Newspaper Page Text
<sbe Jeffersonian
Vol. 14, No. 32
Senator Bankhead, of Alabama, Also Abolishes the Constitution, to
“Make the World Safe for Democracy”
A C CORDING to its own showing, the Steel
Trust cleared $146,000,000 during the 91
days preceding its last report. Climbing at
this rate, those profits will soon be two mil
lion dollars a day— if the Great IF«r goes on.
The Steel Trust owns vast properties in-
Alabama; and, while it does not own Senator
Bankhead, it doesn’t need to, for the Senator
wants the war to go on.
By a singular coincidence —almost without
a parallel in Senatorial annals—the views of
the Alabama Senator harmonize with those
of the patriots who benevolently absorbed
the Tennessee Coal & Iron Company, during
the Panic of 1907.
The word “coal” reminds me that Senator
Pomerene made a demonstration in the Sen
ate, not many days ago, of the prodigious
profits the Coal Barons were making off the
war; and the Coal Barons, in their patriot
ism, demand a continuance of the war; and
it so happens, that they own enormous in
terests in Alabama, without owning Senator
Bankhead, whom they do not need to own,
since, by pleasing coincidence, his views are
those of the Coal Kings, and he, like them.
wants the war to continue.
After Senator Pomerene had completed his
demonstration of Coal Trust profits, Senator
Vardanian w r as so unkind as to remind the
Let Us Have a Grand, Peaceable Assembly of the
People, in State Convention!
p?ROM all parts of Georgia and the adjoin
* ing States, comes the approval of the sug
gestion, that the opponents of the recent un
constitutional and revolutionary Acts of Con
gress meet at a central point, to discuss these
new measures and petition the government
for their repeal.
These new laws have been suddenly sprung
upon the country, by Congressmen who never
hinted at such reckless usurpation of power
when they were candidates for office.
These new laws assume that Congress is
supreme, and that neither the Constitution
nor the U. S. Judiciary exists.
(1) These new laws raise armies for for
eign service, by appropriations covering a
period of more than two years, and therefore
they ignore the Constitution, which declares
that such appropriations shall not be for a
term of more than two years.
Is Congress above the Constitution?
(2) These new laws arbitrarily select a
period of ten years of human life, and arbi
trarily deprive of liberty all citizens whose
ages fall within that period, forcing upon
them a system of involuntary servitude, in
flagrant violation of those clauses of the
Constitution which declare that involuntary
Senate that the Coal Trust Magnates had
financed street-parades, brass-bands, flag
demonstrations, and so forth, in favor of Pre
paredness, and had bought up a lot of news
paper space, on the same patriotic line; but
a delicacy, w r hich cannot be too highly appre
ciated, prevented Vardaman from including
Senators and Representatives among the
financial investments made by those patriotic
War Trusts, who want the war to go on.
The Senate had under discussion the most
preposterous bill ever presented for accept
ance outside of a lunatic asylum, the same
being the Hoover Dictatorship of “Food,
feed, and fuel.”
With no thought of the Ala
bama interests of die Steel and Coal Trusts,
Senator Bankhead said:
“Mr. President, the Senate has devoted
many days to a discussion of this bill, which
seeks to vest executive authority in the bands
of the President to regulate and control the
food, feed, and fuel resources of the nation,
to the end that they may most economically
serve the necessities of our people during the
period of the war, and contribute directly in
the most practicable, scientific, and efficient
manner to the success of our armies, as w-ell
as of our allies.
servitude shall not exist, and that no person
shall be deprived of liberty without due
precess of law.
Inasmuch as an Act of Congress is not due
process of law, and inasmuch as it requires
three-fourths of the States to change the
Constitution, it is of the highest importance
that the United States Courts be asked to de-’
cide whether or not the Constitution means
what it says; and whether or not Congress is
bound to respect the Supreme Law, which ex
acts the oath of allegiance from the President
and from Congress, as a condition precedent
Is Congress bound by its oath?
(3) It is the natural birthright of every
citizen to stay in his own country, until he
consents to leave it.
The most absolute and tyrannical Kings
that ever ruled over our great white race in
the Old World, never disputed this natural
Tn all the wars of England, from the days
of Alfred the Great, down to the year 1917,
never a citizen was forced cut of the realm,
save as a punishment for crime, after indict
ment, trial by .jury, and conviction by the
unanimous verdict of the
August 16, 1917
A Macedonian cry comes to us from the
four corners of the globe, not only for our
army to help save the world for democracy
and human liberty, but for food and clothing;,
shot and shell, to overthrow and destroy the
last remaining dominant autocratic power
which would destroy us in order to perpetuate
its autocracy.”
Same old yavcp, you see: Bankhead learnt
his lesson, and he repeated it like a Sunday
School scholar answering the catechism.
“Save the world for democracy!”
“Save the world for human liberty!"
“Overthrow and destroy the last remaining
dominant autocratic power which w T ould de
stroy us in order to perpetuate its autocracy.”
IJVnu? did Senator Bankhead make the dis
covery that Germany is the last remaining
dominant autocracy ?
What was Bankhead's attitude, when the
President was endeavoring, in December and
January last, to conciliate the belligerents,
and bring about peace, without a victory over
this last and most menacing autocracy?
Is Bankhead whiling to admit that he wuis
so blind, in February, as not to see this fear
ful German danger, and that he, like the
President, was then eager to end the wair,
For a thousand years, England grew in
strength and greatness, without ever a line
of military conscription. She was elevated
to the pinnacle of world-power by “the Brit
ish Volunteer.” whose love of country and
bravery in battle throughout the earth, have
been for ages the theme of song and story.
As I have already shown by the otlicial rec
ords, our Revolutionary War was won by vol
unteers. The War of 1812, the War with
Mexico, and the Civil War, were the wars of
Three times as many Southern men volun
tarily joined the Union Armies of 18G1. 2. 3,
and 4, as the draft laws of 1863 ever raised
in the North by compulsion; and the men
who deserted were not the volunteers, but the
Military compulsion, first adopted in Eu
rope by the Prussian autocrats, is now sud
denly rushed upon our country, 7>// those who
pretend to be the enemies of militarism; and
the American citizens who are arbitrarily
made the victims of this Prussian system, r/rc
to be sent out of their own native land,
There could be no clearer violation of the
(continued on pagk three.)
Price, Five Qents