjtit;v an execution in favor Joha . i,
Wad.e. ■ 1; 1 .
ALSO, |L i
700 acres «f land in Columbia *
county, bounded by lan<Ss of o«e thoulandm I
five hundred sed levency three acres, lyfofrafe' *
on the waters Cane creek, executed as ihlT' n
property of Robert Randolph and Thomaw ’ 11
Napier, tofatisfy an fx:cutu. upon
forccluittie of a maitgagc, in lavor of ?
executors J. Mcfimen.
2CO acres of land whereon Chw ’
Porter Esq. now lives, aJJcining Johu*afi»f ' ’
Findtill, exec uted as the property of
Potter, to fati*fy two execution?, v:z.
miniftrators George Walker aaij BcnjasiiK:
Williams, afiiguecs. - m„ Mta
ALSO, y Mmm
80 acres of land in ' | |
Gf/Unty, joining Goldwirc arid Billon — a»fi*» ■
ico acres of laud in Columt jcxb- 1 *
iog Wacfoo and T.b.ur, executed 21 tbs |j
proprrty of Y«*ncy S.ndcrs, to £utufy sa
execution in favor of Collin Reid, and pcia
ted cut by the defeiwlant.
One negro boy by the name of i i
Br'dnigo, executed as the property ol An
thony Garnett, Cc fatufy Jehu Evans,
One negro man named Toney
and 20 1- acrev oi land in WiHihfcn cctni
ty, No, 115, fituaie in tf'.e third diflrh* ;
executed as ike property of Jaircs wood, tu
farisfy an execution in fav. r of DeP-jarxia
Boreugh* fonior aga’nfi said Wove, atd 'i
pointed out'by the nercndaDt,
Cerdi.ion:, Cai>, \ a
Ncvtnbhr 19. [3;]
On the jirji 7 uejodj Jcruary next, j J
Columbia Court houft, between the ufusl I
hours, . P
One grey Marc, two cows and | I
calves *ud ifcrec heiicrs, executed a» ths % 1
property of Jofcph Edmond foe, te fatbfy i J
an cxecotioc in favor of Szmud Scott, aitil
pointed eut by the defendant. I mi
JAMES LUKE, d. », c. c* | I
Koicnbci 29. a I j m