Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
8. W. Mason & Cos PaoreirroßS.
Saucei. W. Mahon, Eoitc*
The synopsis which we published last eve
ning of the address delivered in Trinity church
Tutsday night, by Rev. Geo. G. Smith, on
‘ The duty of the young men of Georgia at
the present hour," attracted so much atten
tion that, at the request of many readers, we
this morning present a fuller report, which is
nearly vebatim. It appears on our first page.
Mr. Smith entered the Confederate service
in August of 18GI as Chaplain of the Phillips
Legion. He served in Western Virginia,
South Carolina, and in the army of Northern
Virginia, being always with Gen. Lee. He
was wounded at Boonsboro or South Moun
tain while endeavoring to save his Regiment
from a flank movement which he had dis
covered, and of which he was trying to
lorrn Gen. Drayton, commanding his Brigade.
To Souther* Catholics.— We are request
ed by many Catholic readers of the Herald,
to call attention to the fact that, the Pacifica
tor, the only Southern journal devoted to the
support of the doctrines of the Catholic de
nomination, is temporalily suspended for
want of funds. We publish a card from the
proprietor in another column, containing a
statement of the cause of suspension, and
appealing to the Catholics of the South to
aid, by their subscriptions, in re-establishing
the paper. The journal is now under the
sole management of Mr. Patrick Walsh, who
has many claims on the Catholics of the
South for a generous support in his enter
The Ninth Conn. Vet. Vols. —This gal
lant regiment, under command of Lt. Cosl 1
Jno. G. Healey has been mustered out of
service, and will leave Hilton Head for the
North upon the Empire City to-day.
New York Oates of tlie 32nd.
The Position of Gov. Perry*
European News*
From New Orleans.
i J**r». s«|. ra ||,
The Southern Postal Service.
IBk. ITnim; , ni lL ; •
A. Terrible Flood in Kansas-
IL-... Jeff. Davis— His Health Improved,
Tbc Commandant of.'tlie Aiidmonville
& Prison to lie put on Trial.
The steamship Nevada, Capt. Carpenter,
of Brigham, Baldwin A Co's line, arrived at
a late hour last evening, having been detain
ed below by the low water. A full list of the
passengers and consignees will be found in
our shipping intelligence. The Nevada
brings dates of July 22d. We are indebted
to Purser A. Richardson, for the prompt de
livery of our files and despatches.
Th» Position of Gov. Perry.
The New York Herald’s Washington des
patch, says :
The publication ot Governor Perry’s
apeech of July 3, has excited a storm of in
dignant opposition on the part of the more
radical of the supporters of the administra
tion. The Governor has, however had very
satisfactory interviews with the President
and most of the members of the Cabinet
They express great confidence in the lovaitv
and patriotism of Governor Perry and believe
that he will administer the duties of his oflice
with a loyal spirit, and with the single desire
to restore as speedily as possible the bles
augs of assured peace and constitutional
oyal government to the people of that State
The explanations which Governor Perry has
given of that speech, and the circumstances
under which it was delivered, have largely
obviated the unfavorable impression which
some passages in it are unquestionable cal
culated to convey.
Gov. Perry and the accompanying delega
next W eaVC f ° r S ° Uth Caro,iaa oa Monday
The World’s despatch says :
Governor Perry, of South Carolina, will
sh!!n b r,h and i 3p accd ’ 11 is said > b y tlie President;
In favor lint 3ee “ S tobe a B,ron S here
European Xeu j.
The Cunard steamship Africa reached Bos
ton on the 2lst with European news to the
Bth mßt :
tbe SK d w°2 wTh” 8
publish in full, throws inmnrtif. t We
ihe relative actions of mid Brit 1
ish governments m withdrawing
rights from the rebels. In the *
negotiations which preceded this P v«!t r tb ?
Cowley, the British Minister at pS ’enn?
ciated ihe idea that the United
e n I th 1 p ent vS d the P ° Wer ol selUn gvessels g late
t tttbe rebel service. The Preich MhliSS
attached value to the observation, Earl Rus
sell consulted the Crown lawyers, and event
ually declared that this was a sound proposi
tion in law.
From New Orleans.
New Orleans despatches by the steamship
George Cromwell state that the Teche dis
trict, in Louisiana, is at present infested by a
desperate bund of guerrilla thieves, who
have so far defied all the efforts of the na
tional troops, with the assistance of the citi
zens, to capture them. They not only plun
der the rural districts, but have cn several
occasions entered Franklin and other towns ;
and robbed the stores.
Suicide of two Army Officer*.
On »he 4th Major Albeit Eifield, formerly
belonging to tig; Ninety-seventh U. S. C. in
fantry, committed suicide in this city by
blowing out his brains with a revolver. •
On Wednesdsy night last Lieut. Arthur W.
Thompson, United States Army, died from
the effects of an overdose of laudanum.
■ Application for Pardon.
The World's despatch says.
There were two hundred applications for
pardou'to-aay Among them was ex-Speaker
Orr of South Carolina, who is at present in
this Sixty pardons were granted to
persons excepted from the amnesty procla
mation on account of property disqualifi
Lieutenant Colonel Mulford, formerly of
the rebel army, lias obtained permission to
leave the country on condition that he never
-• 4 Mr*. Surratt’s Monument.
The friends of Mrs. Surrtat contemplates
placing over her remains, when the govern
ment is through with them, a 3tone with her
last words on the scaffold, “I am innocent;
but God s holy will be done.”
* Southern Postal Service.
The Postmaster-General has arranged the
compensation and other preliminaries for re
suming tho transportation ot the southern
mails at the earliest practicable period, and
is generally restoring the service in those
The Mary Harris Trial.
A complete report ot the Harris trial, from
notes of the official reporter, James O. Clep
bane, Esq., will be published in the course
of next week, under the direction of Mr.
Bradley, attorney for the defendant, the pro
ceeds to be applied to the benefit of Miss
Harris. %
Terrible Flood In Kansas.
A despatch from Leavenworth, July 21st,
says :
During a terrible rainstorm last night, the
creek running through the southern portion
of the city overflowed its banks, carrying
away two stone bridges, 18 or 20 houses,
horses, wagons, and property of ull kinds.
The loss ot life is not yet known. Seven
bodies were found this morning. Many were
doubtless swept away in houses. The loss is
estimated ut $200,000.
Jeff Davis,
A despatch to the Tribune from Fortress
Monroe, July 20th, says:
I have the best authority for saying that
Jeff Davis is in good health, even better than
when he arrived at this place. His eyesight
is not impaired, and his appetite is remark
ably good. There are many rumors afloat
regarding Jeff, but no alteration had taken
place in his health or condition. No one is
allowed to see him except Surgeon Craven
and the guard.
The Audersonville Commandant.
The Tribune's Washingtn n stw.illl
-•a**. uiTZe,u)rmer commandant
of the Andersonville prison, is to be put on
trial next week before the Military Commis
sion now in session in this city, of which
Brig. Gen. Underwood is president.
Over Six Millions of 7-30’s Taken in One
Jay Cooke reports subscriptions to the
Seven-Thirty loan on the 21st inst, at $6,-
The Zion Baptist Association.— The col
ored churches of Savannah and the neigh
boring islands, have lorrned anew Associa
tion, bearing the above nam& At the invi
tation of several of their ministers, delegates
from seven or eight churches met at Hilton
Head, S. C., on the 15th inst., and organized
by adopting a constitution and rules. Rev.
John Cox, pastor of the 2nd. African Baptist
Church of this city, was elected Moderator.
An Executive Committee of ordained minis
ters, located in Savannah, was also appoint
♦ The churches in this city, four in|uumber,
have, for many years, been members of the
Sunbury Baptist Association, a body com
posed of about an equal number of white
and colored churches. But they think that
now they can be more useful by forming a
separate union, consisting of African church
es only.
The next session of the body is to be held
with the first African Church of this city
(Rev. W. J. Campbell’s,) in July 18G6.
A Visit from tiik Father of Powell,
alias Patne.— The Florida Union says that
the afflicted father of Payne, the would-be
muiderer of Secretary Seward, has been
making a visit to Jacksonville in that State.
The Union says:
“The father of Payne called on us one day
this week. He resides ou a plantation three
miles from Live Oak Station, on the Pensaco
la and Georgia Railroad. He lost one son at
the battle oPjMurfreesboro, another returned
home maimed for life. “Lewis" was his
only hope in his old age. The afflicted father
was a Baptist minister,as has been stated. W'e
must necessarily pronounce just the terrible
punishment to the son, but we cannot with
hold our deepdftt sympathy for the heart
stricken parent, or esteem him less as a wor
thy man and citizen.”
Supporting the President.— The Demo
cratic Committee at Washington have issued
an address, signed by Judge Mason, the
Chairman to the Democracy of the United
States, calling upon them to rally to the sup
port of the President, and sustain his mea
sures for the establishment of the Constitu
tional Government in the several States and
—Among the lately pardoned Rebels is John
Wilkes, son of Commodore Wilkes:
The First T ip oi the Fountain
t< Florida*
Xfotes of the 1 'ayage by a Savannah
Herald Correspondent.
On Boar Steamcs Fountain, I
I .t Sea, July 26th, 1865.)
According to a mouncement, the steamer
Fountain left D lon’s wharf on Saturday
morning last, 22d inst., for Darien, Bruns
wick and St. Mai r s u Ga., and Fernandina,
Jacksonville, Pio lata, and Palatka. Fla.,—
her first trip upo what is intended hereafter
as a permanent ad regular line of commu
nication between Savannah and the “Land
of Flowers.”
But little of in ‘rest occurred during the
trip, most of the oints at which we made a
landing having si lered severely from the re
sults of the late jonflict at arms, and but
little mauifestatic i as yet being evinced on
the part of the pi >ple in the way of making
any repairs or improvements ifyon their
much damnged md badly battered towns
and villages. In eed, it is not to be won
dered at; the pe< )le are few and scarce, and
inouey even scar er. The old residents of
the different plac s upon this once profitable
and pleasant rout are not now to be seen.—
Many of them ha e left their former homes
for other sections, while still a greater num
ber have not yet been able to reach them
! from the differed and distant points in
which the fortu es of war have placed
Touching at tli 1 familiar wharves (what
remains ot them of the principal landing
points on the rou b, we no longer behold the
familiar faces of tSiose we were accustomed
to see in the day] that are past. No busi
ness, no enterprise, but everything at a dead
calm, with flattciug promise of a long con
tinuance of the slrne.
the first point rei shed, instead of the busy
little village of so ir years ago, is now noth
ing save a mass of ruins—a half dozen or
more roofless holies, aud still fewer inhabi
tants. “A dull and desolate spot indeed, to
remind us ot the follies of the past,” as an
old and influential citizen of Upper Georgia
remarked to me as the boat pushed off for
the ancient town,of
where everything in the shape of btuiness is
at a stand still—no life, no anything, save a
handful of soldiers upon the wharf, drawn
probably to the Bpot through the curiosity
and rarity of an approaching steamboat—a
few “crackers” from the backwoods, and a
dozen or more Ihzy, lolling negroes,constitute
the only material furnished at this poiut
wherewith 1 to manufacture a paragraph for
the eoluras of the Herald.
Leaving this place of dullness aud little in
terest, we soon find ourselves nearing the old
uuu Wen remembered village of
where nothing, save those desolate war mon
uments, so tumiliar to many Georgians, now
stand to remind one of the spot where once
stood a prosperous little town, inhabited by
an energetic and happy people. I was curi
ous to know something of a place in regard
to which I had heard so much. Au inquiry
directed to one who seemed to be “native
and to the manner born,” as to how many
families were nowjiving in St. Marys, elici
ted the answer, “Nary one, only two old
maids.” Such are again the fruits of cold
and cruel warfare— another reminder of the
wrongs and sufferings brought upon a pros
perous and contented people through the
base and wicked designs of treacherous and
disappointed politicians.
We next touched at this city, where dull
ness also reigus supreme—nothing to attract
ones attention, save a number of old fashion
ed houses as you approach the city—aud
nothing whatever in the shape of life or busi
ness, save a few vessels in port—a govern
ment steamer, a single schooner, and the
little tug boat Widgeon. Both upon our
arrival and departure from Fernandina, the
Fountain was boarded by a health officer
from Fort Clinch, and the quarantine fee ex
acted in both insiances. Whether this pro
ceeding be correct or not, I do not pretend
to say, but certainly it is most unusual, and,
in the opinion of seafaring men with whom
I have had conversation, it is generally be
lieved to be the first case of the kind on re
cord. It is a grievance that requires investi
gation by the authorities, and one to which
the proper remedy should be speedily ap
plied, or those parties who contemplate es
tablishing a permanent and regular line of
communication with Fernandina and other
important points on the coast, may be made
to “fly the track” in order to save themselves
from what they consider an abuse and an
Is the next place of interest ou the line, and,
in fact, about the only town of any promi
nence on the entire route; but this, too, like
the others, bears the mark of war, and shows,
in every portion of this once populous town,
how heavily hangs the band of destruction,
r ew of the old citizens are in business, chief
ly, I suppose, from - the want of means on
the part of many, and probably from
a lack of energy and business qualification
on the part ot others. What little business
is at present carried on in Jacksonville, is
mostly by parties from the North—small cap
italists generally, who, in all probability,
judging from the appearance of their estab
lishments, have settled down for a “small
spec, ’ and, when rid of their stock in trade,
will “cut stick” tor new and more prosper
ous quarters. I went into a barber’s shop,
with a view to tousorial improvements, and
found onions and pomegranates for sale from
a wash-bowl and shampooing basin, while
three men were dining, with an empty keg
for a table, in another comer. Their bill of
fare consisted of boiled shrimps and pepper
The negroes and the citizens here are on
anything but lriendly terms, and the colored
troops that are now stationed in the city are l
difficult to control. There are few whites,
hence the troops and the late slaves consti
tute a large portion of the population.
Leaving Jacksonville for the continance
of the trip up the St. Johns River, we soon
arrived at the spot where once stood the
busy and growing little village ot
but where now remains not a single bouse,
not a single chimney—nothing, save avacant
space among the trees, to remiad one of the
ground where.but a short time since stood
the place bearing the Indian name that heads
this paragraph.
In this connection I may mention the fact
that preparations are being made for the
running of a regular line of stages from
Tocoi, distant five miles from Picolata, where
before the war was run the old line of stages
to St. Augustine. From Tocoi to St. Augus
tine is fifteen miles and a halfj just two and
a halt miles shorter than the old route from
Picolata, usually considered eighteen miles.
This line of stages is intended to run in con
nection with the boats passing up the St.
Johns, and will prove a great benefit to the
travelling public of Georgia and Florida,
which before the war was far from incon
We reached this place very late in the
night, and remaining but a few moments,
of course I had little time for observation.
However, I ascertained from a native suffi
cient to satisfy me that what is true of the
other points described upon the trip, applies
equally to Palatka. There are but few resi
dents, and those tew are but illy prepared for
anything in the way of business transaction.
There are scarcely any troops in this section
of country —everything has been at a stand
still for many months previousjto the termin
ation of the war—the old inhabitants have
not yet been able to reach their homes, and,
consequently, but little money has found its
way in the direction of Palatka.
Here I met an intelligent and communica
tive citizen of Florida, from whom I obtain
ed many items of interest. It is generally
supposed that Florida has suffered much
more than she actually has, but the fact is,
the interior of the Slate, to a con
siderable extent, remains uninjured.
The Union forces did much dam
damage it Baldwin, but with almost this
single eiception, the destruction of property
sustained by Florida during the war is
chiefly confined to her seacoast cities, vil
lages anl towns, which, after all, leaves her
people ii a much more healthy and desirable
cohditicu than is generally supposed.
From another citizen of the interior of
Florida I ascertained that at the present
time there is actually iu the State more ba
con, sugar, molasses, &c., than has been be
fore for i number ot years. But little of
these coumodities left the State duriug the
four years of war just passed, with the ex
ception of what limited amount may have
passed tirough the blockade, whicn, from
all accoints, may be set down at hardly suf
ficient t» be worthy of mention.
The people generally, wherever I have had
an opprrtunity of becoming acquainted with
them, i find to be cheerful, confident aud
hopeful as regards the iutention of the gov
ernmeil in the future rules aud regulations
that ari to be imposed upon them for their
safety, guidance and control. They appear
to be vety well satisfied with the new state of
utiairs, afcl sanguine that a government which
once fun*,bed them protection, safety and
will not be slow to do the same
again to a\oyal and law-abiding people,
most of ure j n uo w ise responsible for
the breaking up onr couatry, but who have
themselves been muted ami persecuted by
Confederate conscrip. ofLcers. All success
to the good people of Florida—they deserve
ail the good that cae be byiowed upon them
—and, let us hope, that ihat sufleriug aud
hardships at present exis among them the
goyeremeut may speedily end its aid and in
fluence to alleviate and dspel, in order to
make room for anew and more healthy state
of affairs among a people who will hereafter
carry with them much weight in the business
aud commercial intercoms! of the country.
But little occurred during the return trip
of the Fountain worthy o.' mention, but a
word in regard to the boat herseit will not
be amiss. She is a fine steamer, strongly
built, and considered an excellent sea-boat,—
consequently just the thing for the Florida
travel. She has an excellent pair of oscil
laing engines, 22 inches in diameter and four
feet stroke, making 28 revolutions per
minute with 45 pouuds ot steam, aud aver
ages from 14 to 15 miles per hour in river,
aud from 10 1-2 to 12 miles at sea. Numerous
improvements are being ma le. The present
dining Saloon is being taken down and a
much larger oue erected, which is to extend
8 feet in leugta longer than the old saloon,
and the proper proportion in width. A large
and comfortable cabin is to be immediately
put upon the hurricane deck, in which are to
oe fitted up a number of airy and comfortable
berths for the better accommodation of the
travelling public, which will render the
Fountain equal to any vessel heretofore
upon the Florida line.
The Fountain is officered by the following
gentlemen : Captain, G. W. Caatner $ Pur
ser, Mr. Wm. B. Bullock ; Chief Engineer,
Mr. Geo. A. Palmer; Assistants, Messrs.
McCay and Zehnbaur; Steward, Mr. Thos
To them, individually and collectively,
your correspondent would return his heart
felt acknowledgments for the many kindness
and favors bestowed upon him, and particu
larly to the whole-souled Captain, the En
fineer corps, and to the polite and attentive
urser, Mr. W. B. Jackson. May their days
be lengthened and their shadows never grow
less. lam also indebted to Mr M. A.
Cohen, the courteous Agent of the line for
favors for which he has my thanks. ’
The Vicksburg Herald asks: Why are our
citizens still refused the return of their prop
erty v President Johnson, in his Proclama
tion of Amnesty, distinctly says that all
rights of property shall be restored. There
are men in this city who have always been
Luton men, and who now hold office with
the general approbation of our Union-loving
citizens, whose property is still in the hands
ot the treasury ageucy. Why is this ?
I here certainly must be something wrong
somewhere. We trust Gov. Sharkey wilt
iook into this matter and at least call the
attention of the President to the rank injus
tice which is being practiced towards the
Union men of this place.
• hundred and fifty-four persons died
»n New York last week.
||eto Sbbertisf mntts.
MR. J. H. NEWMAN, assisted by bis class of
will give a Concert at the above Hall To-night, Thurs
day, July 27th, ISC3.
Tickets 76 cents, for sale at the Music und Book
Stores and at the Hall. iy27-l
Roofs. Gutters and Leaders repaired at the shortest
notice. Gas burners re-fitted at the reduced price of
twenty-five cents per burner. Jy27-lw
A Situation by an elderly man as CLERK. Can
furnish the best of reference.
Address A. B. C.\ Savannah Herald office.
jy27 i
Mr. Francis Dowd is my duly authorised Agent dur
ing my absence from the State.
jy27 ts W. O’MEARA.
The New and Fast Steamer
Captain G. W. Castneb,
Will leave for the above places on SATURDAY
MORNING, the 29th inst., at 9 o’clock.
For Freight or Passage apply on board at Dillon's
Wharf; opposite the Gas Works, or to
M. A. COHEN, Agent
Freight payable on wharf. jy2?-3
On Monday night a Mule, brown color ieg3 striped
with white and oluck, branded with a letter u on the
right hip, aud an S on the left shoulder, was stolen
from my stable, corner of Taylor aud Price streets
Twenty dollars reward will be paid lor ihe recovery of
the animal.
Cottage residence, with commodious out-buildinge,
all quite new, situate in a one acre lot, corner Broad
and Few streets, Columbus, with excellent well of wa
ter. Also, a Saw Mill, with Circular Saws, on the
Mobile and Girard Railroad, 33 miles from Columbus,
with Engine of CO horse power, in fall v orking order.
Abundance of timber surrounding and four years'
right to cut and use the same.
For sale or Exchange by
jy27-2eod 117 Bay street.
The Arm of M. J. Doyle Jfc Cos, is this day dissolved
by the withdrawal ot Mr. John Daly. M. J. Doyle
continues on his own account, and will attend to the
unfinished business of the concern, he alone being au
(signed; M. J. DOYLE,
Savannah, July 27th, 1565.
Debtors andCreditors are requested to take due notice
Present claims anu pay your Dills ut once. 1 shall be
always found at the Old stand, No. ill) Bryan su*eet,
and, us in the past, will render polite attention and
satisfaction to old friends and customers.
jy 2 *' l M. J. DOYLE.
Several Photographic Instruments will be sold at
Public Auction to satisfy judgmeut beloie the First
Provost Court against Samuel A. Cooley, on Monday
uext, at A p. m., at Beckett's Pnotograpnic Rooms, on
Broughton street.
. Lieut. Col. and Ptovost Marshal,
jy2 «-l District of Savannah.
The subscriber offers for sale his three story brlek
dwelling house, situated on Montgomery street one
door south of York street. There is gas fixtures
through the house. To a person who desires a com
fortable home now is their chance. A dwelling house
and store is offered by this sale.
fe’ 2C s ISRAEL R, SEALY & CO.
Q 0 T T inr* GIN -Si t
far surpasses any other Gin ever before offered to the
The undersigned are prepared to furnish them at
regular rates, being the sole Agents for Horace L.
Emery, Patentee and Manufacturer.
Messrs. AMES, PEABODY & CO., No. 162 Congress
street, have the above Gin ou exhibition. Samples
can also be seen at the warehouse of
corner Bay and Abercom streets.
No. 19 Wall St Biter, Nkw Yobk‘
Give special attention to the purchase and sale of
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.
Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notes.
Southern states Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Boud*
and Coupons.
Interest allowed on deposits. jyls-3»