Newspaper Page Text
•* Three years! I wonder if she’ll know me ? Vl
1 limp a little, and I left one arm V
At Petersburg; and lam grown as brown \
As the plump chestnuts on my little farm ; *
And I am shaggy as the chestnut burs,
Ent ripe and sweet within, and wholly hers.
“ The darling! how I long to see her!
My heart entrun? this feeble soldier pace:
For I remember, after I had left,
A little Charlie came to take my place;
Ab ! how the laughing, three-year old brown
(Ris mother’s eyes; will stare with pleased
“ Sure, they’ll be at the corner watching ;
I sent them word that I should come'to-nigbt.
The birds all know it for they crowd around.
Twittering their welcome with a wild delight;
And that old robin, with a halting wing.
1 saved her life three years ago last spring.
‘ “ Three years ’ perhaps I am but dreaming;
For, like the pilgrim ot the lone ago,
I’ve tugged a weary burden at my back,
Tnvongh summer’s heat and winter’s blinding
Till now. I reach my home, my darling’s breast—
There can I roll my burden off and rest.”
When rooming came, the early vising sun
Laid his light fingers on a soldier sleeping
Where a soft covering of bright green grass'
Over two lowly mounds was lightly creeping,
Bnt waked him hot: his was the rest eternal.
Where the brown eyes reflected love supernal.
Who cares for the last year’s rose ?
Or the flowers of year’s May •
Or the leaf dried swell m a mouldy beck:*
Or the iove who is away ?
Who cares for the cloud gone by ?
Os last week’s rain and wind ?
Or a golden crescent of folded carl
That tee dead one left behind ?
A tress of hair and a faded leaf
Aie paltry things to a cynic’s eyes,
Eat to me they are keys tnat open the gates
Os a paradise of memories.
[For the Troy News.]
Ob ! com ade fill the crystal cap !
I see beneath the beaded glow.
A soft eve lookup eweetiy up,—
An eye that faded long ago.
The dimple of the faiiy wave.
That breaks in mimic ebb and flow,
Is but the winning 6mile that gave
Me life, then faded long ago.
Oh, comrade fill again, for this
Up bubbling to my lip is so
like thf hist warm voluptuous kiss
That thrilled, then faded long ago.
President J. Q. Adams on the Mor
al?of the Tragedy of Othello. —When
John Q. Adams was President, - he was
travelling incog, through New York
State ; and never having seen Chancel
lor Kent, concluded to give him a call.
He reached his house quite late in the
evening, acd without sending up his
name was ushered into the library where
the Chancellor was busy reading. He
looked up from his book, requesting his
unknown visitor to be seated, and re
sumed reading. After looking around
for a few minutes, the President address
ed the Chancellor, and the following
conversation ensued :
“I see you have a great many books
here," said the President.
“I see you have Shakspeare,” said the
President, “have you ever read it ?”
“Do you know the moral of Othello ?”
“Certainly, every one knows the mor
al o r Othello,” said the Chancellor.
“What is it?"
“Why, to beware of jealousy, &c.”
“No sir, you are wrong.”
“What is it then?” said the Chancellor,
greatly surprised.
••“The moral of Othello,” said the Pres
sident, 'is that a white woman must
not marry a black man.”
At a doctrine so moral, and a moral
so original, the Chancellor concluded that
bis visitor was an escaped lunatic, so he
ran to the door, calling, “William!
William! (ins sou) come up here; there
is a crazy man in m}” room ” 4s soon
as John Q could sufficiently control his
laughter, to speak, he introduced him
se;f. and the Chancellor then had some
doubts as to hit sanity.
Some scoundrels tried to burn a saioon
in Stamford, the other night, by lighting
u pie <:i papers upon which they had
poured a quantity of whisky; but the
Whisky had so much water in it that
they gave it up.
The Philadelphia Spirit of the Times telis a
jerig story c\ a man in that city whose nose is so
Cp/v tas: his wife uses it to heat the oven, boil
the kettie, and light the candle at night when
tiit ch.’d cries.
Two Words.— A Christian brother,
ascending the Mississippi river in a
.steamboat, distributed tracts. He came
to a group of gentlemen, one of whom
an infidel. He received the - tract,
it up deliberately, took his knife
atd cut it up, and said:
There goes your instrumentality!”
\ small piece of the tract lodged upon
his coat, and be saw the words:
“9od and eternity.”
He tried the influence of intoxication,
but stll “God and eternity” rang in his
ears, airi he had no rest until he came
to Chris. He is now preaching the
faith that he once destroyed.— Christian
The man whc’magined himself wise, because
be detected some ‘vpographical errors in a news
paper, has gone eas,to get a perpendicular view
of the rainbow.
Opposite Sun Building, V
A large stock of Fashionable Ready Made
stantly on hand, at reasonable prices. Also,
Wishing Clothing will tlDd this a good place to
Goods sent to any part of the country.
All orders promptly attended to. ts feblo
Savannah Ga., Feb. 4.1865
All persons in Savannah having Cotton in
their possessson, or stored in their houses, or
bouses occupied by them, will register the same
at my office without ceiav, and all persons are
prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil
tary lines of the city, without they have written
authority from the nnfiersigned-
Lt. Col. & Q. M. :n charge of Cotton.
(Late Somes, Brown & Cos„;
Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher &
Cos., 47S Fourteenth Street.
We have complete facilities for transacting
business speedily and correctly in all the
ments at Washington. Remittances prompt,
and terms reasonable.
We give especial attention to obtaining Cer
tiflcates for Non-liid6bt6(ii:6Bs for Ordcrmce find
Quartermasters’ Returns for Officers, and settling
their accounts.
We collect the following classes of Claims, and
make advances if desired :
Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded
Soldiers, and such as have served two years.
Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and
Orphan Children.
Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, dis
charged Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay
for the Wne or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of
Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together with
other just Claims. Information freely fur
e purchase and sell an Government Securi
ties,©-.! artertn asters’ Certificates and Checks, on
the best of terms.
References given to leading Bankers and bnsi
ness firms in New York. febls ts
special NOTICE.
O Avery large and desirable Cargo has arriv
ed m this Port, and now placed m the lar<™ Ware
house formerly occupied by J. V. Connerat, cor
ner of
where it is offered in lots, at Wholesale only
Groceries, Flour, Corn Meal. Pork, Beef, Hams,
Fish, Preserved Meats, Pickles &c., Kerosene
Oil and lamps, also large and well assorted in
voices of Dry Goods, Small, Men’s Cio
thmg and Furnishing Goode, Hats, Stationery,
Wooden W are—also a full assortment of Hard-
W are.
The attention of the Trade is particularly call
ed to this stock.
Notice. " ~
Officers or Citizens requiring servants or
laborers will please apply at the office of Relief
Commissioner, in Exchange building
feblO ts Lieut. Col. and Relief Com.
Heaoq’bs Department of the Sorru.
Hilton Head, S. C., January LI, 1n65.
Ge*ekal Orders,)
no. s. ;
BRIG, Gen. R. Saxton, having been assigned
by the Major General Commanding the
Military Division of the Mississippi, m Special
Field Orders, No. 15, current series, dated ‘-In
the Field, Savannah, Ga.. January 16, 1865.” to
the duties of providing for the well being of the
negroes, and their location upon the plantations,
is “Inspectorof Settlements and Plantations,
a hereby announced as such, and will be re-
spected accordingly.
District Commanders are hereby cirected to
afford the necessary Military protection, in sc-,
eordance with the above named Special Field’
Orders, copies of which are furnished.
The limits of the Districts, within which this
protection is to be afforded, axe defined as fol
lows : ' , _
The Commandant of the Northern District, to
settlements on the Islands and coast, as far
South as the North Edisto River.
The Commandant of the District of Beaufort,
from the North Edisto River to Broad River.
The Commandant of the District of Hilton
Head, to the Islands lying between Broad and
the Savannah Rivers.
The Commandant of the District of Savannah,
to the Islands between the Savannah- River and
Bt. Marys’ Sound.
The Commandant of the District of Florida, to
the settlements from St. Mans’ Sound, south
ward to Jupiter Inlet, including those upon the
St. Johns’ River.
The points at which the negro Settlers will have
the opportunity of supplying their necessary
wants and selling the products of their lands and
labor, as prescribed in the above mentioned
Special Field Orcer, will be Hilton Head, S. C.,
ygrnandina, Fla., and such other points as may
be designated.
Bn& Gen. E. E. Potter, will relieve Brig.
Gen sk£ toz: ’ °f Military Command of the
Districted Beaufort which is hereby enlarged to
include thVeJ? trellCiie(i cam P Dear Bocotahgo, S.
% command FOST e K ,
Ofticial : W. L. Burger, Ass’t Adj’tGen.
Er.TW.nTiHf' yep. o ™ *“?»•..
Hii.tcm He* 11 ’ *>• c -> 17 ’
General Order. - ,) . \
A. will be levied on all goods diis
Department, except the District' of n^ r^ t 5 r ai + 9 1 - 1 *
na, for the purpose of trade, on' a3C j{l
date. The value of sueh goods will
ed by the invoices passed through ,■ vmxom
House at Hilton Head. ' ... . .
The fund accruing from this Tax wi V e
for the purpose of providing Steam a\,
Fire Engines, repairing wharves, roadsi'
buildings, and other necessary civil expen.- ? f
the several Cities and Towns within the lim ine or
this Department. . . .
Lieut.-Col. Jas. H. Strong, Ist N. C. Ui^i 1
Vols., is hereby detailed to attend to the coi 'if*
tion and disbursement of this fund, under dir wC *
lion of the Major-Gen. Commanding.
Lieut.-Col. S. L. Woodford, 127th N. Y. Vols\
will act for Lieut.-Col. Strong, until the arrival OK
that officer from North Carolina. w
By Commaud of Major-Gen. J. G. FOSTER, v
W. L. M. Burger,
Assl. Ad’t Gen.
Official :
[Official.] ' ,
Heai-ovaite-h Department of the Soir.n,
Hilton Head, S. C., Feb. 9,1865.
No. IT. /
The following named Officers are: hereby an
nounced on the Staff of the Major General Com
manding, and will be obeyed and respected ac
Capt. W. L. M. Burger, U. S. Vols., Assistant
Adjutant General.
Capt. Thorndike D. Hodges, 35th U. S. C. TANARUS.,
Acting Assistant Adjutant General.
Col. C. L. Kilburn, Asst. Com. Gsd. Sub., XL
S. A., Chief Commissary.
Major C. W. Thomas, U. S. Vols., Chief Quar
Major J. C Gray, Jr., U. S. Vols., Judge Ad
Surgeon M. Clymer, U. S. Vols., Medical Di
Major A. V. Elliott, Add. Paymaster, U. S. A.,
Chief Paymaster.
Bt. Major Geo. E. Gouraud, A. D. C., Act.
Asst. Insp. General.
Capt. Chas. R. Suter, U. S. Eng. Corps, Chief
Ist Lieut. Isaac Arnold, Jr., U. S. A., Chief of
Lt. Col. S. L. Woodford, 12Tth N. Y. Vols.,
Provost Marshal General.
Lt. Col. Wm. Ames, 3d R. I. Vol. Artillery,
Chief of Artillery.
Capt Leslie Smith. Ist U. S. Infantry, Com
missary of Musters
Capt Jesse Merrill, Chief Signal Officer.
Capt. Henry M. Bragg, A. D. C.
Capt. James R. Gilmore, A. Q. M., U. S. Vols.,
Supt. Military Telegraphs:
By cominanci of
Major Gen. Q. A. GTLLMORE.
W. L. M. Brawi'' Wystan! Adj’tGen.
mar 3—3
ft MffUaL}
HBADQTVv .j•• »S. icXi- l'iS,
n*u, G\., J 'eb. 13, 1 >(*s.
Genfth >. t )
K i
All ©ftk V .trnviog us this Post
will, as * - • "t'■ ;Sr-.n; ~’Tival re- •
port at li 1 , and . m-ut their
names, t 11-•, ;tb of time 1
they e»i, - ;-.C > Lee. and their j
residence s
By cop
_ f-i.'li I lU)V_
Edward ■ k 1 i,
leh 33
t Official.] * IT
XI Savannab. Ga., Feb. 21, ; -
General Order, )
No. 16. ( \ V'
I. The occupants of buildings will be held je- *
sponsible for the cleanliness of the sameyasjfjkjL
as their cellars and outhouses, and
front of, and alleys adjacent to them. ? All rnjy
bish and garbage which accumulates wist eaefi
day, be put in boxes in a convenient placedbrre
11. Keepers of animals will cause the manure
which accumulates in their stables or yareis
where their animals are kept to be either jej&ov
ed outside the picket lines, or to be distnlinted
upon such gardens within the lmes as arwittnal
lv under cultivation, such distribution beiak s*
the consent of the cultivator * T
111. The Street Commissioner will
such regulations with regard to the remowfff
accumulations from the city as he sees fit. mR&
also charged with the doty of causing (reKieft
and careful inspection to be made of the *
the city, and he will report to the ProvpafsTudge
£Xk\ failure to comply with the fe rtgoin® para
graphs of this order, who will take such actipn in
the case as the circumstances require.
By command of
Brevet Major Gen. GROVER,
EpWard G. Dike, A. A. A. G. fpb2l
District of Savannab. Ga., ;
Savannah, February 2% lSpl.
General Order,) v
No. 2. /
Surgeon W. Y. Provost, Acting Medical
tor, 2dDiv. 19th A. C , is hereby appointed Med
ical Director of the District of Savannah. '
By command of
*< Brevet Major Gen, GRO\*ER.
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A, G. feb23
U. S. Forces,
District of Savannah, Ga.,
savannah, Feb. '
General OivDim.) s
No. 1. I
I. Lieut. Col. R. P. York. 75th N. Y.; Vols., ‘
Provost Marshal of Savannah, is hereby appoint
ed Provost Marshal of the District of Savannah,
the duties of which office be will assume ixr addi
tion to his present duties.
11. Capt. E. Geisy, A. Q. M , will reeeiv#Tin&
take charge of the civil fund of the District of Sa
vannah, and will be responsible for the sTopes
disbursement of the same. *
By command cl
Brevet Major Gen. GROVER.
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. feb2l
Savannah, February 2stb, 1865.
General Order, \
No. IS. f ‘ ..
Riding or driving through the Public Squares
or other grounds not intended for use as road
ways is prohibited.
By command of
Brevet Major Gen. GROVER.
Edward G. Dikr, A. A..A. G, feb2s
JnL District of Savannah, Ga. Feb. IP, 18f5.
General Order, >
No. 15. j
All officers of the Army not legitimately on
duty, or awaiting orders at this Post, and who
have not registered their names at these Head
quarters, are hereby required to do so, on or be
fore Wednesday nest, the 22d inst. Any officer
“ tiling to comply with the requirements of this
Lyuler will be arrested and held ior trial for
or V gleet of duty..
ne £ By command of
, Brevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER.
j. y jward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. feb26
TJ& Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13th, 1865.
vl Oedee, >
GfiNEB/ 14 f
a u*° : * jz eng living within the limits of the City
Ail citt -pah and having Fire Arms in their pcs
of Savan 11{ j no t having special written pervnis
seseiou, a a ] n the same, will at once turn them
sion to ret » ro vost Marshal, who will take proper
mto the F , r their safe keeping, with a view to
measure fc iem when it shall be proper to dbeo.
returning tl ind of I. ■
By comma Bvt . Major Gen. GROVHg. -
_ Dike, A. A. A. G. felu4
Edward G.
U [Official.] *
HEAuor Hilton Head, S. C., Feb. 4,1865;
i "JU3.,} ||
General Okdi f
No. 13. ■, ig paragraph, from Special Orders
J?'Y n it General’s Office, January 25th,
No. 39, Adjutail s hed for the information, pi this
1855, isre-publa r. .-J
Command. t _ IT , Adjutant General’s.Orrlci,
War Dkpartmen ftfe hington, January 25th,, I^.
Special Orders, > , ’
No. 39, jj # * * *
- r? i \ ound A. Starling, 35th Ken
?». Colonel Edn > and Lieutenant Colonel Ed
tucky Volunteers, ?>st h Kentucky Volume,
ward R. Wier, Jr.- t t were suspended by orders
(whose musters o$ -bent) are hereby dishonorably
from War Departi j ie service of the United States
mustered out of tl er _j n f or violation of Paj»'
from date of must Regulations, in transferring
graph 89, Musterir yto company, thereby frandUy
im-u from compan te ran ks to ge cme impr<*F
lently swelling th service of the United Sfnfes.7
musters Into the s v serais of Armies am 1
Commanding GtiUte this Order !< 'heir,re
in ents will promuli
epective commandi ’* * * *,,
* * 3cretary of War .4L
By order of the S«j ] E/D. TO WT\ <T vfC*
’ - assistant Adjnl ‘.’J'- -n M _ n r * A
, dajor General J «
By cononandof B * [ a A G " "' ;
W. L. M. Biiroer, j*. —!—' ' -
T n, \A?i.\Ali' UAIU HfcJ " a ' '.W
Is at i\f..; 11l Bay | !’ treeu