Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 19, 1865, Image 3
sava n nTh: Dcparturt of StruuiaUipa uuu Miuitn. >OB MEW TUBE. -teamshlp Hunter Thursday, October lWh, at o'clock. Steamship Varnna. Thure lay, October lttti, ai 7 o'clock a. Hi. Steamship Gen. Sedgwick, Saturday, October Slat, at »'A unlock. Steamship Nevada, Saturday, October 2l*t, at»J4 o'clock. Steatnah'P Perit, Siturday, Octolier 21« t. at 9 o'clock. Steamship Zodiac, Saturday,. October 21st, at 9 o'clock. roB xrocs**. suamer Gen. Berry, This Morning, at 11 o'clock a. m. roit Florida. Steamer Fountain, Tuesday morning, October 24th, at 10 o’clock. The Savamsah prices Current.—'the second number of our Letter Sheet prices Current revised and corrected, aud made up for the week, will be Issued on Saturday morning. Merchants desiring copies, with their cards in serted, win please leave their orders at our counting loam its Friday 13 o'clock. CONDITION or THE Maksm.—The interior of the Market building has Just been receiving anew coat Irom the brush of the White-washer. The stalls, pavements, walks and the outside are kept scrupulously clean. Tite market keeper, Mr, E. Siieftall, Is paying care ful attention to ills business, collecting fees, weigh ing hides and meats,' listening to complaints, and promptly discharging all his varied duties from five o’clock in the morning until night, .Several fine lots of meats have been on sale in the market, and all descriptions of produce—sweet potatoes, sugar canes', fish, sausages, liver-puddings; hogshead cheese, blood puddings and other articles are plenti ful. The coffee stalls are driving a lucrative busi ness. ESTILL’S Boos Depot.—We have been favored by Mr. J. H. Estill with a file of the latest New York journals, and with a number of periodicals, whose titles are annexed: "National Quarterly Review,’’ for October ; suable n lmber. "Frank Leslie’s illustrated,” for October 21; a capital number, with beautiful illustrations. "Harper's Weekly,’’-'lllustrated by an unusual Yariety of personal portraits. “The Nation,” October 12 ; a rich number with di versified contents. “The Round Table,” October 14; abounding In able dissertation. arrival of Fovr Src-Oisiurs Fbom New York - Lively SCENES IN THE HARBOR OF SAVANNAH.—A sight which has not greeted the eyes of our citlsens for four years, was witnessed yesterday morning be tween the hours of seven aud eight o’clock, being the arrival of four steamships from New York, all laden with goods. The arrivals yesterday morning were the Nevada, Ceu. Sedgwick, Zodiac and Perit. The Hunter and Yaruna were already lying at theft wharves. Including the steamship America which departed early yesterday morning, seven merchant steamers lay in our port at one time. New Book STORE.-We have heretofore neglected to notice the fact that Mr. B. Malian, for many years a popular teacher of youth In this city, has opened a Book Store on Congress between Barnard and Whit aker streets. His stock comprises, besides the cur rent literature of the time, a very extensive and choice selection of standard books, with all the School Books in common use. His long identifies, tlou with the educational institutions of our city aud State, has made him thoroughly acquainted with the Text books required In our schools and academies, aud teachers and others will find that Ills stock has been selected specially with a view to supply their want3. Upon his shelves the classical reader wil 1 find many of his old acquaintances, with most of the new authors worthy of cultivating. The Theatre.—“The pleasing domestic drama "Fanchon, the Cricket,” which Miss Maggie Mitch ell has made famous, Is produced this evening as the Theatre. The character of “ Fanchon” is admirably adapted to the powers of the eomigedleniie of our company, Miss M. E. Gordon, and we look for a Very successful and pleasing rendering of it at her hands Stoves.—We invite the attention of housekeepers to the advertisement of J. 0. Thompson & Cos., In anotUer column. Their stock comprises 6very va riety of the latest styles of cooking stoves, heateis, pots, ovens, willow ware, Ac. Those who agree uoi only with Mrs. Toodles, but with all' keepers that a good cooking stove Is a good thing to have la the kitchen*should give Messrs. Tttpmpson A Cos. a call. Sea Island CoTton.—There are uow at the sheds ol Alexander Hardee, south-east corner or Jefferson and Bay streets about 40,000 lbs. of Sea Island Seed Cotton, raised by the freed men on Skhlaway, and other Islands on the coasts. The entire lot can be purchased at a low rate. Tranks. —The obliging Pursers of the steamers Zodiac, .Nevada, Gen. Sedgwick and Perit, have our thanks for flies of New York papers. Firemen’s Benefit.—Holders of tickets for the Firemen’s Beuellt at the Theatre on Friday evening, can secure seats by application at the Book Store of Messrs. P. C. schriener and Cos., on Friday evening. Cheap Dry Goods.—'The attention of our lady readers Is especially directed to the advertisement of Messrs A. Rescher 4 Cos, offering their large and well selected stock of foreign and domestic dry goods at the lowest prices for cash. The attention of our readers Is called to an ad vertisement In another column of Messrs. Cameron A Cos. headed “Ornamental Hair." The United States by Henry Tuckson vs. Edward (Colored)—Assault and Battery. This case is dis missed for non-appearance of the prosecutor. Steamer Fountain. —This flue steamer under Cupt. Custner, departed yesterday for Florida, with a heavy cargo and a large number of passengers. Many desired to take beyond the carrying capacity of the steamer. THE COURTS. BEFORE LIECT. COL. M. T. nOLBROOK, TROVOST MAR SHAL, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 18, uses. Thos. C Ford vs. Michael J Reilly, ngent-Posses slou of premises. In compliance with orders receiv ed from Headquarters, Hepartmeut of deorgla, dated Augusta, Qa., October 12th, ISC6, Thos. C. Ford aud wife are commanded nd required to vacate and de liver quiet and peaceable possessed of the premises the subject matter of suit on the 14th day of Sept. 18C6 to Michael J. Reilly, agent of M. A. Cohen, Trustee for the said Michael J. Reilly and wife, on or before 12 o’clock, M. on the 19th Inst: and la case of default being made lu this order, that they be forcibly eject ed therefrom, as well as be held subject to prosecu tion for contempt of court and disobedience of mili tary order;.. -It was further ordered that Thomas C. Ford pay, upou the presentation of this order, all costs of suit accrued In this case amounting to cjght dollars. United States by policeman G L Breen, vs. Wylly Wright (colored)—Larceny of an anchor. Prosecutor M. Gardner. Plea not guilty ; the prisoner having been found guilty of the charge or which he was ac cused, by the te3tUnony of tUe witness examined, It was ordered that the prisoner be remanded to the county Jail for close confinement for the term of one month, and be thereafter discharged. The United States by Policeman R. M. Harris, vs. Stephen Graham (colored.) Having cotton In his possession which Is supposed to have been stolen.— Upon the examination of the witnesses In this case, it was ordered that the defendant be comined In Chatham county jail until the matter at Issue can be more fully Investigated. The U. S. by Patsey White (colored.) vs. Thomas O’Hara—Assault and Battery. In the above case the prosecutor having failed to appear, on motion of M. J. Ford, Esq., defendant’s counsel, it was ordered that the case be dismissed from tbe docket, upon pay. ment of costs by prosecutor. Boots, Shoes, &c GENTS’ BOOTS, Oelteti and Balmorals; Ladle*’ and Misses’ Gs ten and Balmorals; Children's Balmorals sad Bootses Just received and Mr «ale by « S. M. COLDING, octll No. 151 Congret* street. Potel ArrlvjilM. PULASKI HOUSE. OCTOBER 18. ISU Mrs Kinney ami child, lias Camion. KngUi,.| Augusta 'J G ThaMfaan. -Beaufort Titos« FerreUy, H Head W ftec«i-ll,Tharl.-.t<.n Jno PI to, do |LG Young, ,io W H Wooderlan do jjos Bevy. ,|,, John .V Driggs, Florida fAWLaty, do R W Heat, do lUuwDean, Edgefield J A .Yimttc, do [J L Turner, do J B Broome, Boston J Jeltrav. Barbadoes, W I •Si K Cheevcr, do |F Knight, Martinique, WI GA Loxuoftjr do J.V Joues, Baltimore LK .waynor. TallaliasseeiC K H'tUiama, Vpringfleld J C STaynor, do Mass John P Anderson, N York J II .vanderson, .voring- W Jacob, do I held, Ala.,, M Loeh, do IE M'Jaeif, Cincinnati Jjauc Lovett, do |H C Hudson, Newark, NJ H D Loo and wife, do f McKinna, Kuiaula, Ala G W Striker jr, do 'K L Morris, Ga Am iss Ivor, do AtrsE craves, mother and Juo Dowilnger, uo I 3 children, Jacksonville LT Barney, JH Burton, do Capt G E Wimberly, do j Win Tasker, H D M cou- Cspt E Y Emerson, do ' sul, lady, 3 children and Juo t Cowles, do J nurse, England V Thompson. uo MrsKmgm, Coiumbit3 Dr \V Bronson, do It H Austin, wife, 2 chil- Miss Perit, do I dien aud nurse, Ga Mr O Bronson Jr, do ID J Bailey, str Nevada Mr and Mrs Treed way, Nil- H Bussy, do York ! STm Peeie, Mobile D Wools*}, wife and twolMaj Pollock, l S A children, N York |Lt Langdoh, do Mrs -xinitu and daughter,|Lt Johnson; do N York I Lt Miller, do S I. N lblack. Florida I Jeo .Starnes, do H Young, Kentucky. SEA ISLAND HOTEL iHILTON HEAD) OCT. 17. H C Dennett. Savh L H Dodge, Texas C K Purse j D Parker, do Gen Schrlver, USA iC Kennedy, N Y 1’ C Pernu, SC HO Nelson, V S S N H Col R Taylor, 58 NY V T H Hlgbee, do Capt 11 B Loomis, 58 N YVI PORT ROYAL HOUSE lUILTON HEAD) OCT. 16. C Papin, Fla A A Babcock, H Head E L MUter, Lt 82d DSC TN Ritter, So Ca J Hurue aud daugutetiThos Whltter, St Helena Beautort I Jus Heron, do OCTOBER 17. W B Kinsley, Lt Col N YVjP H Oan, Parrs Island, Capt K Fitzpatrick, do iMrs c D Leiing, Florida C ri Vantvyck, Charleston j W W Lermg, do SW Wallace, Uo ] .Mrs Douglass, Ga J Wilson, do .Mrs Lawton, 8 0 Col It Tyler, 58 N Y V YLP Tarr, U S N U B Loomis, Adjt 66 N YViirSheppard, Savannah Lt Col Smith, do | P Donoughe, st Helena Lt P Sipple, Beaufort , H Allen, H Head W T Horev, Providence j Mliippiuy; InteUigeuce. miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 08 Moon rises sets Sun sets 5 2l|Ulgh water 7 40 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived, Wednesday, Ost. 18 1865. Pioneer Line Steamship Perit, Delaney, New Y'ork, Hunter & Gamtnell. Steamship Nevada, Carpenter, New Y'ork—Brig ham, Baldwin & Cos. Steamship Zodiac, Buckley, New York—Hunter & Gamincll. Steamship Gen Sedgwick, Starkey, Sew Y'ork—J R WUder. Stemacr General Shepley, Miilikin. Doctortown—C L Colby A Cos. Schr Anna Sims, Alt J J Blois, from Traders’ Hill. Steamer H M Cool, Tajlor, Augusta—M A Cohen. Steamer Resolute, Camion, Hilton Head. Cleared. Steamship America, Lindt, New Y'ork—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Steamer F’ountaln, Castner, Palatka, Fla., etc.—by M A Cohen. Schr Ovoca, Martin, New York—Chas. L. Colby A Cos. Tug A Getty, Mershon, Hilton Head. Steamer Savanna It, Fllilridge, Hilton Head. Steamer R H May, Jones, Augusta—J if Kinehlyy Experts. Per steamship America, for New Y'ork—l2l bales upland cotton, 10 do Sea Island do, 6 casks rice, and sundries. Imports. Per steamer Gen Shepley, from Doctortown—lßs bales upland colton, aud maze. Per steamer H M Cool, Augusta—ll 7 bales upland cotton, IS Uhls dried fruit. Consignees. * Per steamship Petit, from New York—Adams Ex press Cos, U W Allen, Brady, Smith A Cos, Bell, Wylly A Christian, Blun A Meyer, Brigham, 13 A Cos, u \i Brown, Botnwell A Whitehead, Crane, Johnson A Graybili, C L Colby A Cos, M A Cohen, o Cohen, J H Deppish, Dlbblee A Cos, M Donnelly, Dzilnyski A Sla ger, M Feist A Cos, A Fatvcett A Cos, t> Fallon A Cos, W H Fuller, D Finnegan, C L Gilbert, Jos Gross, Ga den A Cnckles. J uillihmd. Huuter A Gammeii, 11 liaynt, P HerschlielU, K Habersham A Sou, N A Har dee at Cos, union A Randall, Halsey, W A Cos, G .11 Hav A Cos, Keslm A Burke, Kiuney A O'Brien, Lovell A Laitlmore, Luthrop A Cos, M Lnvlu, W W Llucoln, J Lama, s L Wiley, R J Lareombe, J McMahon, 11 Munhaul A Bro, Miller, Tliom.s A Cos, A a Miller 0 G Massey, B M Neely, T Nugent jr, C OnT, Rogers A C T Roscuband, Rothschilds A Stern, Richardson A Batnai and, A Kische, W H Stark, Geo H Seiedge, A A Soiomous A Cos, B Strauss, Pierce Sceehau, B P Soper, A M Scarborough, \V tl Sherwood, Tison 4- Got dou, IV L Vroom, W IVolf, Y ork, Williams, Melu tire A co Y'onge A Nixon, Weed, Cornwell A Cos. Per steams:.ip Nevada, from New York—A B Luce, C While, Gtickeiiaeimer A SebgT iiuuter A Gammed, Shuster A liemsen, L Ehrlich, 11 Meiuliard A Bro, Biuu A Meyer, Doyle A Lyon, Botuivell A Whitehead, Brady A SuUtn, Adaius Express Cos, Craue A Uray biil, J McMahon, A S Hartridge, Erwin A Hardee, O Conen, W H Stai k, J H Demand, Einstein A Eckutau, ciaguoru a Cuumugham, U G iiuwe A Cos. Macky, Beaiue A Cos, A J Muter, M Brockman, E O'Byrne, P Sxenau, W .M Parker, s M Lederer, S Goodall, S L Wiley, A Fawcett, IV VV Wash, IV A R. Melutlre A Cos, v Falvey, S Farrelly, j c sclueiuer A Sons, c K R Cos, M A Cohen, B G ’tilden, C A O Hunian, F 1 Blair, Scranton, Smith a Cos, G A Hudson, M New mark, N K Itanium, OJ llinman, Dziliuski A slager, T L Bol shaw A Cos, G Wellbrook, C H oimstead, Eberhardt A Smith, J S Cohen, J S Gardeustig, .u S Meyer, J Kosenband, W Habersham A Cos, S A J Gardner, F A J Ruckert, Mather A West, C L Gilbert, 11 Ditmers, Cuiou S S line, T W Cooney, N B Knapp, Tison A O, N A Hardee, F' Dibble, M Lama, II KoniscUUd, Jno Hart, H Roberta, J M Ylnchley, Mrs J G F aillgan, T J Walsh, E Koethcke, [A P] in a diamond, F-uerhard A Fisher, W T Smith, i Cauihau, M A W, H A Palmer, A De Lunge, Y, W, M A Cos, J R Norton, H Hlnsclt, B Strauss, W Wolte, G A IV, W IVoodbrklge, R naliore, M Bailey, C L Colby A Cos, T [cj lu a dtamoud VV, Ives A Cos, F U Burdock, J E Blown, Juo Docy, L K Staynor, H Uujue, P U Bahsl. Per steamship Zodiac, from New York—Brigham, B A Cos, M A Cohen, H Bittmers, Brady, S A Cos, Clag horu A CuniUaguaiU; A Heyo, Bell, Wylly A C, C, J A Graybili, Einstein A Eckman, Botuwed A White head, Duncan A Johnson, Erwin A Hardee T 11 Boi atelu A Cos, J Grass, uaden A Buckles, W H Beard, Hess A Butman, a P Hamilton, Hilton A Randall, Hunter A Gammed, Jones, iiiouier A Cos, J 11 Kinch ley, Kiuney A O’Brien, Keln A Cos, J W Luthrop, W VV Lincoln, Lovell A Lattimore, J Ltppman, J Lirne berger, S [L] in a diamond, A B Luce, H Meinhaid n Bro, W H May, U Madou, WAR Mdntire, J McMa hon A Cos, 1 C Plant, J Rosenburg, A A Soiomous A Cos, Schuster A H, Mrs C Saulvester, Smith A Rrady, Scranton, Smith A Cos, W Stark, Tison A Gordon, J L Vdlalouga, A Waldrons, J G IVatts, J R Wilder, Ran dall A Cos, D T Scranton, J K, [it] In a diamond, K H Tateui, 1' \V Shea, aud others. Per steamship Gen Sedgwick, from New Y'ork— Adams Express, G IV Adams, VV B Adams, B, Wylly A Clirtstiau, Bradv A Smith, Bligham A Baldwin, N K Baruum, Butts A Bro, R Ballorc, Blun A Meyer, C L Colby, A M Cohen A Bro, S M folding, P Coleman, Duncan aud Johnston, DeWitt and Morgan, Dittmers and Cos, Einstein aud Fckmun, Flrwiu and Hardee, F M Freeman, M Ferst and Cos, Mrs S C Foley, Gilbert Butler, Ueorge and Nixon, L J Guilmartin, Hun ter and Gummed, Habersham and Cos, O M lleidt, H Flayer, Uarylen and Cos, Gaden and Buckles, Jones and Way, Crane, Johnston aud Graybili, M P Knapp, Kemp aiid Brien, J Keln, Wm Kemzle. Hand J Lacn llsou, R J Lareombe, S M Lafilteau. E aud H Line, Luthrop and Cos, S M Lederer, Lllltenthul aud Kohn, J McMahon, J O Mathewsdu. M S Meyer, Meiuhart and Bros, A M Muller, U L Molack. J R Morion. Ucta vus Cohen, T Pepper, A Kohler, F' J Ruckert, Raudull and Cos, U Roberts, C D Rogers BotbweU and Widtehead, R ltaght. J Rosenband, Scnrebner aud W human, steamboat agent, Schuster nud llein ntau, W H Stark. A A Soiomous and Cos, T W Shae, Fawcett and Cos. Tison aul Gordon, M 11 Fuller and Cos, J E Thorndike, J L VUlalonga, J R Milder, S S 'Wyilv, York, Williams, Mclutyre aud Cos Per steamer Gen Shepley, from Doctortown—N A Hardee and Cu, L J UuUiuarUu and Cos, W Duncan, Order. Hunter and Gammeii, H P Grant jr, Duncan and Johnston, E P Metcalf and Cu. ror steamer II M Cool, from Augusta—Kein and Cos, M A Cohen, J W Anderson and Sens,-! McMahon, Crane, Johnson and Graybili. Passengers. Per steamship Perit, from New York—Mr and Mrs Evers, W E Humillon, Mr Ghvlton, Mrs Kappold, Mrs Uarlatn, A T Price, J T Harrison, J O Kimball and lady, Dr Browu9on and lady, Mrs Tobert, Miss A L Perit, O Brownsonjr, T H Austin, Mrs T H Austin and 2 children, Mrs Brockliam and 3 cbnaren, Mr McKinney, Mr O’Brien, Mr and Mrs G W Porter, B P Soper, F Lakemau, Mrs Chariton and servant, Mrs K baitzman. Miss Saitzman, Mrs F Dowd, Miss Dowd, TO Davy, M Van Burcn, R E Eldrifige, T Plggott, W Boston, B Winner, and 7 steeragf. Per steamship Nevada, from New York—Mrs Da venport, son aud daughter, J Ebarhard, wife and 2 children, H Fisher, Mr Herns, M Bostwiek, Mrs Wil der, child and nurse, Mias Wilber, Mrs C Smith and (laughter, Mr Van Wagenen and lady, Fannie Falll gant, Mary Fffiligant, E G Saramls and lady, J H Bur ton- J B Lovett, J f Anderson, H C Hudson, RJ Caughey, Mr Chaerer, E A Well, Kiss Weil, Mrs Metahardt, T Smith, wife, nurse and 2 children, H O (Law and wife, c L Mather and wife, W H May, W Boland, J 9 Driggs, L R Staynor, J E Brocrec, Mary Earl, Ed PaganTMrs Graves, mother and 3 children, W x, Daniels, R L Monta, G O Smith, Dr Sullivan and Wire, Theo Kaphaw. A Mltchel, Mr Middleton, L T Barney. S Nibiack, Mr Nlblack, 0 cremate, M web, and is hteerage. Per steamship Zodiac Irom Now luvk-M Meta hard aud lady, |(rs S 11 Uarig, Mis. C Hung, Mrs .S L Foley, Mrs w H Clark, VV l> Trea-twav and lady. Mrs Clark. J Ruth*r!"i i. Mias Clark. MrsFawt ertt, Mrs Kmg. W D Etheridge, 1 M K< ima, Capt Emineroon, Cunt Premblev, s w UenneU. G a Ben nett. J Suudhelm. Zogbautn, F H Clark. Clark, Jr, J E Cowles L A Me tre, V U Chatnbers. Wm Peete, A Fawe> tl, A D'Auliguac, Mr “King, P A Garden, 9s Punckhs. J L Blanchanl, and BE steerage. Per Mramship Gen Sedgwick, from Nog York— Mrs Fpping and daughter, Mrs J Lippmun, Mrs L Lipptnau. infant amt servant J lint In k ui.d ' ulw Mrs Clark ahd 2 children, Mrs C It Wright, Mi Board, wife, sop, 2 ilaughiers, and servant, D Wool set. wife or-1 2 chiidren, it Wilted, U Wamnnan, w ife ahd child. J IIA-her, J A Simple, W A Bcaid, C J Beatty ami 2 ladles, C k Williams, J II Sanderson, F’ 11 Barnard; Mrs Buggies, A Lyon, G W, J S Gartenborg, E W Sii.-if, S P Goodman, )1 funeru, Mrs Smith, anti 10 steerage. Per steamship America, for New Y'ork—L G Cham pion and lady, T Hartridge, M Hartridge, MJ Ch;ul ton, J E Hartridge, W C Dellons. J Joseph. N Leo pold, J T Mclntosh, T P Bulkier, J Beut, S K Smith, und lady, Capt Burns, A N Berry, Mr Hawthorne, Mr e Bovls, J 0 Watkins, M Robinson, U Mangeuis and several steerage , PORT OF PORT ROYAL. Port Royal, Oct 12. Arrived, Oct lfi-Schr Winans, Briggs, New Y'ork Oct 16— Barkentlne Lamplighter. Baker, New York Cleared. * Oct 14—Sloop Ribecca Herts, Rhodes, Georgetown. Oct 14—Ship Vanguard, Russel!, Mobile. Oct 17—Sloop Jerry Angell, Crane, Savannah. Oct 17—Sloop Ftora, Cook, Darien. * L.IST OP VESSELS IN THE PORI' OP SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 19, iB6O. steamships. Zodiac, Bulkier, 620, from New York—discharging at wharf foot of Abercorn street—Hunter ami oum mell. Steamship Hunter, Rogers. 617, from New Y'ork— discharging at wharf foot of Lincoln street—Hunter * Gammeii. Perit, Delanoy, 502, from New York—waiting to discharge—Huhter A Gauituell. Nevada, Carpenter, 900, from New York—discharg ing at Low aud Co.s wharf—Brigham, Baldwin ACo. Gen Sedgwick, Starkey, 797, from New York—dis charging at Central Cotton Press—J U Wilder. Varuna. Cooley, 900, from New York—loading at Central Cotton Press—J R Wilder. SHIPS. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin St Cos. Wisconsin (Br) Arcus, 950—discharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press—John R Wilder. BRIGS. John R Plater, Post, 290, from Norwich, Conn.— discharging ut Union Ferry Wiiatf—Hunter St Gam meii. Mary Cobb. Duncan, 195,—loading, wharf at foot of Whitaker street—Rogers A Cana. SCHOONERS. Pioneer, Tuccker, Jacksonville, in ballast, to Mas ter. Francis Satterby, Allen, St Johns River,' in ballast, to VV in Starr. May, Kelly, 330, from New Y'ork—discharging at wharf foot of Habersham street—Hunter ,v Gammeii Julia A Crawford, Buckley, ISI, from Jacksonville, Fla, In ballast—loauhig at Wetters wharf for New York—L J Guilmartin & Cos. Albert (Brt P.iordan, 105, from Nassau—discharging at wharf foot of Barnard street—Bell, Wylly & Chris tian. John C Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New York-load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf west of Barnard street —Rogers St Cann. Schr Julia A Crawford, -Binkley, loading, at Iron Steamboat Co’s wharf, ror New York—L J Gullmar tori A Cos. AUCTION SALES. BY BLI K & MEYER. Will be sold on Friday, 20th inst., nt 10 o’clock, a. ra.. at our salesroom, over the main store, 134 cases Roots and Shoes 7* No! ions Catalogues will be furnished on day of sale. Term*— ;ums uuder cash on delivery; above that amount, .SOdars for approved endoraed note. octlS * 3 BY BLUN & MEYER. Will be Fold on MONDAY, Oct. .Sd inst., at 11 oMuck a. m., In front of onr store, if not sold at prhatti eale previous. Three two stT»ry frame Houses on Stewart street. Two one story frame Houses on Wilson street. Two one story frame Ileuses on Roberts street. 'l he same <*au be treated for at private sale by ap plication to Mr. Q. Gcmundeu, at thu Planters Hotel, octir. td By Blun & Meyer. THIS DAY, ISthin&t., at 10 o’clock, in front of store’ will be sold, 200 BOXES LAYER RAISINS, new crop, just landsd from Steamer Huuter ALSO, 25 l.bls Potatoes • Ift bbl 9 Onions 2ft doz Brooms * sft and z Pails 10 Nests Tubs 2ft nests Baskets 25 doz Shoebrushes 20 doz Sieves 25 doz Clothes Lines &c ALSO. 1 Horse i Baggy and Harness 1 lot Jewelry i lot Segars And the usual assortment of Pullor, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. 1 oeti9 Martel Brandy. Messrs. Bell, Wylly & Cimstiau ca " tlle attention of Druggists and otheis >* to sixty (60; cases of this well known brand of fine Brandy, which we offer in bond or duty p dJ. cheaper than it can be bought elaewhere In this city or in New York. We also h .ve in store ten (10; cases of Old Cast ile Soap; thirty boxSs Window Glass, and a lot of Rodger’s Pen Knives. 3 oCtl9 By York, "Williams, Mein* tire & Cos. AT PRIVATE SALE. Bacon Shoulders Bacon Sides Canvassed Hams Choice Bntter Cora Meal Hominy Split Peas ■ Pearl Barley Soap ' Ground Coffee With a variety of other Groceries. octlT 5 Rout. P. Yor.K, 1 I J. R.Mclntibf. M. E. WuxtAMS, J t I*. H. Ward. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE ft CO,, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY .STREET, ’ SAVANNAH, GA. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND IUMBEN ' SOLICITED. References in Savannah—Brigham. Buldwln St Cos.; Erwin <fc Hardee, Gaden A Unckles, Isaac D. La- Roche, Esq ; liiram Roberts, Ksq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq.; Hunter A Gammeii; L. C. Norvell & Cos. References In New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp A Bro.: D. H. Baldwin St Cos. sep26-Codlm DISSOLUTION. BY consent Mr. Jamea W. Randell tbla d*y withdraws from t ur Firm. HILTON A RANDELL. Savannah, Oct IGth, 1565. Referring to the&bove native the undersigned would state that lie will con inue the Wholesale Grocery Business, Under the firm name of nAKTUELIj rib CO., And have taken tbe commodious building on g, W. reran of Bay and Barnard Sts,, In a few days will be prepared to offer a large and well assorted stock of Grocer!*-, to whlcn the atten tion of the trade will be solictred. JAMES W. RANDELL. Referring to the above notice, the undersigned tv out state that, they will continue the Whoisale Grocery Business, Under the firm same-of Hilton rib XUuxcUU, At tb* Old Stand, Ne. 198 Bay street. ' EDW. G. HILTON, oCtl« Iw r M RANDELL GUUI EgIES. LIHIOHa, * C., WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FIHE OLD BRANDY, WINES, Ac. Peach Valiev Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Silencer’s Old Bye, and Fine Kentu.-ky Bourbon. FOE SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the OM Stand. * 111. BAYfSTRF.IiT, (Herald Building*; —also, Alsop’s Ale, Mars’ Ate. Apple,. Potatoes. Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar octo tt lL H. ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND Sliip Chandler. 73 BAT STREET, NOW r cell ing pc' steam Ami sailing vessels from New York, the following articles, which will be s >!d at the Lowest Market Price: Bbls Flour. 4 i Potatoes, Onions, » Turnips, Lee at ♦Apples, Vtn.-gar, Hams. Brown and Crushed Sttgart Bbls Beef and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, Y, do., K do. and kits No. 1 Cases Olive >4l, bardies. ’ GgUdles, Bonp, , t Eaisins, , . Pickles, £ Llqnora „ , Cheap Tea, P eaerved Meat, ” Spices of aliltlatts, Heros, Ac., Ac.. , Sack* Coffee, • Brooms, . « Pal’s, ♦ • Buckets. Ac XI.SO Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Paint Brushes. Ac., Ac. >hip Stores put up at the shortest notice. octl7 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IK GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and. Cider. *ep2 ts f FOREIGN nfIMESTK I ASESARS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS (F— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. uuUft G. K. OSGOOD, STORE ISO CONGRESS AND 85 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Ilni’dwni'e, N. B.—The highest Caeh Prices paid for BeeßW?«x. Tallow, Wool. Hides, Ac. ts ppptlG Gbo. R. Crpmp. Wn, A. Wrtodt, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Ya. GEO. R. CRlfitrP & GO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Toiiacco, Segars, SALTED FISII, See. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Gn, W Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Touacoo, PaoncoE, and Merchandise of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augnsta, Ga., Richmond. Va . and Jno. C. FerrDl, Esq , De- Witt A Morgan. Gaden A Uncklca, A. A. So’omons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., H. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 KIRLIN.BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE LEALERB IN ALES, VBtffi AND LIQUORS, CORXF.n WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LAKE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELITERED. au2l ts NEW * BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. rPHE undersigned (for eighteen vents of the firm of * Cromwell A Birdsall) h now prepared to receive orders for bis well known Lrand of choice New Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed in barrel*, half barrels, quarter barrel* and bags of 49 and 24 ! l pound*. Have also on baud Fresh Ground, Stati- and Mfrat eru Flour. Extr 1. Superfine, and No. 2 Superfine, in bbls. and hall bbls., in lots to unit, parrUaac, HOWARD CROMWELL. octl2-2w 123 and lvß Broad street New Voik. I7»OK SALE- - lOOl) bnshele Liverpool Sait £OO9 Packs Oat,, black and white 10 sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, 100 Bales Hsy. oetlft N. A. HARDEE A CO. H. G. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES 5 LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St, Julian and Jonnson Square, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE,; IF Agents for all; and lagek. Constantly on hand, an assortment of HHUXIST WINE. sspgfi '* 3m CHEESE, SOAP. iR BOXES CHEESE, 76 boxes Fay’s Soap • gxLDwfn t CO. UK^CIUMj^U4rUHK^_^ PiLKGE SKEHAN, Wkdltlllt and Krtail Dealer In Pine Orocerlen, Boot* and Shoe*. Clothing, Foreign an t Domeetn Wine*, Uqnora and Segar*. Al*o, Skehan'a Celebrated • * • GOC>EN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDKK, in battle and In wood. . latndoa and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish AleseAc. Liberal deduction* made to the trade. 170 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, and 6*2 Liberty street. New York E G. Hamit, Savannah. E M. R.iNnxtn, N. Y'. HILTON Sc RANDELL, Wtiolosalo Grocers, 193 BAY STREET. NEAR BARN.ARD, Savannah, Ga., Are constantly receiving per steamers from New York The Largest anti Moat Complete A**ort* meut of GroeriTes In the City, Orders by Mall, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filtrd, at Lowes: Market Preee. "C’l6 lm T. J. DUNBAR &Tca IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, SC. L 47 Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NETT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.; We have the Largest Assortment ot Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &c., In »6o Sonth, to which we Invite the attention of the Trade. Call and aompare onr goods and prices. oct6 ts ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 25S BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builder- and Locksmiths’ Hardware, Nails. Pullies, Cord. Rim I ocks and Knobs, Butt liingoa, Brass aud Iron Keys and CaßtinKß, Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. *rpl9 >lm "Wholesale and Retail GR( CERIES AND LIQUOHS. , 0., Sivannah, Georgia. southwest corner of Broughton and Jefferson streets, under St. Andrew's Hall. We are receiving by every steamer fresh articles of Groceries of every description. Llqnora Imported and direct from manniactnres arc offered at prices to suit the trade. sept2(t-lm Notice, THE Co-partnersliip heretofore existing between JACKSON St WARROCK was, on the 30th .-Sep tember dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted bv the undersigned, who will be happy to receive a continuance of the pa tronage bestowed on the late firm of Jackson A Warrock. l. WARROCK. octll CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. TinE undersigned having associated ttiomactvo to gether uuder the firm name of LxHOCHE, GADEN St UNCKI.ES, for the pnrpuso of transacting a Gene ral Grocery, and Commission business, und having secured the large and cominodlons More, corner of Bay aud Barnard streets, are now prepared to receive any and all consignments made to them. They also h ive extra rooms, suitable for Dry Goods and R.tity Aiticlcs, whith, if accompanied by owners or agents, are the best in the city; from a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the business, they hope to give entire satisfaction to all making consignments to them. Liberal advance* made on Cotton. Lumber, Ac. con signed to them fur sale in Savannah, or for shipment to their friends in New York, Boston or Baltimore Laroche, gaden a cnckles. Isaao D. Lxsoeut, Bet.j. G. Gaokk, David S. Umgklis. lm ectlO THE NEW YORK NEWS. D AIL Y, SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY, THE INEYV YORK IVKF.KLV ASI> SEMI Ti EEKLT NEWS. GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPERS. BENJAMIN WOOD . Editor And Proprietor- Journal:) of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market nntl Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IMPROVEMENTSjNTRODUCED IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS' DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every 'Wednesday. Single Copies Five Cento One Copy, one year .. $ 2 fit. Three Copies one year 6 00 Five Copies, one ye ir 8 75 Ten Copies, one year , 17 00 —And an extra copy to any Cinb of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 30 00 The 'Weekly News is Sent to Clergymen at $1 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 400 Three Copies one year 10 00 Five ( opies one year , 15 00 Ten Copies, one year SO 00 —And an extra copy to any Cinb of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 55 (0 To Clergymen 3 oft NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail .Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months . Five Dollars For sale by ail Newsdealers. Specimen copies, of DAILY and WEKXLY NEWS sent free. Address BENJ. WOOD, daily News Building, No. 10 City Hall Square, sept2l New York City. FOR SALE. QAft COILS RICHARDSON’S ROPE OUv 150 TONS COAL. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., oetlft cor. Abercorn and Bay streets. Horses for Sale. TVO good draft HORSES, sound and in fine con dition, with Karnemcs and one or more Waefns, If desired f i. ’ W. H. COHEN, ortis Pulaski House or Herald Offlro. TUOS. W. BHOOIiH f * MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOIyBTERY, »»* Dock Street, Philadelphia. Pa. _N^R— All ORDERS sent by Mali at- shipping STAR LINEj FOR NEW YORK. cpHE new andjdeMntftret clan* U. 8. Mall Steam. A ship NKV ADA, Captain Cariasmer, will poai lively tall for the abov* |airt on ■•tmrelity, Oet. 81*,, at V 1-8 nVlock, a. m. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO, oetl9 Stoddard's Building, opp. PustQQire FOB NEW YOEJS STAR LINE. SEMI* WEHKXsY. The first class U. 8. Mail Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt, Carpxktxr UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Shark AMEKm’A. - Capt. Cure. constitution, - - - capt. umu. The above ships compose the Line, and will aai) from Near York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO, Agent*, Savannah, Ga. VVAKEMAN. GOOKIN t DICKINSON. Agent*, ““FOR NEW YORK, ‘ Atlantic Coast Mail Steamship Cos. . The verv fast sailing new steamship SEDGWICK, mu"fe*'j wili Positively sail on her Saturday, 81st Inst., at 91-9 o’clock a. ra. For freight or passage, having very elegant accent, modutions, apply to _ oct!9 JNO R WILDER, Agent. PIONEER LINE 7 FOR NEW YORK. ev£"-j Th <t U- S Mail Steamship UUNTBH, - L. Rogers, commander, will leave f^/^fialt. for the above port on her regular day THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, at S o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda lions, apply to HUNTER A OAM.MELL, _ 84 Day street. PIONEER LINE: FOR TN'KYV Y'OTTK: —c-. - The new and splendid U. 8. Mail v'd... 1 . Steamship PERIT, K. A. Delauov, Commander, will aail for the abov# port on her regluur day, SATURDAY, October 21st, at 9 o’clock, a. m. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations applv to HUNTER A GAMMKLL. octl9 PIONEER LNE. FOR NEW Y'ORK. The fine Steamship Zodiac, E. M. Bulkley, Commander, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Oct. 91st, at 9 o’clock, a. m. For freight or passage, haring splendid accommo dations, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, octl9 84 Bay street. Atlantic Const 31 nil Mtiinm ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, .rve-fcv The new nnd elegant Side Wheel y'-X'-i it 1 2. SU irmship VARUNA, Captain Urig/JjVri n Cooley, will positively sail on - .tST-=ii*-sw_ her regnlar day. THURcDAY, 19th inst., nt * o'clock, a. m. For Freight or Puaenge, having very large nnd airy state-room accommodation*, fitted up with all there cent improvement*, apply to JOHN H. WILDER. Ship's Billa of Lading furnLhcd and signed in the office. octl7 FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner Mv HATTIE M. MATO ggrisSa will have quick despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to octic BRIGH kMt BALDWIN A CO. FOR BALTIMORE. Pfiidergttst’s Line. The fast sailing regular panket SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo ahgage.l, will have quick despatch. B-t balance ol freight ap ply to LaROCHE. OADEN A UNCKLES. Corner Bay and Barnard street*. Agents in Baltimore—Pendergast, i anwick St Cos. oct!8 For Liverpool. THE first class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. THE Al American Ship NEW ENGLAND, i-trefrih' Hodge. Master, having * large portion of jjtnt-WSghi'r cargo engaged will ne ready to receive ,X. —-AT*rsrgo «t Lower Hydraulic Press on the 18th Inst For freight or pnssage applv to Bepl4-tr BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. COMPETITION DEFIED ! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO, RODGERS, Mftstor, Will commence receiving freight THIS MORNING, at Exchange Wharf, and lie the first Bout for Augusta after the Helen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KEIN A CO. aep29-td * 114 Bay street. GREAT REDUCTION -rET FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. AN and after this date tho rate oi Freight br our U Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Our Lioe is composed of the following Stamen, all adapted to the trade, vis: Iron Stexmcr AMAZON, Capt. Johnson. New IrotfSteamev WM. G. GIBBONS,Capt. Pbilpot. Steamer LAt-RA, Capt. Hiller. The Steamer Gibbons ia in every particular a first claaaPassengar Boat. Insurance can be effected by onr Line at lowest itea. vH Freight received DAILY and fornardad TWICE A WEEK. aepM-lm ERWIN 4k HARDEE. iHimgo Antthor Line of Paokete For New York AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. The Staunch and Fast Sailing Schoooan W D VAUGHN, . ... 19g tana. ISIJkND QUEEN too*. ELLIOT. iso too* HATTIE MAYO, 99 too* HONEST ABE «too*- And others, comprise the “Anchor Lum” of Packet*, and will have quick daqiatch aa abeve F"r Frklght apply to PATERSON A TUCK 18, AgagU. No. is Stoddard 1 * Building. Savannah, Ga. Df L B.nso A Cxaacaiv, Agents, New York. IKtl ' ) ts For Augusta. The Steamer General Berry, Will leave tor the above port Ok Thursday, Oct. 13, at 11 o'clock, a. in. For freight or passage, having anperior arcommo datlor a apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., °dlß cor. Bay and Abercorn ata. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA ARE notified that they can (tore their goods any day daring the week, to he forwarded by the ahavc Boats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, free or extra charge. aepvf KEIN A CO. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, f|UIE nnder-igne '. .re prepared to receive good* ot a their Warchoures—free of expense and tov i red bv insure re—so, sbi;>ment to Augusta aud point* beyond by their regular line of light draught WK Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, *epUl»—tf cor. Bay and Abercorn st«, For Augusta, THE STEAMER - , .. R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods recelv. cd at all time and stored in fire proof trarehonae/foot of Linculu street, free of coet. J. M. KINCHLKY, Agent. Office in Ciagbnrn A Cunningham's. The May arrived In Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight. ts oct9 FOR PALATKA. Via Darien, Brunswick, Bt. Mary's, Per nandinn, Jacksonville and Ploolata. rpHEnewand fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. «. A W. Castner,will leave m above on lULSDAY, the 24th Inst, nt 10 o'clock a.m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, at Padel ford's IVhart near White's Central Cotton Press or to M. A. COHEN. Agent. Freight payable on Wharf. Bhippera will furnish weights and measurement of goods octl9 PROSPECTUS ; » OP TUB GEORGIA LAND AND EMIGRATION COMPANY. SLAVERY, or Involnntary servitude is practically abolished in Georgia The Proclamation of the President of the Un tea States having given freedom to every stave, and the oath of umnesty and the eon ■ of pardon, forbid any attempt at its revival lu any form or condition. i lit-gi cat mass or the Agricultural Population of the State has been released from their obligation to cultivate the sol), except by their own volition, and it must be apparent to the judicious observer, how ever much o ue regreued, that the voluntary labor of the newly freed population will not for the present at least, supply the deficiency of labor. The withdrawal of nearly three hundred thousand able-bodied persona to a greater or less extent from their uanut vocations, ha* created a void which most be filled or the lands of the State will remain unfilled, her great resouices undeveloped aud her fritnie pros perity sacrificed. The remedy, and the only remedy for this condition of affairs constats in the immigration of a hardy and Industrious white population, to supply the places of those who cannot be compelled to work and whose and apoaitiona do not Incline them to greater labor than ia actually necessary to support life. To such immigrants, no State offers greater induce ments than the State of Georgia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Blue Riga, lt embraces eve ry variety of soil and climate. The savannahs of the coast, the rolling country of the interior, aud ttm mountains of the northern part of the State afford opportunities for the cultivation of iffmost every pro duct of tropical or temperate latitude*. The grape is grown with great success in many narta of the State and its cultivation has only been limited by the want of persona skilled in the knowl edge of the vine and the mode of preparing its yield. The-State Is r Iso rich in gold and other minerals, and nothing but energy and toe application of proper ma - chinery is wanting to the development of those bid den treasures ’ The raising of sheep or the finest breeds hss been carried on with snccess, and the vast ranges qf uncul tivated land afford excellent pastures for cattle and all kinds of Stock—Vice, cotton, tobacco, rorn> wheat, rye, oats, sagar cane, the grape and all species of fruits find theli appropriate soil and climate within ' onr extended limits. The numerous rivers and smaller streams taking their rise in the mountains and running through the State Into the Atlantic aud the Golf in their gradual descent furnish water power unfailing in any season and capable of pntting Into operation any kind ot machinery, The area of the State contains upward* of thirty millions oi acres, o which not mote than one-third has been cultivated, and tbe virgin forest of the wild laui’s afford an inexhaustible supply of lumber which fin.jed a heavy item of tbe exports of Georgia prior to our late difficulties Theae lands, which maybe Insight at comperativaly low rates, will give to thu new settler a honnttead on which he may erect hie roof tree and settle lor life an inhabitant and til time a eillxen of the repaid c. in view of the foregoing fact* the undersigned pro lix- to organize a Company to be called the "Ueorg.a Land and Emigration Company,* the principle office to be located in Suva nnah. with the intention of ap plying for a charter at the next session of the Legisla ture ; the capital of auld Company to be five hundred thousand duflare, in twenty thousand of twenty-five dollars each: said Compauy to be organized by tbe choice of a President and Directors when all the shares shall have been subscribed. The object of the Compauy is to induce wJ afford aid to the Immigration Into the State of Georgia of honest, sober and reliable persons with their families to become purchasers of aud settlers on lands not now in use, or to be labore.s on farms or plantations on which the freed men reiuse to work, or to follow their trades, or become house servants. The advantages to be derived as this present June tore by the influx of such a class ot population, are manliest. To the large landholder it offers the pros pect of selling his land or farming lt ont on advanta geous terms. To the Planter and Farmer it will sup ply that labor. In the absence of which, the owner ship of the aoll Is a burthen, and to all persons In those classes of life whose business requires or whose position permits the use of the labor of others, it sf lorde the opportunity of obtaining such labor of a- reasonable rate, and of a reliable character So also to the State will great benefit accrue; many of the Immigrants may bring wealth with them, all will bring skin or Industry, which is the source of wealth, and this infusion of new life will, we trust, ia progress or time, restore Georgia to her original state of pros perity. The Company we believe—will be, not only seif-aus talning, but a source of profit to the stocknolten.— The fees paid by those emigrants who can afford It. for directions as to their settlement; the commissions paid by the owners of lands for the leasing of their lands to the immigrants, and by prisons to whom laborers are furnisheo, the Profits to be derived irom a Savings Institution to take eve of the funds and profits of the emigrants, which it la proposed to connect with the Company, will, we expert, enable the Company to declare such dividends aa will make it remunerative to those who subecribe simply as an investment. But independently of pecuniar? con sideration, as citizen* of the State of Georgia who have an interest In its future vrellve, we ask your as sistance in this matter, in our opinion of vital impor tant,., We may not leave the land of onr birth, Ist us make it once more a land of promise. » All communications should ba addressed. Post paid, to Jno. W. Maglll, Box 4*3 Savannah Poet Office, Parties desiring printed copies of this PraapeflbtA can obtain them at the office of S. T. Gibson, at the Exchange. - Burn.— oeffi JNO W MAOILL. )