Newspaper Page Text
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uttilihtti&iufttuii W 3f6tiett istr.
SAVANNA H, — Published on Tuesday and Friday, by POWERS (3 SEYMOUR, corner of St. JuLian Street, opposite the Church: where Advertisements anb
pieces of Intelligence are gratefully received, and all orders executed with accuracy and punctuality. *
Vt>L. I.
George Lamb,
Ihs jvji received by the ELIZA, from BOSTON,
and now offers for Sale , at his Store on the Bluff.
LADIES black morocco and Florentine (hoes
and fiippcrs. mens’ coarse fiioes, boys •
{hots, liquid blue in jugs, liquid blacking in
ditto, paper hangings, loaf sugar, fives, CSc.
Stock, knob, closet, cupboard, chest, and
trunk locks ; padlocks, 1 ingle and double
bolted ; portmanteau locks, hooks and hinges,
iIL and H hinges, butt ditto, an alfortment of
■waiters, brass and japanned candlellicks, l'.oufe
brulhes, ferubbing brulHes, tin cofiee pots,
fifhirrg lines and hooks, adzes, jack planes,
handlaws, compass ditto, gimlets, bed cords,
smoothing irons, axes, &c.
Morse’s Universal Geography, Buchan’s Do
meitic Medicine. Goldsmith’s History of Eng
land, ditto of Rome, ditto Earth and Ani
mated Nature, Account of tire Pelew Iflards,
Bovle’s Voyages, Don Quixote. Baron Trenuk,
Myfterics of Udolpho, Roderick Random,
Vicar c*i : Wakefield, Man of the World, Royal
Captives, Washington’s Letters, Krate’sSketch
es Irotn Nature, Misses Magazine, Young’s
Night Thoughts, Hervev’s Meditations, Thom
son’s Seafons, Pleafurcsof Memory, Sentimen
tal Journey, Beauties of St-rnc ; Pilpay’s,
Gay’s, and Moore’s Fables ; Beauties oi His
tory, Mrs. Chapone’s Letters, Mrs. Rowe’s
ditto, Pike’s Arithmetic, Age of Reason.
Seaman’s Daily Assistant, Monitor, Scott’s
Lessons, Letter Writer, Economy of Human
Life, and many others equally amusing and in
iiruCtive.—A Catalogue is kept at the Store.
Savannah, August 26. 51-ts.
A convenient HQ USE for a
LATELY occupied by Capt. Throop, situa
ted on Broughton Street. It has a shop which
will be rented w iih, or without the house.
Enquire of the Printers.
August iQ'h. 49-ts
Vv ni tain Lamb,
The following Articles, at his Store below the
B L U F F.
‘T ENL RIFLE Ume oj thefnfl quality in Pipes,
Lifhon do. do. in Qr. Casks.
Malaga, do. do. do.
Northward Rian in Puncheons & Barrels,
Pickled Herrings in Barrels ,
Pinfeed Oil in Barrels, ,
Salt Betre by the pound,
Loj.fa.nd Frown Sugar by the Hogshead,
Pimento by the Bag,
Copper Stills com tie at, 43, 50 & 79 gallons each,
Green and Sky Blue Paints, in one pound pots,
Nails by the Cask 4, (>, 10, & 20 penny,
Sheathing N.vls and Sheathing Paper,
Sail Duck and Twine ,
Cordage. i|, 2,2 J. to 8 inches,
eynnd 12 Thread Rattling, Spun Yarn and Warning,
Log and other Lines for Vcfjels use,
Lampblack. Time G/afJes a< and Fijk Hooks,
Scupper Nails and Pump Tacks,
Dou le and fug le Blocks, 5, (\ 7,8, 9& 10 inches.
Leading Do and Parrel Trucks,
Wood Axes & Iron Shovels,
St. Übts SALT, by the Bitfhcl or larger quantity.
Savannah, Augvjl 8. 4b.
To -morrow forenoon,
Will be Land and on A. Watt’s Wharf, from on
board the SLOOP BETSY, Capt. Clark,
from St. Vincents :
A few Puncheons of good Proof
And well flavored RUM,
Ewing & M'Call,
Who will give CASH fir a few thousand
Shiner]es and Scantling,
Savannah, July 28th. 43.
■At the Store lately occupiedly Mr. ME R-
R 1 LL I Es, afr sh ajjdrtment of
Drugs & Medicines,
Avery handfomeafibriment'of Ginghams, Plum
bums, Irish Linens, Callicocs ; Book, Jaconet,
Rain, Printed, Tambour’d, & C rofs Barr’d Muf
!lli Muslin Handkerchiefs; Ladies filkSbawls,
R yich Hankerchiefs ; Cotton Hose, flrip'd
?',' a clouded Nankeens,Cafiimers; Gentlemen’s
, iar k and white Hats ; Ladies black and co
loUr’d Morocco Slippers and Sandalls; Gentle-
Shoes, Boots and Bootes ; Loaf Sugar,
fly fin & Bohea Teas of superior quality; }a
?‘-n and, Glass, and Farthern Ware, with a gene
rai alfortment of Ironmongery, Sec.
A,fo a few Barrels Superfine an'd Fine
Savannah, July 5. m'4s.
,: arn the CARRIAGE * CHAIR mak
;• s o umefs.—Appjy t 0 SIMON CONNER,
oßr °ughton Street.
<Vif,Da U Augußad. 4*
REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way.
TUESDAY, August 30, 1796.
Kollock & Parker,
Have just Received a Frefti Supply of genuine
DRUG S, &c.
Which they will fell on the mod reasonable
terms for Cash, at their MEDICAL STORE,
St. ]u/ian Street, near the Columbian Printing
The following are a few of the Numerous Articles,
which their Assortment con/;/Is of, viz :
ALOES, Alum, annato, antimony, aqua for
tis, anifeecl, arienic, affahriida, balsam
of capivi, balsam of Peru ; pale, red, and yel
low bark; borax, calomel, camphor, caraway
feed, caflia, caller, caltor oil, chamomile, flow
ers, cloves, cochineal, coloquintida, Colombo,
coriander feed, conserve of hips, ditto of roses,
Cream of tartar, eau de luce, emetic tariar, of
fence of bergamot ; cflential oils of anifecd,
cinnamon, cloves, juniper, lavender, lemon,
mint, orange, pennyroyal, rhodium and favin;
gamboge, gentian, ginger, gum ammoniac,
gumarabic, gum guaiacuni, hartfborn shavings,
ipecacuanha, isinglass, jalap, linleed, liquorice,
litharge, magnesia, manna, mezereon, musk,
myrrh, nitre, nutmegs, mix vomica, oil of al
monds, ointments, opium, peari barley, phil
ters, quickftlver, rhubarb, faiiron, sago ; a ka
line. Epsom, Glauber’s, and Rochelle falls ;
iarfapai ilia, senna, fquills, Spanish flies, ip T
maccti, spirits hartfhorn, compound fpims of
lavender, sweet ipirits nitre, reflified lpirits
wine, sugar of lead, fulphur, valerian, verdi
grife, vitriolic ether ; blue, green, and white
vitriol; volatile aromatic spirits; role, Hun
gary. and orange ilowrr water ; sago powder,
Pruflian blue, patent yellow, liquid blue, gold
leaf, white leather, best white and green phials,
nipple Ihells, pill boxes, (3c. —Also, (uig-ons
pocket and other instruments, and a complete
assortment of patent medicines.
N. B. The yellow bark has been but lately
introduced into the Uniied States, but is high
ly recommended by fome of the moll eminent!
Physicians in the northern cities ; upon trial
they find it of far luperior efficacy to the pale
or red.
Savannah, August 5. 45 ts
M U S L I N S,
By IVholefale U? Retally
THE fubferiber having a large quanti
ty, and great variety on hand, will dis
pose of them very low, and much under
his former prices.
Savannah, Aug. 16. 1148.
Geo.~R A LST OnT
Which are JUST OPENING :
Among which, arc—
A Variety of Sprig’d MUSLIN DRESSES,
wrought in colours, Humhums, Pavil
lian Gauze, Irifli Linens, Cambrick. While
Thread, Tapes, Lawn and Lawn Aprons; Rib
bons, Laces and Edging ; Crape ; Silk, Kidd,
and Leather Gloves; an assortment of Fans,
and Feathers, White Beeds, Neckla.ces and
Ear-Drops ; Ladies and MilTes Chip, Straw,
and Leghorn Hats and Bonnets ; Cotton Hose,
Oznahurg and Dutch Rolls ; Blank Books,
Pencils and Quills, Shaving Boxes, Razors in
Calcs, Knives and Forks, Snuffers, plated Sugar
Fongs, ditto Buckles, Military Plumes, Breall-
Pins, Watch-Chains and Seals, Counting-Houfc
Seals; with a variety of Articles too tedious to
Savannah, May 31. 26-ts
A Bargain.
r pHE fubferiber will fell all her right, title
X and interest, in and to, all that Rice Planta
tion, called Orange Grove, on Ogechee. A de
feription of this place, is unnecessary—the par
ticulars will be know by applying to
Widow of lofcph Day, deceafcd. ■
August 23. 50-6 t \
The Subfcribcrs,
Have received from Ireland, via Charleston,
the following articles ;
COTTON Bagging,
Coarse & fine Hats, in small packages,
Crockery Ware in Crates,
Gloftcr and Cheftiire Ciieefe,
A quantity of Log, Deep Sea and Lead Lines,
Cine Bale of Twine,
A few Bales of Irish Linens,
Which are now offered for SALE.
Savannah, Auguil 23. rp.
On THURSDAY, the 25th instant,
WILL be opened by the Subscriber, next
door to Mr. Bugler's. Yamacraw,
where will be taught Reading, Writing, Vul
gar and Decimal Arithmetic, Book-Keeping,
ar.d sundry ufeful branches of the Mathematics,
with their application to Surveying and Navi
gation, Sc c. dec.
N. B. Terms of Tuition, will be known at
the School.
Savannah, August 23.
A Waggon and Team Harncfs,
complcat and in good order, fit for immedi
ate use. Also, two
Likely young Negro Wenches,
who underlland Cooking, Washing and Iron-,
ing. One of which has a Chilthof about nine
months old. Also.
A likely young Fellow,
fit for the field or any laborious work. For
terms, apply to the fubferiber, at his house in
Whitaker ftrect, next door to Mr. Richard
N. B. Neither of the above mentioned pro
perty is fold for any fault, but the want of mo
Augujl 26. 5 i-.jt
M. B E L Z O~NS,
Miniature Painter, from Paris,
RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and
Gentlemen of Savannah, and its environs,
Lhat he pro poles reiiding here fome time, to
accommodate thole who may be desirous of
l aving their likeneffcs taken. Disabilities be
ing io well eftahlifhrd in Charleston, he flat
ters Ir.mlclf will recommend him to attention
in Savannah. His price for each miniature,
ivc pounds. Those ladies. See. who wish to
be i 11ftrutted in the Art of Painting Mr. Bel
zoris will wait on, and p3y every due atten
tion, on reasonable terms. He reftdes at Mr.
Primrofc’s in Yamacraw, where he will be
ready to receive tliole Ladies and Gentlemen
who may honor him with their commands.
N. B. Dcvires in hair work, &c. executed
in a filin'!. cu style.
M. B liT ZON S,
Peintre en Miniature,
Eh tie du Sr. David, de Paris,
NOUVELLEMENT arrive de Charleston
dans .cette ville, informe les perfonnes
qui defireront, fe faire peindre quil fe propose
de reliefer quelquc terns ici. ll’apres h‘s en
couragements quil a cu dans plufieur* villcs il
fe flattc que ce fera unc recommendation aux
perlonncs qui voudront bien l’honnorer de
leurs commandes. Prix cinq pounds.
11 enfeignera aux demoifelles et jeune gens
qui defireront etre inttruims dans Part de pe
indre, a un terme raifonablo, fa demeure ell
Yamacraw, maifon de M. Priinrofe.
Savannah, Auguil ig 49.
Embrace< this opportunity to present his fmcere
thanks to all his Friends, for their patronage
fnice he commenced buftnejs in Savannah ; and
he begs to inform them that he has now Imported
by the William Penn, via Philadelphia, the
lederalift, via Char teflon, and the Hazard, to
this port, a much larger Assortment than he ever
had be fire ; and the Goods being putchafed im
mediately from the various Mar.v fail ones, and
with Cash, he is enabled to serve his friends on
better terms than heretofore :
His Assortment conftfls of the following Arti
cles, viz.
SUPERFINE, and ferond broadcloths ;
plain and printed caffimers, the newest
of Mcrfailles for vests ; gold and silver tam
boured ditto ; fwanfdown and fancy caffimers
for do ; printed jeans, muflinets and dimities
for do ; plain 4- 4 ths and 6- 4 ths jaekonet and
book muslin ; 6- 4 ths striped, checked, croff
bared and tamboured do ; 6- 4 t.hs mulmuUdo ;
book and jaekonet muffin handkerchiefs with
coloured borders and plain ; inuflin shawls of
the newest taste ; gentlemens elegant tambour’d,
plain, and coloured neck handkerchiefs; black
and coloured silk handkerchiefs; blark, blue
and other coloured manteaus, luteftrings ; In
dia silks and fiattins cf the molt elegant colours;
a very large and general assortment of the moll
elegant chintzes and callicoes; 4 - 4 thsand 7-Bt!is
Trith linens, 5- 4 ths fbeeting ; ln-d ticks, 7-4! hs,
8- 4 ths, g- 4 ths and iO- 4 !hsbed bunts ; 7- 4 ths to
i2- 4 ths cotton counterpanes; bed lace; 7- 4 ths to
iO-4ths damalk tablecloths and napkins ; 3- 4 ths
and 6- 4 ths fine humhums ; 4-4-ths and 6- 4 tbs
.black muslin, royal rib, fattinets, thirkfets,
glain and twilled corduroys ; pillow fuftians,
3-4ths, 4 -4ths and 6- 4 th, rotton
‘'Umtk and ft ripe ; a general assortment of hofic
lery, including plantation tools; gun powder,
shot and lead, hair powder, pomatum ; an af
forttnentof drugs and medicines, perfumery ;
dimities and muflinets, camblets, cambleteens
and durants, fhalbons, callimancoes, bumliozets
and bumbozeens ; white and black, course and
fine Hats ; ribbons, laces, edgings, hair rib
bon, hat and shoe silk binding, broad and
narrow Worsted binding, sewing silk, twist,
tapes and thread ; ladies tortoise ft> c ll bnrr
combs, hair do ; oznaburgs, German rolls,
brown hollaed 8c Russia (hecting* ; nutmegs,
macc, allfpicc, pepper, ground ginger, allum,
copperas and brimltone ; romal, policat, and
a great variety of fancy coloui ed liandkerchifffs;
long lawns, cambricks ; writing paper, quills,
wafers, ink powder ; and a variete of other
articles too tedious to enumerate.
Country Stores will be supplied for a very
small advance.
N. B. An assortment of COTPER STILLS,
from 4 D to 120 Gallons^
Savannah, August 23. 50.
Demy Printing Paper for Sale.
Apply at this Office.
The Subscriber
10,000 wt. Black Seed Cotton,
of excellent quality, Ungiuncd, which he will
deliver at his Wiiarf in Sunbury.—Cafh or a
good Note at 90 days will be received in pay
Sunbury, Aug. 11. 49-ts
——— ~.<a
Peter Madden,
At his Store on the Bay - The following effort
went of
Freih Imported GOODS,
Which he is determined to fell at a very small pro
fit, li holeja/e or Retail, viz.
A Quantity of Ladies Morocco flippers with
Iprmg heels, childrens Morocco and black,
leather shoes and flippers, ladies fatinet and
florant ; nr flippers, bla,k sandals, mens fine
call skin shoe.;, coarse do. for servants; ladies
and gentlemens belt Beaver hats, a gieat variety
ot childrens Beavers, various colours ; a large
quantity ol middling and low priced hats ; a
lew pieces yard wide linen ; y-qths and
purple callicoe printed linens in 8 yd pieces
chocolate grounded callicoes, humhums fine
and coarle ; plain and llripcd nankeens ; a few
pieees wild bore, camblets, moreens and du
rarits; a few pieces real India book muffin,
fine muslin (bawls, purple chintz do ; very finer
muflinrt for vest shapes, white flannel, green
bai/e, black boinbazeen corded dinnty, (hire,
buttons, ounce thread, white chappel needles,
oznaburgs thread, gold and silver bands with
elegant toffels, silver lace ; 2,3 and 4 quire
blank books ; warranted razors in cases, com
mon do ; a lew sets of elegant breakfaft chi
na. do. bowls, blue plates and diflics ; a small
assortment of queens ware ; a large quantity of
military plumes, ostrich and crane feathers ;
patent lamps with wicks, tranlparcnt hand lant
-11 orris; a few- gross black and magpie galloon
binding, worsted binding broad and narrow of
various colours, pins, fans, sewing silk, twist,
very fine diaper tape ; a quantity of cotton ro
malls, llriped and spotted bandanoes ; a few
pieces low priced pocket handkerchiefs, coarse
German rolls ; a few cwt. glue of an excellent
quality, a tew gross cowfkins, handsome switch
whips silver mounted, do. plain, chair whips
wuh cane tops, common do ; a few pair of
laddle-bags, iaddles and bridles, a few sets care
harncfs ; a quantity curry combs and brufties,
hat shoe and buckle brufties, blacking ball ;
mourning, plated and gilt shoe and knee buck
les ; a few gross fierve buttons, knives and forks,
shoemakers and butchers knives, fhoemakert
awls and tacks, tailors (hears and thimbles,
fcitlors, fine and coarse horn and iron combs,
plated and ftcel lpring fpurrs, bridle bittsnnd
lltnup irons, buckles, watch cryftala
and keys ; no. 10 cotton cards, boxes of fiiell
paints and Pencils; a few bags ot small ftiot,
a parcel beading plains ; a few articles tin ware r
fiddles and fiddle firings ; 8 by 10 window
ghtfs by the box or dozen, 4 d, fid, Bd, and tod
nails, muflard, Iwect oil, black pepper, all—
(pice, cinnamon, calfia, frefh young ginger
fit for preserves, chocolate, coffee ; excellent
hylon, louchong and bohea teas by the chest or
N quantity of fine flavoured Jamaica and.
vVefi India old rum, fit for families use ; fine
old Sherry Wine ; best London porter* in bot
tles, Fhiladelpliia bottled beer, vinegar in three
and five gallon kegs; fine white (alt bacon ia
ditches, fait petre, and
Sundry Meditines, viz.
Magnesia, red lavender, Britiffi oil, turlimr
ton, haerlum oil, (pint nitre, hartftiorn, jalap,
rhubarb, tarter emetic, calomel, senna, manna,
salts, chamomile flowers, firrupof fquills, pare
goric elix, blue vitriol, affefetida, fmelhng falls,
lalts of worm wood, nux vomica, court plaif
ter, laudanum, Godfrey’s cordial, opium, li
quorice, tooth powder and brulhes, g-ntian
root, Spanish flies. See. See.
N. B. Aboxof the aforefaid fine IJyfon Tea,
just opened.
Savannah, August g. 46-ts.
Just Arrived
Per the Schooner New-Adven?ure,from
New-York, and now opening, (in
one of the new Stores on the Bluff,
belonging to Mr. Robert Bolton) by
the Subscriber, a very neat Assort .
ment of
Os the following Articles :
4-4thsto 6-4ths, Book and Jaconet Mus
lins ; Book and jaconet Muslin Hand
kerchiefs and Shawls, with plain &nd
coloured borders f Striped Ginghams ;
Striped aud clouded Nankeens; Mena
and Womens Cotton Hose ; Striped
Holland; Long Lawns; Plain and co
loured Muflinets ; t Marseilles Quilt
ing; Corded Dimities ; Silk and Cot
ton Vest Shapes; Fustians—Two Ca
ses Mens low priced Hats, and a very
elegant assortment of Ladies falhionable,
Straw, Chip, and Felbell, Hats, & Bon
nets—all which will be fold Un the very
iowefl terms for Cajb . wholcfale only,
Savannah, Aug. ;6. r. 48.6?:.
No. 52.