Columbian museum and Savannah daily gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1821, December 25, 1817, Image 2

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    Columbian jßujttura,
v -:!;■ • •W’ *t ; rs
Terms..... OAiiT .payable in advance.
cotSTST papxß, issued on Tuesday, Thursday ,
and Saturday, (containing all the. news and new
advertisements of the daily paper) $3 per an
num-9-payable in advance. ‘■■■ ysp
mm —,, yia— ~p ■,— ■.■
THURSDAY MORNING, December 25, 1817.
drill: ■ ■-■ ’ ■■■■ ai.’ —w.rr :■■ ■•:;■:■■ ■ ’.?
That our workmen may partake in the festiv
ities this joyous anniversary, this season of hi
larity and mirth surrounds us with, no paper
Will be issued from this office to-morrow. v
No daily paper being printed yesterday, one
side of our country-paper of to-day is necessarily
incomplete. Our country subscribers are there
fore presented with the daily paper.
By the brig Levant, Wood, five days from
New-York, we have received a file of Lang’s Ga
zette, up to the 16th, from which we extract
the latest European and Domestic accounts: they
Will be found in the following columns.
fjjNo mail north of Charleston, last evening.
Prom our attentive correspondent at St. May
ry’s. we have received two printed sheets from
Femandina, one dated the 9th ana tneomer me
12th December. The one of the 9th contains
the “report of the committee appointed to frame
theplan of a provisional government for the re
public of Floridas.” The government is to be
democratic republican, divided into three equal
ly independent departments; executive,legisla
tive and judicial; the military to be subordinate
- to the civil authority ; the executive authority
to be vested in a chief magistrate ; the legisla
tive in a general assembly •, the judicial to be
vested in a supreme court of justice, inferior
courts artd justices of the peace. The liberty of
the press is guaranteed, and the liberty of con
science acknowledged as one of the national
rights of the people of the Floridas.
The sheet of the 12th contains ** the report of
the committee appointed by the hon. assembly
of Femandina, to obtain information relative to
the transactions between that republic and John
H. Elton, esq. commander of the U. S. brig Sara
nac.” This committee imagine that the attempt
of captain Elton, to board the prize schr. Tan
tativaon the Bth of November, in (as they state)
“the very waters of Amelia” was an act unautho
rized, and unjustifiable, and — ” resolve, that these
documents with a statement of the affair, be of
ficially transmitted by the earliest opportunity
to the president of the U. S. exposing the un
just and arbitrary conduct of capt. Elton, well
assured that complete justice will be done.”
The correspondence which took place be
tween Aury and capt. Elton, on the subject, we
insert below.
Correspondence between com. Aury Mid
capt. Elton.
United Stales’ brig Saranac, Cumberland Island,
November 9th, 1817.
Sxr—Last evening, a schooner passed in
*) Amelia or Femandina that had been at
tested to be boarded by a boat from the
Saranac. She fired at the boat ; whatever
character she assumes, she must answer for
the insult according to the laws of the Uni
ted States. I cannot believe that yourself
iHhe |>eople of Femandina can give the
east sanction to such proceedings, under
a -at US*e£- I have sent a boat to bring her
fc ‘Sr ts A merican wafers, provided no ob-
MW •ted. If she is refused or
pn& ted t shall consider that Femandina
lUarested the flag of defiance and act ac
t cordi %.
I have the honor to be, &c.
Signet J. H. ELTON.
Gen. AURB,
Head. Quarters, F&rnandina, Nov. 9th, 1817.
and Ist, of the Independence
Sir—-I have received your official letter
of this day. As its contents relate to mat
ters of so much consideration, I have order
ed th%t the necessary investigation of the
prize.roaster be made. I may however in
form you that should he be found culpable
he should be punished according to the
laws of nations, as the government has no
other views than to maintain good under
standing and harmony with yourself or any
other officer of the United ritates,it will not
remain behind hand in giving every satis
faction that isjust.
I have the honor, ficc.
Signed, AUHV.
John H. El tons esq.
Cumberland Island,. 1817.
Bjm.—-Your letter of yesterday was duly
received. I luid hoped tljai the rising
republic of Amelia would not undertake
to harbour vessels, that might com mi t
thenis dves, particularly when* the lawsj
of the tj. States were concerned, but suppo-,
sed it would comport with the honor andj
Interest of 0m place to turn any such vessel 1
from their waters. You say lh*t the ceo
of the prlaa mester shaU be e&auufttd j
into and punished if found guilty. I-had
mentioned the insult ottered and wished
the offence to be tried in the United States.
The verbal message returned by the officer
of the Saranac is not such as I expected. I;
did not request you to deliver the vessel to
me, it was a belief that you would, on hear
ing the offence, refuse her a harbour, other
responsibility I would take on myself. You
have heard my individual opinion as regar
ded the patriot cause, with the same
candour I again inform you that assume
whatever character that .vessel may, she
must be accountable.
I likewise inform you that if ever I fall in
with the sloop Astrea, without the juris
dictional limits of the Floridas, she will be
seized for a breach of the revenue laws.
I have the honor to be, &c.
Signed, Jno. H. Elton.
Gen. Aury.
Head Quarters, Femandina, Nov. 18th, 1817.
Sir—Your preventing vessels from go
ing out and coming into this port, in conse
quence of your boat having fruitlessly at
tempted to board the schr. Tentativa, prize
to the jprivate armed schr. of the republic
of Ml Lico, the Brutus, within our waters
arpMpt more than 150 feet from the beach
of4ps island, has induced me, in order to
av<|rd all difficulties for the present, to con
pjm to give her up to you, in hopes that the
iwt. of the United States will do us that
yptice which becomes a free and great peo
jfle. I have the honor to be &c.
John H. Elton, esq.
By the arrival at this port this forenoon,’ of the
schooner Cuba, captain Clackner, in 12 days
from Havana, we are enabled to present to our
readers the following interesting intelligence,
received at that place from capt. Montgomery,
just arrived from Vera Cruz.
From the extraordinary Gazette of Mexico.
Capture of the traitor Mina, by Col. Orraktu.
H. E. the viceroy has just received by an
extraordinary courier, the following infor
mation :
Most excellent Sir.— -Long live the
king. The cemt. of Silas, under date of the
27th, at 7 o’clock in the evening, writes me
as follows:
Esteemed Sir.— -At last we have obtain
ed the fruit of our labors—Mina has been
taken alive and is now entering this place.
They also bring the head of Moreno—they
have taken the two other Hereras, a French
man and other officers of their infantry.—
We killsl several when we attacked them,
which was by surprise. All this has been
achieved by Senor Orrantia, who left here
at 10 o’clock at night with cavalry for
el Baradito, near la Hachiqueza; which
news, so interesting, I communicate for the
satisfaction of your excellency and of all
the good and loving subjects of our Sove
reign, and 1 shall consider it very complete,
if it gets to hand as expeditiously as I wish.
God preserve your excellency many
years. Irapuato, October 28,1817, 2a. m.
Juan de Perguera.
To ff. E- the Viceroy Don Juan ~
Ritiz de Apodaca.
His excellency not wishing to delay one
moment the communication of such agreea
ble intelligence to the faithful vassals ofthe
king our lord, has commanded the immedi
ate insertion of it in an extraordinary ga
zette, expecting every moment to receive
the particulars of this important event.
Extraordinary Gazette of the Government of .Mexi
co, Friday, 31*1 October, 1817.
We learn, via Boston, that the U States
squadron were lying at Gibralter the 23d
of October. The Constellation had just
sailed lor the United States, to stop at Mal
aga for water. . ,
Cleopatra’s barge is expected at Wash
ington, to gratify the curiosity of the execu
tive and legislature, as well as the citizens
of the district.
We have seen a letter from A. Grade,
esq. received via Marblehead,dated on board
the ship Minerva Smyth, Nov. 7, in latit
ude 43, longitude 50, then 11 days from N.
York for Liverpool, all well.— Gax.
The money unjustly seized at the time
the British ship Tay was wrecked, and
afterwards carried to Havana, has on remon
strance from England been delivered up by
the Spanish government, and his majesty's
frigate La Pique sailed from Port Royal
the 4th ultimo for Havaua, to receive the
tame. ;
Priest at Gibraltar, Oct. 22—American
1 cotton, N. 0.32 cents, none ami saleable—
! sperm, candles, 50 to 52 cents— rice, $7
!75 to B—pitch, ito .125—beef,13—flour,’
14—tar,ft 75 to 3—tobacco, Ken. ssl4 ter
] s—Vit ginia, 11 to 1150—wax, 1154, octree
and saleable.
I* # 1
In anticipation of the Mail.
| V ~[.
[Received by thefrrig Levant.] - : ■
LATEST NEWS.— T&e Amity sailed
from Liverpool on the 28th of October, and
to an old friend, capt. Stanton, she editors
ofthe Gazette are indebted for papers, &c.
up to the hour of his departure. , y ,
The markets, generally, varied but lit
tle since former advices.
Stocks at London, Oct. 24.—Three per
cent, consols 813; American stocks, old
six per cents, nothing - doing; new do.
1053; seven per cents, nothing doing ;
bank shares, 32f. 15s.
A Russian fleet, disposed of to Spain,
was expected to stop at Portsmouth for
provisions, on their way to-Cadiz. .
The ridiculous reports of a war between
Spain and Portugal, were evidently put in
circulation by stock-jobbers.
The English and French papers contain
a confiejnation of the murder of the dey of
Lord Wellington arrived in London on
the 25th of October. He left Paris the
21st. The object- of his visit is to see lord
Rivers* estate previous to its being purchas
ed for him.
The continental papers contain much
speculation respecting the congress to be
held next year by the German princes and
the allied sovereigns. _____
Splendid illuminations were in readiness
at Bath for the accouchment of the Princess
Charlotte, for whom a wet nurse had been
provided, after a very strict examination of
her person, &c.
The Russian Ambassador arrived at Do
ver in the King George packet, on the 23d
October, and was honored with a royal sa
Dr. Franklin’s letters, have just been pub
lished in London ; and the Courier states,
that the Monthly Reviewers do justice to
the character ofthe writer.
There was no idea of the reductiou of the
army of occupation in France this year. If
any should take place, it would not be be
fore some time next year.
The apprehensions about an impending
war between Spain and Portugal, (says the
Courier) have all vanished.
The peace of Europe has been establish
ed by the great powers. They have resolv
ed iso mainbln that p#ae against aU at
tempts to disturb it. /Spain and Portugal
may have mutual causes of complaint; the
right is supposed to be on the part of Spain;
for no reason has been urged by Portugal
in justification of her invasion of the terri
tories of South America. They may levy
troops, they may put on a hostile appear
ance ; but they will. not. go to war, for a
sound and sufficient reason, the other pow
ers will not permit it. Their differences,
it is officially announced, will be settled by
mediation, and the conferences be carried
on at Paris.
The ordinary annual session of the states
general was opened with the usual solem
nities at the Hague on the 20th of October;
and the king delivered from the throne a
speech ; in which we perceive nothing re
The London Courier, the most ministeri
al print, of the'£2d of October, observes,” it
is gratifying to be able to assure our read
ers, that every fresh account from America
affords us reason to believe that the desire
to be on the most friendly footing with
Great Britain, animate*,more and more, the
councils of the American government.—
Prejudices are rapidly giving way to wiser
views of the true inrerests and policy of.
both countries, and we have every reason
to believe that all the discussions and ne
gotiations between the two governments,
will terminate to the satisfaction of both.”
Joseph Bonaparte has ottered two millions
of dollars for the liberation of his brother
from St. Helena.
Extract of a letter from a commercial home in
Liverpool to their friends in New-York. w
“ Liverpool, 28th Oct. 1817.
“ The cotton market was dull last week;
only 2000 bags sold, of which 500 wehe up
lands, .at a reduction of l-2d from the prices
of the week before; the imports ol yester
day and the day before are heavy; before
any considerable sales can be effected, a
further reduction must take place. Ashes
also my decline a little. Turpentine, of
ordinary quality, has been sold at l|j?. 9d.
to 14d.3d.percwt. Some Rice has arrived
from India, and more is immediately look
ed for ; the duty is also expected to take
place again on the 15th Nov. so that the
market may be calculated to go lower.—
Our corn market has been very dull for
isnmetime. American flour is worth 50s.
(4 5 Ik. sourt 38s# to 4<J. Our ports will
certainly close on the lath prox, as the ave
rage for Half the required pet rod has been
jbelow BUji.
charleston, dec. 23. |
From France.— Our French papers by
the brig Trois Saeurs, are to the 17th of
October. Great expectations are held out,
that on the meeting of the Ctifcmbera on the
4th November, a milder system of govern
ment will be adopted. The influence of
of Russia and England seem to be contend
ing in the French cabinet. \ H
Cotton was slack at Nantz when the
above vessel sailed; the manufactures are
afraid of the new crop. Bengals appear to
keep the article down; a parcel of that de
scription was sold at Nantz for I6lf. for
the English market. .
Upl. Cotton, 240 a 260f. 265 a 270f.
Sea-Island, 380f. , 309 a 405 g
Rice, 50f. 60f. /
tobacco, 70f. 75f.
Extract of a letter, dated Nantz, Oct. 16.
“ Cotton has become very scarce in the
French market, and keeps up at from 245
to 265f. for Upland, according
255 a 270 for Orleans; Sea Island, wanting,
would command 380 a 400f. duty paid.—
Prime quality is better paid for than ever.
In Bengal they are improving the staple
and cleaning—some of the best surats come
in competition with American short staple.
Many vessels have already sailed, and sev
eral others are fitting out, for Bengal. We
therefore,calculate that your planters must,
ultimately come down again to the old
-price., §ig 20 a 22c. and still make hand-!
Bear and Deer Skins are still of rfeady
Coffee very scarce, and dear; sugar com
mands good prices.
We shall have bad crops of wine this
year; cargo is at 800 a 850 per ton; bran
dy, cognac, 4th proof, 18 a 19 a velt.”
j ~ *: t
To Correspondents.—Vt r e decline publishing
the communication of Civis in answer to llones
tus in the Republican of Thursday last, on the
ground that no proof is adduced in support o:
several of his statements ; and that he continues
in a vein of raillery, which, in a sober discussion
of facts, appears uncandid. Neither can we
perceive any good that would result to the com
munity from thus exciting jealousy between two
institutions, both of which, in their own way,
may be of essential service to our mercantile
flhljij? *f &atinnnap.
—— 11
High Water..... this pat 10/i. 30m a. m.
Ship Jackson, Harsen, New-York, 8 days, to
H. B. Gwathmey, in ballast..
Brig Levant, Wood, New-York, 5 days, to C.
W. Carpenter iu. co. consignees—with an assort
ed cargo, to M. Ketchuin, Norton fie Wad Lams,
W. P. Beers fit co. E. Bliss fit co. B. M’Kinne 8c
co. Lethbridge &. Deuel, C. C. Griswold sic co.
Sturge s 81 Burroughs, J. Guenin sic co. E: Q Jppee
W. BarßOs, R. Campbell, J. M’Nish, L. Petty sic
co. F. Ogsbury, Stebbins sic Mason, F. 11. Well
man, Lawrence &. Thompson, L. Hart, C. Bruen
<k co. J. J- sic F. Blanchard, J. Harrison, M. Hoag,
J. S. Bryan, J. Lawrence, Gumming sic Moorhead,
I. Course sic Son, M Roff,jr. N. Eaton, andj.
Van Dyne. Passengers, mrs. Jacobs, ir.essrs. Vail,
H icks ‘, Van Dyne, Woodward, and ten in the steer .
age. Sailed in co. with schr. Gen. A. Jackson.—
Left brig Amelia, Rodman, to sail next day ; ship
Cotton Plant j Fash, in the course of 5 or 6 days.
Brig Roderick, Harding, New-York, 12 days,
to C. W. Carpenter ficco. consignees—with rum,
gin, sugar, beef, butter, paper, candles, soap and
furniture, to Johnston sic Hills, M. L. White, T.
Gardner, J. &• L. Kopman, J. 11. Oldershaw, R.
8c H. Wheeler, H. Warner, E. Bliss sic co. W. Gas
ton, C. Baker, L. Petty sic co. M. Ketchum, Wm.
H. Joyner, T. Taylor, Lawrence sic Thompson,
Stanton & Byrd, T. 11. Condy & co. Campbell &
Cummings Faries & Miller, A. B. Fannin, F.
Richards, S. A. Condy, Price & M’Gran, J. Auze,
A. Morgan, and A. G. Semmes. Passengers, mr.
Milliken and family , mrs. Blakely and family, gen.
Wart'en, messi's. Richards, Scott, H heelock, Mitch
el, Mayo, Shipley, Harris, Robbins, Millegin anti
Brig Eliza, Thayer, New-York, 12 days, to
Hall U Hoyt, consignees—with dry goods, hard
ware, furniture, &c. toB. M’Kinne c* co. W. P.
Beers & co. J. Harrison & co. Wm. Butler & co.
J. George, H. Haupt, S. j: Bryan, W. H. Gilie
land, Perry & Wright, Bilbo & Watts, Campbell
& Camming, Johnston & Hills, R. &J. Haber
sham, F.,H. Welman, H. W. Hills, M. RofF,jr.
Wm. Gaston, Cumming & Moorhead, Meigs &
Reed, Dr. Berthelot, J. Lathrop & co. J. Battelle,
Bacon & Bruen, D. Cooper, J. Douglass, and J.
B. Crutner. —14 passengers, (ff The consignees
of goods on board the brig Eliza, are requested
to send for them on Friday.
Brig Eliza, Adams, .Boston, 22 days, to the
master—with raisins, dry goods, shoes, hay, can
dles, and stone ballast, to G, F. &O. Palmes, F.
Marston, Eaton & Johnson,P. tlill, A. dJ. Leon
ard, A. Blake, A. Fox, B. Blake, J. Lathrop ii co.
Left brig Almira, Atwood, to sail in sor 6 days.
Brig Montserat, formerly the Globe, of Balti
more, prize to the Lynx, mr. Macon prize master.
Brig Calypso, Neill, Baltimore, 96 hours from
Cape Henry, and 10 days from Baltimore, to
R. Richardson sic Cos. Cumming 8c Moorhead, P.
Hall, G. Schley, F. 8. Fay, and the master. Off
cape Fear, spoke the sloop Sally, 19 days from
Portland for Charleston. Off cape Remain, pas.
sed schr. Milo, 13 days from Rhode Island for
Charleston. The Calypso was off Tybec in 13
fathoms water, in 67 hours from cape Henry,
when the late westerly gale drove her off sound
British brig Ann, Brace, Has badoes, 21 days,
in ballast, to Robert Scott. Market at Burba
does—sugar £9l flour 10 a 141 shingles lu t
rice 6a 7 j corn 2 \ tobacco 91 rum 60 cents i
inolasM-s 40 a 45.
Britisli brig Hope, (of Bt. John’s) Potter, Rio
Ituenu, jamaun, 14 days, to Williamson (j Devil
lers, consignees—with nun, sugar, sugar-cam >
plants smi pimento, toCsrnechsn (£ Mtihelsud
wiliismaon U Jhivtllers. Passengers, mr. (J mu,
Jf Queen, and mr and mil* Cooper, Markets si
bee., beef, ta..,, „„ r ,
°d, and bricks—to Perry & Wricht i
T. 11. Condy & Cos. W. T. wffiL %’ h^ m ‘
Campbell & Gumming, Johnston & Hftjs hJS
Hoyt, Bacon &Bi uen, O. Sturees p f; y
S. NicW.,, A. Sorcy. SUmtonS. S
en, Lethbridge & Duel, J. F.
Worrell, E. Chittenden, G.JSW
Bascom, R Lee, Shaffer & Devant, f I'peJot
tv Habersham, A. {J. Seiiimes a r 1?
Schr. Despatch, Fplsom, Newburyport 20 a
with an assorted cargo, to the masier Palt
gers, messTs/Pearson, Folsom, Hale and SS
schooner Ariadne, Pendleton, New-YorK
days, to S. C Dunning, consignee-whh
nes, dry goods, hay, kc. to Lawrence y T E2
son, J. Behnet, T. B. Piet, Bjlbo & Watts r o
Griswold ft .co. J Muir, L
Pnider, J Douglass, Camming G?
S. Bulloch, J.I. Pouyat, M L.White, R. litr’
ardson co. Tefft & Perkins, J. J. &F. BU
xi* ard ’ a T r ''° chart Hitchel, Barna M’KiWe
co. N. Pierce, Johnston Cf llills, j. Geom
J. & L Kop m an, D.B. Nichols, W. Barnes, S&
Tu t Hi Johtl . M ’ Nish * P - Bapelye &.
Nichols W Hum er. M, Hoag, Masters & Inget.
i° 8 Mei & s & iiee and. E. Chitten.
den, M. Ross. jr. Josiah Penfield, A. B. Fannk
L iiomas Bradley, T. Gardner, G. F. and Oliver
Palmes, Rea fit Butler, T. H. Condy jh & Cos.
Ballard St Spencer,and the master. Passengers,
messrs. Spencer, Peet, Wright, Bennett, and Smitl
Dec. 22, Charleston light *rfiw. 6 lea. distant, sup.
plied with provisions the ship Phocion, Congo
68 days fromfLiverpool bound to Wilmington,s c!
Schr. John, Loveland, Middletown, (Conn.) 6
days, with runi, brandy, gin, potatoes, apples,
waggons, saddlery and'oats, to Hall & Hoyt, B
M’hinne & Cos. and the master. Passengers!
mesirs. Cook, Phelps, Wadsworth, Stevens, Stan
lay, Webb l and Wen'nei-. Ml - : J
British schooner Apollo, Jones, st. Christopher,
14 days, with rum, niolasses add fruit—to the
master. * Markets at st. Kitts—flour gl4 ; su . ‘
gar 7a 8 ; molasses 35 cents ; pork 28 a 30, .
Schooner Lively, Pierce, Boston, 2l days, with
lime and dumber—to the master
Sloop Henry, Reed, Philadelphia, 10 days.
Sloop Earl, Gitsb’mg, New-York, 5 days, with
wine, pork; cheese, carriages, &c. to J. Lathrop
& co. A. Blake, J. Day, and J. Williams. Passen
gers messrS. Browne, and Coffin.
Sloop Excellent, Snow, Riceborough, 5 day,,
with forty-three bales of cotton and one hundred
and thirteen tierces of rice—to R. sic J. Halier,
sham, Bacon 8t Bruen, J. S. Pelotte, and J. S,
Sloop Planter, Tew, Sunburv, 7 days, loaded
with the best kind of oak wood', for A. Lishness.
Sloop Retsey, Johnston, St. Alary’s, 7 days—
cotton and rice, to Gaudry & Dupon.
Boat HappyGouple, Leviston, Augusta, 6 days,
to William Wayne, Owner—-with 561 bales cot
ton, to William Gaston, Johnston 8c Hills, Sturges
& Burroughs, B. M’Kinne sic Cos. and Campbell
Sc Cumming.
Brig Hero, Chase, Boston— J. Battelle
Ship Margaret, Al’Lellan, Liverpool —Sturges It
Ship Homer, Bell, Liverpool —John Speakman It
The steam boat Charleston, Rogers, started
from M Crcddie’s wharfj yesterday, at a quarter
past one r. m. for Ciiarleston.
Arrivals from this port.
ship Prudence, Field, N. York, 15th instant
brig Speedy Peace, Fosdic, do. *do.
schr. Milo, Bradley, do. do.
Clearances for this port.
brig Almira, Atwood, Boston, l3ih instant,
ship Dawn, Cclfer, Liverpool, Oct. 28/
The ship Active, Brown, sailed from Liver
pool for this port on the 24th October.
CHARLESTON, Dec. 23—Ar. ship Cuba,
Lierson, Havana, 13 days ; ship Orient* (of New*
York) Barnard, Liverpool, 63 days, and 35 from
Fayal, where she put in to repair, having lost
her rudder ; ship Xenophan, Lord, Philad. 10
days ; brig Jerfime, Hulbert, Hartford, 14; sclir.
Sight, Silva, Havana, 6; Tiniandra, Blackman,
Philad. 14 ; Milo, Allen, Bristol, r.*4. 17 ; Mar
garet, Vail, New-York, 6 ; Regulator, MTlhen
ny, Wilmington, .c. 1 day ; Belvidere, Cobb,
Philad. 11; sloop Betsey, Young, Portland, 20;
Sally-Cook, Cook, Richmond, 10 ; Mechanic,
Forsyth, New-York, 11 j Atlas, James, do. 4.
Cleaved, schr. Patsey, Pidge, St. Mary’s.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 15.—Ar? ships Inde
pendence, W ood, London, 47 days ; Amity,
Haydon, do. 60 days; Gosport, Bunker, Dublin,
57 days; Gen. Wade Hampton, Smith, Charles
ton, 4 days; brigs Harp, Smith, Hamburg,s6
days. Spoke ship Thomas, Smith, 7 days from
Charleston for Liverpool.—Yonge Mannus, 1 Ul
rike, Rotterdam, 150 days, brandy and 80 pas
sengers ; br. brjg Cora, Arnold, Port Maria, 21
days; sch’rs Fame, Scheer, Porto Rico, 25 d’s;
Hero, Daggett, Boston 11 days; br. sell. Robert,
Anderson, Halifax, 15 days.
Cleared, ship Ruth & Mary, Brown, Cadii;
br. brig Zephyr, Lan.'sdont, Jamaica j brig Abi
gail, Titcomb, New Orleans ; sch’rs Country’*
Wonder,Cop eland, st. Thomas j Financier,Crow
ell, N. York ; Merino, Lawton, do.; sloops Pack
et, Petersburg,; Fox, W.lndies; Intermediate!
Grenada. Below, a ship and brig.
[By the Levant, capt. fl ood ]
NEW-YORK, Dec. 16 Ar. ship Amity, Sun
ton, Liverpool, 46 days, dry goods, coal, etc.—
Left, Oct. 28, ships Zodiac, ar 25th Oct. ; Aris
tides, do 26th; Hercules, do do ; Courier, 27th
—all from New.Yortc; Glenthorn, the 26th, from
Ireland. Spoke, Nov. 26, lat. 45, lon. 42, ship
Liv. Packet, from Boston for Liverpool; Dec *
lat. 41, lon. 57, schr. Nancy, Nichols, from
chias for St. Michaels; 7th, lat. 39, 37, lon.
ship Minerva, Sketchley, 5 days from New-Yon
for Liverpool. , ‘
Brig Intelligence, Wilson, Danen, Geo. 12 os.
sugar and cedar logs. ,
Schr. Gazette, Selby, Port au Prince, 16<hft
with collee. Left, brig Cosmopolite, Camphr*
to sail in lOdsfor Bordeaux ; schr. Lucy, Straw
of Philadelphia, from. Baltimore, just arr; w
Gen. Scott, of Philadelphia, from Cuba, put
leaky, and disclwrging cargo.
Schr. Mary, Miner, Plymouth, *. c. 5 d*>*
Jlr. achr. Mover, Stuchlield, 33 days JomJ M
Maria. Jam. with nun, pimento, coHee,* e°Pn
clSihip* AthSk.
Young Dariier, Livingston, Hlnlad s bngYyhui*
Conti, Au Cayea.
NEW -BEDFORD; Dec. 12.-Ar. sloops BbuF’
Cross, 54 days from Oporto, for Boston _
Cleared, schr. Ono, Delano, Wilmington,*
BOUTON, Dec 11.—Ar. brig AblUno, MBj
.r, Hrnyma, 64 days, *. r.R
Harmon), Hodftah, luil>s ,L
Cod ( Favorite, Boater* Alammdrin, (