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piTo. 4,4:. )
Slje fyabannal)
s. w. 3IASON & CO.,
At 111 Bay Steeet, Savannah, Georgia,
Per Copv Five Cents.
Per Hundred $& 50.
Per Year ... $lO 00. •
A limited number of Advertisemeets will be re
cced at the rate of Twenty Cents per Line for
first insertion,and Fifteen Cents i>er Line for each,
subsequent insertion: invariably in advance. Ad
vertisements should be banded in before neon of
each day. ‘ir*
in every style, neatly and promptly done.
(From the Herald Extra of Yesterday.)
Northern Bates to Fefc. 26.
Wilmington Evacuated!
Report of Admiral Porter*
defeat ki the rebel coheres of
[GOLD 199 1-3.
By the mail brought by
Fulton we York papers to the
' 26th inst. *
The reports of the occupation of Wil
mington by our troops are fully confirm
ed. The city was taken possession of
by the Union soldiers under Gen. Terry,
as will by the subjoined report of
Admiral Porter to the Secretary of the
U. S. Flagship Malvern, >
Cape Fear River, Feb. 22, 1865.)
I have the honor to inform
you that Wilmington has been evac
uated and is in possession of our
troeps. After the evacuation of Fort
Anderson 1 pushed forward the gun
boats up as the water would per
mit. The army advanced at the same
time time on the right and * left bank of
the river.
After landing and buoying out the
middle ground at Big Island, 1 succeed
ed in getting the . Gunboats over, and
opened fire on Fort Strong, the work
comanding the principal obstructions
where the Rebels had also sunk a large
steamer, the North Eastern. Our fire
soon , drove the Rebels away from the
Fort. Now and then they would fire a
shot, one of which struck the Sassacas
below water-mark and set her leaking
badly. She was struck once or twice
more, but met with no loss in men.
That night (20th) the Rebels sent down
200 floating torpedoes, but I had a strong
force of picket boats out, and the torpe
does wefe sunk with musketry. One
got into the wheel of the Osceola and
blew her wheelhcuse to pieces, and
knocked down her bulkhead inboard,
but there was no damage to the hull.
Some of the boats picked up the torpe
does with their torpedo nets. The next
morning I spread two fishing nets across
the river, and yesterday evening Gen.
Ames, with his division, moved within a
short distance of the Fort, and had a
sharp encounter with the Rebels. On
hearing the musketry and seeing where
our troops were, I opened a rapid fire on
the Fort and all along the enemy's lines.
The Fort reponded with three or fcur
savannah; ga., Friday evening, march 3, 1865.
«stl«!{ced. Thismorn4
;01l ¥he Moptauk
i the Shoals without
ras a work of
leasure of placing* fee ,
5, and at 12 m. (f
' The
army defeated in the rfe >eF
Congress, «31 the Stators from
States voting ):No.’’ ' v
Lee pronounced the employment of
the negroes absolutely
sary to the su<iJe§s ‘of their tWfe. as'he
says the poptiktioa is nearly or
quite used up, but in spite of
Congress would, not agree to it.
Gen. Joe Johnston restored
to command and *is to lead
now concentrating to oppose Sherman.
This has been dohe in spite *>i the per
sistent opposition of President Jeff.
There was a report that the Rebel
Cavalry had met and defeated the ad
vance of one of Sherman’s columns,
but it was not confirmed at the Rebel
War Department, and was not be
AH the Rebel agents, lately *o bntfv in
Canada, have suddenly disappeared, it
is supposed, in consequence of orders
from Jeff. Davis, informing them that the
Rebel Headquarters are to be henceforth
in Tennessee or Kentucky, and calling
on them to return and join in a last des
perate effort to save the Rebel cause. The
Rebels are without doubt preparing to
fall back from Petersburg and Richmond,
to make their last stand at or near
Lynchburg, Va., in Tennessee, or pos
sibly somewhere in Kentucky.
Gen. Sherman is reported, (N. Y. Her
ald 26th.) as having reached Cherlotte,
N. C.
It is said that a large fleet of pirate
ships is fitting out Tfcjijngland in behalf
of the Rebels.
. Gold in New York, Feb. 26th, 199 1-8.
An Inqenious Oct.ate. — A curate of a
London parish, of most exemplary con
duct; was accustomed to remonstrate
very freely with any of his people whose
life Was not what it should haye been.—
They wished much to get rid of him,, but
could find no pretext'for Gomplaint,
either to the rector or the bishop. They
therefore hit upon this cunning plan—
they drew Up and signed a memorial to
the bishop forth the admirable
character of the curate, lamenting, that
his eminent worth should not be re
warded, an<j earnestly recommending
him for preferment. Soon after, .this
very living quite unexpectedly became
vacant, whereupon bishop, consider
ing how acceptable, as w;6fi as-deserving
he appeared to be, presented him with
it, informing him of thfcir memorial—
The good man thanked his people with
tearful eyes, rejoicing' that they’had
taken in good part his freedom of speech
and assuring them that he would con
tinue all his life the course which had
won their approbation.
Definition of “ widow’ : “One who
knows what’s what; and is desirous ot
further information on the subject-”
1 i
[■pwtant Letter from C. C. Clay.
I [From the Telegraph and Cot federate.]
Macon, Ga., Feb. 17th, 1865.
Hon. O- C. Clay:
Dear Sir—-The public will be highly
gsatiued to hear your sentiments on" the
Btete. of the country; and the undersign
ed, Senators and Representatives of Geor
gia, respectfully request that you lavor
them with an address, in the City Hall,
at such time as may best suit your con
Very respectfuHy,
Jas. M. Chambers, W. S. Holt,
& H. Pottle, D. P. Hill,
Robert J. Bacon, T. Hardeeman,
Fred. H. West, Henry Limbouch,
Robert White, B. B. Moore,
T. L- Guerry, - Wm. Ezzard,
5. Swanson, Jas. Long,
T. A. Parsons, Wm. Wallace,
Wm. A. Graham.
jjp-.* Macon, Ga , Feb. 17th, 1865.
Gents—On the eve of my departure for
Richmond I have received your note of
t|iis date, inviting me to deliver an ad
dress on the state of the country, at the
City Hall, at such time as may suit my
I regret that I am constrained, by
other public duties, to decline your kind
and courteous invitation. Otherwise, I
should gladly avail myself of the opportu
nity to express my opinion of our condi
tion and prospects, our dangers and
duties. I cannot, however forbear tell
ing you in this necessarily brief and
hasty note, that, during an absence of
nearly ten months rtroai my country,
wherever I'huve gone 1 have found ad
ditional reasons for being proud of her ;
satisfied of the justice of her cause, and
confident of the ultimate triumph of her
arms. We have overcome the prejudices
of neutral nations, and have won their
esteem, admiration and sympathy, se
cured by our courage, constancy,"forti
tude, moderation, energy and resolution.
They believe that we deserve our inde
pendence, and that we will achieve it.
lam sure that tbi3 opinion ,is shared
by a large our enemies. And
even those who seek to conquer and sub
jugate us rely less upon their superior
numbers and resources, than upon our
dissensions and divisions, our selfish
fears and servile submission. They have
learned, from the examples of history,
and their experience in this war, that
should they ever defeat and disperse our
armies, seal ail our seaports, garrison all
our fortresses and capitals, and overrun
our entire country, tney cannot long
hold it, and can never conquer our peo
ple, if they are harmoniously united in
spirit and action and resolved to die
freemen rather than live slaves.
Theyfrepresent us as wiitbing under
despotism at Richmond and almost
ready to overthrow it.; they exaggeiate
our differences about civil or military
policy, arid construe the antagonisms of
State Legislatures or State Executives to
the President or Congress to indicate
hostility to the Confederate Government
and its course; they magnify the num
ber of deserteis from our armies and of
traitors who join their standard and
swear allegiance to tne United State.-i;
and, from these real or imparted indica
cations of discord, discontent, distrac
tion and dismay among us, they gath
er fresh hope and energy in the prosecu
tion of their war of conquest. They
claim that Tennessee is already a “loyal”
State, and that Alabama, Georgia and
North Carolina are penitent and will ere
long confess their sics and “return to
their allegiance.”
But for these delusions of our enemies
they could not have carried on the war
thus long ; and whenever they are satis
fied that there is a fixed and unalterable
pilose in the hearts of our people to
perish rather than submit to their terms
of peace, they will despair and abandon
their insane efforts to subjugate us.
Our destiny isih our own hands, if we
have the capacity for self government,
which we claim, and love liberty more
than life or property.
Thank you, gentlemen, for the honor
you have done me,
I am very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
C. C. Clat, Jr.
Hon. J. M. Chambers, Hon. Wm. A.
Graham, and others.
(From the Augusta Constitutionalist, Feb.2T.^
From South Carolina.—A gentleman
just from Columbia informs us that the
city was very badly damaged.
The State House was blown up, both
hotels burned, and the greater part of the*
city in ruins.
Our informant has great hopes of Beau
regard’s ability to meet and defeat tl e
enemy. Gen. Cheatham was nearinu
our main column, nnd Gen. Early hi <1
come out from Richmond.
The battle-ground would be on the
Catawba river, just below Charlotte.
I u ask me tew diskribe wit! I k&at
dew it well. It baint got enny pedigree,
it iz like the wind, it blowetli when and
whare it listetb. No man kan be witty
when he wants to, enny more than he
kan be hungry when he wants to, it
cummeth tew him a z luv duz, he kant
tell how, nor whi.
Wit is wisdum at play, while humor iz
only good natur on a frolik.
- Wit iz like mutch buty, a doubtful
blessing, and line grate strength, a dan
gerous one.
Thare iz nothing that seems teafc&itt
womans barte, so mutch, as Jotsßeiry.
God save the phools! Rad.dont let
them run out, for if it want for them
wize men couldn t git a livin,
' Sum peoples braces is lokhtaT in the,?
We are told “tliht tlare want anything;,
maid in vain,’’ but i hav thought tbai
awl the time spent in manfakturing
striped snaix. and muskeeters, wa;»
wasted. ;
If tkare waz nothing but. truth in'this
wurid, a fool would stan just az good a.
ciian&e az a wize man.
' Tru periiteness consists in being anxus
about the welfarover inkers ; lalze po
liteness cousissts in being verry uaxus
about nothing.
Robbers are like rain, .they fail on tie
just and the unjust.
If a man iz az w tze az a sarpent. Le
kan afford tew be az harmless az a dov<..
The best plase tew worship God—it
cut doors.
We are ap tew hate them, who wont
taik our advise, and dispize them who
d 9-
It iz dredful eazy tew be a phool—a.
man kan be one and cot kno it.
Elegant lezzure—chawing plug ter
kakker,and spitting at u dog’s eye.
Real hapness dent consiss so rnutcb in
what a, rnan does bav, as it duz in wUt
he dout want.
Fear iz the fust lesson laffent, and tLt
laste one forgotten.
Nobody but a phool gits bit twise Li
the same dog.
A pet lam alwus makes a kross ram.
Epiiaffs are like circuss bills, thare is
more in the bills than iz ever performed.
Peace a the enamel ov the s >uL
Tew < fn ithy—eat < nious, and go
AF- ibvj.ii churon has voted to do
withoui and during its nicseut high
price i itr ,h.ui was tried <t Sabbath.,
and tie ininiku iijkes it so v ib. he say*,
he shall .-uac ir'U.n minir'i
long as- ju buttes.
(Five Cents.