Newspaper Page Text
Cl)rcmidc & ScwtiiicL
J. W. & W. S. JONES.
i _
___ ,
On Broad street. |
terms: I
Diily paper, Ten Dollars per annv|n,in advance.
Tri-weekly paper, at six dollars n at|*ance,or seven
a; the end of the year. |
paper. Three Dollars in adv;6ice,or Four at
the end of the year. &
W eanirdM ■<—h———m—
FMNHE article published below, tpncernmg the
B new and popular doctrine ad' anced by the
illustrious Goelicke of Germany,car not fail of ex
citing a deep and thrilling interest l uouguout our
$ Q 9 Qi; 9
[Translated from the German.]
of Germany, I
The Greatest of Human Ben efactors.
Citizens of North and South Aiueric ,
To Louis Offon Goecicke, i\l. D. of Germany,
[Europe,] belongs the imperishable h- nor ol adding
a new and precious doctrine to the sc ence of medi
cine —a doctrine whicn, enough veheu euti opposed
by many of the faculty, v of which In is a valuable
inemoer,) he proves to oe as wel 1 foi nded in truth
as any doctrine of Holy Writ —adoctfme. upon the
verily of which are suspend id the udUs of millions
of our race, and whicn lie boldly challenges his op
posers to refute, viz : Consumption is a disease al
ways occasioned by a disordered stat • of * is V itm
(o. Life Principle) ol the numan oot : often
secretly lurking in the system for years befoie
there is tire .east complaint of tne Lu, gs .JfZ —and
which may be as certamiy, though n< so quickly,
cured, as a common cold or a simple Inlidache. An
in valuaoiy precious doctrine lias, as it imparts an
important lesson to the apparently iieiltii\ of both
sexes, teaciiing them that this insidious foe may
be an unobserved inmate of their •• cl;|yey houses”
even waile they imagine t,iem®elvesiaecure from
.ts attack s, teaching tnem thati/iegml secret in the
art of preferring heilih is to pluck o.K / e disease
when in the blade, ind not wait till If, I full grown
ear. I
This illust ious benefactor of man iitilso entitled
to yoji unfeigned gratitude, and the glititude of a
world,lor tte invention of his tnatchlys Sanative,
—whose i.ening rat may justly claimVor it such a
title, since it nas so signally triumph' d over our
great common enemy, Consumption, both in
the iirst an r last stages, —■ t medicin-i which has
thoroughly nlled tin- vacuum in tne .vlaleria Medica,
an,j thereby proved itserf the fjf Conqueror of Phy
sic medicine, so. whicn SiH mankind
win have abundant cause to bless thi beneficent
hand of a Kind Providence, —a medi Sine whose
wondrous virtues have been so glowing y pourtray
ed even by sine of our clergy, in ti: ir pastoral
visits to tee sick chain -er ; oy w lich aeaus tney
often become the happy instruments of hanging de
spo iding into nope, sickness into heal i, and sad
of friends into joy fulness.
Q c} 3 3 3
A medicine of more value to man r! in the vast
mines of Austria, or even the united reasure of
our globe, —a medicine, which is obtai jied equally
from the vegatable, animal md mineral , ing.loms, S
and thus possesses a three fold power,-*, medicine,
w.iich, though designed as a icinedy f.|r consump
tion soieiy, is possessed of a mysteriols influence
over many diseases of the human systeii,—a medi
cine, which ueginslo he valued uy phyAcians, who
are daily witnessing its astonishing cu ts oi many
waom they had icsigned to the grasp u| the Insa
tiable Grave. {
DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, o sdrop; for
children, a ha f-drop; and lor infants -a quarter
drop ; the directions exp anting the ni.viner ol ta
king a half or a quarter drop. I
Price —Three and one-tiiird rix doLt|s* ($2,50)
p r half ounce. jj
German coin, value 75 cents. I
Q f 4 Q- 1 Q
A certificate from three members of tfe Medical
Profession in Germany, in Eartye.
We, the undersigned, practitioners if medicine
in Germany, are we.l aware that, by i'tir course,
we may forfeit the friendship oi some of tne facul
ty, but not of its benevolent members, vlho are un
iuduenced by se.lish motives. Thouglf we shall
refrain from an expression of our opiilion, either
of the soundness or unsouudness of Di| Goelick’s
new doctrine we are happy to s'ky thai we deem
his Sanative too valuable nut to be|generally
known—for what our eyes behold an I our ears
hear, we must believe.
We Hereby state, that when Dr. 1 ouis Offen
Ooelick first came before the German public, as
tiie pretended discoverei of a new doct me and a
new medicine, we held him in the h ghest con
tempt, believing and openly pronouncin him to be
a base impostor and the prince of quack Rut, on
hearing so much said a .out the Sanative against it
and for* it, we were induced, from niotiv sos curi
osity merely, to make trial of its repu ed virtues
upon a number of our most hopeless pa> tuts; and
we now deem it our bounden duty' (c en at the
expense of self-interest) publicly' to ac nowledge
its e.licacy in curing not only consun at ion, but
other fearful maladies, which we have |ieretofore
believed to be Our content)! for the
discoverer of this medicine was at once iv/allowed
up i.i our utter astonishment at these r nexpected
resu.ts; and, as amends for our abuse cl him, we
do frankly confess to t »e world, that vie believe
him a philanthropist, who does honor to |.ie piofes
skn, and to our country, which gave him tilth.
The recent adoption of this medicine into some
of our European Hospitals, is a su.licien guaranty
that it performs all promises. It need ?d not our
cstimony, for wherever it is u-ed iti® it ; own best
wi ness. HERMAN E T MULLER, m. d.
AD. »LPI IUS vV ER N Eii| M. d.
Germany, ’December 10, 1886. I
n t 3 6 6 6
It appears by the following infoimatio f i given to
the public by Dr. Rowland, that tiie mucl talked of
® Matchless Sanative i® indeed what it professes to
be —an nfectnal and valuable medicine. '4'orthy the
serious attention of every consumptive person, and
sick generally. I
land, the General American Agent for tlhs mighty
medicine, (invented by the immortal GUelic'e of
GermanvY has great p ensure in publishing the fol
lowing aighly important letter from a r| spec-table
gentleman in New-York, which he ha;|reeei ed,
with man v others of a similar character-la'.so very
interesting inte lig nee from several of h|s Agents,
as will be seen belo v—w lich, together I with the
certificate from three eminent German pfiysirians,
must forever establish the character of th| Sanative
as being without a para.lei in the history of medi
Testimony No.- I. ,
A letter from H. F. Sherwood, Esq., of N -w-York.
3QQ 3 h
New-York, Oct ! , 1837.
Dr. D. 8. Rowland,— s ir; About the middle of
only last. I aeci lentallv noticed in a new [japerthe
advertisement of the Matchless sanative.Kir wnich
I pgreei-ed you were agent, and which professed
to be a sovereign remedy for con mmptioij.
As my- wife was then fast wasting a-jay with
his dreadful disease, and as our family Ihysician
was d iily an 1 anxiously endeavoring to r? |sfore her
to hea th without success. I stepped o\ >r to his
health an 1 isice.l him il lie had any obj. itions to
her taking fir- meutcine. . e rep iec. rna 1 • newas
perfectly willing Mrs. Sherwood sliouldta e thitor
any otner meuicio sac migut CuoOS€, u u; c though .
it could do her no good, as hei lungs were rapidly
consuming, and no human means could savi
her.” Still, the Sanative, being recommended by
three physicians who had used it in their practice,
she concluded to give it a trial. I sent and pur
chased a phial whicli she commenced taking three
times a day, giving a free indulgence to her appe
tite according to the directions. By pursuing this
course, she suffered considerably for the first eight
or ten days, but was shortly able to eat and drink
freely, without the last inconvenience.
Within four weeks from her first using the med
icine, her feeble health and wasted form* began to
put on new and she has been gainingfrom
day to day until the present moment, to the uttei
astonishment of our family physician and friends.—
She is now enjoying a comfortable v though notper
fe°t) state of ueaith, is able to be about house and
attend church.
Mrs Sherwood and myse’f are both fully ol
opinion, and so are all who know her remarkable
case, t iat she owes her live to the Sanative alone:
and as there are probably many consumptive per
sons in the ( nited States, who have not yet heard
of this medicine, measures ought speedily to be
adopted to have it more general y known.
A number us persons in our neighborhood. I un
derstand, arc taking it for other serious complaints.
with very* great benefit.
I thin' of going to the South, with my* family,
sometime this fall, and in case 1 do, I wilTproclaim
the virtues of the Sanative in that quarter; for al
though some of the physicians here are actively op
posed to it, I do sincerely believe it saved my wife
from an opening grave.
If you think this letter will serve he public
good, you are at liberty to publish it.
Respectfu ly.&c.
Testimony No. 2.
One person n our village, who was considered
by his physician to be in a Consumption, has taken
the Sanative, and is now well. Another person,
subject to epileptic I'.ts, has been greatly benelitted
by a short course of this medicine. There can be
no question but this medicine has performed won
derful cures in a host of cases, and that it is wortny
of general attention.— Brunswick Advertiser.
Testimony No. .
in our paper to-day. it will be seen that’this medi
cine has lost none of its virtues by crossing the At
lantic—for it appears to he working similar cures
in Vmcrica to t hose which have astonished Europe.
—Boston Morning Post.
'Yj' For sale by BENJAMIN HALL, Agent, at
the Post-1 iffice. dec 9
lu accordance with the ostensible views
of the Southern Convention.
1> IHi: C T I ill l‘ Olt T ATIOJf.
1 THOMAS I WRAY & SON havejust received
by the Governor I roup, and are now opening,
a large assortment of CHEMICALS and othei
DRUGS, from the Laboratory olMnnder, Weaver $
Co. (one of the iirst houses in England,', which will
be sold in a state of the utmost purity. These with
their former supply on hand constitutes a large and
very complete a-sortment. consisting of almost every
art le in the Drug iine usually kept in this market.
Order* will ie thankfully received and attend
d to with despatch, on the most accommodating
terms ts oct 17
TL_| Chair and Sofa Ware-room, Broad
P 4O ! street, opposite Gould, Bulkley& Co.
The subscribers have removed from
their former location to the large
and commodious store of Mr. W. Nei
now uifer for sale a well assorted
of articles in the above line,
principally of their own manufacture, made from
jhe latest and most approved New York patterns,
which cousist in part of the following—marble top
sideboard -. mahogany do., pier, card,centre, di mg,
tea work, and other tab es, dressing bureaus with
marine and mahogany tops, secretaries and book
cases, sofas, ottomans, marble top washstands,
writing desks, footstools, mahogany, cur! and birds
eye raapie bedsteads; also, live doz. excellent ma
hogany French, half French and Grecian chairs,
and a variety of fancy, cane, rush, and wood seat
do. Thankful for past patronage, they' solicit a
continuance of the same at t eir new store, where
they wi ! l continue to sell at unusually low prices,
nd warrant the goods equal to any aprii26
HULBERT & ROLL, at the old
stand formerly occupied by Maj. Jesse
Thompson, corner of Ellis and Mcln
tosh streets, are now receiving an en
tire new stock of Carriages from the best manufac
ures at the North, of tiie 1 test and most approved
style, consisting of Coaches, Coachees, Standing
and Extension fop Barouches, Chariotces, Buggies
Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large and
well selected assortment of Harness, all of which
they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Or
ders for any description of Carriages of their own
of Northern manufacture thankfully' received and
promptly executed. Their friends and the public
are respectfully invited to call and examine their
in all its branches faithfully exe
cuted and with despatch ts nov 1
H" P ARSONS, 290 Broad street, keeps j
# times for sale, a large stork of PIANO
FOR i’ES, from the best hui ders in the country. —
Tho stock generally consist® of about thirty to forty
instruments, comprising all the qualities. These
instruments, are selected withgieat caic, and are
recommended with confidence. Persons wishing
to puichTse can do as well at this establishment as
at any of the northern manufactories.
A guaranty*, as to quality and durability, is fur
nished in every instance.
Also, a wtdi selected stock of sheet MUSIC, Pre
ceptors Sac., together with Guitars, Violins, Flutes, i
Accordions, and most of the small articles usually
kept in a Music Store.
de: 21 ts
f I *IIE subscriber having disposed es his intereso 1
i in his Furniture Ware-house in this city, ts
Mr. Chas. A. Platt, soli* it® for him that share ol
public patronage so liberally bestowed on himself.
As formerly, the establishment will continue to be
supplied witli a large assortment of Furniture ,
Bedsteads, Chairs which, being manufactured
at t>ie north, by- good workmen, and at low prices,
will enable his successor to sell on moderate terms,
for cash or city acceptances.
dec 13 A. Z. RANTA.
THE undersigned having been appointed agent
for the «ale of Pli VO FORTES in this city, for
several of the principal manufactories in thi® coun
try, among them the New* • ork Manufacturing
Company, will keepconstantly on hand, at the Hir
niture 'A are-house of Mr. t. A. Platt, a good as
sortment of said instruments, to which the atten
tion of purchasers is requested. All instrume I
sold by him will be warranted,
dec 13 A. Z. BANT A.
spoiling Powder,
ou i kegs do do
15 kegs-Eagle” Powder, in canisters,
"00 “ Blasting do. .1 ust received an.
lor sale by (dec) GAR I) K ILK, A- RIM ML
dren’s U agons and Crad es, Market Baskets
Clothes Baskets, Churns, Cedar and Painted Wash
lubs, 1- out Tubs, Door Mats, Biass found and
I .iinted Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, and various
other articles in this line, for sale by
IS I. 8. BEERS & Co.
\EG ROES H)R S VLE.—A likely neg.o man
and his wife—the boy a good .ield hand, and
the woman a house servant. They may be seen
at Hand V Scranton’s.
Persons desirous of purchasing will please cal!
” n o<BSr,; F pits & Hope, of this - ity. tf-nov 26
subscribers return their thanks to their
friends and the public generally for the libe
ral patronage bestowed upon them the last year,
and would inform them that they are now opening’
a new slot k of Books,Stationary and Fancy Goo Is,
which with their former stock' will make'lheir as
sortment complete, and will be sold wholesale and
retail, on the best possible terms.
Their stock of Binder’s materials are ol the fust
qua.ity , and they are now’ prepared to manufac
ture Blank Books ol every* description, iuled to
••my patern, having procured a Puling machine not
to be surpassed by any in the United States. A
continuance of the favor® heretofore bestowed is
solicited,and they assure their customers that sa’is
fiction will be given in every respect.
< ountry merchants are invited to call and exam
ne befoie they buy elsewhere.
J. W. Ai T. S. STOY,
nov 11 No. 247 north -ide Broad-sL
Augusta, Ga.
The "übscrihers having disposed of
their interest in the stock of Fumi
ture in the store and shops, occupied
VjcJpVgtL. by them in Broad street, unto D. H.
/ mmi I SILL’OX, sen., respectfully so icitthat
f i patronage him so generously be
stiw’ed upon the firm. He will'con
tinue to receive such art ices, in all branches of
the business, so as to render il suitable to all pur
December IS, 1839.
The subscriber having returned to the city, res
pect! uliy’ announces to hi® ftieuds and the public,
that hereafter he will attend to calls in the line of
his prolession, at his residence, opposite the Ma
sonic Hall.* E OSBORN,
jan 3 1m Surgeon Dentist.
—THE undersigned has establish
§** | ed himse f in the city of Augusta,
f>c transaction of the above
i usine®s, and is connected with
an extensive northern manufac
ture!, from whom he is constantly receiving large
invoices of the various articles in his line, of tiie
best qua ities manufactured expiessly for the south
ern trade, which a:e olfeied to dealers and planters
on the most reasonable terms.
He is also prepaied to till large orders at the very
lowest prices, at short notice. A share of patio
nage is respectfully solicited
S. B, BRM-KS, No. 334 Broad-st.,
dec 21 6m Opposite the late Planters’ Hotel.
\r OTICE TO C< NT RAC TORS.—Proposals
wi 1 be received at the Engineer’s > tficc, in
Greensboro on the 7th day* of March next, for
grading a: d bridging that part of the Georgia Rail
lioad between Madison and the Ridge w*est of the
Alcovy river—a distance of 25 miles.
This portion of the Hoad embraces some very
expensive work, including a Biidze, 50 feet in
heighth and SUO feet in length, across the Alovy
river,to be buih withstone piers and superstructure
of wood.
Plans and specifications of the work will be ex
hibited at the otiice, three days previous to the let
Payments wi'l be made ei*her in cash bonds of
the Company, bearing legal interest, (S per ce..t,) or
in their stock, at par. as may be agreed upon.
Engineer Department,G. R. R. &B Co
Greensboro, Jan 25,1840. >
Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail-
Ruad, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the
following rates:
Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs,,
(furniture excepted.)
Cotton, $1 50 per bale.
G. H. Thompson, Agent for the Company, at
Greensboro, will receive and forw*ard freight with
out charge.
Merchandize for the way stations will be for
warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays. RICHARD PETERS, Jr.
Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R.
Merchandise will be detained at the Depot, at
Gieensboro. only when the Agent of the Company
(G. H. Thompson,) has been informed by the own
ers, direct, that a wagon is on the road to obtain
Nov. 14, 1839. ts
Merchants and others forwarding goods by the
Georgia Kail-Road, are particularly requested to
ha. e the name of the owner and the place of destina
tion marked in full on each package ; also the name
of the I epot; and to fill the receipts in all cases to
correspond with the marks.
The observance of ihe above rules is desi r ed, to
prevent dilficulties that have occurred in forward
ing goods intended for dilferent persons, bearing
the same mark. aug 5
The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail
between New York and New Orleans, leaves Au
gusta every day at 6p. and arrives at Greens
boro at 1 a. m. Leaves Greensboro at sr. m., and
arrives at Augus a at 12 o’clock.
Stages run in connection with this train from
Greensboro for New Or.eans, (two daily lines) via
Indian Springs,Columbus. » ontgomeryand Mobile;
for New < r e*ns tri-week’y. via Clinton, Macon,
and Pensaco a ; for West Point and W T etumpka, via
Barnesvilie tri-weekly ; for Home, tri-weekly via
Covington. Decatur and Marietta; for Na«-hv*iJ!e
and Knoxvi’le, Tennessee tii-weekly. via Athens,
Gainesville and Cassvillc; for Washington. Wilke
countv, tri-weekly, from Double AVells ; for New
Tleans, daily, fro u Warren ton, via Sparta, Vi;-
‘edgeviMe, a aeon and Columbus ; for Mi Hedge vilie,
ii-week y via Greensboro and Eatonton.
Connecting with these lines are branch stage,
'me® to Tabahassee. Coiumous. Miss.- ! u®caiOo®a,
Newnan,< oweta county,«ia., and Clarksville, Ha
bersham county. Jtc
Fare on the Rail-Poad to Greensboro 44 25.
Office Georgia Rail Road & Bk’g Co 7
Augusta, Decetnoer 9, i 839. $
SALK, a first rate Harness Horse , young,
actn e and gentle, and will be warranted as a
l.itruly horse. Also, a new Barouch.a superior ar
ticle, and very light, peculiarly adapted to the
A bar » ain given if app.ied for im
mediately s BUFORD.
sept 12 ts
O NOW DEN & SHEAR have received from
Cl >ew Wk a very large suppy of Kentucky
Jeans, which they will sell at very low prices.—
Also, a laige supply of superior Satinets, to which
th'/.v respsctiuliy invite the attention of tho public
jan 2o '
SNOW DEN & SHEAR have mst received from
New York, a very large supply of superior
S-4 by 10-4. 10-4 by 12-4, 14-4, 16-4. 18-4,20-4
21-4 and 32-1 rich Damask Table Cloths. ’Also
rich Damask Napkins, to which they respectfully
invite tiie attention of the public. dec 3
MEDIUM Ledgers, Journals and Record Books,
Demy do do do do
C a P do do do do
< an Day Books, long and broad,
* a 1 Uay Books, Ledgers and Journals, half
Quarto Cap Books, red and feint ruled,
Bank Books, leather and paper* overs.
Pocket Ledgers and Memorandum boo'..s of all
Pass Books, leather and paper covers,
Copy Books, Shipping Books, Receipt Books,
Cyphering Books, Drawing Books,
Blanks for the study of double entry book keep*
* n S’ j ll sets, suitable for schools,
.vliniatuie Day Books, Ledgers, Journa's, Cash
Books. Letter Books and Record Books, imitation
Russia ends, in and out of cases, suitable fur pii
vate act our.ts.
Bill Books Alphabets of al'sizes.
For sale by j. VV & T. S. STOY.
Every description of Blank Hooks, ruled to any
pattern and bound to order, at northern prices
The work and materials warranted, jan B>
SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received from N.
York,and are now opening, a very large sup
ply of superior Ingrain Three Ply Venetian and
Biussels CAfiPETSoI the latest style and richest
p items, all of which have been selected with great
care. Persons wishing to supply themselves witli
the article will do well to call immediately, as
they can now make a selection from one of the
largest assortments ever offered in this City, and of
uewr* and splendid patems. Also, Rich Brusse's
and I’ufted HEARTH RUGS to match the Car
pets.and superior printed Baizes and patent FLOOR
CLOTHS nov j 2
rWNIIIS valuable discovery is now introduced to
J. the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest
confidence and assurance that it will effect the ob
ject of its application, viz : A CO MPLETE RES
-lORATIOX OF THE HAIR upon tiie heads of
those who have lost the same, and have thereby
become bald or partially so.
Numerous certificates might be given to show
how successfully this compound nas been applied,
never having failed in a single instance.)
Its virtues have been fully and satisfactorily
tested. Ihe heads of those that were entirely
ball, have been by the application of this restora
tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beautiful
None need despair whether old or young, of hav
ing their hair restored. For sale by
Broad st. and at
T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore.
Where certificates of its successful application
be seen. june 21 swtf
IN X PENSIVELY used in Europe, never before
A introduced into America, an infal ible cure
and a delightful preventive of Chapped Hands and
Lips, &c. This elegant article gives a delicacy of
fragrance and that natural healtnful appearance to
the skin no other preparation of Lie kind has been
kno >n to produce. It immediately removes iVfli-
PLES and other disagreeable ERUPTIONS, pie
vents BRUISES from turning black,cures BURNS
and SCALDS, alleviating pain, and preventing
blisters, it is also ? xceedingly useful for SORE
BREASTS. So invaluable is this compound for
every inconvenience to which the skin is liable-,
Ih.t nine wlio have proved its benefits will ever
wil iiigiy b« without it.
Sold in Glasses at 25 and 50 cents each, with
full particulars, and directions for use. For sale by*
. Broad st. and at
T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore.
Where certificates of its successful application
may be seen. june 21 swtf
FIN HE subscribers having entered into copart
-1 ner-hip, under the firm of RUSS..LL,
HUTCitI\SON, Co , for the transaction of a
SINESS, are now prepared to receive goods of
con>ignments, for which they respertfu ly solicit
a share ol public patronage The business will be
continued at the old stand of John S. Hutchinson,
op >osite Messrs. J. M. & W Adams, Broad street,
where they are now receiving and opening a gen
eral assortment of new Fancy and Staple, Fall
ano Wintf.b Dry Goods wuich they oilier either
at wholesale or retail on the most liberal terms.—
Liberal advances made on all consignments.
Augusta, Nov. 11th 1839.
THE subscriber having connected himself with
D P. Russell and H. P. Peck, in the Auction
and Commission business, solicits for the firm of
Russell, Hutchinson, & Co., that share of patro
nage which has been so liberally extended to the
subscriber individually.
A 1 those indebted to the subscriber will please
come forward and close their accounts at once, for
longer indulgence will not be givon.
nov 11
A VALUABLE Plantation is now oPered
for sale, in the Parish of St. Mary’s, in the
Atuik Pas. known by the name of the Parc Pardu
Place, ami about 9 miles distance from New Ibuna
and ermil ion Bay, containing about 3,M1) acre®
of Land—one thousand acres of which is now en
closed under fence, . : T<o of which is in a high slate
of cultivation, and well adapted for the cultivation
of cotton or sugar. The cane the past season made
on it, yielded upwards of 200 hlids. to the acre;
and there is now a fair suppiv of seed cane put up
for the next crop on it. There is one thousand
acres of superior Pasture in it, well calculated for
raising Stock; and in addition, there is at least
one thousand acres of Wood land, which consist®
of Ash. Dak, and Cypress, which is invaluable in
this section of country. On th° plantation there
is now about 500 head of Cattle, 40 pair of Oxen,
20 fine horses, with a fine stock of Hugs and Sheep;
a new sugar house and Gin house, and /'arming
Utensils, with a good family residence ; Overseer’s
Hou«e.and Negro cabins; with 20 Negroe®. And
in point of health, it is not surpassed in the South
ern country. This plantation w.ll be sold with or
without the Negroes. A great bargain to a good
and so'vent purchaser,—and any planter removing
to this State, will find it well worth bis attention
to purcha-e there never was a greater Lai gain
olfered in many years. Should a purcha®er offer
that mvy be approved of, during or after the plant
ing of the coming crop, he will be entitled to the
nop onsequent upon said plantation. For par
ticuUrs of terms, apply to Co*. P. Micky, Baton
j ougc ; F. D. Newcomb, Natchez; Caldwell fit
J. icky, New or S. W. Walsh, on tht
pre nisei. 2w—jaa 18
Christmas presents.—The gift, for
IS4O, edited by Miss Leslie
lhe Poets of America, illustrated by one of oui
The Gem, IS4O
I he Vio et, 1840; edited by Miss Leslie
»uds and Blossoms. a beautiful work
Horas Dictionary with colored plates
Gems of Beauty
Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books and sundry other
pocket volumes, suitable for Christmas
and New \ ears Presents. For sale bv
dec io J. W. & T. S. STORY.
smbe-rs have just received a small lot of Mul
tibnlis, Ocra or Twin Cotton Seed , which they of
fer lor sale in quantities to suit purchasers We
have, a our store, a stalk of the cotton with the
>o Is on, which we invite the curious to call and
PA.,St JNS has- this day opened two of the
•* Patent Iron Frame Piano Fortes, made by
cnickenng Ar Mach ays of Boston. These instru
ments possess great advantages over most others
and arc well worth the attention of the public
Also, lately received, a fresh supply of new’and
ash.onab e Music. nov 27
r.n«r lf » HRID OEPRAVITY~
notorious counterfeiters ave nearly kIH-
O ed several persons by selling them a sp'urious
andTalse mixture of Hays’ Linitn nt.
The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless
and effectual. Never boy the article unless it has
the wi men signature ol COMSTOCK # to on
the spendid wrapper. Tnat firm are solely au
. thorized to make and sell the true artie'e t'rigi
nal proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS .
P. S. Ihe true Mays’ Liniment is warranted to
cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay
taken for it. r J
■ *°. ,a a . L No ‘ 2 Etcher street, near Pearl st. and
Maiden Lane. New Voik,by
f OMSTOCK Sf Co., I'hole-ale Druggists.
Ts e genuine is for sale by GARVIN & HAINES
■ an *i ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 ly *
| f I I,K Exercises in Mrs. CHA PM AN'S SCHOOL
M will commence on the 11 th of November
; next, and continue thirty-three wee s. The ses
■ sion will be divided into terms of eleven weeks
each commencing on the 2d Monday of November
| the 4th in January, and the 3d in April,
r There will be two Departments, the Juvenile
and>enter. Tne formei will embrace instruction
; in Reading, Spelling, Writing, the first principles
, of Arithmetic, Geography and History, together
with such oral instruction on scientific, moral and
religious suljects as Is calculated to expand the
mind and improve the heart. 'J he latter will em
, br£C « a thorough course of instruction in all the
branches of an English education, usually taught
in our higher schools and seminaries.
Lessons in Krencn, Drawing and Rusic will be
p gtyen by competent and improved teachers.
I erms—Juvenile Department, $12,00
Senior do IsVo
■ French do 12*50
Drawing do 12,50
Music do 22,00
oct 31 5
' f J riiE Subscribers have this day entered into
; ■ Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BRO
i THERS # COi LEWIS M. Force
Augusta, January Ist, 1640..
All persons indebted to B. W. Force «fe Co. are
i requested to make immediate payment.
FORCE , BROTHERS# CO. Wholesale Dealers
in Boots, shoes and, have on i and an ex
tensive stock, which they offer to country mer
■ chants at Northern price . jau 1 ts
, subscriber begs leave to inform his West
, X ern friends, that he has Kentucky and North
ern 1* unds «onstantiy for sale, and would be happy
I toserve them on reasonable terms. Sound currency
" will p ocure Kentucky funds at par lor the pre
, sen E a «d probably for the future. For the accom
-1 modation of such persons a> would nnd it rnorecon
' venient to visit Macon, than Augusta, lie has au
thorized John T. Rowland, Esq., to act as his agent
’ for drawing checks on Kentucky and the Noith
and will be responsible for the prompt payment
, thereof, the same as though drawn by the subscri
r ber - Jv)HiN G. WINTER.
Augusta, November 19, 1639,
I be pipers in V.iJledgeville, Columbus and
Savannah wi 1 each publish the above 3 times.
rE’IHE Trustees of this institution are happy to
, X hav « it ”1 their power to stale, that bom the
. principal Academy in Augusta, and the branch at
t Summervide, have resumed their exercises un.ier
i the management of Teachers who have the full
. conudence of the Trustees, and who, they are sa
f tis; ed. are fully emit ed to that of the public,
t Mr. Eknenputsch, the Rector of the Academy,
s already favorably known to the community, has’
, charge of the Classical department and all* the
, branches of education requi ite for admissi in to
- out best- Colleges, His attainments as a scholar
and success in impairing useful knowledge, emi
r nently qua ify him for the discharge of "the im
. portant duties of Ins station.
Mr. Ktsc, the principal English Tea her, re
cently engag. d by the Board, comes with the high
est iecornmenda ions-as to character, talents, lite
rary attainments and skill in teaching, and the
i Trustees feel assured that he will.sustain the re
i putation which led to hi< selection,
f The branch of tlie Academy at Summerville is
- under the immediate management of Mr. Fbank
i ns George, a gentleman of experience in teach
ing, aad highly recommended. The advantage of
; tiie location of this branch of the Acauemy in one
r of the most healthful neighborboods in the State,
and sulficiently remote from the unfavorable in
fluence of a crowded town, are too well known to
need; comment.
■* On the whole, the Board confidently recommend
to the public the principal Academy and the Branch
at Summervibe, as being on a better footing than
j they have heretofore been, and pi causing "great
> usefulness to those who may avail themselves of
, the advantages which they oiler.
s Jan 11 President - of Board of Trustees.
* ADDISON RICffARDS, Artist,respectfully
i X • apprises the community of Augusta, &c.,
» that he will resume his classes in Jtravring, Paint-
I ing and Perspective, on the second Ronday in De
• cember. His rooms are now open to the public
t and wil! remain so until that period, (De ember
i 91h.) Those who favor him with a visit will Sind
i besides previous productions, a number of original*
; Oil Paintings of Landscape, Fruit, &c., executed
, during the past summer. Also, many new Water
; Color Drawings of Flowers and Landscapes, added
r to which, a Port-folio of i riginal Pencil and Tinted
« Sket hes. In addition to this gallery of his own
I pioductions, he has collected copies of the best
• Kngß'h and American Elementary Drawing Books
r and Prints to beobtai. ed in the Union, which must
I prove a valuable auxiliary to pupils in their studies
r He gives instruction, in. Landscape, Fruit and
i Marine Painting in (»il Colors; Land-cape and Dow
i er Drawing in NSater Colors; 6epia and Indian
r Tinting; Peneil Drawing and Perspective.
A Night Class, for the tuition of gentlemen,com
mences also on the 9th of December.
N. B—Mt. R. will make si etches of Bui'dings
i and Landscape Scenery, Drawings of Patents, paint
Military and • ivic Banners, Ac. He will aso
I supply all orders foe Portrait and Picture Frames.
u j v 23
VOL. 4,-Na. 41
THE subscribers intending lo make a change in
business, otfer their stock of Books, Station
ary and fancy (roods at wholesale or retail, at re
duced prices lor cash or approved credit. Their
stock is new and fresh and embraces every article
usually found in a bookstore, among which are the
following: a
English, French, Greek and Latin school books.
Law and miscellaneous books, among which* are
some valuable works.
Medica. books, among which are nearly all the
text books used in the Medical College of Georgia.
Musical Instruments, consisting of violins and
bows, guitars, drums, flageoletts, fifes; clareonetts,
post horns, trumpets, kent bugles, accordeons, Har
monica’s and music boxes, vio in and guitar strings,
pieceptors for the flute, clarionet!, piano, guitar
and violin. *
f ancy Stationary.—Steel pens, silver pencil ca
sts. quills, ink, india ink, red, black and spangled
wax, wafers, stamps, motto seals, pen knives, Ra
zors, straps, chessmen, backgammon boards and.
men. ink stands of all kinds, surveyor’s compasses
chains, scales and p'atting instruments, printexs
cards of all kinds, visiting cards, perforated cards
si k purses, india rubber wallets, banker’s case*-,
pocket ledgers, pencils of a:I kinds, office wafers,
sand boxes, red ink, French glazed paper, tissue
paper embossed paper, morocco paper, gold bor
ders, p irchmcnt, water co ors, sable pencils, canr
emls hair pencils slates of all Kinds, segar cases
thimbles, tooth, cloth and hair brushes, portable
desks, roll up writing apparatus key rings, slides,
guards nut crackers, cork screws, Scotch hones,
feather dusters, walking canes, pocket maps, maps
on rollers, pin cushions, school baskets chalk cray
ons, coloicd chalk. Heme’s and Osborn’s water col
ors in boxes, transparent slates, porcelain slates,
fancy soap, handkerchief perfume, card cases,
dressing combs, fine combs, emery cushions, Ger
man silver powder flasks, ivory and pearl memo
randums, surgeon instrument cases, tobacco boxes,
ivory pen holder*, ivory a-d shell folders, waist
belts foi travellers, screen handles, snuff boxes,
bugle mouth pieces, pocket inks, port crayi ns,
round rulers, ladies work boxes and dressing ca
ses, gentlemen’s dressing cases, shaving brushes,
French embroidered baskets ladies desks, toilet,
boxes red tape, &c. &c. %c.
Paper hangings and bordering.
Folio post foolscap and letter paper, packet post,
note paper, card envelopes, wrapping paper, post
office paper, bonnet boards, bi'l paper, games and
puzzles for clii dren, whalebone table mats, music
paper, bristol boaids poonah brushes, scrub brash
es, pia* c wire, dulcimer wiie, Arc. Ike. &c.
jan 30 J. W. & T. S. STOY,
No 247, nearly opposite he U. S. Hotel;
•Blank Books not included.
just received a complete assortment,
of Pickles consisting of
Walnuts, Cauliflower,.
Mangoes, Red Cabbage,
Pko’.il-y, Onions,
Mixed Pickles, Peppers,
Gerkins, Beans,
In ha’f gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in picklep
London. French and American Mustards; Ketchups
of various kinds.and other Table Sauces.
Peach, Green-gage, Damron, Egg Plum and Peat
Preserves; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry
Jellies and Jams; East India Ginger in pots, West
India Orange, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre
serves; Guava Jelly in glass and boxes; Citron,, Raisin*. Figs ana otner anea fruits, all
resh a .id in nne order. tor«aie .»v
dec 18 1. S. BEERS fc Co.
RES PEC TFIJLLY informs the ladies and gen
tlemen of Augusta, and the country gene
rally, that he still continues to carry on his busi
ness in Broad street, next door below Dr. B. Har
ris’ drug store, where he will be happy to attend ta
all who may favor him with their custom. All
kinds of Silks, Crapes, Ac.,will be Dyed in the most
fashionable Colors, Gentlemen’s appirel Scoured--
and renewed, and what he does he will warrant to,
give general satisfaction. 6m aug 16
CIARVIN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street,
f are constantly receiving fresh supplies of
Drugs, Paints, i uls. Glass, &c. Also an extensive
assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soaps,
Perfumery, &c.,ofdo nestic ami foreign manufac
ture-, selected by their -agents; also afresh supply of
English Garden Seed. Country merchents and
Physicians are invited to call and examine our
sto k.
Xj' A liberal discount made for cash,
dec 28
FM’IHK subscriber being desirous of removing from
Columbia county, offers f >r sale his
House and Lot in that village, togetherwith about
forty acres of good arabe land, within half a mile
of the place, one fourth of which is wood land, and
the balance in a high state of cultivation. The
dwelling is a good two story house, well finished
and in every respect comfortable, together with,
all the necessary outbuildings The lot on which
the house is situated contains three and throe fourth
acres we I improved.
As the subscriber will retire from the practice as
Medicine in this county in the event of his selling
out, a fine opening will be made for a physician,
desirous of entering immediately into practice.
Any such are invited to call and examine the pro
dec 25 ts
SNOWDEN «te SHEAR ?r» happy to announce
to their friends in the < ,ty and country, that
they are now opening a very arge and splendid
assortment of staple and fancy DRY GOODS,
suitable for the Fall and Winter season, comprising
a great variety of new and fashionable articles,
which they h ive selected with great care from the
most recent importations. We would respectfully
solicit our friends and the public to call and exam
ine the assortment for themselves; and we would
especially invite the attention of Planters to our
unusually large stock of BLANKETS , WELCH
and low priced I LANNELS for servants, nov 12
This article is recommended as a specific for
almost a 1 cases of piles that may occur. Certifi--
cates of cures may be seen from persons.whoffuud
been affli ted for upwards of 20 years. For sale by
Augusta, and
Price $2 per bottle. Charleston,
nov 25 6m
VT genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for salat
in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorou*
Waters, Extiacts, Hair Oils, and Curling* Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HAINES,
nov 2S
KEANE BOOKS —The subscriber is now pre
pared to manufacture Blank Books, to any pat-,
tern, and at short notice.
large assortment of Medium, Demi* and
cap Blank Books for sale cheap by
>n 1 T. H. PLANT.
It RE-II GARDEN SEED.—A large assoitmrut
of frewh Eng : ikh Garden Seed, just received
and warranted • enuine. Among which are srvciaL
varieties of early Corn, Button and Top Onions,
Bulhour- T outs, Dahlias, Flower J>eeds, &c.
Also, celebrated Rohan Potatoes, and llaluta-
Spring Wheat, for sowing. For sale by ,