Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 26, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 56. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING} IS PUBLISHED BY 8. W. MASON & CO., At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia, terms: ' Per Copy » Fivfe Cents. Per Hundred $3 &o. Per Year $lO 00, ADVERTIBTNG: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first In sertion ; One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING every style, neatly and promptly done. THE RACE FOR LIFE. The following true story was printed three years ago in some Northern papers, but from the nearness of the scene of the incidents de scribed, it can scarcely fail to prove of inter est to oup readers. J. J. Andrews,Ky.,Secret Service of United States. William Campbell, Kentucky, Secret Ser vice of United States. William Knight, Cos. E, 21st Ohio Vols. Wilson H. Brown, “F, “ “ John Scott, “ F, “ “ Mark Wood, “C, “ , “ Alfred Wilson, “ C, “ “ William Beusinger, “G, “ “ John R. Porter, “ G, “ “ Robert Buffum, “11, “ “ Sergt. E. A. Mason, “ K, “ “ Sergt. Major M Ross, “ A, 2d Ohio Vols. Corpl. W. Pittenger, “ G, “ “ George D. Wilson, “B, “ “ Perry D. Shadrack, “ K, “ “ Martin J. Hawkins, “ A, 33d Ohio Vols Corpl. W. Reddick, “ B, “ “ John Whollau, “ C, “ •« Samuel Slaven, “D, “ “ Samuel Roberson, “ C, “ “ Jacob Parrott, “ K, “ “ The heroic men whose names are given above, constituted the party who executed the celebrated railroad raid in Georgia, which, had it been successful, would have so paralyzed the rebels as to have insured them a disastrous defeat. The following account of the expedition may be relied on as correct in eveiy particu lar, as the writer obtained it from one of the par'icipants, Corporal William Pittinger, a gentleman of the highest literary attainments an ' veracity. During the latter end of March, 18G2, J. J. Andrews, a native of Kentucky, in the se cret service of the government, proposed to Major-General O. M. Mitchell,then at Hunts ville, Alabama, an expedition into Georgia, for the purpose of destroying the Georgia and Atlanta State Railroad. Immediately upon hearing the detail* of the plan, Genera! Mitchel perceived the stupendous and fatal injury its success would have upon the Rebel military operations, and he promptly gave Andrews authority and aid for the great enterprise. The plan was thus arranged : With a small body of picked men, An drews was to make his way into the State of Georgia, as far as he might think necessary, traveling along the road he wished to de stroy. Then, watching for a favorable op portunity, the party was to capture a loco motive, and start back along the road toward Mitchel. They were to tear up the track, burn the bridges, and cut the tele graph wires all along the route beyond Chattanooga, as far as Bridgeport,Tennessee. Then continuing on, they were to re-join General Mitchell at Huntsville, Alabama. As the last portion of the road was laid in a country abounding in -ravines, rivers and streams, the daring adventurers could inflict in one single day more damage than the reb els could repair in a year. It was indeed a magnificent undertak ing, admirably planned, and, bad it been fully successful, Beauregard's entire army w'ould at least have been scattered, if not captured; thus preventing that chieftain from taking his seventy thousand fresh men to Richmond, and thus preventing McClellan’s army from capturing that city. Had Grant or Sherman confronted Beauregard at that time, instead of Halleck, the result would have been far different than it was. On the 7th day of April, everything being in readiness, our heroes left their camp at Shelbyville, Tennessee, and started for Man chester in the same State. By orders, they were obliged to leave their quarters separate ly and secretly, and several barely escaped being shot by their own pickets. Upon reach ing Manchester, they first fell in with the rebels, to whom they represented themselves as Kentuckians, and expressed a desire to join the rebel army at Chattanooga, to which place they said they were then on their way. This was an “open sesame,” and within an hour or two, they were being hospitably en tertained by a Colonel Harris, who lived' on a handsome farm a short distance out of town The following morniug, the obliging rebel conveyed four of them in his carriage to the Cumberland Mountains, and upon taking leave of them, furnished them with passes to Chattanooga, and letters to friends in the same place. At this point the adventurers all separated Into small squads, the more easily to lull any any suspicion that might be created, and they all managed to reach Chattanooga in safety. Andrews now for t.he first time ad dressed his comrades upon the attempt they were about to make, warned them fully of its perilous nature, enjoined the utmost wariness and determination, and threatened to shoot down the first man who flinched, or who became intoxicated. He then distributed a quantity of Confederate money amongst the party, who at once set off on their filial ad venture. Upon reaching a station called Big Shanty, a sort of lefreshment saloon, about ten miles from Marietta, Andrews resolved to seize the next train that came up. Before goiDg fur ther, it may he as well to say that Andrews, some years previously, had been employed upon the road, and that nearly one-half of his party were practical engineers. The train came rushing along and stopped, and all hands, even to the engineer, huiried into the saloon. Immediately our twenty two adventurers sprang aboard, Audrews leaping upon the platform between the se cond aud third car, jerking out the coupling- SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1865. Ein, he gave the signal. We continue in ieut. Pittenger's own words: “Hardly had the man detailed to start the engine put his hand on the lever before he heard Andrew’s shrill whistle. Then came a jerk, then a puff from the locomotive, then a roll, another jerk, and we were off just as the astonished rebels came running out of the saloon tosee what was the matter. We ran on. ndflpver fast, until we reached the first curve, Where we stopped. Here John Scott, ot Company F, climbed a telegraph pole and cut the wires to prevent any intelligence of our designs going ahead of us. We started at once again, and made good time to the next town, after passing which, we once more stopped, cut the telegraph, and tore up some rails, an operation we continued to re peat after passing each town or village. “There was, however, one unfortunate cir cumstance attending the adventure; and that was that the train we had captured was run ning oh a very short time-table, and had to be switched off several times to await the passage of down trains. At the very first station at which this occurred, a rebel engi neer was about to step aboaid of our engine to take it in charge ; but was informed by Andrews that this was not his train, but au extra one being run through to Corinth with gunpowder for Beauregard. Not. only was the rebel satisfied, but labored dilligently to help us to wood and water. “At the next station, where came another stoppage for a down train, Andrews walked boldly into the office and took the switch keys, repeating successfully the gunpowder story. ‘Twenty miles south of Dalton the first bridge was reached, and detaching our se cond car directly on the structure, we fired it. Had we succeeded in burning this bridge, we would not have had the slightest trouble in accomplishing all we set out to do, and even more. But, sometime previous to this, the engineer on the Rome Branch, sus'pectihf that something was wrong, started up the track, and, of course, was not long in find ing himself, correct. Obtaining a most pow eriul engine, this man had at once started in pursuit of us ; and notwithstanding that he had to stop and relay the track wherever we had torn it up, he came in sight of us just as we had fired the bridge. “Our peril was instantly apparent; and hoping that the burning car would delay our foes long enough to enable us to cross and burn the next bridge, we put our engine to her utmost speed, and went thundering along at fully seventy miles au hour. But the reb el engineer, a man full of resources and de termination, was not detained five minutes by the flaming car; for running into it, he scat tered it in fragments on either side of the track, and continued onward with frightfnl speed At each curve we could see his loco motive nearly bound from the track, and we felt ours doing the same. But we were re solved to escape, if-possible, and we kept up our steam to the most dangerous pressure, expecting every moment that our engine would be torn into fragments. Yet she nobly did her task, and would doubtless have borne us to safety, had it not been for the fact that our wood and oil were nearly exhausted* All of the former we now put in the furnace ; every drop of the latter we fed to the ma chinery ; and then commending ourselves to the Almighty, we sped along. But escape had been denied us; the iron monster behind came thundering on like a demon sure of its prey, and we had not emerged from one end of a cut ere it flashed in at the other. Out engine began to fail ; the journals, for lack of oil,began to melt with the tremendous fric tion, and all hope was gone. “In this emergency, the lever was revers ed ; and as we all leaped from the train and fled for the woods on either hand, our faith ful engine went dashing back to meet the advancing foe. But here again the rebel en gineer was prepared; for, reversing his own locomotive, he received ours with such a diminished force that no harm was done by the collision. “In less than two hours after this, over a hundred armed men, well mounted and ac companied by blood-hounds, were scouring the country lor us, aud the .majority of our party were quickly captured, while the rest met the same fate before the close of the fol lowing day. The first takeu was Jacob Par rott, of company K, Thirty-third Ohio Vols., and to extort a confession from him his cap tors stripped him, and while a rebel officer held a pair of pistols at his head, gave him a j hundred lashes with a raw hide. But the j heroic soldier never flinched, and each time his tormentors paused in tneir cruelty and ordered him to confess, he firmly answered ‘NoT “Subsequently we were all sent to Chatta nooga, where we were thrust into a room, or rather cellar, in the negro jail, thirteen feet square and half undei' ground. The only en trance to this fearful place was by a trap door, which was raised twice a day for the purpose of lowering to us our scanty and miserable rations. Here Andrews, our lead er, was tried and condemned as a spy, and afterwards executed at Atlanta, notwithstand ing the fact that he exhibited bis commission and written orders from General Mitchel.— Twelve of our number were doomed, and seven of the twelve executed in the same manner at Atlanta, on June 18tli, 1862. Samuel Robertson, of company G, Thirty third Ohio Vols., was dying in his cell; but unheeding this, his foes dragged him out,aud threw him in the bottom ot the hangman’s cart at the feet of his doomed comrades While hanging, the ropes of two of the vic tims broke, and upon the poor fellows beg ging not to be again suspended till they prayed, they were laughed at and immediate ly run up. The remaining fourteen of us were then placed in Atlanta jail and kept under a spe cial guard until October. Learning at »that time that all of us were to be executed, as had been our comrades, we resolved to es cape. A plan was quickly matured; and one night, when the jailor came with our ra tions, he was seized and bound. We then rushed on the guard, and before an alarm could be given, eight prisoners had escaped. Six of these reached the Union lines; two have never since been heard of, and I, with five others, was recaptured before we had got out of the jail precincts. Their names were Sergeant E. A. Mason, Corporul Win. Reddick, Robert Buffum, William Bensiuger and Jacob Parrott. We were thrust back into one dungeon,and there kept until Dece mber, when we were removed to Richmond; and abut up in Castla Thuuder. During the whole inclement whiter, the only covering we had, beside our thin,‘ragged clothes,were two small blankets for die whole six. The next March, these heroic men, reduc ed to mere living skeletons, were exchanged and sent to Washington. Each one ot them received jrom the Secretary of War one hun dred dollars in cash, a gold! medal, and, what was far moie welcome ihan either, a brevet as First Lieutenant. Their health was so much shattered that it was doubtful if they would be of anj*ervice in the field, and thep were furlougjHß for a long time, in or der, if possible, to recruit themselves. A Modern Magician. —The subjoined is told of the very clever Magician, Heller, who is now performing in New York. His latest mystery is an optical delusion and il lusion by means of which he causes, not only himself or his assistant to disappear from view, and become positively invisible, but is enabled to cause other persons also to dis appear in like manner. A few'evenings ago, while the Gyges which he calls his opticaf mystery, was being per formed, a gentleman rose among the au dience, andcaUed out “Mr. Heller!" Os course everybody started, and stared at this interruption. The gentleman evidently was a gentle man—his dress, address, voice and manner proved that. Heller, who was on the stage, iu the dis guise of an old Frenchman, acting in the little dramatic sketch which introduces the Gyges, was very much surprised. ,■ He* thought that seme accident must have happened ; that something had gone wrong ; that the person was crazy. However, without losing his sang-froid, he stepped at once to the footlights, assum ed his natural voice and said ; “Well, sir ?” “Mr. Heller," resumed the gentleman, still standing, “Can you produce this remark able phenomenon anywhere ?” “Certainly, sir,” replied Heller, smiling. • “Is no machinery—no apparatus—neces sary?” “None but that supplied by Nature," said Heller. “As you have seen, sir, 1 ust*no ap paratus in my delusions.’’ “Do you mean to say, Mr. Heller,” per sisted the gentleman, “that you can produce these effects in my own room ?” “Without the slighest doubt.” “Will you kind enough to send your boy down tome?" “Certainly. Here, Willie, go dawn to that gentleman. While this conversation continued, and while Willie approached the gentleman, the amazement of (he audience may be imagined “Sir,” said the gentleman, still aloud, ‘.I hand Willie my card. On it you will find my name and address. ” Heller bowed and waved his hand grace, fuiiy. “At the close of the performance my car riage will be at the door of yo*r hall. Come home with me, take supper, and then shew me the Gyges, and my check for a thousand dollars is at your disposal." “I accept your invitation and your chal lenge,” said HeUer, “and I will shortly pock et your check." “No confederates are to be allowed." “Sir,” rejoined Heller, “I regard ail con federates as traitors, and, as a loyal man, will have nothing to do with them.” There was a laugh and a burst of applause; the gentleman resumed his seat anil Heller his broken English; the performance pro ceeded without further interruption. The audience, deeply interested, watched the Gyges more cioseLy tlvm ever. When the curtain fell, they assembled about the door of the hall. In ten minutes Heller emerged, entered a carriage and was driven rapidly away. Had a reporter or a critic been present, the whole affair would have been in the papers the next morning. But this happened to be Friday night, when the critics stay away from places of amusement. The audience dispersed, wonderiug, and for a day the matter was talked over in many homes. Then, like everything else, it was forgot ten. In the meantime Heller rolled up to Twenty-second street, near the Fifth avenue, with his uew friend. They entered a large stylish house, beauti fully furcished. In a few moments a bountiful supper was served in the dining-room. The gentleman and Heller sat down to it alone. Outside, Hingston, his agent, who had followed the carriage, paced up and down in front of the door. The game vvas delicious, the wines superb —the whole supper fit tor a king. When it was over the gentleman said, “Now for the Gyge3.” “First,” said Heller, “let us have cigars.” The cigars having been smoked, Heller proceeded to business. “Draw me your check,” said he, “and place it before me ? ’ This was done quickly and quietly. “Sir,” said the gentleman, “let me give you this ring in addition to the check." Saying which he laid a magnificent ruby ring upon the table. Heller placed the check in his pocket, and the ring upon his Auger. “Now,” he exclaimed, “are you quite readv?" “Quite,” said the gentleman, puffing his cigar. “Come, Gyges! Farewell!" cried Heller— and was gone. The gentlemen rushed to the door. It was locked, as he had ordered. He rang for the servants. None had heard a noise. None had seen a person leave the house. Hingston, pacing up and down, met Hel ler at the corner. “Is it all light?” he inquired. “Look at this ring,” said Heller. “And here is the check.” This is the story as I heard it from the re liable gentlemen concerned. Do I believe it ? i I believe everything, Speech of Mr. Colfax. —The following is the farewell speech of Hon. Schuyler Col fax, Speaker of the House of Representatives, before the adjournment of the XXXYTIIth Congress: , GentUme iof the of Representatives: The parting hour has cmhc, and yonder clock, which takes no oof time, will soon an noun e that the Congress of which we arc members has passed into history. Honored by your votes with this responsible position, I have faithfully striven to perform.its always complex aud often perplexing duties without pait sag bias an 1 with the sinccrest impartial ity. Whether I have realized the true i.let 1 ot a just presiding officer, aiding on ti e one hand tne advance ot' the public business, with the responsibility of which the majority is charged, and on the other hand allowing no trespass on the parliamentary rights of the minority, must be left for others 'to de cide. But looking back now over the entire Congress I cannot remember a single word addressed to you w hich “dying I would wish to blot.” On this day, which by spontaneous consent, is being observed wherever our flag floats, as a day of national rejoicing, with a roar of cannon greetiug the rising sun, on the rock bound coast of Maine, re-echoed and re-echoed by answering volleys from city to city, and from mountain peak to moun tain peak, till from the golden gate they die away far out on the Pacific, we mingle our congratulations with those of the freemen we represented over the vic tories for the Union that have made the Winter just closing close with joy and hope. With them we rejoice that the national standard which our revolutionary fathers un furled over the land, but which rebellion sought to strike down aud destroy, waves as undisputed at this hour over the cradle of reunion at Charleston as over the cradle of liberty at Faneuil Hall, and that the whole government is aflame with the brilliant glow of triumph for that cause. We have but re cently commemorated the birthday of the father of his country, and renewed our pledge to each other the nation he found ed *hould not be sund red by the hand of treason, and the good news that assures the salvation of tho republic is doubly joyous, because jt lelis us that the prayers of v uo past four years have not been unanswered, anl the priceless blood of our brave defenders so freely shed and so profusely spilt, has not been shed in vain. We turn, too, to-day, with a prouder joy than ever before to ihat banner brilliant with stars from the heavens and radiant with glories from Bunker Hill to York?own, from Lundy’s Lane to New Or leans, and all through tho darker hours of the rebellion of the past, to Savannah, Fort Sumter, Charleston, Columbia, Fort Fisher and Wilmington iu the present, which has ever symbolized our unity and our national life, as we see inscribed on it ineffaceably that now doubly noble inscription, “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and insepa rable.” But in the hour of gladness I cannot for get the obligations, paramount and undying, we owe to our heroic defenders on every bat tle field upon every wave rocked monitor and frigate upon tho the sea. Inspired by the sublimest spirit of self-sacrifice, they have realized a million fold the historic fable of Curtius, as they have offered to close up with their own bodies, if need be, the yawn ing chasm that imperiled the Republic. For you and me, and for their country, they have turned their backs on the delights of home, and severed the tenderest of ties, to brave death in a thousand forms, to comfort with unblanched cheeks the tempest of shot and shell and' flame, to storm frowning batteries aud bristling entrenchments, to beed, to suf fer, and to die. As we look from this Cap itol Hill over the nation, there are crushed and broken hearts in every hamlet. There are wounded soldiers, mangled with rebel bullets, in every hospital. Iu every church yard there are patriot graves. There are bleaching bones on every battle-field. It is the lofty and unfaltering heroism of the hon ored living and the even more honored dead that has taken us from every valley and dis aster and defeat, and placed our feet on the sun-crowned heights of victory. The gran ite shall may commemorate their deeds—our .American “Valhalla” may be crowned with the statutes of heroes—but the debt of grati tude to them can never be paid when time shall enduro. If my voice from this rep resentative hall could be heard throaghout the laud I would adjure all who love the Republic to preserve this obligation ever ireßn in thei: hearts. The brave who have fallen in these struggles to prevent an alien flag from waving over, the ashes of Wash ington. or over the graves where sleeps the great and patriotic rivals of the last generation. The hero of New Orleans, and the illustrious statesman ot Kentucky, cannot return to us. On Shiloh’s plains and Carolina’s sandy shore before Richmond, and above the clouds at Lookout Mountain, the patriot martyrs of constitutional liberty sleep in their bloody shrouds till the morning of the resurrection. But the living are left behind, and, if the sa cred record appropriately commends the poor “who are ever with us," to our benefac tions aud regard, may I not remind yon that the widow and the latherless, the maimed and the wounded, the diseased and the suf fering, whose anguish springs from the great contest, have claims on us, heightened im measurably by the sacred cause for which they have given so much. Thus, and thus •alone, by pouring the oii of consolation into the wounds that wicked treason has made, can we prove our devotion to our fatherland and our affectionate gratitude to its defend ers. And rejoicing over the bow of promise wc already seel arching the storm-cloud of war, giving the assurance that no deluge of secession shall again overwhelm or endanger our nation, we can join with heart aud soul and sincerely and trustingly in the poet’s prayer, Now Father, lay TUjr healing hand In mercy on onr stricken land. Oh l lead it» wanderer* to the fold, And be their shepherd as of old Jo shall our nation’s song ascend So thee, oar Knler, Father, Friend. While heaven’- wide arch resounds again With Peace on Barth—good will to men. N >w, let us go bonce from our labors h ue and into be Senate Ohafober, and Irom the portico oftne Ca ito there, with ;he statue of the Goddess of Liberty looking down so» PRICE. 5 CENTS the first time upon such a scene, to witness and participate in the inauguration of the elect of the American people. And now, thanking you most truly for your approba’ tiou of my official conduct, which you have recorded on your journal, I declare the House of Representatives of the XXXVIIIth Congress of the United States adjourned sine diet Petroleum—the Future Chances for “Striking Ilk.” —One of the greatest won ders in these wonderful days is the flow of petroleum from the interior of our earth. But more wonderful still is the theory of Mr. William H- Hubbell, an engineer lisid ing in this city, who has published a pam phlet in which he advances two explanations of the source and origin of petroleum.— One, that it is a local deposit confined to a limited extent ot territory; and the other, that the oil pervades the sandstone strata ex tending from the open or unfrozen Polar Sea at the north of this Continent to the points already discovered in Pennsylvania and Vir ginia, and finally to the Pacific Ocean. To the latter of these theories he give the pref erence, and if it be true, the supply of oil of course i3 unlimited. We, however, pub lish it more for its novelty than for any other reason. The facts relative to petrole um, which he deems positive, are, that it is an oleaginous luid, lighter than water, very penetrative, found in an open, porous saud stone strata within the earth, which it per vades, and in winch it flows, induced in its course by capillary attraction, coal being generally found in its vicinity. We give his second theory in his own words: Theory No. 2, which I have never heard advanced until by myself, is, that petroieum is a vegetable oil, which is produced in the Pacific ocean by the decomposition of sea plants ; and mixed with salt water, it per vades the open Polar Sea, discovered by Dr. Kade, aud prevents it from freezing ; that, being lighter than water, the centrifugal torce of the earth, in its rotation, cause? the water or the denser fluid to accumulate about :ho equator, and codsequently the petroleum or lighter fluid to separate trorn it, and flow and accumulate about the North Pole; that being light and oily, it is highly su c mtiole ot capillary attraction; that tun aaudstuue qfrata crops out in the Arctic Ocean, aad ab sorbs this oil, inducing it by capillary attrac tion t;o flow in its canul or strata under this continent in a southerly and south-westerly direction; that it crops out again in the Pa cific Ocoan, and the oil there recedes and mingles with the waters of the Pacific, giv ing the ocean its mild and placid character, and forms tho well-known oleaginous food lor whales, which is visible and exists in the water of the ocean, and extends thousands of miles northward, and on which the whale* live and derive their oil, and called their feeding ground. In the Pacific Ocean it flows again north ward, through Behring s Straits, by the same law, which made it accumulate in the open Polar Sea; that is, being lighted than water, and not capable of uniting with it, the water, which is heaviest, will accumulate about the equator, while this oily lighter matter will flow to the North Pole, and there form the open unfrozen sea. Thus it performs ita great office in the laboratory of nature, flow ing in a circle tbrough that particular strata ot sandstone, under this continent from the Arctic to the Pacific Oceans bjf capillary at traction; and there plainly visible in the wa ter in a coagulated form as the food of whales, prepared in and by the very salt and dense water of that temperature, and flowing in the process of separation for thousands of miles northward, forming necessarily the open or unfrozen sea, and being the great basis of carbon or oil of the earth for the use of man. Qvarrels of Copperhead Joournals. — New York News, Ben. Wood’s Copperhead organ, thus denounces the World, the lead ing Opposition journal ot the North, for il luminating on the occasion of the recent cel ebration of Union victories:— ‘jThe World is the only journal of any par ty in this city that saw fit to wind up tho advertising parade of the Black Republicans yesterday by illuminations. The carnival of blood which was celebrated here by a med ley of eloquence and elephants, “patriotism’' and profit, Black Republicans aud woolly horses, received its finishing touches from a journal that has still the effrontery to pre tend to be Democratic. The Times did not court the demon of fra ternal bloodshed as the world did with win dows full of grease candles. The Tribune did not dedicate to the honor of suicidal Abolition as the World did a hundred panes ablaze with burning fat. The mongrel of Black Republicanism outrivals the baa blood from which it has been spawned. Tho Her ald in playing pander to the lust of war and “freedom,” has reserved its grease to be out pandered by, forsooth, the “Democratic” World!” t From Mobile. —The following, under the head of “Telegraphic News,” appears in the Lake City Columbian, of March Ist: Mobile, Feb. 19.—A mass meeting of Gen. French’s division was held yesterday, and resolved by pledging themselves to the last breath and last man to continue armed war fare against our invaders until the indepen dence of the Confederacy is achieved ; de nounced Lincoln’s peace propositional is in famous, and repelled them with indignation and scorn, and prefer extermination to sub jugation ; denounced croakers and skulkers, and propose putting all conscript officers and post commanders in the field ; express un divided confidence in the President, and if the President desire it, that negro troops be placed in the field.— Florida Union. The Second lowa Infantry, upon re-en listment $s “veteran volunteers,” returned home on furlough. As company F waa marching through Pulaski on its way North, one of the boys spied their Surgeon standing by the roadside, watching the regiment file past, and hailed him with, “Come on, Doc, you’re a good old horse, and we need a vet erin-ary surgeon!” A lowq-bafflv and credit-Tpw 'Lbe bo u,- joineci advertisement: ‘Wa’cd » - , who h sed to the b isiucso .i .cl e in*-, crawl throu gh tue ke., h ues and fin- WuOi are never at homo.”