Newspaper Page Text
r Sheriff's Sale.
in Jwmnrynext, •
ip Torn the Court the
(lvamiah.botwion thb usual haure
er*iilc.oTlireshi»g Machine nnd a Hough; levi
ed onhy virtue ofntifii, indued from the Ilonora-
‘ ‘ i Court of Common Fleas end of Over mid
ier, for tho tity of8artnm»h,nlthe instance
t ofSnvntmnh ra, EuraKom, ndciiiulting
rotu Juror. Frontrlv pointed out by the defen
dant. LEVI'S. RUSSELL, Sheriff.
dOeS ■- --;
if thd S fiwfl’mSNlayi(n Febrii-
Y Y nrv next, befimi tho Court House in die
eity of SaroTmnh, betivesrt the usual hour, of«de,i
the etoop Etiwi. levied on under end by virtue »r
e fi fa on foreclosure oflinoi-tgago, issued out of
the Hon. tho Interior Gonrt egSwWm county,
in litvor of Samuel B.- Hill. rv. Johti.Kiisaell.
nov 43 Kl.tSHA WYU.Y. Slieriffc, c.
7 City Sheriff's Sale.
4N tho llret Tuesday in January next, wlfl.uo
O solo before tho Court House iu Ibe city or
Savannah, beuveml tho usual of sain, one
prey Horso, raddlo and bridle, one ninhogaiyr side
board/one ditto dining table, ouo ditto stand. obe
sofa, one carpet, six chair?, two looking gla-we$,
two pair of andiron?, shovel and tongs; levied on
by virtuo of filitV issued front the honorable Court
ofCotftmon Pleas and of Qverand Terminer fof
tho city of 8avonnnh,ntthe instance ot James H.
Wadoet. pi. versus Camnfield tfc Breed, James vs Nathaniel Campfield; properto
pointed out by plaintiff's attoruies.
dec 4 LEVI 8. RUSSELL Sheriff.
II nnd
of. Chatham Comity, fof letters of
tionontho estate a'nd oflecte of Jabloa'
lute of Chatham County.
Those aro cite and admonish,nil
singular tho kindred and creditors of tho said do-
erased, to file their objections, (if any they have)
to t)to granting of tho administration ol tho cs-
tato to the applicant in the Clerk’s OfRcfi’bf the
said Court, on or boforo tho twelfth day of Do
comber next; otherwise lbtters of administration
will be griuited.
Witness, die non. Francis Sorrol, one of the
Justices of tho said Court, tliis JStli day of Nov.,
A. D. 1830. EDW’D O; WILSON,
nov 18 Deputy Clerk c. o.o. c.
ctcofgln-Chatlmm County.
TO all’whom it may concern:
—~H fcUEAS Qtiilihno Legripl, both np“' ■
W in i,i..\., umintiiv iej
to the; Hen. tha Court n
meant: .t
i John P, Williamson. Esq, has
d'.l -to din Htui. tho Court of Ord’y
Bitty, for letters' of F.dmimslration
d effects of l’etcr Mitchell, lato of
II county, dceoasod- 1
These are therefore to olfr Ytid. admonish, all
end singular tho kiudreil and credilore of tup said
d oiaasd, to file llieirobjcctious(if any they hnvo)
io the, granting of Iho adimntstrntiqn of tins estate
Of tho deceased to tho applicant in tho Clerk s
office of tho said .Court, on .or before tho 4th dny
of January next; otherwise loiters of uduiimstra-
tipit wilt ho granted. '
Witness; dip Hon. AlUhy Porter, olio of dm
Justices of the said Court, the. 4th day of Decent
her, A. D. 1830. ( . •
' duo. 4 ’ , . . Deputy Clerkc. t>. c- c.
gricl, hath applied
ifOrJiaart' ofChat-'
bam County, to> Letters of Administration on tho
estnto oral effects of Paul Dupon, late of Chatham
County, deceased.. * ■ v - .■ -
These are therefore to cito*nnd admonish, nil
and singular the kindred and creditors or the said
deceased?to file their objections fiftany thQyhave)
to tho framing of the mlnmmvrajion °f the estate
of the deceased to tRe applicant In tl\0 Clerk’s Of
fice ofthe said Court, on or before tty gilt dny of
• December next; otherwise letters'of administra
tion will bo granted.
Witness, the Hon. Francis Sorrel, otto of tho
Justices of tkfe said Codrt, thtvOfo dn v of Nov. A,
nov 9 v . Deputy Clerk r
Sheriff's Sale.
N tha first Tuesday in January noxt, at die
_ CmirtHouseinEffinghnmCimnty,between
dm usual hours of sale, tho following property:
Six hundred acres of pino laud, lying und being
in the county of Effingham, bounded N, E. by
Savannah River, W. by lnnd.of Mosos Motxger,
S.bytqnd6o(Mnry N. Porter, levied on a. die
• property of Archibald Wilkins, to .atisfir execll-
tinns in favor of tl.lvid MgUgcr, vs: Archibald
Wilkins, Jr. ami Henry Carrington, Jr. vs. Arch.
Wilkins, Jr. Property pointedpntby defendant.
Also, otto lot of Land known ns number one,
in tho villago of Abercotn, containing fifty acres,
more or less; levied on as the property ofdio es-
late of 0. Q. Nowlan, deceased, to satisfy tho bat-
ofan execution due to the Commissioners of
Ingham enmity.
N G. HEIDT, Sheriff I, c
the Academy of
decS JO
*> Administrator’s Sale."
W ILL be sold 'on the first Tuesday in Jamb
aty noxt, at die Court House In Savan
nah, between the usual hours of sale, n negro man
•lave named Saul, part of‘the personal. estate of
Bln. Mary E. Dunham, late of McIutoshN?ount) v
deceased. Term* of *aJe cash—purchaser nay*
S.M. ROND, Adiu’or. •
Icc2 ,
' Administratrix’s Sale.
O N the first Tuesday in January next, will- be
sold before the Conrt House in Chatham
County, between the usual hoprs.ofsnle, tho fob
All tLo^ntercst ofthe estato ofR. F.i Williams
in those two Tracis of Land, known as Varclnso
and Orphan House,
Sold as die propeny oi esiuw, a. i . it iuiuids,
for dto benefit of tht hpirs and creditors of said
estate. MARY WILLIAMS, Adm'ix_t
nov 9 . iMl ..■> .
Valuable Rice Plantation'and.
Ncirrocs for Jtialc
1 at pnblio sale,on the first Tues
day in February,ncxt, bcforo' the Court
House in die city of Brunswick, lliat very valua
ble Phmtadon known as New Hope, on the south'
branch of tho Alatatnaha River, tn Glynn Cotui-
ty, Gq.,. containing (3J30) tlireo thousand four
htuid red and thirty acres, of which (680) five hun
dred and eighty acres ore first quality River
Swamp, (300) three hundred acres are. under
good banks and in a fine state of .cultivation. A-
Eout (700) .oven hundred acre's of prime Inland
Swamp, well adapted tathe culture of Cotton or
Command (4150) two thousand one hundred and
fifty acres of heavy timbered pine land.. Oil the
premise, are a comfortable dwelling Ilotup, Ne-
grs Houles, Bruits, Ciucksmiut Shop, tuutevery
necessary out bqildihg for the tuo or the,.plantu-
At the same time and place, will be sold (con
ditionally) a very prirno gang of about sixty Ne
groes. ' '
Also, an undivided third of the plantation
known as Broadfield, adjoining the above, con-
taininginoil about (400) font hundred acres or
prime Rice Land, in . fine order to receive a crop.
Terms made known on the day of sole.
JOHN F. GREEN. ? p „ .
HUGH F. GRANT, (“ or *V
nov 15 425 . (Georgian)
■ ticorifin—ObntbUin ontiuiy. .
W HE11F.AS, Jos. B. Ponfie hath applied
tii Ole lion, the Court'of Ordinary of
Chatham Conntv, forlettenof Aduiiniatration on
the estate and eifects of James it. Kctchum. lato.
of Chatham County, deceased.
These.are therefore to cite and admonish all and,
singular tile kindred and creditors of the said de
ceased, |o tile their objections (if any they have)
to tho granting of the itdmbpstration of the estate
of the deceased to tho applicant in tho.Cicrk’s
Office of Iho said Court,on orboforo tiio.SOtiiday
of Deceuihet: next; otherwise letters of ndinitiU-
tratinn Will bo granted. ,
Witness, tlie Honi^A. Porter, otic ofthe Jns-
lices oftlie said'Cotirt, tHe 30tliday ofXovvmbqr,
A. D.T839.' . EDW’D 0;.WILSON,,
hov 30 Deputy Clerk c. o. ciC.
Ocorcrln—Clmtlmin County.
To all whom it may concern: u bp ;
1*T;HERE.A3 S. B.' Williams hath applied to
VV- the Hon.'tiie Court of Ordiuaty of Chat
ham Couiitv, forLuttcrgof Gttard'mnshib to till,
I iarsonsnmt property of Edwin amt Julia Wil
iams, minora, children ofRieli’d Fi Williams,do-
ceiidi • •
The«o are therefore to oitc'nml ndmoitiah, nil
concernod, to file tRolr omefctimit (if o«y they
|iavo) in-the Clcrk’a office of tho said Court, on or
before thMJOth day of Detcmbci next; otherwise
letters a? prayeJ for will be granted. •
• Witness, tlie Hon. *M. Mvcr*» one ofthe Justi
ces of the wild Court, tho Jlfttli day of December,
»tov 30 Deputy Clerk c, o. o. c.
~Toicor|yi:y-Clintfi!iii» County.
i, for
800 Dollars
rgYllE.Getiuins FRENCH
% C KreU™.are_.
cither sex, (warranted ftoo from nimcury,) and
possesses great advantages over the Balsatfts and
all liquid medicines, by being entirely lico from
smelt, nndconsiiqitenlly do not oticcl tlih broalh,
thereby preventing tho posaibtiity df a discovery-
while using tluuu. ' -.
Besides thisimportantadvnntagotteynovordis-
ngreo witit tho .tnmqbh, pud in. U(o lirst suigos ol
the disease they usually effect a cure iuafow days,
with littlo reganl to dietpt.expqsuru.
lit tho most obstinateotajjon of tho uiscaROi they
ore equally certain,having cured tunny afier every
oilier remedy had fuled. lb »Uor(,tK^y Ivrybbeen
•o universally sitcccfwfnl, thstt that Uio proprietor
challenges nny-ono to produce it leiuedy oC equal
ertrtniuty, - under n forleiturb of Three Hundred
Dollar?. Forsnloby • .> ■*.- .
T. M. M. TURNER. •
Price $2 per box, .v
migB 1M—‘ly - \ v
Goor^iu—ChutlKim County*
v . To all worn it may ctnlcem.
*\TmrEHEA8, Wm. Henry Fiiu, Admimilra-
j T tor of the estate of Jnine* D. FiU«,lnte Of
Cliatlinm County, deceaseJ, Until applied to, tlie
Hon. tlie Court of Ordiuary of Chatham County,
Jor Letters Dlsmissory.
These are Uierefoie to cite andndmonlsh nil con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have)
in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or be
fore die 10th day of March next, otherwise letters'
dismUsory willbe granted.
Witness, the Hon W. Thorne Williams, one of
Uio Justices of the said Court, tho I6th .day of
September, At D. 1839. -
septl& Depny Clerk o.pyC. c/
Georgia—ChatItaiu Couuty.
To all whom it may concern.
*\Tr7‘HEREAS, Andrew Dixon, Administrator
▼ T of* the estate and effects of Daniel Foley,
late of Chatham County, deceased, has aonlied to
proper^ of estato R. F. Wdliams, Chatham County, deceased, hps apnliedto
‘of the hpirs eml creditor, of witi 1 ' ,e IIon - tl !, 0 Court of p/dtnary ol Clmtiuuu
County, (brLetters Disrunaotr. . ^
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish gll con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have) i
tho Clerk's Office of the’feud Court, on or by for
the 3d day of January next, otherwise to Iters'dis-
whnuiitmay coucemt
W HMICEAS Patrick Marlow hath appliwl to
the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Chat
ham Cdiltity, Tor-Loiters of Administmtion bn tho
estate and effects of Nicholas Marlow, Esq. late of
Chatham County deceased;
These are therefore \q cite and admoqish. nil
andsiuguliu'lhok’qidrednnd creditors of the said
deceased, tn file their objections (if;any they have)
to. the pniatin? of tho administration ofthe estate
of die deceased to the applicant iu the Clerk's of
fice ofthe said Court, on or before tho 13th day of.
December next*, .otherwise letters of administra
tion will be Ranted
Witness, the1Ion, Elia»Rccd, one of the Jus
tices ofthe said Court, the l*2th Uiv of November,
nov 13 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. o.
J? nnd other tumors. Ulcers, Sore Legs, old and
fi-esh Womids, Sprains nnd Bihiisos, Swellings
nnd Inflauipifitions, Scald Head, Women’s Sore
Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions'.
Chilbnim, Whitlows, Bile*, Corns and External
Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi
or loony medicino heretofore discovered for the
chafed lincks and limbs of horses; for rips worms,
chapped lips—and in short, for every external bo
dily evil that may fall to the, lot of man .or beast;
For saleliy^ *
T. M. &. J. Ms TURNER.
Price 5Q cents per lw>x.
aug 5 * f 164—ly
nitesory will be granted.
- ’ Witness the lioii. A. Potter,one of the Justices
of the said Court, tlie 3d day of July, A. D. 1839.
. jlily 3 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Georgia-Cliallitun County.
To all whom it may concern.
\wr “ ~
HEREA8,Heniy F
_ j( ’Ulink,Executor of
|hO last will and tcstaniefat of David Ridge,-
late of Chptlurai County, deceased, bath applied to
the lion the Courtpf Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty, for Letters Dbnussoiy.
These.are thereforo to cite and.admonish all
concerned, to file their objcctions(if any they have)
in the Clerk's Office of the said Court, on or before
the 3d day or January next, otherwise letters dis-
qiisRory will be granted.
Witness, the lion. Eljas Reed, one of tlie'Jus
tices of the said Court, the 3d day of July, A. D.
july 3 . . Deputy Clerk c. c.c. c.
dcorgln—Cliniliain FomUJ
To tdl whom it may Concern: •
W HEREAS, S. A. Hooker, hath spplihd to
the lion. Uio Court of Ordinary of Chat-
ham Ctmnty. for Letters of Adiiiinistrution oh.the
estate and ejloots' of Isaac Norton, la to of Chatham
County, deceased,
These ore.therefore to cite and admonish, all
ana siiignlar the kindred and creditors of tlie said
deceased, to file their objections (if any they have)
to the granting of Uio administration ofthe estato
of the de v ce.ised to.the applicant in the Clerk's Of
fice of tho enid Co"nrt,.on or before the twelfth
day of December next; bthcfwiso letters of nd;
ministration-will be granted. /
Witness,the Hon. M. Mvcrs, One ofthe Justi
ces ofthe said Court,the twelfth dhv of November,
nov IS •' Deputy Clerk c. o. c. t.
Georgia-^Clmtlmm County*
To'nII whom it miy concern: *
W HEREAS Frederick E. Tebean, hath ap
plied to Uio Honorable tho Court of (>r-
dinqry of Chatham County, for Letters of Admin
istration on Uio estate and efiects of Isaac Norton,
,n late of Chatham County/deceased. ^ ‘
These are therefore to cito and admonish, all
nnd pingular ffio kindred and cre*litor? oTUie said
deceased, to file their objections (ifany they have)
to the grantingof the admimitrntion of 4he estate
of Uie deceased to tho applicant*in the Clerk's Of
fice ofthe said Conri, on or before thbrivelfth day
of December next; otherwise letters qf administra
tion will bo granted. . .
' Witness; tho Honorable Anthony Porter one
of Uio J ustices of the said Court, the twelfth day off
November A.’D. 1839.
nov J3 Poputy Clerk, c. o. c. c.
Howland’s KL rr ,
F OR the face aud skin, imd of vital importance
to the support of female loveliness; Power
ful of effect, yet mMd of influence, thi* admirablo
spfccific (a preparation ftbm the mhst delightful
biU.sihmc exotics, mnf perfectly free from mineral
or other pernicious admixtures, possesses balsamic
a ’ >ttics of surprising energy } ire^ulieatcslnp,
es, pimples, room, rcilne^. imd nil cutaneous
ermptious, gradually realising a, decidedly dear,,
fair and soft skin; transforms qveil tljo most sallow
crtmploxion into radkint whiteness; rendersImr-h
and rough skin delightfully soft .and smooth; ini-
parts td the Taco, neck rtiufomw, a liciilthy uud jti-
Venilo bloom; dud; by dud perseverance in its ap
plication, promotes u free and unintcrriinted exer
cise of those important functions of the akin,wjiich
are of the most necessity for the preservation of
health and attmUuicnt, and contiuiuulco of a beati-
tifni complexion. •
' A fresh supply of this valuable article just' re
ceived, nnd lor ■>A, PARSONS-
Executor’s Sale
!e to at
"¥JjTILL be sold, agreeable to
v V < 'Hon. Inferior Court of I
le. v
an order of the
Burke Co., while
•itting for ordimry purposes, hi Uio town of
Waynesboro, on the first Tuesday in January
One tract of Land,.belonging to the estate of
Elishai Anderson, lute of said comity, deceased,
lying on tlie waters of Rocky Creek, joining lands
of James Anderson and B. Miller,'mid containing
fourteen hundred and twenty-four (1424) acres,
more or less. Sold for Uio* benefit of tue heirs
of the deceased.
A. H. ANDERSON. ( t* 0 "'
oct 43 209
Administrator's Sale.
W ILL bo sold, on the first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before the Court House door in
Jacksonboro', Scriven cpnnty, between the usjiUl
hours of sule/the following property, to <lrit:
One tract of Land Ring in said County, adjoin
ing land* of Wilkins II. Nunnnlly, Richard Her-
rington, ir. and Brier Creek, containing 467acres,
ifloro or less. Altfo, another tract, lying in said
county, containing six hundred (600) acres, piore
or less, adjoining lands of Richard Herrington,
•en.VSalomon Zeagler and George Robbins; al
so, five Negroes, to wit:, Vilet, a woman about 40
yoars of age, Diana, a woman about 18 years of
n£e, and Child Chilson, about 2years of age, Ro
ds, q. girl about 14 years_of age, and a girl by thfe
v name of MaUlda, ubout 13 years Of age. Sold
agreeable to an order of the Hon. the Inferior
* Obi i ' —
of said estato.
oct 529
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL behold on the first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before the Court House in Hines
villo, Liberty County, by order ofthe Court of
* Ordinary for said County, tile following property
of the estate of R. S.‘ Leonard, viz*.
One Tract of Land, containing, 500 .jici
more or less, known as tlie Cooper Trafct; one
House and Lot atWnlthourviiJe, with 13 acres of
land, more or less, together with all other Land
or Property owned by said estate; for, the benefit
of all concerned.
GEO. W. DUNIIAM, Adm’or.
nov 5 w' 217
"TATILL be sold nt tliejiopse oftlie subscriber,
▼ v on the 19th duy.ofDecembor next,eleven
hundred acres of Land, lying on Canocheo Riv
er, fifty head of stock Calfie, Hogs, Sheep,Oxen,
one timber Cart, one email* one horse Wagon,
and other artiales too tedio'ns to mention. Terms
II County, Nov.'23d,I839.
Georgia—CJiatliain County*
To all whom it may concern.
TtTHEREA^ William-Law, Administrator'
W of tlie estate and efTects of Mary M. Haig
and Ague* Haig, Tdeceased, lias applied to tlie
Hon.thc Court of Ordinary ofCuauuup County
for Letters Disiuiaaory. ^ „
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
concerned, to file tfieir objections (If any they
have) ill the,Clerk’s Officeuf the said Court,on or
before the Bd day of January next, otherwise let
ters disnuftrfary will be granted.
Witness, the lion. WmJfhome Williams, one
of tlie Justices of the sqid Court, the third day of
July, A. D. 1839. ' 7
july 3' Deputy Clerkc. o.c.c.
Gcor^ia—EHln^Siain County*
j . To all whom it may concern. ’
-ITfTHEllEAS, Eliza McGaliagan, Administra-
yV trix of the estate of. Wm.
filed to Uie Hon.
igam Adniinistra-
. McMcGuhiigan,
.the Court orOr-
has applied _ ^.
dinaryof Effiingnom County, forXetiera Dismiss
•dry. . '
These are therefore to cite and admonish nil con
cerned, to file tneir objections (if any they have) ii
the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or-before
. thnfilh day of Mnr/»h fiext, Olhcnviac l^ttora uia-
mtssory-will be granted.
Witness, tlie Hon. C. Powers, one of the Justi
ces of the.said'Coutt, the Cth day of Sept. A. "D.
. BeptC ' . c. c. ole. c.
Georgia—EIOuriIiuiu County*
To all whom itouny concern.
W HEREAS, Thomas II. Brow, Administra
tor of-the estute of John W. Graham, de
ceased, has applied to the IIpli. the Court of Or
dinary of Effingham County, for Letters Dismis-
5tae arqtlierefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objections^ (if. any they Have)
j.n the Clerk's Office of the said Court; oh or be
fore tlie 2d dny of January next,, otherwise letters
dbqnissory will he granted. - • *
. Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one of tho Jus
tices ofthe said Court, the 2d day oT July, A, D.
1839. . JOHN CHAK**' ^ '
july 5" ■
' c. c'. q. e. c.
Georgia-EIRnglialn. County*
To nil whom it may concern.
"TTf THEREAS, John M. Lucas, Administrator
V V . of the-estate of William McGahagin, de-
deased, has applied to the lion, fin? Court of Or
dinary of Effingham County, for Letters Disini*-
These are thereforo to cite imd admonish all con
cerned, to filedbeir objections (if any they have)
in.the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on dr be
fore the 6th dny of march next, otherwise Iettters
dismissory will bo granted..; ,
Witness, tho lion. C. Powers, one ofthe Jus
tices of the said Court, the'Oth day of Sent, A. D.
1830. „ ■ - ; - JOHN CHARLTON,
n ' • ^ Clerkc.’ o. e. c.
Gotland’s liotiun,
noroviny otitl beautifying tho complex-
„ ronderfng tho skin fair, soft and trana-
t, and lor removing tins, sunburns, frecxlos,
warranted genuine. Just received, and for
Gcorgla-Rfiiii^ham County,
To all whom it may concent.
W HEREAS, Mrs.NaonnWeitman,widow,
Administratrix of the estateem! effects of
.Matthew \Veitmart, deceased, hath applied to the
lion, the Court of Ordinary of Effingham Colin
ty, for Letters Dismissory..
These nre therefore to cite and admonish all
concerned,to nit! their objection,.(if any they Slave)
in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court; on or be
fore tlie doth day of January next, otherwise let
ters dismissory will be granted.
Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one of the Jus
tices of die said Churl, the 26th flay
july 20
Clerkc. o.o.-(5.
Georgia—Bryan County.
To nil whom it may concern;
"VXT-HEREAS Andrew B‘r.1 Jas n,ad« applicu-
VV tionfor Letters of Administration, with
the will annexed; ohlhd estate of Dorcas Sander-
lin, late ofthe CQunt);ofChatham deceased.
•These’nro therefore to cite and admonish all
andsiugttlartho kiudrctlaudcreditors ofthe sail
deceased, to fllh llicirohiectiohs (ifamr they have)
in’tito Clerk’softice.of tha Court of Ordiuary for
said County, within tho tiiite prescribed by lawj
otherwise letters ofndrainutrution will be granted
to the said Andrew Bird.
Witness, the Hon. Israel Bird, one oftlie Jus
tices of said Cotirt of Ordirianl. Ibis 7th duy.of
November, 1833. J. BMITII, c- ci o. b. c.
novIT '223 '
"ElOUR.itiqpth* after-date, application will lie
-Id mail.o to'tlie Hon. the Justices of tholnferi-
or -Conrtof Chijllmiu County When sitting for or
dinary. purposes, forlcayc to sell 2 tracts of Land,
viz: 100 acres, Gtli Dist. 161 Section, in Clierokco
comity; 40 acres, 3<1 Dist.. 3sl Section, in Chotjn-
kCe county,belonging to Uio Estate of Iho lato Wal
ter Dqhois, and sold for the benofifofthe heirs
and creditors of said gktate. '
c’ec7 . CLAGIIORN & WOOD, Adtn’ors
.. Notice
F OUR- mon'lis. after date, application wjll Be
.made to the Heh. the'Jnstices of the Inferi
or Court ofC'hatham County whey lilting for ors
ilm iry purptiscs, for Rave to sell a slave named
MpFcs; belonging io the Estate ofM. II. Drake,
Lteof Savannah deceased, fur tho benefit of the
heirs and creditors,
dee-7 flit I.ANDO A: WQQB,
‘Tlie tmo rtc!
W Eknhw-ffiit
coustUntes the Wealth of tlie great mass of
Inc people in this, ns In most other countries. To
preserve, therefore, that In*tilth by nutt
is it grand,tuoraliuidpoliticalshlieme,to
rotpiiros ottr utmost attention. Th
Uni mcdleinolias lichieVcd tlironshiitit tho Uttiteti
Stales, the CMuidhs; Texas, Mcxicduiiil iho West
Indies, fully justify Hr. Peter* iu warmly nnd cott-
kcioniitmsly rccqimnending tiiem Iu tlie speclalab
tcntlon of the afflicted. •
Dr. Peters hits snentniuch time In e;.
itigwith’difteteniVegetablo Medicines.
es of tho liver, nnd now offers his Vegetablo
as tim best, rtost convenient and cheapest M'
cinu that can bq prepared Ibr general use.-MR i
Ono grcavquaiily of liis Vegetable Pills is fhrit
tlioy liavn the alternative principle combined.with
their pnrtiutrtio, or op.erniive qualities,or that tlicy
not only cicnnso tho stoiitucli und lioWcJs by p«r.
Ring, but tlioy rogiiluto the liver, qliunge tim nior-
bid seewtioiii^strengthen the digestive orguns, pu-
rifv the bluod,invigorate Die cireiilation, und gives
stoitii and energy to tlie uorvous system,
■ They ate mild and pleusuiit iu (licir operation
anil convey almost hnmediuteronviction of their
from tboir fit
are to
lever and i
owo their i
nioch n"
-atam hD ’ 0Ul ' i
disordered “
They, qro seldom
mjuro lho atomnnli
j composiiioi
iiQverliecn (liscovcrciiuntil
nmrbifi bpcretiou^ whicl^nroduco t v P V
rlidja, clioffira luorlniN, pile«, fem
• Il is noiVm.goitonii use in
w’orld Families resident in tils cl’Si
lers going Into tho interior or vhiwl
tant tropica! olirfotaa, (insulated *1
?X" ,dflndSlvui, "’“ Vo ^”1
Kept constantly on hand, and fa,,^]
■ ■ . ,
oUuU ’ s T'MkSBroHSl
to which tile human fruuio is liable
The nrotnietor rejoices in the opnort
forded by tho universal diffiuioDol C.
for placing Ins VEGETABLE LIFeI
wiilnn tlwynowledgoand reach or c «rl
dual m tho community. Unlike the ho,l
mcipus quackeries which hoast of ve^J
greibouts, Urn Life Pills are purely nnlsT
gctahle, and contain neither oercure ai
nrni'iilp imp mtv ullmi. %
utility ftoui ffioir first fipso. They can bo token
with onfety by pernmia.of any age; anil life fee bio;
the infirtfi, tho nervous and dclicato are strength*;
ened by tlioir operation, beconso fiiuy^claar tho
ayatom of. bud hutuorii, qntot nen*o'us ;nilability,
and invariably praduco sound bcultffi ,
Tho Vegetable Fills'nh) q htrefemp^y for jaun
dice, aiok uud nervous hcndaclio, dyupensy, cor-
tivenoss', sickness of tho stomach’, heartburn, nil*,
bilious complaints, fevers of all kinds, and if taken
,at the comuicncqnicnt will invariably check their
progress, and save the patient from u protracted'
und dangerous aiekness, Tlioy. aro invaluable ih
ftervops und hypocomlricalnlTpctiput}, loss of ftp-
petite, and nil compjaints to which, females alone*
are subject. They operate ns a mild speedy purge,
fthdaro asafb and Certain remedy lor Worms in
children; *' ,' • ' - ^
. Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney, of New-
Or leans, La.Oct. 9,18.37.— 4 ‘I have rcccivad uitialt
nstfistdnoc.m my practice t especially in jnmidicu
ftmt yellow fever; ftom tho use of Rotors 1 Tills. I
presume that, on att average, I proscribe 100 box
es per month.” * ' • c' !** , *
, Extract of «lettei* from Dr. Pritchard, of Ilud*.
sou, Now-York, Jimo‘3, lB'.W'—“Iwns awarothat
Dr. Peters Wna oiio of,tho best chcnrista in the U.
Slates, nnd felt assure^ that ho would some day
(from hi« iptitnato knowlcdgo of Iho properties of
(Tfiincfte Pro1Rl«» or.TTrcc Com*.
P ORCHER & LA ROC HE has in store tho
above vjjluahlo Com. Persons who have
engaged )vilt please call.early nnd take it away.—
Planters aro particularly invited fo crill and judgo
for them^elvea, ns .there is only a Hmaft q«nnuty
loft unsold, nnd if they wish tho nrtido, wo^vill a-
gain invito thenv to send their orders early. Also,
other garden seeda, for snlo on uc^mrimodating
terms. ' Opposite the Market,
nov 23; Si^noftlie Golden Globe.- -
deed, a superior medicine and reflect alike upon
the chemist, the physician, nnd the philosopher.”
Extract of ii let tor from Dr* Waiiios, of Cin
cinnati, Feb. 2,1833,-—“ Your Pills are tho mildest
ill their operations, nud yet most poworful in their
effects, 6i any,l Have eyer met with in my prac
tice of eight und twenty years. Their acUon on
the ch> le, muMicnce on tlie im purifies of the blood
is eviuontly voiy surprising.^. *. *;
• * ’ -.'Cha11i.otte, N. C.Jan. 1,1837. *
ToofJi Waste*
/CHLORINE, Oris and Tooth Wash,
highly recommended for whitening tho tooth,
purify ing tho breuth and* imparting a healthy np-
peaninco to the gums. Just receiycd, per Wil
son Fuller, and for sale by . -
oct 23 G. R. IIENDRICftSON.
immship, in cases, of various prices.. Also, San
ders, Emerson, nnd Mechis’ Razor Strops kept
constantly for sale by
'*'*•' . Sign of tho poMen Globo,
anplft/ Opposite the Market..
T710UR months,after daft;, applicotion will he
JC niadc tq the Justices of fi»e .Court of Ordin
ary for the County of Camden, for leave to sell ull
the real und personal estate of David Thomas, Jato
of said county, deceased,
aug 26■ W. THOMAS, Ailiit’yr.
F OUR months after«datej application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Effingham
County when sitting for ordinary purposes,dor
leave to soJI tho following Land: C .
. One hundred and filly acres Piuc Land, lying
and, being in the Connty,Tjelongihg
to the estate of Ernst.W m. Gu/.er, houhded north
by. Lineburgcr’s mid Keiffer’s, cast by Keiffer’s
and unknown land,, south nnd west by Dasher's
land; for the benefit, ofthe li'cirs and creditors of
said estate. - ' ;
; nov 18 ' FREDERICK-HINELY, Ailm’or.
F our mi,
mtido to
Notice* .
after date, application will be
Justices of tho Court ’of Ordin
ary for the County of Cuniden, for leave to'sell ull
the real estate and bank stock, belonging to the es
tate of Joseph Thomas,'late of Camden County,
G. W. THOMAS, \ v .
aug 20 , - • •, 174 .
C OUNCIL will elect on the first Monday in
December next, six .Vendue Musters for. the
City of Savoiiunh. ; AjiplictiiUs will leuve their
applications and the names oftiicir securities with
nov 88. M. MVERS, c.,C.
jpor . ■■
■V7"EAST POWDERS, for tho iimnediiit'etna-
i king of Buckivlieut aud light. Ton'Cakcu.
These Powders gre not only ofgrent utility in the
ilistaiihncoiis preduction of Buckwheat and tight
Tea Cakes, but are very wholesome; correcting
tlie acidity ofthe stomach, sweetening tho breath,
Suppressing undue lliirat in tho moruiiig,;and iu
every respect being beneficinl; arid linvc received
the approbation ofthe medical faculty. .
They arc free from all the tronblesomi'objoc,'
tiCns to which Yenst aniothcr tirticies ofthe same
character are liable,'.being always easily procured
goquiiic qt about tho same cost as Yeast. .
Afresh supply oftlieso Powders, with directions
fo'r Using-, just received tier. Newark, nnd for sale
nov 27 235
Svmim’s Piinaccn.
A -S tlie intemperance und luxury oftlie n'goore'
jML liastcning tho'ravages of scorbutic' com
plaints, and rendering the blood more impure nnd.
nsthomnnd^ have, -destroyed theiz constitutions
by neglecting to apply ilio jiropcr'rometlieo to
such-.' Swuim’s Panacea must be and has been
more, titan doubly valuable as a certain and effec
tual liuenns of restoring them to perfect health nnd
vigor. Few families ere wholly exempt' frpm
.scorbutic affections which exhibit various symp.
torhs, iis eruptions, ulcerations, debility, loss of
nnpetite and dejection,-all-arising from impure
bipod, and if hot properly attended to, produces
tlie, greatest injnry to Iho constitution, and may
po imjliifted to their-offScring. Svi-n|.V. pU-J;
cea is rccotrmicndednt tins season of tlie year, ns
an invaluable rostorutivo of Iho system, thereby'
invigorating the constitution anil eimbling us to'
bear the debilitating effects of the summer sedson.
It is conveyed by uie circulating fluids, und cor
rects tiicir tendency to nil (hose diseases which
originate in n vitiated *hlpqd, diseased liver, de-
prnvcd appetite, or pre'disnosition to nffectibn of
the lungs, &ee Na-ono,. however, Js advised to
use it without convincing tUcrasolves of the truth
This medicine is now used with success inTl’I
parts oftlie world, and is gaining great reputation
in England.
From Dr. Vafcitfhe Mott,
Professor of Surgery in ilio University 'of Ncw-
York, Surgeon ol the N. York Hospital,&c.
I have repeatedly used S'wuiiii’s Panacea both
in ths Hospital and in -private practice, and have
always found it'to beavaltiiiblc medicine 111 cltroit-
ic, Syphilitic, and scrofiilnns complaints, and in
obstinate cutaneous affections. .-
From tho various impositions which have been
practised by adulteration, &c. oVcn to tlie oktent
Jjf.perjnry. fer tile purpose of imitating the medi
cine, is prove-its'efficacy in the dis
eases in which it-bus boon sufficiently, proven to'
have cured. It is unnecessary to pay further in
relation to this Panacea, ujlicr than to caution the
pul, lie against thodeleterjousyiixteres which have
been made to impose upon tlie ignorant. The
genuine article can always be found at tho store
V} the shbscriber, who is the sole agent for this
.Slate. A. PARSONS, Druggist,
nov 8 oon - *- ' bb
Notice, .
W II.&S, ROGERS will recoivO bills of
• all tho Country Banks (except Millcdjre-
viile) in payment for doftcls, at 10 pnr cent.'dis
count, provided tho amount of the bill is traded
out; but will not receive unbankable bills for coii-
tracts alreudy made.
nov 19. South side Market Bqunre.
T HIRTY boxes superior Engle Starch, extiu
quality, for family purposes. Just received
and for sale by
nov 23 G. R. HENDRldKSON.
A N-assortment Stoves,
B. & H. WEED.
I_Tfrar POW€lCI*S*
f IjHLSB Powders nre an admirabla substitute
• j i yeast, in making all kinds of batter cakes,
and have tho advantage ovor that article in ma
king the batter perfectly light and ready for ba
king tlie instant fiftiy nre mixed. Buckwheat and
other cakes, when made with these,powders, are
less likely to disagree Avith file stomach than those
made with yeast; and as it requires lint n few miii-
utea to prepare for baking, the -possibility of ever
having themsour, is entirely avoided.. The good
efiftct’of mixmg cidce ahd biscuit with these pow
ders, has been approved by many ofthe most om-
ment ptiysicmns and surgeons in fids fcountry,*^*
They are also highly recommended by many of
Uie first fiumhes in this city and other places.
A ft-nsh ^^ply of the noove article just hceiv*’’
eu and for sal
nov 13
liirgemcnt of the spleen, chronic diseases of the
liver, sick headache, general debility, and in all ca
ses have found them to be very effective:
,, :*r* J, D. Boyd, M.
MEORT.KXBUfia Oo. Va. Fab.7,1^
Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in iny pmeti
the Iafit 12 months, I take.pleasnrq m givin
testimony of tlioir good olfects m cases ordys-
popsia, sick headache, bilious fevers, and other
Vliseoses, proditced by inactivity of tho liver.—
They are a safe and mild aperient, being the best
article of tlie kiud I have ever used.*
‘ . Gkoiujk C. Scott, Af. D.
This celebrated MvdiciiieJs lor sale by nil' the
principal Druggists In Savannah and throughout
tlie United States, tho Canadas, Texas, Mexico,
and the West Indies. Price 50 cens per box, wjth
full directions.
- *' • 1C4-
From tlie Fonnsylvnnin Inquirer, ofMny 3, J834.
llowuml’u Tnnle Hfixjsirc.
M R. EDITOR—Jlucli n» tin) powers of Ibis
favorite rolnedy have boon cx'oiicil, I etui-
not omit this opportnnify of declaring my.decidcd
conviction that every lic’connt of the sanative vir
tues' of the Mixture Will bo verified to. tlie full cx-
• tont. Whtitover lie the character ofthe eolitnlnint
—whetlicr unequal tertian—double or. simple
quartan—however varied be, its type, ittteuded
with syncope, apoplexy, vchempflt spnsins, with
coldness and stupor—whatever its duration,whe
ther vernal or ontiimnnl, laying the foundation for
visceral.affections, qnd othor slow but unerringly,
filial maladies—however' Irregular in their inva
sion, nnd uncommon in their appearances—in
fine, whatever ho the ago, idiosyncrasy, or hohits
af the patient, the complaint afiko bids adieu oil
the due administration ofthe Tonic Mixture.'—
— other -prepkrations may
hnvo been, there cun he little reliance placed upon
them when compared with this article. By strict
ly following tho directions,that Accompany the
bottle, we fit® it nets upon the moat scientific
.principle—for, it! seems tu anticipate (lie return
of tho cold fit, and excite!) a strong reaction, gild
powerful glow over tho whole system) mid thus
havo been astonished to no'tico with" what haste
tile disenso bents alarm Ibr.n retreat, and die pros-
trntcd'strength of the system rallies, it is a potv-
crftiF, yet mild medicine—substituting calmness,
ti-angmil!..,.„«sd ]*£*" sleep,in placv „fpain,woa-
nnoss,'qml restless nights—a renovation of long-
lost strength and robust health, in lieu of feeble
ness arid emaciation, And 1 confidently behove,
und I predicate .my opinion ripon tho most sub-
etimtinl-proof, that iinilorwlmtevor sky—in what
ever corner of the earth—whether upon liiil or
■valley, wherever River nnd ague makes its appear
ance, there also will, “ltownnd’s Tonic Mixture”'
j fid3 its way—the hnppy desideratum, tho perfect
antidote. N. LEE, M. D.
KTOno of tile best recommendations that can
he given tins medicine is the following:—Physi
cians living iq Fever and Agno districts, who hnvo
become aoq'unlntdd- with its efficacy; nre in tlie
habit of ordering it to bo used in. their own prae-
tieo ■ • ' '
From tho ttarrishurg Iiiteiligoncor of June; 1833.
Mr. Wyeth—Having long been afflicted iti my
family with Fever Und'Ague, nhd having triod ev
ery moans'll) getridofit w'ltlioutnv’ail, I at length
met with your advertisement ofRowand’s genu-
ino Tonic- Mixture, wliieh I determined to try.
Aftcrusing it, my wifo was entirely restored to
health, having suffered for fifteen months from the
debilitating effects af Foverund Ague, and is now
as hearty ntfd'stont us ehp ever was.
' . Harrisburg, May 22,1833..
A largo supply oftlie above valunhlo-medicine
just received from tho Manufacturer, aud for Sale
wholesale or lentil by
. Sign ofthe Golden Globe,
nov 13 Opposite the Market.
Snlplmti! (tiiinino, Ate;
OZ8. Sulphate Ouiniiio
50 10 do So. Morphinp -
I cafe Flake Manna
.1 do Senna, l do Rhubarb, 1 do Jalap
Received and for sale on aCcommodating tonns
Corner, of Brotuditoh and 'Whitaker streets,
nov.19 ’ Opposite.the Mansioq House.,
Patent Medicines.
TTJRITI^H ;OIL, Opodeldoc, Turlington pal-
-O sain, Dalby's Cnrininitive Balsam, Balsam
Honey, Butcinnn’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial.—
Received and for sale wholesale and retail, on ac
commodating terms by / •
* Comer of Broughlop 4fcAVhitiikor streets,
nov 19 Opposite tlie Mansion House'. '
though long known to several Indian trill
recently tosoiiiocinincmpharnaicenticjlJ
uro nltogctiior unknown to die ignorant j
ers to lqcdical science, and Were ecverbt
mipislored in so happily cfficiiciousac
tipn. ■
restored 10 life from the ashes of it* ora
lion. Tho Phiimix Bitters are entirely re
composed of, roots found only in certain
tho western country, which will inMlilyu
VFRS AND AGUES of nil kinds; ail
fltil to eradicate entirely all the elil-cls oi t,
iulinilcly sooner dian tho most powerful
rations of Sarsaparilla, and will imnicdisle
the determination of BLOOD TO THE'
never fails in sickness incident to young I
nnd will he found a-ccrtain remedy in ail -
nervous debility and weakness of the mi
paired constitutions.
As a remedy for Chronic and left
Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phatehn
will he demonstrated by the nso of a rinj'i
The usual dose of these Bitters is haifawi
full, in watcror wine, and this quantity ni
ken two or tlireo times a day, about half
before meals, or n lesss quantity may be It
alltimes. To tlioso who aro afflicted wit
gestion after meals, those Bitten will m
valuable, as tlioy very greatly increaie the
of tile principal-viscera, help tiiem to '
their mnclians, and enablo the'alotuach
clinrgo into tho bowels wlmtovcr is oft
Thus indigestion is easily and -speedily rci
appetite restored, and tho mouths of tlie i
ant vcssolebeing cleansed, nutrition is fuel
'ond'strength of body and energy of miod
’or farther particulars of.Moffiitfs Lift
and Phecenix Blttctd, apply atMoffatfsoffi
GIG IJroodwa.v, New-A’ork,wliero tho Pills
obtained for 25 cents, 50 cents and @1 pe
qnd the Bitters fof 81 a ?2 pey bottle,
sna certificates of thowondetiuUSka;
inav be there inspected. .
]?orealohy A. BAIPK
At ills Store, OI1 tho Bay, corner of Drift,
nov 23 ' , \
' Otto Hose Up Stilvei
R eceived, a fresh supply of ottoRo
Salvo. For eale by
. oct 11 -
^nSfw.‘cAR'l*ENTER*8 , Coinpoai
VY tract of Iceland moss, Carrageen, o|
■ ~2lm, v Horeliouiicl,!
Mosj, Slippery Ehn^Horeliouud, &c., a
remedy for colds, coughs, dyspepsia, dv<
riinrrtuca, ’catarrh, and all affectioufl or tlie
ings. For sale by .
•21 . PORCHER dr* TiAROCj
The true Verbena Crcait
T HIS dolightfitl Cream Is wamnt«l M |
trad extfdct of Verbena; gendemen |
tender faces or strong beards, wosjd be J
most aeiightrar snponnceons “"'“Cjraf
fared to makes a beaut* b«l
er, and after shaving, leaves a dehc oas™L
of tim Verbena, anil -preventing tinif“ 1
chapping, which ih general, other so P
• Market Sq. sig
nov 18,
Lamp »H. *«• ,
F IVE hundred gidloiis pare SptiOT-'
strained,) 2Q0 do.-smmner ^
Also, 12 doz. Lamp Chimmes. Jiis*; ccel 0 J
for side by ■ A.j’AKgjJ
Frcucli Ctteinicalfi* I
© of Morphine, Croton Oil, Oti»[ ”' |in J
pcr,Kreosote, Fiperinc, P ru f ic .^.’ p ota5S a"
etino; Ext. Nux Vomica Hydrodate, Pew
Jnrt received pcrNwarit’Und^t^ggo
’ t Starch. _ .
rjYWENTY boxos Colgate ^ N ^RgoN
/~vTTORo^'uti^fvo, ihney’^’^l
U real French Almond Pasta.
of these elegant articlqs, for the ™ r °|° ty 1
WSrtBtlfmrfit 1 jo*
10 bbis. English Lifueed Oi
10 do. Whiting, 10 do. CW
' .50 kegs Spanish Brown, „ n10 f,re
100 .canisters Potent English (nirota” ^
superior article for doo T 8 ( t " ' | c by '
TTIIFTY boxes Variegated bcenw^ fe . (
Jb cakes und bare^ ^jehdiUCR^
• t nov" by PADEl, I ^I^