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By the arrival of the Fulton we have -
Hew York papers to the 9th, from which
we make extracts containing the most
Li&portsnt sm-f-s- •
Mbmgphis, Tenn, Tuesday, Jan 3, \
via Cairo, Friday, Jim. 6. )
General Dana lias received information
from his cavalry force sent out from here
on the 21st of Decemtier. They struck
the Mobile and Ohio Railroad five miles
below Corinth, and had, on the 27th, ut
terly destroyed it to below Oakalona.
Twenty-nine bridges, a great deal of
trestle work, thirty-two railroad cars,
three hundred army wagons and four
houaand carbines were destroyed.
Forrest’s camp of dismounted men at
Everona was dispersed. Six officers and
twenty men were captured. The expe
dition did not lose a man. Gen. Grier
son has orders to destroy the road as far
as Meridian, and release our prisoners at
Oatowabda if passible.
_ [Correspondence of the New York Times.]
The last heard from Hood was that
portions ot his army passed through Ja
cinto and liienzi,! on the Mobile and
Ohio road, and that he was making with
all possible speed in the direction of
Okalona, Miss. The railroad is cut
south of him and he is without railroad
and telegraphic communication from any
point of the compass.
In the meantime Gen. Thomas’ superb
army is preparing for anew aggressive
campaign. Our new base will be upon
the Tennessee River, probably at East
port, a small town in Mississippi, about
28 miles north of Florence. This will
deprive Nashville of much of its vast im
portance. The military eye will at a
glance comprehend the magnificence and
strength of the situation of the North
west, Florence, Tuscumbia, luka and
Corinth are all in our possession, and the
telegraph willjfce in operation between
,these places this week, and the railroad
communication will sppedily follow.—
This will give us a ‘‘belt” of.territory with
Memphis on the right and Chattanooga
and Knoxville on the left.
The entire State of Tennessee, for the
first time during the war las been
thoroughly cleaned out, and no rebels in
amts occupy any of territory. General
Thomas has officially informed Gov.
Johnson of this f act, and adds that the
Btate must uow keep itself, as his army
may soon be operating elsewhere.
[From the Times, 6th.)
t Jttr. Blair, Senior, left Washington for
City Point on Saturday. It is reported
that a pass from the rebel Secretary of
War is waiting lor him, allowing him a
safe conduct to Richmond. It is under
stood now that he goes without any offi
cial authority,
The President on Friday sent to the
Senate the nomination of a large number
of military officers, including Sherman,
Meade, Sheridan and Thomas, for Major
Generalships in the regular aripy; Han
cock and others for Brigadier General
ships in the regular army, and about
forty Major Generals and Brigadier Gen
erals of Volunteers.
Gen. Thomas has been appointed Ma
jor General in the regular army, vice Jno.
C. Fremont, resigned, to date from Dec.
15, the date of his .great victory over
Hcfod. The appointment is said to have
been made at the request of Gen. Giant.
Brevet Maj; Gen. George Crook has been
made full Major Genera of Volunteers.
An important order has just been Is
sued bp Provost Marshal General Fry,
announcing that under the recent call for
300.000 troops, issued on the 19th ot last
month, the numbers specified must ac
tually be placed in the field. No credits
are, therefore, to be allowed for any re
cruits under this call who were in the
United States service at the date above
mentioned, and a thorough revision of
the quotas of the various districts must
JtoW take place.
TO THE 12th.
Oisorga&zadon in the Rebel Army,
&c., &c., &c.
We have received full files of late rebel
papers, including the Charleston Courier
and Mercury of the 12th. We make the
following interesting extracts:
Ihe Statk of Souti! Carolina.—Headquar
ters, Charleston, December 29, 1864.—Special
Orders,--The Legislature of South Carolina has
doclareiT that all free white men between the
ages of sixteen and sixty years, not already in
Confederate service, shall be liable tp militia ser
The city of Charleston requires for its defence
all within its limits who are between these ages.
This service is for the defence of our homes. It
cannot be declined except by those who are un
willing to defend that State whose laws protect
them; that city by which they are sheltered.
All will come forth : all must come forth, The
free proffer of service is what the State desires.
The service not proffered will be demanded.
Officers charged with the organization o? this
force will, as much as possible, reconcile the
service with the employments in business, or
labor of those who are ready to perform it. They
who promptly respond to the call of the State,are
entitled to and will receive from it a careful con
sideration of all that affects their welfare.
Vacancies in all organizations in the city of
Charleston will be. tilled without delay by ap
pointment. The most active means adopted,
to complete all enrollments and perfect every or
Arrest and ' punishment, as provided by law
will be only resorted to when indispensably ne
cessary. It is hoped that in no case be
necessary to resort to either.
The enrollment and organization of Regiments,
Battalions or Independent Companies will be re
ported to the Adjutant and Inspector General.
Officers will exercise all the authority with which
they are invested to maintain the respect due the
Law of the State, which requires for its defence
he service of those who live within her limits
and under its protection.
In this service there are no exemptions : none
can be allowed except under special circum
stances. Certificates of disability, or other
causes, in consequence of which exemptions
have been hitherto granted, will not be regard
ed, unless renewed. Exemption from this ser
vice is what no one wUI ask who is true to the
State. If there are any not true to our State,
they have no proper place among those who now
prepare for her defence.
A, G. Hjlokatb.
By the Gfcvernor.
Official: A. C, Qaxiington, Adjutant and In
spector General ,
Siege of Charleston —five Hundred
and Fifty-Second Day-Nothing has oc
curred to disturb the quiet state ot affairs
which, existed at last report. The flag
of truce communication for the delivery
of the Savannah refugees has been
chf aged from Savannah river, and will
take place off Charleston harbor this
morning. We hope an effort will be
made by our city authorities and citizens
to receive these exiles with a hospitality
worthy the fair fame of old Charleston.
Office Provost Marshal General,
Drp’t of So. Ca., Ga. Fla.,
Charleston, 8. C., January 9, 1865.
Special Notice. —An armed Guard of
Cavalry and Infantry will patrol the
streets of this city day and night for the
purpose of apprehending deserters and
skulkers from the service of the country,
as well as to aid in preserving good or
der and quiet and to protect the persons
and property of citizens of this commu
nity, who are requested to facilitate the
guard in executing their orders, and to
give information at this office of a!l
soldiers or other persons who may be
absent without proper authority from
their commands, or .shirking service.—
The co-operatic a of all citizens is earn
estly solicited. . .
Wm. J. Gayer,
A. A. G. and Provost Marshal General
January 10.
[From the Mercury of the 12.2
Prompt Reform.— The condition of
this Military Department,, as embraced
within the limits of Georgia and South
Carolina, is anything but satisfactory to
any man who is aware of facts, and has
capacity to understand their bearing. We
presume there is no one in this Depart
ment to whom the condition of our pres
ent military organizations is less satisfac
tory than to the General commanding.—
Probably there is no one so thoroughly
aware of the lamentable disorganization
that prevails in certain corps and section
of [ns command. His Department has
been newly turned into his hands, and
many of the troops are new to him and
to this Department. They came to him
under the command of imbeciles; he has
received them, a herd of stragglers and
outlaws. The enemy does not Intend to
wait upon our leisure. And there'is
much to do.
Before bringing ourselves to face the
enemy, it is absolutely essential that
those "in command bring themselves to
face the vital evil3 existent within our
own lines. The path we now are travel
ing, is straight'to destruction. The crisis
of the Confederacy has arrived in fatal
earnest. The result of the. next six
months will bring the Confederacy to
the ground, or will reinstate its power.—
Without reform we are doomed.
There is nothing before us that cannot
be overcome; but to do it, there must be
anew state of things instituted. We
say again; there must be nerve. Men in
command must not be afraid to die—
They must not be afraid to kill. Officers
must be killed—n<?t mere privates. Re
form .must begin at the top, not at the
bottom of the service. .To reach the pri
vate, Captains must be shot—to reach
the Captains, Colonels must be shot
We‘want no child’s play—we want cm'
We want no more Jeff. Davis foolery;
we want one atom of brains, one 6park
of nerve—we want no more Burnamism
—we want no more mermaids with heads
of monkeys and fishy attachment the
neither extremities —we want men, real
men, earnest men—North Carolina,
Georgia and South Carolina are in no
mood for trifling. They have had
enough of this sort of thing. They don’t
intend to have much mere. South Caro-
lina don’t intend to be conquered. Pho
intends to fight. She don’t intend to be
hampered or turned over to the enemy.
When she is thus dealt with, there wul
be a reckoning—a reckoning where there
will be no respecters of person. We
want implicit order and calm forecast
We stand to-day as gladiators, stripped
to the fight—we are ready and trained
to enter the struggle,for life or for death.
South Carolina is ready to become the
arena of, the Republic. Her sons are
ready for the contest. Make of her
whole soil a military camp—strip her to
the waist; she will not shrink. But give
her her gauntlets and her sword, and she
is ready to stand or fall where she is.
If, however, commanding officers will
not do their duty in this matter, let all
men shut their books, for the end will
have well nigh come. The time is short;
—will it be improved ?
The Resorted Outrages in Mil-
LEDGEvir.LK.—The editor of the Fayette
ville Observer has seen a letter from a
clergyman in Savannah, written three
days before the evacuation of that place,
in which he was requested to correct the
story of Yankee outrages on ladies in
Milledgeville while Sherman held that
place. The writer bad been assured by
Gen. Wayne that he had letters from
ladies in Milledgeville, stating that no
such violence had been attempted; and
that Gen. Beauregard, who was thero
after Sherman, has stated that it was not
true that such atrocities had been com
mitted. The writer says the story is un
questionably false, intended to excite
public feeling against the enemy. He
naturally concludes that a contradiction
will relieve those who have (fiends in Sa
It is one of the disgraceful incidents
connected with the amazing march of
Sherman through Georgia that the world
has been treated to lies of all sorts by
the people of that State.
Besides the newspaper statements of
these outrages, We had, says the Obser
ver, verbal assurances of the truthfulness
such as led us to believe them unhesitat
ingly. It is due to truth that they should
either be absolutely established by the
Georgia press, or absolutely con tradict
ed.—Charleston Courier.
Richmond papers of January 2, an
nounce that Hood's army is south of the
Tennessee river ; but there is reason to
doubt the truth of the story. They ad
mit that he is suffering for the want of
rations and commissary stores ; but claim,
several before unheard of successes lor
him. A terrible picture is given in these
rebel prints of the disaster to the Roanoke
river expedition, which lacks materially
in the important feature of truth, The
Examiner declares Jefi’. Davis to be panic
stricken at the condition4o which he has
reduced the confederacy, and thinks it
needs a more competent leader. General
Beauregard, in a despatch dated at Char
leston, 8. C., on the 2d mat., informs the
rebel War Department that the Union
raiders have returned from Mobile and
Ohio Railroad, going westward. He say*
that the damage done by.them “will bo
repaired in about ten days.”
A'wax who had brutally assaulted hi*
wife was lately brought before Justice
Cole, of Albany, and Lad a good deal to
say about getting justice. “Justice! ” re
plied Cole, “you can’t get it here. Thig
Court has no power to'hang you.”
One of our Shenandoah valley corres
pondent’s says that information has >een
received direct from Richmond that
rebel troops are being hurried off to
Branehville, South Ca rolina, ad
jacent region, for the purpose of attempt
ing to check an anticipated northward
movement from Savannah of General
Sheiman s army.
IFlve Cent*