Newspaper Page Text
^>SMPi-V n &
^—(TiriicsplAu Corps. _
al" ,n ’ 1 of thin Sociotv will Black Cotton Velvet, Velvet UibboiM
Utt p'^ 00 “Suits EVENING, 4th Law priced red Flannel
Jpl^l,™ onoclod (by particular re- • •• - -
WC Bc_
Shad’s 1
Ildkfs., Chally Aprons
Scarli and Shawls
Ladies plain and ribbed black Silk Hoso
Do. do. do. whito do.
Btuck and blue black Bombesins
Motislin do Laincs, black Love HdkCi.
Black and Lead 0-1 Thibet Shawls
I .kP"l Il,kl Monument
V* 0 *Lottery. '
] c1AS 8 NO’^OH^vir^
[DED by <}? I Cor 1830, to bo
' , pbI5BES :....»o5,*)4
u dm
I as 6000
Indigo Blue Plaid Homespuns '
Printed Baizo, plain green do.
Green and yellow Flannels
English fancy Chintz, Furniture do.
Damiiigand Knitting Cotton
Black Laco Veils, fancy Silk Hdkfk.
oetU 189
. .New Goods.
ri^HE subscriber has just returned from New-
York, andivillreceiveinafewdaysperbrig
Savannah and rtlip Celia, his full supply of Fan* Domestic DRY GOODS, which will be told at
cy and Staple Goods, comprising a very general
assortment of desirable ana fushionnble Goods.
No. 1Wartng's Buildings, Market Square.
octflO 909
,E &
TT AS just relumed from rs’cw^Yor
XX and splendid assortment of
* . I. . n *. I 1 _.
t*BdTVmorrowtiw first Tuesday
J> ai, before the Court House in the
goietabet be ^ u , un l hours o/sje,
.Iintisli, slave, levied on under
!UM ?.*„.Sion for damageon writ
p issued outof thehonorah o
tt&cTart orChatham Counw,at tim
l&«• e^JamesSagutshtid
1 rfpSm o?M?*“ml*Doy« Browns,
Seasonable Goods.
B ROADCLOTHS—lMuck, invisible green.
olive, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixed ana
brown, English double milled.
Cussimeres—Drab, black, dark grey and striped,
8atineU—Blue, drab, cadet aiul dark mixed.
Suspenders—Elastic andknittod, also Extra Ends.
Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigonia, wliite and mix
ed Cotton.
Gloves—Colorod and whito Iloskin, Buckskin,
Silk and Bouver
Umbrellas—Silk and Cotton.
Stocks—Satin, and Bombusin, with bows and
Cravats—Black Italian and faucy colored. Also,
Merino Skirts.
Brushes—Cloth, hair, nail and tooth.
Handkerchiefs—Wliite Silk, plain, red and figur
ed. Just received, odd for sale by
out 22 No. 2 Sliad's Buildings.
F ULLER, MOORE St. CO. have recently re
ceived a general assortment of Ladies' Gen
tlemen’s Misses' and Boys' Hosiery, amongst
which are.
Ladies' white brown, black and col'd totton Hose
Do. back and slate worstod do.
Do. Merino and Cashmere do.
Gent's white, unb! and mixed cotton hnlf do.
Do. mixed Merino and Angola do. do.
Do. lambs wool and worsted do. do.
Do Cotton and Vigonia do.
Do. domestic wool, half do.
Aliases, white and colorod cotton do.
Boys’ do. do. do. half do.
Do. do. Vigonia merino and lambs wool do.
Mi ns’! ir.d Boys' fine woolen Gloves
Do. do. course knit do. for servants
Do. do. half Hose do.
Ladies’ nud Gent’s Silk Hose, Half Hose, dec.
oct 26
Now GooiIn.
4 FEW sets rich Furniture Chintz
50 pieces low nricod do. do.
25 do. Chnlfv and Motislin de Laincs
Just received, nndfor sale by
Dry 4*00(Is,
T HREAD Lace Edgings and Insertings
Jackonot Muslin do. -do.
Swiss do. do. do.
BobbinetLace do. do.
Black and lead Calicoes nud Ginghams
Furniture Chintz, do. Dimity
Carpet, and Bed Bindings
Worsted Cords, black and blue black Beltings
Black and blue black Silk Cords, colored Braids
Do. and white Twist Silk Gloves
Long do. do. do.
Mii'os and Ladies colored H. S. Gloves
Do. do. bl c i do.
Quill hack and side Shell Combs
Colored, black and blue black Satin Ribbons.
Just received from New-York, and for sale by
sept 27 Shad’s Buildings.
Fuller, nioore A Go.
H AVE received a portion of their Fall and
Winter s ock of Staple and Fancy Goods,
and will continue to receive during the season a
groat variety, which will bo sold on accommoda
ting terms, for cash or good paper.
5 biles Cordova Plains, all wool
6 cases Washington and Wakefield Kerseys
bales red a id plaid Lindseys
do. 6-4. 74, 84 ui d 9*4 Duffil Blankets
10 4,124 and 144 Mackinaw and Whitney do.
2 casos cadet and tteel mixed SatinsUi
do.* fine blue do.
do.' Kentucky Jeans, 1 do. Marlboro Stripes
. do. bleached Shirting
2 bales 54 and 64 Brown Sheeting, French
S rinted
rics, Mouslin de I .nines aud Chally*
34 Chnt’y Shawls and Mant es, &c.
oct 5
wducod prices for cash or short credit, consisting
50 pieces French, German and Eng. Merinos
60 do. Mouslin de Laincs
GOO Rob Roy Woolen Shawls, various sizes and
600' y dS! ,, te C “ P *^ ,b *“ q "‘"' y ■
1000 piece. English, French and Am. Calicoea
10 halo. ,3-1 and 4-4 brown Homespun
0 esses blouchcd Shirtings and 8heetinn
96 piece. Wliite and red Flannel.
1000 do. Room l’apar and Bordering
30 do. Satinet., auorted colon and qnalitioa
30 do. Apron Check* .
23 do. Iruh Linens, 30 do. Long-Lawn
36 do. Negro Cloth, 30 do. Negro Blanket*
100 pair Whitney, Row and Mackinaw do.
300 doz. nsaortou Hoad Hdkf..
10 caaea do. Florence braid and plain Straw
35 piece, plain and figured Silk., new etyle
35 bozee aaeorted Ribbon.
309 dozen Lediee eiik, cotton end wonted Hoc.
300 do. Gentlemen', woolen and cotton do.
60 do. Ladie. kid and .ilk Glove.
100 do Gent’, woolen, kid andbuckikindo.
35 bale. Band Boze.
Togetherwithachoicoaawrtmant of .ilk, brocho,
cotton and worsted Shawl., Lace., plain, checked
and figured Muslins, Shaker Bonneta, Are.
Als, on assortment of Ready Made Clothing,
oct 33 310—ly
T 44 and 54 Cotton do
14.uil 54 brown do no *
L English aud American Long Clotha
Imtfommoii brown Shirting.
Liti-l Damask Table Clotha
I ta 104 Damask and Table Diaper
l* Diaper Towelling
L Huckaback do
’ .Rinsaa Diaper,lOdoCrarit'
atn Damask Napkin.
kM< Pillow Ctue Linen
*k 6ns >nd superfine Fumitiiro Dimity
a Furniture Calico
|u o Dnen Ticking
Idoutperutdlow priced Cotton do
> Furniture Fringe
4lo 13-4 super Monotllea Quilts
4 to 104 white Connterpaneu
It to 104 rul'd do
aud fig’d Floor Cloth,
etinrsnnd Rugs,fire. For sale by
While £cn«l, Ac.
| KEGS superior Englbh White Lead
1800 da do American No. 1 At 3
bllEnrliih Linaeod Oil
Ido do Chalk -
Ido do Whiting
I do Alum, 6 do 8alt Petre
(tired tier Savannah and Commando,
den Seeds. Crop 1839.
fiHERAt LA ROCHE to, and will ro.
niaafew days, a large assortment of
, Flower and Bird Seed, the crop of
bo, in daily expectancy, a beautiful nrti-
I the Chinese Tree Com. Tho aboro
■nalcd to produce lurge vegetable, and
Winters and other, are invited to
uainefor themselves. All of which
Idlow for cosh or city ecceptances.
Sign of the Golden Globe,
Opposite the Market.
e French ttnppcc Snuflr.
BARS coarse French llappeo Snufi', roso
■hwred, of Lorillard’* manufacture. For
a cull, by
Sign of the Golden Globe,
Opposito the Market.
The Subscriber, :_r
JAG jail returned to the city, i. now
f«ai. general assortment of splendid
I FANCY goods.
I* Embroideries
y .nicies of all description,
a delaines, Chally.
M Agcn, Cat Velvet,
padlnlad Satins, dee.
“uionj for the approaching season will
otoeiortow.IRth inrt.
aplondid assortment of
last~"ft |nfi invito, tho pnb-
™ e, *mtne for thomrelvea. They will
& im . c / os ’ Satinet., Kersey. >
Bed Ticking
Si™ 1 Kentucky Jean.
“•’unenctm Print.
‘JjadJaconet JIu.|in«
"GTjauu"et fig ' ,rB,1B0bbinC ''
alenno, Thibet Wool and Blanket
a 2-i, col '’ rod
fe 8»«Pmdo"," dHo * i,,G,ovoa
w 1 ! a <'d Half Hose
Sfc^-t^ndhon Side do.
and Eve., Patent Pin,
AS', n" 1 M Buttons
Co" 011 Umida
, «wern, Wreaths
c'rten'o' C *P gibbon.
L 7s” Sf’gtpfonl of the latest .tylo
’ “Nit Straw, utid Eulgiha Straw
V 80ld vary low
•Avery A Johnson
H AVE received a good onortment of Cam
brie and Muslin Edging, and Inserting.,
French Worked Collars, Sus.
oct 10 South side Motmmont Square.
New Full Wooda.
Received by G. B. Lamar.
3 ,4 AND 4-4 Scotch uinghmit.
*■“1: Fine Long Lawns, Irish Linen.
Brown Holland, dot Hamilton Flannel
American Print., Worsted Glove.
Wonted and Cotton Hosiery
oct3 South side Monument Square.
Satin Ribbons, «i:
rG. B.l
i ate.
Just received per G. B. Lnmur,
S ATIN Ribbons, Muslin Hands
Muslin Edging, and Inserting.
Silk Hosiery, Thrend, Ac-
Far sale by AVERY & JOHNSON,
oct 3
More Now Hoods.
Per ship Gaston.
Of! P c ®- sup'r Mouslin de Laine.
Jmlyf 5 do. com. do. do. forcliiidron
5 do. rich Challya
4 do. 64 printed Saxotre.
700 black and blue black narrow Silk Braidi
18 84 Broach Shawl.
34 Hiliiud do. 0 Victoria Skirt.
oct 13 South ride Monument Square
Now Fall and Winter Hoods.
Per G. B. Lamar, Ac.
g\ l* PCS. Hartman's bout French Prints
jSU 30. do. super. Eng. Prints, small fig'll
6 pieces black and wliite Twilled do.
18 do. Scotch Plaid Ginghams, well adnp.
ted to this market
10 do. black and whito do. do.
• 50 do. whito and checked’Cmnbrics
6 do. figured and plain Swiss Muslin.
10 do. super. Bird Eye Diaper
16 do. do. Long Lawn.
30 do. do. 4-4 Irish Linens, warrant
ed free of cotton
6 dozen Hem Stitch Linen Cabric Ildkfs.
30 do. 541 and 3-4 do. do. do.
30 do. Ladlas' English Cotton Hose
10 do. slate and colored do.
6 do. black do.
10 do. black, white, ribbed and plain Silk
6 do. do. do. Half do.
1) do. Gents, and Boys Worstod Gl vis
5 do. Lndiea’ do.
5 do. do. Kid do.
10 do. Gent's mixed Half Horn.
For sale an fuvorable terms, hr
oct 7 South side Monument Square.
Winter Hoods.
A FINE assortment of white end red Flanols
Super. English and American Canton do.
Black, blue, green and Dahlia English Broadcloths
Casrimeres, Satinets and Vestings
Rose and WhitneyBlankets
London Duffil and Point do.
A splendid assortment of Carpetings and Rugs
Dark and light colorod French Prints
Engiisii unit American do.
Fancy Shawls. nsiorloJ kinds nud qualities
Wliite ami ci lareil Counterpanes
Motislin do Loiues mid Chafiy
Super. 4-1 dark colored Ginghams
Do. 4-4 black mid whito do.
oct 33
IliUCst uuti CiMOi'Uti Stiiisi Met
1 PU.CE super, blue black Gro de Royal
4 do. colored figured Poul de Sole
3 do. do. blue black do.
4 do. black mid blue black Gro do Rhine
6 do. low priceil black Silks, compriring a
■very excellent assortment.
oct 4 190
Fall Hoods.
J A E. INUERSOLL ore now receiving
• tiieir siipplv of Fall and Winter Dry Goods,
wh'-ch they otter for sale on their usual accomrno-
dati ig terms. oct 6
W. II. de 8. lingers,
H AVE jusst received per repent arrivals Dorn
N. York, nearly their fall supply of French,
German, Italian and English Fancy Dry Goods,
among which ore tire following articles, vizs
Ladies rich Plush and Silk French Shawls
Do. colored and black Ostrich and Caahmere
1 case finest Florence Braid Bonnets
1 do super. Irish Linens
15 cartoons Puri. emk. Capes and Coltara
30 pieces Wash Blonde and plain Quillings
5 do. Weir Gro de Lyons Laco
35 do. Thread Edging i and Insertings
10 do. Valencine do. do. aud Uetubngs
30 do. 4-4 and 54 Wash, Spot, Square and II
In-inn Ulondo
French worked Culls, Blonde Veits and Paris
ChsntiOa Veils, Eng. Collars and Twist Shawls
Molmir Netts, Bags und Scurfs
Mu»lin Paris einb'd Shawls, 4-4 and 6-4
Black Luco do. do. 1-3 and 44
Caps, Insant's Waists, French Flowers and
French, English and Amorican Prints
Challya, Mous. de Lames, Velvets aud Silks
Tartan, KobRoy and Kolryle Shawls
Bouuet, Belt Und Cap Ribbons
Ermine and Fur Collars
Silk;. WnrsUulund Gotten Hose,
oct 31 SouUi side Market Square
For lAverndol,
igA Tho first class ship NEW JERSEY, J. G
Dickson, master, has commenced loading
nndwillhave despatch. Forfreightapply to Capl.
D. on board at Jones upper wltarfor to
For Havre.
-ffiA Tho coppored ship MONTtCELlO, J. G.
Stilt Lawton, has commenced loading, and will
have^de-gatoh. For freight or poa-age, having
C °oct35 ° 1 ‘ CC PADe1?FOrY",TaV A CO.
, . FOr Sale,
VTVHE Plantation owned by John D. and Wm.
X Gray, known by'Uto name of Ro-eville, si
tuate on the Big Satina River, in Camden Coun
ty, Ga. joining Armstrong’s BlnfT. Tho troot con
tains by re-survey (1179J) eleven hundred -even-
ly-nine and a half acres, most of which find qual
ity tide swamp, silty -five acres of which is under
g ood banks. This tract has more natural fucili-
es than any other on tho river, and tho land is
inferiorto none fortlre culture of Rice. Also, ull
limitation implements, 120 neat Cottle, 130 Sheep,
Some Hogs can be sold if wished; also, the crop
of Rice. Thu latter purchases to he cash, but the
Land, to an approver! purchaser, the terms will be
made liberal. WM. I1INKLKY,
Agent for John D. and Wm. Gray.
Camden Co. Ga. Oct. 1839.
oot 17 3')1—lm ^
C Law Notice.
UYLER W. YOUNG, Attorney and Conn-
aolior at Isiw, lias locuted himself in Lonis-
yillo, Georgia, where lie will attend to all profes
sional businusa entrusted to hiscare, with diligence
and punctuality. Ho will regularly attend the Su-
terior Courtsof the Counties of Jefferson, Burke,
leriven, Effingham, Bulloch, Tattnall and Mont
aug3 163
NVootl, Wootl.
T HE Subscriber has how on ham', and will
be constantly receiving, a supply of find
quality Oak and Ash Wood. Apply ! eWood
' fori, cut enJ of tho town,
oct 17 301 H. F.'WlLhlNR.
New CurpctinK and llugi.
By bng Wilson Fuller.
T HE subscribers have received on addition to
Uieir assortment of Curpcling, consisting of
•Jilendid three ply enl Ingrain Curpeting, (real
Also, 1 bale els aud Wilton Rugs, which
are offered low. J. A E. INGERSOLL.
oct 24
Nnigro NVoolcns.
CASES Washington Kersoya
2 do. Hanover Jeans
2 hales Canadian Kerseys ,
2 do. Cordova Plains
2 do. Potter Hill Jeans
5 do. Duffil Blankets
1 do. Red Flannel
3 do. plaid and plniu Lin-oys
Scotch Bonnets and Kilmamuch Cups, &c.
out 36 809 .
do. •
Twilled Kerseys.
Per brw Augusta.
BALES Lowell Knrsoy*
2 cases do. do*
4 do. heavy rolled do.
*20 piece* heavy Twilled Cotton. For sale
on favora’de terms.
oct II
New Goods.
T :iE Subscriber has jiut revived, and offer*
for *nlo, the following article*:
2 bales 3*4 Springfield Shirting
1 do. 3-8 do. do.
10 piece* 44 Irish Linen, 12 do. 44 eup. do.
10 do. Fancy Print*, *20 do. low priced do.
5 dozcu Gerrnau Cravat*
10 do. hluck Cotton Hose, 5 do. blue do.
white do. do, 1*2 do. dup. do.
colored do. do.
do. do. do. Hulf Hose
white do. do. do.
Gent*. Berlin Gloves
La lie* do. t’o.
do. China spun Silk Glove*
• 8
New Goods, New Goods.
T HE subscriber luu received anil now opening
from brig Savannah and ship Celia, a large
and extensive assortment of newest style of Fan
cy and Staple Goods, consisting in purt of the fol
lowing articles, viz:
100 pieces Cordova Kerseys
1*20 do. Satinets
uew style 44 French Prints
do. English Calicoes
black and cord Scotch Ginghams
Kentucky Jeans
White Flannel
Red do. various qualities
_ Muslin de Laine*
100 54, 64 and 84 Chineille Shawls
60 Merino Shawls and Mantles
400 Shawls, various styles and qualities
100 pieces French and English Merinos
60 do. Pongee Silk Hdkls.
20 do. English Spitudfieid Silk do.
50 dozen Wolen Gloves
20 do Mens Buck and H. S. Gloves
20 do. Ladies H. S. Gloves
20 do. do. Silk aud Cotton Gloves
aud Long Mitts
60 pieces col’d and block Silks,uewest stylo
2 cases Cuiiton Flannel
20 pieces new style Cussiraere
20 do. Vestings
10 do. Broadcloths, various qualities
30 boxes Bonnet, Cap Taffeta and Belt Rib
100 dozen silk, worsted and cotton Hose and
Half IIoso
10 boxes Sutin Ribbons, from No. 2 to *22
48 Ladies wliite Florence Bonnet*
100 colored Bonnets
White and colored Satins, col’d Florences
White and black Crape
Black JLove Shawls, black Bombasms
Ladies hemstitched Linen Cambric Hdkls.
Lace and worked collars, Bonnets
Nuns Hoods, and a general assortment of
desirable good*. For sale by
oct *23 A. BENNETT.
mf&M ■
h-'Cit r 1 ^Mo.
P‘ J «» !*»rlk a,, ‘ e ' 8h “ wla
Monument Sqmira.
KiSS^iSofir- 1
j, ‘ C ‘ ,w<, . rH * aborted pattern*
■ 0,, d for sale by
<j, 9RGE,w. BEHN, '
^°. ^b»dV Building.
New aud Seasonable Bit Goods*
Per brig Augusta.
PCS. black and lead French Print*
10 do. sup’r Puri* Chintz, new stylo
6 do. splendid Paris Mouslniite* do Liino
2 do. plain black do. do.
1 do. blue black do. do.’
4 do. new style colored figured Silks
21 doz. printed Hdkf*.
10 psc. Apron Check*
40 do. white Cottou Fringe
50 groce Furniture Binding
25 do. Curpet do.
25 do. Slay do.
(5 doz. Ladies black nnd col’d II. S. Gloves,
best quality
• Gentlemen's Dog Skin nirl Buck Glove*
White and colored Cotton do.
oct 12
Fall and Winter Goods.
T HE undersigned ore now opening Uieir Fnll
nnd Winter uupply of DRY GOODS, com*
S rising a splendid assortment, consisting of Plain*,
lanket* and Kersey*, white, red, greun and yel
low Flaunel*, plain, greqp and chintz Floor
Cloths, Curpeting* and Rug*, Broadcloths, Cns-
•iuieres and Satinets. English and America Print*,
French and English Mermos, French and English
Mouslin de Laine*,Towolings, Sheeting* and col
orod Homespuns, &c, ,
oct 3
Blankest Canietini amt K«S«
Per Excol. •
A FURTHER m|>i>ly jif.aup’r Iniraln Car-
lullin'}—Al-i>, very mipurmr Titllnd Rug-,
3 bales tionvy twilled Blanket*. For Kile by
oct Id 202 .
do. black ' do. do.
Gent*. do. do.
Silk Romnls •*
12 piece* Pocket Hdkf*.
10 M. Drill-eyed Needle*
6 do. Victoria, in boxes
50 pack* Patent Pin*
0 piece* black Bmnbnsins
4 do. bluo black Gro de Swiss Silk
2 boxes Cup Ribbon, 3 do. Bouuet do.
100 dozen Clark’s Spool Cotton
50 do. Salmon do. do.
50 do. DeWitt & Co's. Spool Cotton
Ibices, Bobbiuuts, Edgings, Swiss, Book,
Mull, und cro*barred Muslins, and Per
fumery. Also, a splendid usaortmeiit of
t!.o Intent Mtyle Bonnet*. For wile by
g«ot 6 South side Market.
Wine* Bmiuly, Giu, Bottles, Ac.
2 HALF pipe* Star Sherry Wine, of superior
quality, oii draught
Also, in boxes of 1 and 2 doz cnch, the follow
ing celebrated brand* of M.idcira, Port and Sher
ry Wines, in quantities to suit purchaser*, viz: Ol
iveira, Alcyone, Remittance, Diinon, Luna,Wuc-
amaw. Map, 'Flower, Edward Bluudy & Sons,
Joy, Alert, Madeint, Belvidere, Golden, Pale am
Brown Sherry
5 pipe* Otard, Dupny & Co's Brandy
2 do. superior Holland Gin
10 casks Loudon Porter
100 crate* Wiho Bottles. For sale by
oct 24 207 JOHN W. LONG
New Stvlc of Hats.
R ECEIVED per brig Augusta, an assortment
of fushionubl ,w 5
sub- by
oct t
of fushioimbie HaL* of superior quality. For
H AS received per recent i rivals, a choice as-
soit nentof Broadclotli*. Cassimeres, Vest-
ings, See., which lie i* prepared to make up to or-
dor in tho best mantnr, and on reasonable term*,
oct 10
Under Shirts and Brnwros
A FULL supply of Lamb* Wool, Cotton net,
Mw-mo un i Silk UmlerSnrt-ai|4 llniw-
nr-. For-rlo by JtHIN MALLMIA-
oct 9: ■ I-tic by
Bouton A Knndlc,
Market Square, Savannah,
H AVE in-tore, amlnre receiving per varion-
arrivale, a [rill -upply of (iroccric-,Bagging,
&c. Among which are—
10 hhda. St C. oix Sugar
11 do. I’orto Rico c o.
60 bag- Cofi’ce
150 pieces Bogging, 42,43 and 44 inches
50 coil- Bale Rope
100 lbs. Bagging Tivilie
100UU do. Baltimore cured Ba-.on, lIiiin-,Stuc-
atid Shoiililcr-
3000 lm-hels heavy Maryland Seed Oats
Canal und B.iltf Flour, whole and 4 bbls.
10 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Choose
10 keg-choice Butter
20 4, 21) j. and it) 4 bl Is. Buckwheat Flour
10 boxes Sperm. Candle-
5 pipes Omni, Dtiptiy A Co’s. 4th proof
6 do. Seignetto do. do.
5 do, Holland Gin
20 bltls. Peiteh Brandy
30 do. Rye Giu, 30 do,,Whiskey
20 do. R'tnn
Madeira, Tenarilfo, Port nnd Sweet
gn Wines ■
Butter und Wine Biscuit
Almonds and Raisins, Tobacco
10 tons iron, assorted
75 kegs Nuils, Ac.
AH of which they otter on terms,
oct 11
Fresh Teas and Suiccs.
r fi- HALF chests snpi. Black Tea, in papers
.3 5 do. Hyson do. *
ID 4 do. do. a very sup. article
12 do. Imperial and Gunpowder
5 cases do ao. in caddys
1 bbl. Nutmegs, 2 bags Alspicc
Just received, und lor sale by
00131 C. L. McNISIl.
linns, Smoked Beef, Xnrd nnd
J-A REYNOLDS’ and other Ballunore
JlO\J Hams ;
5 bbls. Smoked Beef
8 do. do. Tongues
15 kegs Lcuf Lord
Just received, and for sale by
oct 31 C. L. McNISH
By S. Pliillir,
TO-MORROW, 5th in
Crn t ITous , b jtnce i tlie u u l I
1 Barouche anil Do iblo Hal
1 Grey Horse, 1 Bay Harm
2 Shares Cun . lRailRend Stock; i
f 149 per i.iore Iras boon paid. •
nov 4 Terms cash
By S. PliUbi ick A Co.
TO-MORROW, at 11 o'clock, in hunt ofthe
Cutut House.
Two guoil Draft Hones, well b. oku and gentle
in the harness. Terms cash, baukahlc money.
Prime House Servants,
By 8. PJiUbriek, A Co.
TO-MORROW, At 11 o'clock, in IVont oftiie
Court House,
A likely yonug wench, about 17 years of age,
also, a likely wench, abont 45 yean of ago, both
good house servants. Terms cash, Bankable ino-
uuy purchaser paying for titles. . nov 4
Clmthnin Academy,
T HE Winter session of this Academy will
commence on MONDAY, tire 4th day of
November next, under the following instructor!:
CUusiail Department.—J. E. Lamed, A. B.
Senior Boys' do.—A. R. Palmer, A. B.
Junior Boys' do.—D. S. Dickenson, A. B.
Seiner Girls' do.—K. E. Pynchon, A. M.
t Junior Girls' do.—F. B. Folger, A. M.
Junior Girls' do., id Division.—H. H. Miller.
Juetnik Department,—Mix- C. H. Bradley.
Frtnch, Italian, Spanish, German,ire.—J. Bloom.
It is desirable that those scholars which intend
to join tho school, should be present at the com
Prime renow,
lty S. Philbrick, A Co.
TO-MORROW, in (font ofthe Court House, the usual hours ofsala.
A prime likely Fellow, 38 years of ago, a first
ralo house sorvant, hostler and carriage driver.—
Sold fur no fault. Terms cash, purchuracr pay
ing for tides.
Also—A pair of first rato Blooded Mares,
young and gentle in single or double 1
Terms Cush. • Ick A CO.
TO MORROW, nt 11 o’clock, m front of tho
Court House,
One iron grey Penny, a find rate saddle nag;
one fine Gold Lever Watch. Stdo positive.
Terms cash, bankuhle money. nov 4
By S. Philbrick A Co.
TO MORROW, nt 11 o’clock, in front ofthe
Co irt House,
One curled irnplo Bndstcad.ono mahogany Bu
rma, und Gla**, one pine Crib, one Mo** Mat-
ru «, ono pair brnm Andiron* und Vendor, ono
Rocking (/li t ir, an 1 a lot of Glussware. Terms
cash (bankable money ) before delivery. nov 4
lleady .M.ide Ulothing.
By S. Vhilbviclt & Co.
At Trvate Sale.
Just received per ship Gastou, &c. a large and
good assortment of Ready Made Clothing, iiiita-
hie for tho present and approaching season, con-
| ai*Ung of Coati, Jacket*, Veit* md Pantaloons of
mcncement of Uie term, at which time the Clouses I every description, Shirts, Wrappers and Drawers,
will be arranged for the winter. „ also, *
The Teacher* have been selected with much An.asjortinont of German Silver Ware, Ta«
chre, and they will bo permanent. Their charac- bio Spoons, Dining and Desert Forks, Butter
tor, talent* und experience qualify them ft r their Knives, Pen Holders, Steel Pons, &c,
Mjverul stations. Few Institution* are so well sup-1 oct 18
died as this is, with all that give* facility and effect
o study; and it i* offered to tho trionds of correct
education for their, patronage.
EDW. E. PYNCHON, Principal,
oct 11 196}
Look at TliIn.
Administru.or’s Sulo.
By S. I* & Co.
On Lie first Tuesday iu December next, infront
of the Court House, between tho usual hours of
A two story Wooden DweDing House and out
. buildings, on half lots Nos. 39 and 40, Elbert
were mailed to the address of the subscriber Ward, fronting on Jeifereon-street, belonging to
on the 6th February Inst, at Greenville Court tho estate of Dr. A.Shef all,deceased, nnd sold
House, South- Carolina, by Wm. Choice, which by order of tho Administrator and AdminisUatrix.
hive not come to hand, and the probability is they | lermscusli. oct 2
inns’, be lost. The soveral Bank* uro hereby noli-
T HE left hand halves ofthe bills named be’ow, |
ty r.oti
fied of my intention to make an application, after
due notice, for new notes on the return of the right
hand halves, which are now in my possession.
$*2U Rank of Augusta, No. 238, dated 3d Sept.
1836. letter A.
$20 Bank of Augusta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct. 1828,
letter B.
20 Bank of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1627,
letter A.
*20 Bank Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832,
letter H. h.
20 Bank Columbus, No.351, dated 1st Sept.1831,
letter H. h.
Administrator’. Sale.
W ILL be sold, on the firat Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before the Court House door in
Jeokeonbore’, Scrivoa county, between tho usual
hours of uie, the following property, to wit:
One tract of Land lying in Kud County, ndjoin-
ingluudeof Wilkim H. Nunnally, Richard Hepi
ringtou, jr. and Brier Creek, containing 467 acres,
more or W Also, another tract, lying in said
county, containing six hundred (610) acre'-, more
or less, adjoining land, of Richard Herrington,
sen., Solomon Zeagler and George Robbins; al
to, five Negroes, to wit: Vilet, a woman about 40
20 |i;gora„is 1 iid^o„:=^Vf 6 ^ , ^ r
Bank Columbia, No. 1448, do. 1st Oct. 1829,
letter H.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 1206, do 1st OcL 1829,
letter II.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 262, do. 7th May, 1836,
letter H. h.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830,
letter torn.
20 Central R. Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 1836,
letter A.
20 Bank State of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept.
18 dim, letter A.
20 Bank Darien, No. 1676,do. 1st Doc. 1832, let
ter B. b.
20 Mechanic^’ Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. 5th
Dec. 1834, letter A.
50 Mechanics’ Bunk Augusta, No. 63, dated 7th
April, 1835, letter B. *
100 Mechanic*’ Bank Augusta, No. 58, da'e 11st
May, 1835, letter U
100 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st
Nov. 1831, letter A.
20 Bank Milledgeville, No. 4251, duted 2d Sept.
1836, letter A.
100 Bank Milledgeville, No. 436, do 3d Jan.1837,
letter A.
100 Planters &. Mechanics’ Bank Columbus, No.
59, dated 9th May, 1838, Letter A.
50 Plan. & Mech. Bank Columbus, No. 330, da-
ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A.
50 Ins. Bank Savannah, No. 18, duted 8th Dec.
1829, letter K.
NOTICE.r-Three months ofterdatc, applica-
t ou will be made to the (above^ different hanks
for new notes, the left hand half of suid bills be
ing o it.
Trounville, Go. I5th0ct. 1839, .
KJ’TUe Georgian, Augusta Chronicle and Sen
tinel, .Southern Recorder und Columbi s Herald
an*l Sentinel, will please publish the above week
ly for three months, and forward Uieir act o in s
»o me at Troupville, Ga. for payment.
oct 31 20713m W. S.
Goslieu Cheese and London *
O BOXES superior Goshen Cheese
15 cask Lendon Porter, in pint* and
nuarts. Just received and for sale by
1 •"* VAI
oct 31
To Planters.
rpIIE Subscriber, Agent for the Athen* Mnnn-
1 factoring Company; ha* constantly on bund
a supply of their Domestic Woolen and Cotton
GomU, a superior article for Negro Clothing.
oct23 299
Huntsville, Liberty County.
B ROUGHT to Jail, October 1st, 1839, a Ne
gro man Named JOHN, about 5 feet 6 in
ches high, 19 or 20 years of age, who says he be
longs to n gentleman by tho name of Samuel Cl;-
alt, who resides in Lowndes county, Ga. The
owner is hereby requested to come forward, pay
expenses, and take him away,
bet 3 189 S. S. MOODY, Jailor.
Paints, Oils, Glass, iVc.
3500 P urc Linseed
300 gallon* bleached Sperm. Oil
000 do. unbleached do.
500 do. bleached and refined Whale Oil
500 do. unbieuched . do. do.
500 do. • common do. do.
200 boxes Window Gloss, assorted sizes
50 dozen largo Picture do. do.
2 ton* Wliite Lead. Received und for suU
oct 19
ie t, l?lus!in Trlmniintfs.
tw. A H \NDSOME assortment of Jaconet, nnd
A. S.vis* Muslin Edging and Iinerting. for
’ 1 FULLER, MO JR{: * ^
Dressing Cases.
T HREE doz. LadWand Gentlemen’s supe
rior Engtisb Jupaned Dressing Cases. Just
received, anu for sale by
oct 15 ,■ ; 6- R. HENDRICKSON.
Oig for jSalc. ~
A SECOND Imnd Buggy Gig and Harness, m
good order, will liaaoldonaccojnraoda mg
terms. : App'y iq
net 39
Floor Bnlzc.
A VERY & JOHNSON have received best
quality 64 priuted nnd green Grundy Floor
Baize; also, heavy Negro Kerseys, Satinets, &c.
For sale on accommodating term,.
ort7 South side'Montiinent Square.
Soffit Bonnets.
W H. & S. ROGERS would inform the
. Ladies of Savannah and tiieir custom
ers generally, that on Wednesday next will ho
opened for their inspection,the Paris Pattern Bon
nets for the present season, together with a eplon-
cid assortment of .Millinery, aud Fancy Goods—
all late arrivals from Paris,
oct 15 South sido Market S pi re.
A VERY & JOHNSON, have receiveda good
assortment of Cotton and Silk Umbrellas.
So/tth sido Monument Sqi nr j.
_oct23 206
lteal Welch Flannels, dec.
1 A ECS. fresli imported Welch Funnels
JLvr 1000 yards Canadian Kerseys
3000 do. Cordova Pluins
Just opened by
Cloths, CasslinCres, Ac.
A very & Johnson, have received,
Block, bluo hluck, brown, claret, green, Ac,
West of England Cloths
Black, mixt, brown, striped, Ax. Casrimeres
Oxford mixt, black, brown, green, dire, drain um
Heavy rn'.xt do. do. forservanu
Jeaiu.-Liuseys, &q. do. do
"eavy Duffil Bl mkets
iso, fine ribbon bound Whitney, Rose, &c.
. Blankets.
oqt 23 South side Monument Square.
di, a girl about 14 years of age, and a girl by tho
n ma of Matilda, about 13 years of age. Sold
agreeable to an order of the lion, the Inferior
Court of Scriven county while sitting ft r ordina
ry p lrposos, asihe property of John M. Rober e,
dec a • d for die benefit ofthe hoira and e.cditora
of slid estate.
oct 29 211 *
(fiujx drksdxx, in saxony.)
P ROFESSOR ofMn~ . for ih.> I t.-t four v^nr*
in the cities of Baltinmri' an 1 An ipoli-, Md.
now in the city of Savamnh. (Jn. has tin* plcanuro
of informinz tho citizens of Suvaimah aiul it* vi
cinity, that ho will commence to give Iok-oiis on
the Organ, Harp, Piano Forte, Guitar, Violin,
Flute and Thorough Ba*s (that is, how to com-
nose Music,) and in Singing, particularly Church
Music, and o her Song*. Ladie- nnd Gentlemen
wist mg to associate in this Marie School, vnU
pleise inquire for further information nt Dr.
Koch’s room, at the rcsideuce of A. G. Oomler,
Esq. in the morning from 10 to 1 o’clock, und in
the aftei noon f.*om 3 until 5 o'clock.
FOR SALE.—A splendid grand square Piano
Fo.te. with the Harp, Loud Bu**n<ra, Drum und
Bril Pedal, by which the performer can produce
nine different sound*; ul-o, an Italian Guitar,
Flutes, Italian Violin, Clurionet, nnd an assort
ment of file mwest Music. These artie’ea cun
be seen by those who feel disposed to examine
such handsome instruments, at the above place.
l*i mo Fortes tuiied. Orders thankfully receiv
ed. 109 nit 15
F OR this office, a steady, sober N EG RO,' for
. whom liberal wages will be given,
oct 16
Wanted to PuitIijisc
I MMEDIATELY, for the use of a Planter,an
able bodied Negro Mun or Boy, for whom n
fair price will he paid. JOHN BOSTON
upri! 8
T O purchaser familyofsix or eight Negroes,
for which cash will be paid. Inquire of
oct 29 NOBLE A. 1TARDEE.
The Token,
A ND Atlantic Souvenir, a Christmas and New
Year's Present for 1840, oditod by S. G.
Goodrich, with 10 engravings.
Tho Youths' Keepsake, for young people, with
engravings and cut*.
Southey’s Life of Will'am Cooper Tap in two
Man, in lus physical structure and adaptations,
by Robert Mudie, 1 vol.
Woinauosshe should be—1st. The appropri
ate sphere of Woman. 2d. The influence of
Christianity, on Woman. 3d. The Christian edu
cation of Woman—by the Rev. Hubbard Wins
low., 4th edition.
Tho Complete Fanner qnd Rural Economist,-
containing a compendious epitome of the most
important brauche* of Agriculture and Rural Eco
nomy, bv Tuoa. Green Fessender, 4th edition;
enlarged. . .
Thu now American Gardener, containing prac
tical direct’ons on the culture of fruits vegeta
bles, by Fessender, 13th edition.
Mrs. Gilman’s Ladys* Annual Register, and
Housewife’s Almanac, for 140.
Marshall Hall's Pract’ce of Mediciuo, revised
and cularged, by Dr. Jacob Bigelow, fir t Ameri
can edition.
The American Conveyancer, containinga large
variety of Legal Form.* and Instruments, by Geo. f
P. C irtis, of the Baltimore Bar.
Curtis’ Admiralty Digest.
Tho Trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and .Pilate,
bring a refutation of Mr. Salvador’s chapter/ by
•M. Dupiu, truriuted from the Freeh.
Dictionary of Latin Synonymes, for the use of
schools and. private studeuu, with • complete in
dex, by Lewis Rauiriiorn, f.oin the French, by
Francis L3iber.
Just received by ....