Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 05, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY /HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 145. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) IS BY g, W. MASON «fc CO., At 111 Bay Sheet, Savannah, Gaoboia. TKBMI: Per Copy. . Per Hundred.*. 00 ADVEBTieiHO: Two Dollars par Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion - One Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. ||nsiiriuu*. JNSURANCEI! LOW KATES ON RIVER BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. —ALSO,— JACKSONVILLE AND SAVANNAH. The undersigned are now prepared to take risks per earner to Augusta, and Steamer or Flat from Augusta, AT LOWER RATES THAN CAN BE OFFERED BY ANY OTHER PARTIES IN THIS PLACE.' Also, by Steam and Sailing Vessels to and from Jacksonville. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., ju2B-lw cor. Bay and Abercom sts. JS YOUR LIFE INSURED? This Is an important question for every man and Important also for every wife and mother as It affects their future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance" of New York will insure you at the usual rates in any sura from sloo $lO 000. They also is9ue the favorite TEN YEAR NON-FORFEITURE Policies, and will after two years payment give a full paid np Policy for Two Tenths the whole sum, aud Three Years Three Tenths, and so on. -Thus a Policy of SIO,OOO. Two Premiums paid upon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $2,000. aud five years five-tenths for every additional year. For further information apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., ju27 89 Bay st„ Savannah, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, OF BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. Yhis is one of the oldest and best Companies in .America. Policies on Lives for any amount up to $15,000 are taken by them. r „ . The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled ‘during the war until heard from—a fact which shews their dealing and determination to be just aud honor able in all cuses. Apply to . . jvurr A. WILBUR, Agent. jj|EVV YORK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY, BEeKESENTtNO TUE SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY ; MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY ; PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ; Averaging a CASH CAPITAL of over FOUR MILLIONS. Risks taken on all descriptions of Property on rea sonable tern** by A. A. LANK, Agt. Office in Stoddard's Range, Bay street, oppo site Herald office. jul6 • * mo OOLVMBIAN fMARINEj INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL $3,500,000. 'The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy from the above Company to the extent of SIOO,- 000 in property in any first class Steamer, and from $50,000 to $T5.000 on any lirst class sailing vessei, on the most favorable New York terms. For further particulars apply to CHARLES L. COLBY & CO Jones Block, corner Bay and Abercom streets, jclStf* ts Savannfci, Qa. rjMSEASURY DEPARTMEN r, EIGHTH SPECIAL AGENCY, > Charleston, S. C., June ‘3O, 1605. ) The undersigned, in addition to his duties as As sistant Special ‘Agent of the Fifth Agency, has been assigned to the charge of the Eighth Agency as Depu ty Supervising Special Agent. All communications relating to the business of the business of the Fifth Agency should be addressed to Fort Royal, S. C., and all relating to bnsiHess in the Eighth Agency should be addressed to Charleston, s c JOHN H. PILSBURY, ju‘2B Deputy Supervising Agent GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers in Sheeting, Shirting, Osnaburgs, Yams, Rope, Bagging, Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco, &c., &c. Particular attention given to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment of COTTON. Ralston's Granite Ranoe;—Third Range, MACON, GA. Reeirencrs.—Erwin & Hardee, Claghom & Cun ningham, Savannah; L. G Bowers, S. M. Farrar, Cos lumous; *E. B. Long* Cos., L. B. Duvis, Augusta; P P. Pease. V. A. Gualull, Atlanta. ju26.lm HOSPITAL TRANSCRIPT.” The paper above named is published at Hilton Head S. C., by M. J. McKenna, * It is designed by the Publisher to make an Intciest lng and Instructive Paper, not only for SIQJv AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, but a WELCOME WEEKLY-VISITOR to dll residents ■of Hilton Head. * It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MIS CELLANEOUS ITEMS. ju3-tf anb (potting. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALKBS IN SUTLERS’. AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's Fcknishing Goods, 4c., No, 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., W. C. BLDDKLL., rjul3-tf] H. J. MURDOCH. ARRIVAL OF GOODS. SKEHAN 4 CONYNGHAM. 0/ 176 Broughton Street, Receive by every steamer fresh consignments of Goods from New York, consisting of BOOTS and SHOES, Ladies’ BALMORALS, 4a. Gentlemen’s Felt and Straw HATS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, WINES, Dublin and London PORTER, Golden ALE, in Cases and Barrels; Also—A choice selection of GARDEN SEEDS, Which we offer at low price* to the Trade. Je6 r JX) THE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA The termination of a sanguinary contest, which for the past fonr years has presented an impassable barrier to all social or commercial intercourse* between the two great sections of our country, having at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a removal of those relations which formerly bound us together in a fraternal tujlon, I take the earliest opportunity afford ed me by this auspicious event, to greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that ex. tensive business connection which for a quarter of a century has been uninterrupted save by the great pub lic calamity to which I have adverted. It is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a busi ness re-umon, I should repeat the warning so often given to my friends,—to beware of all those spurious and deleterious compounds which, under the specious and false titles of Imported Wines, Brandies, Hollaritl Gin, Liquors, 4c., have been equally destructive to the health of our citlxens and prejudicial to the interest of the legitimate Importer. Many years of my past life have been expended in an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to ac complish this saintary purpose, and to place before my friends and the public generally; at the lowest possible market pricy, and in such qnantities as might suit their convenience, a truly* genuine imported arti cle. Twgnty-flve years’ business transactions with the largest and most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Britain have afforded memnsurpass ed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liquers of the best and most ap proved brands In Europe, in addition to my own dis tillery in Holland for the manufacture of the “Schie dam Schnapps.’ The latter, so long tested and approved t>y the med ical Faculties of the United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a whole some, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all cli mates and during all seasons, qnickly excited the cu pidity of the home manufacturers and venders of a spurious article uuder the same name. I trust that I have, after much toil and expense, sur rounded all my importations with safeguards and di rections which with ordinary circumspection will In sure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, however, recommend in all cases where It is possible, that orders be sent direct to my Depot, 22 Beaver street, New York, or that purchases be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies, 4c., in wood, I have a consicHhable supply of old tried for eign u ines, embracing vintages of many past years, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the early atten tion of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the Depot, in order to insure the fulfillment of their favors from the present large and well selected assortment. UDOLPHO WOLFE, ju23 lm 22 Beaver street, New York. jyjACKY, HOGG 4 CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2 Stoddard’s Block, opposite Custom House, SAVANNAH, GA. Having opened a House at the above stand, in con nection with our House In Philadelphia, wc offer to the Trade -250 barrels Bourbon and Rye'Whiskey; Hams Breakfastßacon and Shoulders. Bagged Reef, Lard Broom-, Washboards, Lime in hogsheads, 4c, Consignments to oar House in Philadelphia solici ted. MACKY, HOGG & Cos, No. 2 Stoddard's Block, Savannah, Ga. ju2o-lm 26 South Water street, Philadelphia, j^OTiCE. The Proprietor of the SAVANNAH CITY FLOUR MILLS, Begs to announce to his numerous patrons that he has made a number of Improvements in thjs machinery at tached to his establishment, and is now prepared to furnish his customers with a full supply of the best GRITS AND MEAL, and everything that can be expected from a FIRST-CLASS MILLING * ESTABLISHMENT. He pledges himself to always sell his Goods and do bis work 25 PER CENT LESS for the benefit of the citieens, than many of his com petitors. He is prepared to grind Wheat and Com at the. customary }.{ toll, and in addition will, as above siated, always be prepared to furnish his friends with everything in the old style. His place of business is at the well-known spot at the FOOT OF BROUGHTON STREET. jul9-tf J^OTICE. The Regular Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Southern Insurance and Trust Company will De held at the office of the Company, in Savannah, on Wednesday, 19th July, 1866, lor the purpose of elect ‘ing Directors for the ensuing year, and for the tran saction of such other business as may be brought be fore the meeting. H. BRIGHAM, President, Per J. C. McNULTY, ju2B ts Assistant Secretary. SAVANAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, 186*. STAMP DUTIES. 1865. FROM AND AFTER AUGUST 1, 1864. SCHEDULE B. Acknowledgment of Deeds e xe Affidavit On suits of legal proceedings Agreement or Appraisement (for each sheet of paper on which the sanM# Is written) 05 Assignment at transfer of mortgage, lease, t* policy of insurance, tiie same duty'as the original instru ment. On patent rights 05 On checks drafts or order, &c.; at sight orjMj Demand (see check) Bills of Muh&nge, (foreign) d-awu in, but payable out of the United or set of three or moiaqfHphe stamped. Fop everyfml of each set where sum made jrayable does not exceed one hundred dollars, or the equivalent • thereof in any foreign cur rency in which such tylls may be expressed according to the standard of value fixed byrthe United States. 02 For every additional hundred dol lars or fractional part thereof in excess of one hundred dollars 02 drawn in or payable out of the United States (if drawn singly or in duplicate) pay the same duty as Inland Bills 4of Exchange. [The acceptor or acceptors of any Bill of Exdhahge or order lor the payment of any sum of money drawn or purpprting to be drawn hi any foreign country, bu} pay able in tho United States, must, \ before paying of accepting the same, place thereupon a stamp indicating the duty.] Bills of Exchange (inland), draft or order payable otherwise tfian at sight or on demand, and any prom issory note^ whether payable on demand or at, a time designated (except bank notes issued for cir culation, and checks made and in tended to be, and which shall be, forthwith presented for payment), for a sum not exceedingone hun dred dollars 05 For every additional one hundred dollars or fractional part thereof 05 [The warrant of attorney to con fess judgment on a note or bond is exempt from stamp duty, if the note or bonds is properly stamped] Bills of Lading, of vessels for the porjs of the United States or Brit ish North America, exempt or receipt of goods to any other port 10 Bill of Sale of any vessel or part thereof* when the consideration does not exceed SSOO , 50 exceeding SSOO and not exceeding SI,OOO • 1 00 exceeding SI,OOO for each SSOO or fractional part thereof 50 of personal propert y (other than * ship or vessel.) .(See Mortgage.) 05 Bond, personal, for the payment of money. (See Mortgage ) officiaL 1 00 for Indemnifying any person for the payment of any sunq-ef money where the money ultiibately re coverable thereupon is SI,OOO or less. , 50 Where the money recoverable ex ceeds SI,OOO for every additional SI,OOO or fractional part thereof 50 Bonds—County, city, and town bonds, railroad and other corpora tion bonds, and script are subject to stamp duty. (See Mortgage.) 5 of description, other than such as are required in legal proceed ings and such as are not otherwise charged in this schedule, 25 Certificates of deposit iu bank, sum not exceeding one hundred dol lars, 02 of deposit in bank sum exceeding one huqdred dollars, 05 of stock in a corporated company. 25 general, - 05 of record upon the instrument re corded, , exempt of record upon the book, exempt of weight or measurement of ani- » mala, coal, wood or other articles, except weighers or measurers’ returns, exempt of a qualification of a Justice of tlie Peace, Commissioner of Deeds or Notary Public, 05 of search of records, T 05 that certain papers are on file, ' 05 that certain papers cannot of redemption of land sold for taxes aOS of birth, marriage and death, 05 of qualification of school teachers, 05 of profits in an incorporated com pany for a sum not less than $lO, and not exceeding 150, 10 exceeding SSO, and not exceeding SI,OOO, 25 exceeding SIOOO, for every addi tional SIOOO or fractional part thereof 25 of damage, or otherwise, and all other certificates of documents issued by any port warden, marine surveyor, or other person acting as such 25 Certified Transcripts of judgments, satisfaction of judgments, and of all papers recorded or on file 05 [N. B.—A3 a general rule, every certificate which has or may have a legal value in any court of law or equity, will require a stamp duty of five cents.] Charter Party, or letter memoran dum or other writing between the • captain, owner or agent of any ship, vessel or steamer, and any other person relating to the char ter of the same,' if the registered tonnage of said ship, vessel, or Steamer does not exceed one hun dred and fifty tons 1 00 exceeding one hundred and fifty tons and not exceeding three hun dred tons 2 00 exceeding three hundred tons, and npt exceeding six hundred tons 5 00 exceeding six hundred tons 10 00 check, draft or order for the pay ment of sum of money ex ceeding $lO, drawn upon auy person ot other than a bank, banker or trust company, at sight or 011 demand. (See Bank Check.) 02 Contract. (See Agreement.) Brokers 10 Conveyance, deed, instrument, or writing, whereby lands, tenements * or other realty sold, shall be con veyed, the actual value of which does not exceed SSOO. 50 Exceeding SSOO and not exceed ing SIOOO 1 00 For every additional SSOO, or frac tional part thereof in excess of SIOOO 50 Endorsement v of any negotiable in strument exempt Entry of any goods, wares or mer chandize at auy custom house, either for consumption or ware - housing, not exceeding SIOO in value 25 exceeding SIOO and not exceeding SSOO in value 50 exceeding SSOO in value 1 00 for the withdrawal of any goods or merchandizofrom bonded ware house 05 Gaugers’ returns if of quantity not exceeding 500 gallons, gross 10 exceeding 800 gallons 25 Insurance (Mariue, Inland and Fire) where tire consideration paid ffor the insurance, in cash, premium notes, or both does not exceed $lO 1 exceeding $lO, aud not exceeding SSO 25 exceeding SSO 60 •Insurance, (life) when the amount insured does not exceed SIOO 25 exceeding SI,OOO and not exceed ing $5,000 50 excelling $5,000 1 00 limited to injury to persons while travelling * exempt Lease of lands or tenements, #here rent does not exceed S3OO per an num. * gs 50 exceeding S3OO, for each addition- % al S2OO, or fractional part thereof in excess of S3OO 5 perpetual, subject to stamp duty as a “conveyance,’’ the stamp duty to be measured by resolving the annual rental into a capital sum. Clause of guaranty df pay ment of rent, incorporated or en dorsed, five cents additional. Mortgage, trust deed, bill of sale, or personal bond for the payment of money exceeding one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars 50 exceeding SSOO, for every addition al SSOO, or fractional Dart thereof • in exeess of SSOO * 60 Manifest for custom house entry or clearance of the cargo of any ship, vessel or steamer for a foreign port, except in British North A merica, if the registered tonnage \‘ of such ship, vessel, or steamer does exceed three hundred tons, 1 00 exceeding 300 tons and not ex ceeding COO tons, 3 00 exceeding 000 tons, 5 00 Measurer's Return, if for quantity > not exceeding 1,000 bushels. 10 ' exceeding 1,000 bushels, 25 Pawner’s Checks, 05 Pension papers—Powers of attorney, and all other papers relating to ap plications lor bounties, arrearages of pay, of pensions, or to receipt thereof, exempt Passage tickets from the United States to a foreign port, except in British America, costing not more than $35, * 50 costing more $35 and not exceed ing SSO for every additional SSO, . .or fractional part thereof in excess of SSO, 1 00 Power of Attorney to sell or trans fer stock,or collect dividends there on, 25 to vote at election of incorporated company, 10 to receive or collect rents 25 to sell, or convey, or rent, or lease real estate l 00 For any other purpose 50 Probate of wills or letters of admin istration, where the value of both real or personal estate does not ex ceed 300 i 1 00 for every additional SIOOO or frac tional part thereof in excess of S2OOO 50 bonds of executors,administrators, guardians and trustees, are each subject to stamp duty of I 00 certificates of appointment \ 05 Protest upon bill, note, check or draft 25 Promissory Notes for a sum not ex ceeding SIOO 05 for euch additional SIOO or frac tion of same, without regard to time „ « r > deposit note to mutual insurance companies, when policy is subject to duty exempt renewal of, subject to the same duty as an original note Quit Claim Deed, to be stamped as a conveyance, except when given as a release of a mortgage by the mortgagees to the mortgager, in which case it is exempt * Receipt for the payment of any sum of money or debt due exceeding S2O, or for the delivery of any property. . . 02 for satisfaction of any mortgage, * or judgment, or of any court exempt Sheriff’s return on writ or other pro • cess. exempt Trust Deed, made to secure a debt, to be stamped as a mortgage. Conveying estate to uses, to be stamped as a conv^yange. Warehouse Receipts for any goods, wares or metchaudise not other wise provided for, deposited or stored in any public or private warehouse, not exceeding S S(X) PRICE. 5 CENTS in value. io Exceeding SSOO, and not exceed ing SI,OOO. 20 Exceeding SI,OOO for every addi tional SI,OOO or lractional part thereof in excess of SI,OOO. 10 For any goods, &c., not otherwise provided for, stored or deposited in any public or private warehouse or yard. ' 25 Weigher's Returns, if not over 5000 pounds. • • 10 if over 5000 pounds. 25 Writs and Legal Documents : Writ, or other originarprocess by which any suit i9 commenced in any court of record, either of law equity. Writ or other original process by which any suit is commenced in any Court of record, either of law or equity. . 50 writ or other original process is sued by a court not of record, where the amount claimed is sl,- 00 or over. 50 Upon every confession of judgment or cognovit for SIOO or over, ex cept in cases *where the tax for a writ has been paid go Writ or other process on appeals from justices’ courts, or other courts of inferior jurisdiction, to a court of record. go Warrant of distress when the amount of rent claimed does n«t exceed SIOO 25 when amount exceeds SIOO 60 Writs, summons, and other process issued by a Justice of the Peace, • or municipal court of no greater jurisdiction than Justice of the • Peace in the same State. exempt Writs or other process in criminal or other suits commenced by the Uni ted States in any State. exempt Official documents, instruments and papers issued or used by officers of the United States government, exempt schedule c. Proprietary Medicines, &c., retail price not exceeding, 25 cents. 01 exceeding 25 cents and not ex ceeding 50 cents 02 exceeding 50 cents and not ex ceeding 75 cents 03 exceeding 75 cents and not ex ceeding $1 , 04 exceeding $1 for each 50 cents or fractional part of above $1 02 Perfumery and Cosmetics—same 1 as above Friction matches, a package con taining 100 matches or less 01 over 100 and not exceeding 200 02 for each additional 100, or fraction of 100 oi Cigar lights and wax tapers, double the above rates [Stamp duties on matches, lights , and tapers imposed September 1, 1864.] Photographs, ambrotypea, daguerre otypes, &c., on each picture when the retail price shall not exceed 25 cents , 02 exceeding'2s cents and not ex ceeding 50 cents 03 exceeding 50 cents and not ex ceeding $1 05 exceeding $l for each additional dollar or fraction 05 Playing catxta, value not over 18 tents pei/pack 04 exceeding 18 cents not ex ceeding 2o cents . 05 exceeding 25 cents and not ex ceeding 50 cents 10 exceeding 50 cents and not ex deeding $1 15 exceeding sl, for each additional 50 cents or fractional part 05 ■ GENERAL HI MARKS. • Revenue stamps may be used indiscrimi nately upon any of the matters or things / enumerated in schedule B, except proprieta- - ry#nd playing card stamps, tor which a spe cial use has been provided. Postage stamps canuot be used in payment of the duty chargeable on instruments. Any schedule C stamp may be used for any article in that list. It is the duty of the • maker of an instru ment to affix and cancel the stajap required thereon. If lie neglect to do so; the party for whose use it is made, may stamp it before it is use; but in no case can it be legally used without'a stamp; and if used after the 30th of June, 1864, and used without a stamp, it cannot be afterwards effectually stamped- Any failure upon the part of the maker of an instrument to appropriately stamp it, renders him liable to a penalty of two hundred dol lars. Suits are commenced in many States by other process than writ, viz; summons, war rant, publication, petition, &c., in which cases these, as the orignal process, severally require stamps. Writs of scire facias are subject to stamp duty as original process. The' jura of an Affidavit, taken before a justice of the peace, notary public ori other officer duly authorized to take affidavits,- is held to be a certificate, and subject to a stamp duty of five cents, except when.taken in suits in legal proceedings. Certificates of Loan, in which there shall appear any written or printed evidence of an amount of money to be paid on demand or at a time designated, are subject to a stamp duty as “Promissory Notes." The assignment of mortgage Is subject to the same stamp duty as that imposed upon the original instrument; that is to say for ev ery sum ot five hundred dollars, or any other fractional part thereof of the amount se cured by the mortgage at the time of its assignment, there must be affixed a stamp or stamps denoting a duty of fifty cents. When two or more persons join in the ex ecution of an instrument, the stamp tq which the instrument is liable under the law, may be affixed and canceled by any one of the parties- • In conveyances of real estate, the law pro vides that the stamp affixed must answer to the value of the estate of interest conveyed. No stamp is required on any warrant of attorney accompanying a bond or note, when such bond or note has affixed thereto, the