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No. 1.-1. /
*4. W. MAHON CO.
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jn every style, neatly and promptly done.
3 Bays Later front the North.
New It'uric D&Ses to Jan.
Bramctton of <£enerai Terry.
»feo.. <Ac., Ao.
-’nelEY, Herald, .Tan. 20.]
Sr., will start on
a feA’Ond visit to the rebel capital to-day.
.What the nature or object of his mission
is has not be n made public. Last Mon
day's Richmond Whig slated that Mr.
Blair carried to Washington an auto
graph letter from Jell Davis, “express
'll g his willingness vo send or receive
eouiaussioiieris authorhad to negotiate a
Tu.ire have been no hew military
m wemcnts in the armies before the rebel
capital to notice.
On Tuesday of this week a party of
guerillas made a dash into Bardstovvn,
Kentuciiy, and set lire to the railroad
station, which was consumed. A Air.
Sanbefiy was burneu to death in the
building’. The national troops of the
garrison soon rallied, and a severe fight
took place, in which several were killed'
and w ounded, the guerrillas being finally
driven from the town and pursued lbr
several miles
It is thought that the leaders of the
rebel army in Arkansas design to aban
don that State entirely. They are said
t< be concentrating their troops at Cam
den for the- purpose ot moving south
warti into Louisiana or Texas. Even the
rebel citizens of Arkansas not in the
army, have been ordered by AFagruder to
remove to the south side*of the Red
river. Guerrilla gangs, however, still in
fest the northern section of the State.—
Two detachments of national troops re
cently went from Holla and Pilot Knob,
Missouri, into the northern and north?
eastern parts of Arkansas, for the pur
pose of hunting up these marauders.—
They came upon and broke up several of
the gangs, and killed and captured a
number of the members of them.
Our Consul in Havana has communi
cated the intelligence that the rebels are
engaged in improving the harbor of St.
Marks,, situated on St. Marks river, on
the west coast of Florida, for the purpose
*1 opening there an extensive blockade
limning trade. St. Marks is connected,
by :t railroad twenty-six miles in length,
■with the capital of the State of Florida,
Taliahassee, of which it is the port. The
harbor can be entered by vessels drawing
t'yht Let of water.
The Treasury Department is constant-
]y receiving applications for permission
to open trade with Savannah. The re
ply to these is that until the President
declares that port open clearances for t
can only be made for military purposes
and on the request of the Secretary ot
War or the Navy.
The Canadian Parliament convened at
Quebec yesterday. The Governor Gen
mal, in his address, alludes to his desire
to preserve friendly relations with this
country, and the efforts he lias made to
prevent further raids 'by rebels from the
province into the Northern States. In
addition to the volunteer militia now in
service tor this purpose, lie lias distri
buted a force of detectives along the
border. He asks for such legislation as
will enable him more effectually to ac
complish his objects in this respect. He
favors the proposed colonial confedera
The exchange of national and rebel
' prisoners of war is again being proceeded
with on James river, under the super
vision of Commissioners Mulford and
Ould Six hundred rebel officers and
S privates from Point Lookout were taken
‘ so Aiken’s Lending yesterday to be ex
! changed for a like number of our own
! men.
Special Dispatch to the N. Y. Tribune.’
Washington, Thursday, Jail. 19, 1865.
One of die results of Secretary Stan
ton's visit to Savannah is to solve the
; doubt as i-o the soundness of Gen. Slier
| man on the negro question. That sol
der's views and policy are those of the
Government. His treatment of the ne
groes of Savannah has inspired them
with confidence, and they rely on him
wholly. He has bore in his heart a
great scheme for the benefit of their race
in Georgia, and it is understood here
j that the country will be electrified in a
' few days by an order from him parti
j tinning among them the abandoned Sea
; Island properly of fugitive Rebel plan
| ters, and establishing them in their new
i freeholds .nd laying the foundation of a
! new special condition in the South, whose
! buperstrm wire but few politicians In the
; c '.entry me now permitted dearly to see.
Gen. Terry was not; only confirmed by
! the Senate as Major-General of Volun
! leers, but was nominated as a Brigadier
|in the Regular Army. He was confirm
! cd without reference, the first instance
under tin*. Government in which a vol
unteer was Huts snatched to the bosom
! of the Regular Army from that level.
It is understood that the Secretary of
| the Treasury has for t he present prohibit
! cd the issue of any more certificates for
! purchase of products of insurrectionary
| States on Government account, in the
j Stat ■ bordering on tlie Atlantic. It is
! further understood that appointments of
; purchasing agents will shortly be made
jat Pensacola, Fcinandinu and oilier
| points, wl ?u products will be allowed
j to come forward with all proper speed
I mid facility.
! _ "
:• rrora the N. A . Tribune, Jan. 20.]
Gold opened at 214 3 4 and closed at
210 1-4. The demand for cash gold
continues, and the chief strength of the
market is in the extent to which gold
• has been over-sold. The quotation
| yields slowly, but there are few opera
tors for an advance. Government stocks
are hardly so firm under the decline in
railway shares. In some quarters it is
argued iliat with peace secured, a good
many Government stacks will be ex
changed for railway and other shares,
which wii; pay more income than Fede
ral slocks with gold at a small premium,
j Railway shares have been much excited
land fluctuated widely dining the day.
J Upon the street prices were steady, but
| at the Stock Exchange a furious charge
was made by the bears. Alter the cidi,
the market rallied 1 1-2 a 2 per cent.,
but the advance was not sustained at the
j jpu.ijliC At the Second Board the
market TJ" fyeMc, under to realize
upon the temporary advance. At the
close of business, prices were firmer, and
the turn of quotations in favor of the
seller, with a fair demand for most
stocks. Money is abundant at (5 a 7 per
cent., and at this rate more is offered
t han can be used by st ock houses.
La*/ Keening. —The excitement in gold
at the evening exchange was intense,
amounting to a* perfect panic. Opening
at 208 1-4, R varied but little till after
the Board, when it suddenly went down
to *204 1-8. under a heavy pressure to
Swuflieni Hates to Jan. H.
[FvcHt the Ricdmottd Examiner, Jan. 17.1
The loss of our best port by the fall of
Fort Fisher vvill be no evil *m the end,
if it serves to spur the country on to de
cisive action. Nothing can be more in
glorious and deplorable than to sit still,
harmoniously resigned and hopeful,
: while our resources and armies are
1 gambled away in full view by a weak
nut presumptuous officials. Nothing is
more absurd than make-believe “good
| cheer” and buncombe “confidence" in
; the face of manifest and fatal mismun
: agemeut. All the eloquence and all the
: blather in the world will not alter the
i tacts or prevent people trout thinking on
them. Are the people of this country
tighting for the glory oi Mr. Davis from
, Mississippi, or defending tlicir liberty,
lives and property ? If they are doing
• the hist named business, they cannot
justify themselves to their own con
science or to posterity; in abandoning
i their affairs any longer to the unlimited,
uncontrolled and uncontested discretion
of persons who daily furnish new proofs
I of un skill illness and bad judgment and
j defective character
j In the next few weeks affairs must be
definitely arranged. If the spring eam
j paigu finds Johnson at the head of what
Hood has'left in place of that magnifi
cent army of 60,000 turned over to him
: six months since; if Lee is the com
j munder-in-chief of the whole military
power of the confederacy, independent
by legislative enactment of all control
.and restriction and ibterference—with
! authority to asssgn general and other
i officers to command, transfer armies,
: and to give unity of plan and aim to the
wkole operations of the war—the full
force of this people will re-appear.
iFrom Mie Richmond Whig, Jaa. 17.]
| The vial of wrath seems not to have
been completely exhausted with the fall
iof Savannah. Fort Fisher has also fallen.
We had expected this long since. In
deed, we did not see how it was possible
for an isolated fort!ess to stand the reit
erated attacks of such an armament as
was brought against it. It fell at last by
the assault of overwhelming numbers.
It could never have been taken by sea.
We have had occasion frequently to
remark that ill fortune never comes
singly. When it once begins-it is pretty
sure to run its course. The only way to
moot it is with an, invincible firmness,
whfich must, in the end, tin) it out This
we hope and believe oar people are pre
paid! to do. It is wonderful, indeed,
that we iuppe any seaport remaining; that
the enemy, pos&osing such a fleet as he . at command, and we have none at all,
he did not sweep ail of them before the
second year of the war had been brought
to a close.
The loss of Fort Fisher involves, we
suppose, the stopping of the blockade
running. In future, we shall have nw
more importations from Europe. This
will be a great inconvenience certainly,
but it by no means decides the question
of independence or subjugation. That,
question has yet to be settled on the bat
tle field,where we have nothing to fear as
loDg as our enemies are not more than
three to one.
The Confederacy can survive the loss
of Fort Fisher, of Mobile, and of every
other seaport in its possessing. But it
cannot survive the decay of spirit and
the loss of determination on the part of
its people. That is a thing which it lias
more cause to fear than all other things
put together. Let the people be but
firm—let them show a determination to
resist to the last man and the Inst dollar
—and the capture of our seaports will
not be of the importance we are apt to
assign to it. We lost New Orleans, and
survived it: we lost. Savannah, and sur
vived it. We can, therefor'-, we sug
gest, stand the loss ol Fort Fisher.
If there shall be no real change of men.
but only a sham*alteration; only a repe
tition of the old duplicity, by which tin
power has remained in the same puny
hands, while the responsibility of all the
misfortune they have worked has been
shifted over to Johnston, to Beauregard,
and lately to Lee: the struggle must stifi.
continue- for neither compromisc-by the
North or submission by the South is
possible ; and in one way < r in another
the war must be waged ;• but i! is certain
that, mider these lattir perditions, we
will enter on the corning campaign with'
faded hope, diminished energy and a
foreboding of a continuation to that se
ries of disasters which has been uninter
rupted since the ivir.«v&i of the only gen
eral who has commanded with profit tor
Army of the Central South.
A change of mot: has bj:om t a public
necessity. That any sr.ff inor of self can
be obtained he persuading or .advising
Mr. Davis, few wli'i believ j. There h
j not the slightest probability < I Johnson'*
i restoration to the command of tils army,
i and if Hood, whose name has been sent
1 into the Senate for cor-ffim-bion as
' general, is ever lvli-wed, 1m wifi be fi ilh
j with replaced by! Did: Taylor,
[ the President's brother-in-law. ! ae is
: really no prospect of a change in Execu
i live policy. Tim defects of mind ami
j character, which have produce! the past
will continue to operate in future events,
i Whether ('ongress leas the cute- inuionai
• power to interfere, is not necessary to be
ascertained until it is proven to have,
what it has never shown, some disposi
ton to be other t iin the registry ot ex
ecutive decrees. \\ e do not perceive
how any real alteration is to be made
without an appeal—always contempla
ted in every American constitution —to u
convention of thy States, legitimately
and regularly called by, and constituted
from the conventions or the people in
senarate States. These last cun be as
sembled only by net of the Legislature;
and instead of legislating .tor the next
spring election, the legislature ot Yir
ojnia might be more properly employee:
in assembling that supreme body. Suck
a body, represents g tin- people in their
sovereign, unity, is needed m Virginia
now. It. was a gr’.at error when the
Convention of Virginia dispersed, urn
the sooner it is-recalled tli * m< >re us< i n!
it may he.
The rebel papers say that Hood fcfts
made an advance mown, -at Irom N.asu
ville, and will probably sou be in the
rear of Sherman’s army Tins preserves
the consistency of tviN.-l military theories.
If Shermaifs moveanni a- a 7, etreat,
HoOsV-s must certaiivlt be <.m lid vance.
(Five Cents.