Newspaper Page Text
4 0 ullard, master, will meet with despatch.
Slight or passage, having good accommoda-
w 0 ? v b A31IBUlS?1!EwTC CO ’
■ ■■■
orW or;
-^FOI' NO W-YorK-Hrig Tin.,
. ml Mimlnr nnnliflt ill'll? MAI)
For ncwivrn— 1,1 § s
The regular packet brig MADISON*
fcCantnm Bnlkley, having most of her cargo
•—^o/will Bail In n low day.. For balance of
Sit or passage, having superior accoinmoda-
3, (date room.) apply on In
lion ,, (state y -rrv — board at done. 1 up
F er wharf, or ^ AaHB tj RNi I.EWI8 & CO.
jj jj _Good accommodation for steerage pa.
lengon. • noY
For Wnrien,
W. C. FOKBES—Lessee.
Hril Night of Mill and Mailer IVdli.
ron Timor, sights okly.
Tho regular steam packet J.
STONE, \V.C. Miadaft, martyr.
f STfiNi 1 ,. »V■ v> meiiuuii, muster,
SSbTu.0 above place TO-MORROW
MORNING, 96th Inst. For freight or pawage,
Son board, at Roche'. wharf«to
Will bo enacted,
Tina EVENING, Not. 83,
Tho Operatic Ballot of
Heinera, Muster Well..
Toloo, Mi.., Well.,
Previous to tlio Ballot, the Potit Comedy of
• rfttst Received,
TJElt brig Madison IVom Now Fork, a largo
A astortraent of Petersham Frock Coate; also
tX r, °Fnf ,lr< t d ^''M'rino Vests, a S
{™; , For *“lo cheap force*, or good accop-
231 . O' 8. NICHOLS.^
llousc Furnishing Goods.
•ndi:M J Prench Quilts'
—, d-d, 0-4, 84,10-4 und 12-4 Tuhlo Da
Torty Thousand Dollar*.
D CLASS no. 53, FOR 1839.
ECIDED by tho drawing of the Virginia
State Lottery, Class No. O.for 1839, to bo
drawn at Alexandria, ( Va.) on tho 83d hint.
io Number Lottery—14 Drawn Ballots.
do do
^lyontioaro, a. . jfjv
ftkrplcoiatn, via Brunswick, St.
IWaryt*, Jacksonville and Bluck
Er’Doors open at 6 o'clock, and performance
to coniniencont half past soven precisely. Boxes
and Purtpietlo One Dollar-—Gallery Fifty Conti.
Boat, can bo .eottrod at tho Georgian Office.
Creek* ThoMcntn i, 0 „, FLORID A,Cap-
r iT&iri"r min John Nock, will leave a. a-
,®?paMORROVV MORNING, 88th inst. at
7 o’clock. For freight or passage,apply on board,
" r, ° R. & W. KING.
pMWiIge'ra!^uJt , be P okwed at thoCus^ntn
Sicsiin FnttUct Savaiiiiaii.
Ptrmantnl Arrangement Utuxcn bucannak and
F "" , CharleHan.-OullUePaimge.
p AI , K $8—'Tiinauau is 0 Huuits.
. TOO. fe. -J’hti splendid Btouin packet SA-
—--er VAW'AII. G. Freeland, master,
Cilf depart for Charleston every Tuesday and
• Sitiirdav at C o’clock in tho inorningi reluming,
mil leave Charleston every Thursday nnd Sun-
day eaiiio hotl». For freight or passage, apply
-rSf 0t ‘° COHEN & FOSDICK,Agents.
"FortCluirlcston, viallcunrort.
w j—ph Thesplefidid now stettin packet
Simpson, will leave for tho above places every
Mo,!,lay.naming * l «
nasKiac, having splendid accommodations, apply
KTTho Beaufort District goes inland from her
to Beaufort, outside from there to Charleston,
nov 25
For Chnrle.ton, vinllllton Head,
Beaufort and EdUto,
k 1— A, Tho elegnpt steam packet ISIS,
tnHasiLrliw. master, will depart for die
abovo pluces on MONDAY ^MORNING at 7
o’clock. For (Voight or passage, having eiccl-
lout aceommodutioiis. apply on hoard, or to
N. B.—All slave passenger,must be cleared at
tka Custom House,
nov 85
Notice to ConsiKuecs.
i 7TI1IF. consignees per ship Newark, will please
1 attend to tho reception or their goods land
ing at Mongiii’s upper wharf. All goods roninin-
ini on the wharf after* reasonable hour at night
will he stared ut dieir expense. nov So
* * Notice.
1 fTIIIE consignee of 10 barrels Liquor marked
y I M. landed from brig Excel last October, is
1 requested to take chargo of the same, otherwise
I they will be sold to pay expenses.
Planters’ Bunk.
rvN Saturday next, 30th inst. thin Bank will be
shut, for tho purpose of settling the accounts
of tho preceding six months. Paper falling duo
on that day must bu taken up previously.
1 MARSHALL, Cashier,
nov 25 233b
Colorado aud Itcd Uivcr (.and.
/~\N the first Tuesday in January dmi, before
Vf tiie Court Houso in the City of Snvaunah,
will be wold for tho benefit of tho creditors of Lew
is Ganahl,an insolvent debtor,five thousand (5000)
acres of Land iu the Republic of Texas, the some
beingcontainedina script for five (5) shares iu
the estate aud funds of the Colorado nnd Red
River Land Compauy, transferable on the books
of the Company, tho said script liaviug been regu-
Urly made out to tho said Lewis Gunnhl und by
him a^sigued to mo under au order of the Hon.
tho Inferior Court of Chatham''County for the
benefit of the creditors of the said Lewis Gnnohl.
Assignee for benefit creditors Lewis Gamdil
. . For Sale,
A I.IKELY young More strong and healthy,
who has been at tho Carpenter's trade for
vno last five years, nnd is a tolerable carpenter
and nn_ excellent houso servant, he is obont 19
yeawornga For further particulars, enamro of
1 Hu! ?' yW* F ‘ Fl ’ ncnr l l ° Exchange, or P. G.
■ stick, E*,. 233l nov 25 (Gcor)
1 tacn Fluid Satin and Taflctii
h . Bonnet Itibbons.
a mitral" 1 recc ‘ v “<l and now opening,
1 T W0 ,,“ x . eg rich I’laid Satin and Taffeta Don-
H -I. uet Ribbons, for salo low by
■ nov 25 Ko. 1 and 2 Waring’s Buildings.
BTutvnv a, d *T Woods.
■ AJpoeite, Mnrsollloa Crib Countor-
■ wunjfkcs W '' l0 ** < ‘ rse '** c ' 1 Counterpanes, as-
do do do
KKLa l ' 1 l vl *’, lo " r P ric011 Ded Flaunols
1 BWt,ft < ui®*^ ne * , > Kentucky Joans
IlVcW, m W “« bl " ,!k Bombesins
IK 1 / 1 "? 1 '. 618 ’ Thibet Scarfs
■ » tench tuitl English Merinos. For sale by
■ —-21™ No. 2 Shad's Building.
1 wew Carpeting and Bugs.
■ rrsup . By brig Wilson Fuller.
11 itv ,u “ 8cr| l'ora have received un addition to
■inl«i,s?,i'. r i. ll8,or V nont °f Carpoting, consisting of
|C»»Plyimd jh&p Cmpoting, (real
J*l*. Brussels and Wilton Rugs, which
goffered low, J. & E. INGERSOLL.
KnJI'i.'*®** 1 ,Blankets!! Blankets!!!
■ I. iwr -SC r-i*® r ,has just received from Franco.
■>ly of Nn?'^ ^ ,0 . r, [L n * v ' tl Charleston, a full sup-
Hi^tcd mnSU a . ,ld Bet * Blnnhots, from tho cole-
Keni er ttu ^ AClu ror Z. Graiucr A Son, Mont-
T Silks, dec.
HE subscrihor is now opening n splendid as-
t sortment of llio abovo article, of the latest
3 nen figured Hep Silks
3 do Cliungeuhlodo do. 3 do do plain do
10 do fig’d Imndsomo rich col’d
3 do do Satin, for dresses
2 do blue black Sntin do
4 do white, pink and blue Sutins
4 do blue bluck Gro de Swiss
3 do iet do do do
3 do black Italian do do
4 do nombusiii
3 do col’d fig’d Argintincs
2 do plain bluck Chally. u new article
2 do plain do,2do Satin striped do
Also, n splendid assortment of Alusliii do Lnino.
nov 19 WM. II. LLOYD.
5 ha. p?,'. 1 Market Beef,
ni.uf ,s. of tho .above, just received
710RTV 11 i
• for sale by I>riU, ° reta *l‘ u ff Cuba Molasses,
17 r--—_
i CO.
PWEAmmiVeW, 1 ! aud Onloni".
C ion. K? C “LLngo M mid 500 bunolio. On-
>y ’ n lmo °™er, just received nnd (hr .nlo
25 raS^^yoOhhi^Navy Brood,juat
»»v83 ed ““d for sule by . 1
nov 23 11 u,1 d lor sulo by
< ‘ N. B. &. 11.
just ro
0-4,7-4,8-4,10-4 and 124 Scotch DomtukTahlo
04, 74 mid 84 brown Damask „„
3-4 and 44 Bcolclt Domo.k Napkin,
a . ri' i”:* H vui'd worsted Table Covor.
44,5-1,64,74 nnd 84 do cotton and linen do do
54 worsted Pinna Cover.
Col’d, worsted und do cotton Stand, and Toilot
Wldto Marseille. Toilot Cover.
Bcotch Diaper,Huckaback, Crash, Ac.Towolling
Birds Lyo and Russia Diapers
Pillow Casa Linens and Linen and Cotton Sheet-
« in *
Super Irish Linens, free of cotton
Rich Curtain Chintz, in sots
Drunory Muslin*, Furniture Dimity
Oil Cloths, green, crimson nnd drub Moreens
Tho above goods were selected with care (br this
murket, und will be sold on accommodating terms
i, &c.
A , f Cloths, Cnssiincrcs, Ac.
VLRY- it JOHNSON, have received,
Black, blue blnck, brown, claret, green,
West of England Cloths
Blsek, mixt, brown, striped, Ac. Cassimercs
Oxford mixt, bluck, brown, green, Ac. Premium
Heavy mixt do. do. for servants
Jeans, Lmseys, Ac. do. do.
Heavy Dufhl Blankets
Also, fine ribbon bound Whitney, Rose, Ac,
New Goods.
nes Ladies Florence Bmid, Split Straw,
Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and
common Straw Bonnots
I’d Silks, Florences, Satins, Ac. and a great
ietyoffiincy goods, for solo wholesale or retail
ylow. nov 11
English Scissors.
oct 25
No. 2 Shad’s Building.
]>• Dempsey,
Domestic DRY GOODS, which will bo sold nt
50 pieces French, German and Eng. Merinos
50 do. Mouslinde Lumen
500 Rob Roy Woolen Shawls, various sizes and
500 yards Ingrain Carpeting, best quality
500 do. Cotton do.
1000 pieces English, French and Am. Calicoes
10 bales 3-1 uud 4*4 brotyn Homespun
6 cases bleached Sliirtiugs and Sheetings
25 pieces whito and red Flannels
1000 do. Room Paper und Bordering
30 do. Sutinets, assorted colors and qualities
30 do. Aprou Checks
OTt Hit. lrt«li linntia
Irish Linens, 20 do. Long Lawn
25 do. Negro Cloth, 20 do. Negro Blankots
100 puir Whitney, Rose and Mackinaw do.
300 doz. aborted Head Hdkfs.
10 cases do. Florence braid und plain Straw
25 nieces plain and figured Silks, new stylo
25 boxes assorted Ribbons
300 dozen Ladios silk, cotton and worsted Hose
200 do. Gentlemen’s woolen und cotton do.
GO do. Ladies kid and silk Gloves
100 do Gent’s woolen, kid uud buckskin do.
25 bales Band Boxes
AIs, au assortment of Ready Made Clothing.
. oct 28 210—ly,
Cloth und Satinet Jackets.
Over-Coats and Cloaks.
S. NICHOLS lias on hand a complete
assortment of Cloth, Beaver Cloth, ana Pc*
nov l3
Leather Shirts.
T HE subscriber has on hand a few superior
Wash Leather Buckskin Under Shirts, war*
nov 13
Beaver Cloth Frock Coats.
nov 11 G. S. NICHOLS, Murket Square,
The Subscriber,
H AVING just returned to the city, is now
opening a general assortment of splendid
and new FANCY GOODS.
Paris Embroideries
Milinery articles of all descriptions
Mouslin do Luiues r Chullys
Gros d’Agers, Cut Vejvets
Rich Sill» and Satius, &c.
Tho Fashions for the approaching season will
bo opeued to-morrow, 24th inst.
oct 23 20§ (Geor)
William II. Lloyd.
H AS just receivejl per recent arrivals, a splen
did assortment of Bonnets, inferior to none
in the murket, which he offers at wholosnle or re
tail, on accommodating terms. Tho abovo con
sist of the following, viz:
2 coses fine Tuscan Bonnets, latest stylo
3 do common do, do do
Oriental do, do
col’d Straw do, now
Misses do do do, do
English split straw do do
2 do super do patent do do do
4 do Misses plain do do
50 dozen P. L. Hoods
An handsome assortment of plaid und figured
Ribbons. »ov IB
Negro Woolens.
A CASES Washington Kerseys
Jfc 2 do. Hanover Jeans
2 halos Cuuadian Kerseys
2 do. Cordova Plains
2 do. Pottor Hill Jeans
5 do. Dufiil Blankets
1 do. Red Flutuiel
3‘ do. plaid and plain Limeys .
Scotch Bonnots und Kilmnruoch Caps, &c
'or sulo by FULLER, MOOltE & CO
oct 20 * 209
Flannels, Ac.
A VERY ifc JOHNSON have received, real
Welsh Flannels, warranted not to shrink;
Whitney, Rose, Ribbon bound and Dufiil Blan
kets; Satinets, Ginghams, Muslin do Laines, &c.
For sale on accommodating terms.’
nov 13 S oiith sido Monument Square
W HITE Kid, light fimey, dark colored aud
black Hoskiu Gloves; also, white black
and colored Silk do. Received per brig Augusta
and for sale by JOHN MALLERY.
Canal Flour.
Ort BB ^ S nnd 20 half bbls Canal Flour, just
Jml\j received and for sale by
— dtc, Ac.
Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters $2 M).
nov 19
nov 13
»c roui on nccommoilatiiiff tei
South side Monument Squnro.
T IIE loft hnudinlvoiof thebillsnamed below,
wore mailed to tho address of the subscriber
on the 6th February last, nt Greenville Court
House, South- Carolina, by Win. Choice, which
have not come to hand, and tho probability is they
must ho lost. The several Banks are hereby noti
fied of my intention to make nh application, after
due notico,for now notes on the return of tho right
hand halves, which are now in my possession.
$20 Bank of Augusta, No. 238, uuted 3d Sent.
1830. letter A.
$20 Bank of Augusta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct. 1828,
20 Bunk of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827,
letter A.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832,
letter H. h.
20 Bank Columbus, No.351, dated 1st Scpt.1831,
(otter H. h.
South side Monument Square.
Slyic Of Hals.
.5 i. P, er .“ n I Augusta, an assortment
of fashiOnabloHuts of superior quality. For
oct 9
20 Bank Columbus, No. 953, do. 9th Dec. 1830,
letter II. h.
John Mullery,
JJAS received per recent arrivals, a choice as
sortment of Broadcloths, Catsknerw, Vest
ings, &c., which ho is prepared to make up to or
der in the host manner, aud op reasonable terms,
oct 10
GALLS, very light col’d Sperm Oil
12 bbls Olivo Oil, 600 galls refined
Whale Oil. Just reseived and lor sale by
While Lena and Oil.
300 KE ?5'. Wh «° 8000 "dU*. Lin-
_ _ _ seed Oil. Received per recent arri
vals and for sale by
Wine, mi
Brandy, Gin, Bottles, Ac
F pipes Star Sherry Wine, of suporior
_ quality, on draught
Also, in boxes of 1 and 2 doz each, (he follow
ing celebrated brauds of Madeira, Port and Sher
ry Wines, in quantities to suit purchasers, viz: Ol
iveira, Alcyone, Remittance, Dimon, Luna,Wac-
auiaw, Man, Flower, Edward Bkuidy &. Sons.
Joy, Alert, Madeira, Belvidere, Golden, Palo and
Brown Sherry.
5 pipes Otard, Duntty & Co’s Brandy
2 do. superior Holland Gin
10 casks London Porter
100 crates Wine Bottles. For sale by
oct24 207 JOHN W. LONG
FofTcc, Ralsius, Scgan, Ac.
BAGS Coffee, 158 boxes Segars
147 5 boxes Vermacelli, 8 cases Prunes
6 boxes Preserved Plums
2 hags Pican Nats, 10 bbls crushed Sugar
10 bbls Loaf Sugar, 251 chests Tea
4 chests Tea, sup'r, 100 boxes Raisins
200 half boxes Raisins, 200 qr do do
25 boxes Lemons, lUUkcgs Grapes
70 casks Malaga Wine
75 drums Figs
25 ) casks Malaga Wine
Just received per sclir S Carolina and steam
boat Savanuah, and for sale by
20 Bonk Columbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oct. 1829,
lettor II.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 1200, do 1st Oct. 1629,
letter II.
20 Bonk Columbus, No. 2G2, do. 7th Muy, 1830,
letter H. h.
20 Bnuk Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830,
letter torn. .
20 Central 11. Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 1836,
letter A.
Bank Ktato of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept.
18 dim, letter A.
20 Bank Darien, No. 1678, do. 1st Dec. 1832, let
ter B. b.
20 Mechanics’ Batik Augusta, No. 10, do. 5th
Dec. 1834, letter A.
50 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 63, dated 7th
April, 1835, letter B.
100 Mechanics’ Bnuk Augusta, No. 58, dated 1st
May,’ 1835. lettor B
100 Mechanics* Bonk Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st
Nov. 1831, letter A.
20 Bank MilledgeviUe, No. 4251, dutod 2d Sept.
1636, letter A.
100 Bank MilledgeviUe, No. 436, do 3d Jan.1837,
letter A.
100 Pluntcrs A Mechanics’ Bank Columbus, No.
59, dated 9th Muy, 1838, Letter A.
50 Plun. & Mech. Bunk Columbus, No. 330, da-
tod 2d Nov. 1837, letter A.
50 Ins. Bank Savannah, No. 18, dated 8th Dec
1829,' letter K.
NOTICE.—Three months afterdate, applica
tion will bo made to the (abovel different hanks
for new notes, tho loft hand half of said bills be
ing lost.
Trnupville, Go. 15th Oct. 1839.
KJ*Tiie Georgian, Augusta Chronicle und Sen
tinel, Southern Recorder aud Columbus Herald
and Seiitiuol, will please publish the uliove week
ly for three months, and forward their uccounts
to me atTroupville, Go. for puyuieut.
oct 31 207t3m W. S.
A N assortment Stoves, for sale by
nov 1 N. B. & H. WEED.
Landing: from sclir. Elizabeth
from Pliftladelpliin t
I PIPES pure Holland Gin,/Wheel and Pine
Apple’ brand
4 qr casks Sweet Malaga Wino
1 do do Golden Sherry do
10 casks Dutf Ccrduu’s old Pale Sherry do
39 cases Pickles. For sale by
Boston A Bundle,
Market Square, Snvuunah,
H AVE instore, aud are receiving per various
arrivals, a full supply of Groceries,Bagging,
&c. Among which ure—
10 hhds. St. Croix Sugar
11 do. Porto Rico do.
GO hags Coffee
150 pieces Bagging, 42,43 aud 44 inches
50 coils Buie Hope
100 Ihs. Bagging Twine
10000 do. Baltimore cured Bacon, Hams,Sides,
nnd Shoulders
3000 bushels heavy Maryland Seed Oats
Canal and Bait. Flour, whole and £ bbls.
10 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Cheese
10 kegs choice Butter
' 20 i, 20 L nnd 20 J bbls. Buckwheat Flour
10 boxes Sperm. Candlos
6 pines Otard, Dupuy A Co’s. 4th proof
Brandy *-
5 do. Scignette do. do.
5 do. Holland Gin
20 bbls. Pouch Brandy
30 do. Rye Gin, 30 do. Whiskey
20 do. Rum
Madeira, Teueriffe, Port and Sweet Mala
ga Wines.
Butter and Wine Biscuit
Almonds nnd Raisins, Tobacco
10 tqns iron, assorted
75 kegs Nuils, Ac.
All of which they offer on accommodating terms,
oct 11 .
BBLS.Newark Cider, landing from ship
£\J Hilnh, and for sale by
nov 18 L. BALDWIN.
Coni . „
O NE HUNDRED chaldrons superior English
Coal, 30 tons Anthracito Coal, in hhds and
bbls, for sale in lots to stiit purchasers. b^
nov 15
Currant Jelly* Brandy Pouches.
/J0 DOZ. Currant Jelly,20 do Brandy Peuch-
for sale by
nov 11
Just received per brig Lamar, and
s C- L.McNISH.
BUSHELS heavy. Virginia Onto,
<5 4 \-I vf landing front brig Eleuhor, for sale
in lots to suit purchasers, by
nov 12 MICH. DILLON.
R ECEIVED, a supply of Mrs. Miller’s fine
cut Tobacco; also, a fine article of Caven
dish Tobacco. For sulo by
nov 21 Market Square.
Glasgow und Washington Ker
seys. :
CASES 34 brown Glasgow horscya
] do 44 do do do
44 dark do do
34 Wasliingum do
44 do do
1 do
3 do
1 do
For sale by
nov 23
Bacon* Pork and Corn.
T EN thousand lbs. Baltimore Bacon, (M*i
dUngs) 20 bids prime Pork
2000 bushels Beach Island Corn, for sale by
1 do
.. 12,000
1 do
.. 58-10
1 do
.a 3000
5 do - <, „ „ „
6 do
.. 1500
5 do
.. 1250
5 do
.. 1200
40 do
.. 500
50 do
.. 200
250 do
.. 150
nmvvwvao aiiiviiuiiii miiij
CAN, Capt. T. |Hoiden, Jr., will be des
patched immediately. For freight or passage, ap
ply on hoaidat Bolton’s wharf, or to
ply on hoaidat Bolton’s wharf, or to 1
if offered soon.
board, or to
_ Lot’y A Ex. Office, on the Bay.
Look at Tills. “
For Liverpool.
s first cluss ship.MEDFORD,
Tho first class ship ."MEDFORD, Capt.
HftTiionias. For freight, apply to
For Liverpool,
The ftretclasit American ship AMERI
For New-York,
The fast sailing ship IIILAH, Captain
rtlauummd; c»n fc&c 2 c? 303 bales Cotton,
. w—
For which or passage, apply on
For Baltimore—llegutnr hint.
The coppered nnd copper fiistenrd brig
JGLRTHOltPE, Capt. Sanncrs,will meat
with despatch for tho above port. For freight or
passage, apply to 8. PHILBRICK A CO.
Who offer for sale from on board said brig, at
low prices, nnd in lots to-suit purchasers,
2000 bushels prime heavy Oats
1800 do prime White Corn
200 bids lloward-street Flour
30 halfhbls da do
25 boxes Copland A Prant’s Cavendish To
bacco. nov 22
To Kent,
A good store nnd dwelling, north side
[.Market Square. For further particulars,
enquire of JOHN SAVAGE,
AtW. Niclml’a Hat Store.
nov 19—l
To Kent,
Tho two story dwelling, situated on tho
.west sido of West Broad-street, next door
north of Col. Marshall’s. Possession given im
mediately, nnd rent to expire on the first day of
November, 1830. Apply to Lawton A Uchtt, or
nov 10 R. 8. LAWTON.
next, in f
usual ho
fiy S. Phil.
Outlie first Tuesday ii
of tho Coqrt House, bel
1 Negrd Mali ikniied Moses. 1 Ildrse, 1<
Watch uud Guard Chain, I pair Pistols, 11
1 Tj link nttd Various articles of Wearing
d, belonging to tho dslato of m H Dr.—, _
ceoi^d, aud SBId liy Order M’tba administrator f
th • benefit of the heir.-/ oml cfedftors ofsaide
Tnriiiscnsb/ , ; novl
Executor's $alo.
By S. Fhilbrick A Cd.
On THURSDAY next, nt |1 o’clock, a
late residence of Juines Wallace, Esq. dece.
(in Rroughtoii-strcet) all the household and k
cu Furniture, Budding, Ac. in the house;
k Also,
Olio Carriage and pair of Horses, a number to
Saddles, Bridles, Ac.
- ‘ Alsd,
One half pipe Madeira Wirift, imported r
sclir. May Flower iu 1830; several demijonss
perior old Wine, Gill, Brahdy, nnd other Liq
Terms cash, banknhlo money. riov
I imjirovi
Christ Church.
O N Monday, Uie 9th of December next, "tlio
Wardens and Vestrymen of Christ Church,
will offer for sale and rent die Pews in the Church.
The number of Pews intended to bo sold in
foo simple, will first bo oiVcrcd, and tho remainder
will bo put up for rent; the highest bidder will
lmvc choice. The terms will he inado ktiawu on
tho day ofsale,which will commence ut 11 o’clock.
Notice whereof will be given by ringing of the
bell. By order of tho Vestry. '
N. B.—Purchasers iu fee suuplo und reuiurs,
will have seats iu the basement story assigned to
them, corresponding as near ns practicable to their
Pews, iititil tho Clmich be finished. Tjio right
to scats in tho basement story, by tho present oc
cupants, consequently terminates on tho day of
sole. 232 r nov 23
Administrator’s Sale
By S. Plillhrlck A’€o.
On the first Tuesday in Janunir, 1840, in
of the Court IIouso in tho City of. Savannah,
ingthe usual hours of sale, Lot No. 5, Colm
Ward, with the dwelling house and nil irr—
menu thereon; also; a family of Negroes,
valuable fellow, his wife and their daughter,
in number, nil well disposed and very dei
servants, belonging to the estate of Jeremy
late of this city, deceased. Sold by pempi _
tiie Justices of tho Inferior Courtof Chatham
when sitting for ordinary purposes, and by oi
of tho Administrators. Terms at sale,
nov 6 H*. ’ ■ .
Administrator’s Sold,
Central Kail Road A Banking
Company of Georgia.
rinvnnunli, Nov. 13, 1639.
A N Election fornitin Directors to munnge the
'ftffuirs of this Institution, will he huhlut the
Banking House in this city, on tho first Monday
in January noxt. Polls.lo’ be open from 9 A. M.
to 2 P. M. By order. R. R. CUYLER,
nov 18 227 Cashier.
One Thousand Dollars Howard,
W ILL bo paid for the apprehension, with
proof to conviction, of the person or per
sons who fired tho Bridge of tho Central RniJ
Road over the Little Ogecchec, on the 21st hut'.
By order of the Hoard of Directors.
R. R. CUYLER, Cashier.'
nov 22 231 (Gcorgiun)
Lauding from brig Madison,and
for saic,
BBLS Apples
5 whole und 5 half bbls Canal Flour
5 half bbls Beef
5 kegs Goshen Butter
■ 5 buskets “Ileidseick” sup’r Champagne
300 bbls Thotnaston Liino
100 do Boston Rum
50 do Domestic Brandy
10 do Cog. Brandy, 4th proof
20 do Ciaer Vinegar
5 half pipe* Sicily Madeira Wine
10 bbls Brown Sherry Wine
5 hhds Molasses
10 eighth chests Gunpowder Tea
200 boxes Gborgia Tnflow Candles
50 do Soap, 50 do Northern Cundios
20 kegs Leaf Lard
Letter and Wrapping Paper, Ac.
nov 22 231m
Millinery and Dress-Making.
beg leave to inform tho Ladies of Savannah
nnd its vicinity, that they Imvo opened a fashiona
TABLISIIMENT, over tho store of Messrs. T.
M. A J. M. Turner, in Monument Square, with
tho latest New York fashions, and respectfully so
licit a share of their patronuge.
nov 13 221111m*
Savannah Ins. A Trust Co.
F OR RENT—-The several Apartment* above
this Office, Well adapted to counting rooms,
law offices, Ac.
nov 12 SAMUEL C, HOUSE, Sec’y.
For Sale, ^
A N excellent family Horse, with or without a
light Barouche. The Horso is very gentle,
and draws well either ii* single or double harness,
C OUNCIL will elect a Harbor Master for the
Port of Savannah, at its first regular meet
ing in December next. Applicants will leuve
their upplicutions aud names of tlioir securities
with M. MYERS, o. c.
nov 22 . 231
QA QR. chests Hyson Tea, 5 boxes Black
£d\j Tea, and 10 boxes Imperial Tea, in can
isters, just received aud for sale by
Northern Preserves, assorted.
BOXES fresh Preserves, of various
I kinds, just received by the G. B. Lamar
and for sale by C. L. McNISH.
nov 11
Guns, Rifles and Pistols.
A N aasortfiiciit of Pistols, uud single und dou
blc barrel Flint and Percussion Guns, for
sole by N. B. A H. WEED.
nov 1
Pniuts, Oils, Glass, Ac.
3500 GALLS, pure Euglish Linseed
300 gallons bleached Sperm. Oil
600 do. uubleachcd , do.
500 do. bleached aiid refined Whale Oil
500 do. unbleached do. do.
500 do. common do. do.
200 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes
50 dozen large Picture do. do.
2 tons White Lead. Received and for sale
oct 19
To Planters.
T HE Subscriber, Agent for file Athens Maim
facturing Company, has constantly on hand
a supply of their Domestic Woolen aud Cottou
Goods, a superior article for Negro Clothing.
oct 26 209
Variegated Scented Soap.
F IFTY boxes Varieguted Scented Sonp, in
colics aud bars. Just received and for salo
Pocket Book Lost.
O N Monday morning, between Mr 1 . William-
sou’s plantation on file Augusta Road, and
Savannah, u pocket book containing three FIF
TY DOLLAR BILLS, two of them nro of tho
Stato Bahk of Georgiu, payable in Savannah,and
one oil a Baltimore Batik, name uot recollected;
besides several Due Biffs uud Letters, which will
be of no use to any person but the owner. A re
ward of fifty dollars will be given to tho finder by
leaving it with tho subscriber, or nt this office.
lonpnpiMPir k'i* rvsnv
nov 20
For litre,
A N able bodied and steady Man, who has been
accustomed to most kinds of labor, and for
whom steady employment is wanted by the mouth
or year. For further information enquire of
T O purchase, a family of six or eight Negroes,
for which cash will be paid. Inquire of
Wanted to Purchase
I MMEDIATELY, for the use of a Planter,an
nblo bodied Negro Man or Boy, for whom
fair price will be paid,
upril 8
C OUNCIL will elect on tho first Monday iu
December next, six Vendue Masters for the
City of Savannah. Applicants'will leave their
applications uud die names of their securities with
nov 22 M. MYERS, c. c.
By fit, Philhrtck & Co*
On the first Tuesday in December next, in fVon
of tho Cdurt IIouso, between the usual hours t
sale, v
A two story Wooden Dwelling House and dot I
buildings, on half lots Nos. 39 and 40, Elbert 1
Word, fronting on Jeffrr^on-strect, belonging to 1
the estate of Dr. A. Sheftall, deceased, nnd sold |
by order of die Administrator and AdminisUatT
Terms cash. octS
Splendid assortment of Fashionable Fancy Drj
Goods nnd Milliuery.
By 8. Phllbriek it Co«
* At Private Safe.
Among which nro rich fishiouablo Plaid and
fig’d Satin and other Hnt Ribbons. Eng. Thread
Edgings, Laces uud Iii.iertiiigs, imitation Edgings
on f Laces, Swiss, French nnd -Scotch Muslin
Trimmings nnd Inserting*, Tartan Plaid So
nnd Handkerchiefs, (anew article} Frenchetn_ _
Crane nnd Gauze Scarfs and Ilhdhfs, children’s
richly emb’d Caps, Frock Waists, short Frocks
and Robes, white and blnck French and English
Blonds, 4-4 do, 4-4 Thule*, 5-4 black Chontilla
Veil*, a splendid assortment of Swiss, French and
Brussels worked Muslin nnd Lnco Collars and
Capes, Victoria Collurotts, Bunds, Cuffs, Ac.—
For sale on liberal terms. nov 83
Glass ami China Wore.
ByS. PlUlbrick A Co.
At Private Sule. ,
Now landing from ship Newark, an assortment
of plain and cut Tumblers.Celeries,Champagnes,
Bird Boxes, Lamps, Custom, Ac.,
Gold edged China Tea and Coffee setts, Lion
head Pitchers, rich Toilet setts, Ac., for sole on
libera! terms. * nOv 23
By 8, Plillbrlck & Co.
50 shares Central Rail Road Stock, in lots to
suit purchaser*. nov 23
Administrator’s U(S1 ”
By 6. lMiilln-ick A; Co.
On the firm Tuesday iti January next, at 11 0**
dock, in front of tho Court House iu this city, 5
Shares Slock in steamer Forester, belonging to
estate of A. Satisfy of South Carolina, decoased.
Sold by order of the Administrator. Terms cash,
nov 22
Splendid Boston Mode Pianos.
By 8. Plillbrlck, A CO.
Two first rate Pianos,* of fine tone nnd finish;
aud fuxhiouuUla patterns, just received from Bat'
ton and will be suld a bargain to close consignment*
nov 7
Sbcriir-8 Sale.
TTTILL ho sold on tho first Tuesday in Febru-
V ▼ ary next, befota the Court House in the
city of Snvnnnnli, between the usual hours of salo,
tho sloop Eliza, levied on under aud by virtue of
a fi fa on foreclosure of mortguge, issued out of
the Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham county,
in favor of Suinuel B. Hill, vs. John Russell,
nov 23 ELISHA WVLLY, Sheriff c. c/
Marshal’s Notice.
itv 111
fcN Monday, the 2d December next, at li
W H. A S. ROGERS will receive bills of
• all the Country Bunks (except Milledge-
ill for Goods, at 10 per cent, dis-
ville) in payment
count, provided tho amount of tho bill is traded
out; but will not receive unbankable bills for cop-
tracts already made.
nov 19 South sido Market Sqiiaro.
, Notice.
FT1IIE annual meeting of the Commissioners of
A Public Roads of Chatham County, will be
held nt the Court House iu the City of Savannah,
on the first Monday, bMng the second day of Do
ceinber next, nt 11 o'clock, A. M. "
W. W. WASH, Sec’y. b. c. p. r. c. c.
nov 12 223.
J OSEPH LAW lias opened an Office, on the
Bay, in Burroughs* buildings, where be may
be found during business hours, prepared to at
tend to any business which may be entrusted to
his professional management,
nov 23 - 232m
Law Notice.
C UYLER W. YOUNG, Attorney and Coun
sellor at Law, has located liimself in Louis
ville, Georgia, whore he will utteud to all profes
sional business entrusted to his care, with diligence
and punctuality. He will regularly attend tho Su
perior Courtsof tho Counties of Jefferson, Burke,
Scrivcn, Effingham, Bulloch, Tattnall and Mont
aiig 2 163
O * .. -
o’clock, A. M. in the Market House,- (un
der tho superintendence of the Market Commit
tee,) will be leased for one year, from the* above
date, all the Stalls iu said murket. Terms—One
half cash, bankable money, the other half a joint
note of two responsible names, (to* be approved
ofby the above fcommiUde) payable on the first
day of May next. . A.HARMC*'
N. B.—No bid will bo taken from persons who
ure in arrears for Stall rent. Also, notice is now
given, that all notes taken as above "will bo col
lected when due. A. H*
uov 21 230 '
Attachment Sale.
O N Friday, the 29th November Inst, between
Uie usual hours of sule, will be sold before
the Court Hou^e, in the city of Savannah,. the
sloop Ehza, with her tackle,, appnrel and ftirni-
ture, as levied on under nnd by virtue of an at-
tacluncnt,issued from tho Honorable the Superior
Court of Chutham County, in favor of Zocharioh
M. Winkler, vs. Williamson Newman.
By order of Charles S. Henry/Judge Superior
Court* Eastern District Georgia.
nov 19 ELISHA WYLLY, Sheriffc. c.
executor’s Sale Continued.
O N tiie first Tuesday iu December qext, will
be sold at bis residence at Wulthourvillo,
Liberty County, all the personal estute and effects
(shves excepted) of the late Augustus O. Bucon.
Terms made known oil the day ofsale. \
nov 22 WILLIAM LA W, Ex’or.
Exchange. " -
D RAFTS ou New-York at short sight, for
sule by ! ;
tiov 19
Look at This.
T HE Subscriber, iu conseqiieuco of our Sn-‘
vannuh Banks refusing to receive up coun
try money in deposit or payment, tukes this me-
tliod of informing the public generally, that lie
will receive up country Buuk Bills, iu good re
pute, at par for goods at his regular fuir prices, if
the whole amount of Bank Billor Bills is traded
out, viz:—Huwkiiisviilo Bunk, Bunk of Milledge-
vide, Ocmulgee Bank, Moiiroe Rail Road Bank,
Banks of Columbus generally,with one exception,
and will have no objection to receive the Savnmiuh,
Augusta, Georgia Rail Road, Brunswick aud St.
Mary's Bank Bills, for goods or in payment of
debts ut par, unless the persons ure willing to al
ow me 5 per cent discount.
No 1 A 2 Waring’s buildings, Market Squure.
nov 18
Huntsville, Liberty County.
B ROUGHT to Jail, October 1st, 1839, a Ne
gro man Named JOHN, about 5 feet 6 in
ches high, 19 or 29 years of age, who says he be
longs to a gentleman by the name of. Siuuuel Cli-
att, who resides in Lowndes county, Ga. The
owner is hereby requested to come forward, pay
expenses, and take liim away,
oct 3 189 S. S. MOODY, Jailor. *
Hums and Beaus.
't AA BALTIMORE Hams, 2 tes Wlnto
1 \ 111 Beans, just received und for sole by
T WO Boys, from 12 to 14 years of age; their
wages payable monthly or quarterly. Those
from the country would be preferred.
nov 20 Wl
A Card. • % |»
P ROFE880R ofMusic, for the last four year*
iu the cities of Baltimore and Anapolis, Md.
now in the city of Savannah, Ga. has tho pleasure
of informing the citizens of Savannah and its vi-
ciuity, that ho will commence to give lessons on
tho Organ, Harp, Piano Forte, Guitar, Violin*
Flute and Thorough Bgss (fiint is, IJow to com-
pOHo Music,) and in Singing, pahicularly Cliprch
Music, nnd other Songs. Ladies and Gentlemen
wishing to associate iu this Music School, will
please inquire for further information at Dr.
Koch’s room, at the residence of A. G. Oeniler>
Esq. in the morning from 10 to 1 o’clock, and ill
the afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock; .
FOR SALE.—A splendid grand #qdi
Forte, with the Harp, Loud Bassoon, E
Bell Pedal, by which the performer can:
iiino different sounds; also, iui Italia;
Flutes, Italian Violin, Clarionet, and
ment of the newest Music. These articles
be seen by those who feel disposed to examine l
such Imndsoine instruments, at the above plucei :
Piano Fortes tuned,
ed. 199
Orders thankfully rccoiv*
For Sale,
T IIE sloop GEORGIA, 'villi, all lie! lackla
and apparel. She lias two suite ofsaili.antl
is in good order./ Apply to
If. F. WliXlNifi at Ins Ship Yard.
Also—Ouo hluclc Policy, a sc oil saddle Horte,
Apjily as abovo,
and perfectly penile
nov8 .-d