Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 22, 1865, Image 1
VOLUME I.\ ZVo. 10. f Ipjcflsbamnli *)ai!jjj)£ralb 18 PUKI.ISIIj.D EVERY EVENING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, EY 13. W. MASON & CO. Ai 111 Bay Stkkt, Savannah, Geobgia. tebaib: Per Copy Five Ccnte. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Yeiir ?j?10 00, ADVERTIZING: A limited number of Advertisemeets will be re fived ht the rate of Twenty Cents per Line for insertion, and Fifteen Cents per Line for each subsequen insertion ; invariably in advance. Ad vertisements should be handed in before noon of each day. .JOB PRINTING J u every style, neatly and promptly done. NORTHERN NEWS* • TWO Eimu, Mew "STork Bates to the 16th. We are indebted to Capt. Silas Spicer Harbor Master, Mr. A. A. Rice, of Ad ams Express, and other kind friends, for complete Northern files to the lGtli, from which wemake extracts. / Washington, Jan. 14, 1653. A refugee who left Richmond two weeks ago says; The Report that Lee lias sent troops to meet Sherman in South Carolina is confirmed: but the knowledge of all military movements is so well kept that it is not known in the rebel army what, troops nor the num bers that nave gone, although it is now three weeks since they started. The up per classes among the people of Rich mond profess to be confident of the suc cess of the rebels; but the poorer classes, Who have severely felt the effect of the depreciated currency, are heartily sick and tired of the war and anxious for anv mode of relief. Sr. Louis. Jau. 14, 1865. Governor Fletcher issued a proclama tion to-day declaring Missouri a free State, in accordance with the emancipa tion ordinance passed by the State Con vention. Hundreds of business houses and private residences were brilliantly ’ illuminated to-night. Bands of music are playing, fire-works are exploding, and thousands of enthusiastic citizens throng the streets to witness the grand spectacle. [From the N. Y. Herald, Jail. 1(5.] A Cairo despatch states that General Thomas and his staff were at Paducah, Ky., a few days ago. Deserters from the rebel Forrest 's command are constant - ly cooling into Cairo and taking the oath of allegiance to the government. There appears to be no longer any doubt about the evacuation by "the na tional troops of some of the frontier posts in Arkansas, regarding which tele grams have been so contradictory for some days past. Our St. Louis corres pondent assures us that Fort Smith and Van Buren have been abandoned, and Qhat Fort Gibson in the Indian Territory, uc doubt, soon will be. The garrison at Fayetteville, Ark., has not yet been 'withdrawn. These places are not given up from any difficulty about holding them against the rebels, bufbecause the objects to be gained by their possession are not an equivalent for the necessary SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1805. expenditure in men and supplies. That the rebel General Price is dead seems to be settled by a rebel official order which has been received at Little Rock by the Union commander, General Reynolds.— This order, which is dated at the head quarters of the rebel army in Arkansas’, on the Jth of December, announces Price's death, and names General Fagin as his successor. Twelve new black kosues are to be built on the Southwest branch of the Pacific Railroad, to pre vent rebel raids in future from Arkansas into Missouri. The Union men of Missouri still con tinue to hunt down the rebel guerillas in that State, who are nothing less than organized murderers and robbers. Re cently a party of the Home Guards and the Ninth Missouri cavalry pursued through several of the interior counties the noted Jim Jackson, whom, with seventeen of his men, they succeeded in overtaking and killing. By way of Cairo vve have New Or leans advices to the 7th instant. Gen. Can by had issued another and more stringent order against trade with insur rectionary districts. Persons going from his lines into those of the enemy for the purpose of carrying on trade, unless they have special permits, will, it caught, for feit the goods found in their possession. Tiiere are no new military movements reported. Nashville, Jan. 15, 1865. The Tennessee Union State Conven tion, in its session to-day, nominated Parson W. G. Brownlow for Governor by acclamation. A delegate asked if he would accept, whereupon he responded in the follow ing language : Gentlemen— l settle the controversy by assuring you that 1 will accept. [Ap plause.] i cannot be expected to do anything more, and I certainly ought to do no less than tender to you, as a con vent ion, my sincere and unfeigned thanks tor the honor and distinction you have conferred upon me. I will not speak to you at length now, gentlemen, but what I lack in speaking, if the peo ple should ratify the nomination ipacle by you, I will try to make up in deeds aim acts, and, God being my help, if you will send up a Legislature to reorganize the militia, and pass other necessary business, I will put an end to this infer nal system of guerilla fighting, in the Stale in East, Middle and West Tennes see, if we have to shoot every man con cerned in such business—(loud and long continued applause, and which the Par son retired.) The Convention are nominating mem bers of the Legislature to-night. The Richmond Enquirer of the 13th inst., contains the following from the Mobile Advertiser: The Yankees, about four thousand strong, are at Franklin Mills, on Dog river, without, transportation Their ap plies are received by way of Dog river.— Owing to the formation of the country their position is unassailable. Our forces are iu the m*oper position to thwart any move they may make. In a skirmish the other day two or three Yankees were killed and rive captured. (From theN. Y. Tribune, Jan. I<>. Tennessee.— A Convention of the Unionists of Tennessee, met in Nashville last Monday, and remained in session till Friday. Over one hundred delegates were present, representing nearly every county, Hon. Horace Maynard, Judges Shackelford, Miligan and Trewhitt. Par son Brownlow, Gen. Gillem, and man} r other men of note, were delegates, and Gov. Andrew Johnson, (Vice President elect,) attended, and spoke by invitation. As results of its deliberations, the Con vention unanimously decreed — * 1. The abrogation and extinction of the pretended secession of Tennessee from the Union irqlGGl. with the prepara- lory “ military league” made with the Slaveholders’s Confederacy by Gov. Hare ris and a majority of his Legislature : 2- The Abolition of Slavery, instantly and forever, throughout the State, with out compensation to the slaveholders. A prohibition of any future pay ment to or provision for the said slave holders by any future Legislature. These propositions are submitted to to the loyal people of Tennessee, to be adopted or rejected by them at an elec tion to be held on the February. If ratified, an election for Governor and Legislature is to be held on the 4th of March. Os course, there were a good many Union Colonels and Captains in attend ance on the Convention, since nearly every Unionist in the Static either is or has been in arms agaiqst the rebels.— Should Jeff. Davis ever reconquer Ten nessee, we have little doubt that he would question the validity of the doings and decisions of this body ; but since he is net likely to have a chance, we judge that they will be ratified and will • stand. Slavery, therefore, may fairly consider itself dead in Tennessee. And they by whose votes it thus summarily abolished were nearly all its sturdy champions onP four or live years ago. LATE REBEL NEWS. interesting Extracts from South ern Papers to the 2€th. [From the Richmond Dispatch, Jan. 14.) Francis P. Blair, Sr., the Yankee peace commissioner, arrived in Rich mond late on. Wednesday night, attend ed by a servant. * Mr. Blair came into lines at a poiut in front of Fort Harrison held by the city battalion. He was de layed several hours on our lines waiting for a permit to come to the city, which was not procured till a late hour of the night. Since lYs arrival he has been kept, or has kept himself, from flic pub lic eye, and his movements and where abouts are shrouded in mystery, lie is believed to be lodged at the Spottswood Hotel, and wc think that he is, though his name does not appear on the register He has been met accidentally by several of his old acquaintances, and their meet ings were characterized by the utmost' cordiality on both sides. He is said to have had interviews with the chief exec utive officers of the Government. What passed at these interviews we need not expect to know unti|, Mr. Blair returns the United States, when everything will be published iu lull in the New York Tribune and the other New York papers Mr. Blair’s ostensible business in Rich mond (or rather, presumed business here, for there is nothing ostensible about him or bis business or movements, is to ascertain whether anything can be done to bring about a cessation of hos tilities—an end to the war. We think his real business is to place the Lincoln administration in a good position before the Northern people, who are just called upon to till another draft. Lincoln knows that the propositions he will make are such that they will be spurned by our Government; but our rejection of them will enable him to go before his people, and, with Blair’s aid, to prove that the “rebels” will aecept of no terms of peace, and that nothing is left him but a “vigorous prosecution of the war.” Mr. Blaii will return to Grant’s lines on Saturday, if the freshet subsides suffi ciently to enable a flag of truce boat to go down the river. Executive DkPaktment, January 13, 1805. To the House of Representatives, C. S. A. 1 have just received the accompanying report from the Secretary of War, stating that Henry S. Foote, -a member of the House of Representatives Irani the State of Tennessee, lias been arrested by a military officer in Northern Virginia, while endeavoring to pass our lines on Ins way to the enemy’s country. I sub mit the matter to you in order that such disposal of the case may be made as to you shall seem proper. J; FFEitsox Davis. War Department, C. S. A., Richmond, Jan. 16, 1865. . To the President of the Confederate States: Sir—l have the honor to submit for your information and direction the sub joined copy of a telegram received from the Provost Marshal at Fredericksburg. No special instructions had been given for such arrest. Very respectfully. Ac., James A, Seddon, Secretary of War. Fredericksburg, Jan. 12, 1865. To the Hon. Secretary of War: I have arrested Hon. Henry S. Foote, at Occoquan, on his way to Washington for the purpose of negotiating peace, as lie avows.. Full particulars through Major Carrington by mail. I have pa roled him to awajri instructions. Please instruct me what disposition to make pf. him, H. {5. Daggett, Commanding Post. On motiomof Mr. Clark, of Missouri, the matter was referred to a select com mittee of five. jFrom the Charleston Mercury, 12th.] On Friday last, the Yankees in un known force are reported to have crossed New river, on the road to Grahamsville. Their main body, however, is still in fbe neighborhood of Ilardeeville. As yet their object is net developed, but Wheeler is closely .watching their move ments. ' • ’ ***!**& [Correspondence of the Mobile Ncwt-. j * »ic * * * The proposition, which is somewhat engaging the attention of the public at the present time, to arm the negroes ot the Confederacy and place them in the ranks of our armies as active com batants, is, as you are probably aware, not anew one to the annals oi history. When General Grebne, one of the most cautious and prudent ccmman '<rs, was; in command of Urn Southern army its. the latter part of the Revolutionary war, he proposed to the Governor of South Carolina that instead of the useless ct forts to call out the white population, tour regiments of blacks snould be form ed, two upon the continental and two upon the State establishment, the blacks to receive their fr< edom as a compensa tion for their services, and to be ptft in every respect, upon the same footing with the rest of the army. Tim proposi tion was taken into serious considera tion by the Governor and his Council and by them referred to the Legislature. After"mature deliberation, however, it, was rejected. As an incident of past history this is interesting at the present time; and who can say that circumstances may not force us to resort to some such expe dient! That our slaves faithful, and obedient as they have generally shown themselves in the present struggle, could be made to do good military service ether than on the actual field of battle without the, to them, valueless compensation of freedom flaming before their eyes, no reasonable person* can question. Should this war bfe protracted w ith renewed energy another four years, all the means at our command will probably have to be used to resist our invaders, and our slave population may yet come to be consider ed a part of these same Qyien .sabe f Shot. A soldier named James Sand erson was shot in the leg, by the guard, last evening, in iron! of ihe Pulaski House, while he w T as trying to make Us escape from them. Be had been arrest ed for LeiDg drunk and making a noise. S PRICE iFiVe Cents.