Newspaper Page Text
r i,B mgosgu journal,
i „MWicil twice A week ilurin? the iieeeiim of the Le-
J '' .. «n,J weekiv for too remainiler ot the year, at
nf Wavne aud Hancock Streets, at THREE
t't’fi' ,i,a par amium, in advance, or FOUR DOL-
I’uts at the end of tlte year.
I'lie Paper will not ho sent to nnv person out of the
. V, until the subscription money is paid in advance,
. „,'i.fuctorv reterence given.
° r ifiVEIU'IsBME.vrs inserted at the usual rntes.
'U ^ )!. Sales of LAND, by Administrators, Exe-
i, or Guardians, are reiptired, by law, to hr held on
11 "1,,, Tuesday in the month, buuvccu the hours often
1)1 ■ ind three in the auernoon,at the Court-
in the forenoon
in tlte county iu which the properly is situate.—
v pee of these sales must he given in a nublic garotte
.."M ..y DAYS previous to the day of sale.
5 ' | , a 0 f NEGROES must be at public auction, on the
r V Tuesday of the month, between the usual hours ol
"7. it the place of public sales iu tlio county where the
f 1 testsinentary, of Administration or Guardianship,
■iv have been granted; first giving SIXTY DAYS no-
thereof, in one of the public garottes of this State,
an'l lit the door of the Court-house, where such sales are
Notice for the sale ofi’crsonal- Property, must be given
• like manner, FORTY dtivspreviona to the day of sale.
vmioe to the Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must
, ‘nulilished for FORTY tlttvfi.
Notice that application will be made to the Court of
n 'n , ar v for leave to sell LAND, must lie published for
i.'.'nit 'months.
Notice for leave to sell NEGROES, must bo published
, ‘FOUR MONTHS, heforennv order absolute shall be
made thereon h.v the Court.
All of this kni l continues to reeeiveggoui|it
e agon
oontion at toe Uiiico of the GEORGIA JUb'UvnL.
»L11K S.
rflHE following are aiming the BLANKS that arc kept
1. fiMifit.intly imi UiimJ, and for sule, at the JOURNAL
* Sci. Fas.for Fd’nt. Draws,
Letter* of Administration,
Do. Temporary,
Do. Testamentary*,
Do. Guurdianship,
Administrator's Bond*,
Bond* of Adm’rs. with the
will annexed,
Guardian's Bonds,
Warrants of Appraisement,
Executors, Administrators,
and Guardian’s Deed*,
Letters of Di*inission of Ex
Do. of Administrators,
Do. of Guardians,
Marriage Licences.
Hail Bonds,
Do,hums (for luterr.l
juev Summonses,
^•ilipiLMias (S. & I. Court,)
jVi rtlin3 —Atfid’t*. & Bond*,
i) 0 . Forthcoming Bond*,
Blocutions (S. & 1. Court,)
C.i.dt Executions,
Shprirt ’* Bill* of Sale,
Do. Deeds,
Justice’s Suininonses,
{) (l . Exec actions,
Tax Collectois do.
Mortga? 0 ** „
Lic.tM^e* to Retail,
Jlnri* Uhecks
I. AW.
piHE undersigned having moved to Mobile, will prnc-
in all tho Courts of the City, and iu the
supreme ol* the .Stale. Office on Koyul Street,
noiirlv opposite Gooduiuu’s House.
decS--3ani8m II. J. HARWELL.
ii|;, C. ELLS having disposed of his interest in
ivl. (lie Book Business ut Macon, Im* located him*
Holt' in Millodgovillo, for the purpose of carrying on the
above business. Being truly thankful to hi* friends in
vuriou* part* of the State for the liberal patronage here-
tol'orP bestowed on him, he hopes they will not, with
tin* citizen* of this place, forget to call on him, opposite
>|r*. Godwin’s Tavern, «t the Sign of the large Ledger,
where may lie found a large assortment of
L:r»Vt Modif.sih IWiMwllmacous, and
McJiool Bookti,
Glob•*, School Apparatus, Dissected Maps, and Maps
ol ail Kinds, every article in the use of Drawing, Gold
Paper an I Bordering, Perforated I'uper and Card* for
Basket*, and a general assortment of Fancy Articles,
Musical Boxes, Accordion*, Piano and Minim Music, the
ha»t quality of Knives, Steel Pens, Ever Pointed Pencils,
Carmine Saucers, India Indelible Ink, Pocket Books and
Purse* of all kinds, Heed Bags, large Work &. Dress Box
es,Gentlemen’s Shaving Oases &. Travelling Desks, Ink,
(Jail!*, Paper of all kinds, Blank uml Record Books, on
li.iud and made to order. ’Pho Token, Gift, Violet mid
Religious Souvenir for 1837, just received, and all the
ii w Publications and Reviews as soon a* they arc issu
ed Iroin the press; Greer’s Georgia Almanac for 1837, bv
the gross or doxeu.
Teachers will he allowed a liberal discount in furnish
ing their Schools, and gentlemen purchasing for their
Libraries, accommodated on the most reasonable terms.
All orders thankfully received and promptly attended
■£? Tho Auction Business will be conducted iu this
plate by 0. A. Ll.l.ft.
Milledgeville, Oct 25 __
Tlic Subscriber
R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub
lic that lie has sold his entire Mock of GOODS to
GEORGE E. O’BRIEN, who will continue on the hu
rt incss a * usual, after tho 1st of February.
The Subscriber lenders to those of his friends and
customers, Uis sincere thanks for the liberal patronage
exteudej to him, and would respectfully solicit the same
encouragement for hi* successor. He would also say
to those who arc indebted to him, either by note cr ac
count. that he intends leaving this place shortly after
tho 1st of Feb. and expects they will now come forward
and make a final settlement, os he will thru place all
notes and accounts after that time in the hands of an At
torney for collection, lie trusts there w ill lie no diflj-
ailty or dissatisfaction attending the collection of his
accounts, as he has given great indulgence audnmple
time lor the liquidation of them. ^ ^ V \IL
Milledgeville, Jan 17—tf
The Subscriber
{ ■jnSPECTFULLV informs hi* friend* and the nnb-
V lie iu general, that he intend* to continue the above
business iu nil its brandies, together with the
And will cnn*tuutly keep on hand a general assortment
of Gentlemen’* and Youth’* Wearing Apparel, Cloths,
Cassiuieres, and Vestings, Hats. Boots, Hosiery, Ate.Sic,
The subscriber intend* to renew his Stock of Goods in
the Spring, when lie will receive every article in his line
of business suitable for the season, and hopes to receive
the same liberal patronage as was extended to hi*jjre
ilecessor. ,
Milledgeville, Jan 17—tf
r>,n ®Slcthorpc University.
r ¥1 HE Agent ol tho Board having reported that the re-
X qmred sum has been subscribed to Oglethorpe Uni
versity— Therefore Resulted, That our Treasurer be
authorised to cull in the first instillment upon the sub
scription. By order of the Committee.
u n 8* ROCKWELL, Chairman.
•P. B. Stubbs, See. & Tr.
TN accordance with the foregoing resolution of the
B. Committee, I will call on the subscribers for 20 per
cent, of their subscription.
25 B. P. STUBBS, Sec. Sc Tr. O. U.
F J list Received
ROM Philadelphia, and for sale at the Store of
GEORGE ROOT & SON, Milledgeville, Geo.
hi un ' ,,lte ' ll Howderin one Sc half ounce
Creosote (pure) in small Vials, the best remedy yet
discovered for the cure of Tooth Ache, Ate.
Rowuud’s I’miic Mixture, u specific and lasting cure
for Fever and Ague. 6
The Indian’s Panacea.
Swaini’s Panacea,(a fresh article.)
Carpenter’s Mild Cathartic Pills, a v
valuable Medicine
Carpenter's Compound Fluid Ext w>fu>
valuable Medicine fur diseases of the bladder, kidney
for Dyspepsia, constipation, See.
Carpenter’s Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu,
Carpenter’s Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla,
an invaluable preparation for Mercurial and Svphillitic
Diseases, Rheumatism. King’s Evil. Ac.
Carpenter's Compound of Sarsaparilla, Cubebs and
Carpenter’s Compound Fluid Extruetof Pink Root, a
neat and e Hie acinus vermifuge for children.
Lee’s Now London Antibilious Pills, (Hat boxes.)
Castor Oil (best,) in pint and quart bottles.
Calomel iu bottles,one ounce in each.
Jalap in bottles, two ounces incucli.
Seidlil/atid Sodaic Powders.
The Welch Medicamcnluin.
Jan 3—mtf
Lots at Florence Tor Sale.
rrUIc second sale of Lots ut the beautiful town of Flo-
X rente, Stewart, county, Ga. will take place on
Monday, the 20th day of February next, a* which time
will bo offered fifty or one hundred desirable Lots.—
Perms of sale, made known on the day. Florence is si
tuated on the banks of the Chattahoochee, 29 miles be
low Columbus, and 6 miles above Irwinton.
Any thing in praise of this beautiful sent is deemed
unnecessary. But those who wi-li to live on u South
ern River, enjoy good health by drinking good water,
uml making inoncv, would do well to appear on the day.
jnti 17—tils Agent oPYhc Company.
<Urcat ItarffaiiiN.
milE Subscriber will continue on his present busi-
m. ness until the first day of February next, and will
sell vorv low for cash. ' A. C. VAIL.
jan 17
Gcorjtsa Female College,
SCOrrtiBORO’, Get.
0 1 It friends uml patron* are informed that tho exer
cises of thi* Institution were resumed on Monday
1.5:1, iiui,—A. J{. \\ A TROVS. A. B. and Mis* HAR
RIET CLARKE, have arrived, uml Mrs. D'ESTE
is daily expected. Mr. W. recommended by the
Rev. Win. T. Brantlev and others. Mrs. D’Esto by
Mr*. Nicholas Biddle ami others; Miss C. is a graduate
of Mr*. Williams’ Seminary at Troy ; and Mr. I.. La-
taste, the Principal, begs leave to refer to Prof. James
NVullaen, l)r. M. ||. Do Leon, Rev. Dr. Cujiers, Colum
bia, S.C.; Dr. J 1). Gorman, Tulhntton. Geo.; Dr. J.
Bowen, \ugustu ; Mtij. J. II. Howard, JohuD. Ilowell. •
E*q., Ed.Carey, Esq., Columbus, Geo.; Col. Samuel
Rockwell, Milledgeville ; Col. F. Carter, Win. Y. Hun- |
**■‘11, Esq., L. Day, Esq., Seottsbofo’,&c,&c.
Having learned that some have complained of our I
terms being higher than at nnv other School in this State,
we have concluded to cstuhlish the following as our
Elementary branches, $12 per term.
Highest branches, lfi 44
Drawing and Painting. HI “
Languages, 10 “
Music, (Piano and Guitar, each 25 “
1 so of Piano, 3 “
Board, 10 per month.
Tie* health of this place, the refinement of its sneietv,
the t»«irit\ «.f tho wai i and the -ruled <1 terimimliou of
the Principal to render hi* Institution for Georgia, wlmt
Dr. Marks’ i* for South Carolina, give us claims on the
patronage of our Southern brethren.
ANNA M. LATASTE, ? Pri. ciimls
L. LATASTE, * 1 n, ‘ t,psl,, ‘
jnn 2(_tf
To I he Southern Public.
W E feel it a duty wc owe to our**olvcs, to inform our
friends of certain reports which are “on the
tongues of every one,” tiint some teacher* in Srottsbo-
r "ugh are Abolitionist*. Wc are not the only teacher* i
jti Seottsboroiigli, and those who know us would be the
hi«t to charge un with such hateful principles—they know .
to he Southern men (natives of Virginia, but Gcor- |
piiu^ by adoption) bv birth, education, and in feeling.
L. LVrA<TF„ |
O* Editors w ho linv * published n previous advertise- ;
•'lent of ours, will please discontinue that and insert the .
above once a week for four weeks.
| UI "'I—D
H i'«r flap Iniorexisilioti of ilio l*iil>llr.
AVlNll recently travelled tie* old Federal Road i
• ro-siiig tbu (fhullnboorhec River opposite Fort I
•'litelicll mid oi | |, v VVMV ,,(• 0 |,| |«*ort Perry, !<* Mumford j
• Jand on the Stage Road.—1 stale for tho intoruiation
J'* tho public that I have never sce*i die old Road iu
•*ett |r condition—Ferric**, Bridges, A:e., to miv nothing
•'* Ilia di«taue*‘ aaved bv pi'rsou* travelling towards
-MOijtgoiiM-rv Ain. or into to • Crock Country below Co-
‘""•bn*, which h* aaveraj miles nearer.
J|»n. 15tH IH.17.—«;i *
I h" Mucoii Mf--ngcr w ill insert the above one month
an I forward 11 to account to tlio otlieo of the Georgia
.... *i:\\ HOOKS.
|l^l received, 7’Ae Aafurin, bv Irving; /•« ithmthe
* Reefer; tfhr, t \mrd 1st : MerekmtC* i'ferk i Sturirt
! ,r Sr * s K O-rvmUmHfi : rink Slrtrti t' i
4 lrtH/t,ret $u ('*Muring Muni; Ilnur Skrr H.Mu-
fm ».ih- |,y r \. | | |
|, , Sijtn of ih.* Large Ladder*
M.llsdcsvill* D.f.2
The Hew l.corsia JnUicr.
J UST published & forsulo—Apply to Tlionm* Purse.
Savuuuah; Thomas Kicbarus, Augusta; William
L'.iuipkiu, Athens; or the subscribers at Milledgeville.—
Price $1. R. A. GREENE,
*‘ »v. 17—tf J. W. LUMPKIN.
P ERS ONS holding Suhseription Papers to this work,
are requested to return them, without di lav, to the
Editors, that arrangements may ho immediately made
to coiymenco Its publication. uov |
A N ACT to provide for the payment of Volunteers in
this State, in certain eases/for services, loss and
expenditures, during the late Creek and Seminole cam
paigns, and to noint out the manner of doing the same.
lie if tunc hit by the Senate and 1 lunar of Representa
tives of the State of (Seorgta, in general 'assembly met,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
That the several companies, or other bodies of less than
sixty man, battalions, or regiments of the militia, w hich
were ordered out to defend the Irontiers of this State,
against tlio recent hostilities of the Creek and .Seminole
Indians, by the commanding officer of such company,
battalion, "regiment, or brigade, and such companies as
were or were not formed uud volunteered for the iuiine-
diuto defence of the same, without such orders, nil of
whom were not mustered into the service of the Cuitcd
States, shall be entitled to reeeive the same compensa
tion for their services, us though they hud been regular
ly mustered into said service.
Sec. 2d. And be it farther enacted. That it shall he the
dutv of each and every commanding officer of the sev
eral companies, nr bodies of men, ns aforesaid, w hether
commissioned, or hrevetted, or appointed hv the mem
bers thereof to the command, under the exigencies of the
moment, to make out a muster roll of his company or
body of men, containing tin* names uud rank of the mem
bers thereof; the time of their actual service; whether
infantry or cavalry; the number of doys of suhsistauce
and forage for man and horse furnished hv eaeli, and
the quantity of ammunition expended by each, in suid
service; and upon the presentation of sueli muster roll,
duly certified, to the Governor, by tho commanding offi
cer of such company, it sliull he his duty to issue Ids
warrant on the Treasury for the amount due suid com
pany, according to the reouisitions of the first section of
this act, an 1 full pay for tlic ammunition, in favor of the
officer commanding the same.
Sec. 3d. And In it farther enacted, ’Hint nil Field and
St aft* Officers shall be paid at mid after the same rates
which similar officers ure paid in tho service of the I'.
States, upon the presentation of their uccouuts, duly
certified, to the Governor.
Sec. 4th. He it farther enacted, That the said com
manding officers of companies, shall state upon their
muster rolls, what property of said company may have
been lost iu battle, or iu the immediate pursuit of the
Indians, or while employed in actual service, together
with a statement of the. value, and the mime of the own
er: and shall transmit,likewise, to the Governor such
testimony as the clainiunt muv furiiisn to him of the
los* and "value thereof. It shall be the duty of the Go
vernor to pav for the same: Provided, that the pro\is-
ious of tin* Act, shall not extend beyond the loss of hors
es, and equipages, uud wagons, uud wearing apparel of
the soldier.
Sec. 5th. And he it further enacted. That hi* Excel
lency the Governor be, and he is hereby required to pay
nil accounts for subsistence, forage, ammunition, cloth
ing, tents,camp equipage, cooking utensils, medicine, hos
pital stores, transportation,uudothcrexp >nses necessari
ly incurred iu fitting up the public armies, which may
have been contracted by the commanding officer of any
compunv, battalion, regiment, hricmle or division, or by
the quarter muster of either of them thereof, for tlio use
of the same, cither in the Creek or Seminole campaign,
or the Cherokee counties of thi* State, either holme or
after tliov have been mustered into the service of the l’.
States: Proi idod, that sueh payment Im* not been made
by the Hnited States: Provided, his Excellency shall
he satisfied that the same shall have been purchased in
good faith. And provided,also, that the oftieerpuri bas
ing br issuing sain provision* in the event of hi* not hav
ing received compensation therefor, shall be paid nt and
after the same rates which similar officers are paid for
like services in the armies of the United States.
Set. fitli. Ami he it farther enacted. That inasmuch ns
many of the volunteers, both in the Creek and Seminole
campaign*, were siek or wounded, and required medical
assistance, which could not he obtained otherwise than
from physicians unconnected with the army.hi* Excel
lency tlic Governor, is hereby authorised to pay all rea
sonable account* for necessary medical attention and
nursing of the volunteers in the Creek campaign, w ho
were or were,not iniHtered into the service of the I idl
ed State-’, or wounded Indian prisoner - , ns well ns all
similar ncrntiHt* contracted hi tho volunteers in the S"
ui'wde campaign, eitli r going or r< turning from the
same, who were unable to procure the services of the
surgeon of the army.
Set. 7th licit furfierenacted. That all of said compa
nies and oilier bodies of men, who had to defray their
own expenses on their way home, shall be paid Midi
reasonable expense*: Provided,the same has not been
paid hv the United Slates.
Sec^ 8th. Anil be it further enacted, Thut all payments
made under this net, shall he made out of any monies ill
the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and that nil
such payments shall he charged by the Governor in ac
count against the United Slates.
Sec. 9th. And be it further enacted, 1 hut where any
duties aro required by the eommauding officer of any
company, under the pro - , i-ions of thi* net, the same
be performed by the next highest offief
Provided, the suid officer may be dead
the State.
Sr.i .l*hh. And be it farther enacted. ! n»t nil account:*
tub trilled u .d -r thi* net,shall be audited b\ the Comp
tmller General, w ho, upon evidence of their reasonable-
ne*s, under ii liberal eoii*trurtioii of thi* act, recom
mend the same to b paid by tin* Governor, who shall
thereupon druw his u.iiruut on lue lieusury for the
Comptroller Generul’* Office,
JliLLEDOEVlu.E, January 3d, ll>37.
rpofacilitate nud aid those bidding claims, the pny-
/ ii' l, i Cn * vv l , * l *I* pe«>vi«1eil for by the foregoing net,
(published by order of bis Excellency the Governor) the
lorni of the muster roll, account and certificates, requir
ed to be executed ami presented to this Department, to
be audited, under tlic provisions of suid act,arc publish
ed with it; printed blanks of which will be forwarded
to those interested upon their application, (post paidJ
with directions where to forward tliem.
JOHN G. PARK, Comp, Ucn,
or* 5 r. fr r j*
5 I I T,
Certificate to be signed by the Captain or Commanding
Georria, \
County. S I certify, on honor, that this Muster
Roll of the militia company of this State, commanded
———• (in the late Creek or Seminole campaign, or in
the. Cherokee Counties,) during tin- vein lJJ3t», exhibit*
the true state of suid company lor the period therein
mentioned; flint the remniKs opposite the name of each
officer and soldier, nre accurate and just.
Given under my hand, this duy of 183
Under the 3d section of the net, to entitle Field and
Slnfl*Officers to receive their pay, their own certificate,
annexed to their accounts, stating their rank and com
mand,the time when ordered into service, uud how and
to what Brigade they were attached, uml the certificate
of their superior officer, shewaug that such service in the
capacity and rank charged for, w as performed l»y them
in his division or command of the militia of this State,
(in duplicate) will he required.
The following form of accounts and certificates (in
duplicate) will he required to lie executed uud presented,
by surli as bold claims, the pay nient of which is prov id-
d for by the 5tli and other HCi.tious of this act.
i'iun"ind :
under the
* vacted, That i
Sec. Mill. Anil be it further enacted, Tlmt In* Excel-
b nc-. the Governor, h*\ uud h< i* hereby aiithon-'d to
d-mitiil of lbs Truuitn ofllw Cniti I KlEta*, rr*pay
incut of the uinoiiul paid under thi* * r l» "hieh me pro-
ti-rli h rlfirtti'ttnili'r tltf ml' - "'"I '' .ml'ilion- nC »nr.
him! tImt It. lie nutlinri-' <1 11 ri '|'i. -i "»r lt.-,.ri'— imi-
til. mill in-trllr! t.cir- : ' nil'" in ("iinift --.toii'.iniiitlii-
,| . iiivilll in I "I I 'ii'ltli ■■ t"r 11"' |wy|i« nt "I
ill 1 .'' "11111- n it ," clwrgrulilii uiuii'l tlin I'ki.liiig Im
of tin* I'tiltcl -ini''-*
Mn , Uih. Ami I"- It lurlln
tms in t-mirri'.- uml ""I It-I'f H‘"l 1 •
|„. r .-,,i|. .i.'il lln-ii M"'-l .If-'"' in "lit
j„ , llh , M .| uf ('ungrr.. for tli" M,-,M.»iitii.nnl i" I i"inrii«.
mull r 111" I inti'll 'll"-’ '""I li'l'iiil"!'
lli. , of nil tlin t iliz"i'* «f lln- tor -1»-
' •"""iyti» tau jVwKi*rri‘oY,
Hm»brUHr Hhhu,U H> iMtir.
r lnHiMi r*' L< iioi.t
w ii i.i \m m in n, i.
l.l V,
ng sworn, say*
d just. That" t
in i barged tor
that ,
('aunty. ) ——- ——- I
the foregoing to count i* correct
v era I (articles or arrrirta) iIm*
(furnished or />• fonntd) Im tin
during lie* lute t Cm v or Sr in
('heroin ('oiinlira,) uml tin t n<
what i* ciedited lor, lm» been puj,| by
or thr Goverionenl of Georgia.
Hworn to,uud aub»crilH*d Ire for* me, this
County. S I certify, on honor, that the forego-
outit i* correct and |u*t. That tb • (urtirlea or j
day ol
Biieinal lit* re
tlOil emillio «c*l t‘*r t»\ —■
pi funned) for tba of
\ P ei -."ii" nre lirreliv cautioned ncain-ttradiiiir for
n II pr0 ,".".:, s< " v Note (written an follotva:)
Dollar. mo.-Uy^B twenlv-fillh dnv of llcecmlier
sm.V pa. Innac Watkina, Trti-toe, ('or M r.
ouepparo,) or IxiBrer,fourteen luimlrr,! and ten dollars,
S. P “" ClUU " y i, “ Cr ‘”"
(SignedIn) ’ wtf. D. WAUTHEN,
.... .. T. J. WARTIIF.N,
. Die considerntioii for which the said note was giv-
, bus entirely luiled, 1 urn determined not to pav it.
jan 81—It \ V . ii. VVAHTHEN.
Stewart Floyd, Ksq.
I..I. attend to the professional business of theun*
uersigned, dining his absence from tlio State.
Madison, January 31—tf
CJTOLEN from the Rack, in Monticello, Jasper conn-
•■'"'tirduy night the LMtltof Doceuilier l*:.,t, a
•mall chunky henwhutlt .
. , (iilAY IIOKSE.
I i had on a new saddle mid a very large Idanket. I
Will give .vat hir tho apprehension of tlio thief nail horse,
uelivered to mo in Motuieello, or 1 will give HU dollars
reward for tlio horse, delivered to me in Hontieello.
1 ^ 11 * , cr, ‘ ,c r* hnve jtmt received 50 erotes nssorl-
*■ °2#r roekcr J»**«»tBl»le for city uml country trade,
dn crates edged Hairs
20 do d„ Twifficrs
L» ilo do Muffins, assorted sizes
39 do C C Bow Is, all sizes
29 do dipt do do
i!9 do printed do do
20 do white glazed do
50 do printed do
20 do Iduu do plates
7o i 1,0 twifficrs
on i *!? muffins, assorted
~ [ do dipt mtigg, assorted sizes
19 do painted lea pm* augurs, creams
*» do printed do do do
do C C Ewers and basons
20 do do cliumbcrs
30 do dishes, assorted
20 do painted tea*
20 do blue printed teas
10 packages common tall tumblers
do tliut do
double do do
common cut do
fine do do
common decanters, quarts and pints
fine cut do do
. ...... assortment of astral, mantle and ball
luiupa, plated, inpumird and wood frame castors—all of
winch will he sold on the most favorable terms.
Savannah, Nov. 22,1830—2w3m.
5 do
10 do
5 do
5 d.i
5 do
together with
1 bo dofeut of the French expedition against Con-
ftuntiiie, is one of the mod e.tms'tdernhle miluiivv
events that lm« occurred for some time. (Jnr read
ers will lie interested with the official account pub
lished from the I’aris Mont:eur.
Bona, December 1.
I had the honor of informing you, before, the de
parture of the expedition, bow much difficulty I bad
hi collecting at Bona, tlio troops and stores, which
contiary winds and storms bad dispersed in nil di
rections. W bile tin* troops embarked suffered from
being kept so long i*n bonid, abundant ruins were
falling nt Bona; and the different corps, as they ar
rived, not being able to recover themselves from
the effects of their voyage. I was obliged to leave
in the hospitals 2.000 out of the 7,000 Infantry I bad
succeeded in asRembliiig. The weather h iving be
come tine on November 12th. I left Bonn on the 13th,
ntul set out on my march against Constantine, with
7.0.00 men of all arms. On the 19th, we encamped
nt Rfiz Onrd Zetiati, and here commenced the limit
rrnel, unexpected, and iinpnrnllcjad hardship*. W«*
were iti the most elevated region, mill during the
night, rain, hail uud snow fell so constantly, and iu
such abundance, that vve were exposed to all the
rigors ol a winter at »St. Petersburg!!, while the
ground resembled, iu the eyes of old officers, tlie
mire of Warsaw.
We were within sight of Constantine, and yet
began to despair of leaeliiug its walls. We how
ever continued our inarch on the 20lh; and the ar
my, with the exception of the baggage and the rear
guard, reached the innniimer.tof Coiistnntine, vi here
it‘was forced to halt. The cold became excessive
ninny of the men had their feet fiozeu, and mnnv
perished iu the night; for since we left Hazel Ali-
h»t there was no more fuel to he obtained. In fine,
the baggage—the horses to which were doubled and
trebled—-joined us, nud we crossed, on the 21st the
Bon Mezroug, one of the tributary streams of the
Ooed Rainmel, which, increased’ by the torrents,
had overflown its hanks. The Infantry were up to
their waists in water, and many of them would have
perished hut for the Cavalry, who saved them at
the risk of their own lives. Several of the draft
horses were drowned nt this difficult passage. The
army, however, succeeded in reni.liing the opposite
rtide of the fiver, and in a few hour* afterwards, we
were in position under the walls of Constantine.—
The baggage of the iidmimstrnlioii. however, was
left nbom two leagues in the rear, fast bound in the
mud, but milking every clTnrt to join us.
Constantino isadniiralilv situated; and at all points,
except one, is w onderfully defended by nature. A
ravine, sixty yards wide, mid of an immense depth,
at the iiMtinui of which runs the Oueil Kummcl, pro-
Augum Chronicle if Stale Rights' Sentinel. , ,
xiir.’ ...,,i• i _ ,r „ . sen..-, ns u scarp and counterscarp, a peipendieulnr
■ -iv-it'-Hx.l ,, t rp '"’" 1 R "": r "V 1 . 1 ' Statk '' nrU ' r, l" ,ll| v uniiMitilnlile liv lionil.anlinHnt or tin-
iiorinmiiig. I lie plateau of Mausmira has ruinmii-
mention with the town by a verv narrow bridge, ter
minating at n double gateway of great strength and
"ell defended by musketry from the surrounding
houses and gardens
Under the eirrumstances in which we were pla
ced, I lind no leisure to invest tint place regularly.
I, with the troops tinder Gen. Trezej, was in oeeupa
A Rights’ "'Entinki., having purchased die
men tot the Augusta Ciironici.e, intends uniting the
two papers, on the first ofjanunrv, under the above title.
l*rom amlaltertliat day, the Chronicle A .Sentinel
l M f , *‘J' s * ,0 1 ( * Jtiily, veini-weekly, and weekly,
throughout the whole
V a no us eoiisideratioiis liave conspired to induce a dai
ly puhlicutioii; ouioiig which may he noticed as most
important, the prosperous condition of Augusta, it* exten-
oiimicrciul husiur
^HUie^enio^d liv , f»Mlili* , iIrf Ir* cxtrnor, ^ ncr .v • l, nil In- I ,io„ .tf the plateau of Mansoura. I had .lirected the
V?-!- *«« * to tako ion of
tmice, whether cominorciiil or political, i— : - 1 ‘
guard to take possession
krt of Koudilt Ata, ami the Marabouts and bn
New Fork, Cliarle-’ton, iiiul all othe'r Cities' and Statesh! r > «p|t*wile tho gate of Fr Rabhali, mid
the Atlantic portion ot tlie Union,mid from here it i* eir- to blockade it without loss of time,
euiuted **. v umils, diverging in diffiTciil direction*, into It w,, « easy nt n glance to perceive that the town
every part oldie State. To all persons, tlieu, interested was In be attacked on this point, but it was also utter-
I”, 1 . 010811 P«i« l ,rol, ‘ "’hieli it Iv impossible to convoy the field artillery to the spot,
theutit- oiaiiiiM- tlii' .-Uv " m •°V r,,lll< 1,1 l * ,,! ,,n " it was nlreadv buried up to the naive* of tlic
alCi^lgci ’ U y ' } ' I"'™ 1 "" I'fc-ctiiincnt whci'la .... tlin plailnr I' Mans..urn. Col. Tmtrno.
I'" lli" mon anUlo c ommunity, liotli in tli" City and in :'" s """ 1 l,ln '*• »-tV.*.-.l the trnn-|mrl nt' two t-ipl.t
die interior of the State, ai oiniueiviul paper at this place 1 ,l » the other position. It was at that mo-
is of inure iiiiportaueo than at any other in the Union.! went that hostilities commenced; they were nnnouii-
The Ex pros* Mail arrives here in four ilnvs from New j c«»d to im by tint tiring of two 24 pounders, directed
\ork,boitu three days in amiciputiou of the ordinarv ) against our artillery, and W llie red flag of tho Arabs,
mad. By it, sIum are rei cived by Editors only, from all I w liieli was mounted on the principal battery of the
alMhTmn^Tmnnri'Im.'.'.L 1 ';' A, 1 ,i ."‘ lic Sialea, ™"t,ii«i"(r I The liny Aclimet I,n,I tint v.'titnml ti> alml
i."it;ra r ««».ti.i.-.i .yho.
r« Kuidriiiiiiu mi ««nee ol that town to bis Lieutenant, Ben-IIaissn.--
Iie placed no depeinjenee upon the inhabitants, lie
. .. of the regular mail. The
ollectot thin will bn to render Northern newspapers of but
iift/e value to mercantile men in tin* State, while it in
creases tlio importance of papers published hero.
In addition to all the important commercial news, the
Chronicle iV Sen tinel will contain n larg«» quantity of
iiiiscellaticouH matter, iiisiriicting, interesting, uud amu
sing to every desi riptitmof reuders, whether in thu city
or in the country* l’o*ses*iug a eirctiluliou in thi* Slate,
and in South Carolina, far beyond that ever possessed hv
nnv other paper nt this place,’it oilier* the strongest posl-
hie inducement* Ibr every kind of advert i.*ing.
In order to give all new* received hv lhc'Exprc*s Mail,
at the earliest hour, the Daily paper will be published 3
bad introduced into the town a garrison of between
1,200 ami 1,500 Turks and Kabyles, who were reso
lutely determined to defend the place.
Alter crossing the Oueil Rainmel, the van gimrd
brigade Advanced upon the heights, which, though
defended by Kabyles who issued in considerable
force from the place, were successively carried l»v
our troops. The latter established their position un
der fln» guns of the Arabs, while I disposed »nv nr-
tillerv. the lire of which I directed again.*' the gale
of I ' Uau'nia during the whole «.f the 2$d. Through
out mat day, the van guard brigade nlsofought most
gallantly against the combined force of tlio Arabs
uml the Turkish Infantry, the latter having made a
Friday morning. ” v 'sortie frofn the gate, which we were nimble to
TKRMri—Daily paper, Ten Dollar* par annum, in ail- ! ,l "' 1 ln,, lf' r ;! ' ,)f)0 "' B " " rln "
dock in the afternoon.
The sizoofllm Daily paper will ho that of the Aur.ut
Chronicle, containiiig seven columns on each page.
Tim Semi-Weekly paper will he issued on Tifesr
"•*d Friday, in the morning, and tlie Weekly paper
Semi-Weekly paner, as heretofore, at five Dollars, in
Advance, nr Six at the end of the yrar.
Weekly paper, Three Dollurs, in advance,or Four nt
the end of the ycat.
Augii«ta, Dee. 30,183f», 18.
lL/*Tlie first Daily paper will he issued on Tuesday
the 3d day of January, 1837.
C N KORGIA, Elbert comity.—Uourt of Ordinarv, Jan-
1 mirv Term, 1337.
Fresent t'lieir lloimr* William A. Reek, Dillard Ileam-
don, Tlimin* .1. Ileardaiid Thos..lohiistoii, Justices.
ON th<‘ ap|die:.tion of Beverly Allen, ex’or. of Rich
ard Uolhert, deccii*i>d—Also ex’or. of TIioiimh Akin,
deceased—-alsoiiilui’r. ile bonis non, of Thomas Akin, |
deceased—uml also lulm’r. ol James Arnold, deceased, \ 1 he WtitluT \v;
stating to the court, that he has finally adiiuniHtcrcd and thick cakes. ;iml t h
for let- i ueeessmy lor tin*
I scut Home miditioitul horses to extricate the lashing
of the guns from the mire in which they were em
bedded, hut the task was irnprnrtiealili'. I then Ac
ceded to the suggestion of the Military inteudant,
who proposed to mu to send mules to r,eeotupli*h the
desired .diject; hut the plan could not he carried in
to efleet, for just ns tlic convoy was on the point of
starting, under the escort of a half battalion, we
were Apprized that a portion of the fi2d regiment,
which Im I accompanied and protected the lashings
of the gu s, seeing the impossibility of extricating
ilinin, had plundered tlic provisions, in spite of tl c
eflorls of llteir Colonel, staved the casks of wine
and brandy, and thus deprived us of a portion of our
f del.
* still horrible; the snoxv fell in
cold was excessive llbccanc
a take the pin •«* l»v storm, and,
owes*, to march buck the army
ay • # | lie first gate haltered bv
ni»'d, and if our engineers could
• win*' lip the second, there win*
should ho able to penciluto into
paid out tlte a**et* of tlin *uid astute*, uml [
t"rsof di*mi*-iiiu therefrom—whereupon, it i* ordeied, \ in the even
that six months notice he given ol thi* n;> ( nlieiiti<»ii in j w iihom Iu
tho (icorgia Journal, requiring all prisons to file their .j '
objection*, if any tlicyliuve against tlic granting of the ! “j | ,M ' .'V
s ime, mi or before the tlr*i term of the court, alter the on : ; v rt '
expiration of the time aforesaid, in default tin reef, let- | ^"lia hope tliut
ters di*mi*sory will he granted in each ea«e in terms of, B"’ town,
the statute in such casus made and provided—This 0th i I now made the necessary preparations for qtiar-
January, 1«>37. 0 « teriug toe sappers nifd the companies that w*• i•• to
A true a\tract Grom the minutes of the (’ ofOrdin- I follow them. Tl nginecis \t ho Imd remained be-
ary of.Elbert county, tinsL D'-ll'JaiitiArv, 1337. . him! w ith part of the wagons, having arrived 8
pin 21—mfun S' ft. 1. NELMS, C\ (’. O. . . ■ ■ , . , ., S,
— J ’ ' . clock in the evening. I ordered Col. Lcmt!ir.icr »"
EORGIA, Baldwin (’minty.—Inferior (hunt sit- 1 prepare to reueonuoiire the state of the gate of I’l-
W tiuz for nrdiiiury purpose , November udjonrned Uantara, in order to blow up every part of it that i
. might remain standing, and In force a passage foi l
pon tlic application of I Immus R. five picked companies of the Gfetli mid < a ’3d regiments J
licli I placed tinder tin* ordeis of my aid-ile- )
cauiji, ( <d. De R iiicu. 'J’liese iustruetious were hm
slow Iv t X'enti d bv llii* engiiu*er* who were cxlutiis- :
li d with fue, having. pns>ed 2ii lioitrs hi the mire
t % with at Lit-or rest. Tin* gnte tvns rencnriiioitred
mill for six month*, in one of the nuhlie cn/eites of I oulv ii -Imrt timo lielore dnv-brenk,and the engineers
< Bm row, dcc’d. i
i, 1836.
Stubbs, Executor
and hUo upon thu application of J
tor on the estate of i».iv* Uill.dco’d. statingthat th<
are r.*a Iv In . . tlic accounts of their re- p.*etive nit.
tib’Sand praying letter* ol/distiiission therefrum;
•far* ordered that thi* rule be published once
one of tlic public gazettes of | only
.Milledgeville, that all parties concerned may have due I required (lie following dnv to make the iiccex»arv
notice ol tins Application and file their objections (if. preparation* lor the operation.
I ()ii thu 23d, while the artillery continued to batter
id letter
ole) eniiipait u f in the
it thereof, tit If i than
bv the I hill d ’Mutes.
iil'Solutely i*ces*ssry,
»d were (furut 'ted nr 1
oiG. M under
•'•ml, lit I be |a(e ( Cn ri or St minute)
neipaign (in 0a ('hrroier Con,diet.)
fiitaa under mv bsnd. till* «l»s of 1W4
nov. 22—mfiiri. B. I*. STURMS, ri’k
( "N F.ORGIA, I’utmini (’mititv.—Wlierea< John Lint
Jf and Nathaniel Sadh r,(ufuuui«tr.itor*of the c*tn
«»t William F. Brown, deceased, apply for lette
This is therefore incite the kindred and creditors of said
iUcM. to he uud appcarul :n( office within the time pre-
s till'd by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said
latter* should not he granted.
Giv 'ii under m\ hand tin* 23th dnv of |»cc. 1836.
jmi 8—w *m W\|. B. fTARTEU, •. •. W.
v « wt;i.
f III* I RV l.\ 1 HI-GI.NLRAL find* it imcrRsnrv in
3 re.niud ihe public, thut the increased iipulii' tiio'i*
I" bun lor l i • p . - i : n 1 r.»; -v i : of GR \ \ ’X j ,* hi ain umt ol labor mid pecuniary r.‘S|» in*iniliiv-
Ite is disposed no lulM.'tr will.out -nit.pi.-iii> t-
miuierutimi. Iu lulore, lie* 'i»uul l-ee ol (>•, • U dhir l >r
a - ingle Grant, *»r Fiftv U. ut- each, l"r iiumo limn .if .
will re 1 req lire.| ti,r Ii - r»ieo—and to ,>uri ire all'll-
turn, till* iiinxl iuvnrrildv be remiltcd fire of no-i t e
Milkdgei ills, Jan 3 tf. 1
a riixsT rati:
.Boiirnryinnii Cm
11' HO will r'tkeehnr: c of n psrrrldf bar
> f man, will receive liberal v<*gv», f,„ i|,e enam
year. Eiiqiiirir ut tins (likes*
dec 17—11
< i K( MIG I A, Wilkin-on ('mi ni) .-.Grnigc Slmdiolri
¥ ol i'apt. IIIihi I ' »th* di i ii i,|i)im hi j; ,
Mill,on Hltick ( *, k, 1 'led befor*, OH' one smi,II b
uisfe V|u|r, with some white ban* on her slm'ildcr «,*n
««d to In* don • by lb* collar and •upp.-t .l |o !*r nIm.
12 vest* old , apprised bv Tlmom* I mUrwnml
J sum' < llslhii'l to y ■'», Novcuilter 7, I tt.ii
mow A8 -GT.NUE, J. r.
A true extra I from the lelno lloiA.
die :7 A R. WRIGHT, Clerk,
town, the \nn guard brigade was vigorously at
tacked, but the enemy was defeated on every point,
our cavalry cutting down n great portion of the Be\ V
Turkish Infantry. 'I’lie Chief d’F.scadioii Tnlgnv,
ol tli.*- directed this charge iu the most brilliant manner,
nod tliiougimiit the whole of tlio campaign gave
rounHiiit evidence id his courage and determined
cooliteas# On our side w« were also attacked, nud
by lien. Tiezr!’* or«h is the Arabs were vigoroiislv
di iv cn back by tin* 5'Jtl» Regiiiicut of the Line, w liicli
coveted oiii load quarter*.
I.i the lmi»e of div ertiii^ the attention of the garri-
►"ii, ami terrifying the inhabitant*, | ordered tvv. I
-imult.'iieous mum ks fur that nigh —the fir*! N"aiii*t I
the gate of I.l-Cnnlnia, wasto be uudei the din-e- j
i i, . fCol. le'iiierc ier, the second, on tin* side olj
1 v i Mil im 1 - A 11, wti* to be attempted hv the tioup* «•!
th guard. (In tin' approach of night, General
Tie/e| 111iiiIf po-ted the fdliii anil (al I R«*glinen's
which w • i e to second the euitilieer*. Uol. Leiuer-
cier oideied hi* men and Iim •• ino*tiiel’’ to ndvance
uiuh r the onier*of (’oiuniandant Mmin. ami Cap-
ta.ns ll.icki t and Roy. The pani-mi imim dinlelv
eoiiHiieneed nnd kept up n lui-k foe. An tujiidi-
emus order for the advance of the free company of
the (’ougtn, which w.»* at the head of the t oltitnn,
tliiew mto tli-.1 li i the sappers who had just coin-
nicuci il their liiiuiis tlui losses were eousidersldc
and tbe men who eanird the ladders were killed or
woundiil. ( ipl. Roy ol ll,e ei giueer*, had his leg
mil wn-» shattered, and (it i, Tiexcl, who exposed
liiui-t If to the hottest of the fo e to eueonriige or
iaIIv hi* iMNtps. vv a* fe||e | to th, utounil bv ahull)
w bo h »ti in It him in tlte lice'.. (’o|. |,cmeir h i in-
sun I nte'ii ile* lo cessiiy of abstulooieg the atlaek j
nud w undraw mg dm livu ps, and luiuietiisli ly gs'v j
The «»»ek on Koudiat All wan email* nforS-
ttittc, nnd led to the Ion of mveral bear* Am,
nninnp.t whom wnn Captain Grand, oftheeniimera,
nn Olhcer of the highent promi«i, and CommnndaM
MchepntiK. l.tautcnam Cnhmel Ouvieier mi thin
Occam,it, gave f r e#h proof* of kin braver* and akSI.
Lieut. Bertrand, of the Artillery, who wrnt vrownd*
oil, nlM utaployed the greatett courage and energy.
llie Mtenipta whirl, it wraa incumbent mi ne to
mnko I' t„ 0 ,i r retreat having failed, I jade-
ed it tdvi,nble lu profit by the remainder of Ike night
to awcmble the arm. i,„J *„!,* ever . prrr> eratHm
to ninrab: I nccordingly Colonel De Ranee to
tlte vnn guQt'tl hrigmle to give immediola order* for
lireakirg up it* eiionmumerit. nnd f,„ it. rccroefiiog
die Otted-Rnmmel before day break, in order that
it might tnke the position which I occupied. Tbit
movement hnvirig been nrompfly And snccespfiillv
executed, I pointed out the order in which tli* diif-
forent corps were to sustain themselves, aihI the sr-
my having commenced its march with nil the btg-
gage and die artillery. we encamped at Soma.
On die first dnv the retreat was extremely difficult,
ns tlio entire ot the garrison and A number of mould
ed Arabs nt lacked us, and particularly mir renr-gusrd,
w itli the must determined perseverance. But the
62il Regiment nnd the Battalion r>f the 2d Light In-
fnntry, under the Commandant Cbniignrnier, §ii|»
ported by the mounted African Chasseurs *rpulsed
every nttnek, occasioned much loss to the enemy,
and kept them in check.
On the 25th »vc w ere encamped nt Oued Talagn,
still repelling successfully the reiterated attacks of
the Arabs.
Onilte28tli we completely succeeded in driving
oft the Kabvles, some hands of wlmm occupied llie
summits of the defile lending to Guelnin, where we
arrived early.
I linvo not yet been able to collect the reports fur
nished by llie commanders of the corps, but as soon
as they shill linve readied my bands, I shall make
•Item the suiijcr.t of n second despatch, f siinll nt
tlic same time make known to you die number of
killed and wounded. To connildc, the various
corps of tin expedition directed their mnwh upon
Constantine without leaving any nn **f l*«.«niliiy to
repress. During 15 days they eitfl'cred tinder fevers
at Bona which detained 1,800 men in the hospitals;
anil near around Constantine they were overwhel
med by rain, snow, Ituil and ininj. The loss was in-
considerable from the lire of the place nnd the ene
my when they followed ii* upon llnzel Akim; whilst
tlic Kali vies, who presented themselves in order to
oppose mir return, bad more than 400 killed. The
various corps brought back all their artillery amf
nminiiiiitinu wagons which were not broken up: all
the soldiers, whether enfeebled, sirk or wounded,
wefe assisted or transported along; and, in abort, n
garrison lias been established nt Gticlmn, wliernev
ery filing neeessnry for another expedition may be
collected together previous to its being carried into
I linve the honor to be,. Monsieur le Ministry, your
very humble nud obedient servant.
Marshal CLAU8EL,
Gov. Gen. of the Possession* iu the Nortii of Africa.
Marshal CIniisel is said in the Paris National to
have returned lo Bona w ith only 1,200 out of 7,000
men. Some it is true, were left behind a: a place
called Giielmii, nud ure expected to return, but tlio
loss of the French is estimated ill some of the jour
nals nt four thousand men. Not only the elements
seem to have conspired against the expedidition, btft
tlie cowardice or incapacity of one or the principal
officers, Gen. de Riguy. As the army passed thro*
an irregular defile, where the wagons were sinking
in tin- mm!, and (lie soldiers were straggling about
in confusion, n party «d'4M0 Arabs made their appear-
mice iV began lo fire upon them. The National says:.
“This General, a man of fashion, nnd not of
war, affrighted at the sight of this-destructive con
flict. abandoned his position. Quitting the bead of
his brigade, lie advanced to the aailiiiiaiire (moving
military hospital,) crying out that the army was be-'
ing massacred; that Aelmiet was coming up with
bis troops, and that it was necessary to return: ob
serving to all who chose tu listen to him, tliut the
Marshal had proved himself incapable loan in
stant the Inigiule ehargeil with the escort of tie
convoy, which consisted of 50 wagons, a great limn-
her of mules and horses, carrying with them 10,000
rations, nud the nmhuhuicn loaded with Hie *jck and
wounded, was thrown into disorder. The Arabs
fell upon the convoy, massacred the men without
mercy, pillaged the wag mis, mid thu* deprived the
army of its last resource.”
The Marseilles Hiinapbor, however, transfers thfl
res . maihility for this disaster from the account ofGen
Ift* Riguy’g piisilanimily to tliut of bis incapacity in
the following manner:
1 What contributed to render the route of thn itr-
»»y more eoinpleto, was tlin want of succour from
thn Cavalry. Gen. De lligny, who commanded th«
cavalry.being deceived by the appearance, luisfnok
at a distntiee the tall and closely planted steins of
the thistles of Africa, surmounted by tlieir long
white flowers, for the bends of Bedouins enveloped
in their liturnous, and ordered n charge to be made
oil this harmless camp; the cavalry being once en
gaged among these tall plants, cotild not arrive in
time to rclic\«> our troops and nttnek tlie enemy.—
( e-iernl Do Kigny has been deprived of his com
mand; it is, however, affirmed, that his command
In* been restored to him, in an order of (lie day,
iu which the Marshal assigns bis reasons.”
Thu following incident is related to have acetic
red on the retreat, or rather route of tlio French ar
my, on the 28th of November:
* * A 1 1 those win* were unable to follow were mer
cilessly left behind*? the wounded were likewise
abandoned. Captain Pexou seeing u poor soldier
overcome with fatigue asked him if be bail not suffi
cient strength to proceed ? “ Captain,” be replied
41 in all instant my bend will be cut oft*; but take my
cartridges. I should be sorry the enemy bad’tliem to
lire against you.” Astonished at so much rournge,
the Captain alighted from bis horse, placed the poor
devil on if. ami brought him to the camp of Giiclma,
having walked a distance of seven leagues on foot,
holding his horse by (lie bridle.”
Louis Ilona parte.— Letter* from Loui* to hie iinchv
Jo-epli Bonaparte, forwarded to thn Count de Sur-
\ illicis, by the Minister of the interior. *• L'Drieut,
Nov. 15. M v dear Uncle.—von have been surpris
ed at learning the event at Strasburg When ail
a toni| t ftiMs. otn ’s nt! Nth»in> are sum- to be dnt'tM
ted. Calumny will take its course, ami one is cer-
t mi to Ite blamed, even by friemlW. Oil this account
1 shall now endeavor to excuse myself in your eves.
I set out to-morrow for America. Von wilf much
oblige by sending me snmo fetters of recmrHueudn-
tioii for I'hilailclphia or JVcw-Vnrk. Be so kind ns
to present my leaped* to my uiielre, nud to accept
my dcelnratipii of sincere attachment. In quitting
Europe pei Imps for ever, I feel the greatest regret
that there is m t one, even in my own family, who
will pity my fate.
Adieu, niy dear uncle, and never doubt of tli*
feelings of affection of your fond nephe*.
Napolkox Isww Uosapartk.
I*. R. Be so food as to infurm your agent in
America, what lauds you nre disposed to sell me in
that country.”—[La Xourdlc Minsrvc.
- t: at * Iftet.
1837.— As most of our renders will resell the mi
year about the time this paper reaches them, •
take the l.herty to present our patrons and fricu
the compliments of the season. [To those \v In* m
think it premature, we would remind that we go
the udi nuie. plan, iiIum ether. 1 We congratuli
our readers mi the freedom of the press; that
lawyer nr hanker of wounded reputation, hr.s si
ns any *• red tape” the year past, for words spoki
written nr published ; that we have neither kick
mu been kicked by any horse tlie year pA*t; tbntu
nasal organ, always sufficiently long, lias not he
elongated in open court. Ac. Wo w ish our readi
h'l'g lift-, uml an !'Xlen*ivc nequaintnnce with t
gob I currency. We hope the farmer will he bli
w nil the good crops ami fair pi ices; that then
clianic in.iv have full employ, and be inde|ieiid4
enough to say to all. “pay to-day. and trual ts-si
row;’’ that tlie retailoig iiierrhant may have p|ei
of cash customers, and lose 75 cents of all he p
unhook: thut oil goad citizens may set their fm
ag.i'tist the small credit iy.Uem, tigamst natr
pinching boots, tight pantaloon», short frocks, lai
sleeves, paper shoes, false whiskers, idle loafi
ami empty pockets ; that all young men will ke
ilii*trious and intend to some useful ratling, and
old out s set good examples ; that all who iri// be
doieut, nml di*houe»i, and drunkaials. may lisvi
gmal opportunity In enlist and fight the Indians; tl
those who use great swelling words of perpaft
bank charters, sneer nt the power of the people, a
d"'y tlie Legislature lo do tlieir worst, may ae
have hoofs instead of fingers ami lues, creep on
fours, and eat grass in the same pasture with H
iiehadtiez/.i i; that old matrons may train up th
daughters ill llie wav they sbouM go; that tin
Young ladies, w hi*, on a* count of ihe pressure, hi
io eu deprived of tho expected privileges of tin*
piring hissexule \car, may nhlalu gimtl husbands
ensiling ycat; that certain widows and old ma
w ho run find ini heller employ msnt than that of«
tu g lip Abolition petitions in Congress, rirrnlaii
Abolition p'i|*er* and pamphlrta, and ailendmg A
I it mu meetings, mav haw the privilege of ehnnsi
between while and Mark, in select mg Imdam
eml finally, our best wishes le all,—and if then
any error tn the above, we beg those inlereeisd «
i oitvcl Us, during the year 1837.—[ Hertford Pep