Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 24, 1865, Image 4
STECIAL NOTICE. Optic* Cunfr Qi> aast.vh *« T>rr<Tr, Savannah, Ga., Jan. ft. 186f>. All officered tbe Quartermaster’* Department baying means of trnn c portation which they de mre to turn to at this Depot, are notified that Lieut. P. Hope, A. A. Q. M., is now ready to re ceive U»« same. t Hie office is at Bay Street, north side. By order of > Brig.-Gen. L. C. EASTON, Chief Quartermaster. GEO. R CADWATRADER, Captain and A. Q. M., Chief Quartermaster's Depot. ttn OOD LIVING," \J At retieonable prices, ean he bad at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, in the rear of the New Post Office, llirwn Head, 8. C. I have the very best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEAL'S, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, &p., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to order from 6 A. M. to 8 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S.— One trial is respectfully solicited. HEADQUARTERS U. S. FOUCCB, Savannah. Os.. Jan. Ift, lS6f». Gkmrrai. Order,! No. 1. J Pursuant to General Orderc front the Tlead ifnarters of the Department of the South, the un dersigned lierehv assumes command of the Dis trict and Post of Savannah. E-xtsting orders will conticne in force until fur ther orders. C. GROVER, . Brevet Major General, Commanding. PURCHASING BUREAU • DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &<-. Optics, 161 Fulton St., New Yotik. The undersigned having been chief assistant examiner of Drugs and Medicines in the New York Custom House for the past four rears, of fers his services to Druggists throughout the country. All par chases will be made in the in terest of customers, direct from Importers and Manufacturers, and all articles tune purchased are warranted to be reliable. H. N. AVERY, f Hon. Hiram Rakkvn. Refers tof Hon. Roboof Conkliko, UProf. Thto. W. Dwtoht. 1J S. SANITARY COMMISSION. Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, . Savannah’ On. At the place mentioned we have opened store rooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to render any service in our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy. Sergeone in charge of Hospitals will please send In their rc ♦jaisitions for stores. ,1. C. HOPI.IT, jai: 21 —ls Agent. U. S. S. C. Books and stationery. Just received at the Palmetto Herald Stor» a large shipment of goods from New York and Boston, embracing POEMS. Longfellow. Errant, Whittier. Tennysor Mrs wnirg, in blue and gold. STANDARD NOVELS. e .Cooper Ci< kens. TUuckei-.iy. Denies, Oh as ■Reade, Wilkie Collins. Mr? Grey, Trollope. and ie— c-iith. POPUTAR NOVELS. :.JT tfc.cift Emily Cluster. Down in Ten nessee. <%•:., k.t.— cloth. yz&'m .LANFOUS. English Bibles Letter V rite re, Song Books, Cookery F i ci« locket I):? nonaries, fsevera styles;, Hoyle’s Games, Ac. MILITARY WORKS. Patten’s and Hardee's Infantry Tn flics Piandfs Gunnery: Field and Heavy Artillery Tactics. SCHOOL books. Geographies rind Atl.-w s. Grammars Readers Arithmetic,’?, Spelling Books: also, Dime Novels Beadle’s awl Nnr-roe’sj, and a toll supply-o standard and other Novels, it paper covers. STAT’D >NKRY. “ MedalHoo.” *• Agawam,” ‘ Crystal,*’ iiiici “Dove” Mills Note, ••Fran c< *»ia.” "Agawam.” *- Winthiop.” ”M am, “Crystal” Qtrrto, ” •‘ ,ri .® “ Cap; Bill and Le*—’ * h P • Paper , '' " Billet, No?C 7 "Z‘l Lnvelojiep— - fe tf'j' ->>hue. enft, lemon, pa (men, an? 1 opaque. Pen ils hi great varietv Pens. GiMott’s Ml, ;;04. m\ ' and -Swan Quill Washington Medallion. Quill, Reptib ltcan, FaJecn, Index, CommeroaJ and Eagle Gold Perß, various sizes, with -tud without cases. Ruling T'ens, in Ivory and Ebonv. Arnold’- Writing Fluid, qts. apd pi*.: .Maynard A Nov,- *lo„ qts. ujhl pis,, and stands: Blue and Carmine Ibk. Rubber and Ebony Rulers-—round, square and fiat Paper Folders, wood and ivory. Keal- Lujl. W»v, assorted colon?. Ink Stan us. ov»T-y Pun Racks; Cribbage. Backgammon and Obese Boards ; Chwi. wood and ivorv: Dice and Bico Cups; Dominoes; Playing Cards; JWWQrs- K-mvv- ; Match .Safes: PcK-kej Books,- Eyeleto ;l (x>ih Nail aud li.-ffr Brushes: Oorubs >■ ; Split Rings; Cork Screws. I ©rt.ohoe <* eveiv style, Slates, assorted sizes. AcoMint Books, q, y. 2 4 and 5 ..quires; octavo, quarto and eajy 1 * Pl!ot*>gr.;pi' APciUis f«if maijufacwirpi: dm, % ‘ A>i *• ' J - ! Picture : Pockef and Extension Albums A hid :»ss,.nine, t <)i ft r»d Colored Car.l Ph ( u,, r! p, which we invite " fttti uticn oi Dcnievs ur.d ihe iv.hiic generally, c. BAVII.L3E >A cu” Httton ileufl S. C. npilE y.AV’ tNN'AiI DtlLvSvEHtiD CFFTCt Ir a,t N#. 111 "Ray srreg.* Hiauq’wMtu Drv. or wMMnißm, In the Field. Savannah- Ga., Jan 8, IRfifj. Spurnau Pißui» Ojol-kks \ NaA } The General Commanding G.nnotmcee to the troops oouapoeing the Military Division of tbe Mississippi that he has received from the Presi dent of tbe United State* and from lieutenant General Grant, letters conveying theto high seno* and appreciation of he campaign just closed, re sulting in tbe capture of Savannah and tbe de feat of Hood’s army in Tenneasee. In order that all may understand the import ance of events, it is proper to revert to tbe situa tion of affairs in September last. We held At lanta. a city of little value to us, but so impor tant to the enemy that Mr: Davis, the head of the rebellious faction in the South, visited tbe army near Palmetto, and commanded it to re gain it, as well as to ruin'and destroy us by a series of lhea-mres which he thought would be effectual. That army by a rapid march gaiued our railroad at Big Shanty, and afterw-ards about Dalton. We pursued it, but it moved so rapidly that we could not overtake it, and General Hooll led hie army successfully far over towards Mis sissippi, in hopes to decoy us out of Georgia.— But we,were not thus to be led way by him, raid preferred to lead arid control events our selves. Generals Thomas and Schofield, com manding Departments in our rear, returned to thei*- posts and prepared to decoy General Hood iuto their meshes, whilst we came on to com plete the original journey. We quietly and de liberate!? destroyed Atlanta am’ all the’railroaete Which the enemy had used to carry on war against us, occupied his State Capital, and then captured his commercial capital which had beeu so strongly fortified from the sea as to defy ap proach from that quarter, Almost at the moment of our victorious entry into Savannah, came the welcome and expected news that our comrades iu Tennessee had also fulfilled nobly and well their part, had decoyed General Hood to Nashville, aud then turned on him. defeating his army thoroughly, capturing nearly ah his artillery, great numbers of prison ers, aud were still pursuing the fragments dowu Into Alabama. So complete a success in milita ry operations,''extending over half a continent,is an achievement that entitles it to a place in the military history of the world. The armies serv ing in Georgia and Tennessee, as well as the lo cal garrisons of Decatur, Bridgeport. Chattanoo ga, and Murfreesboro, are alike entitled to the common honors-, and each regiment may in scribe on its colors at pleasure the words “Sa vannah” or “Nashville.’’ I*B Dunor, The General-in Chief embraces in the same general success the operations of the cavalry" column under Generals Stoncmatr and, and Gillem, that penetrate* into South-west Vir ginia and pa ralized the efforts of the enemy to disturb tbe peace and safety of East Tennessee. Instead of being put on the defensive, we have at all points assumed tli*» bold offensive, and completely thwarted the designs oi tlie enemies of our country. Bv order of Major General W. T. SHERMAN. L. M. Davtov, Major and Assistant Adjutant. General. HkahoV. M in Div. «v v«rr Uimwwwm. In me meld. Savannah. Ga., Jan. 15, 1305. SnK'ui FiFi.ff Ouokuh.l No. IN f The Department of tbe South having becai placed within the sphere of this command, and if being highly desirable that an uniform poliev i ravsil touching commevi e and intercourse with the iuhabitiiits of the South., the following gen rules and principles will be adhered to v ?i --)e as modified by - low nr the orders of the War ' Dcpru-tment: 1. Commerce with foreign nations cannot be permitted or undertaken until the national au to. ray is established to an extent, that, will give the ssrry courts and officers to control and manage snch matters. Ts-ade will be confined to a mere bert+v and sale pvopoitioie-d to the r.> neesury ’.v.Mts of thb army and of the inhabi tants dependant on it for tin? necessities of life, and even that t rade mn«t he kept subject to strict militai-v control or surveillance. .? Vi Trade stores v. ill be permitted at Beaufort, 1 liltcr lb-ad, Sav-inr.ah. Femandinn. ct. Augns tine anddack.-sniville. lu .;H the rtides of food and i lotting. groet lies ladies ar-.d ebilden goods gejier.tllv, arid .articles not contraband of war. gs Hi. toU-iide iti a privilege, and no person "’ill he aftowad ro buy and «, j] 'for' profit unless lie tea citizen of the t toted States, nnd sob serifoe to- any legal oath or obligation that, is or may be prescribed by lav* and at points threat by Mi f Uic comniaiidlrkg m. # »v further ex:*: as a condition. that the trader sbnil himself ougage to serve in some milltarr ca pacity, to aid •« the dev*nce of the place. IV. Poisons desiring to trade will spplir to t..« cov.nnamV.Dg officer of the Post and oHtaift his written consent, six-s hying the kind nature anu ex-b-ntof the trade, and when he requires importations iVoin northern cities he will in like i fianner apply for his pErvfr. The commanding ;ono r of the Post "<ay appoint some good officer ) to supervifte these matters who will froouentlv ms{>«cr the stores, and w hen .there is not suiif (rent competition will fix' the prices of sale.— These store* will in like manner be subject to the supervision of the Commanding General of tire p. partmem of tin* .South bv himself or at inspector General. T. In order that purchases may be made with ‘ economy, the ccTnmawbug officer of each Post w ill m ike reports of ids aciiou in regard to trade, with the names of traders, amounts of j?o<Kls <.U>;rvJ for sale, *fec., to the eornni.niulin:* genera, of the department who will, in like manner, make full reports to the Secretary of t*ie ( juted States Treasury, to the end that he may instinct the collector- of port* from which : shipmepW are expected as to the necessary m'V mffi; ami clearances, It being ulteily impructi cnoje ii- 1 a general commanding military oper m.uiis sh nid give his pensonal attention to such ’ m*u„* 9 it that niuih ]jo\v6r &s } shot! id. l»e deiegstpii to Post comm and eis, and they should be held to the strictest ac- I count that no trade is permitted injurious pj the ! n hin -.uteri sts of the Lffitecl States. . VI. Saks of cotton'«rll’V.» r netri< ted'’absolutely | to Die United bto toe Trr.vnry agents, and r,e title in cotton or biH of kale will be respected tratO after the cotton ie sold at Now York Country jiejfple having email lots of cotton are permitted-to bring tbe same in to be exchanged for food and clothing for their families. 'l’he Quartermaßter will set aside a store or ware house. to which each wagon bearing cotton will, after entering the military lines, proceed direct, where an agent of the Treasury Department will receive and weigh the and puy for it the price fixed in the Bth section of the Act of Con gress, approved July ‘2, 18(14, via: three-fourths the value of cotton as quoted in the New York market; and the Secretary of the Treasury ie hereby requested to make appointments ol agents to cairry out the provisions of said act art the posts oi Hilton Head, Savannah, Fernuudi ua and Jacksonville. VII. In order that the duties hereby imposed on commanding oiib-ers of Poets niav not be neglected or by the changes incident to rank and changes of troops, the Commanding General of the Department of the South will ap point a special officer to command at each of said Posts, with a sm.dl garrison, not to bo etoinged without his order; and when other troops, commanded by a eenior, are added or ar rive, the command of the post will not change, but the additional troops will be encamped near . by and act according to special instructions. By order cf Maj. Gen. W. T. SHERMAN. L. M. D ayt-os, Major and Asst. Adj’t Gen. January Pith, ISA. General Ou»kbs. \ No. 4. I ripiiK streets, sidewalks, alleys and premises A within this city mu-t be liept clean aud well policed. The Provost Marshal of each District will ap point an efficient officer to superintend this mat ter. and wifi detail such assistants as may be ne -1 Cessary. All }>erßOii« occupying bniklings or grounds, o wluitever description, will be required to keep the sidewalks aud alleys bordering upon them ; thoroughly policed at all times, baying ibe : sweepings piled rip at the sides of the streets. The ofi: J or sweepings from camps must lx? removed beyond the city limits by the troops oo ! copying the camps. » 1 The Post Quartermaster will assign a certain number of teams to each district to haul the ! other sweepings out of the city. These teams I will be under control of the officers appointed to I superintend the work in each district, who wil ! be held responsible that the work is promptly ! and thoroughly done. By Command of Brig.-Gen. JOHN W. GEARY. Commanding W. T. Fokjvfs. A. A. G. Dfaoqfaetkks Cttv or Sav annah, January 14,18t>5. Ornfral Okto-r » No. 5. ( I. Any person found injuring or defacing buildings, fences; shrubbery, Ac., within the city limits, will be arrested and placed at hard labor. Th-i nvtounon of Provost Officers and Guards, is hereby again' o a lled to this cubjtct. with special reference to the Parks, Squares and Burying grounds'. Th 0 provost Marsha l’’"’’.Department ' vi,J l>< ’ held responsible for tue stricTi-Ki enforcement of this order. as been officially reported that ceftajn persons owning buildings in this eitv aie charg ing exorbitant rente ior the same, and that in many n. stances they Inve increased the rents much beyond what they charged in Confederate currency, prior to our occupation of the eitv. Such acts oppress the poor, and are without ex cuse • There being no other source of redress at present except the military authoirty, Provost Msrshaie of districts will take cognizance of all such caaes which maybe brought before th»-io and wiM interfere to prevent injustice of the character specified. By order of Brevet Maj. Geu. JOHN W. GEARY, ... Commanding. Mr. T. Fouioca, A. A. 6. janXT A IteAiiQCAKTKBs, City of Savannah, Ga., ~ “ January Ift, lbos. GknicUac Orwmss, j ;<o. tl ( IK ACCORDANCE WITH ORDERS RE CEIVKD, the command of ibis city is to-day t?-;in si Creed to Maj. Gen. (J. Grover. All iitkft.v and men belonging to the ‘_*d divis ion, l2?tJi eot-pB, who are om"special duty in thh? city, ijniess aligned to such dutv bv orders from supeiior autbrrfty, are hereby relieved, and will at on j_- repvtrr. to ilu-ir commands for duty, being relieved by others, under command of Gen, Grover. The General Commanding embraces this occa sion to thunk the Miyor and Aldermen of this city for their valuable co-operation: and the citi zens generally for the cordiality with which they bavnacoules* yd and assisted hi*n in all measures for the public good. Believing that very soon the time will come when military government will no longer be necessary in this city, the Gen eral now tabes his fartwell- of ip and commends it and its inhabitants to his successor, trusting that they will extend to lum the same confidence and courtesy which have rendered the relations hm t&ere subsisting s<> satisfactory. By order of Brevet Major Gen, J, W. GEARY. W. T. Foiihes, A. A. G. Notice. OITICK CHVKK G. >l. Dl3*OT. Savannah, Gy., Jan. 17, All persons in this city having in their posses sion Horses. Mules, Wagons. Parts and Drays not already in the employ of the Quartermaster's Di partment. will forthwith report them at the office of the Chief Depot Quart or master, Bav Ptredt JBy order of Brig -Gen. L. 0. EASTON, Obief Quarterm aster - ' GKO. B. CADVV A LEADER, Cnpt. and A. O. >f . Chief Q. M. Dejiot. j Hraoq’r’h M n, Dtv. or nrr. Misuserm, In tbe Field. Savannah, Ga.. Jan.' 14, t865.' ’ Stocual Fio.r' OKt?KKS,> No. 12. j • * •* t♦* IT being represented that the Confederate army and' armed bands of robbers, acting professedly under the authority of the Confede rate Government, are harrassing the people of Georgia and endeavoring to intimidate them in the efforts they are making to secure to them selves provisions, clothing, security to life and* property, and the restoration of law and good! government in the State, it is hereby ordered amU made public: ; Ist. That the farmers of Georgia may bring into Savannah, Feruandina or Jacksonville! Florida, marketing, such as beef, pork, mutton! vegetables of any kind, fish, &c., as well as cot ton in small quantities, and sell the same in operi market, except the cotton, which must be sold by or through the Treasury Agents, and may invest the proceeds in family stores, such as bacon aud Hour, in any reasonable quantities, groce ries, shoes and clothing, and articles not contra- ' band ol war, and carry the same back to their families. No trade store will be attempted im ' the interior, or stocks of goods sold* for them ’ but families may club together for mutual assist-' ance and proteetioTTffn coming and going. -2<L The people are encouraged to melt to gether iu peaceful as-embiages to discuss meas ures looking to their safety and good government and the restoration of State and National au thority, and will be protected by the National army when so doing ; and all peaceable inhabi tants who. satisfy tbe commanding officers that they are eaniestlyjaboring to that end, must not »miy be left undisturbed in property and person, but must be protected as far as possible, consist ent with ihe military operations. If any farmer or peaceable inhabitant is molested by the ene my, viz: the Confederate army or guerrillas, be cause of ms fi-taudsbir to the National Govern- Tiumt, the perpetrator, if caught, will be eumma- Iv punished, or his family made to suffer for the outrage; but if the crime cannot be traced to the actual party, then retaliation will be made on the adherents, to the cause of the Rebellion—- should a Union man be murdered, then a Rebel* selected by lor will be shot—or if a Union family be persecuted on account of the cause, a Rebel? family will be banished to a foreign land. In. aggravated cases retaliation will extend as high as live for one. All commanding officers will act promptly in such cases, and repo t their after the retaliation is done. By order ot Major General W. T. Skfuman. | L. M. Dayton, A. A. G WAR DEPARTMENT, Aimutant Generates Office Washington, February IS, 1564. j General Crdkes.) j z No. (14. ( RRFUGI3KS AND REBEL DESERTERS. Whenever refugees, from within tbe Rebej ] lines, or deserters from the Rebel armies. pre+ | sent themselves at U. 8. Camps or Military j Posts, they will be immediately examined by the ; Provost Marshal with a view, to determine their j ehoiacter. and tbrir motive in giving themselves ■ up- If it appear that, they are honest, in their in i tention of forever deserting the Rebel cause, cure i will be taken to explain to them that they will j not be forced to serve in the U. S. Army against ! the Rebels, nor be kept in confinement. Thte i Prerident’s Proclamatiou of December S, .1863, : will be read to them, and if they so desire, the ; oath therein prescribed will be administered to (them. They will then be questioned as to I whether they desire employment from the Ufii j ted States; and if so, such arrangements as may be expedient will be made by the several Arfhy • j Commanders for employing them on Govern-! j luont works within.tlicir commands. Those who i come to the Army of the Potomac w-ill be for i warded to the Military Governor of ihe District j of Columbia, at Washington, with reports in | their cases, that employment may be g ven them • if desired; or. if nor, that they may be sent as Hir ! North as Philadelphia, j By order oi the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND. ■ Assistant Adjutant General. ’ Official- W. L. M. 81-rgfjl Assistant Adjutant Genera) IIK AIIQUARTKBB, CITT OT SavAKN AM, Ga..\ January Sth, 1565. j ; Gkxhral Okdetcs,) v I ’ No 3 | | ALL DEALERS IN GOODS FOR GENE RAL A# SALE in this city, must have permits from these Headquarters. IT, Extortion iri prices will be severely pun ished. Dealers wilJ conform in prices to the list established by ibe Provost Marshal, at these Headquarters, This list will be published in the daily newspapers. ILL A tux tor Post fund will lie assessed upon authorized dealers, also upon persons opening of amusement, IV, Those persons who fvioiate the foregoing rules will be arrested, their establishments will be closed, and their goods confiscated and sold at reasonable prices, and the proceeds appro priated to the Post Bund. Sutlers or purveyors Belonging to any por tion of the army, are required by the military law to confine their sales to their own commands.— As long as they do this, they will not be inter fered with by ofiieeis of the Post But if any such are found offering goods for gorier Si sale, without having been duly anthor ized from these Headquarters, they will be dealt with iu the same manner as other unauthorized dealers. * VI. Capt. Ira B. Seymour, Provost Marsha), fit these Headquarters, will see that these rules, and any that may hereafter be announced re "Pecting trade in this dty, are duly enforced. Ii omcers or others who find any dealers violat ing the regulations on the subject, will report the same at Captain'Seymour’s office, the offenders fitted punished ai\d the- btne- By command of Brig. Gen. JNO. W. GEARY. • w : ' tonUEVl<illl ‘ : '