Newspaper Page Text
- flMUohwnPi Newcastle; tirin Aui<
y\,ri'li’ni:ni., Ort -I; Dove,
gffiw iLpilliFlorence, Kydrt, Jiaii-
^fsiJiloy. Coivait, Now* Ofleulis; brig!', ll ”’
nor Jlcw-Vorlt.
1 To tail To-Morrow,
MBiihroaclietahiii NEWARK,Cap-
Caving been unavoidably do-
,T ” B d mabovo. For balance offteight
“ ply on board at Moiigtn’s upper
'■«* yiqimTTRN.KEWIS &CO. -
i-tjrnSvvia Hilton Hoad,
Viofarl mtcl Esllsto,
••'■J .I ),,, clcaantf-laanl pad,at ISIS,
SsJ'chMe, maater, will depart for tbs
pi davo passengers must bo cleared nt
p ' House, - ; '«*•»
ir^Tpstoit, via Bpartfort.
a will
i bavinif
Captain on
n,Mfortul«triot goes inland IVomhcr
B oaUiido from there to Charleston.
Pocket Savauimli.
a InoW™* 1 ldloan & lca " mt ' and
l r .. jl8—Tnaoudd in 9 noons.
1 'ft The splendid steam packet SA-
fVANNAll, G. Freeland, master,
■n fbr Cliarloston every Tuesday and
n6 o'clock in the moraingi returning,
Ctortedon every Thursday and Sun-
tout. For freight or passage, apply
" l0 COHEN &FQ3D1CK,Agents.
Ttrcnst-Pin Xosf.
Ton Sslorday night, .(presumed at the
Breast-Pin, with two Diamonds
I *loy penonlinding tho samn, will bo suit.
' ,ia by leaving it at this oflico. .
.blitheabove iioftered lor sate, it is re-
jit it bo stopped.,
246o ;
n to atteud in a Drug Store. Enquire
earner of Croiigliton & Whitaker-sta.
^roln—Clitithant County.
To nil whom it may concern: .
lEREAS Claborn Bevill lintli applied to
s, Hon. the Court or Ordinury of Clint-
rott, for Letters of Guardianship to die
■ ■ J'proaerty of Ann Elista Herrington,
sue therefore to cite and ndmoniBli, nil
ol, to file thoir objections (if any they
iihe Clerk's ofiiee of the said Court, on
i tbs 9ih day of January next! otherwise
Gaardiaiuhip will be granted.
_*,ths Hon. M. Myers, ono [of the Justi-
Ut uid Court, the 10th day of December,
* EDW’D G. W1L80N,
Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c. .
hlddaiore, Philadelphia and New York,
. Theatre.
TT . f SHERWOOD mostrespectllilly informs
d-1. the public, tlpit Ids Benefit will take place
(To-Morrow Evknino, Deo. lltfa, when will
bo presented for llio first tinie in this city, Mui-
sengerVcejeljrated .Tragedy or tho
fatal dowry,
Romont, Mr. Forbes.
Chnroloise,. .Air. Islierwood.
lioaumello,. Mrs. Barker.
The evening's ehtortninmonl will conclude with
tlio pbpular-AIelQ Drama of the
■tightand at GO
Nays, for sale by
& CO.
nnlgcc, Millctlgcvlllo uml
latrlilitsvlllc Bank Notes,
|»- 240
Thread Lnccs, dtc.
Ul'A JOHNSON, (Monument Square)
|hie received,
aid Edgings and Inserting*
per Fans worked Collars
18 win do do
*Minim do do
n worked Bauds
abrie Edgings and Inscrtings
240 ■
M Springfield Sliirllitg,
I BILES 34 Springfield Shirting, landing
kola brig Wilson Fuller.
10 1246
. Itnm and Wine.
IBBLS N. E. Rum, 1 cask High Wine;
1 lending from brig Havre, and for sale by
F from brig Charles Joseph, and for saloby
J Btnl Welsh Flannels
Ilka found at AVERY & JOHNSON’S,
■[Monument Square) at fair prices; also,
'pilaw do. doc 10
i.„. Crctun Ale.
I. bS. warranted a firit rate article, land.
, «from brig Clinton, forjale-by
Negro Pipes,
t BOXES Negro Pipes, landing from brig
lU'lioa Fuller, forsuleby
IfeW* Biver Oina
III vt* Connecticut Gin, Gowdy’s
IVJ brand .for sale low, by
& Holland Oiu.
Gin, 3 Half pipes Cognac
F^b 1 Se bf re ' lai ' ai,i « P er bri 8
MICH. DILLON & to. °
* S. Rogers,
\ V .i reM ' v ed per recent arrivals from
Fall supply of French,
kthi-ii "V 1 bielinli Fancy Dry Goods,
IdAFInl *^‘ e articles, viz: ’
I "“'“and block Ostrich and Cashmere
uWahni" 1 ’ 1 ; Ca p° s n »d Collars
hision mon^’ Sp0,, S ' 1Uuro andI1 '
Rtf* Blonde Veils end Paris'
ItotHh? 1, nni1 Twist Slinwls
la'f’i B ?snnd Scarfs
»bd Shawls, 4-4 and 64
w , w >• „ 1-2 and 4-4
" r rcaths l,StS ' Frencb P°wer** and
American Prints
taRav^T,’ Y elvet " “"d Silks
' 8,11 »ad Can h" 7 ° Shawla
h$z?r ma | |
L' Wc ived?„?? t,n 1 c *^' J aekcts. .
la, and for sale low, by
p e ‘c,h, ,dc ? Uo “ Shirts.
Shirta' eto JWBo.rtoibnt of ready
''wenfel ®"P e f'»r.Wall Linen do,
French Ginglia m ;
'• v hich will ?-° Bo 1 s , to “ Prints, anf Eng-
W' C, FORliES—Lcsace.
FmsT Nionr or the maid or cnoissEy.
1 bo performance will eommenca with tho favor-
ito Comedy of
Admiral, cbllins.
Eugonia,, Airs, Barker.
To conelmlo With, for the first time in Savnm
null, the Iugl'ly sticcessful play, oa performed n't,
lie Northern Theatres with Unbonudcd appro-
bation, entitled
Sergeant Austorlltz,-. Mr. Islierwood
Walter,, Mr, -Lansing.
rh wo“,'. .Mrs. Barker.
To-morro'.o Ettniss sn atttfstm lUljbr ihe benefit
of Mr. Ishcrtcood.
D3*Door§ open at 0 o'clock, and performance
to commence at half nasi seven precisely. Boxes
and Parqiietto One Dollar—Gullory Fifty Cents.
Seat* can bo secured at the Georgian Office.
KFRefreshmonto of tho best quality for Ladies
and Gentlemen to be had at the Bar.
doc 10
dec id
SUITS Negro Clothing, 276 blue Kor-
sey Wrappers and Petticoats.
The above Clothing is suitable for 1 Plantation
use, and will be sold very low, by
nov 30 838ca> , '
« Joint Malicry,
H AS received ncr recent arrivals, a choice as
sortment o f Broadcloths, Cassiuieres, Veit-
iri^s, &c., which lie is prepared to mako up to or
der in tho-best maunbr, and'oil reasonable terms,
act 10 ^ .
Suspenders, SuspendcPs.
T HE^ subscriber baa now on hand,a very large
assortment of Spspondcra,. viz*. Superior
Elastic Silk Not, do Gum F.loKtlc, do Buckskin
do, Extra Silk Elastic hud Cotton; all of which ara
offered at his tisual low price,
nov 11 G. S. NICHOLS, Market Square.
W, II. Xiloyd—Market Square,;
H AS just received per recent arrivula,
2 doz-Muslin Collars
4 do F.nglikhTrilled do \“ggf\
3 pcs black Silk Fringe, 2 do Wiro Blond
2 do bbek fancy Blond
12 do'Throad Laces, Odo German do
<8 do Lisle,do„3 do Wire Edging
4 do Blond Quiling, 12 do Pluid Swiss
14 do Beltings, 3 do Mantilla Loco
4 do Grecian Net do, & do Bobbinet Lace
8 do Spittalfieldlldkfs,13 do Pongee Hdkfs
4 do plain Silk do, 3do do Satin do
5 doz Gauze do, 4 do fancy do
6 do embroidered do *
5 do Gents Broso Gloves
4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kid do
3 do Gents Buck Gloves
2 do do H S. do
8 do India Rubber Suspenders
3 do super do do do
14 pcs uncut Velvet Ribbons. w
Also; a splendid annul Uncat of Plain, Figured,
and Changeable Silica.nov 30
HHDS and 40 bbla N. E. Rum, landing 5U'J yards ingrain Carpeting, best quality
8 tt a t 1.1,
iiAiji' htiiH Cranljerrics, received per Bclir.
Emerald from Boston, and for sale by
j cc7 ; L. BALDWIN.
v _ ^Groceries. 4c< ~
prime Java Colfcn
^ v. }?.i Chests fresh Hyson Tea
do bbls St Oroix Sugar
boxes superior Poland Starch
100 do lilalaga Raisins
Just Received aud for salo by
‘ dec6 C.LMcNISH.
o 0 »fe!*sa*i,
16 pipes pure Holland Gin, various
6 halfpipes SoighottaBrandy
6 do 1st proof Domestic Brandy
0 puncheons Jamaica Rum
6 qr casks sweat Malaga Wino
-10 qrcasks Golden Sherry, Sicily and Sfar-
seillca Madeira
24'dov. Duir,Gordon* Co’s Golden Sherry,
-vintage ofl829
20 doz Fort and Hook Wines
60 boxes Cltas. River No. I Boon
30 coses Pickles’
20 reams Foolscap Paper
For sale on accommodating terms,
nov 20 GEORGE H. MAY.
D. Dcmnsoy,
TT AS justretumedfroinNew-Yorkwilho large
XI and splendid assortment of Foreign and
Domestic DRY GOODS, which will be sold at'
reduced prices far cash or short credit, consisting
of • •
60 pieces French, German and Eng. Merinos
60 do. MotislindeLaines
600 Iioli Roy Woolen Shawls, various sizes and
600 do. Cotton do.' ,
1000 pieces English, French and Am. Calicoes
10 bales 34 and 44 brown Homespun
0 cases bleached Shirtings and Sheetings
25 pieces white and red Flannels
1000 do. Room Paper and Bordering
30 do. Satinets, assorted color* and qualities
30 do. Apron Check!
25 do. Insli Linens, 20 do. Long Lawn
25 do. Negro Cloth, 20 do. Negro Blankets
100. pair Whitney, Rose and Maoluuaw do,
300 doz. assorted Head Hdkls.
10 coses do. Florence braid and plain Straw
25 pieces plain end figured Silks, new style.
25 boxes nssOrted Ribbons
300 dozen Ladios silk, cotton mid worsted Hose
200 do. -Gentlcmon’s Avoolen and cotton do.
60 do. Ladies kid ami silk Gloves
100 do Gent's wodleit, kid and buckskin do.
25 bales Band Boxes
Together with a choice assortment of silk, broche,
cotton and'worsted Shawls, Laces, plain, cbockei)
and figured Muslins, Shaker Bonnots, &c.
Als, un assortment of Ready Made Clothing.
oct28 . 210—ly ,
Herring. ■
TTUFTY bbls dry salted Herring, landing from
A? ■ brig Wilson Fuller, aitd for sale low, by
dec 9 L.i BALDWIN.
TVinc, Brandy, Gin, Bottles, Ac.
2 HALF pipes Star Shorry Wine, of superior
quality, on draught' • "
Also, in boxes of 1 and 2 doz each, the follow
ing belebratad brands of Aladoira, Port and Sher
ry. Wines, in quantities to snitplirchasors, Vizi Ol
iveira, Alcyone, Remittance, Dimou, Limo,Wao-
ainaw, Map, Flower, Edword Blandy & Sons,
Joy, Alert, Madeira, Bclvidoro,.Golden, Palo and
Brown Shorty, •
5 pipes Otard, Dilpuy & Co’a Brandy
2 do. superior IfoUand.Gin
10 casks London Porter
100 crates Wine Bottles. For sale by
oct24 207. JOHN W. LONG
Sugar. •
8 IIIIDS Porto Rico,'3 do St. Croix, prime
quality, for solo by . ,
Sperm Candles.
T HIRTY boxes 4,6 and 0 Sperm Candles—
jastreoeive'd and for sole by
nov 28 " LONG & PATTERSON.
Steel Pens,
I N tho greatest variety; >
BiibShwS®.^ 1 BlnnkdtsIIi
fin,;. 1 ., J. 18t received from Franco
«„ d "f, n ', vl 5,Charleston, a full sup-
■Cbirer 5 'MRujltota, from the eolo-
v^ nor & S*. Mont-
Fresh Spices. .
■4 AA MATS Cinnamon
JL UU T bbl Nutmegs, fresh imported
1 caseMoce do,.l bog ClovCs do
20 kegs pure ground Ginger
19 bags Root ' do
5 do Alspice, &c. Just recoivod and for
<Ioo9 245 .
. To Planters. ■ „ ,,
P EAS and BEANS—Early China Dwarf
. Beans, oarly six week Beans, whito Kidney
Beans, rod Marrow Beans, early Wasb'uigton or
Juno Poos, largo white. ’Marrowfat Peas, Dwarf
Marrowfat Peas, oarly Charlton Peos,DwarfPro-
lific Poos. A full supply justreceivod oftbe crop
of1839, and for solo ny
limns, Beef and Ton truest
■J fl UIJ L3 BalUiflore Hams ^
XVr Odo Smoked Boef
10 do Smoked Tongues -
Just recoivod and for sale by ''
dec(l ' C. L. JfcNISH.
w a,ul Cordials.
£ Pr ? 8C .t ve * Ported
15 do Eiint'India Ginger
Rcceived^amKorflaioby Cit
dci:a . V. L. McNISH.
1 Afl BASKCTactmmpa^ne, ('Jonet') in
JL iJ>\jr quarts and pints, forjiiile by
deoQ C. L. McNISH. -
Hlcli Plaid Hatla and Tall'cta
Boitnct Ribbons.
Just received and now opening,
T WO boxes rich Plaid Satin and TutTetn Bon
net Ribbons, for said low-by
nov 95 Nn.,1 arid 2 Waring's Buildings.
„„„„ „ Butter.
I\ 1 KEG S Butter received on consignment,
Kt JL pnd for sole by >
T Bacbn, Porh. and Corn.
EN tliopsiind Jbs. Baltimore Bacon, (.Mid
dlings) 20 bbls prime Pork
. 2000 bushels 'Beach Island Corn, fbr salo by
nov 23 MICH. DILLON & CO.
Kl. Bum and Goshen Butter!
AO BBLS pure New England Rum
t J- A few firkins choice Goshen Butter, just
received and l'»r salo by
nov 22 , MICII. DILLON & CO.
Domestic Brand), and Gin.
fij BBLS. Doracstie Brandy, 15 do Smith’s
do Gin, received per brig Now York, and
for sale by
nov27. MICH. DILLON * CO,
rrtW.O hundred mul titty chaldrons best quality
i English Coal, landing from brig Symetry,
at Temur's wharf, for sale in lots to suit purclia-
set s, by . MICH. DILLON & CO.
lie'i 7 -
Stvcdcs’ Iron.
QA TONS.Swedos’ Iron, for sole low from
Ovr tlio wharf, by
-J K KECS fresh Malaga Grapes,-76 boxosdo
A tfi do Raisins, for sale by.
Baltimore Flour.
T WENTY-FIVE bbls Baltimore Flour, just
received cud for salo by
PnlutS) Oils, Glass, Ac.
3500 GALLS, pure English Linseed
3w0 gdiluita bleached o [ibhu, Oil
GOO do. imblendhed do.
500 do. bleached and refined YVhalo Oil
500 ' do. . unbleached do. dQ.
600 do. common do. do^
200 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes
50 dozen large Picture do. do. , •
2 tons Whito Lead. Received and for solo
Splendid Loudon Annuals.
’Wf T. WILLIAMS has just received^ few
TT .© oftlic London Atmuula for 1840, of the
most beautiful kinds, embellished with engravings
by the most eminent Artists.
The Amaranth, edited by Ilerney, folio with 13
engraving* on steel.
* The Iris, by Aliss Metford.with large and beau
tifully engraved plates and iancifnl picturesque
borders, in a new and unique stylo, in fblift.
The Book of tho Uo'udoir or the Court of
Queen-Victqriii, a series of Portraits of tlio Eng
lish Nobility, together with that of the Queen.
Gems of Beauty, With' fanciful illustrations in
verso, by tho Counter*of plessington, folio.
Tho Belle of tlio Season, by the Countess of
Blessington, splendidly illustrated iti quarto.'
Fisher’s Drawing Room Scrap Book, with po
etic illustrations by L. E. L. and Mary Howitt,
with $3 engravings, quarto.
The Shakspeure Gallery of Female Portraits,
numerous plates.
The Book of Beauty, by tho Countess of Bles-
'he.Keopsalce, edited by Lady E. Stuart Wort-
j« (
Tho Picturesque Annual, Windsor Castle, 15
Friendship’s Offering and Winter’s Wreath.
Forget Mo,Not, Ackermann’s.
Belgium and Nassau, with upwards oC60 plates.
The Oriental Annual, containing Tales, Le
gends and Romances, by F. Racoh, with engrav
ings by Fender. • ‘ •
The Juvenile Scrap Book. - " '/
All the American Annuals and works^orfancy.
•dec 7
Pct'fumed Soaps#
A VARIETY of Perfumed Soaps for'tho toil-
XJL et, in bars nnd cakes, of various descriptions,
for sale low for cash, bf
T im ncsnmptlinfll
V undersigned respectfully informs his
friends that ho has resumed the dispensation
ot I' ortuno’s favors, at his lucky stand as hereto
fore, and offers them chances in the
Wn. drawn on Saturday last,. at Alexandria,
ana tho result iniulo known hare on Wednesday.
78 Numbers—13 Drawn Ballots.
highest prizes.
X prize of. ...§30,000
- 2500 .
1797 -
'•■••MIstllliMM, 400 *
&c., Ac. &(.,
Tickets §10, Halve* §5, Anarters §2 50. For
•ole by p. B. I’F.NDERGAST,
. C ? nl ? r BtdMmUlM Bay Lane.
KrTickets in class C. to ho drawn in the city
or Savannah on tho 21st inst. containing two nrt-
7.0* of§10,000, &C. tickets §5, received and for
sale ns above. • dec 9 •
Till ft y xnousnntl Dollars.
, CLASS NO. 65, FOR 1839,
T O bo drown at Alexandria, Va. on tho 7th
day of December) 1830
78 Number Lotlciy—13 Drawn'Ballots.
1 prize of...... ....§30,000
do ,
do i
1797 _
'&c. dec. .
Tickets §10, Halves §5, Quarters§250. For
dec 4 Lot’y * Ex. Oflicj, on tho Bay.
Twin or lllaltiboil Boll Cotton
■. Seed for Sulc. .
rpHE Siib.-erilicrs have oil hand a lot of tho
X abode Seed of tlio presentysar’s crop, raised
Oil the plantation Of Mr. Win. Kilpatrick, in Put
man colinty, of this Stat. ltis n fact well known
by thoso persons who linve tried this species of
Cotton—-that it is superior to any oilier for quali
ty, mid yields more peracrO, especially upon old
lands Ilian uny other yet known. Acouplo oftbe
statics with balls, may lie seen ot bur Countin'-
Rodin, YvI.MBEliLY &• JONES.
dec 2
Xc Cordial do Lncine-On i’EUx-
T „„ , *«; do I’Amottr.
HE suhxcnbcr has the pleasure .of announc
ing to tho citizens of the United States, that
ho has purchased, for a venr large sum and from
tlie inventor, the celebrated Dr. Magmn, of Paris,
the recipe and right for making this astouisliiilg
medicine. Until the nppeurance of did “Lucina
Cordial,” (about three years since) it was thought
that the complaints which'it Bpecuily,
wore beyond the reuch of huinnn remedy, as for
ujnvjirda of a thousand years, they had ballled the
siciuns in all parts of alio world, ^hi^'corclitil,
however, to the. great advantage of tho human
race, soon proved itself 4o bo the desideratum so
longrouglit for; ondnccordingly,notwithstanding
tlio brieL period of its existence, it has acquired a
celebrity so grout, that it is eagerly sought for
throughout tlio civilized globe. Dr. Muguin soon
finding that the demand woo so vast os to render
a supply impossible, disposed of the recipe' and
right of sale, under ohjWiona of secrecy, for
England and tlio United Staten, and other coun
tries, only preserving France and Ituly for himsclf>
Thus has the subscriber possesed lnmself of the
invaluable socret, and now hastens to give the in
habitants of his line of agency the benefits of his
speculation! •
“Le Cordial do Lucine.” or. in English,, “the
Lucina Cordial,” is a general invigorator of tho hu
man frame. In all the various cases of languor,
Jassitude ahd debilitation, it is an unfailing reme
dy, as it is equally its province to impart cheer
fulness and decision to the mind, aihealth and vi
gor to tlio body. But the peculiar virtue on wliich
its celebrity is based, is tlio facility upd certainty
with wliich it restores the virile powers \vhqn they
have been destroyed by disease, time, reckless
ness, or any of tho numerous causes which termi
nate in the prostration of those functions.
In common with the generality of really good
.medicines, tins Cordial contains nothing of o mer
curial or deleterious nature, among the many in
gredients which compose it; but is, at the same
time, so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can
renovate,tlie prostrated energies of a giant, an in
fant may use it, uot only with impunity, but with
advantage. *
The usages of society ore .unfortunately such
that, notwithstanding the benefits which would be
sure to result from it, we cannot enter into an an
alysis of this inestimable Cordial here, or publish
many of tho documents which Imve been receiv
ed, as vouchers of tho blessings it has conferred on
numbers of despairing individuals. But this we
cannot forbeur remarking—that it has been de
monstrated that there is senreely ever, if any such
thing at all, as natural barrenness, or as natural
The first class ship COROMANDO,
<’apt. Pierce, will commence loading to
morrow For froightnpplv to
Tor Liverpool,
Tho first class American shin AMERI-
^aCAN, Capi. 'E. jllolden, Jr., will be des
patched irtifficdiately* For fVeight or passage, ap
ply Oil boaid at Bolton’s wharf, or to
nov !3 WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO. ,
Th® fiWrate^-'l'ANDORA, J.Gurd-
f»a2no r , master, will 111091 wilh ilesiirilcli, h»V-
offiorcorco'engaged. For balance of
freight or pa-sago, apnly-to Copt. G. on board at
nangm's upp'et wharf, or to '■ •
nov 28 • WASHBURN. LEWIS * CO.
For Wcw-Vorlt, > •
*. 0 01 krig WILSONJU L-
-LbR, Capt, Tliatcher, will liavo iminndinto
. • utc ‘ 1 - For iroight or pnssago, having sitpe-
rlor accommodatiAns, (sbtto rooms) apply to
hoard at Moore’s wharf, or to
. ', Fi’Ji and Bacon.
• Ky S.Fhiliii i. K * Co.
TO-MORUOW, at 11 a'clo froat of store,
to close consignment)
l 14’ hbla dry ealiod'IIeiriiig
23 do Menhaden Fisli
5 Hilda Uncoil, assorted
Terms cash lioforo ilelivory, ( ; rc if.
Captain T. on Ij
doc 9
„ StOlCH, , .
From tho stable, of Mr. John
Whitohead, in Burke County, on
tho29th November last, li beautifiil
Boy HORSE, black mano and util,
(inane veiy thin) ono or two white
loot,Ibiir years old last sprifig,walks
and trots fine. A liberal tewnrd will be given
for delivery of tlio Horse, and a reward of §50
for the apprehension of the- thief, with proof to
conviction. The Horse to bo delivered iti So-
vnnnah or Augusta. -Letters to bo directed to
■Mr. Hibler, Augiutp. 241cs" - deb 4
A Stray Horse.
Brought to tlio Mansien House
Stable on tlie 27th of November, a
Bay HORSE, 5 years old,, fiflien
hands high, switch tail. The own
er may obtain liim by application to
the Stable or at tho City Hotel, and
pnying oil expenses. P. WILTBERGER.
CenlralRuil Road 11 ml Hitnlciuir
Company, or Ocofziq.
Savannah,'3d Dec. 1839.
Dividend no. o.
A DIVIDENDfroui the profits of this Com
pany for tho past six months hns hncnlKi»
day declared, payable oh nnd nficr the 11th imt.
The amount of dividend la §2 65 per slioro for
ahares on which tlie sdmof§100 was paidpriortp
June last, and §2 50 per share of §97 GO paid.—
Stocklifildcra at and in tlie neighkornood of Ma
con, can recoive their dividends at tlie Branch,
II. R. CUYLER, Cashier.
dec5 . 242—lm (Geur.)
TO-MORROW, at 11 o’clock,in rront ofsiore,
a variety of articles, viz: Liquors, Bacon, Sugar,
Soap, Molasses, Eobncco, Ilrcml, Crackers, .So-'
gnrs_, potatoes, Earthslt-wari'.Fish, Shoes, Boots,
Fruit, Hats, Raisins,&o. ’Terms cash (bankable
money) before delivery, ,|n C JO
— Drown Enr:lien-Waro.
„ Phiibrlck A- Co. U*.
_On SATLKDAV next, nt J| o'clock, infi-cmt
ot sloro, a complete assortment of brown Earthen
ware, m lata to suit purchasers—among which
I™ ihcfonowing article,,Viz: Dl,hue,Milk Bowls,
Hand Basins, Bowls, Cuke Pons, Chambers, t’or-
ringera, Jars, plmn Trays, covered Bdttar Pdts,
CrenniPou, Wash Pots, oval Foot Baths, Hum
l o ‘"'T ot |(i'io Pots, black Stow Pout, & c . Terms
cash (bankable money) before delivery, dec 10
■ Administmtbr’s Solo
By S. Philbi iclt * Co.
On the first Tnesday ill Jmiunty, 1840,1ft /fhfi*
.of tlie Court Honse iptho City of Suvuntinh, dur
ing tlio usual hours of sale,. Lot No. 6, Columbia
Ward, with tho dwelling house end all improve-
0 (uuiily ,ot Negrdes, viz: A
sHeir-daughter, llirco
in nifiiihQr, uir well dt.snoscd and very desirablo
servants, bcbhging to the estate of Jeremy Stone,
jnte ot this tfity, deeea^etk Hold by permission of
file Justices of tlie Inferior Court of Chatham Co,
when sitting for ordinary purposes, and by order
oi tho Administrators. Terms at sale,
nov 6
Administrator’s Sale..»
n .1*/ ^hllbrl^k & Co.
On the first rno(8d.iv in January next, at II o'*
aock, in front of the Court -House in this city, 5
Shares Stock in steamer Forester, helom/iii'f to
estate of A. Saussey of South Carolina, deceased.
Sold by order ortho Administrator. Terms cash.
nov 22 - • , - '
Dividend No. 5..
Savannah IaNsuranck l TIiust Co. )
. 5th December, 1839. {
A . DIYIIjEND of 5 per cent, having been
this day declared by the Board of Directors
upon the Capital Stock, for the last six. months.
1 he same will be paid on and after Monday next,
the 9th instant.
doc5 SAMUEL C. HOUSE, Bcoy,
Planters’Bank. >
48fll. DIVIOKNO. . *
T HE Directors hrtvo declared a somi-annual
Dividend of fonrper cent., which Wifi be
paid on and after Thuimlay. next, 32di in?t.
J. MARSHALL, Cashier.
dec5 242l
,Cily MnwImFs Sulci .
▼ ? city of-Sa%annali, between the usual 1 ouitf
of sale, (under tno superintendence of the Com
mittee on.Sales) tho following Lots, viz»
* Lot No, 39, Elbert .Ward, bounded east by loft
No, JO, south by Liberty street, west by lot No*
3a, and north liy a lane; re-entered upon as tho
property of Judith Sheftall, for grounu rent.
' Alsq, Lot No. 24, Liberty Ward, botuidod east
uy Jefferson street, south by York street, westby
lot No. 23, nnd north by President Btreel; re-en
tered upon as tlie property of tho estate Samuel
Wilkins, for ground rent.
AUo, Lot No. .35, Liberty Ward, bounded cast
by Jot No. 33, sonth by South Broad street, west
by lot No. 34, nnd north by d lane; re-entered up
on as tho property of the estate Samuel Wilkin?,
fbr ground -rent.
Also, Lot No. 3, Warren Ward, bounded east
by lot No. 4, south by a lanp, west by lot No. 2,
und north by Bay street; re-entered upon as tho
property ofWnr.P. Bowdn, foreground rent.
■fioc 7 - ~A. HARMON, c. >r.
Bank oT SI. Ifftirys. ‘ - -
TVTOTICK is hereby given that an election for
i.1 seven Directors to nerve for oho year, will
be held at-the Banking House, in St. Muiyi on file
first Monday, being tlie sixth day of Januuiy next.
A. J. BESSENT, Casliier.
St. Marys, (Ga.) 6th Dec. 1639.
dpc 9 • 24511m.(Georgian)
• •Bank of SI. Marys®
T> E&pLVED, That a reduction of fifteen per
XV cent, lie required on all notes ofi’ered for
renewal at this Bank on and after the first day of
February next, and also a further reduction of
fifteen per ceut.ion tlie renewal next thereafter.
A. J, BESSENT, Cashier.
St. Matys, (Go.) Utii Dec. 1839.
deo 9 ’ 245tlstF(Georgian)
Shcria f s Sale#
W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Janu-»'
ary next, before the Court Houso in tho
city of Savannah, between tlie usual hours of snlo/
Isaac, a Negro, man slave; levied on as the proper-'
ty of Alexander -Drysdaie, to satisfy exccutioiw
issued out of the Honorable (he Court of Com
mon Pleas and of Oyer and Terminer for tho city
ofSqvaqnph, in favor of Jacob Doe, et. ul. Prop
erty pointed out by.defendant.
Jecfi ELfSIIA WYLLY, ^icriffc.
Ifi ucsvlllc Acailemy.
T HE T 1118 ^ 09 of tlio .above Institution, tnke
pleasuro in, ntmouncin^ to tlie public, that
they have engaged tlie services of Col. Jiuneyi S.
Bradwcll, for the ensuiug year.
Tho instruction of fito Academy will be—
Elemenfiinr Braitohes; together with ■
Latin and Greek', • '
AlgebriHind Geometiy, .
Bo'ok-Kcoping ahd Finance^,
Natural nnd Moral Philosophy,
; Astronoihy. &c. &c ;
Board for cliildreq can be obtained in respecta
ble houses on reasonable-terras;
S. SPENCER, Secretary.
December 1st, 1839. '< :
B3*The Darien Herald will publish the above
onco a week until January next, and forward the
nccopnt therefor,to the Secretary at Riceborough,
Liberty Coiinty. 640 deefl
Colorajtlo aiKl Rod River Lmi«U ;'
O N tho first Tuesday in January next, before
the Court Honse in the- City of .Savannah,
will be sold for th«» benefit of the crc^ttrrstjfLcw--
is Ganoid,an insolvent debtor,five thousand (6000)r
acres of Land in the Republic of Toxns, the same
being contained in a script for-five (5) shares iit
file estate ahd funds of tho Colorado and Red
River Land Company, transferable on the briokt*
of the Conipany,the said script having been regu^
lurly mado out^to the said Lewis GonoJil and by
him assigned to me under pn order of tho Hon*
file Inferior Cofirt of Chatham County, for fiiff
benefit of the creditors of the said Lewis Ganoid.
Assignee for benefit creditors Lewis Gannhl
pov25 ' ■ -
Oglcthorpo University
T HE .next term oi this institution will open on
tlio first Monday in January; tinder file fol
lowing organisation,' of the faculty
Rev. C. P., President, nnd.professor of
Chomistry add Natural Philosophy.
Rev.- S. K. TAT.hfJaz, Professor of Mental
imbecility of the procrcaut functions in cither sex;
and, therefore, tlmi fitoso evils are the effect* of and Moral Ph\losophy, Belles LfittreB and Eviden-
artifici^l causes,alid may bo speedily subdued and- 0 f Christianity.
A SUPPLY of.Londou Mustard, of superior
quality, for sule by.
Opposite the Market,,
dec 5 Sign of the Golden Globe.
Cold Brawn Expressed Castor
OIU > .
A LARGE supply of tho above article of first
quality, for sale on rqusoriable term?, by
Starch and Blue;
T HIRTY boxea Colegnte’s superior Starch,2
; cases do English F-ig Blue, landing from brig
Augusta', and for salo by . , N ■
nov 28 G; ft.. IJENDRICKSON-
jLook at Tills. -
T HE Subscriber, in con?etitience of ottr Sa-
vanftah Bank? refusing to recoive up coun
try money Ip deposit or payment, takes thisme-
fiiod of inibrming the public‘generally, that he
will receive up country Bapk Bills,' in good re-
.pute, at par for gqods at hia regtilor fair prices, if
the whole amount of Bank Bill or Bills istraclo'd
out, viz t—Hawkinsvillo ■ Bank, Bank of Milledge-
ville, Ocmulgoo Bunk, Monroe Rail Road Bank,
Banks of Columbus generally .with one exception,
nnd willhnve no objectlonto receive the Savannah,
Augusta, Georgia Rail Road, Brunswick and St.
Mary’s Bank Bills, for goods or in payment of
debts; at par, unless the persons are willing to al
ow-me Spercent discount.
No 1 & 2 Waring’s buildings, Market Square.
nov’18 ••
removed by tho use of “Lo Cordial de Lucihe.”
The Lucina Cordial is ulso an indubituble cure
fat the Gleet,.and the Fluor Albus, obstructed,
difficult or .painful Menstruation; also, for tlio
incontinence. of Tfrino or tho involuntary dis
charge thereof. It is likewise on invaluable and
unrivalled medicine, in cases of Chronic Errup-
tions of the skin, ond iu file dropsical affections
of the aged. . .
Most impbrtnnt to tho American Public.
The United Stnlesprpprietor.of tlie celebrated
Lucina Cordial, or Efixir of Love, begs to lay be
fore tlio community, tlio following certificate,
wliich ho hrts received from the inventor, the illus
trious Dr. Maguin, of Paris:
“This is to certify, that I have disposed of tlie
recipe for making the Lucinn Cordjal, or Elixir of
Love, and also tjie right tor sell it throughout tho
United State? of North. America, to John Winters
HoldenveU, M. D. My reasons for so doing; is,
that die demands tp m.e for the above Cordial, of
which I auvtlie inventor, are so numerous, that I
amunable to supply all tiie ordora fromFruiiceund
Italy alone; nnd have fiiereforo disposed of tlie
privileges vouchsafed in this and other certificates
of a like nnture, in order to generalise the bonofits,
of my discovery throughout the world.
Given under iny hand at Paris, on this nineteenth
day of January, in the year of our Lord, eighteen
. ’ hundred and thirty-eight. ^
I G vXtE. C .: } Witnesses.
This highly important medicine is for sale by
John Winters Holderwell, No. 129Liberty-street,
New-York; Charles B. Tyler, No.,70 Chcsimt-st.
Pluladeluhia; and in Baltimore by Roberts & At
kinson, John M. Laroqno, and G. R. Tyler; in
Washington City by Tobias Waficins and Charles
Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linthacum; in
Richmond by John E, Eustice; in Petersburg by
Braggs Thomas, and Dtipuy r ltoser & Jones;
and in Norfolkby M. A. Santos nnd B. Emerson;
nnd byJolm Woodly, No* 65 Poydras-st. Now-
Orleans; •
It can also be found at all the. principal Drag
Stores in South-Carolina,andin AugUBta, by Ha-
vilnnd; Risloy & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co. and
Nelson Carter; arid in Savannah by
Price S3 perbotfio, with full directions.
oug5 164—ly
N. M. Cuawfoiu), Professor of Mathematics,
and Astronomy. ,
• O. B. A RwnT.n; T*??cber of Ancient Langnsgcs.
R.,H. Ramiky, Rector of the Academy and ox-
officio'member of tlie faculty. ' • • .-
Tlie Rector will be aided by competent assis
tants in tlie Academy.. • ' ,
TERMS OF TUIt1QN,_ (payable in advance )
College Classes, per session, of halfyear, $25.
Academy, do‘ . do . fl!
Primaru Department, do. $1
No Student will bo permitted to recite with his
class until he shull have presented a certificate
from the Treasurer that.his tuition for the term
has been paid in advance* - *
Application for admittance to College can be
made at tho opening of the Term.
By order of the Board.
SAMUEL K. TALMAGE, Sec’y dndTrea.*
dec. 6 243p
Central Hail Hoad & Banking
Company of Georgia;
Savannah, Nov. 13,1839.
A N Election for nine Directors tu mnnnge the
affairs,of this Institution', will be held at file
Banking House in this city, on tlie first Monday
in Jnnuniy next. Polls to be open from.9 A. M.
to 2 P.M. By order. _ R.R. CUYLER,
nov 18
For Hire,
A N able bodied and Bteady Mon, who has been
accustomed to most kinds of labor, and fbr
whom steady employment is tno month
orvear. For further information enquire of
fiov 21 HAZARD, D^NSLOW & CO.
One Tiiousand Dollars Reward,
XXriLLlje paid for tlie apprehension, with
vT proof to conviction, oftne person or per
sons who fired the Bridge of the Central Rail
Roadnver the Little Ogeechee, on the 21st inst.
By order of tlie Roard of Directors.
R. R.‘ CUYLER, Casliier.
nov 22 - 231 (Georgian) •
F Savannah Ins® dc. Trust Co.
Oil RENT—The several Apartments-ahove
this Office,-well adapted to counting rooms,
law offices, &c.
To Planters.
T HE Subscriber, Agent for the Athena Manu
facturing Company, haa constantly on hand
a supply of their Domestic Woolen and Cotton
Goods, a superior article for Negro Clothihg.
oct26 * 209. )
Wood, Wood.
T HE Subscriber has |ioty on hand/ and will
be ‘constantly receiving, a sfipply of first
quality Oak artd Asn Woodi Apply dt th'0 Wbod
yard, cost end of the town,
oct 17 /; 201 Hi Fi WILLINK.
• ' / A Card.
(from DnKSDK.V, Iff SAXONY.)
"J3R0FESS0R of Music, for the last four yetlrrf
*X in the cities of Baltimore and Auapolis, Md.-
now in the city of Savannah,'Ga. huftlie pleoaurtf
of informing tlie citizens of Spvannahund its vt--
cinity, that tm will commence to give lessons on'
file Organ, Harp,. Piano, Forte, .Guitar, Violin,-
Flute and Thorough Boss (that is, lio\v tb' com-
posc Music,) and in Siuging, particuhuty Chuvch
'Music, and other Songs. Ludies and Gentlemen’
wishing to associate in this Miuie School, will
please inquire f<?r further information at Dr* ’
Koch’s room, afcfiie residence of A. G^Oemfer,-
Esq. in tlie thorning from 10 to 1 o’cldck,!
the afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock.-
FOR SALE.—A splendid grand square PiancV
Forte, wifit tlie Harp, Loud Bassodn/Dram and
Bell Pedal, by which the performer can prodfiew -
nine different Bounds; also, nn Ttnlinn Gp.iter,-
Flutes, Italiart yiolin, Clarionet, arid ari^assort-
irifent of the newest Music. These articles can
be seen by those who feel disposed to examino
such handsome instruments,, at thp above place/
Piano Fortes tuned. Orders thankfully recoive -
ed. 199 ■ oct 15
Wanted to Purchase
I MMEDIATELY, for the use of tx Planter, art
able-bodied Negro Man or Boy, for whom i*
fair price wfil be paid. JOHN BOSTON.
tprii a ‘
T O purchase, a family of eight Negrbeay
for which cash will be paid.' Inquire bf
oct 29
Marshal’s Sale.
Bryan M. Morel, > . ■’
vs. V In Admiralty /
The Robt. Bruce and cargo. ) .
B Y virtue^ of an brder of Court in’ this causri*
will besdld before the Court House iti Sa-f
vannah, on the first Tuesday in January next, tho
schooner Robert Bruce nnd her cargo of Boards*
24 bbls damaged Flour, 10 kegs of damaged To
bacco, and one Gun, all as the.soma now are nt
the Landing and Plantation of Bryan M. Morel,-
Esq. at OssabaW Island. Terms cnel),- bankable
money. PHILIP lil. RUSSELL,
'Deputy Marshul District of Georeiii;
deed 243 . ....
Ltiw IVotRei ,;^V-
/CUYLER w. YOUNG; Attorney .'.ml Coun-
V/ sellor at Ltiw, has located himself in I.nnis-
Villc, Georgia, where he will attend tb nil profes
sional business entrusted to his core, with diligericd
and. punctuality. Me will regularly attend the S u-
perior Courts.ofthe Cbuilties bf Jefferson, Burke;
Scriverl/Effinghain, Bulloch; Tattnall aildJVIbnfc* ’■*%
'gotrieryj * . H
arig9 ldft _ Z- .
ffiiHE Copartnership, existing bBtvveen.Mr; Cy-
■,X ills B/Curter and file, undersigned, tindef
the firm of C.' B. Carter & Cq. was dissolved mi
the 2d instant, by the death of the former. Tim
CY'BUSINESS will be continued by tlie uhdur-
fiigndd, for his ovvii account. . ..
, c-
. OGPThb deorgia Jihirriai, Macbn Mfesserigcf;
Chronicle &Sentinbli Augusta, are requested tb
insert the above three times, and forward theirab*
bbunlsfor paymeuL lt> p.