Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 30, 1865, Image 4
COMPANY K. Therete a cap in the closet, Old, tattered, and bine, Os veiy alight value, It may be, to yoa; Bat* ciown, jewel-stndded, Could not buy it to-day^ With its letter of honor, Brave “00. K.” • The head that it sheltered .Needs shelter no more Dead heroes make holy Th* trifles they wore; •o, like ebaplet of honor. Os laurel and bay, seems the cap of the soldier Marked “Cos. K. •• Bright eyes have looked caimiy, Its. visor beneath, O’er tfoe work of the Reaper, Grim Harvester Death i Letihe musier-roU meagre, So* mournfully say, •How foremost in dicker Went “ Cos. J£.“ Whose footsteps unbroken Came up to the town, Where rampart and bastion Looked threat’njnglv dawn ? Who, closing up breaches, • Still kept on their way. Tilt guns, downward pointed, Faced “Cos, K?” Who •faltered, or shivered ? Who shunned battle-stroke ? Whose fire was uncertain p Whose battle-line broke ? (Jo, ask it of history, Yearsfrom to-day, And the records shall tell yon, Hot “Cos. K.” Though my darling is sleeping To-day with the dead, Ahd daisies and clover Bloom over his head, 1 smile through my tears As I lay it away— That battle-worn cap, lettered “Cos. K.“ LATE REBEL PAPERS, r.Pririftthe Richmond Examiner, .Jan. 20.] Peytons from Wilmington gay that the version of the disaster at Foil Fisher \yJiictL sfates that the fort was %iken by surprise, at least as far as the garrison is eorreenred, is untrue. They state that the garrison fought well, hut were cverwhelmned by num bers, Hragg having failed to relieve the force of assault by an attack on the en en*y*s rear There have been some re cent dispositions of our forces in the South and West, details of which are iiraa tfiifeable.. [From tfce Goldsboro’ Journal, Jan. IT.] Private a IviCes by the train last night state that the Yankees were shelling our forces, near Battery Gatlin, or Sugar Loaf, some four miles from Port Fisher. The Journal furnishes all the particulars which have as yet reached us concerning the fall of Fort Fisher, with the excep tion of Gen. Lee’s brief despatch. It says that the Yankees succeeded in making a lodgment with their infantry force, said to have been some eighteen thousand strong, on the river between Sugar Loai and Fort Fisher, whore they at once commenced intrenching. This lodgment was made probably on Friday night. Up to ten o’clock on Sunday night matters were reported satisfactory by opr.military authorities; but within piobably halt an hour afterwards the enemy made a furious assault on Fort pisher and took it. TUB ST. ALUANS ROBBERY. Jan. 24, 1860. In Pariia mcrit to-day Mr. Galt., the Finance Min ister, brouf ht down a message from his Excellency the Governor General, trans mitting the estimates for the current year, in whiclt is included some fifty thousand dollars in gold to make good the money improperly surrendered in the case of the Si Albans raiders and claimed by tire government of the Unit ed States under the extradition treaty. ~f * — ....... . .. Z bdl (by an almost unanimous vote in creating tl»e oflibe' of Com ihjiperdu-CUief, with the most unpaia tab.e Addition, for Davis, that doe John son ottgm, to be restored,to active com mand. Ode of the Richmond papers of late date has a doleful article recom nwhdirg the impressment of alUhe cot-: Um-mtlie Rebel States, and the aban-’ Honwent of Slavery , in short anythinr Wideyeiythicg fur the sake of securing nr-N. Y THbitne, 24:h. 0 Heapq’rh U. 8. Foßcre,, Ga., Jancary 26, IS«6. Genctat, Ohdkks, ) No. a f I. Hereafter authorized dealers* of goods im ported from the North and retailed to citizens of tbis city, officers and soldiers, will be allowed to sell at an advance of fifty per cent, upon tlic cost price of the same or similar goods m New York City, and in no case will any dealer be al lowed to sell at a greater profit. Vegetables, game, fish, oysters and wood, brought from outside the lines and not imported (rom the North, will not be exposed for sale at a greater profit than 200 per cent, above the retail price of th#same before the rebellion. 11. Authorized hotel and boarding-house keep ers will be allowed to charge not upwards of ICO per cent, advance upon the established prices be fore the rebellion. 111. Officers, soldiers and citizens are invited to report any violation of the foregoing para graphs to the Provost Marshal, who wm, upon t-uch report, arrest thw offender, close his place of business—if he has one—and turn the case over to the Provost -Judge for adjudication. IV. Retail wine and liquor shops, and sales of wine and liquor to soldiers, are prohibited. V. Until tnrthcr orders, no letters will be de livered at the Post Office to citizens not actually within the Iffies of the defences of Savannah, and until the census can be taken, and the names of citizens present registered, no letters will be de livered without satisfactory evidence of identity. No written communications will be permitted to pass outside of the lines into any district in re bellion, except track as are directly authorized from these headquarters. By command of Bv’t. Maj. Gen. C. GROVER. Edward G. Disk, A. A. A. G. jimiiG W OOD LIVING,’’ VJ At reasonable prices, can be had at the •EAGLE OYSTER and liEFRESHMKNT SA LOON, in the rear of the New Post, Office, Hnw»£ Head, S. C. 1 have the very best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, &0., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked t© ordei from and A. M. to 8 P. M. PITER FITZGERALD, Projector. r. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited. PURCHASING BUREAU . , OF i DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Ac. Ovtick, 161 Fulton St., New York. The undersigned having been chief assistant 'examiner oi .Drugs and Medicines in the New York Custom House for the pact font- years, pf fors his services to Druggists throughout the country. AH purchases wilt be made in the in toreet of enstoniers, direct from Importers uid Manufacturers. and all articles thus purchased are warranted to be reliable. II N. AVERY. • (lion. Hiram Fak<t.v, Refers to *( lion. Roscoe OoNKUae, C -N. BELLOWS, • No. 8 Merchants' Row. Biiton Head 8. C. Dealer in BGO'IJS AND SHOES, t , CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS And SU'IjMjEHS' GOODS Os every description, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hr.,AD»i)u.ircTims U, S. Forcrk t Savannah. Ga., Jan. LS, 1835. / GI.NFR.An Op.Liiß. I No. 7. { ALL pew ns having Ammunition-in their pos- ASL session or on the premises occupied bv them will !>e held, responsible thal they report ihe same immediately to the l Yovoft, who will seize the same and lure it over to the Depot Ordnance Officer. To insure sentrhy of property, any person knowing ©J any .Ordnancesecreted, are invited to report it to the Provost Marshal By command of . _ __ _ Bv’t. Mqjor Gen. C. GROVER. E. G. Dfscit, A A. A. G. * iantiO HmciHurAErr-Rs IT. S Fona*, > Savannah., Jim. 26th. 1 Sti', f Gents a;. Oudek,) No. 6. f No further application* for trade or traffic will be received or considered, until farther By command of r< T Bv’t Maj. Gen. GROVER. Efward G. Dxkh, A. A. A. G. jani-7 |T S. SANITARY COMMISSION, Corner ©f Congress and Whitaker .Streets, Savannah’ Ga. At the place mentioned we have opened etore rooms and Relief office, where Wo will be glad to render any service m our power to the soldiers ami Bailors of thr A rm, awl Sar,. sUJSS ©harge of Hospitals will please send in their re qmsjlione for stores. • - 01 n J - C hobut, jax H Agent jg. s. c. N magazin ~station-, tJ >° Br d>piy N. Y. Newspapers, Hi. Dailv, Litararv Papera. n «Ti &c., at Wholesale DANN S. MORRISON, Bux lift, Hftton Head, P. O, th /'kUJi HOUSE ” Vm By W. T. DOUHE & CO, # No. 105 Bat Street, of ; YJiid .Duck, and other game market M all tunes. Headq'b Mil. Drv, ov thr Mianexm. In-the Field. Savannah. Ga., Jan.l6, 1885. Special Fipld Oroeks, 1 No. 13. / The Dcpnnment. of the South having bee® placed within the sphere of this command, and it being highly desirable that an uniform polity prevail touching commerce and intercourse with the inhabitantr of the South, the following gen eral rules and principles will be adhered to un less modified by law or the order* of the War Department : L Commerce with foreign nations cannot be permitted or undertaken until the national au thority is established to an extent that will give the necessary courts and officers to control and manage such matters. Trade will be confined to a mere barter and sale proportioned to the no nessary wants of the army, mid of the inhabi tants dejiendant on it for the necessities of life, and even that trade mast be kept eubject to strict military control or surveillance. 11. Trade stores will be perrni ited at Beaufort, Hilton Head, Savannah, Fernandina, St. Augus tine and Jacksonville, in all the articles of food and clothing, groceries, ladies aud childen goods, generally, and articles not contraband of war. 111. To trade is a privilege, and no person will be allowed to buy and seu for profit unless he be a citizen of the United States, and sub scribe to any legal oath or obligation that is or may be prescribed by law; and at points threat ened by an enemy, the officer commanding may farther exact as a condition, that the trader shall himself engage to serve, in some military ca pacity, to aid in the defence of the place. IV. Persons desiring to trade will apply to the commanding officer of the Post and obtain his written consent, Specifying the kind, nature and extent of the trade, and when he requires importations from northern cities he will in like manner apply for his permit. The commanding officer of the Post may appoint seme good officer to supervise these mutters, who will frequently inspect the stores, and when there is not suffi cient competition will fix the prices of sale.— These stores will in like manner be subject to the supervision' of the Commanding General of the Department of the South by himself or an inspector General. V. In order that purchases may be* made with economy, the commanding officer of each Pest will make- reports of his action in regard to trade, with the names of traders, amounts of goods desired for sale, Ac., to the commanding general of the department, who will, in like manner, make full reports to the Secretary of the United States Treasury, to the end that be may instruct the collectors of ports from whPh shipments are expected as to the necessary per* mks and clearances. It being utterly impracti cable lira a general commanding military oper ations should give his personal attention to such matters, it is desirable that r.s much power as possibie should be delegated to Post command* ere, and they shonid be held to the strictest ac count that no trade is permitted injurious to the military intercuts of the United States. YI. Sales of cotton w ill be restricted absolutely to the United States Treasury agents, and no title in cotton or bill of sale will be respected until after the cotton is sold at New YLrk Country people having smalt lots cf cotton are permitted to bring the same in to be exchanged tor food and clothing for their families. The Quartermaster will set aside a store or ware house, to which each wagon bearing cotton will, after entering the military lines proceed direct, where an agent of t he Treasury Depart went w ill receive and weigh the same, and pay for it the price fixed in the Bth section of the Act of Con gress, approved July 2, I«C4, viz: three-fourths the value of cotton Rf? quoted in the New Y’erk market; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby requested to make appointments’qf agents to carry out tfce provisions of said act at the posts oi Hilton Head, Savannah, Feraaudi na and Jacksonville. YII. in order that the duties hereby impiscd on commtjndiwg officers of Post* may not be neglected or slighted by the changes incident to rank and changes of troops, the Commanding General of the Department of tfce South vvUJ aji point a special officer to command at each of said Posts, with a .small garrhion, not to be changed without Lis order; aud when other troops, commanded by a senior, are added or ar rive,* the command of the post will act change, but the additional troops will be encamped near by and act according to special kistructions. By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. SHERMAN. L- M Dm'tn, Major and Asst. Adj’t G-em. U. S. Fokoeb, Savannah, Georgia, Jaseary 24, GENBRAI, ORDERS. \ No. 4. } I ALL OFFICERS OF THE ARMY ON *• duty at this Poet, ttiose connected with de pots excepted, and all citizens within the lines, are required to report immediately any case of contagious disease which may co»e to their knowledge to Surgeon J. C. Morgan, U. S. Vola, Health Officer of the Post, unless tfce same has been so reported before, Any neglect or failure on the part of any citizen to comply promptly with tbis require, ment, wul be eonridered a misdemeanor, and seat before tfce Provost Judge for adjudication. 11. Commanding officers of troops in quarters wul be bold responsible that the quarters of their troops are at all times in a thorough state of peliae. n By eommand of Brv*t Maj. Gen. GROVER. JhywxsD G. Dina, A. A. A. Gen’L WAR DKPARTMKNIh Ts ' Gwiok ©v Di awrtwa and Gombbal Manages Mu.-taxt B aileoad. U. S „ . . 0 Savannah, Jan, 21. LS66. Gob u. CwinwSmTu : Colonel— Yoa am hereby appointed Pnperin teadent m charge of United States Milhvry R*i]- roada. terminating at Suvannali, Ga. Respectfully, Your obeditrit servant, „ U. C. M ’CA.LLUM, ! , _ r»revet Brig. Gen. Director ( ffaiai** 41 ® 6l>3ra ilai - ii l' e r M. S. R.. U. S. , J. COKDJT S.WKK, fiapenalCß leu; F. S. Hi-Ltary H. R. Mil. Drv. <w ttif Missiewrv*. In the Field, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 14. SraciAL Fiklb Orders,! ’ No, 12. f r being represented that the Confederate army and armed bands of robbers, actW professedly under the authority of the Cocfede rate Government, are harassing the people nr Georgia and endeavoring to intimidate tbtm b, the efforts they are making to eeture to them ‘ selves provisions, clothing, security to life and property, and the restoration of law and xood government in the State, it is hereby ordered anr 1 made public: Ist. That the farmers of Georgia may brin./ into Savannah, Fernandina or Jacksonville Florida, marketing, such as beef, pork, mutton vegetables of aDy kind, fieh, &e„ as well as coi ton in small quantities, and sell the same in open market, eaeept the cotton, which roust be sold bv or through the Treasury Agents, and may Invew the proceeds in family stores, such as bacoir and flour, in any reasonable quantities, groce Ties, shoes and clothing, and articles notcontra band of war, and carry the same hack to their families. No trade store will be attempted it the interior, or stocks of goods sold forthem. but families may club together for mutual assist ance and protection in coming and going. Sd.'The people are encouraged to meet to. getber in peaceful assemblages to discuss meas ures looking to their safety and good governmew and the restoration of State and National a u thonty, and will be protected by the National army when so doing; and all peaceable inkabL tants who satisfy the. commanding officers that, they are earnestly laboring to that end, must not only be left undisturbed m property and person but must be protected as far as possible, consist' ent with the military operations. If any farmer er peaceable inhabitant is molested bv the eno my, viz: the Confederate army or guerrillas be cause of his friendship to the National Govern, ment, the perpetrator, if caught, will be gumma ly punished, or his family made to suffer for outrage; but if the crime cannot be traced to the actual party, then retaliation will be made on the adherents to the- cause of the. Ecbellion should a Union man be murdered, then a Rebel selected by lot will be shot—or if a Union family be persecuted on account of the cause, family will be banished to a foreign land. Jr aggravated cases retaliation will extend as high as five for one. All commanding officers wOl aci; promptly iu such esses, and report tier action after the retaliation is dene. By order of Major .General W. T. L. M. Dayton, A. A. G. ii.i:.m d,r m,tekß U. 8. Forces, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 22, 1365 Gxxerral Oudir) No. 2. { r IST LIEU'I'. JOHN II CHARLOTTE, R. Q. i * M., 152 th N. Y. Vols., is hereby announced as,Relief CcmmiEricncT of the City of Savan nah, and will rerort in person to the Bv’t, Maj. Gen. Commanding for instructir ns„. H. Capt. M. Benedict, 15Gth N. T. Vote., A. C. M. 2d Division, is announced' as. Provost Judge of the City of Savannah, 'AT duties a_ which office ho will assume in addition to thos of his proper effice. 111. Capt. Albert Strains is detached, ftom his Regiment and is announced as Street Com missioner of Savannah, and will report in per son fnr instructions to the Bv’t Me j Gen. Com manding. • . IV. Capt. $. a Starr, A. Q. M. 2d Biv., 16th A. G., is detailed as Post Quartemu'ster. and will, for the present, perform the duties of that office in addition to his present duties. By command of Bv’t Maj. Gen. GLOVER, * Epwabi) G. Djxf, A. A. A. G. jan 24—It - WAR DEPARTMENT; Adjutant Gknkral’s Os i ics Washington, February iS, 1804. Grxeß-\i. Osmaoji ) Ni3. fi4. f RKKCOEES AND IMICKL nE^EUTEUS. Whenever refugees from within the Eebe lines, or deserters Irom the Rebel armies, pre sent themselves at U. 8. Camps or Military Posts, they will be immediately examined by the Provost Marsha) with a view to determine their character, and their motive in giving ifcemselves up. If it appear that they arc honest in their in tontion of forever deserting the Rebel cause, care will bo taken to explain to them that they wfll not be forced to serve in the U. S., Amy agaips;. the Rebels, nor be kept in confinement. The President's Proclamation, of December 8, 1883, will be read to them, and if they so desire, the oath therein prescribed will be administered t* them. They will then be questioned as to whether .they desire employment from the Bai ted States; and if so, such arrangements as may be expedient will be made by the several Arthy Commanders for employing them on Govern ment works within their commands. Those who come to the Army of the Potomac will be ‘for warded to the Military Governor of the District of Columbia, at Washington, with reports in their cases, tliat employment may be g ven'thetoi if desired: or, if not,, that they may be sent as fer North as Philadelphia. By order of the Secretary of War; E/D. TOWNSEND. Official ; W. L. M. Bcaioi. Assistant Adjtttant Genera Drugs ,and medicines!i Just landed from New York, a large aasevt meut of Drugs, Chemicals, and Perflimery, viz. Lubinte Extracts, Edrihi’s, do.: (Jolognes, Fcee adee, Hair tonics of the finest- quality v Tooth Pow der, Pastes and Washes. A large quantity of Patent Mcdteines, and Ojntments. A nice lot of Balking, Carriage and Velvet Flea Powder, producing instant death. FBfe Soda Water from Stone Fountains, with Ike ohmceet svraps. will leceire prompt attention, W. M. WALSH, M. D„ PS Mexchante’ Row. Htitwa O