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Fir Mer Exf Facte ta ear Jew ferk
Fifes to January 11th.
Giacinnati, January 7.—General Bur
liridge has removed his restrictions upon
trine in Kentucky.
"Resolutions were introduced into both
Houses of the Kentucky Legislature
yesterday declaring for the immediate
abolition of slavery.
Gov. Braude tie, in his message, recoin
l..ends the gradual emancipation and ul
timate removal of the slaves; rejoices
over and thanks Generals Sherman and
Thomas for their victories; denounces the
unwarrantable arrest of Col. Wolford and
taeUt. Gov. Jacob: says that hue obwjci in
attempting to regulate the enlistment of
slaves was not to save the institution, but
the people of Kentucky from an unne
cessary burden in its accomplishment;
and declared that Kentucky has furnish
ed nearly seventy-six thousand soldiers
to he United States army.
i iouisville, January 7. —J. Walker
Taylor’s rebel forces occupied Owens
boro until Friday, conscripting citizens
and firing upon steamers when they left.
The New Albany Ledger says the rebel
guerillas have possession of Owensboro,
Hawesville, Davenport and Hepderson.
The Lebanon train was captured by a
band of Magruder's guerillas near Le
banon Junction yesterday afternoon.
The passengers were robbed and the cars
burned. The rebels brutally murdered
four discharged soldiers of the 15tli Ken
Taylor has established his headquar
ters at Hawesville, and the citizens are
fleeing across the Ohio to avoid con
St. Louis, Jan. it.—The convention
to-day decided to completely reorgan
ize the constitution, and passed a resolu
tion for the appointment of a committee
of eleven, to whom shall be referred the
different articles of the constitution, and
whose duty it shall be to report such
amendments thereto as maybe deemed
Albany, N. Y., Jan. J).—Attorney
General Cochrane has given liis opinion
that the vacancy occasioned in Congress
by the resignation of Governor Fenton
can onty be- filled at the next general
election; therefore no special election
will be ordered.
Trenton, N. J., January 10. —The Le
gislature met to-day, The Senate organ
ized by electing Edward W. Schudder
(Mercer) President; John A. Meeker
(Essex). Secretary ? Isaac R. Wilson, En
grossing Clerk, and all the old officers.
The House met at three o'clock. A
resolution that it shall require a majority
to' elect the officers was offered, and a
motion to lost by a vote of JO to
JO. It was then postponed until to
A motion prevailed to proceed to the
election of Speaker. The first ballot
stood thirty for Taylor, Democrat (Mon
mouth), and P.s tor Croswell ( Union),
The House then adjourned to meet at
ten o’clock to-morrow.
| General Thomas’Army and its Work.
—The New York Times says:
General Thomas, we learn, is concen
trating his magnificent army at East port-,
in the Northeastern corner of the State of
Mississippi, near the point where the
railroad to Mobile crosses the Memphis
and Chattanooga road. He will thus
hare the most convenient base of sup
plies that our western array has had
since Grant fought the battle of Shiloh—
his line of communication being by waflf,
on the Tennessee river. He has not only
driven the rebels entirely out of Tennes
see, but has put die State in a perfect
condition of, defence, so that he may be
free, at his convenience, to enter on his
campaign southward.
The public were probably surprised at
the information which we gave, on the
yery best authority, that Thomas’ army
is this day twice as strong as it was when
he began his late great and glorious cam
paign against Hood; that he had been so
reinforced, and had so concentrated the
troops in his department, that he has now
in hand forty thousand veterans, and a
splendid cavalry force.
Late Rebel Papers.
A private of the *d KentifekV'regi
ment of cavalry, who left the army of
Tennessee at Pulaski, on the 22d De
cember, gives more encouraging accounts
of the recent operations aud condition
ot that army than we have heretofore
had. The only serious disaster with
which our arms met was at Nashville.
There our lines were attacked in strong
force by the enemy. Two brigades (a
Georgia and Florida, reported) of Bates’
division, gave way and tied precipitately
frohi the held. This opened the way for
the enemy to enter our lines, of which
they availed jhemselvcs, and at one time
the most serious consequences were iui
nent. A portion of Cheatham’s corps
were called upon to re-establish the line,
which they did, but not until we had lost
considerably in prisoners and heavy ar
tillery. This occasioned the retreat from
Nashville. Skirmishing was kept up
from that point to Rutherfords Creek,
lour miles from Columbia, where- there
was a more determined engagement,
Lee's corps of our army being princi
pally engaged. In that light the Yan
kees were badly worsted, losing both
prisoners and a number of pieces of ar
tillery. At that point the pursuit by the
enemy stopped. Our infantry continued
its way without interruption.
Forrest remained in Columbia two
days after Hood left, and then look up
his line of march toward the Tennessee.
There was no straggling or desertions on
the retreat, and no demoralization either
among the troops or people. Socks and
jeans were brought out by men and wo
men of (he country ana given to the
troops, with encouraging words. The
citizens besought the solaieis to be of
good cheei, that the time would yet come
when the Confederates would come back
to stay. It was l>elieved that’a sufficient (
number of recruits had been received to
make up the losses in battle. The most j
discouraging feature mentioned, says the |
Montgomery Advertiser, is the lack of !
confidence expressed by the troops in j
their commander.
If this report be true, and it is certain- j
l;jr entitled to as much confidence as the
l ankee statements, we are not yet re
duced. to the desperate condition the
alarmists would have us believe.—
Thomas is too badly crippled to
to annoy us for some time to and >
the Army of Tennessee is in position and
condition to render essential service dur
ing the remainder of the campaign in
i either Alabama, Georgia or South Caro
lina.—Charleston Otvncr, Vlth.
TWO gladiators.
The Confederacy at this moment, is in
much the condition of a man who, hav
ing more than once got his enemy under
him, with his knee upon his breast, and
his hamfjpon his throat, is, while in the
act of dealing him his deathblow, assail
ed from behind by one whom he had
supposed to be his best friend, whilst the
enemy Is released from his grasp for the
third or fourth time. Staggering upon
his legs from repeated blows from be
hind, confronting his released and en
ranged antagonist—^weakened in strength,
shaken in nerve J sick at heart—his ef
forts all vain, his skill all vain, his suc
cess ali vain, exhausted by his long strug
gle, stunned by the foul blows, reeling,
He still bears up and endeavors to sum
mon back his ebbing energies. If con
quered, he falls not by the force of the
enemy in front, but by the unlooked tor
blows from behind. Yet had he expect-*
ed this foul play, could he at any time by
one effort have felled this puny creature
in his rear. Even yes he might free him
self of Ms presence, and, retreating
slowly before his antagonist in front,
gradually collect his strength and hurl
him back to the ground.
Will he do it ? or will he sufier himself
to perish by this foul play Charleston
Mercury , 9t/>,
The War News.-—The most interest
ing news brought by Northern papers, is
the announcement that, Butlers much
talked of Dutch Gap canal has at length
been completed. The importance of this
news remains to be seen. If it is a suc
cess, that is, if it admits the passage
through it of the Yankee fleet, it is an
important work to the enemy, inasmuch
as it puts them about six miles nearer
Richmond by water than they would be
bad they been obliged to make the trip
around Farrar's island, which is the name
of the peninsula of which Dutch Gap was
the isthmus. If it. proves unnavigable to
monitors end gun bo ass, the whole vast
undertaking is so much time and labor
lost. But even should it float the moni
tors comfortably, it is yet to Be tested
whether our batteries on the South side
of James river and West of the gap will
not effectually blockade its navigation.
We hope and think they will. —[ Chark.s
ton Courier, ] 2th.
To Curb Camp Itch.—Take a pound
of fresh poke root, mash it, and boil a
quarter of an hour, with water; add four
pounds lard, and stew till the fibres of
the root feel dry; >. e ., till all the water
is evaporated; then strain. Rub at night
on the afflicted parts very thinly. Sure
cure.— Mercurt/, Ydth. ' '
Tub Provost Guard.-— The fact that a
few prowling stragg ers in the garb of
soldiers have been umvarrantiy assum
ing the functions of a provost guard,
stopping and robbing negroes, and in
some cases, white men. has thrown dis
credit upon many of patrols of the l;o«-
fide provost guard. In order, therefore
to prevent mistakes, we would mention
that there is a genuifte provost guard, re
lief parties from which perform the on
erous duty of patrolling the streets at ail
hours, night and day, and the best plan
for citizens and others, when challenged,
will be to show T their papers without
delay.— -Mercury, 9 ih*
Cotton in Savannah.— The Southern
Confederacy learns from a high official
souic3 that that there were about UO,-
000? bales of cotton in Savannah at the
tin; Sherman entered it. Near 120,000
bales of the amount foreign
merchants and cannot be interfered with.
The remaining 30,000 belonged to Amer
ican merchants.
It is said that all ol* General Quailef
SU& who were with Food'- army ic
the battle of Franklin, were either killed
or waUßded.— Mercury.
SfßTOsios OF Travel Conthibbd.—
Ihe Augusta Chronicle says the com
mandant of the post leceived orders last
night to continue the suspension ot travel
over the South Carolina Itailro&d for an
other Week. Many a one went away
troin the depot disappointed this moni
-IB- going to the depot on such a
ramy, disagreeable morning, it was real
ly too bad to turn round and go home
again. It is said the embargo will be
removed next Friday. Last week it was
said it would be removed yesterday.
Oxr Hundred Dollars Reward. -
Runaway on the 29th ult., my negro
pan named Tan, aged about 22 y& r*
jn color Dearly blank, 5 feet 11 inches''in
height, fine set of teeth, and quite
sprightly when spoken to. He is very
plausible, and well calculated to deoem:
any one. He wore a suit of country
made clothing. The above reward wit
be paid for bis delivery to me or, lodfe. and
in the Work House of Charleston or in
< anr Jail in the country.
L. Cannon,
Mount Holly, 3. Q.
[From .be CharlMtOß Weekljr Merciry, Jan. 12.
The grand crying deficiency in our af
fairs, political ‘ana military, is, and has
ever been, the want of nerve— demagog
ism in politics, and demagogigm In the
armies—fear of the populace, and ffftai
of the soldiery. Yet both people and
armies are above their leaders. Both are
more enduring, both braver, both more
competent to the crisis. It is the weak-
those in power that has well nigh
killed the cause, not the mass of intelli
gent men who originated and have up
held it through all adversities, in spite of
Congressional and Executive folly ai:d
vice. What we most want no v, aLd
have ever needed, is nerve, not to breol:
law, but to enforce law; nerve, go? lo run"
into excess and illegality, but to main
tain an inflexible obedience to law and
duty. Nerve to be steady and unaher/i
--ble, not the pie umpaicus arroga’ ee j;o
outstep law and assure - power; nerve t<>
face the enemy, not nerve to 1 ullv aul
oppress friends. We want nerve in Con -
! gross, we want nerve in our Generals. It
is nerve that has carried Sherman to Sa
vannah—it is that which is now carrying
him to cut the Confederacy in half, if is
is an army of discipline-—an army of
soldiert-^ inot ft mob of ragamuffins Jit*
had no generals with rolls' of twenty or
thirty thousand men, and twenty or
thirty hundred in the field. Ilis men
stand to their guns-not to people’s chick
en coops and barn yards. His men are
full in hand at theii posts. He holds
them there. He is a general. The con
dition of the Confederate soldiery in This
Department (and others are little better)
; is a disgrace to the cause, to the country,
j and to the whole science of war. Is
j there any Incompatibility between a
: Confederate soldier and the discipline o!
' law ? We say no. It is deroagogism
! that says yes; or worse. It is cowardice.
! The A 7 mighty never made a race of me»
that cannot be made subject to disci
i pline. The world has no use for such
ruffians. Law is supreme. Ob< dience
1 to law is civilization. Are we not civilized?
We are. Yet everywhere does lawless
ness and disregard ut authority prevail.
And why ? Because everywhere in the
army and in the government is Jacking
the nerve to enforce the performance of
duty. Most conspicuously deficient of
all ethers, is the body of Congress itself
—both House and Senate. Both lie
prostrate at the feet of the Executive
both fail to perform i heir functions.
They neither exact obedience of the E x
ecutive—and he renders them none. The
Executive himself is u'most illustrious
and pernicious example of contempt of
law, and of enforcing obedience to law
on ©rters. ‘b wof ;te Conatitutie*
(Five Gemts.