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No. n. f
gfc Sabattnslj
vs rcKuisaKD
->.% W. M ASON & (X).
At 111 Ew Sirk>.t, Savannah, Gfokolv.
T.EBS6: j
I*e< Dopy. „ Five Gaits.
Per Hundred $3 o#.
Per Year *lO 00.
r>v k etizino:
A ikaited camber oil Advertisemeets will be rc
u-ivt'-ci at the rate el Twenty Oeuts per Line for
first ibsertvoiiiand Fifteen Cento per Line for each
enbaeqaeii insertion : invariably in advance. Ad
vertisements should be handed Lr before noon of
each day.
«J OP. Pll I N TIN G
in every style, neatly and promptly done.
of toe Fort Royal. S.
C., Steam Packet USelvilie.
IlN‘M:ription ot tht; Vessel,
(Fro Tis the New York Times of ,Jar». ltt.]
Barn licehabile, or New Glasgow,
Capt. Lenmaij. from Ragged Island.
Dec. 27, with still to Brett, Son & Cos.,
arrived yesterday morning. On the 4th
insf., in hit. 32, long. 73, she picked up
one bale of cotton. No date, lat. <SO, 42,
long. 72 55, sin? spoke schooner .T Smith,
Orlando, from Fortress Monroe for Wil
jjJugton, with sails split and loss of lore
boom ; supplied her with twine. On
the Sth inst., lat. 38, long. 74, about 3 a
nu, the Captain reports that his atten
tion was attracted by calls from the wa
ter. Be lay to and lowered a boat, and
after some searching discovered a piece
of hurricane deck, part of a wreck, float
ing upon which was a man named Albert
L. Baydon. Baydon stated that he bad
taken passage on board of one of Whit
ney & Hathaway’s .steamers, the Mel
ville, which sailed from New York on
the sth inst; bound to Hilton Hoad, and
had encountered heavy southwest winds
with a. heavy sea, until the 7th, when at
about op. m. the steamer's bows were
stove in by the sea. The captain order
ed a boat lowered, when he, tiie chief
engineer, the first cook, and one seaman,
with several others, were swamped in it.
Tbe passengers, by bailing with buckets
were enabled to keep the vessel afloat
until about 11 o'clock the next day (Sun
day morning), when the remaining boat
was lowered—a metallic life-boat—but
before we could get the lady passengers
into it, the Melville went down, port bow
first, upsetting the life-boat.
'There was a vessel in sight from
about twelve o'clock at night, which
was seen often until we foundered, when
she was seen no more. 1 saw a great
many perish, and many elingihg to
pieces of wreck. I was in company with
the life-boat, and within hailing distance
of her until about sunset. was then
free of water, and had only thiee per
sons in Ur—l think two men and one
Lady: they answered my call, but kept
clear of me. VVe were in sight of por
tions of the wreck until sunset. The
boats’ crew made no effort to save any
Avho were still clinging to the wreck.—
We even burned our mail, consisting of
three newspaper bags and one letter bag,
with all the oratresses and every combus
tible thing on board, to signalize the ves
sel in sight. We had about sixty-five
passengers, five of them ladies, and
about sixteen officers and crew.
TheMeiville was an iron-clad vessel of
about 500 tons, built at Hartlepool, Eng
land, in 1857 Just before her last fatal
trip, her owners expended #15,000 in
improving her machinery. She was
originally a blockade runner, and had
made successful voyages to Mobile, be
fore she was purchased by Messrs. Mel
ville & Hathaway, who rar. her tor two
years to Matamoras. Gapt. Wattiet, her
Commander, resided in Brooklyn, where
he leaves a family. Tne Chief Engineer
Mathew T. Levy. The value of the
vessel is estimated at SOO,OOO, and of
the cargo at #50,000, all of which is in
sured. The passongers, of whom a list
is given below, were nearly all residents
of Port Royal.
Wm. M. MiUor, sf. Shan!eft - ,
E. M. Edwjjrdiv, Jas G. Ah it,
R. Fitoch, K*. H. BaiteTl,
W. 11. Hojt, J- H. Hainsborn,
J. W, Evg<;y* * >F. DOnaM,
A. P. Peacock, Miss A. J: Bfisbop,
Miss 51. J. Bishop, \V. W. Bishop,
11. L. Lee, Mrs Sohnson,
W. D. Bonham, W. Mann,
F. Al.mi Welton, Wm. H. Jadcl,
Eilw. Dan. V. BU-wii.
Horatio Hawke?, Fred- J. Taylor,
•Tat. McMatb Geo. B. Lang,
Bern. K. Lee and wife, Jos* Holmes,
Goo. A. Riateau, S;un, Brownlee,
Josiah Merrell, . .1 >l. Fairfield,
John o*R< ►nrkc, K. K. Sin.psoii; •-
T. Osborn, «H. Brown,
R. L. Green, .Toi.Ji < 'owiirv,
L Bevden, E. P. Bellows, %
M. A. Bellow?, J. I). Strong.
J, L. Strong. Thos, A. Cobb,
John Campbell, W. C. Gray.
F. H. S-eveu-*, Tehmann Bro?.,
J,W. Crokeu Lathrop, LtuMiugtou A
H. B. C’.ifiin & Cos. Cos,
S. H. Moore, Kemp, Day £ Cos.,
Vamlerveer, Thorn JL John O’Kourk**,
Bellows, Thompson & Totten,
R. IL Hamlin, Cahill & Cos.
•j. J. Watson.
. The brig Harriet, of Halifax, Batr.iby,
from Porto Cabello, twenty-one days,
arrived here last evening, and reports
that on the Bth instant, lat. 38 IQ, long.
74 05, was hailed by a boat containing
the mate, third engineer and a passen
ger of the steamship Melville, hence for
Hilton Head, and foundered at sea on
the Sth instant. Took them on board,
and brought them to this port. Also
took mi board the boat. They reported
having left New York on the Bth inst.,and
on the Bth, at noon,foundered, she having
the day previous had her bows stove in
by a heavy sea, which was
by a heavy northernly gale that com
menced on the 7th inst*, at 3 P. M., and
lasted until 4 A. M., when it moderated.
When she went down there was a heavy
cross sea on, and she sunk very sudden
ly. Tbe Captain, Watlington, was lost
the night previous by the swamping of
one ot the boats, while launching. At,
that time the was very violent, and a
bad cross sea before we Lett. Most of i
tne dassengers were crowned. At CP.
M., passed a man on a portion of the
upper deck of the steamer, and at 10 P.
M. was taken on board of the brig Har
riet. Capt. Batraby then says ;
“ I’ran to the north some little dis
tance and then hauled off to the south
southeast, having a light breeze from the
Southland tacked to the wesward, keep
ing as near the position as possicle, and
remaining till daylight, and seeing noth
ing from the masthead, with a glass,
kept on our course, and at 0:30 of the
Oth spoke the schooner Lucy Walsh,
whoiad seen nothing of the wreck. ’’
The names oi those taken on board the
Harriet are : A. H. Peacock, passenger,
of Philndelhhia; Joseph M. Kerny.
mate; Win. Kennedy, third engineer.
The commander, Capt. Wattle, was a
resident of Brooklyn,, where he leaves a
family. Matthew T. Levy was the chief
engineer. .
Mr. Bellows, a passenger, was of the
firm of Vanderveer, Thorne & Bellows.
Among the passengers who were mostly
business mea of Port Royal, were an
entire family named Bishop, Colonel
Strong and son, and others.
Mr. O'Rourke, who figures in the pas
senger list, shipped a iaage amount of
furniture. The value of flic vessel is es
imated at, $50,C00; that of tbe cargo,
which consists of every possible article
of at #so,tiDo, all of w hich
is insured.
frrom t Y. Times. u*th. j •
In addition to the despatches and ru
mors about the Blair mission to Rich
mond, with which the public have been
entertained for the last week, we have
now a statement, by telegraph from
Washington, that a proposition has
passed the rebel Congress at Richmond
for the appointment of a commission of
fifteen members to hold conference on
the subject of peace with an equal num
ber of Commissioners to be appointed
from the North. The dispatch is greatly
deficient in greatly needed details; and
up io two o'clock this morning, we were
uuable to obtain anything mere than the
bold statements to be found in our tele
graphic columns,
The dispatch refers to a certain propo
sition which was introduced in the shape
of a preamble and resolution, into the
rebel House of Representatives by Mr.
McMullen, of Virginia, on The 17th of
last December, which preamide and res
olutions we give elsewhere. No action
was taken upon them at that time, and
if the present report is true, they would
seem to have been changed in some
points. It will be seen that McMullen's
resolutions proposed the appointment of
one Commissioner from each of the Con
federate States to “confer with such in
dividuals as may be appointed by the
Government of the United States in re
gard. to all outstanding differences be
tween the two Governments, and to
agree, if possible, upon the terms of u
•astiug and honorable peace, subject to
the ratification of the respective Gov
ernments and of the sovereign States re
spectively represented.’'
We certainly would not advise any
one to place any sanguine hopes of
peace, or of negotiations for pou<
upon the present rumor or report. Jef
ferson Davis is the President of the Con
federacy, and the leader of the rebellion:
and we should like to know who there
is that thinks he is prepuredjto negotiate
on the fundamental basis of re-union
On any other condition Thar: rke Union,
peace is out of The category of things
possible. The likelihood is, that ad
these sweet whisperings of pence will
now very soon be hushed by the
rude blasts of terrible war.
ihe great point to be gained, in ordev
to secure sleep is to escape from tb outfit,
especially from clinging, t mfeekms, iin
perious thought, which, in most cases of
wakefulness, has p*>ssessk)n of the mind..
7 always effect this by the following
simple process; "I turn my eyeballs a?
far t.o the right or left, or upwards or
I downwards, as I can without, pain, c/nrt
i then commence rolling them slowly,,
j with that divergence from a clued Hat
ol vision, around ip their socket*, and
continue doing thus until T fail usleep,
which occurs generally within three
minutes—always within five. »*. the
most. The inmnediai 3 effect, of this pro
ccdure differs from that of anj otliei
that J have ever heard to procure sleep.
It not merely diverts thought into anew
chancel, but actually suspends it Sin<.> ■
1 became aware of this I have embnv
ored, innumerable times tykflb ll us
rolling my eyes, to think upon a part tea
lar subject, and even upon that which
befoi'e kept, me awake, but I could not.,.
“As long as they were moving hii-nml,
my mind was blank. It an\ onv doubts
this, let. him try the experinrent for hin
self. I w ish he would; let him pause
just here and make it. 1 venture to as
sure him that, if he makes it in good
faith, in the manner described the prom
ise of a penny for bis thoughts,’ or few
each of them, while tbe operation is m
progress, will add very Ik tie to LL
wt aith. Such .being its effect, we can
'not wonder that it should bilrg sleep to
a nervous and wakeful man ru nigl t.
The philosophy o’ the matter is very
simple, A vnspeosU% />! thoughr is U» •
the mil and winit a shsj>ensior. of if,: . **l ot
lafK-r ]s to a weary lK)dy. rt enjoys tbe
luxurv* of rest: the stra'n up»»v fts ihcul
ties is removed; it falls us natu
rally as the. farmer in hb chirr after toil
Ing all day in his fe jds.' !
Aiomr>l W«cites was susnended from
dutv for three years, frnrn May :> Im'4,
by the sentence of a (’unit Martin) Tin*
President to.'.lav re ini'ted twovar«of
the sentence. This el. vjency. ta-.ken io
connection with the Well-kru yi. n rsonnl •
warfare between the 82Crei' 'T >f tbe, •
Navy and the Admiral. ;.*• 1 tl-.e p
menfc of the tiinc when it is to fa* e effect
Iry-r: 7 the Fourth of March, is accepte«'2'
by many «s a sore o' icn ot Cabinet
change after the latter day.
W.;s»ti\.:-To v . Tiiurshay, Just-. 12..
A gentleman in VVaVni'orton. wfin has.
seen Jhe Rich word Enquirer «*f 'VVjcsday
last, says that p iper lneiuioiv* ihe fol
lowing :
* A caff is out for a Convention of !},♦>>-
Confederate States?. The inter.nV.o ol
the authors of the cuff *s to rcvoTnn'rirJrt>
the revolution, to depose Mr Duvi%..
wipe out the (’onfederate Congo st. ;j.--
point a dictator ?r» his sfcad. M<d per
haps sm render to the enemy £
(’nv Point, Wednesday, J <n. if.
Ali remains quiet in front. Mthmigkr
rumors begin to float about that Lee i?<
contemplating some movement or ' the?
but w hat that movement, is no
can imagine. Perliaps it is the om?
which is to ••astonish tbe world.’’ What
ever it be, I fuinjk Lee will find Grant
Tm Washington National RepuMk-«»>
of the luffi, says in reference to the re
moval of Gen. But’ier: *‘Tr the lestedi
tion of the Republiejm. vesterdnr.
auuoun. ed that M dor General Hr Her*
wa- relieved as Commander of tne Tfe
partHTKJJt of Virginia end North '
It is perhaps proper to a’do that this wa*
done at the instance av s hy
Inr request of I.’cut- Gee. Gfitiff, 1 i?«^-
Gevera.l-in-Cl lei’ cm ».t. * r n » oi tUc*
1 lilted C•*.
i F*l ve CNiit«»