Newspaper Page Text
4V ANN AH, Published on Tuesday and Friday, by POWERS H SEYMOUR, corner ok Sr. Julian Street, optosi n thf. Church : where Advertisement*, ami
H i-ieces of Intelligence are gratefully received, and all orders executed with accuracy and punctuality.
VoL. I.
Embraces this opportunity to prcfent kis /metre
th inks to all his Friends, for their patronage
/nice he commenced bu/mefs in Savannah-, and
he Legs to inform them that he his now Imported
t>\ t ; :c William Penn, via Philadelphia, the
FVderali H, via Charleflon, and the Hazard, to
this j-ort. a much larger Assortment than he ever
Lid before ; and the Goods being pur chafed im
mediately from the carious Manufoflories, and
zrithCafh, he is enabled to ftrvc his friends on
tetter terms than heretofore :
His Assortment consists of the following Arti
cles, viz.
QUPERFINE, and fccond broadcloths;
kJ pi Lin and printed caffimers, the newtft
of Merfailles for veils ; gold and filvcr tam
boured ditto ; fwanfdown and fancy caffimers
for do ; printed jeans, muflinets and dimities
fordo; plain 4-4’hs and fifths jackonet and
book’ muslin ; ti-Aths flviped, checked, crclf
bared and tamboured do ; 6- 4 ths mulmull do ;
book and jarkonet muslin handkerchiefs with
coloured borders and plain ; muslin shawls of
the newefttafle ; gentlemenseleganttambour’d,
plain, and coloured neck handkerchiefs; black
ami coloured fllk handkerchiefs; black, blue
and other coloured manteaus, luteftrings ; In
dia fdks and hartins of the moft elegant colours ;
> very large and general assortment of the moft
elegant, chintzes and callicoes; 4 - 4 thsand 7-Bths
Irish linens, 5-41I1S sheeting ; bed ticks, 7
8-4ths.g~.4thi and io- 4 thsbed hunts ; 7- 4 ths to
j 2-4: hs cotton counterpanes; bed lace; 7- 4 ths to
JO- iths damask ta 1 -le cloths and napkins; 3-4ths
md o- 4 ths fine humhums ; 4 - 4 ths and fifths
F k me n, royal rib, fattinets, thicksets,
p and twilled corduroys ; pillow fuftians,
; ithsdv.: s. 3-4ths. 4.4th* and C-4t.11, cotton
tie ck and ftripr ; a general assortment of hqfie
ry ; a general alb rtment of hardware and cut
mry, including plantation tools; gun powder,
shot and lead, hair powder, pomatum ; an as
sortment of drugs and medicines, perfumery ;
dimities and muflinets, camblcts, cambleteens
and durants, flic loons, callimancoes, bumbozers
and bumbozeens ; white arid black, course and
fine Hats ; ribbons, laces, edgings, hair rib
bon, hat and fltoe silk binding, broad and
narrow worsted binding, sewing silk, twist,
Itpes and thread ; ladies tortoise fnell hair
combs, hair do ; oznaburgs, German rolls,
brown hollar,d Sc Russia fhectings ; nutmegs,
mace, all spice, pepper, ground ginger, allurn,
copperas and brirnftmie ; romal, polieat, and
a great variety of fancy coloured handkerchiefs ;
long lawns, carnbricks ; writing paper, quills,
waters, ink powder ; and a variety of other
articles too tedious to enumerate.
Country Stores will be supplied for a very
small advance.
N. B. An assortment of COPPER STILLS,
from 40 to 120 Gallons.
Savannah, August 23. 50.
M. B E L Z O~N~s7
Miniature Painter, from Paris,
I) ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and
V Gentlemen of Savannah, and its environs,
that he proposes residing here fome time, to
accommodate thole who may be desirous of
having their likenesses taken. His abilities be
ing so well cftab'.ifbed in Charleston, he flat
ters hiinfelf will recommend him to attention
in Savannah. His price for each miniature,
five pounds. Those ladies, &c. who wish to
be inftru&ed in the Art of Painting Mr. Bel
zons will wait on, and pay every due atten
tion, or. reasonable terms. He reiides at Mr.
Pr imrofe’s in Yamacraw, where lie will be
ready to receive those Ladies and Gentlemen
who may honor him with their commands.
.V. B. Devices in hair work, See. executed
in a finifhed flyle.
M. B eTz ON S,
Pein-tre en Miniature,
Eleve du Sr. David, it Paris,
NOUVEI.LEMF.NT arrive de Cliarlefton
dans cctte vi lie, informe les perfonnes
cui defireront fe faire peindre quil fe propose
de resider quelquc terns ici. D’apres les en
couragements quil a cu dans plufieurs vjlles ft
ie f. ute que cc f'era une recommendation aux
perionnes qui voudront bien l’honnorer de
ieurs commandes. Prix cinq pounds.
II enfeignera aux demoifelles et jeune gens
fl U! defireront ctrc inflruites dans Part de pe
'ndre, a un terme raifonablc, fa demeurc est
-imacraw, maifon de M. Primrose.
Savannah, August 19. 49.
SUGAR in Hhds. and Barrels,
Best Green COFFEE,
Savannah, March 28, 1796.
N O T I C E~
f **AVE piffchafed a traft of Land of Mr.
j J j ‘ m Williams, situated in Effingham coun
if: about fifty miles from Savannah, on the
1. ug.tua road, half a mile from Savannah river,
01nin ? i a nds of Mr. Hudson, and others,
f n\ person °f persons, having any claims a
a;d land, are to make
*vir c:aims before the deeds are executed.
Snnan , May 2C.
REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way.
Tile Subscribers,
Have received from Ireland, via Charleston,
the following articles :
COTTON Bagging,
Coarse &c fine Hats, in small packages,
Crockery Ware in Crates,
Glofter and Chefhirc Clieefe,
A quantity of Log, Deep Sea and Lead Lines,
One Bale of Twine,
A few Bales of Irish Linens,
Which are now offered for SALE.
Savannah, August 23. 50.
On THURSDAY, the 2 5 thinftant,
A S C H 00L
WILL be opened by the Subscriber, next
door to Mr. Butler’s, Yamacraw,
where will be taught Reading, Writing, Vul
gar and Decimal Arithmetic, Book-Keeping,
and sundry ufefui branches of the Mathematics,
with their application to Surveying and Navi
gation, &c. &c.
N. B. Terms of Tuition, will be known at
the School,
Savannah, August 23. 5° —4 t-
A Bargain.
THE fubferiber will fell all her right, title
and iniereft, in and to, all that llicc Planta
tion, called Orange Grove, on Ogechec. A de
feription of this place, is unnecessary—the par
ticulars will be know by applying to
Widow of Joseph Day, deccaftd.
August 23. 5> St
Just Imported,
Bv E. & C. Stehbins,
On board the Erig APOLLO, Cant, Robin
son, from New-York :
Fashionable G 0 0 D S,
Adapted to the present Season—in addition to
those Received by the Fanny, Capt. Swim
burn, in Mav last, which enables them to
offer their Custom vp. sand others, a very
Handsome and General Assortment, which
they will dispose of at a low advance, for
Cash, at their Store on the Bay :
Confining of the following Articles, viz.
FOUR 4ths and g Bths Irish Sheetings ; a
great variety of 4 4ths Irish Linens, from
to 100 cents per yard ; bed ticking, 3 4ths,
8 4ths, and 10 4ths diapers ; clouting diaper,
damask tablecloths, a variety of coloured fu
perfine broad cloths ■ and caffimers, coloured
durants, black ruffel, bombafin, black India
perfians, green silk umbrellas, black mantuas,
India luteilYings and satin, dove coloured and
white ditto, mens white, drab and green hats,
childrens coloured ditto, a variety of ladies
muslin handkerchiefs and aprons; 6 4th* plain
book, checked, striped, and tamboured muf
fins ; 4 4ths and 6 4ths plain jackonet and tam
boure.d ditto, gentlemens cravats ; black Bar
celona, printed linen, and cotton handerchiefs;
silk and cotton shawls, womens cotton hose ;
mens silk, cotton, and random hole ; striped
ginghams, brown holland and sheeting, i0 4ths
fringed cotton counterpanes, 12 4ths lupeifine
Marseilles ditto, striped and figured furniture
chintfes ; blue, red, and purple furniture cot
tons ; light ground chintfes and calicoes for
gown patterns ; plain white, coloured, and
ipotted Marseilles, for veil patterns ; fine
and coarse dimities, Mancheiler muslins and
white jeans, coloured satin and figured ribbons,
ladies and gentlemens leather and/filk gloves
afforied, India and striped nankeens, humhums,
corded dimities ; medium, gilt poll, folio post,
and plain quarto poll paper ; ink powder, wa
fers, and fealingwax ; ivory and horn combs,
needles and pins, mens neat shoes, ladies mo
rocco and kid ditto, ladies dressing cases, pock
et books, purses, suspenders, thread cases, mem
orandum cases; best red bark, ipecacuanha,
rhubarb, jalap, Anderson’s pills, magnesia,
cream tartar, camphor, Turlington's balsam,
British oil, caftor oil, spirits hartfhorn, vola
tile drops, laudanum, spirits lavender, effcnce
peppermint, rose & orange flower waters, milk
ofrofes, bergamot, pungent Imelling bottles,
fait of lemons, court piaster, hard and foft po
matum, violet foapand wafhbalis,coarfe knives,
feiffors, cork ferews, razors, penknives assorted,
watch chains and keys, silver pencil cases, black
lead pencils, tooth brufbes. black pepper, nut
megs, loaf sugar, frefh hyfon tea, choice flierry
wine in quarter casks, See. See.
August 5. 45-ts
Dunkley & Smith,
REG leave to inform the Inhabitants of this
City, that they have just received by the
Hope, Capita u Haley, from London, via
New-York, A fresh Sltply of
Consisting of a variety of Coarse and Fine
Callicoes ; Plain, Sprig’d, and Tamboured
Muslins ; Muslin Handkerchiefs of various
kinds, Colerain Linens, Muflinets. 13c. He. —
Which will be Sold, at their Store in the
Market Square, at their usual r-duced
prices, Confidently with the late advance upon
English Dry Goods.—Also, Souchong and
Hyfon Tea, Window Glufs 6 by 8, 8 by 10, &
10 by x 2.
Savannah, Aug .ft 4th. 45-ts
FRIDAY, August 26, 1796.
By Wholejale & Retail,
THE fubferiber having a large quanti- ’
ty, and great variety on hand, will dis
pose of them very low, and much under
his former prices.
Savannah, Aug. iS. 1148.
’ Which are JUST OPENING :
Among which, are—
A Variety of Sprig’d MUSLIN DRESSES, :
wrought in colours, Humhums, Pavil-,
lian Gauze, Irnh Linens, Cambrick, White .
Thread, Tapes, Lawn and Lawn Aprons; R>b
bons, Lacos and Edging ; Crape ; Silk, Kidd, ‘
and Leather Gloves; an assortment of Fans,
and Feathers, White Heeds, Necklaces and ■
Ear-Drops'; ‘Ladies and Milfes Chip, Straw,;
and Leghorn Hats and Bonnets ; Cotton Hole,;
Oznabtirg and Dutch Rolls-; Blank Books,!
Pencils and (Quills, Shaving Boxes, Razors in-
Cases, Knives and Forks, Snuffers, plated Sugar’
Tongs, dittq Buckles, .Military Plumes, Breail-
Pins, Watch-Chains and Seals, Counting-IJoufe
Seals ; wnh a variety of Articles too tedious to
Savannah, May 31. 26-ts
Adrian V. Sinderen
• .
j ■
Hasfor SALE, at his Stoke on the Bay,
A Valuable Assortment of
Frejk Imported GOODS.]
Amongst which are the following Articles
ELEGANT tamboured, checkered, striped,”
and plain muslins ; muslin shawls, aprons,
and handkerchiefs; cravats, muflinets, dimities,
chintzes, callicoes, ginghams, white and black
mantua, coloured peifians and iarcenets, black
mode and crape, filk/fhawls, black florentine
and satins, fuperfine broad cloths and caffimers,
q-4ths to 12*4ths-cotton counterpanes, table
cloths, diapers, bedticks, Jrifli (heelings and.
linens, carnbricks, long lav/ns, laces and edg
ings ; plain, clouded, and twilled nankeens ;
silk. striped ditto ; fnalloons, durants. calliman
coes bombafins, and bombafets ; fine hum-’
hums, brown holland, oznabrigs, mens and
womens silk and cotton hose, black and co
loured beaver bats, silk and leather gloves, rib
bons, fans, threads, tapes, bobbins, pins, silk
and twist; gilt, plated, fleel, and mohair but
tons, &c. &c.
Gold, filvcr, and enamelled watches; chains,
seals, and keys ; gold rings, ear-rings, and lock
ets ; gold and silver epaulets, silver tea spoons ;
plated cofi'ee, tea, and milk pots; callors, fait
cellars, goblets and porter mugs, knives and
folks, penknives, feiffors, razors, Morocco
pocketbooks and thread cases, spy glasses, fpcc
tacles ; japanned tea travs, bread baskets, fruit
ditto, knife trays, candlcfticks, and lamps ;
ebony cruet frames, inlaid varniflied mahogany
knife cases, portable desks, paint cheils, silver
and camel hair pencils, and a variety of fancy
Large and small Bibles, Watt’s Hymns,
Harvey’s Meditations, Dictionaries, Mode’s
Geography, Buchan’s Domeflic Medicine,
l ranklin’4 Works, Enfield’s Speaker, Scott’s
Lcffons, Pleating Inftntdlor, Thompson’s Sea
fons, Milton’s I’aiadife Loft, Young’s Night
Thoughts, Shakefpcare’s Works complete,
Sterne’s ditto, Rambler, Adventures of a Guin
ea, Isabella, Sorrows of Wertcr, Lady Mon
tague’s Letters, Misses Magazine, Ladies Pock
et Library, Fordyce’s Addresses to Young
Womten, Monitors, Fisher’s Companion, Dil
worth’s Arithmetic and Spelling Books ; large
royal, letter, and common writing paper;
blank books, Holland quill*, wafers, India
rubber, See.
Hair powder, best feented pomatum in rolls
and pots, violet and Windsor foao, wafhbaiL,
ladies and gentlemens drefling cases, lavender
water ; effenfc of musk, lemon, and bergamot;
pungent smelling bottles, patent blacking,’
combs, tooth brufbes and tooth powder.
Savannah, Jun” 17. 31
Ewing & M'Call,
Superiine FLO UR,
In whole Sc half Barrels —Indian Kiln Dried
Savannah, June 30. 35
A convenient HOUSE for a
. Family, *
LATELY occupied bv Caps. Throop,fitua
ted on Broughton SfTcftf It has a shop which
will be rented with, or without tfie, home.
Enquire of the Priateii
August 19 !. 49-ts I
Just Arrived
Per the Schooner New-Adventure, from
New-York, and now . opening, (in
one of the new Stores on the Bluff,
belonging to Mr. Robert Bolton) by
the Subscriber, a very neat Afl'ort
mont of
Os the follcnvtttg Articles :
4*4ths to 6-4-ths, Book aud J aconet Mus
lins ; Book and jaconet Muslin Hand
kerchiefs and Shawls, with plain and
coloured borders; Striped Ginghams ;
Striped and clouded Nankeens; Mens
and Womens Cotton liofe ; Striped
Holland ; Long Lawns; Plain and co
loured Muflinets ; Marfeillcs Quilt
ing ; Corded Dimities ; Silk and Get
ton Vest Shapes ; Fultians—Two Ca
ses Mens low priced Hats, and a very
elegant aflortment of Ladies fafhionabie„
Straw, Cluj), and Felbell, Hats, & Bon
nets —all which will be fold on the very
lew est terms for Cnjb, wholesale only,
Savannah, Aug. 16. n48.6r.
Peter Madden,
At his Stoie on the Bay :— The following alforl*
mer.t of
Frelli Imported GOODS,
Which he is determined to fell at a very [mail pro
fit, H'holefale or Retail , viz.
A Quantity of Ladies Morocco flippers with
fpi ing heels, childrens Morocco and black,
leather shoes and flippers, ladies fatinct and
florantine flippers, black faiidals, mens lute
call (kin shoes, coarse do. for servants; ladie.i
and. gentlemens bell Reaver hats, a great variety
of childrens Beavers, various colours ; a large
quantity of middling and h>w priced hats ; *
tew pieces yard wide linen ; 3-4ths and
purple callicoe printed linens in 8 yd pieces ;
chocolate grounded callicoes, humhums fine
and cuarle ; plain and striped nankeens ; a few
pieces wild bore, camblets, moreens and du
runts; a few pieces real India book muslin,
fine muslin lhawls, purple chintz do ; veiyfine
mtlflinet for vest shapes, white flannel, green
baize, black bombazeen corded dimity, Hurt
buttons, ounce thread, white chappel needles,
oznaburgs thread, gold and silver bands with
elegant toflels, silver lace ; 2,3 and 4 quire
blank books ; warranted razors in cases, com
mon do; a few lets of elegant breakfafl chi
na, do. bowls, blue plates and diflvs ; a small
aflortment of queens ware ; a large quantity of
military plumes, oftric.h and crane featl\/s ;
patent lamps with wic ks, tranlparcnt hand lant
norns; a few gross black and magpie galloon
binding, worfled binding broad and narrow of
various colours, pins, fans, sewing silk, twill,
very fine diaper tape„; a quantity of cotton ro
malis, striped and spotted bandanoes ; a few
pieces low priced pocket handkerchiefs, coarse
German rolls ; a few cwt. glue of an excellent
quality, a few gross cowfkins, handlome switch
whips silver mounted, do. plain, chair whip-*
with cane tops, common do ; a few pair o£
saddle-bags, saddles and bridles, a few lets cart
harness ; a quantity curry combs and brushes,
hat shoe and buckle brushes, blacking ball ;
mourning, plated and gilt flioe and knee buck
les ; a fe w gross fleevc buttons, knives and forks,
shoe makers and butchers knives, fhoeruaker..
awls and tacks, tailors {hears and thimbles,
feilfors, fine and coarse horn and iron combs,
plated arid fleel spring fpurrs, bridle bitts and
flirt up irons, buckles and tips, waLch cryltals
and keys ; no. 10 cotton cards, boxes of shell
paints and pencils ; a few bags of small shot,
2 parcel beading plains ; a few articles tin ware,
fiddles and fiddle firings ; 8 by 10 window”
glass by the box or dozen, 4 d, bd, bd, arid lod
naiis, muitard, fwcct oil, black pepper, all—
spice, cinnamon, cassia, frefh young ginger
fit for preserves, chocolate, coffee ; excellent
hyfon, louchong and bohea teas by the rhclt or
1). A quantity of fine flavoured Jamaica and
Weft India old rum, fit for families use ; fin '*
old Sherry Win: ; best London portei in bot
tles, Philadelphia bottled beer, vinegar in thre<:
and five gallon kegs; fine white fait bacon in
flitches, fait petre, and
Sundry Medicines , viz.
Magnesia, red lavender, iiritifh oil, turling
ton, haerlum oil, spirit nitre, har’fhorn, jalap,
rhubarb, tarter emetic, calomel, Icnna, manna,
salts; chamomile flowers, firrup of fquills, pare
goric elix, blue vitriol, aflrfelicL, finelling salts,
salts of worm wood, nux vomica, court plaif
ter. laudanum, Godfrey’s cordial, opium, li
quorice, tooth powder and brushes, gentiaa
root, Spanifli flies, £"c. dec.
N B. A boxof the aforefaid fine fly fun Tea,
just opened.
Savannah, August 9. 46-ts.
Ihe Subscriber
10,000 wt. Black Seed Cotton,
of excellent quality, Unginned, which he will
deliver at his Wharf in Snrtbnry.—Cafh or c<
good Note at 90 duvs will be received in pay
Sunbury, Aug. j 1 43. tr
No. 51.