Newspaper Page Text
( curl,
Nuvemler term, 1821.
I». SUH ■ JiC 11.1 ' < 11. MuXlSOJltlllt
The Pl «ntcr’s « . J
th.* State ~fti ..oigia, j
Ass'g ct» of Daniil | Petition for Fore-
M‘Kmn", >■ closure,
A lam 11 iteltlson, and 1
four Lots of Luul J
UpdN the petition of the Planters
limit of the State i f Georgia.
the foi'oclosure oftlie Equity *f IU detnp
lion in and to four lots ol Land, lying aui!
being in tbecity of Aojfut ta, it Couji'y and
Jiiate stale said, known in 'he plan ot lots
laid out ol iUe upper end of Uroad-Strecr,
by Daniel St urges, Surveyor General, on
d!ic twenty day of February, eigh
teen hundred m l eighteen, and lying on
the soul It side of ll.oad Si reel, as twm
bersnine, ten, eleven and (Wtlve, contain
ing each thirty feel lit)U‘. on raid Dioad-
SufC.. and extending hack to Kilts Street,
is by reference to said plan will more fully
stpp; a j which m i l four lots of land were;
mortgaged by A.lam Hutchison, on the
iir t dsy of July, one thousand < jght Inin
■ dri.d ami cigblte , to Rama M’Kiunc, and
by suid Da run M lv nne assigned to ti v
-said Planter’s Dark, on Etc twenty-ninth
*!.-} of dn y, feue tlionsand eight huudn d
and nii cteen, on v. *kb m or‘gage (lute
1“ now due twelve Imudicd and sixty-se-
Aon dollars and a halt, w ith interest^
\ a ,-<■,* at ts is lenn, upon motion ol
Tlunif. Fiottrnoy, in behalf of said ISain-,
Jl 49 nuieud, That the wiucipa, intercs.
a: (kecnis iinc ttpoi tie said mortgage, he
•paid hi .to court, within twelve inwahs
Irons Hie lljtte hereof, or the Equity cf.
It - . ir.; non in urn said mortgaged, pro
in si -, n il hr foreclosed, and the same*- (is
p. . d of as the law directs. .Rid it ts
fo-tkr orthml, That lids Wide be |iuh.
ji lird ni one of the public Gazettes ol
th s Stale at least t nee in every mom It,
until the lime appointed for payment, or
served on the mot'gagor or his sp.-cmi
a t .< at, at hast six moths previous to tin
tune thi in,.my directed to be paid.
'Th km'font Ihr .1/ iimea. J
John 11. JVLaiui, l’k.
Tlrrk’s Oitici, l.ilh No\. Iq2l l’2ui
Jn tin* fc»ii]MTi«r I'onii,
riklmuiud couu y.
rrest til Ihe Unnoiah.;- Jon* li. Wo.ntgo.
aitiiv, Judge.
The President, Directors*!
and Company "f the Dank
of Augusta, I Petit‘On for
vs,- f Foreclosure,
Thomas Grace and Two j
Lots of I .and. J
Ul (iN the petition of the President
liindors and Company of ‘he Dank
o, aye tibia, praying the foreclosure ol
the equity of redemption in and o ace -
turn h i oi pure, i ot laud m the city oi
Align.U, lying outlie south side oi Drone
Street, and extending back to l. hs sl-ee.i,
on which and on Dvoad street il has a
fj.i,nt oi twenty-seven Wet, bounded n
the east In Join' C.rilfiti'* lot, and on tlu
vest by John G.iidial’ttlm; also in and u,
ano tlu r loi or parcel of lend 4 uummer
Vide, ulwiiA time mites tr.,m ''(gusta,
containing two acres, bounded on _ tin
north east by Walton Way, having a Word
th* reun of two hundred and sixteen lev*,
col veyco l)> James Murphey ami who to
3 •,mitts Grace, winch said lots were tnori
gag.d In ttie said (bom s Cisco >o (ho
s iTiibident, Divcrtovii anti Gompany
o ‘be Dank id Augusta on the eight' enih
■t- of ivigust, in the yea ( n ou f.oii.
in.', tbousoi.d, eight handled and mm
tiuii, io secure the payment ed staid
prumiisiay notes, amounting m the w lime
to seven thousand force hundred an*,
min ty six dof'ais: and the sum of site,
thousand live* hundred and, sixty sevut
dollars and twenty seven cents being »«•.*
due upon the said ntOitgage.
Ami now, to v\ii“St the Kovembet
term, bwl, upon motion ot UicUu.d 1t...
Vy ddo, petitioners* attorney,
It is Out red hy the Court. That the
principal, m ere si and <;o»ts ei tc on san
mo. 1 page be paid into court within twelve
months from die dale hereof, ot Worn
t!n"ir, tx ih llietqui'y ol redeiiipiion « ...
b<‘ so. eve r toatved .tnd'ic et lov d •, and tin
mortgaged premis s Si.ld as the law ill-
Xi eis .indit is Jin .'her ordered, that a coj \
of this iul( be pub wbed n> one of diet*
zem s of tliis pise., m least once in cve.ij
month xintii ihe time agp n c . for pay
mem, «r served on the or his
iiju.o.'il ag r t ni at leasts’ll months prcv.on
to the time the money is eliredC-i to he
Taken from the Xliimles.
Juki U. Mdiidi, cl’k.
Cle k's 0n....• lith
’I).. MU, U-l. 5 nil2m
viimmktrutor s
ltd be su’d at the Into residence o'
Edw. d Windier, deceased, in t> liimbm.
Cuiiiity. ou Friday tiie llth ot Jiiiinmj
inxl. all th. personal propeity of s«.d .. •
ctus cl. rousJSUv.g of stock < ful ! kniU^
On Waggon and Gear, tom and Fodder
l*oik, Household sin I K tclien F ruit dv
i*c he B»ie la continue Won. day today,
urn:i Uli :s sold. Alsu, the Plantation to
bs r./nled and die Negroes to be Idled, a'
the same lime and jdac. - , for one year.
1 ms of sale will be made known on
that day,
illitun M‘Grmler,
Stt )tUeii liogd,
I>c' - 3 .Idurvi .rotor;.
AI.L persons to whom the estate ct
V Hiain Jones, nJecease.d, ot Uuike
Co uiy) are indebted to, aic requested to
bring ttieir accounts forward, in verms of
the law ; sml Inm e’hat are ludtbted ro
th estate, are vequi sicd to come forward
fcU'i uaih ilW’Mult ;,» to
Vugusl’ts H. '.utlerson,
Isaac U alkev,
w,‘ember 5 ■ ■ ts
Georgia, Biclimond Supe
rior Court.
November Term, 1821.
Present, the lion. Jons U, Sostoomsiit
Tue Planters’ Rack, oP
the Stale i f Georgia,
Assignees of Duma Petition for Fore
MiKimic, >■ closure.
Two f.ots of Land in
Augusta. J
iI.J PON the Petition of the Planters’
Dank, oftlie state of Omagra, pi.-iying the-
Ibi cclusurc f.p the equity of i t deuipiion,
in and to two lots of laud, in the County
and slate aforesaid, and city of Augusta,
in tint plan of lots laid oni at (he upper
eiyd o I lfroad street,in ssidcity of Augus
ta, by ll- 'ii'l Siiugcs, Surveyor General,
on the twenty-eighth day of February,
■ ue thousand eight hundred Sc .eighteen,
j lying on the south of Dread street,
jus nun.bers f.fceii and sixteen,containing
: thirty feet ent h, fronton said Uroa.l-slree',
[ and extending hack to F.Uis street; uliieli
said lots H land were mortgaged on the
first day of July, one tin meind eight hun
dred and eighteen, hy Paliiuh \!eJ>t;v.all,
in his life ti.xie, to Rama Mcivinuc, to S‘ -
cure the pay inent of the stun of futeeii
iiumlrul ami twenty-seven mill.its and a
ha if, v.liiclisaid mortgVige, the said Raimi
Me'lviuer, assigned to the planters’ Rank,
of the Stthc of Georgia, on the twenty*
ninth of July, oqe thousand eight hum
ued and nineteen, upun v.l.icii ibetcis
now (hie the sunt ts five hundred ami nine
dollars and seventeen cents, besides inter
t sts as is state I.
And now, upon motion of Thomas
Flouinoy,attorney fur sad Rank; W nor
deled, that the principal, inteicst and
costs said mortgage be paid into
uni t within twelve mouths iron; the date
hereof, or (ho equity of rrdt nipt ion in
the »aid imu (gaged pi equscs, will bo for*
ever fort club* d, awl the stud lots w ill he
disposed of, as the law directs.
Audit is further ordered, that this Tlu!e
he published in one of the Public Ga
elics of ibis slate, at least once 1.1 every
mouth until the time* appointed f’.r pay
.'icnf, oi served on die mortgagor or Ills
special agent at leas! six months previous
to the tittle, the money is directed to be
(T.vUi n from the M • des)
J Jdi IS. Maim, Clerk.
Click's oll'u c, I
l.hh Nov 1321 s* N '“ V * ls nil-3m
! n the Hupprior Goui’t.
RuhmonU County—.Wvnuher Term, 1321.
in r.qrri v.
Hunk if the Stole of Georgia. *)
.. rs C
John .IfeA in lie am! others, )
Present —The Honorable John 11. Moxt-
UO.MKUV, Judge.
Jr appearing to the Court, that the de
tmluKs, James Erwin- Gndrrcl W
Denton, Mi Hedge* Golpbin, Joseph P. Mr-
Ivinnc, James I.amkln, Henry Shultz,
lolm A. Darius, awl James Gardner, are,
and reside without the limits of the Slat.
I Georgia- On motion of Richard Hem
y W ilde. Solicitor for cr.mpl.unae.ts,
It is Ordered by the Conn, That the said
elemlai.ta, and each and every of then ,
do answer fully on or before the first day
if the next term, or .hut the Dill of the
complainants ks to (hem be taken pro con
frsyo. And it hi .sunlit r order; d, tout a
copy of this ouier l>c published in one < f
die Gazelles oftlie city of Augusta, once,
a month for six months.
Taken from the Minutes.
John li. Alnnn, d’k.
Cork’s Ofiice. 26'b Nov. IS2I. mSm
Georgin, SiurKt < minty.
M.PKIUUU COUU I April Term, 11121.
I 1 resent the Jlmera'hle Joint 11. Movroo
nuuv, nudge.
iichard llichaidson.T
(ereminii Miller; j
TPON the petition of Richard Richard-
Sul., praying the foreclosure of tlu
Kqinty of Rcd-cinplion of u certain true
or parcel of land lying, being and situa);
in the county ofßurke and Slate ol Geor
gia, hounded as follows:—that is to say,
Northwardly by land formerly owned and
possessed hy Jordan Taylor ; East weirdly
by James Tindat, Philip and Jo!m-
Saikh’s land; .Southwardly by James Mar
‘in’ri land, and Weatwar-iiy 1 y Joslmr.
Niuinu’o land, containing one li ousand
acres, more orlew-, having the creek rivu
■et, or branch called the lloseinaiy, run
. ng llu'oejgi a part ot said tract or parcel
• I land, w tiieli said trac or parcel ol'b.ud
was ou the sixth day of May, in the year
■•four Lord one thousand, tight inuicned
Mil seventeen mortgaged by the trad Jc
cn.iaii Miilcr t<» the said Richard A’icii
..Mtaou, to secuic the payment of'tx.e sum
1 Unco Uimuand three Imndctduinl clc
• < n dollars and eighty three cents, v i tii the
meres' ucc.i uing llicrcon, to be paid on the
lirst day of February next, after the date
..f said mortgage, with interest ftom the
first day of January, in the year of our
1.0i.1, one thousand, eight hundred and
seventeen, ane. agreeable to the condition
ot a bond Leaving even dale with said
mortgage —Ou motion of Felix J. Unfits,
attorney for the said Richard Richardson,
it is Ordered that the said Jeremiah Miller
kt within twelve months pay into the
t;lends office the principal, interest, ami
■ cost due on said mortgage, or in delimit
thereof, the equity ol redemption in ilk
smrt mortg'agwi 'xicniises wiltlforn tlieiice
'orili be lor ever foreclosed ami bared.
U is farther ordered that a copy of ti.e
1 reg.ung rule be published in one of the
public gazettes of this state, once :v month
.or twelve u.'iintis, or he personally serv.
e 1 on itie said Jeremiah Miller six months
o'lore the Ume appointed for the pay
ment of the money into court as xfortx ad.
hxtruct femu the minutes, 2iith jlprH 1321.
Joint i ui pputer, el k.
May j -mT2 ..
NtNK n«oiiU>» alter dale apphc-.iion
will be niadu to the b.onoruble the
Court ol Didinary ol Richmond county for
leave to scR two hundrtxl and Pity acres ot
lie d. tying in the second district of Early,
1 juul known aaiot No 31’, the same being
the teal property ofEmauuel Gregory de
ceased, and sold for the benefit of all con
I.«'wis Gregory, adui’r,
• Mav 24, ie’2i —ruibu
I * ' ‘
Sheriff’s Sale.
(X be sold at tbe court bouse in
VVa, colon, on Hit* first Tuesday in Jhui
,iiv next, between ihe usual hours ot site,
4 Negroes, to wit —Bed , a
woman 31 years of age, and net two tlnl
dren, Chewy 3 years old, and He y two
years oid ; one other woman by di- name
of , twenty ytar*old, levied on to sa
tisfy an execution in favor of Nicholas
Williams, (guardian) vs. Charles Il.»rre IG’
15ei jamiit S'aiglt-fprd; pointed out by liar*
rcl one of tile defendants,
One negro by tbe name of
Charles. 13 years old, taken i<- ■ > i -■ y an
execution in favor of fe >1 Neal, vs
Ivindal Md'car; poin’id out l)J defend
ant. AI SO
One negro girl by the name
of Sally, ten or eil ven years o! 1 , ievieu
on to satisfy an execution in favor of Mo-,
Kir.zie, Iletiuoch & Co. vs J U T Rets—
pointed out by Rees.
One negro woman by Hut
name o:, 30 yca.s on., I. • ted . n i
to tui.sty an execution in of Samuel
It. Sanders, oppt. vs .limy Iloideu, ox'rx
and Richard (Itmn, rx'r of .lor Holden,
resp’s—pointed out 1;\ It Giimi
A I,S<\
100 Acres of [line land on the
watcis i f lliicr creek ; tc'ic.: on •<> s»;.<•
lisly a snu‘l execution in favor of Ahnl-i
Norris vs John (.’’lampoon —levied on i/in\
returned tome by a confilab’c.
A. liOgCiS, s.w.p.
November 29 wlt Is /
■ ' . j
Sheriff’s Paks.
be sold on the first Tuesday in
January next, at the Court House in Jack, Bcrivtn (h unt;,, between the
UOU’s •*' wit an 1 tb- ».■•* "’dork,
i()8 Acres of land lying in
(be county i t ocnvtn, .• joining a. d
ClaibuMi llevil and otliers, leviedon as t.,
property ot. Robert llevil, to satisfy an ex
ecution in i’.ivor u\ Reuben C uie, ant! om
iu favor of James lb .stun, levied and rc
turned to me by a Cons able,
DO acres of land lying in tin'
county ot >■ driven, a'joining bend- of tin
estate of John I'l'ccniar, sen. dec. and
Reuben Wi kinsun, levied on as the pro
periy of James Rye, to fitisfy stn d y exe
cutions m furor of Joshua I’earcc ami
ot h?rs— levied and returned to me by a
3 Negro women, named Tkclt,
Judah innl llctsey, leiicd un as ill ■ pn
ocity of Stephen Miller, to satisfy sundr>
♦ x,- cutions in favor of Go irge Me Ray, .*
gtiii.sf the said Stephen Miller, John MR ’■
ler, John McGowin and Risclon Olivet
and sundry other executions against tin
said S Miller, in favor of others, levin
uid returned to me by a constable.
10 Negroes, luinely, Amy.
Luce Hob, liiuah, Lady, Mu', Ch.itu, b
ah, Jenny and Ned, levied on as tbe pi
,eil\ of James Ganilib , I Nichol
son and Sarah Nicholson, to satisfy an ex
ccutien in favor of Richard Herrington,
.n the foreclosure of a mortgage.
400 acres of pine land, lying
in be middle gioiiu toad, in Rio iuii;l.
if Scriven, adjoining lards of R* Sc’ii.. ( »
in 1 William 1» aek—levied on as the pro
jierty of William Sanders, to sati.siy an
execution in favor of Gross Scruggs.
A1 .SO,
3 negroes, named Binali, Ca
to and Torn, levied on as the property of
rhotnas I>. ./ ■■■doi.i, to satisfy an execution
in favor i I Reuben Wilkinson, and <u e in
favor of the executor and executrix of
John 11. Deubell, decea-cd.
1 negro woman named I yn
der, one small wagon, one sorrel noise,
and one sorrel mare, levied oil as the pro
pony of Jam r. U. Gonyere, to satisfy sun
dry executions.
Solomon Kemp, s.s.e.
Kovcinber 29 tds
bhtmfTs Sale. sold at. tb.e Court-House in
Warrcnton, on the fust I'liesday in Februa
ry next, between the hours of
3 Segroes viz : —Patience a
Girl nine year* of ago. U.iudm a bin six
and Gritty three veins old, five beds and
bedsteads and furniture, one r.iahtnan,
dining table,four dining tables, ten chairs,
two looking’ glasses, some Rots be
longing to the Kite!l l n, one G ey Uo’s-,
seven years old, one Ray II use, ten years'
old, ( ini G'gg, one Still aal Stands and
51amIs,four bond of J>:v Gallic Levied
on to satisfy an K mention im die foi'cclo
sure of Mortgage, in favour of Cbappe
lioelh, vi Tiv.'rent on Gibson.
Aimer I*eg is, Sit'ft',
December J wuts
Adiithiistrators ’ Buie.
man order of the llon
i ruble tlie Inferior court of Semen couu
ty while sitting for rrdinarv purposes,
will be sold at the court bouse in Jackson
heroagb, on the lirst Tuesday in Febrii"
ry next,
203 l-S Acres «■' latul sliu
,.ted, lying and in olie 13di
vbstrict of Rjtldwiu county, known an
distinguished in the plan cf sidd ciis
'ict by tlie No. 13d, lying on the waters
Heard’s creek, Svdd as the properly o
OW'.n Jenkins deceased, for the bench;
of the heirs and creditors of ike said dec.
Kli Parker, ) . . ,
Solomon Kemp, m 8
Nov .liber 29 .tds
\\ jiuU’d to Lease,
A. RIF.CE ct I'plind, of good quality
within live or sis Bii'es from Augusta
containing one hundred ami thirty or fifty
acres, fit lor cultivation, and mules goou
fe'ico, ftliicli, it approved, •» liberal price
, '’•ill b- given for. Apply at tliis CRiicc
JJcc O—6c I
Administrator’s Sale.
w ILL be sold on Friday the four- 1
leentli day ol December next, at the late
residence of W illiam .tones, deceased, of
II comity, ail the perishable property
.f said deceased, consisting- of Corn ami
Fodder, Horses, Mules, Stock ts Hog*
and Cattle;—-Also the household and kitch
en furniture, and the farming utensils, and
a number of other article* too tedious ro
enumerate. Terms ot sale made known
on the day.
Augustus H. Aml er soil.
Isaac Walker,
November .5- ts
Adiniuibtrati ix Sale.
w ILL bo sold On Tuesday the 4'h of!
.h.nuavy, 182:2, at the late residents of !>■
Thomas Leave He, deceased, of Jfurke
county,all >he perishable propel ly of said
ikceiis,il,c,insisting cf Negroes, Stock of
til kind, Household and Hiehen furniture
Civ , Fodder, 1’ an'atiou u tonsils,
j’i t iv,-,3 of sale —Cash.
—AI SO,~
IVill be rented at the same lime, the
l ,! -uii. ilon, .vhercon the said t|cccased re
s i.ed
Eliza A* Leave-lie, atlm’x.
Novembers v.6c.
drninist ra!or’s e J a!c.
A GUI'KABI Y to nn Oi.'df r of the Court
f Ordinary, of Kiel) men 1 county, will
:e sold on (he li:st Tuesday in January
next, at the Market-House, in the City
of Augusta, the
belonging to the I'slate of .tfrjor 2 ev f l|-
iuu;d Pliinly.y, lute of said ceuuiy, uce’d,
"or the benefit of t!ie hi-iis and orediturs -
T he Sale will'c.u.tinue from day today,
until al 1 ate sold; add the leimswi.l be
r.adc known al the linjg.
J'h'LVr/. r.
Acting adminisi rat or of lUc 1 .state o
F. I’hinizy,
O CKIV V 2'J, la■' 1 tdsj __
G imnliius’d Sait-.
« $711,1, be s-ihl on the first t net day in
IT February m xt, at the court, houst
hi Lincoln county, a small tract ol liif.ii
containing thirteen acres, be the saint
more or less, the property of William
Walton, minor, yngouiiag ol Hughs anil
VVniton ; and sold i>y order of court. In
the bent-lit of said mine r.
ISewell Walton, seu’f.
November 29 3t
IJ.T, he sold Oil l!ic 1 )ili iby of lie*
cerr.her next, at the late resilience ,oi
William M’Nalt, late of die county ol
Burke, deceased: a -Slock of (tail!-, a
■iet of Hlacksmitli’s. Tools, two Feather
Beds, Bedsteads and Furniture, one
Horae, and a number of other At ticks,
too tedious to mention. Term:;—twain
nonllis credit veil! be given with small •
,otes, and approved security. Proper'}
lot to be removed until the terms i f salt.
•(' complied with. ,
Philip Lumpkin, Adm’r.
October 29 wtds
To Kent,
ii. F.AlvtiH anil coeifiii'able
House, to which are at niched three and an
half acres of Land, ’l itis house is in the
tower part of the city, on 1-k Us-street, tine!
• s every way deah.-'de as a residence for a
private family Immediate possession will ■
■e given.—Apply to Il'tOJoju IS I '. lint,
t'.S’J. ot to
Tsicb las Warn,
f.:-:-vuior of H'm.; t.
November R 1 f,
i lie House ami Lot,
L7ITUATKD on Brand snd Lincoln
streets, are now .offered for sale, it vvi’J lie
in the market until the :I.lth day < f 11 ’
comber, at which time, it mj! sold, it will
;e withdraw n and will not be offered a
gaio The situation of the property i
pleasant and healthy, its front is ISJ (out
and rui r hack to F.llis Hi-eel lot) d el.
For the terms apply to
Wiii. A Cobh,
I. Thompson.
November. 2d
fciH) leeward.
k/fOIF.N from a wagon encamped al
the foot of die Sued Hi'is, on lire night of
the ti ll ins: ml, a large bright Sorrel
Horst ; no marks or iridic hairs on him
(■collected. He is about five years old,
lias a la'-ge busby tail, and long - name;
s about five feet one iuh high; shod all
“ouiid. 'five above reward will be paid
for the apprehension of the Thief with
the Horse,or Ten Dollars for the horse
Apply at the Globe Tavern,or to
Will. A. Cobb,
Fort Creek, Hancock Counlv, Geo. <
Nov 22 ts
S3O Reward.
aLISGONUEJI in link; lasi, KAKCV,an
A trie an negro woman, belonging to the
subscriber, about 10 years of «ge, and
country marked in her Lore, is well known
.n tins oily. I w ill give Twenty Dol
a;s if taken about this city and secured
ui; or, d at a distance, all rtamnable
M. Sandwich.
November 12 if
Wanted Immediate Iv,
A GOOD COOK", without children
'hat is honest and ii dusrions. Apply to Jo
shoa ,1/ci', five doors from the uppe
end of Ham burgh, or at this Office.
Nov. 26—ts _
For Sole,
&11AT well known and valuable I'li.iv
tacion whereon William Jones, deceased,
lived, in the county of Burke, containing
Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickbi y
land, and about two hundred acres clear
ed, well adapted to the culture of corn
and cctten. On the above premiseß there
is a pmod two story house, and all ether
.iiecek/tiy-out buildings, and an excellent
Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing
stream —three hur.uretl acres more < fpiuc
land adjoining the above, lying- in tlu
county of Uitdav.ond, and about seventy
acrta cU ared. We deem a further drs
crijuion unnecessary, but invite all those |
persons who yl.sii to purchase a vaki-anic I
place, to come and View tire premise* and j
Judge, (.r themselves. For further part;- j
culars apply to
Augustus 11. Anderson, j
Isaac Walker,
Xdmii;i'»lra'ti»«s of the estate of Wn..Tones. !
Nov I- N s—if ;
For test It-, j
ijL I* ,\,!l cl' j'oini" well iirf kv HOUR-j
KS, nve ai d sis u-ars old—Also a jp«-d
family lIOUSTi and GlG—Apply at ill !
Globe-'l avt-ni. i
Out. 22 if
Savannah I
And Augusta btage.
mu H ‘proprietors of I lie Augusta Inis oi
JL binges 'caution Gav.elbis front taking
.„.a;s between the es.ahhsiu.l » dices,
without lilt ing- their Main; j s inserted or.
liie way bid. ' A practice has hiilitrto ex
isted of sidleritig perrons in cult ." 'be ,
■itiii’c, to tiie grear incoivvei.icace o 4 * those |
who have taken tegular seals a id which
v iritis no profit to liie pioprit tors. It
■-annul be allowed -for' lire future. 1 h
ii-ntest aitviiihui will bt paid to the x-
L<Liif}(i;ilio>l (it .U»<; JtL..,UUii' {.ll^cn^crs;
-a hicli t onsidciulion not mliijU u lie'
■iU’i'bgo bciiig ovcicrowural by i%>tcr.
iojifis. Nov. 12—tt
Lands SC Mills
P()U S
rnilK subscriber oft'.-!,, for-• ;<• hispla-v
4. talion o.i both si i,k of VVidauusoi.’s
swamp G eek —lt is supposed to Contain
,5u'JC acre , b-it was pr.gii-a'fy suit eyed
. tor 4-000 ; aid Ims upon it two Grist Mins
ah-t one Saw Mill, l-'ur fur) her i.ufticn'urs
ipplv to my brother, .1/jyV 'Richard //.
(. u'g, of V/rlhcs cikinty, or 16 me upon
tlu; preipiseS.
Jclm Junius Long.
Washington county, )
Nn E>, 1821. $ ti'
To be. Leuled.
On Tues-lny the first «f /um.ry Bra
ail 1); rei led fur the term <f 12 u m l.s,
available Plantation in ixcelk-tit rep.n ,
lying on iS’uvmnuili river, three inihsb
lew Petersburg, tout ami ng- iboit: 51:
.a;ic»,of cleared tapti, SOO of which art
failed tile hot quality of .Savannah l!. t vt-i
Lorv Grounds, AUaclicd to it, is a Jarir.,
commodious, am! elegant dwelling lions
. out houses or ail Descriptions, a larg
framed gin house, and an iron screw wed
fixed for packing cotton, the property •
Ur. Kzi kiel Du 15 -se, deceased.—Also, on
: n.t. '-.inte tk.v will b • hired
6-5 or 70 Likely Negroes.
Mic.ijvJs T. Alimony,
De c ,) ■ i'h)
r T
A ITT’, subscriber lias taken info Co-
IbirDiersbip, Mr. Thomas J. I’;
die business in future v ill be conducted
under the firm of
Sjuutorl am* Pirmo’ec;
Who, are now opening ami offer ao«
sale a Fresh Assortment oi IJUV GOOD.V,
•‘or Tush or approved paper, at tin; .Store
lately occupied by .Messrs U Sc G Wcuste-r
David '• tai.lurtl.
November 22 v,4>
NTS Dor sab-a handsome new Carriage j
and I'aigof ll nsiS; iheho-Si-s arc yo-mg ]
ind perfectly geiuic ; suitable for a family i
Enquire as above.
-Noll CD,
'VJINE months date application.
A will lie made to the hoitor-diic ti e
Inferior court of Columbia county , while
silting' for ordinary purposes, iiu- le-avc to
sail itrriecii hundred and ninety nitui |
acres of nine l u'icl in U-.chmoud county on i
both of dinner’s creek, on v b'xh j
nitre is a s..w and grist .nidi, it being nuit j
■. f the real estate of .folia Fester, late ci j
said county, d-xased.
1 Jiztihfili Foster, } .
Arthur Foster, > 5
I'ollittr r<>.sU v r, 3 *
Hay T, I'B2 n.ym
Iso tii-e.
iAiIXK Months r.ficr date applicatiuu
will be made to the iioiioialiic di.; j isti-a.r
of the luferim court of liuri.c county
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave u> soil the whole of the real tsla e
of Solomon Daniel, hue of s.iil cm;, y,
deceased, for the benefiv of the heirs ai d
creditors of said deceased.
Britton li. I’ierco,
Atimi-.iistvat o wan the. wi I a .nextd,
November 15, 1821 oddm
NINE months after date applicatioi
will he made to dm liouuraoie the
ustices of tiie Inleiiorcotn-t, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, ior leave to sel
one bundled and f.f'.y acres of land in
Ilurke county, adjoining Tindall, S, Jen
kins and ethers. ALSO,
Two luindred and fifty acres in Walto;
"Ouuty, No. losj soUl lor the benefit oi
-.he heirs and crulitor-s of Solomon Daniel.
Martha Daniel, ex’x.
Durkc count/, July 6,m21, invar*
Uemaining ia tiie POST oi I'jgp, y,,.. I
ta. (Geo ) Ist. December 1821 I
yj" Person* w»Aftij- Letter,
2-ii-h Adveitiscd Leu. J
A Hnwcil Insiah 1
Vdams G:< tge llatris S I
Aden Henry T, Heard John I
Andrews Samuel j I
Alien I.)man Joyner Join I
Atkinson John I, Junes Alien I
Anterson Samir Irwin 1..,; , |
Allen .iamc-s it .Tones V, iide 1
Ambews Mary aims Joimson Jhn 1
Arnold John Johnson Ll.jali I
Andrus William Janus Jo.-n .u
: Alien A g
Appleton Famuel I' light Enoch j
Alien S& .U K iln- Walter I
D King J dm J
i Duller James K’.ia!>-.» Walter p I
j Bui-iougbs James K -Am. ti,i!',;.v * I
| Kurd William I
i Hogg Susan I.aiTikin Jt.inrs I
| l':*.ridn P V/ l.cmair hcvai.r I
t JE.niaid Mis /.«:kre James I
i oi;ghs S II Eacv V y. I
j Ihi.s'i iV.i -i LfcNeedlsua 1
i iV.s.xvirk tlot!i;r'v KaKubei|- ■
j ilryan Alexander Eeagmi \Vwa4t. I
j iT- e-.wi- M:u-y I.ui-ipkin Mr I
j ilrudmn 1) Enmi Job,, I
) Eugene Lawn roe G.met I
i Hush i ich;;-,l Jernifajl
iil itl-.icli Janies I) I.eslcr Jc--t -i;i I
; It’clrn Wiiiimn y; ■
jls t;en Timothy UDMuilc-n Jnlr.i I
J Dhui- baguu 1 Mil.- till A iUU';', I
itcgips .jain. b Mam-.i rs ii'in.rt I
Dij.'-gs Jo-eph M Mta .].i Jo in I
I! gg Wm aV M tin Mary I
Hhc .yhiti-d Nadi’l. M.sicr Hugii (; I
tiurtpn Wm IS M-Kc-v.-r j .in,. I
D.-mnii Samuel II M a .gi-.-ld !.„i; .>■
Dark J-.iin M*Ty re j I
; Deck n id) Israel. Martin f t... J I
C Malden Ci.i.a I
i 'illipp I:. Martin Oinc'B I
Oftnibcl James M‘llryd • An: , jl
Ciatk .lohaii'inli 3 J1 1
Co'.vptr Janies U Mints Uril6;i I
f.fane Ma s!i i-’i-ui- -
Clint Luke .1.1. n §'
Ciuyton A ml’tv. II S M
Cooper Daniel NorrisTli .mas I
Cu'.V'US John ti ■
P'.pelaiul Isaac J'mist on Amllbß
] (Mat ke Elijah O vens Wm K
IDiiSta ; a Airbci t 11....1 1a t, , ; j. -i .
Gant)dill Mr I’ ff
CoititQtiii ini- Kli/.’bt Triffimj'- Ihi.-tdr®
Ck-mmont AI ea i’i'. km In:,, M
1 Cfii.-. Icy Sarah I bilbpsL-wis I
Cin ler DichnrdU I’iiu-har. ,1: v.i B.
futriit irplii'i- Joe! B I'cmbcrtcn
(Innr.hfieKl ,h-.c<.b l’o«e:; liars H
Cox Cluu-ics A, Pace I) K
Caveiukn- iiobert Thdllj-s i> Uaafl
Combs J asiali 11 K
Clarke Joel Tlivos .iolm ■
Com. Goo J llict- Jj.'iii K
D Ilooci-.s-.u TV ilhfl
i.Jiimv Vv in UoUn \Viif.t;u H
Dent J'Ji-niiis Head Wm H B
Dupree Jusiah llvad Uicit: :xl I
i)uho.e Ka; all Ite.-.i- .lului Bj
Dillon Mr U-jircrUu* MeslH
I) inclilco And'w W lloyal dully
i)>- licauiegiduLi u.sHyweil P.v. y M
Davis Mr Uyi.ii.s.ort J i jH
Davis Martha Uus eh Kcdih
K U. liliitl iP I ■
Kngi’.sb Eliza liusscl i’2.v .Ks^B
Vlwing 'Nathaniel 8 B 9
iv, ans K Stewart Wm fl|
I'.lfAvorth John S;a iy .1.t.-r-h E]
c ,‘jstjdi Sindiii-i... 1 !vli/.,i'a^B
E Sanford U.i; n.oHI
"urt-y-Juhn Soul Sophia ■ 1
I-' oji.-i john J Scuvi!] iiaiidt H
-sic-r Kpraim Sireftoi: Istiac 11
Fisher Ann Savage I)v.i ill
Foyil J. hi* r i' f J
o.vvkr Gardner Tlu.nipv u
Floyd John Tarver M;-/..u-;lH
Fiutllcu Taylor Taylor J.-hn fl
Thom Ji.Lcpli ■
G T'radi-wt-:! Eagfl
Gihsoii Fi-l'X G ft Co Tc-r.i’iswood ' .<H
Glass I’cbetca Trcalnu Hr II
G ; clan 1 Mary M Tin hill Mny H
GdUspie Join* V H
Gieen Jiifui Venrick 1 batiS William V' il
Godfrey William. TValsiiijjhoii
Gdlchiisl .lului Walku- Ili io -i^B
li Wages Mar. ■
llvurbl-fluks Mrs M ime <*. oi re
(dih; EcUv'i* Wxri-tl! T.’i ... mM
' (la clter .Ivlin II Wli.te Vu.l ail
| Iluse .'Mrs Vi'iilia-injfci *-tH
' tarvvo <1 Pendleton W k. r j. ; b" ffl (. WalHu.s (<e-.r^H
j High owc-i-Ard'.lisa Wtrr Jhn fl
j I toward John Woo if ml Avi-H
| Harris Eliza Washburn A-i.«
i Il' in.e.i lu.ralioN Wi:lijii-s I t.oi.H
lulls.-n E Mrs Vjll.y Junes II
Hall Mrs AVr.clfblk TlmnH
, Hand Tl.rm J Width ,1 <hn H
llarwnod. \Villium >Vai-rc-:i M-'ii 'tH
Hmris Eu l \V Walker J-* -'"B
liiils Ed .via \t hdc.)'. 1 . JiavtisH
| • topic n.i Wm,D 2. fl
i M'iplut-.# Moses Ivon lane H
j Hugkelsly Su-plion Bepi’-eut th-'l-B
Jamps FraSTi*, I*. -fl
j DcceioLcrd -it M
„ vt. t j • S«i j k|
fgAliE p iblic ait neieby
a. Ciiptuin James M ate, ul g’n- H
o'. Aiiihcn, !Ul ! Stale «rt \ if..-ma, Hj
poinu-d cut; Fiii.cipal Age
die, eastern uttd luii-dieru sta'is:
uiiiiil Kut-.gci-, oq. of limliei lord
.State oi' t'enaessce 1 .ts bcwi :<
(ijk* Piiucipal Agent I,r the
western States. —Al. J. cciisi .'.a
Fa-.o4it D .itea iX, signcJ i-'-heffl
singly, or hy one princial agrij i , or H 1
bordlnste agents a.ipo.titwl i> 1
ijy tie, sua.l b-as if signed.l»» ‘ j^B
jSt’.lsOll C. D'DVSifl
Aiubfose Kuttf'-'fj^B
November 12— wßw
i ivc Dollars Kt;' Vi ' ,,^B
'TKAVt.U or Stolen“
Mr. Alexander K. IS-ds'- ‘ ~f lj
u.ght, 23.1 Nov. last, a soi-.-ul
iron l . J4A hands high, b<rfh oaia t.|
a bleinistl ia one of his e e»«
ecolkcted- .-\ny person fl
tlol-se to Mr- A. l.aieVou, Ang l
Subsc iher, living r.tat fl
Caroiiaa, Edgefi- xl d s net, s**a ■■
the above reward. B
ixifiiuias a ‘fl
Dec 3 •?- ■