Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 01, 1865, Image 3
Lewis, Geo W Larcomb, R J Lange Hen rick Laffltenu, 8 M 2 Love, H Lacy, Walter Lawrence, John Lawton, W B J.vnch. James 2 Lester, Wm H Lopez, John H Lewis; F C M Murkens. A McKenzie, J J Marcy, Day A Cos MrNett, John Mendheim, B 2 Miller, J H Middleton, Chas £ Morgan, J C McDowell. D P Mack, Jeremiah Marden, Elijah Merrlson, John Men i man, K 8 McKennan, John Maso;, E K 3 Maddox, Jam s Molina, Frank McUan, John K McKea A Fiuegan Marlow, J D Myrell, F M Maguire, Luke McCaltYey, Felix Morrell, Mingo Marshall, F McCarthy, M D McA'lister, FP Mooney, Ml) McXickla, Frank Muller, Martin Mumlorf, Frederick Moore, Oxssemous Middleton, Futmaa Moore, Neel Mitchell, Henry 2 McGarretty, Patrick Muller, H Miller A paramour McAvoy, Hugh 2 Malone. Patrick Meldrum. James McHugh, Kbert Marshall, Joseph 2 Miller, Richard D McMahon, John Merritt, 8 McClenahan, Thomas* McCormach, W Murry, Tlios W 2 Malphrus, W B Meath, Thomas McCauly, Wm J McGrath, Thomas McCulloch, Hugh Moore, W B Marsh, E W N Nobley, B G Nicholson, John O O'Sullivan, John J O’Byrne. Richard Ohl, Joseph _ O’Connor, T O Donohoe, Patrick Owens, John A O’Connor, Patrick P Porter, Albert 2 Pomer, Joseph Parsons A Brigham Patterson. James Prendergast, C C 2 Prendergast, James Peck, CAT Perdue, L W Paine, Ed Pitts, Madison Parmer, Ed Prenty, Patrick Pettus, Ed Pease, P H Peterson, Geo Porter, Maj Pea «y, Geo Phillips, SF Porter, Geo W Proctor, Sylvester Phillipps, Henry Prior. Thomas Peters, Joseph Palmer & Webster Pintell, J 8 2 Park, W T Or Quinn, Wm Quinn, Michael Quinlan, Wm Qninn, M K Reppnrd, Aaron Rugg, Horace P Robertson, Alex Reily, James Rogers, C D Russell, James Richardson, Ed F Rogers, J S Rhodes, Edwin 2 Rutherford, J St W Robinson, E Ray, James Rawson, E J Rearden, John Richardson, Ed Rogers, John 8 Remshart & Gant, Roach, Michael Ruppold, Geo Ryan, Patrick , Rice, Geo B Rawlins, Robt Race, Nelson Read, Robt B Ripley, H G Reilly, Timothy Rising, Henry Rollins, Wm Rising, H C 2 Robinson, Wm H S Seigel, A Shepherd, J B Sisley, A S dlivau, John Steil, Aloys Shields, James Stolb and, A Shippey, J W Siegel, Abraham Stokes, Joseph Storre, Chas Sturtevant, J C Starrley, Cnaa Sullivan, Jos Stebbins, Calvin 2 Skilton, Jas A Schwartz, Chas Snider, J J Shea. Chas W Smith, John H Samon, D E „ Stokes, James G Scranton, D T 2 Schwenck, John Smith, D S Sanger & Morris, Strumfels, E Von Scranton St Johnson 2 Sutton, E B Spiel dock, L Silva, E A Sweeney, M T Swain. E C Smart, Madison Seary, Edw Sanford, O 8 Sloat, Frank Sweatnam, P P Sandvise, Fjttnk Sullivan, P Shepard, H Scbwenzer, Rtch&rd 2 Saxton, Hugh Stone, Dr Sconyers, JB Savannah Bank, Schaffer, John A 2 Shelly, S C Shepherd, J ames Shea, Thos W Spuun, John M Schaffer, Uriah Shnttuall, Jacob Smith, WmT Soli, Jos Snider, Wm H Stark, JH Sterette,W B Silvc, J S Stephens, W H Saville, John G Sharp, Wm Savalle, John G Spencer, W\H, i—- Solomon, Jacob Storks, R c T Treadway, D W Tormer, LB 2 Taylor, Ed Tebeau, L C Turner, Elek Tebeau & Finder, Triay, F Tatem, It H Thompson, Jus G Tilman, Smart Townsend, JP ThomKS,OUver«tDouglftSi,3 Tingle. J W Turner, Wm H H Turner, John L Tabian, Mr V Vonglahn; Henricb Valentine, Thos Verdersy, Mr \V Waldron, A 2 Winslow, J H Walter. August Wheaton, J F Whittled, A Wright, J Wilkins, A Waring & King, Williams, C A Williams, N H Wilcox, C P Wilduer, Michael Wragg, Dr Wethas, M Waiters David Wiiman, MM Wilson, David Wall, O S B 3 Wadley, Dole Whealon, Rev P Wade, EC 2 Williams, Robt Wylley, Geo W 2 Willis, Robert 2 Willet, G M 3 Whitehead, T P Watts, Geo Walsh, Stephen Whiting, H A Winkler, Van R Watts, J G 4 Wilson, Z A Williams, John H Wilbur, Wm L Wilson, J W Williams, Wm C Williard, J H 3 y z Yeomans, David Zike, Alex Yokum, Jas J Zimmerman, John A. L. HARRI?, Special Agent P. O. D_ HEADQUARTERS U. S, FORCES, Hilton Head, St. Helena, . Daufukkie and Bull's Islands, Hilton Head, S. C., May 28,18 W. General Orders,) No. 21. J i I. Captain James W. Graham, 9th Conn. Vet. Vols., is hereby .announced us Provost Marshal of this Post, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly, Capt. Graham will receipt to Capt. John Rich, 144 N. Y. Vols., Provost Marshal of Port Royal District, 'for all government property pertaining to the Post Provost Marshal’s Office By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. M. S. LITTLEFIELD. CHAB. C. SIVER, Capt. 144 N. Y. Vols,, A. A. A. Gen. (Official) C. Silva, Capt, and A. A. D. C. may2o-Tt [Official. [ HEADQ’RS., DEPT. OF THE SOUTH; Hilton Head, b. C„ May 27, 18C5. General Order, I No. 74. J , So much of Paragraph 11, of General Order No. 137, series of 18(15, from these Headquarters, as designates the troops in the former District of Beaufort as the Second separate Brigade, and those in the iormer Dis trict of Hilton Head as the Third Separate Brigade, is hereby revoked, and hereafter the troops in the Dis ui,.t of Port Royal will be designated as the Second Separate Brigade, this District Command being com posed of mixed troops equivalent to a Brigade. By cotninaud of Maj. Geu. Q,"A, GILLMORE. VV. L. M. BCrokr, Assistant Adjutant General. T. D. Hodges, Capt. 35th U. is. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. raay3l-7t BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS* ROW, HILTON HEAD, ’S . C., • —AND— CORNER liETAN STREET ANI> MARKET SQUARE, SAVANNAH, GA. mav3o ts - . R° 3lN loo barrels wanted, for which cash will be paid at J. MoMAHON’S, Corner of Jefferson and Broughton Streets. *uay2(l-it JMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES. AND LIQUORS, AT WHOLESALE, FOX FAMILY CSX, AT 20T BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY & CO. may24-tf REMOVAL. City Store, No, 2, under the superintendence of Mr. Gio. W. Davis, has been removed to the fourth door west of Barnard Street, on the Bay, where they are receiving a fresh assortment of Groceries per steamers from New York, and which will be disposed of at re dneed prices. Entrance door on Bav Street. JOHN L. VTLLALONGA, junel 2 Chairman Committee. St, MURDOCK, AOF.XTS FOR ISRAEL X. SEALY, Wholesale Dealers in ALES, WINES and IMPORTED LIQUORS, Os all Kinds and Qualities. No. 5, MERCHANTS* ROW, Hilton Head, S. C junel _ 1 mo FOR SALE. 150,000 feet assorted WHITE PINE BOARDS; PLANKS, tongued and grooved : SCANTLING. AIso—DOORS, WINDOW SASHES. PICKETS for Fencing and Shingles. Apply to HENRY JOHNSON, junel-lw Fernandina, Fla. AND CIDER. Hammer’s Champagne ALE, in bbls; CIDER, in cases; At low prices, to close shipment, by junei-3 HILTON & RANDELL. gHOES. Ladies’, Misses' and Children's, all styles; Men's Calf and Congress Gaiters; At lowest prices, to close invoices, by HILTON & RANDELL, junel-3 193 Bay st., near Barnard. HEADQUARTERS DIST. OF SAVANNAH,) savannah, Ga., May 31st, 1865. f General Obdes. ) No. 25. / In accordance with the Proclamation of the Presi dent of the United States of April 29th, 18C5, appoint ing Thursday, June Ist, 1885, as a day of special Hu miliation ana Prayer, in consequence of the assassina tion of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, it is hereby ordered that To-morrow, June Ist, 1805, be observed as such throughout this command, and that all labor, except that which the necessities of the service render indispensable, be suspended for the day, and public offices be dosed after 10 A. M. By Command of Brevet Maj. Gen. C. GROVER. Oliver Matthews, Ass't Adj’t Geu. Junel 1 ♦ . (Official.) HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH. Hilton Heap, 8. C., May 2s, 1805. Gunseal Orders,) No. 20. / The following General Order from the War Depart ment, is hereby published for the Information of this command W T AR DEPARTMENT. , Adjutant General's Office. Washington, April 28,1805. General Orders) No. 70. f For reducing expenses of the Military Establishment. Ordered; I. That the Cblefa of the respective Bureaux of this Department proceed, immediately, to reduce the ex penses of their respective departments to what Is ab solutely necessary, In view of an immediate reduction of the forces in the field and garrison, and the speedy termination of hostilities, ana that they severally make out statements of the reductions they deem practica ble. H. That the Quartermaster General discharge all ocean transports not required to bring home troops In remote Departments. All river and inland transpor tation will be discharged, except that required for ne cessary supplies to troops In the field, Purchases of horses, mules, wagons, and other laud transportation will be stopped; also purchases of forage except what is required for immediate consumption. All purchases for railroad construction and transportation will also be stopped. 111. That the Commissary General of Subsistence stop the purchase of supplies in his Department, ex cept for such as may* with what is on hand, be requir ed for the forces in the field, to the first of June next. IV. That the Chief of Ordnance stop all purchases of arms, ammunltiou and materials therefor, and reduce the manufacturing of arms and ordnance stores, in Government arsenals, as rapidly as can be done with out injury to the service, V. That the Chief of Engineers stop work on all field fortifications and other works, except those for which specific appropriations have been made by Con gress, for completion, or that may be required for the proper protection of wonts in progress. VI. That all volunteer soldiers (patients) in hospi tals, except Veteran Volunteers, Veterans of the Ist Army Corps, (Hancock’s; and enlisted men of the Vet eran Reserve Corps, who require no further medical treatment, be honorably discharged fiom service, with immediate payment. All officers and enlisted men, who have been prison ers of war, and now on furlough, or at the parole camps, and all recruits in rendezvous, except those for the Kegnlar Army, and the Ist Array Corps (Hancock's) will likewise be honorably discharged. Officers, whose duty It is, under the regulations of the service, to make out rolls, and other final papers, con nected with the discharge ar.d payment of soldiers, are directed to make them out without delay, so that this order may be carried into effect immediately. Com manding Generals of Armies and Departments will look to the prompt execution of this work. VII. The Adjutant General of the Army will cause immediate retnrns to be made by all commanders in the field, garrison, detachments and posts of their re-, spective forces, with a.view to their immediate reduc tion. VIII. The Quartermaster’s, Subsistence, Ordnance, Engineer, and Provost Marshal General's Departments will reduce the number of clerks and employees, to that absolutely required for closing the business of their respective Departments, and will, without delay, report to the Secretary of War the number required, of each class or grade. The Surgeon General will make similar reductions of medical officers, nurses, and attendants in his Bu reau. IX. The chiefs of the respective Bureaux will imme diately cause property returns to be made out of the public property In their charge, and a statement of the property in each that may be sold, upon advertisement and public sale, without prejudice to the service. X. The Commissary of prisoners will have rolls made out of the name, residence, time and place of capture and occupation of all prisoners of war, who will take the oath of allegiance to the United States, to the end that such as are disposed to become good and loyal citizens of the United States, and who are proper ob jects of Executive clemency, may be released upon the terms that to the President shall seem fit and consist ent with the public safety. By order of the Secretary of War: W. A. NICHOLS, Assist. Affi’t. General. By command oi Major-General Q. A. GIDLMOKE W. L. M. Burger, Asst. Adjt. Gen. • Junel-7t t j^OTICE. The Highest Cash Pricer paid for all kinds of Rags, Rope, Waste Paper, Iron and Metals, Bottles, Wool, Hides, Ac., Ac., at the Forest City Mills. D. OLIVER. Savannah, May 20. ts. NEWS-DEALERS AND OTHERS DESIRING The Savannah Daily Heald at Wholsale are re quested to send in their orders ss early In advance as practicable. W, MASON A CO. y OLKS GA R TEN, OONURKSS STXRXT, Between Jefferson aud Montgomery streets. Will be open to-night, and every night, for the public. Concert Music every Evening from 7 to 10 o’clock by the SAVANNAH CITY ORCHESTRA, Professor Gforoe Weioand, Leader. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY WILL ALWAYS HE ON HAND. m!7—lm SUarb, |oams, jgOARD WANTED, In a genteel family, for a gentleman and wife (Church family preferred.) Post Office Box 248. may3l-tf Jp>R RENT- A Large and Commodious DWELLING, Iu a very convenient part of the City. Apply to M. J. DOYLE A CO., uaay3l-lt No. 110 Bryan street. JJOUSE WANTED. For a small family. Address, “O. W. M.,"Savannah Post Office. may23-tf ROOMS TO LET AT HILTON HEAD, 8. C., in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness pn-poses or lodgings. Apply to E. S. SAMPSON,. Jr., on the promises. ts mar-tm ■QNITED STATES SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. THIRD SERIES, TWO HUNDRED and THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per annum, kuown as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These notes are issued under date of July 15,15C5, and are payable three years from that date in curren cy, or are convertible at the option of the holder Into U. S. FIVKTWENTY SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, which adds fromjone to three per cent, per annum to their vulue, ac cording to the rate levied- upon other property. The iuterest Is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents per day on a SIOO note. Ten cents per day on a S6OO note. Twenty cents per day on a SI,OOO note. One Dollar per day one $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be prompt ly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The Notes of this Third Series are precisely similai in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent., In stead of C 3-10ths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in eurrencyupto July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven-thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest, The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay the interest in Gold be avail ed of, wouid so reduce and equalize prices that pur chases made with six per cent, in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent, in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET Now ofiered by the Government, and its superior ad vantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $230,000,000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscrib ed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubt edly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be offorded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed .to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, • No. 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia.- may2C-15t JgMPTY BOTTLES WANTED. Skehan A Conyngham of 170 Broughton Btreet, will Pay Cash for all kinds of empty bottles by calling or delivering them at the above number. may23-tf OFFICE OF HEALTH OFFICER, Savannah, Ga., May 23,1805. Ciroulab No. I. The Vaccination Offices, corner President and Price streets, and Montgomery, near Jones, are, from this date discontinued, and the Vaccination Office for the City will, in future, be N. W. cor, Hull and Whitaker streets All persons not vaccinated within six months past, will apply without delay to said office. Vaccina tion hours between 8 and . M., and 3 and 5, P. M„ daily. (Sundays excepted) A. P. DALRYMPLK, may24-M Snrg, N. S V.. Health Officer. YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspondent Is at 111 BAY STREET, UPSTAIRS. mar 22 ts rpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1805. A wonderful Invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. Don’t fall to read the advertisement In the Savanmah Herald, containing, full particulars, every Monday morning. edexM3mo martl it § r# « s - §*• -- . - »- MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. APOTHECARIES' HALL Corner or Barnard and BaocaroN Strertu, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W. M. WALSH, M. D. PROPRIETOR. AYER’S SARSAPARILLA, AYER .4 CHERRY PECTORAL, AYERS' AGUE CURE. OSGOOD'S CHOLOGOOUE, for Fever and Ague, DR. COPELAND'S SPECIFIC, for Fever and Ague. —FILLS NKVKB KNOWN TO FAIL— BLANCARD'S FERAGINOUS PILLS, AYER'S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, BRANDETH’S FILLS, LEE’S PH.LS, JAYNE'S PILLS, HOLLOWAY’S PILLS, HERRICK'S PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS, DUPONCO'B LADIES’ PILLS, MANDRAKE'S LIVER PILLS, for Constipation and Congested Conditions of the Liver. —OINTMENTS— KENNEDY’S SALT RHEUM SALVE, REDDING’S RUSSIA SALVE, DALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, GOLDEN EYE SALVE, MCALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, —LINIMXNTS— TOBIAS 1 VENETIAN LINIMENT, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, SWEET’S LINIMENT, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER, . JAYNES’ CARMINATIVE, DALBY*S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, HELMBOLDT’S EXTRACT BUCHU. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, MORTIMER’S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND A BLOOD PURIFIER, PHttOTOKEN, HOOFLAND’S BITTERS, WISTAR’S COUGH LOZENGES BROWN'S BRONCHIAL T IOCHES, KIDDER’S ARTHMATIC FUMIGATING PANTILES, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Coughs St Colds, KIDDER’S INDELLIBLE INK, PAYSON’S INDELLIBLE INK, BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OIL, NKATSFOOT OIL, JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE, FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE, DR PERRY'S DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE, REXFORD’B GINGER BREAD NUTS, for Worms, KIDDER’S ENEMA SYRINGES, GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ENEMA SYRINGES, FRENCH SELF-ADJUSTING SYRINGES, GUTTA PERCHA SYRINGES, all sizes, GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES, oU sizes, A large assortment of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS, DR PARKE’S SHOULDER BRACES, SAUNDER’S MAGIC BENZINE, for cleansing the most delioate Silks, Van Busklrk’s SOZODONT, Swan’s TOOTH POWDER, Clark’s TOOTH POWDER Thurston’s TOQTH POWDER Charcoal PASTE, Burnett’s White Oak WASH, Lubtn's EXTRACTS and Toilet POWDER Edrehl’s EXTRACTS. Barney's EXTRACTS, Phalon's Night-Blooming CEREUS, Baadolott’s French EXTRACTS, French and German COLOGNES, Bazin’s FLORIDA WATER, ROUGES, LILLY WHITE, Ac., A great variety of Tooth, Nail and Hair BRUSHES, Genuine Badger Shaving BRUSHES, Buffalo, India Rubber and Horn Dressing COMBS, Kendall’s AMBOLINE, for the Hair, Sterling's AMBROSIA, for the Hair, Burnett’s COCOAINE, Barney's Cocoa CASTORINE, Heimstreet’s Inimitable HAIR RESTORER, ParrFh's BANDOLINE, Edrehi’s POMADES, Thompson’s POMADES,’ Bazin’s POMADES, Douglass’ POMADES, Barry’s TRICOPHERU 8, Lyon’s KATHAIRON, BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS, Mrs. Allen’s HAIR RESTORER andZYLOBALSAMUM Prof. Wood’s HAIR RESTORATIVE. —hair dtes — Batchelor’s HAIR DYE, Miller’s HAIR DYE, Venetian HAIR DYE, French’s Distilled BAY WATER, for the Toilet, An endless variety of Toilet SOAPS, Shaving CREAM, Low’s Genuine Brown Windsor SOAP, A large assortment of POCKET BOOKS, A large assortment of Shaker’s HERBS, A variety of POCKET CUTLERY, —FLAVORING extracts— Lemon, Almond, Pine Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry. Orange, Banana, Rose, Vanilla, Nectarine, Peach, Very nice*Velvet SPONGES, for the Toilet, SEIDLITZ POWDERS, CONGRESS WATER, A large assortment of Fresh Garden SEEDS, Just re ceived from the House of David Landretb & Cos., Philadelphia. We invite the attention of the citizens and Country Dealers to the above large and extensive Stock, which wi 1 be sold low for CASH, at wholesale and i etaiL {Sp-N. B. TO PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES. Our Stock of DRUGS and CHEMICALS, which are in every day use, are pure, and can be relied upon, and require no stronger testimony of their efficacy than that of coming from Messrs, Schefflein, Brothers & Cos., New York, the largest and most extensive Drug House in the world, who have bad an enviable reputation for the last century and a half. The Compounding and Prescription Department is under the immediate supervision of Mr. W. V. V. Wit son (late of the honse of Solomons & Cos., of this city,) For bis ability and correctness as a Dispenser of Medi cine, the citizens of Savannah are respectfully referred to his past record. Physicians’ Prescriptions, tm formerly, compo jxded at all honrs of the night. Night Bell on the Broughton street side of the Store. ICED SODA WATER, with choicest Syrups, from Stone Fountains. APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Corner of Barnard and Broughton Streets. mayU-tf Hißttatttrg, -- -- TANARUS; ; k.;.n JNTKRESTING PUBLICATIONS FOR •»,’ €- THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTK, contains a Novelette complete, together with from three to eight abort stories, with Illustrations. Terms: $2 per year. Single copies, 25 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. A FIRBSIM JOURNAL. NO CONTINUED STORKS. Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventures and Choice Home Reading. $3 a year. Four copies, $lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poems, News, Novellettes, Ac. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine in the world. $l5O a year. Seven copies, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only 12 cents per year. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES. 128 pages In each book; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel. All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT. * Publishers, 63 Congress street, Boston, Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, til BAT STRICT, SAVANNAH, GA. aprlß ts Restaurants, !j|c. •yy'H STILL LIVE AT THE ‘■•OFFICE,’’ No. IK Mcbouant’s Row, PORT-ROYAL, S. C. -I do not advertise my Btll of Fare because It is alter ed every day and a rrinted BUI of Fare is put on each table every morning. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. My Ice Houaes-are now filled with Turkeys, Chick ens, Beef. Pork, Fish, Mutton, Pork Sausages, Vege tables, and Salads of all descriptions. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMBS IN, I have nowon band about*twelve hundred p opnds of Ice, so that I can make Ice Cream EVERY DAY and keep my Soda Water and Bear cool. IOE WATER FOB ZVEBTOODV. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH .COMES IN I have three Punkahs and several girls with fans to keep the files from the ladles and gentlemen while eating their cleanly served up meals. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. My Cooks, Walters, Ac., are all clean. My Saloon has been newly papered, painted, whitewashed, Ac. THERE IS WHERE THE L VUGH COMES IN. There is no man m Port Royal that can serve upClama In every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Eagle Saloon, In the rear of the Post Office, THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. There are many men in New York who go to Water street, where they can get their whiskey for three cents per glass. But you will find that GENTLLE MEN will go where thoy get the best articles regardless of ex peuse. AND THAT IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. HONEY IS UP AND SUGAR IS DOWN. BENJAMIN HONEY, Proprietor QLAMS! CLAMS ! CLAMS 1 IN THR BUELL OB SHELLED OCT, With other Refreshments, at the oldest and best stand ON HILTON HEAD ISLAND, For a variety of something Good to Eat at all times, at THE EAGLE SALOON. In rear ol the Poet Office, Port Royal, S. C. PETER FITZGERALD respectfully informs his old friends, and the public in general, that since Oysters are out pf season for a time., his Dally Patrons can find a good substitute in CLAMS, cooked to order, in every style, at the shortest notice. He has also a constant supply of FRESH MEATS, POULTRY, FISH A VEGETABLES, From the North and other places in this vicinity Meals cooked to order at any hour during the day. Our motto iu to ‘‘Live well.” PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. may2g tf_ LUNCH! EVERY DAY AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK, AT TAMM’S SALOON, IN BAY LANE, m **y2o 2w Rear of Custom House. QOTTON! COTTON !l U. S. PURCHASING AGENCY, SAVANNAH,' GA., MAY 29, ISCS. All persons, owners, bringing Cotton into the City on private account, either by land or the river, are hereby required to report and register the same at this office. Purchasers are also requested to make daHy reports at this office of their purchases; of whom bought, number of bales, and weight of each bale. T. P. ROBB. U. S. Purchasing Agent maySO—tf QHECKB ON NEW YORK, IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS A.T F A a —BY— I, C. NOR V E bull strut (opposite Post Office.)