Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 09, 1865, Image 3
, o ( A k Ml TTI KB. I,[mil'***' tinil attcatucr*. TOR New YORK. t yrsvada. Saturday. September 9th. at 11 •rUipMp Ariadne, Thursday. September 14. at » . TOR rxTCTOBT(i» ... _ .. ,-fj. «. QlMeMis.ifVaev Tuesday morning KOR'T'l.fMt'K. ~l fr Fountain, Saturday, September 6th, at 6 ... m. iv .! hoctobtown.—The steamer Wm. 0. Gibbons, • PMlpot, arrived from Doctortown yesterday f , g " about eight o’clock. We are indebted to "-rse*'FaiT * or hn’ot*" . :,s Minstrels.— Tills troupe ol vocalists will -t*'auentertainment at St. Andrew's Halithlsevcn, “ r.sisting of songs, dances, farce, 4c. Seesmall Ft? is 5 to Duxos’sWHAßF.-Mr. Benjamin Cam -1 cne of our enterprising and adventurous me- P is making extensive repairs to Dillon’s hiraf situate under the Gas House hill. F--covert or STOLES PROPERTY. —A few nights ” me residence of Mr. Owens, corner of State and dl,c! ‘ fleets, was entered and robbed of a large AOCI -it of silverware. Mr. John S. Butler a private ;1V untiring zeal has recovered tliiity-seveu 'e-f-ofthe sioien plate, which has been restored to " Q_ e ns. Mr. Butler in connection with Mr. Pi; r :ck Cody has recently been-very successful in detecting titeives and burglars. Capt. 3. S Starr. tre omitted yesterday to allude to the fact that A'-mg Grief Quartermaster, Capt. S. S. Starr, J;aa K>»n relieved from duty at this Post,-and ordered to W-artmcnt Headquarters. Capt. Stare has fined t e important post of Chief Quartermaster at Saver., nr,it since the . occupation of the city by Gen. Sher imiTs army, and by his laithfui discharge of the on erous dunes of his office and gentlemanly and cour teous bearing has justly entitled himself to the es teem’ and respect of our citizens. Capt. S. being of the U. S. Volunteer Staff, is relieved in pursuance of Department regulations relieving and mustering out volunteer troops, and will retire from the service in wiiichjie has been engaged since the opening of the r t3 succeeded by LieuttXiol. E. B. Carting, C. 3. Army. 83 Chief Quartermaster of the ■District of Savannah. the courts. BEFORE CAPT. SAUL. COWPBY. ■ Savannah, Sept, 8, isos, r. S. vs. Samuel Whitfield—Petit larceny. Plea guilty. It was ordered that the defendant be Im prisoned in the city Guard House for three days. V. S. vs. Frank Thomas (colored)—Petit larceny. Plea guilty. It-was ordered that the defendant be imprisoned two weeks in the City Guard House. U. S. vs. Cornelius Maiionc—Selling or giving litjuor to soldiers and disregarding orders from Post Headquarters, by not posting liquor license in a conspicuous place in the room. Witness for U. S., ijenrv Bigelow, Cos. E 103rd N. Y. Vols. Plea not guilty, finding guilty. It was ordered that the de fendant pay a fine of S2OO, or be confined in the County jail for six months. Jacob Stewart vs. John Lionard.—Claim property. Ordered that the defendant pay into court the sum oi $25, property of J. Stewart. r. S. vs. Jno. Wright Petit larceny. Plea guilty, it was ordered that defendant be confined in the City C-uard House for one week. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Savannah, Sept, 8,4865. Remarks. At the date of our last report oil* market, owing to the Inclement state of the weather, was in a very quiet condition. The past few days having been fine, business of ali kinds lias been more active and the receipts of cot ton from the Aitatnaha river has been iarge.. We were pleased to notice the presence in our city of trains of wagons from Americas, SurapterrCffiitty Gccrgia, and Oglethorpe. They were fuiiy iaflened with cotton which met a ready market and the far mers immediately filled their wagons with gro ceries. TVe notice's demand for stores by new business firms who desire to open their stocks the present The Dry Goods market is without ciiange, and bu siness generally in this line is good. Deiains we quote at 45c. V- yard. Prints 33 to 40c. >’ yard, Bleached Cottons 4S to 55c. yard; Unbleached Cot -30 to 45c. ¥ yard j-Osnaburgs 30e. yard.— Yarns $3 to 3 .5 $ bunch. The Provision market is well supplied and, the de mand continues fair for neatly aii descriptions of supplies. Groceries arc iu fair request. The advancing ten dency of the Northern Market has had veiy e*- sect on our own as the stocks wete laid in when the rates were exceedingly low. W e notice on hand a very fair stock of Bacon of all descriptions, the Jde mand for which, is the city retail trade. The Gold market since the Ist in st. has been very quiet and without change. Foreign Exchange is very quiet and transa ct ions limited Central Rail Road Bank Bil 13, old issue, are in de mand at 6a to toc, an advance of 15 to 20c on last quotations.. We iearnthat 3aics have been made at 80 cents. ‘ Financial. Exchange.-*-A limited busiuess continues domg, and the transactions are confined to 9ight bills. Pa per of the first quality and on time is moderately dls counted. The rates are unchanged. The rates as quoted, prepared for the Herald, are correct. Bank Bates for Sellinq ExcHANGE.-Foreign Exchange, Sterling, in currency $l4B to $l4B 60, in gold $lO6 to $lO6 60; Checks on New York, lcer.t.; checks on Philadelphia, 1 $ cent.; checks on Balti more. 1 p cent.; checks on Boston, 1 per cent. Bank Rates for Purchasing Exchange—Foreign Exchange, Sterling, in currency $l4B to $l4B 60, in gold slo6'to $lO6 60. Specie—A fair business was doing the past week in gold and silver, The buying rate by Brokers, cto ; , was 46 V cent, premium, and selling ai 47 to 50 ?, cent. Silver continues scarce, and is readily pur chased at 37 ?! cent, premium, and selling at 40 ? cent, premium. ’ UN-current Money—The demand for Central Rail road Bank Bills is quite active, and they are consid erably enhanced in value. The buying rate In the city is C 5 to 70 cents, and we learn that in Efflngnam county the buying rate is 80 cents. We offer the fol lowing as fair quotations. Bank State of Georgia 20c ’ Marine Bank of Savannah 50c. Planters’ Bank of Savannah : • •■'sc. Bank of Savannah 30c - Central Railroad £• Banking Compjy of Ga. .os to .oc- Freights—Great activity exists in ali descriptions of Freights. Cotton to N. York we quote by steamer jtfe. ?! lb.; on Cotton by sail vessel, Me. lb.; Do iuestics, $1 60 by steamer and sail vessel. The com pressing of Cotton going North by steam and sail vessel, is alone on ship account,. To Augusta, mea surement goods arc $1 ? foot; by weight $4 f* cwt. To Florida, goods by weight, $1 60 cwt.; measure ment, 30c. ?! foot. Insurance—There continues a fair business in In surance. We have no change to notice in the rates which are a3 follows : Mariue risks K II rent, on first class steamera, ?* ?. cent, on first class sail ressels, l "ei cent, on A No. l vessels to Liverpool. Inland transportation on merchandise by steamer to Au gust* 1?! cent.,'by steamer from Augusta to Savan nah 2 'el cent, premium. Stocks and Bonds—Nothing doing and no quota tions- • Cotton iunrurt. Uplands—The Cotton market since the Ist lust, has declined from Ito 2 cents per lb. We offer the following as fair qotatious : Ordinary —27@28 %i it Middling 33 35 •• Good Middling 36 38 “ There is no fair cotton offering. Sea Islands—There is no change in the market. Ordinary Sea Islands arc selling from 56 to 70 cents per lb; the better grades SO to 90 cents per lb. - COTTON AND DOMESTICS. Receipts from July Ist to July 3lst, 1865 : Upland Cotton r 6.J18 Sea Islands 1* Cwnestlcs - v ... U Receipts from August Ist to AnguM Slst, 1805: Upland Cotton 14,637 Hot 151and5........ I.• :ni Domestics. 2,441 From Sept. Ist to Sept. etb. 1865 Uplands 3.384 Sea islands 661 Domestics. 681 Os the above receipts, 43 hales upland were by the Central Railroad. 217 uplands by wagons, and 76 sea islands by do. EXPORTS OP COTTON AND DOMESTICS. From July Ist to July 31st, 1865 : Upland cotton 5,390 Sea Islands ;a Domestics 10 From August Ist to Aug. 31st, 1865 : Uplands * 13.174 Sea Islands ; <570 Domestics * 1,521 From Sept. Ist to Sept. Bth, 1865 Uplands 3,698 Sea Islands Domestics.’. 0 714 Stock on hand Sept. Ist. 1865: Upland Cotton 3,724 Sea Islands - 231 Domestics 236 Stock on hand Sept. Bth, 1566 : Upland Cotton 3,410 Sea Islands 055 Domestics 203 . General Markets. Timber.— Ail descriptions of timber for mill and shipping purposes, is in active demand. Round mill logs are selling at $lO to sl6 '? M. feet, according to lengths, quality, etc. Oak, Ash and Hickory timber, of which there Is very limited quantities coming to market is selling at S2O to $25 ? M. feet. Pore—Family pig pork in half bbls is retating at $25 ?! half bbi. Beef—A very good demand prevails for Fulton Market at sl7 to $lB 50.?! half bbi. Pafep—We are pleaded to notice a fair demand for wrapping paper. Brown straw paper is selling from store at 75c to $2 50 v ream, according to size and quality. Indigo—lmported Madras and Vanilia, Is selling from store at $1 75 to $2 ?> lb; domestic 50 to 75c., ? lb. A fair demand exists. Fruits—Arc in fair demand. Lemons, we quote at $6 ¥ box ; of figs the market is quite bare, and none will be received until the new crop is made— Sleiiy oranges are selling at sl2 to sl2 50 ? box. Almonds soft-shell 40 to 50c. ? lb ; hard-sheii 25 to 35c. ?! lb. Pealed 75c ?! lb. Prunes box 40c— Cocoanuts sl4 $ Hundred.. Butter—The offering stock of Western and New York butters is very good. The trade is at the pre sent time of a local character. Western Butter we quote In firkins 35c. to 40c. ?! lb ; Choice Goshen 37>aC* to 40c. V lb- Cheese—Choice New York Dairy Is selling at 18 to 19c. ?! lb. The demand Is fair. Pineapple Cheese Is selling at 30c. ? lb. Fish—A fair demand for the Interior trade lias’ characterized our market the past few days. Mack erel No. 2 in half bbls. is selling at $0 ; quarter bbls. $5 ; No. lin kits $2 75 ; No. 2in kits $2 50. Her rings 60c. per. box.. Hides—ln consequence of the strict quarantine regulations in Northern ports, a limited business is doing iu all descriptions of hides. We quote green salted at 3c. s? lb, dry salted 6 a to Cc. ?! lb, dry fiint 7 to Bc. ?! ft. Wines and LiQueßs— During the past week a very good demand f**W}ie Interior trade prevailed, several large lots channel hands at prices- quoted by us The continued advance In the New York market has not had auy lnflucnce on our own, and we there fore continue our quotations of last week. We quote Wallace’s Brands as follows : Rectified at $” 76; Mixed copper dLstilled at $3 g. Imperial Nec tar at $3 50; Chicken Cock Bourbon at $4 50; Columbia Gin at $3 50; M, Leavy A- Co.’s genuine Kentucky Bourbon, in cases, at sl2 ; Nlcholat’s Schnapps, sl2 ; Sherry Wine, sl2 ; Cognac Brandy, S2O; Ale, per dozen. $3; Porter, per’ doz. $3 ; Virginia Mountain Dew Whiskey, $2 70 (per gallon; Old Plantation Bourbon Whiskey, $3; Fuller’s Old Rye Whiskey, $4 50 to $6; Old Santa Cruz Whiskey, warranted genuine, $8 to $lO ;P. H. Godard’s Bran dy, sl6 ?! gallon; Seignette, sls ; Otard, Dupuy A Cos , sl6 to $lB. Lumber and Shingles arc in fair demand. From miil Yellow Pine Lumber and Scantling is selling at $46 ■?. M feet. White Pine Board rough, we quote at $35 to 45 ?! M. feet, according to the size of the iots ; Dressed White Pine Boards we quote at 15@55 ?! M feet. Cedar Shingles are in fair demand at $3 ?! M feet. Crackers—From store in lots to suit purchasers sales are reported at. the following figures: Soda 12c per I’d.. Sugar 14c per ib.; Plays lsc P er *'>• '< Edin burgh 18c per lb.; Tea Cakes, 23c per lb. SUGARS—Brown Cuba Sugars are selling at 14 to 17c. ?! ft.; Light Brown, 18 to2oc. ft.; Granulated, 20 to 23c. ?! ft.; Crashed, 23c. ?i ft. Candies—Stuart’s Fancy retailing from store at 40 tQ 60C. ?! ft. Matches—A fair demand for local and interior trade prevails. German Matches are selling at $3 50 ?! gross : Parlor, $4 y gross. Nails—A large and well selected stock of Boonton Nalls are offering In the market. Sales are reported of assorted sizes at prices ranging from $0 to $6 25. Flour—ls in fair demand for immediate city con sumption. We qpote : Common, $8 to $9 ?! bbi.; Fine Baltimore Extra, sll to sl2. Rice—From City Store, Rice ?! cask is retailing at $9 50 ?! cwt. Salt—The receipts of Elvcrpool Salt continue very light; from store it is retailing at $5 "A sack. Snuff—From store, we quote Lorillards of all grades at $1 ?! ft. in jars. , KTEWSKmTPb B'aß The Great Invention of the Age IN Hoop Skirts, -J. W. Bradley’s IV'ew Patent Duplex Ellip tic (pr Double) Spring Skirt. THIS Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Beflned Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom Bend or break like the sin gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as one Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriages. Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and Hott3e Dress, as ihe Skirt can be folded when in nse to occupy a small {dace as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin )ress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will neveriafter vvards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies they are superior to nil oth ers. The Hoops are covered With 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long us the single yam covering which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Doable Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cov ering trotn wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, 4c., which they are constantly subject to when in nse. All are made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the moat graceful and perfect shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical bltirt ever made. WESTS’, BRADLEY 4 CARY, (late J. I. 4 J. O. West,) Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Manu facturers, 97 Chambers and 78 and 81 Readc streets. New York. For sal. in all "first class stores in this city, and throughout the United States and Canadas, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West In dies. Uif“ Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or doable) Spring Skirt, Jyß Stl GUNNY BAGGING: For sale toy N ‘ *■ hardk a co. Hotel Arrivals. PL'LASKI IIOI’SK SEPTEMBER H. ls*s. W H Jordan. Thomas co iW H Sutktil, Quar Scar JSMerrlii, do | H A Foor. Port Royal John Bowie " do H Lawrence, do J B Mclntosh. do Ii L Singleton. Georgia B F Williams. Ware co Ro.vnu F Smith. . A Reppard, do T Marshall. Augusta A W Leonard, Ft Pulaski W D W Banmrd, City W K K ilor, do John Miller. New Yolk. C O Haliett, ilo | PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) SEPT. 7. lajwi-. Rttch, St Helena |J B Cohen, NOrleans G A Wright, Charleston J C Holm,'- tliitou Head W H Allen, do jj E Drayton, R Henderson, do ii’ Stoddard, New York J B Arnold, do !.! Williams, do J Bartlett, SC ;Mrs Mathews and child, . J J Rutell, S&vaunah | Jacksonville SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) SF.PT. 7. H F Rhett, Columbia Capt T D Hodges, W B Xeans, do j »C SC T. Mis A Laid)', Savannah IM B Moody, CS X Shippin{f Intellifyemce. -Hinature Alninuac—Tills Day. Sun rises -. 5 49 Moon rises 9 19 Sun sets. 6 15)High. water iO lb TORT OF SAVANNAH Arrived. Friday, Sept. 8. 1865. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Phiipot. Doctortown Fi“ wiu 4 Hardee. Imports—l 47 bales cotton, and merchandize. Consignees.—W B Adams, HMeinhard JohuCun n idftiam, u 4 F King, S Catner,' A Backer, O Cohen Co,, J S iY V c Har S ee ’V vvin .. A Haidee ’ RHabersham* boii. B D Eidiitley, Lcnvuie Jos Lipuiuaii ami other.}. . 1 * 1 Passengers.—ilon D J Dilion. John D Chariton J Merrill, John C Trice, lire Lester and ran Mi *M A cester, Samuei Lester, Col Clinch and servant, a S Cannet, c H Butler and family, Mi > White, JofcnC ° > or woou, Rev CB King. Master Kinc Mws E Tyson and seivaut, Capt Beard, R Tompkins, Mrs Miner, T X incus and ladv. Jif Davis J A Rev npids, J B Mclntosh \\ H Jcrdar.. W M Smith, John Biur, A Reppard. R F.Wiliiams W F Parker William Robinson, sVAktns, DWDroody ’ - Steamer Resolute, Spregg, Tybee Roads. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. Steamer Samson, Denette. Tybee Roads. Heienis fiat No. l from Augusta, with 95 bales cot ton and 2 casks beeswax, to Kcin 4 Cos. Cleared. Steamer Savannah, Eldridge, Augusta. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Piiilpot. Darien—Erwin 1- Haraee. Steamer Resolute, sfiegg, Hiiton Head. Went to Sen. Brig Waltham. , for New York. PORT.OF PORT ROYAL. Arrived. Sepl 6 Sloop Fleet, Berry, Savannah. Cleared. Sept 7.—Sclir Lottie Klbts, Endicott. Savannali. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE POHT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Sept. 7,1865. steamships. Nevada, Carpenter, from Mew York—discharging foot of Abcrcom street—Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. BRIGS. Brig Hattie, Gilbev, from Hilton Head, with ice discharging at exchange Dock—Cheesman k Mar shal!. SCHOONERS. Sclir Georgia, Holt, 78 tons, from Baltimore—dis charging at Central Wharf. Sclir Wm E Stevenson. Threadcraft, 45, from Ma tanzas—discharging at dock foot or Barnard Street- Master. Schr F. C Howard, Nickerson, 306—discharging bal last at Wlilink’s wharf, near Gas House—Hill Mas ter. Witch Queen, Percival.lis—from Boston-adischurg ing at Lower Rice Mill—Richardson & Barnard. Alice Flora, (Hr) Knowles, from Nassau—discharg ing at Lower Rice Mill—Bell, Wvllv * Christian Anna Sims, (new) Stevenson, awaiting completion ai Quaurock’s Mills—C L Colby 4 Cos. Addle E Batnes, Lawson, 145, waiting cargo foot of Drayton street—Emil Koetcfce A- Cos. Ruth Baker, Smith, 378—loading for New York foot of Barnard street—C L Colbv 4 Cos. Eotheu. Murray, 102, front’Nefi- York—discharging foot of Barnard street—Master. SLOOPS. Er Sloop Sylvia, Brown, from permuda—discharg ing at wbarl foot of Barnard street. HERALD ’ JOB PRINTING OFFICE, N’o, ill Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. We respectfully call the attention of the public to the facilities which we have for doing ail kinds of jOB PRINTING. We have the best pbe'sses For doing all kinds of work, and we keep them in good repair. We employ only FfiRST CLASS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND TRIED ABILITY. <r We have •New Printing Materials * From the Best Northern Foundries, to which we arc constantly making additions. We "are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, . PROGRAMMES, PLAYBILLS. CIRCULARS, BILLS OP FARE, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES, TICKETS. BUSINESS CARDS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAFTS, " RECEIPTS. CHECKS, PASSES, LABELS, CONSTITUTIONS, BY-LAWS, BALLADS, PAMPHLETS, CALENDARS, LEGAL BLANKS, SHIPPING BLANKS Or any other kind of PRINTING—in ant stvi.f We have a Fime Assortment of Inks FOB —* PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY HAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and carefui attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customers. OUR FRZOSS Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and a:e bslow the Increased rates which rule in other lines of business S. W. MASON A CO., 11l Bay Street, SsvAnnah. Gcrgia. BOY TOUR COOL TAYLOR’S ALE ! i 41 TONICING’S, IN BEAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HSAP aug24 AJHSEMtm voiiKH’ ciivnTsiivr, rCongreM , between Jeffereon And Montgomery •»-, ; REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, 'tsx TH* Savit uu a h Orchestra, Prof. E. Ricbteb, Leader, tw~ Refreshments of the best quality and ia every variety. ltao anio- SPFCIAL NOTICES BATCUSX.OR S HAUL DYE ! The Original and Best in the World \ The only tme and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless Reliable and Instan taneous. Pi ounces immediate.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the h&j* or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed V> iiiiarn A Batcheior. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MIU EFTET RS. For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. NT.u York WANTED. House Wanted,* UNFURNISHED, by a family of three, or would be willing to rent a portion of a house. A ddross Downing Box 413 P. O. eepS-3 D INTED IMDIITEIA. FIFTY TONS ot Rags and Waste Paper The* HIGHEST CAST! PRICES PAID- Also. Cot t n Pi-kings, Wool, Hides. Tnilow. Grease. Metals, Bottles, &e.. at the FOREST CITY MILL.-. an4-tf . Savannah. WANTED TQ PURCHASE, OH KEEP FOR HIS FEED, a good Horse that will work in single hatne»L Must be gentle. Apply to seps N. A. HARDEE & CO. ~ TO RENT. Offices to Let, TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE. CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OiralCE auia-tf ‘ ROOMS TO LET, jP. Lt iiilton Hoad, St. 0., THE Palmetto Ilerald Building hnving been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suita ble lor Sleeping Apartments or lusiuesa purposes. % For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., on the prem ises, corner ot Merchants* Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to C o’clock p. ro jn22 WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. THE Subscriber announces to his friends and pa trons that he has just returned from the Northern Cities, where he has made arrangements with the best Importing ITouses, with whom he has dealt for many years, for supplies of erery article in his line ana now offers for sale, rathe most reasonable ter ms.— His present Stock, selected by himself v.ith great care, composes; BRANDY. OTARD, DUPUY A CO., PINET, CASTILI.ON 4 CO., a. seignette; FELLEVOISIN. GH IN . WEBER SWAN AND IMPERIAL EAGLE. COMET, (in cases.) WHISKIES. JOHN GIBSON, SONS k CO., MONONGAHEEA. X, XX, XXX, CABENET, NECTAR and PURE OLD RYE, *- •O. K. BOURBON, Very Old. . • K U M -. JAMAICA AND St. CROIX. CHAMPAGNE, » OF VARIOUS BRANDS, in QiJSrts and Pints T E A. S % IMPERIAL, YOUNG HYSON, HYSON, OOLONG, POWCHO.YG, in Caddies and Half Chests. hUUAK, COIHI, So At*. STARCH, &C., XI. Also, Agent for the sale of Massey, Collins 4 Cos. PHILADELPHIA ALE, ♦tpfi-tf , DAVIDSON. DANIEL MANN, \\’ HOitKSALK and Retail Dealer in Tinware, t 7 Stoves aud Stove Pipes. Also, Roofing, Gnt tering and Repairing done at the shortest notice. Northwest corner of St. Julian street sepS-lm and Market Square. ACADEMY OF ST. VINCENT OF PAUL, Savannah, GrOoi*grin, CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY THE Pall Term of th’s Institution will re-open on September 15th and close on February 15th. 1866. The Spring Term will commence on February 15th and close on July 15th. Terms per Session, including board. Tuition in English, V/ashlng. ami nse fieri end Bed Tuition in Frcuck 20 no do Music on Piano 30 00 do Music on Guitar 30 00 i do Crayon, Drawing and Fainting in Water Colors 20 00 Tuition in Oriental Painting, per course 15 00 do Wax-Fruit and Flowers 20.00 do Embroidery 10 00 For further particulars apply to tne Superioress at the Institution. au29-2awJm SiniILFRY MmSM. WM. H. MAY, Sign of the Golden Saddle, CORKER BRYAN AXD WHITAKER STS DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS And all kind, of SADDLERY WARE, RUBBER BELTING, v PACKING, AWD Stretched Leather Belting. ALSO, A complete assortment of WILLOW WARE, »nch ss MARKET BASKETS, CLOTHES BASKETS,CHAIRS large end small: with or without Rocker*. DRUMS, DOLLS, MARBLES, CARRIAGES, Ac., Ac , togeth er with a (tall and complete selection of every article known in this line of business. Thankful for past favors, the advertiser would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. , angS* ts *| AUG IIUN UALt9™P Adiuiuistralor'tf Malt*. By York, Williams, Mcliitire & Co= Will be sold on TUESDAY. Jfhb in front of Stow, 166 \ Bryan street, Sandrr articles of Household <uid Kitchen Furni ture helongtn, to theeetaieof the late Thomas J. Tut. Sold iter order of the Administrator and by )>er/nis pioii of the Honorable the Court of Orjdiiiarv of Chatham county. * gepT YoiUi ' \ fJ. R.M« iNTiae. M. L. Williams, f \ P. n Ward. YORK. WILLISMS, MiISTIRE S CO., A l <JT I O X AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, , S V ANNAH, ,G- ik . CORllfiRMINig Ul CUi IUN ANU lUMktS soiieiiN. Rdwencovio Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos .: bL'V 1 v Hardee, Qaden I ncklop. I). La : Hiram Rohorts Era.. Wvllv Wood hntlgi, Es vl . Hunter & Gammcll; L O Nor veil <t A K'TTi in n N u* Yc l k T Mowr *' T. Knapp A Brn.. D. H. Bakiivm 4 Cos. .in2«.pod!m ■ . STATRIVKRV. a.l ESTII^T Wewspaper Depot, ANi* STATIONERY STORE, Bail Street, Comer of Bay Laue.' BACK OF iHE POST OFFICE. 3 ?»r:Ercv- Just Received at the above Depot a farther supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, ivy Annie Thomas. Price 60 cents. BtLIAL. a Novel. Price-60 cents. CHRISTIAN’S MISTAKE, by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. Price 75 cent** THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK. Price 35 cents. • —‘ also HARPER’S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY', Ac., for September. Tho nsual aswortmcnl of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer HUg.'iO BOOKS & STATIONERY, WHOLESALE AAIO RETAIL. 'CALL AT SAViLLE & LEACH, aep4-tf cor Bryan street and Market Square. CATHOLIC HOOKS. KEY OF nEAVEN, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, WAY TO HEAVEN, GATE OF HEAVEN, FLOWERS OF PARADISE, POCKET MANUAL. For sale by Saville <fc Leach, Timber Cutters’ Bank. .aepl-tf Cor. Bryan street and Market Square. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN- Youths’ Pictorial Library, Marla Edeworth’s Earty Lcssone, Talcs and Stories Worth Telling, Little Frankie Stories, . Young’ People’s Library, Salt Water Tales, • Uncle Sam’s Library, The Robin Nest Stories, Lelia Books, Bcquets for Children, Mount Veruon Juveniles, Six Pleaennt Companions, Merry Tales and Stories for Young Folks, The Juvenile Library, The Jewel Case, Sea and Laud Stories, The Dog Crusoe's Stories, Molly and Kitty’s Juveniles. Saville & Leach, aop4 tl cor. Bryan street and Market Square. BOOKS. THE POETS IN BLUE AND BOLD. Ilood, 43ur00, Moore, Bvrcn, Mlitou, Goldynitb, Wordsworth, Campbell, Coleridge, Oaaian, Hemacs, Pope, . Scott, f'rAbbe, Cowper. Saville & Leach, sepl-lf' cor. Bryan street and Market Square. SCHOOL BOOKS, Speiiers, Renders. Grammars, Book-Keeping, Copy Books, Dictionaries. Saville & Leach, sepl-tf cor Bryan street and Market Square. INK. OK GROSS INK, in stands, at *3 50 per cross. 15 e- U dozen Arnold's Willing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale by SAVILLE A LEACH. a °l2 ts cor. Bryan street and Market square. Mule Stolen—s2s Reward. STOLEN from the Stable of the subscriber, between Abercorn and Lincoln, on Broughton street, Mon dav night last, one iron grey Mule. The said Male 14 guided on the left shoulder from the wearing of a col lar. The mouth of the mule Is considerably deep by the wear of the bridle and bit A reward of $25 will be paid for the return of the mule or ior information where it may be obtained T. B. BL vKB WOOD, * At Demand’# Upper Cotton Press. % aep6-lw g foot of West Broad afreet. Notice. ( 'AFT CALVIN H. PIKE, Tax Collector, baa his V' office In the Exchange building, foot of Ball street. Honrs (tom 9a. m. nntil 3p. m. au29 White Sulphur Springs, FLORIDA. A Popular and Healthful Resort. The subscriber Is prepared to accommodate Board res at thei ahove Springs, situated within tweive miles of Lake City and seven miles from Wel bnrn Station, on the Jsctisonvllle and Tallahassee Railroad. Stages connect regularly with the trains to convey passengers to tb#.- Spring* The Sulphur Springs are noted for the boratffbl sup ply of water and fw Us medicinal virtues, many case, of long sundlng disease having been affected by their Terms adapted to spit tfee times aaf dlwAiawSvj w. A. TURNER star line FOR NEW YORK. • THE new and elegant firat daaa . . tTf'-i Lu ir 7 - 9 - Mall Ste«n«hl; NEVADA --ariT'lfiJuT Uap«. Carpenter will poeitivelv f ur i arf-i 1 iihmaßtbe abnveport on Kvtm-fta}-, Sept. »«!,, „t II o'clock a. m. For freight or paaaage, 1 laving aplcndid accommo dation!, applvto BRIGnAM, BALDWIN A CO . aepft Building, opposite ®.M Offlce. Atlantic Const Mn il Steam Company. FOB NEW YORK, The First Clas-f St araship ARIAD lxlhr positively sail i>n her regular dav, THITR9i)Af, the 14th ingt., nt*a o’clock p. m. For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to JOHN R. WILDER Ship’A Bills of Lading furnk hed and signed at the office of Consignee. gepS FOR FREIGHT OR CHARIER. The fast sailbig Schooner COQUE T.T E , Os Savannah, JAMES Master, Lying at the Lower Rlcc Mill, is now ready to take Cargo An ltoard fqr any place on the coa6t of South Camlilfk, Georgia or Florida. For freight or charter*fc>ly to J. W. ANDEHSON i SONS,tMerchan ts, Corner Drayton and B.yan streets, sep9-5 Savannah, Ga. FOE NEW YORK STAR LINE. BEMI“WEEK.XiY, Tho first class U. S. Mail Steamships NEVADA, m - ... - Cspt. Cast-ek-ito. UNITED STATES, .... - - Capt. Share. AMERICA. ..... Capt. Clift. CONSTITE7TION, - - - ■ Capt. oeekiiah. The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Satnrday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CQ, Agents, Savannah, Ga. • WAKEMAN, GOOKIN * DICKINSON, Agents, _ 9 IT Broadway, New.Yoi lt. For New York. * The AI Schooner LOVET EACOCK, T.UIGO, IVlaster, Having the greater portion of cargo engaged, wiil have despatch for the above port. 'For freight apply• sepg HUNTER 4 GAMMELL MERCIIAXTS’ LINE Vessels. Regular Weekly Line of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. THE undersigned intend to keep up a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying be tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for passengers and the very best fa cilities for delivering freight in good low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention iiven to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., aul 3 cor. Bay and Abercorn etr‘,,r MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing -g; Vessels FOR NEW YORK. The fine Clipper Schooner E. C. Howard, Capt. Nickerson, Will have quick despatch for the above Port. For Freight or Passage apply tp CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO, angJl-t? cor. Bay and Aht-rcorn sts. . MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels, FOR NEW YORK. rrilE SCHOONER gSbgIA. Capt. Holt, wifi have A- despatch for the ahdFe port, chn has room for a small quantity of light freight. Apply to scp.’.-lf CHAS. L, COLD y *CO. Merchants 1 Line of Sailing Vessels FOR Tsrwrw YORK, THE fine Clipper Bark IDA KEMBALL, Gossling, Master, will have quick despatch for the above port. Apply' to sopG-tf CHAS. L. COLBY & CO, FOR PALATKA, Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Maty’s, Fer nandina, .Jacksonville and Picolnta. (THE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Cant. G. A W. Castsru, will leave ra above on SATURDAY, the 9th-inst., at 9 o’clock a.m. For Freight or Pussage apply on board, at Dillon’s Wharf, opposite the Gas Woiks, or to- M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight payable on Wharf Shippers will furnish weights and measurement of goods. _ septf SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Ooous will be received at our warehouse, on Dillon’s Wharf, at anytime du ring tb-week. erwin a- Hardee. mil' lmo For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R. FOR THOMABVILLE. ’PHE Light Draught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, A Oapt. Philpot, will leave DiJlcu’s Wharf, orv Tuesday morning, t2d Inst., at if o’clock, and will ply regularly between Savannah and Doctortown, in connection jvlth the Road, leaving as follows: SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. DOCTORTOWN EVERY THCP.BDAY. Freight receipted for through to any point, on Rail road between Doctortown and Thom»svilie. Freights payable here. ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, ang2l-lm . Agent on Wharf. FREIGHT' FOR MGIISTi, received Daily, And Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt. R. Johnson. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Exiwako Having a commodious Warehouse <sn Dillon's Wharf, we are prepared to receive freight as above. Due notice will be given of the days of departure of each steamer. ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. an!B lm . Agent on Wharf. Paving Bricks. 110nn NORTHERN PAVING BRICKS. Jus I ll’Uv landed and for sale bv RICHARDSON* BARNARD, sep4-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner's C imrch,, BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS —AT— TONKING'S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAP, j aug?4 ts Central kail road SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE ) • (srL SSSS rannftg* hetweem WayneshoCo?^ GEO W ADAMS, sep , - e SSS , T^IESSBS i * t ! Assistant Snperintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. . Freight for A«?!I? nDB ¥. Qa -» A «gust 34,1365 I low 4» r ■' nia totfrmedlate Stafions be TawwSSSEßfiF*' "yisa I’l'"’* 1 ’ I '"’* * GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent. Atlantic & Gulf Railroad NOTICE is hereby given that an arrangement has been entered into between Messrs * nardee. Agents for tho ® STEAMER WM. G, GIBBONS and this Company, by which Passengers and Frckrhr will be transported to and from Thomaaville \ unnah aud all intermediate points. Goods will be received at auy time during the week at the steamer’s Warehouse, on Dillon’s Wharf WILLIAM DUNCAN, Acting President Atlantic & Gulf Railroad. „„ ~ , GASPER J. FULTON, i Superintendent. DRUGS. * AN hoiesale il>ruggists 9 Alv’S DSALEB.B IST Perflimery, Pjteat MetUcines, ORDERS WITH REMITTANCES PROMPTLY EXE CUTED AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. HARRAL, RISLEY & TOMPKINS, No. 141 Chambers mid No. 1 Hudson St.., NEW YORK. . James Harral, formerly of Charleston, S. C. H- Ridley, formerly of Augusta, Ga. ’ au29-Sl3t Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals. A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS,' PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSS® t LANDIED FROM NI IV TORK. Apothecar ts, Planters, and tradi rs from the interi or, can he supplied at she shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure. A laro quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, wiiOLXSAr. i ai»n retail. LT APOTHECARIES' HALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard. stieets. N, B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. . ~ , W. M. WALSH, jnlo-3m Proprietor. * Helmbold’s Fluid Extract Buclm. For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. The er hausted powers of N atnre which are accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will be found, Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wnirefiilncs., Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil; in fact, Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter Into the enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weak ness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold’s Extract Buchn invariably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption cr insanity ensues. Helilioli’s riuid*Extract Bucliu, In affections peculiar to -Females," is nneqnaled by. any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Prinfuincss olC'Ußtomary Evacuations Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Uterus; and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence In, or the decline or change in life. HctoMil’s Fluid. Extract Bnclrn, AKI> LAIPROVED ROSE WASH. Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases arising from nabits of Dissipations! little expense, lit tle or no change in inconvenience or exposure, completely superseding those unpleasant and danger ous remedies, Copaiva and Mercury in all these dis eases. USE XXBL&XBOUY’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. In all Diseases of those organs, whether existing in ’Male” or “Female,” from whatever canae originating and no matter how long standing, It ie pleasant in taste and odor, “immediate" in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must b** aware that however slight may bo the attack of the above di-cases, it is cert»3u to af fect his Bodily Health, Mental Powers, and Happi ness. All the above diseases repuire the aid of a diuretic IIEisItIBOisU’S EXTRACT BTJCIIU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. Helmboid’s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID IXTRAGT SARSAPARILLA, For purifying ilie blood, removing all chronic consti tutional diseases, arising Irom an impure state of the b i°°c ’ ?i and tt l e on ! y re '-“°' e and effectual known rem edy tor tbo cflre ol scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum. Patna and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tet ter, En-slpelas, i>nd all scaly eruptions or the skin. AND BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION Not. a few of the worst disorders that affect man ltind arise lrom tb-* corruption that accumulates in the blood. Os all the discoveries that have been made to pnrgc it out, none can equal in effect HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND EXTRACT , OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instate the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humous which make disease. It stimulates the healthy func tions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle m the blood. Such a remedy that could be relied on, has long been sought for. and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates to show its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tablvspoonful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is lolly eqnal to a gallon of theSyrap of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. These Extracts.Jiave been admitted to use in the United States Army, and are also in very general use in all the State Hospitals and Public Sanitary Institu tions throughout the land, as well as In private prac tices, and are considered ns invaluable remedies. See Medical Properties of Buchu.^ FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATES. See Professor Dewee’s valuable works on the Prac tice of Pay sic See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physic of Philadelphia. Sec remarks m%’e by Pr. Ephraim M’Dowell. a cel ebrated Physician and Alember of the Royai College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the Transac- of tho King and Queen’s Journal. See Medico Cblrnrgical Review, published by Bln amin Travers, Feilov of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works of Atedldne, ! EXTRACT BUCHU, j SARSAPARILLA.’* « . 1 Sold by all Bruggi sts PRINCIPAL DEPOT— ha * ass o.fc s• a DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, I •f-P’-lm m faotxiway, V.T, I