Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 01, 1866, Image 1
Lsmiar iV^ton Case. 'p mr' g bIlamar before 4ION. Drill (tl mriifr r r n Tli 1 I N G ■ ‘ nTl “ ’ xvn Linger Oral In • in nl cb»rge. 71 J . , iU nromptly r «*- lor '.h*- j ‘vt^fti ». | : "f the Commission ,>rf o*y““»/ —.---- G. ‘Siioy, u£, Jr-, whoaejevidt^ce was uncompletetfat the session pY the day before, introducsda aeriei of papers, whick were identified by detecffjit. Bunnell as having been fonhd iuth« posses sion of Q.^B. Lamtfr Jr., at th^ time q{ his arrest. , v The first of the& {taper* was a copy of an order frotn-Maj. Qen. -Steedman ta.Maj. Oen. Branttan, directing, him to turnov^ to -Mi'. A. r Browne, tSpectal. AgCift of Jhe Freaau „ reptttmdnO^i^dtep ^ 1 cling Special Agent;”-the Lamar ~ « - * - ««g iid ; : U >order ‘urnuaqil ' be other r .y tusii se men iifiir. jiff. >tton was > . «5far a private n_ I . vp.:. iuitnctedto haul Uhe h.-i -: find receipts were execution to show.tha) a .! >o of *■!■■ cotton included in -;ir.g ;mS Importing Compah; -rmmon-.i ! in the list of private i by Mr Lamar. .Jr. . ^ e> ■=.; .ination of the witness Jed with* . Question —By Jtffige Advocate.—What efe known wnb reference, to thU^ifcel left'1 handeiLfOUf signed by L. Qoldberry, and lOCi 18th, 1863 ?• •> ' ' < Mr. Bi vne.—I saw this receipt lor the 5 '- ( u>: > lime on Nov. 29th, St .which time Bun- ■o . ue snowed itto- Lt. Coi. Bogart and,,toyaelf ub- ; '.rong th- »otber! pit oars "which* befola me i.iid bo ^ed. I citiicd ’pjy clerks to make • . -y of it. that copy I compared myself ’ - riginalj^d found 'it correct. '‘Oh 1 . showed that copy- it> LouteGold- 'irebouse‘man at ,ThomasviHe, and !i : xk that he had sighed * .receipt cor- Ji - '. _ing with that co^jy. ''' j >i o: 27 hales marked receipted for berry as Importing and Exporting > cotton was shown to be also in 's s a the list of Mf- Lamar's private cot* the cotton officially, sc. power to ret one. The on!_ case of the ffea by me at Qo! there refusing to B.staar’a pn ' time consigned to mygett at no time has Jsg»;h&d a single bale of it to atiy “*T>tioiAto this was in the of Spain cotton shipped ■Tiie railroad agent e them under As ,. . . . of tranaportatipn, I fiiii'ipc-u them-m .my official name, consigned 'he coatTfeotof as far&s Doctortown, and OJvctetrlutp to ship them from there to Sa- like luLtog neat of his npmenfs from Doctortown, to me. s *■' mJ&o p0 “ al " 8 i 00 lb# conclusion of ' [ - ^o^l^^en^^the famous houqs’oi 1 T. • nmiSTffiOT GQPT SAVANNAH, GEO jA^Atff r. HELMBOL^&Fi tor W«»iurf*«*.-iMii* ft- powers of Nature wllii) aianuinif Bytnptom", ah i peiittoi ;a txertiha u HerraT .i: Ucivcraal Ivisduti*, ?r . Inti* the enjoy meats ■: v , ; Thetous^ut.^n nequ.ros tir a., of it-.-t. , a*«ds«L^Mi tif i.ubOitrs ^buc?,bccu b*nv r.-."* ■■ 153, U, J tact, t) e tar Railroad*.house, BAR-BOOM AND BARBEW^hOP \ ON BRYAN 6T., JOH> <f '! T SQUARE iVEK sodu..-.iuAi ;ka W.en . . si Irf'Jt ,nff? Comifcuy •: N.'fc '.\i 1 CHARLCAGltCgN it ishra.kt. “t INS1WWIGE OMPANY, HAVANNAH, 04. . r.D ,v3b- • ■ j j % v BELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU,, U ActUai peculiar Io’“ mtaLOi,” U unequaled by io», as iii^QUiorogli or Rpiaation, iressioo oTtfostemary Eracurfieus, teJ or Schlrrus State_ of «0e Dterue ; and pit com. IS incident to U|e sex, whether arising from bpjilts diSiipatV □n, u&pradQDCu la, jt the decliu* or cbttogu 1- * •• i'»- * .bUshgtent It .sQame, *e.. stalls - s. . . . Dlnnera^huppera wilt be-fttnUhed at the skattai notice MtdMit to any part of the dfirl - '■ "* W S* ^ Whieeinr yi kinda anO-of thevery Ikept always on . (aaddiilu. in lie neatest tonr Dlhln( Rgamw has keen Stted np style for the accoimnoaatSow ofLsdiaa and. Gentle ntsc. excellent Cooks attendances * . •Attached to the Reetaur^pt is extra inj Bed-Ruonu. jA *lh>' x°«i»etent Barbers, 5’als connected— ‘ their pnvi ■ ■* - - i*w *■ ‘ HELMBOCB’S , FLUID ^KTBAfiT .IVCHiJ IMPROVED BOSE Wi Will raiUcally exterminate from the system Diseases > • -- —- TEKU9 MODKRATX. ^ B&b*nce»: ir or Savannah . . . * itelldent City Public Schools trisingr from Habits of. Dissipation at little rgiemt, litiU ir no ckanf| in did,+0 inamxnieatr. or eaptture^com- Ateiy sspersodiug. those unjieuemt and dangerous rr ■Mrius, CofOiba^ arji Mertury, in all thasa diseasaa. •leston rvEALXRs In White " all sues. Cash ad- flip Hii. Lnsaaa. Superlntetulent of Public Bduca- tlon, Louisiana m - Inquire at Chatham Academy Bdildiugr dlTamw ' a- Tn • ?:. McKAY, BLISS Sc CO., iants, rt UI D K XTR A O'* BUOHU In ait Diseases of Vie* organs, whether existing to 1“ Vale h or “ Ijsla/a,” from itototimi 1 emu*.originating, and no matter kg* longstanding. It Is pienut to taste and odor, “ immediate ’! in aekwif sad more strength - enin* than any of-the preparatkas of Bari or leon. Those suflbrlng from finitat deww or DoUcaUOomlv tutiom, procure the remedy at Once. The Header must ba ayrari that however slight may be thp attack of the above d|aenaes, it is cdrtaln to af- fect hit Bodily Health, Haiti Puttiers, and Happiness. All the above diseases requtie tha.aid of a diuretic. Pitte-Timbenof tade bn consignments of Timber, Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac. ' The above-named house offer ann.-ual fsdIUlea for* the sate of Southern Products, and respectfully so licit consignments*. MoXAY. BUSS A CO , Iiei.tantr » 'll - HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BPCHU la fhff fiiiaf Dtaratto. its Broadway, NT' L. B, DAVIS, .HEjTMBOUD^ highly concentrated COMPO$iD FtOID 'EXIRlCT SARSAPARILLA, r of Attonta, Ga.) ’ion—By Judge Advocate.—What do know further with regard to this lot of A —Onjlhe dav mentioned, Dec. 18th, • .i 1 d jerry mnae a Ttlaim oh me thr ... or that c«uton„ as Me. Lamar’s pri- on. I'Tefuged io pay it on Jibe ground :. ir tad signed as he admitted to me a re* . r It as Exporting afld Importing Com-, .too, and that by reason of- his #lle- bat it was private cotton, the posses- . „ . ,t by the U. S. had once beep serious- lv i-r n rilled during my absenceIrotB Thom- ‘ 1 os v ill* k riMflif.l i f OJ , —Do you know anything more in ut or 1 iff • 1 to the Spain lot? * w . ' j ., ,<er.—On the fiist.Monday of Dec., I , ' } .ton t remember tbeday of the month, I went ! t<. .i itman and there received officially ‘-A - . ;.or Lt. Henderson, commanding at that* - *• ! 1 .eft bales of cotton-as . belonging to that Wi »ait: n2T-lawtd* .. i’he Whole Tot, «5 bales, h«rnow been ^ . ci-ivecf at Savannah by this Agericy. O.i iiit ay mor.iing tollovviqg the Monday'on- ul 1 weut to Quitman, Mr. J. \Y. Spain to see me at me depof about this lot of tt 1, and a conversation occurred between. Or- Dec. Itih, Capt. C. C. Richardson, ■..'cut of Preedmen’s Bureau, delivered to, : -j l jis envelope, together with ali l£ ; pa- I P‘ s now thereio endorsed, saying 0 tv :it,out making any recommenc aUou gar<\ i ■ the papers. ae testimony .of Mr. Browne was here ■nde ? to introduce that ol' Capt. n i droaks. Co. K, 12th Maine Regt. -State what you know -.a i & rOMMISSIBN 2trt B&UAB STRBEt,\ Geo rgia. N. B.—Particular attention given to l4celvingand forwaidlug ^rodd^e and Merchandise. Raters to A, WDRtar, Hunter ft GanuneU, Crane. Johnson ft GrayblU/nndVohn R. Wi der, Savannah, Georgia. * dWawlm. NOTICE. »BA vann even nk To * BANK OP COMMBRC& *1 Savannah; NbvemtMsrSSth, 18^5. | £ N ^election tor Sevejj Directors, to manage the A. " For purftriog the blood^remnving all chronic constitn- tioaal Aiaeases arising'from an Impure state or the 'Mood, and- the only reliable anil eUbctual known remedy Tor thexureof Scrofula, gcald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings of- the 'Bones, Dlcaration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all aoalyWuptiohs of the skin, k - jAN'D BEAUTIPYUG THE O^IPLKXION. -Not a few Oftltf worst ilisordora dhat atfret mankind arise from tbe corruption fcatacc.itnulates ludbabdood. Of all the ibscrtVeries that nave bedn nude, to purge It .out, none can equal iu effect dtELMBOLD’S COMPOUND EXTRACT Of 94R.4APARI1JA, It cleanses and reno vates the-Mood, instils the vigor ot; health into the system, and -purges oftt the humors wh)ph make dls ease. lyStlmulaIl’% the health) fhnetioni^of the body, and expels the disord#i Y tha^grow and* rankle in the affairs of thlsBank lor one year, will be held, at the Banking-House, on yiagtecond Mohdayln Janu ary next, being the 8th of that tnontbr pelt* from 10 o’clock a. m. to “ ~ “ I CAPITA! i Oys- Pwifi tip: Bouse. All. eualomers will htvf ite cups wlih ihelmajnes on. * W^* nr Boarders *aid .TYwvelers' will ftnd^ it Jo. dS3-tf public is solicited. * ABRAM BBASLBT, l. C. TEBEAD, At tNhitaker-8tr«et shoe Store, ' . ^ • ^ It now opening " 4 ? ~ T ADIBS' PHlbADBLPHlA Bxtra line Calf-Kid I* Balmorals, r Extra dne Calf KidPolttPs, * ' * “ “ * Boots; fg wnwiMii. 21500,000. CAPITAL, . % h .ivHH, «* ^ >. EQUAL TO ASoOT $I,000,0(" r Rftkataken by . , ' * JAMkS Tj WltWARTMgcn , i af At the office of Beld-ft Blew ait. M. A AaVIiON.' *5W » .’OlligS. Secretary. TflBUR. Preslq^iu DIRS C T O R S ; dso-i> * astlAyetri-e! ■ ‘i» , BagUstt Lasting Pump Front Laoed ^ ra’flne'Congreft Gutters. ? . fine Kmbrdtdered Slippers. . ' FINE BOOTS AND SHOES, which w«l be shown whh pteasuredo his old friends hud. ctwtpm- Northeast corne^Whitaker andBroughton street lane Do pot mistake the plfcf dfS-tf ID, a lai _ ImportedWaree au the eomingeenson, embradug to part JnBt Beeeived, received per t q BALES ofwoolen \£t British httrk Myrtle, from L01 - v Foreald by - ' REID & STEWART. dS»2 * »8 Bay street. FLOATATIONS. Tor Culture of fiee, or Aickud it? Wanled- CHASE, a rtantatiou, J large or small, :o the cultivation of Rice, or Rice and Address J.'H. M.« BoxvJHnSiwanuah, Ga.. BtatlM[ nnfttber of acres, location, lowatcash price and au particulars. ». Also, ' ~ ' WAN! Sea 1st CHASE; a Plantation adapted to Cotton. . Number of‘ acres-not- d30 INDUSTRY WORKS. WOOD SAWINC BY ^1 BROUGHTON STREET, S.U w \.H, GA.! •pHIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL has bee: rimod- M and nspMy re fiftnlsbed aud put m i ■ i Tpe traveling public may rest asstwcdV ,-v w, wutortable aaeommodatlens at this hou ■ _ ^ , A. a LUCE, laelT-Jh. •- . : A? > I ■ pru t.. HOLiDAY GOODS. AmiiVXw Low Wm, fl lltNUY HrImUAJI; J.NO. It. '.VlLltai- John L.»ma, •i.6cru Lipp^\. I) U Bt.nYiN, i ! J>u. W.Avi—i Han?\ La-dait^ j m, Oct?*.vc* L'AfNi, A\h > Wills t. 'ilnup U .0 ■ Dwr„ by' £1 ' OFFICE OF THE C’DMPa:.^ ^ u.i j »{) 1UV Still i f, * NAYANN^a. 4A. THE NEW f!N.,; VND MlTUAU,£iFK iNSUiLVNUE COMPANY. f ' tree rA portation frorn l o»>dn and Paris. 1BCEIVED, a large and varied as m irge id Fancy Article,, t »1 ft-i-.t I toss* ••I t.^if^ ! c i.44 G,S4 -It Statuettes—Bronre, Beeque and PurUur ‘Toilet Setts * * - Clocks * # Perfumery Ladits 7 Traveling Bags French PanQpla - ' ; * Portemonnaies Miniueis' Pane . Osier Baskc And an endteaa variety of To Pulifie U 4TEYENH. Pr Swcretafi. _ .t^VIL Agent Geoigin *<.1 Mi IRE INSURANCE , OF NEW YORK TMOTHYG t fURC Pi, Ooo^ ordcredjor this market and just receiver Count^f Piet an, and other veiwel, now arr: Fancy Goods .by the oRgiual package, to Attention' ofMUliners-aiid dtbers Is invited. . , ‘ W. W. LINCC . Corner Congress andRaJ dJt-tf' V'. Monument Squn GAS SHADED- ^ LARGE invettebistre*rvpd at the Qi hton .Street. j* , I -uAritiUB tVDtJDG ;nec ..emrt ly A , r[ . M> r„. AL DOORS, lASH, . - * » . •. %* .- - •• . ioruic- i - -ptala Uapb .111 w , : ’ ’ „ . ,, iplautatioUj am is ■ao.-tii 4t I p: ^ ^tootAne cotton, there, nudgave the guard allow any of it -rtUrv. Or-neral A*- - v'Y r &vBKK;F0RD. A WUKTSKS: O ItL TIMBER AND. LUM- F EV*»V DESCRIP TION. d - * - ^U83’ RUSS' RUBS’ ' RUSS’ RUSS’ RUSS’ tMilt and Lumbej Yard on Caqptrqear By nu street , Office 180 Bay street, . fc d284f* * Nival)nnh G: ST. DOMINGO BlT^tffcRS? ST. DOyix-UO IJITT^RS, 1 - 3T. 'BOfoilN'.iO i i 'I'TI?R3. Set if. of £uehw< ‘ - N*'*" ** * __ FROM DBPESSATOBY Ol THE UOTF-i' : 7rim - .ho Practice . Received, arid for sjle bn consigii' 75 bbls very choice Labrador Berl 75 bbls Shore Herriq|. , BO boiesficated Stored Herrins 1 .KENNHTH MoLEa *. aoif • V- - A ■ 2oeB ' of the in See Prolaafnr Dsr*x’e vtiu^nk- * orks on ofPbys’c. 'valuable combinMiona $ 'a usefnl j ^ \ c ;iebtrt * agreeable beverage that has eve* 1 ^ luadtf tty t „ . M! j, <wsu, <• rated Physknau nu t iKemtvarV ^ jld j«orth during thfcdaaUflUr yeai’fl | .Surgeons. /»eJ-k::1, and pab.i^*ed Id Au n ” omg a "*t Of cottoBtformeriy f-paui’e 1 L^dSedfu&s proL h Welcome | tue.l'ing D^eu . .oerMT ^ ■ ■«'<>»■ “ ear QuUuan, «LUe you lulne taM# , the jVtnEy ciFcknr.d j meati lne si n. j i.n. to the public. Millions of bottles were I brated Phyaictau au-1 Memtew U —- —. — ltm o geoiw, ueMl, auu pub.u^ted Id Ae _ -Quitman, commanding the po t. (-“ddith.iu to^mr *»A*seio * ,,hii... 11,, a.,.. e batdieior’sskl 1 ■ i be^ capt i’ joks —Between toe antes . , , * kxtrvui sues' <»•? Hentember, 1868, lMias in-; ' * j .^a-n^vpilia 1 ' dll dpaia-’s | ar.ffe{.fti>pi-;o- “a,votm«tnff;»nd.vertigiE- I tfeut’tlftakns$k*&-W x 'U- €yf ~- re ‘m-y-in $. ji t v .-.VIK', Felh=- :.*f!< •• 'Vi'vqeof, wn ; fa xuesi of Ui» hxte StiDAiiBrd *Vortcl« * 1VI tries <£Koi§es4 B (p HA - mi ww rESS'tfffEP an-.l Rump and Prime L to/ Ship Stojcs . ®E wle by KENNETH MoLH i2S-iW-* '* " J* 2< ’i ’ HAMS AND SHOUL, u l - iu-hi FIRF i n awl - • ■ ■ i c*i' ilA^TFhiRD, COEN. ' iUash Capital..;...., .... SAME Wpi DRUFF, President DAxrix'Bijijc. Secretary. ; * a. wiCbur, •* Gigieral Agent^jnutd SPRfNGFiELT) 1 ; f re anu mau; N E i - SURANC '..jMPaJt, SPRING-. ‘ FIFJ.T), MASS. Cash Capital f- ‘■'EDMUND FHEF*'.-af • Wht. Conn a u, Jr., Secret A A. V> Gerjjr- 'w a.SHJNi F...A cyst**. Vi.‘ 75 Bbls*. and. 100 Hfilf lbls. |Y, F OR SAi.E Ml cO^ rignment, put aj j. ajgom lbs e\ )v.: Kelly iSjjecti Senate, anu the on County, vras *. Judge'Boling r of ‘ Seaaie, t.t j.eii Clerk of '"MP^NV; ' ‘ r '‘, t t.'t?-SlirlS- .u.-Jff-vtnif •ct.i'lfc’va fit 4. A . '. -ru ;! froift ! riJtij ■* ■, v in '• a mcKiy uatcre, and sour, dy»f>eptu .**- sustained.—Please state how U#an) s > !U fLBBS who have oc,-a»ii>n to change their were tli 9iw. - A/jv. -th^-I think there tfere 7D uuca. did not count them. .**■ fiMMi ‘ v ' J w ' f ■ j. <V«! r T>%c m%l 4 \ ’«»' ' I.;3gS: s -tt Xfi -V.' 1 -- ..f y?r ' -- .Mm. _ A 2’V iis3hnr KENNETH M'lEr. Mac FLu A ; J ■ It l.fis h' till (rift J- - nil Fi Risk ! rst . mi- » A' A CO S-. prepared to tea- doer * or ioreigu p. ,-' ity iu ihe Ti>i .iwltig naib' v : 5 three bales of private cotiou* t I’d Capitol objected to by the defence, and the i# i? cniLDB* •» «««=«. and *,nr. dyaftoptu j * VhoU^le ‘agent2 Stat o. Gelirgm. acatioa— decSLeodlj ... : Li&numg it'Jiii ‘bifciSifcf it idiffiiijK., atto ~$T " for sale at the • a there is ..1 that the are willing Quo,:.on.—State Whether you saw the cot- tor' ami how. many bales you estimate j to have b. eu there. .. *;• ,• j/p-i y.—I saw the cotton* but ^Bid not count the bales. I should thinkAbere might have t-<ea 60 or 70 bales, more or less. Question.—Was any part ot the cotton claim’ as private cotton, and by whom i An- ir.—Three bales of 1t,*&y Col. Spain. AiiUenon Hnnter, (colored boy,) witness ura"!fm the irosecotion, being oslled and swbrn, - 'he r ridian, i, * > t r e concin- \.-'ias. ihe band L Wa:, mm - V numb a- j testified follows: . :ktr had j otu.tion.-^Where were you last month V ' j . l| uck up i wlieB ^ q g Lamar, Jr., was arrested, by 16006 D0U | n .t/intioo Bunnell, and what were you do- fic.i Ujc y *uno. defence i. tiar^ i u vaia, v ich once »iutio£j ot Lfiuv //alter Y'lmZH i that tiruKli '--red the . A lle-. en !* ’. f; Wen of ne yac.p seat; iha \Hop- :\ Call 4 vvhuiT) a’ Mary; Oc A \ 'snee an** | j) e tective Bt \ fit us it: : aK ? p i ie wbo fcac j jj,,,, *,-.—I was waiting on Mr. Lamar 1 at pin TbomasvUle. t . ' Do you know anything about any letters in possession of Mr. G. B. Lamar, Jr., at the time ofhis arrest ? Aus^ar.—Mr. lAmaT gave me two letters, } which were turn up, android me to bum them. I did bom .tbcUi. (jaction.—At whit time was this? .* Ans tr.—He g*ve me .thoae two letters, about iwelve O’clock, after he was arrested. i^iUon.—Wbosa servant Were you before you went with Mr. Lam**.? | Au . er,—Col. JaC L. 'Seward’s. ! Queehon.—At what time did you enter the •ikct> 1 se?v .« of G. B. Lamar, Jr* ? - v f Answer*.—I was in the service of Mr. Mdses, u .tmung the oihvkrs i but atiil waited on Mr. Lamar whilkb^was . --- t Ura” last bd.iir- there. - . * ' * -*- -. ;a, eu ;ur as rekit\d Question.—Whose servant are you now f - - t_ least if or uiforiav it Ansu er.—I guess I am ,my own servant cfcK-ery s^iicuk<*(5 wl now. ^ " V “ .-.tore. ! i parfi«A u Mr. A,. Gt Browne recalled, jg the noise, jqji.owi.v.- will please explain bow t< - 'h i- i aJ .iie . Eoni-shinpeU down lbe‘. roadeffme to i v. ..res, r;g. i ud te; . I)*- mark lid W. £ B.—U. S., which mask bn -• n aaed. T :, en then; some cotton has beemalluded td prevtouky s Freuch >ay : v . a , 0 the testimony.’ I hen three nerf seJ Aioaotr.— In taking charge at Thomdsyille ;pokc 1 reuen and had ; vid examining the contractor’s duties there, mattered about the dec)., i yd thcHermsbf his contract,it seemed to Si the Pools mil aiNW eowppAi* LEfcONaBTlYPPr - creaming fm P- m desirlble that additional security should A f-*, *J. k,»,a qn’d • roB nnl£ctiired-to''drdir. il they had ^ath. red ; he !! » fl *f< ,-Jed for bis faithful ex^utton.of his ■ AJso on hsna ana- ui lou , i: i no J": jooitre •, and with hUcoocur^nce, althoagh *> --4k* - . - .* oleife OliStl A'6'i illls-DT ■ ' u nrr -MBtl* *.« ska m^ah* * CUfidCO OU ^ -i - ! cleia observed qta-er '; x pr<. was Certain be Lad sold j h K moat have beet con- 11 i pi -omon ot the oottou .. was Ci flam be Lad sold ; a; rtiomasvtlle, tOffo i* Ir'vn- 8 rclhaied ,r > t**—*|T rifinr *110 it: i. ■. * ,ter, apd— ALL vho live tottnajllri.ra dtatrictv, so3 aro »ol>ject t‘ la mlasmatif ioflucucei*. will flml one ot the ino-t valoubie Tonics arid Ipvlgoratora rhat. van be tixeii, u* tt Acjincav. H 'aVINO'’bi-in solicited by my firleids to again open my School for Dancing. I r pn X to A DEhPHIA aLE;’ DEPOT RUSS’ ST . DOMINGO - BITT®RS^ l ^ .it** ■ * - . _ Of TBYTHEM BUT ONCE.' * ■pea mj 8chc*u for Dancing, t ba 1- ! concluded to take ft limited uhn*oer of Pupils. Thiso desirous ot seatilii/theif ch!ldreDU*»u sec tne at Mr ^E. tbrlich 30 Wbitifer street. 7” ’ * , „ - eag. - • -4 ' - i/Louis. jL-L.i: —bv— , . 1 W. M. DAVIDSON Agg^t fot.Mftflagy, Colliqs $ Co v v*.' s»*r- fflMrf 1: • hmaiv •• f Ph ‘’ittcMsti*.,E': . . ... dlreftets t. thi.- — «r KENNETH At< u dat-iw • a Canada Bu • cc-Apcrr Muiuim : 1 \ \ SB V ■'£ CGJSV*-'-. ' *1 ! STA .V1 ’ARD I Ofli; b ill ..loi Kianc UATtefr Nsueanc N.iP- htrevi-s.. D INSL’R- 5,«i0.0ff> pomp 1 ”. eou.Moa CE COisur i eon/^o i r Bay a-i i Acercr/rBi r ’f Ol4 and Sfy-aB ltl6-lf rn FIRKINS and tnbs Choice Fami OU EBNNKfH HoL——- - J-, Kflft liav street. ■t r Pilot RCSS’ STr DQMINGO PUNCR. *_£. '2*' * -#* W • RUSS’ A kBACI PUNCH, MADE FROM BATAVIA RICE. r RU88’ l^ESStNA PUNGft, ^ * * ' i * I , * *+ RUgS' GI%COCKTAIL.;p ;/ . RUSS ’ BRANDY COCKTAIL. RUSS’ BOURBDNW HISKEYCODK^AH* ANDING from ecbooriar®. Vanaman, IIP boxes Pilot Dread, iO'case^Mlnce Meat. Jt is unnecessary to s&f anythlhg regard ing the quafity of my A16—its reputation was WELL* ESTABLISHED long’ before . the war, throughout GEORGIA, ~ ALABAMA -and FLORIDA. • This Ale is brewed expressly for me at an EXTRA COST, and I flatter myBelftbat with TWENTY=ONE years’ experience in tbrbu aioesa Jn THIS CITY, I know wbyt kind of Ale is best suited for this market.' My CEL LARS are the Jj£8£ C in*tbe ’City ‘ which fact, nMbmKftSHrtQtL^ftKkai k SlbE^■. AND MARSNE • lisursuice Aguncy. AtXK • e . ’l yC ^8ay'etrtftt v leafed. Atxitts Tq^Wan Plrkim s, on con^i^D- . 0S8-1W KKNNET1 McLEA & CO.’; ■ * 202 Bay eiset i. WASHINGTOi HAMS. gCASiSofthnssfirilbratedl. im , f i i.iVn. ut N J > K \ ^EC^RITT 4 INS. HA CE C- )MPA§ Y Capfr .1 ftt-A rpitis .' ..$1,1(00,060 rfr UiaCRANCp C<A Cajiilal smU rpjna ,.$lioo,f)00 - INTERN-V U>N.AL INSURANCE CO. ’apitfli and S- rp’na......: <*.. For sale by 'KENNEF 5 V .. R - A CO., nObi. £»Pik£&$M, * ir ^gethes wttir my.-k nowtet^e* of mao- tgajLr - j - agetoen^riUe, etuples<me to ttsurumy’‘ - ^GEO. Hi* ARLEDGE, “ frieirdl pf a"cenptaui supply ot 'bup^jior Ale'* ttfc 'year found. ' .».*/ ' d80-*w ,%V V* m. datUwon. ’IFWvmJ^hA Ctfr s ^XEr.CHA*r»IsE:-’ ‘ • *• - *'■' m •«, .i ihe 1 *md PorWu--t‘*ic M< rcti**-* rfhte. *S;i*jviv »ff.t concoctioM that ever tempted Tbetm mantotiSte-vhW^Utah any STEADY DRINKS In the world, Blackberry bran dy. Cil*§ T Si S’BJJILDJNGS.'v t,afid (tL CotoimluSoa - 72 fray STREET. Bi \ ANNAfl. - m m Baltimore Meal. d, ofSu>-ilor Qualify, sale tow iiv , KpG HAYNKF ■set, earner BanuuM. il after the wuir'i .rising of tot cottoi- iinah ; ana then oufy from time to uporltnoafiy to arrivals of the oottou. port a, -> ;" ich I thus held as securi.- a faithfip performance, was shipped et with fcio initials to denote the atvi- it, and with the mark U B., to he hold of the Government'on it ss r. • wr " HUSH & CO., No. 34 Dey street, New York. MaNPA tan IaRIIR. vital and St plus $ Q ._ Riakr UV-ri in tie anove jiftif.i-8 on imilijii - - uti’i s, at'ihe Com ilijb-Mctipr WaLjJ txi« A II9-3IIl N 12 MlOtUliti ; CT«et. R-cIlfti fo Soxitlxera Ii suradroe. H!ES, haU bane it Extra FattoUy Flour, |M RaWdk now, * * '' ‘ eat,-new bulled; fresh: Sugar, Soda, Wol- **• • •THE V4*mp and Fire Natio».‘ WSHBmCE company 6f NEW^wLEANa ilea; 25 do in Sticks^ {p' FJ»a A\ GAFJTAL, .1586.000 'o'* *r Darri&rd. 200 . re^.reffM srst. JeUas Street*, SA.VANN'AR, GA., .Hulls, Mow * wX . CauYUes. H ,c*) t-lYRS enabled, through his penarawnt fwuge m WW- UW ja> leap, l aud‘2 pountWiani, >r"patent MonldlGatidles.jsIxes, - Hth ij'a concurrence, 1 kept all Sold Wholesale by W, M. .WALSH, Wholesale Druggis HALSEY, WATSON & CO., Grpcern, •• Savannah, Landing era by d26-eoo2i to famish Jflfber8 an i Uvafere in this dr i as those In too coniiti > .ift BOOTS A'*D SHOES acre reancnaile rfitei than any other hori.e. , dii-tr pn ■...... jk cmvKj aw,)-, ever ilnd arid grade, - .onc7 paper Fcxea of Bnlicake. For sale bv * ,j**’ RaNDELL t CO., J30- 1 . m A Bay street, corner Barnard. » The oaffenigt . pnb’JC that be •- ihe above na : *•’ rine, Sliver a 'j i Office ore: E cater* GamnreU. Bay street. References—O- tavue Cohen, Htaiter & j3an Erwin A Hardee. Cm i I '> ( I V