Newspaper Page Text
*4* 2itv tj Ot
IN a series of c riminal picture ,on steel, with let
ter press descriptions. Tb plan of publishing
in successive numbers pictorial works, illustrative
of the scenery of countries, has long been a popu
lar one in Europe, and is rapid r gaining favor in
our own country.
The proposition *o issue such r work, devoted to
the scenery of Georgia, althou h novel, will find
universal favor, and be regarded is it is by the Edit
or, a plan at once felicitous an i. feasible. There
is much scenery incur Slrt6,tl| -it is not surpas>eU
in beauty-and sublimity, by- tha of any other 5-tate
in the Union. The upper counii sab und in scenes,
which nceU only be known to* immand ihe a>..r
ntion ol all who love the be; uties of natuie. —
Much of the scenery of the .Voijii is inferior to out
own, but is yet visited by th jusa d* sirnply because
it has been i critter* sung ar 1 ‘ lionized,'’ Ly au
thors and tiavelleis until its b auty has te«ome
universally known and apprecia ed. It is deniable
that attention should bedirectec to our own resour
ces of p cturesque in natural; cnery, and when
this is done, our own and Nor tern tour:-G will
speedily render our beautiful vi ws a- immortal as
our language.
The South is charged with g< icral indifference
to the progress of Literature a u Fine Arts; and
probably the stronge-t foundalic i lor the charge is
found in her inaction in enterpri e calculated to los
ter these objects. The publicat on of the propos
ed work wiii iris believed, be in effective blow
at the foundation, a > ep the es*ajli-hment
of our literary reputation, to which end much hon
orable effort :s now directed. I
A third consideration and tbs last which will
now be urged, is Ihe intrinsic vFae of such
catioa as Georgia Illustratfl).'’ It will embo
dy the representations of the belitiful and subl me
in our State scenery, and affonu.o all, at a lulling
expense, exact pictures of our ijjhoiinlains, vallies,
cataracts, public buildings, &c., irhich they may or
may not otherwise beh<»ld, but wti h, in either case,
would afford peculiar pleasure. S
The proposed work will he elecuted in a style
superior to any similar pictorial Iwoik in the coun
try. The plates will be executld on steel by em
inent engravers, from original c awing, made ex
pressly-for the purpose, by Air. . Addi on Rich
ards, of Augusta. The eng;avL gs will be accum
companied with letter press de-a iptions, prepared
for the wo;k, and in this depi. rnent the editor
will secure, as tar as possible, tl .* a-sistanre and
co-operation ol our best writers, n short, no pains
will be spared to make thd work a perfe t gem of
the kind, to The end that it may neet a welcome
reception not omy at hjme but i so abroad.
I. ‘‘Georgia Ulus rated,” w 11 be issued in
monthly pars, in the quarto form a: $5 |ier annum
Invariably in advance, or at 50 d it* lor each part.
payable on delivery.
11. Each part wil contain tu-o I; : ghly,finished en
gravings, of Georgia Scenery, a rornpanied with
lettcr-pre-s description-' and his; i ical lact-, prin
ted on -'urge and tcautifu; type c the finest papei,
the whole enveloped in a neatly { inted cover.
11l Any indivicual who will ah lam and for
ward six advanced hall be entitled
to a copy of the work. Clubs ma, receive twelve
copies to one address for $ A), or t eaty-five copies
to one address for $ 100, in ether :ase free of [tos
Ihe first part. containing an ei craved title page
and vignclt, with two views and lelier-press des
criptions. will be issued on the ni t of .November,
184-J, and subscriptions -hould bt forwarded prior
to that time.
Editors who publish and call tte: tion to this
prospectus, wil, by forwarding leir paper to the
editjr. be entitled to a copy of tin | wore.
Communications and subscript ns must be ad
dressed, post paid.
Editor or Georgia Illustrated, {Pennfield, Ga.)
( Formerly of Hancc k,J
* Sarannah, Georgia, re-pe t* illy lenders ids
services to bis friends and hie pu lie generally. —
He will not tngage in specula! m of any kind
whatever, but devote his time enli = y ;o the inter
est or those who confide to him th« r business,
aug 31 wtDl
4 MOROCCO PiiTKET ROOK luge enough to
hold a bank bill at ful 1 lentl , containing the
following no e-, viz: 1 on Isnac . amsay, payable
to ! homas WLey. for S4O, cn lb Ist September,
1640; one on R. \V. Bell, foi S6U dated about Ist
August, Cue one day after date one on R. S.
Poouus, for $9 75, d re one day as! t date, a: d dat
ed May, 18 9: one note given to ; mm as N Ham
ilton, by Absalom Eady and self fur $l5O, with
some credits en c.s-cd cn it, and due about two
years ago. —( ne note on .Aps Eady, ir S3O, with in
terest from January, 1n39, in de ; .yanle to Isaac
Rarrsey ; one do. on Wm. A. L.U ims for $33,75,
dated in July last; oneffo. on Grc ge VS’. Tool lor
$9, payable to Isaac Bryant, date recollected ;
one do. ou 1 homas Stanford, amo nt nor date rc
co lecttd ; one do. on (reoige W. ( .rk ior a smal
amount, dated about January, Isf .besides
other valuable paper-, and a small sum of money
beiievid to be in the book at tire me loss, whic h
the under is entitled to on deliveri; ztne book with
papers in it, and if no money, will berally reward
liie tinder on the receipt ol the nap rs.
I fotbid a.l persons trading for ny of said pa
pers. WIL lA.M BELL.
Columbia County, Ga., Sept. lb, !b4O, ts
THE subscriber h s opened a Law Office on
Judge Longstrcct's lot in the village of Ox
f uJ, Newton county, where be v ill le found at
iill times when not on the circuit. IHe will prac
tice in Newton, Morgan, Walton, < Kalb, Gwin
ne t. Jasper. Henry and butts re ities. Persons
trusting the undersigned with La ness, may tc
assureu that it will be attended, to ’ nh udc-iiiy.
®. . i
1 take pleasure in ;ecornmendrn eg rhom..s How
ard to the paitooage of my Hicnds :|ad «qnaintac
ees. Me is talvated and trust-wo, i! y. arid wil!
nave Ihe benefit of my counsel, v neuevei he oi
bis clients de-i; *- it A, I?. L 1 ' 'I ; r.i .T
ritHE under-igned respcctfull. infonns his
i friend - and ihe public, ui.t In continues tiie
Warehouse and Commission bu in ss a. his old
stand on Mclntosh street, and «oiici * a continua
® tion of public favor so lijeraily best \v d the past
four years.
Having the assistance of -Mr. Jc in R. Crock ei
and Jan es C. Daw-on. it will enable him to devote
hiv entire attentinn to the selling of niton ; in tnis
branch of the business his friends rely on his
lest exertions.
Wm. G. Dawson jr. «k Co, will eepa general
assortment of Gioctuies at l uck- read, Morgan
county, tthe termination of the Geor la Kaii-ltoai)
and will furnish my customers at A igusta prices,
adding freights —they will also ,c as agents for
me. [sept iS-wtit] T HUM At DAWaON.
The Mtlledgeville Recorder, surnal, Fede
raltnion, Columbus Enquirer and S uthem Whig,
will publish tne above six times we Hy.
0 Madison , Morgan County , la.,
WILL be ready for the receptic of Boarders
and Visitors early in Janua; ■ next. Th e
suoscriber is now making arrangeme ts an
addition to his house, which will m ke it 71 feet
long and 48 wide,all of which he int ids fitting up
in convenient and pleasant rooms. The building
will be of brick entire, and is situate on the Pub
lic Square, nearest the Rwil-ioad Lep t,and within
® a veiy short and pleasant walk. is large new
stable will soon be completed, and wIL be well
prepared for keeping horres; his os eis and ser
vants will be of his own family ot negroes, and
such as are capable and Gusty, and although tte
subscriber has had no personal expci ence in tav
ern keeping, but from hi long busln ss habits and
general observation, he flatters h r self with the
belief that he can satisfy the commui ty, and keep
a house worthy of patronage.
oct 17-w2m JOSEPH 1 . EVANS.
The Augusta Constitutional! Charleston
Couner, Columbus Enquirer, Montgr nery Adver
tise, aud Federal Union, will puoli h the above
once a weex lot two mourns ano rwint metr
/ \
The Castings from this establishmr-nt have pivei. j
•miveisal satista- tion since it has been in
We have now on ha- d a larpc stock ot the raw
material, i f the best quality, and are ready to re
ceive orders for ary description of CAS I INGS |
either for Rail Roads, Mills, Steam Engines, oi !
: other purposes. As wc have a first rale Rattcrr ;
! Maker, ;;nd n;e nothing but the best materials
: i-onsequei tly we can warrant our Castings noton!}
; to work veil, but be as strong and as well made as
any manufactured at the North or elsewhere, and
i we cha.leijge comparison.
We al«o manufacture to order any kind of
now getting up, and will soon hxve made on
hand ior sale, a variety of PLMLGHS, of all kinds |
and sizes, from the small Poncy Plough up to the |
large fur horse Plough. Also, Straw-Cutter* t
< orn Shelters. Harrows, Wheat yans. Cultivators , j
Wagons. I 'arts, tfC., 4c. Persons wanting such ;
articles would do well to call, a« we are determin
j ed to sell ow for cash or city acceptances.
Ordr rs can be left at the principal stores in
town, cr s.t the establishment in rear of the Pres- 1
i r yterian Church, neat the Kail Road Depot, and
S they v. 11l be attended to punctually.
uly 11 ly THOS. HOPKINS fc Co. i
* )T fiiNt rate pair of these Mill Stones, four and |
a half Ret in diameter. For terms apply at this !
office. j an 31 ts
IVHE <ubscribcrs have received their Fall and
Winter supply of FANCY AND STAPLE ;
i DR Y' GOODS, consisting of a great variety of new
1 and desirable articles, among which are the fol- i
: lowing:
Duffel a:: i Whitney Blankets, Cloths, Cassimers,
| Satiuett-, Kentucky Jeans, red white and green
Kc;sys, plain and plaid Negro Cloths,
i BiwWD and bleach d Shirtings and Sheetings, Apron j
j Check,
; Linen *nd cotton Bedtick, brown and bl’hd Jean-, j
j Black, co’ton Cassimerc, for gig top;,
lable Damask, biids eye and Russia Diaper-,
Irish Lincr.s, some superior undressed,
French, Ei giisn and American Prints,
Fu.niture Prints, brown Holland, black Siiecia,
3-4 and 4--: Scotch Ginghams, Turkey red Prints,
Black and jlue black rul’d and fig’d Bombazmes,
, French and English plain and fig’d Merinos,
Rich emb’d Muslin De Laines, pl’n and fig’d do.
Black and blue black colM and fig’d Silks,
Plain and fcg'd Swiss book and plaid .Mullins,
Ladies, ( > entlemens, Misses and Boys cotton and j
woolen Ho-e,
I.iige rich fig’d Satin Points or Mantillos,
Embnidered Thioct, Ca-simcre, Plaid, Merino and
Muslin Le Laine Shawls,
Rich pi lid Ribbons, satin Taffeta and Cap do.
Thieail Laces and Edgings, Muslin Insertings and I
Plain and fig’d Bobinet, wash Blond and diamond
i Nett,
Ladies black, white and colored Fillet Gloves and '
j Mitts,
Ladies up : x English silk Mitts, new' style.
Kid, Bucka»in, Merino, and Mtk Gloves,
Black and tlue black Crape, and crape Veils,
Whi'e, black and col’d crape Lesse,
Black and white English sfik Hose,
Bordered, hemstitched and lace edged Linen Cam
bric lldkl’s
Linen, Cambric, and Linen Lawn,
Chantiila and diamond net Vei s.
Slate col’d Pongee and cotton Chambray, for riding
Fancy siik hdkfs, gent’s Pongee and bl’k silk do. 1
She 11 and Brazilian tuck and side combs,
E astio wristbands, artificial Flow ers and Wreaths, '
, VV halebones for Dresses and Bonnets,
Taylor’s, Clark’s and Willet’s s,ool Thread,
Black and col’d Italian sewing Biik,
Black, brown, and ail col’d linen 1 bread,
Caipet and furniture Binding, zephyr worsted
Ivory Combs, orn and Buffalo dressing do.
Hair Brushes, toilet Powder and fancy Soap,
Cologne water oi a superior quality.
Narrow and wide linen Tape, bl’k and col’d Braid,
Coronation Bmid, siHer Thimbles,
Pin-, Needles, kc. 6tc.
The above, with a variety of other articles, will
be sold on reasonable teims by
oct 15 dlw w4t 231 Broad street.
FT*HE subscriber wil continuo his School at the
j new c.welling on Walker street, and hopes
that the distance to his place will not be an objec
tion with any lady or gentleman who may be Kind
ly disposed to patronize him. lie will pledge him
self to prepare youth for Franklin College, or any )
other Coliege in the Union, in Classics and in the !
minor branches of Mathematics, and should a suffi
cient pa’ronage be extended to him, he could secure
the services of a gentleman of well known ability
in Mathematical science. In reference to the sun- ;
scriber himself, he has had chaige of Schools and
Academies in this State during a period of ten ,
years, and begs leave to refer, if necessary, to Col. j
Thomas N. HamLton of Athens, and the Rev. •
Juiiah Harm, before whom he had been examined
by a classical t>entlemr!n of the North, before he
could be admitted to take the Rectorship of tne
Columbia County Academy, which he had lor three
year-, should a class of tight or ten young men
bo found, Le could devote tw o hours to their in
51ruction each day, at a time that would not inter
fere with his School, 'ihere are three things con
ne; ti d with the Classics, which is almost, if not j
totally neglected in our Southern Seminaries, viz: j
Mythology, Latin Exercises, and Prosody, without
which the Scansion of Pentameter and Hexameter ,
Verse canno: be acquired.
'J he first quarter’s tuition will be required at
entrance, and the scholastic year will be the same j
2» that of the other Seminaries of the city.
At a future time should his patrons desire his j
coming to a more convenient place, he will comply
with their wishes, ir he meets wit.i sufficient pa- 1
oct h w4t
ifj' The Constitutionalist wil! give the aoove ,
j four weekly insertion*.
i In the Superior Court of Richmond County,
Term, IS4O.
William Bostwick,-v
vs. >Rule Nisi.
John P. Coles. 3
ITPON the petition of William Bostwick, setting ;
j forth that be was in the possession of a pro- ;
mrisory note, made by one John P. Coles, dated on
the SPthdayof July, 1819, and payable sixty days
after date, to the order of William Bostwick ft Cc.,
far tnrec hundred and seventy five 45-100 dollar;,
which was destioyed by lire on the eighth of Au
gust, 1826, and praying this court to establish a
copy in lieu of said original note so destroyed: I;
is ordered, that the said John P. Coles do show
cause, at the next term of this court, why a copy
should not be established in lieu of said original
note. It is furtht roidercd, that a copy of thi- rule
be served on ihe said John P Coles thirty days
prior to the next terra, or be published once a 1
mouth for four months prior thereto, in one of the
public gazettes of the city of Augusta.
A true extract from the minutes.
August 27. 184 C. JAMES McLAWS, Cl’k.
Savannah, Ga.
WWTOULD inform the publi-’ that they continue
ff the business of FACTORS $ COMMIS
SION MERCHANTS, in Johnson’s building, ou
Hay street, west of the Exchange edifice, where
thev will devote their undivided attention to the
business of their profession. Produce of every de
scription will be held or disposed of in strict con
formity to in-truction‘. From their experience in
uusiness, they flatter themselves with the hope of
suiting patrons in t! e selection and purchase ol
i;ry Goods and Groceries. They have large, dure
stores, fire-prof, to hold Cotton or other articles
usual in store. Tneir cnarges ioi seuing produce,
purchasing arm ioi warding geoos, wm oe tne cus
tomary rates. nov !2-w3t
FOR ihe cure of w hite swellings, scrofulous and
other turnon;, ulcers, sore lees, old and irt*h
woundd, sjiitms an<i bruises, sneiiinsa and inflan.
inat:>>ns, sc-ald head, women’s sore hreasis. rheu
matic pains, tetters, e-option*, chilblains, whulovvs,
biles, corns, ami external diseases generally. The
proprietor has received at 1,-asi a thou-and certifi
cates and other docurr et.ts m favor of his
FIC CINTWKNT—and th. y embrace almost ail
ilie complaints tn thHr worst stages —to which
oinimeiit or sticking plusttr can be applied Among
the>e cerdfic atr-s. theie nre a great numher Imm ihe
most eminent physician* in the country, who u«e
the Ointment in their dahy practic*-, in preference
t.> any, or all others which have ever been invented.
The proprietor lias a'so received a prea many tes
tiinoniais Imm larriers, miiitar* genilem* n, Intmers,
and others. reiaii\e to the amazing efficacy «•! his
Ointment, in the bruises, cuts, and all the externa!
complaints and di*ca*es of horses; end among them
are no less than a dozen nerhtying to ihe most per
fect cures which it has t>erloirued o > the sore
backs of sutnw of those animals. Altogether the
proprietor leels no hesitation in .stating—or tn pul
ling it to the proof against all nunjursilion—ihff
Harrison s specific ointment .»vastly
superior to every thing of the kind which has here
totore been offered 10 the public-; and the proprietor
not only vouches for its central goi*d qualities, hut
is w illing to risk his repntnii »n on a single trial ,
lor he knows from the nios ample experience, Iha*.
it cannot be used without immediate and palpable
benefit, in any oti« of the complaints for which it
is so highly recommended Retail price 50 cents
per box. bold at all the principal
aug 20 Augusta, Ga.
No. Hayne street, opposite Messrs. J. S. L.
Bowie, Charleston, S. C.
rpHE subscriber respectfully informs theciti
-1 zensof Charleston and the public genera liy,that
the above e tablishment is now in lull operation,
where may he found a full asssoitment of t heolo
gical Woiks, which will be sold always at pub
lisher prices, and a liberal discount to wholesale
Also, in addition to the above, will be constantly
kepi on hand, an extensive assortment of School,
C lassical, Medical, and Mi-cellaneous books, Sta
tionary, J-c.
Also, hinders’ Materials, such as Sheep Skins,
Lama Skins, Russia llidis. llaik skivers, blue and
Red Skivers,Biueand Ksd l.oans, Bindets’ Boards,
Super Royal, Medium, Demy, Flat tap.
Blotting, Envelope, ami Press Papeis, &c. All of
which " iil be sold wholesale or retail, on as good
terms as any other rouse in the city. A share of
pationage i- respectfully solicited.
oct 16-sw3w JOHN W. STOY, Agent.
medicines are indebted foriheir name
I to tht ir mani ! e#t and sensible action in puri
lying the firing and channels of life, and enduing
them with rein-wed tone and vigor. In many hun
dred certified cases widen has been made public,
and in almost even species of disease to which
the human frame is liable, the happy effects of
TERS have been gratefully and publicly ac-
Inowledged by the persons bd efimed, and who
wr'e previously unacquainted with the t»eauiilully
philosophical principles upon which they are
compounled. and upon which they e.nsequently
The LIFE MEDICINES recommend themselves
in diseases of every form and descrip;ton. Their
first operation is to 1-josen from the coats ot the
stoma* h and bowels, the various impurities and
crudities eon tantly settling around them ; ana to
remove the hardened laeces which collect
convolutions ot the smallest intestine*. Other
rn only partially cleans*! these, ami leave
such collected masses Behind as to produce habitu
al tost i vent ss with 11 ilstraiu ofevtis. or in a sud
den d.arrhtra, with its«lament Jangers. This tact
is well known to a.l regular anatomists, who ex
amine the human bowels after death ; and hence
the prejudice of those well informed men against
quack me it —tr treoicnus prepared ai d her
laded to the public bv ignorant p. rsons. 'i he se
cond effect ot the Lile .Medicines is to cleanse the
kidneys nnd the bladder, and by this means, the
liver and the lungs, the healthful action ot which
entirely depend.- upon the regularity of the urinary
organs. '1 he blot d, w hich lakes its red color from
the agency of the liver and the longs before it
passes into th* hear, being mu- purifitd by them
and nourished by loud coming .mm a clean stom
ach, courses freely ill ough llie veins, renew* every
part of the system and triumphantly mounts the
bat.tier of health in the blooming cheek.
Moffat's Vegelabie Lilo Medicine, have been
thoroughly alte*led, and pronounced a sovereign
rc-nn oy tor f y*; ep*ii, Flaluie *cy, I'a! pita turn of
the Heart, ( ossot Appetite, and Head
ache, Restlessness, Itl-limper, Anxiety, Languor
and Alelarn holy, v o»nvene.-s, Diarrhoea, Cholera,
Fevers of all kinds, Rheumatism. t»our. Dropsies
of all kind, Gravel, Wornfs, Asthma and (Jonsump
tion, Scurvy, ( her*, inveterate Scores, Scorbutic
Eruptions and Bad Complexions, Eruptive com
plaints, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable
Complexions, Salt Rheum. Ery»ij-el..s, Common
I Olds anti influenza a; d various other complaints
which afflict the hmra* frame. In fever are!
ague, paiticuiarly, the Life Medicines have been
raostein.nently successful; so much so ihat in the
Fever and Ague districts, Physicians almost uni
versa'ly them.
Ait that Mr. Mot at requires of his patient is
to be particular in ialong the Life Medicints strictly
according to the directions. It is riot by a news
paper nonce, or any thiTg that he himself may say
in their tuvo , (Hat he hopes to gain credit, it is
alone by the resul, of a fair ’.rial.
as a domestic guide to health.— 1 his hnie pamphlet
edited hy VV. It Moffat 375 Broadway New York,
has been published lor the purpose of explaining
more fully Mr. .Moffat's theory ot diseases, and vv ill
be found h.ghiy interesting to persons seeki g
health. It reals upon pievaient diseases, and the
causes thereof, Price !i5 cent* —tor sale by Mr
Moffat's agents generally.
These valuable no du tries are for sale by
Bole Agent lor Augusta
DR. c.. SrOHN. a <»errnaii ouysiCian o; much
note, navmg devoieu ins attention lor some
years to me cure anu removal oi tne ci uses ot N EK
VOUS AND SICK HEAD aCHE, has thesatis
fclion to make known, tha he tia*a remedy w hich
by removing the causes cures effectually and perma
nently this distressing complaint. There are many
famines w ho have considered suck Headache a con
stitutional incurable family complaint- Dr. s>. as
sures them that .hey are mi-laken, and labouring
unoer distress which tney might noi only alleviate
but actually eradicated by the us »f his remedy.
It ts ihe result of scientific research, and is entirely
of a different charactertroiß advertised patent medi
cines, and is not unpJea*anl to the taste.
The extraordinary reputation lhat Dr Spohn’a
remedy for this distressing compaint is every day
gaining is certainly a matter of much astonishment,
That so m tch suffering should have existed for ages
without any discovery of an effectual prevenltv}, or
cure, is truly a subject of much regret but Dr. S.
now assures the public that such a remedy has been
invented as will convince the most credulous. The
>rinciples on which it acts are simple and plain. It is
an a muted fact lhat this complaint, whether called
Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim
arily trom the stomach—those who think they have
the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this
organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that th 1 sys
tem has become vitiated or debilitated, thiough the
stomach, and that only through the same channel
must they expect s rest ration ol the natural and
healthy functions ol the system. This object. Dr
Spohn’s remedy is eminently calculated to attain.
The truth of this position cannot be controverted,
and the sooner sufferers with Tie headache become
convinced of it, the sooner will their suffering end
in restoration of health. Dr. Spohn pledges his
professional reputation on this fact. Tne remedy
may be had ot apothecaries generally throughout
:he United States.
For sate by ANTONY HAINES, No. 23*
Broad-street, Augusta. mar 26
Fills are no looser among those ot
-1- tloubtlul utility. ’I hev have (icsjed away
from the hundred* lhat s re daily launched upon
the tide of ex|MT:inent, and cow stand before the
public as high in reputation, ami as txteitsively
employed in all parts of tie United States, the Can
adas Texas, Mexico, and the Uist indies, a* any
ji.c-diciue thu. has t\er in eii prej.a ctl lor ihe relief
of si.-ff. ring man. 'I lic-v ha\e t»eeii jnt od lived
w hcrever it was found p>oas hie t.- carry them : and
ihefd are Imji jew iokiw ilialdo not cni limit whip
rent a kable evidences of their good effects The
t-erlifirale.- that have been pre-er um! to ihe proprie
tor exceed twenty thoisamt! upwards ot five hun
dred of w hich are from rt gt iar pm thing physicians,
who are the tit* si competent judg< s ol their merits.
Uiten have Ihe cures pt rto.meci hy t i* medicine
been the subject ol editorial comment in vatiuu*
newspapers and journals: and it mav with truth
be asserted, that m rue itctr.e <•! llie k;ud ever
received t« stimou.ais of gr ate.* value than are at- '
tacked to this
I hey are in general use as a family medicine, !
and there arc thousands of families who dtriare |
they arc never satisfied uriliss th.y liuve a supply
always on liand
They have no rival in curb c and prtxe iting
Bilious f-ivet-s, fcvir :.nd Ague, Dysj c: sie. Liver
Complaints, Sck Headache, J undue, Asthma, :
i-rupsy, Rheumaiism, Kultsrgcrm-m of ihe Spleen,
Filrs, Cholic, Ftntaie Chat ructions, luaniturn, i ur
re*l Tor.gue Nr.usea, iM-teusio.i <;1 the >tomach
and Birwels, Incipient Diarii-oe. Flatulence, 11; bit
uid t ustiveiiess, l.o*.- of Appeate, I foichcd or j
fallow t'omidexi »n, and m ai; cases of i’orpor ol
the Bowels, wheie a ca: bat tic or an ajvrrieiji j*
nef-detl. They are exceedi gly mild in their ofieta
lion, pro<lucii*g neither nausea,, nping nor debility.
’i he (-tfie-acy ol liitse ; id* j> <;o well known, and
th; tr use so geticrai, that further comment is eon
suic-nd unnt cessary.
For further panic.itl.r*. see ( r Peier.-' oam met.
whica <an be nuti era*, is ot anv u tue A yen:
| LXOUR Months after dale application wilt L-e !
J made to the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior
Couit of Richmond County when sitting for otdi
uary purposes, for leave to sei! the real and per
sona estate of William Turly, late cf Richmond
county, deceased.
JAME- BRaNOON. / Adtninis-
ALFKEL> SKliO, 5 : tators.
November 3, 1840. *
•Georgia, Jefferson County :
Us HEREAS James Parker applie- for Letters
of Admiui tialio:* on the estate and effects
of Daac Owens, iate of said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditois of said deceased,
to ble their objections, if any they have, in rny of
fice within the time prescribed by law, to show
cau-e why said letters shou d no' be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Louisville,
this 31*t of October, ISIO.
November 3, 184 *.
’’KS/'ILL be sold on the fir-t Tuesday in I ecem
y ▼ her next, at the market house in the town
of Louisville, Jefferson county, within the usual
hours of sale, to w it:
Fifteen hun red acres of River and pine land on
the Ogeeche riv er, adjoining laud* of Paiadise and
others; levied on a- the property of Wiiliam i'.
Hardwick and Eldtcdge . v, tl i..nrror., to satisfy
a ft. fa issued from Superior Court, in fa
vor of John If. Newton, vs. tia.dwick and Wii-
Itamson. Property pointed out by E. C, William
son. R. J. FARMER, D. Sh’ff. 1
November, 7, IS4-'.
yiLL be sold on llie first Tuesday in Dec; m
' % bernext, at the Market House in the town
of Louisville, between the u-ual hours ot sale, one
Negro Woman by the name of Kate, the properly
of James M. Bmith, levied on to satisfy sundry h.
fas. issued from tfie Justice's Couit. Witiian.
Taylor vs. James M. Mnufi, Aodiew J. Davis and
David T. Smith. Levy made and returned to me
by a Con-table, and property pointed out by James
M. Smith.
At the same time and place, one Tract of Land,
containing Three llund.ed cie-, lying and being
in the County of Jetton on,on tne waters of Rocky
Comfort Creek, adjoining lanes cf .las. hitman,
John H. Terrel ai d others. Levied tn as Ihe
property of Ronert Pitman, to satisfy sundry fi. fas.
is ucdtrom a Justice’s t ourt. Wil iam Hadden vs.
Robert Pitman. . ropert» pointed cut by deft ;. -
ant. Levy mace and reunited to tne Iya co sta
ble. vv ILLIAM S. aLi-.aAN DKH, Sheriff'.
tteto 1 er 31, ls4c.
¥ % TILL be sold on ti.e fir-t iue sday in l)ecem
f f ber next, at tue Market House in the town
of Louisvife, within the lei;a. l.ours of sale, tiie
following p.operty, to wit; E ght Hundred and
j 1 hirty-two Acre- of Dak and lii« kor> Land, on
the waters oi BigCnek.a joining lands of Atex
j tn er Low rcy and others, it vied n js the property
of James H. bo-tick, to sa isly sundry li. Ij*. issued
from a Justice Court in favor of Jatpos H. Jones
and others. Levy made am returned to me by a
Constable this 24th ua> of < cto. tr, 1&>40. Prop
erly pointed out by defendant.
Dctober 3i, 1840.
UJ ILL be sold at the Couit House door in
Warrenton, Warren Cotiiily, Deotgia, be
tween tiie usual houis oi sale, ou the first Tues
day in Deuember.lhc so lowing property, name
ly : Dne Bay Mare, thtee years old last -piiug,
levied on as the property ot avid .'-aliis, to satisfy
one fi. fa. i sued from the Court of War
ren County: Jenmtah Adams vs. said Sadis, •’ro
perty p*jinted out by plaint ill this vfftlhof Doctober,
l*4fi jAh.iv> HALL, Mieitff.
October, 3!, 1840.
WILL be sold at Lir.colntoa, before the
Court House door, within tneusua. hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday ol December next, the
following property, to vv it :
The intere.-t of Ransom and Susannah Davies,
during their iite, in the let. Negroes following, to
wit: Nancy, a Negro woman siave, about 50 years
of age, and heroine » hffdren, Caroline, about 17,
Aggy, a girl about 8 years o d. Joe, a buy about
16, \\ ihiam, a boy about 15 Jim. a toy a; out 13,
Ben, a boy of 11, Jeff, a boy ol ff, Gilbert, afoy of
7. and Napoleon, a ‘toy 3 years old. Levied on
the life estate of the .-aid and >usannah
Davis to satisfy an. fa. is-ued fr- m the .superior ;
Court of Liocoin County ,a; the instance of \S ra.
M. (iibson. Froperly pointed out by Root A.
Toombs, attorney.
AI o, will . e sold at the same time and piace,
the following pio ertv, to wit: one Ntgiowuman
named Lovey, forty years old, dark complected,
six feather beds, and furniture complete, o e wal
nut Sideboard, one Buieau, mahogany front, one <
paintedCupooard,one Ciork,five pier lab es,paint
ed. two Wash-stands, four Looking-glasses, six
Trunks, ten Chairs, lot of Crockery Ware, one
Yoke Steer and Ox Cart, four* ows and Yearlings, ]
seven head stock Hogs, seven Candlesticks, three
Iron Pots, four Ovens, Fire Dogs, .'hovel and
Tongues, one buy Horse, ten years old, ball face, : •’
one Gig and Harness, and House and Lot in the
village of L;»coln?ou, on w hich William Reynolds
now lives, all levi d on to satify sundry fi las.
against said William Rey nolds in favor of Matthew
Collars, from Inferior Court of Lincoln County.
November 2,1840. i
THE subscriber have formed a co-partnership j
for the transact'Oti of a factorage and com
mi-siox business, under the nrm of HOPKIXS fy
STOVALL. They have taken the commodious ,
fire-proof Ware House on Mclntosh street, oppo
site Gen. Thomas Dawson’s, formerly occupied by
Heard & Wilson, and more recently by D’Ant-.gnac
& Hill. Their storages are conveniently situated 1
for the storage of cotton or receiving and forward- s
ing of goods by' Railroader Wagon. They hope, (
by strict attention to business, to merit a share of i
public patronage. s
Augusta, July 8, 1840. 2awtf—jy9
ALL persons indebted tu Ihe estate of John
Dreghom, deceased, are requested to n.uke
lament to the undesigned, and those having
claims against the sane, will please present them,
duiy proven within the time prescribed by law*.
September 15th, 18 1 t.
4LL persons indebted to the estate of John B.
Guedron, deceased, late of Richmond county-,
are to make immediate per nicnt to A. C.
Ca divell, who is rnv auihorized iigeut, an-l those
holding claims against said estate, are required tu
ham] them io duly allvsN, Hithin the time pre
scribed by law. ELLEN GUEDk(»N,
spni 4. lf*4o. trivti Aommistratrix.
I be '0 d on the first Tuesday n Jnnua
i ff ry next, at the Lower Market House in ti e
; City of Augusta, within the usual hour of sale, all
i rise Leal E>ta c in said city, I elonging to Jas.
Lcvericb, d<ceased. Also.—Ten Negioes fce
-1 longing to the estate. Sold l>v o.der of (o: rt for
| the benefit of the heirs arid creditors of said r.e
--! ceased. 'I mils cash.
P. H. MANTZ, Admini-
J. A. C AMERON. 3 tratois.
October 31. 1840.
I ILL I c sold < n the first Tuesday in January
f f next, at the couit house in G a»nesb(*!o,
Buike county, under an otcct o: the Court us < r
dinaiy of said county, the rea 1 estate ol I obei t
Wiggin> deceased. sit’, nted in said <oun?y,
ing of a tract of 1 nd supposed to contain oi e l.un
dn d acres, adjoining lands Bell and others.
Terms cash—pun hx-eis to pay for lit c*.
WAL TER J. A., Adm i
October 13, JB4O.
! "VWy 7 ILL be so.d on the first Tuesday in January
T ▼ bext. b.owcen the usual hiurseof Srle, be
fore the court door in the village of Jacfison
boro, Seriveit county, one negro man by tiie name
of Daniel, about £5 years of age, sold as the pro
perty of Benjamin Herrington deceased, lor ..e
benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Te;m -on
the day of .-ale. NICHOLAS STK EAGLE,
0< tob-er 13, IMA Admin* rator.
finLL lie so.'d on the 21st of Pee cm ; r next,
j ft at the residence-of John Wil lam.*, deceased,
of W arren County, all the peri-ha j e ; ;operty be
longing to the estate of the said d ceas* >i, consist
ing of stock of ali kinds, horses, hog-, cattle, sheep,
plantation tools, and tv:.gens and rear, one plea
sure carriage an ! harness, and kitchen
furnituie, and other aiticics. i e :ms known «
the day. .MARY WILLIAMS,
oct £4 wts AdminitmH x.
r I! Lbe sold < n the fr t Tuesday in 'ar uary
I I next, at the comt ouse in Waynesboro
Burke county, under an o.der of the four! of Or
dinary of said county, r. negro man aimed Ned,
soid as the* property of .fie estate of .Vir-h -el Wig
gins deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Pur
chase.? to pay for title. JOSEF: i JANSEN,
October 13, 184-J. Administrator
UJ ILL be so <i on the fir-t fuesday in Janua
ry next. Li .ore the < ou;t House door of
Columbia County , by order < f the Honorable Infe
rior court of s. id County, s rug as a i ourt of Or
dinary, One Hundred and seventy-eight Acres of
Land, more or less, situsl <i >.n said County of Co
lumbia, on Gerrnans’s Cre«. k, and adjoining lands of
Sutton, Ramsey and o her ;. Sold for distribution
among the heirs of A •.attain Puller, deceased
L. W. BELL, Administrator.
October 29, 1840.
TN T ILL be soil on Thursday, the 12th day of
T ? Noren bet next, at the late residei ce of
Isaac Lowe, late of Columbia county*, deceased all
the perisha’ b* propeity belonging to the estate of
>uid deceased, consisting of Horses. Mules, Oxen,
and Stoc > Callie, Sheep, Hogs, Load v\ agon and
Harnes-. ■ :;c Ux Cart, Gin and Running Gear, Corn,
Fodder. < ats, and Wheat. Plantation 1 ools. House
hold and Kitchen Furnituie, and a good stock of
fattr ■: Turk. Sale to continue from day to day, till
all i- sold. 'Terms made known on the day.
CL RTFS L(J WE, Administrator
October 1,1 S4O.
be sold at the court house door, in
T T Waynesboio, on the first Tuesday in De
cember next, a pact of land in Burke county, ad
mining ian ;s of John P. C. Whitehead, and lands
lonneriy the estate of John Robins deceased, cun
taii ing two bundled acres, mote or le>s, said land
belo ging to the estate of Nealy Knight, late of
Bun-.c county deceaasid. sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creritors to said estate.
Terms on the dav of -ale.
September 28, 184 U.
r ILLbe sold at Lafayette, Walker county,
* f before the court house door, in the usual
houis of sale, agreeable *o an order of the Honora
ble Infenor Court of Burke county, when sitting
fur ordinary purposes, to ti.e highest bidder on trie
Ist 'I uesday m i ecembtr next, lot of land No.
143. in the ninteenth district of the fourth section
ot original.y t herokee county,now Walker county,
sold as the proj>erty of John Kipitnck deceased,
for the benefit of the heirs. Teims cash.
October 3, 1840.
be soid on Saturday the 14th day of No
s J vi rr.bc-r next, at the lute residence of Win.
B. Clemmons, of Taliuferro eornty, deceased, ail
the perishable property cf said deceased, consist
ing of Stuck, Horses, Hogs, Cattle, sc., Corn, Fod
der, Plantation l outs, k.., Household and Kitcn* n
Furniture, and various other aiticles too tedious to
mention. The terms .vi ! l--e made known on tb.e
d 'y of sale. H. A. CLEMMONS, Adm’r.
Crawfordvillc, Septera ct 24, li>4o. td
A GUEEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court
/w of Columbia county, will be soid at the court
house door in said county, on me tir-t Tuesday in
December next, the land and negroes belonging to
the estate of Clan orn Wall, late of said county
deceased. to wit: eight negroes, consisting of men,
women and children; and six hundred" acres of
land, Jy ing on Sweetwater creek, adjoining lands
ot >V ill:am p. Steed and ethers, sold subjec* to the
widow’s dower —all sold for the purpose of distri
Terms of sale twelve months credit, by the pur
chaser giving two good freehold securities.
ELISHA BLRSUN, Administrator.
September 2S, ls4o,
\\7 ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January
» w next, at the court hou*e in Waynesboro,
Burke county, under an order of the Court of Or
dinary of said county, the following negroes, viz:
Phil. Calvin, and Elbert, (men); Peg, Mary, Vio
let, Rose, Harriet, Maria, and Molly, (women);
and Aaron, Edmund, and Tom, (beys); sold as the
property of the estate of Reuben t hancc deceased,
fur the benefit of the heirs and creditois.
Terms cash, Bankable money. Purchasers to
•pay for titles. HENRY CHANCE, Ex r.
October 13, 1810.
BY a decree of Warren Superior Court, October
term, Eighteen Hundred and Forty, there
will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next
ai the Court House Door, in tne town of War.en
ton, Warren County, alt that tract of Land, contain
ing two Hundred and twenty-eight acres, more or
less, lying on Little River, the road that leads
from Wrightsboro to Washington runs by the
improvements, and known as the plcae where
Peggy Buttrcll formerly lived. Also—Eight like
y negroes, men women and children. I erms of
sale cash. THOMAS T. BUTTRELL,
Also, on the same day and place, bv agreement of
the Legatees of Peggy Butticll, deceased, will be
sold all that parcel ot Land whereon Evans M
Crary Esq. now lives, containing two hundred and
nintt)-eight acres, more or less, lying in Warren
and t olumbia v ounty, adjoining the lands of Isaac
Dozier and D. H. E. Dyer. Terms of sale on the
da > * THUS. T. BUTTRELL, Agent.
October 23,1840.
! ’ * nvmths u:u- ( is:*- ,
JL _ made to the » oiiora* le ii u -‘ . U
Scnvin county, while sit;in-' li&r
nary, for leave to veil the wlo'e
longing to the eU te of
said county, deceased CBnd *. Ut, , \
Sept. 25, 1 s lf. J'MIN R KITTLES,^
months after cate
. made to the liotioiah : lufSS? 01 W
muni county, u h<n sitting for o Z^ rtH --
- r leave to sell all t ,e .
b to ti.e l.s-aa of Rebecca Q.
cleot- i>ed. A. SIBLkN *
August is. IB4<t. > ‘-ar, f
1 Jk'f R meuths ;*i
g. made tu the Hoi orable the 1 f,.. f * lt '
I'urke county, when siting tor cr,! lra ‘
for ieave to sell >1 Ore 4,1 c«u ' «7, P "»
Be!i, minor of Aa-hi aid Bell. de-e^J
JAMES t.-vjDUV ? 1
October 3. |
I will be made to the U.-n- the Inst -Vpß
Ki< hmond coumy, when sitting f or or(1 J/. "ti: yj#
poses, for leave to sell the Negroc* belo- ; ’ v
esmteof the late John Clarke ot saidcV-G*! 00 *
sept. 16 WM. H. GOODUtii lh *'
INCUR months after date. scdl« atm. ~ .* ? “‘ sr
. made to the honors! ic infeiior touaJ^ 1
coun'y, lor leave to se! three h-mdre: a , * Urkt i. !
acres t f r.nd belonging to the esiat-V*? l P'
.McCoy..i;ceased. J C a 1 KiNSt y * 1 °*
J UN W A BLACK f -Vdm’m oU ‘
July 10,1840. ’
1 I? 01 month L s ;u:er ‘Lte,
i J. made to the honorable the Infenor (W, *
, Cun mbia county when sittirg for ordm- 01
! j-0 cs.for leave Alt sell ti.e lands bcloi.-pA^ 1, »
! i ;ate of John .', late of sa.d couniv die., , -W
! July 18, IS t . I.ImV. W. J.Ab
FOUR months after date, appliatb^i^F l ' o
made to the Jloumable inferior Court uij T Eul ' (
fersoncour.l v, when silting for oid.n .rj pu; .*" * '
for leave to sell ail the ieal c-.-tau- and ce» il^f e * nt ”
Nathan >;ep;.ens. S,.t.* of said co;;nt>. deceased ( l> ir
benefit of me ot-irs and < rcditoi-s oi said C: " 01
Ju y 1840. JOHN CHIX.’KS \ as aI
vpv i|
Loi» months -Ter pplicativn wiiiuof o
•* o.ade to the,the 1: feri, rC..u,t o f pose
Jf ilerson couuly, for i. ave to sell a lot of p ;n e way
in -aid county, iei:.g a pait of the reau-MeJ {° y
r amuei Hcuuali, iruuoi of U m Lanij a h )Cec ' seer
| for Lite benefit ot said minor. u per
THHMAS HANNAH, Gnaidiaa v ' hi
I September Bth, IS4O. mp
1N(/L'K months after da c application wRUt imp
m-de to the honoialle Inferior Court of! o. s .-x<
| iumbia county, w hen sitting as a couit ofurumart fie a
j so» leave to sell ail the land and negioes belongin' eve
j to the estate us Isaac Lowe, late of colUinbiacum’. tsf
i ty, deceased. CUIMTS LOWE, Adm't. ait
j ypp.cniber 2, 18-10. >u
4 . OUR Months after date, application uiJul* J
i made to the Honorable D ferior Court of Hun ( to
County, lor leavi to ?el> a Negio,*be longing to wo
esiale ol 1 hum as Mallory, deceased, for divkiw : —v
JOHN B. ROLINSt.N, Adm’r. till
July 10, 1840. gvc
'*'*'*'‘-'•1 { iC
INOLR months after o’ate, application tillj;
made to the honorable Inferior Court oi ratki r,
county, while sitting as a Court of i .’rdiawr lo:l jV
ieave to sell two hundred and twelve acres of hmi I w i
; belonging to Joseph 11. Bell, a miner.
JAa.ES ClGDßEE,Guardian. vn.
Scpten.ber 10, IS4U. c a
i AOL R months after date, applica ion will v l
' made to the honorable the inferior CouiU 0 ■
] Jiichmond county, when sitting for ordinary pu-.
jm'-es, tor leave to sell the real and per-onal eito
of Mitchell NeUon,late of said county, deceased.
July IS, 184‘J. JOHN CARTER, Adm’r.
I.’* OUR months after dale, application wdi k I 7 ®
' made to the Honorable interior Ci-.t t S
i Burke comity, wnile silting as afourtof Ordinar;, f r
for leave to ;eil obO acres of land, belonging to iii a ,
estate of Daniel J. Evans, deceased. vv
fiv. 1840. JKhSE P. GREEN, Adm’r. t f.
I’AtIUR months after date, app! cation will B c
made to l:;e Honorable Jnferioi Court of llirli I ;i
1 nx nd county, when s:ttii g for o.dmary purpows j v
for l ea ' e to sell a.l the Real Estate, and Negro*,! t
i-eloi’? 1155 ? to the Estate of 1 hornas Quizenber;j,«
i dete; sed * A. bIriLEV, Adm : r c
: Au :ust 18, 1840. d
■ VOl R months after date, application wil! lit
In dc to the honorable Inferior Courte. ' prkt r,
county, v fi*l e sitting for ordinary purposes, fur l 1
leave to IC3 i and personal estate of Lewi I
U imberiv sen., late of said county, deceased. «
August JI, 1840. SAML. Ft;S TER, Adm’r. V :
I\(,UR after date, application v!l U
made to ’*fi € honorable Inferior Court oi iluiti
county, for ie: ve to sell eighty acres of land le ;-3
longiuo to the e slale Drury Forenand, deci-a*f
MA R K BFt )K E>. Adm’i de horns n.u.
Jui v 10. 15*41, § i
:—: s mm
OUR months' ailer d:,te application will If «■ ,
; made to the Honorable, the Inferior Court« |l
; Scrivtn county, sittii.g for ordinary ('
■ for leave to ?ell all tl,e f val es;ale of bamuelM. ! ,
1 Newton, deceased.
W. LEE, Administrator. |
October 13, 1840. x _ I
t.eorgia, Eurke c£ u,, lV :
| k % 11 ERE AS, Andrv w Carson, admnus ratorm fs
% t toe e?t »te of MaTX Ann Carson, applies fc: fl
letters disraissory from .* a ‘ ; estate ;
t l.ese aie therefore to «' ue :ilid admonish aIUF ||
singular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, ■
to ie and appear at ray olb ce - within Ihe lime pie M
senfied by iaw, to show ca 115 ** ls an J the J blirf| I
way said lettcis should not be granted. I
Given under mv hand at 0...ce in \\ aync'boro, ■
j inis 10th July, 1840. I'. H. BLOUNT, ■
(ieorgia, Seri vea Comity J . , I
UJ il ERE AB, James Laiker senior, apphei» ■
letters of on the estate i ■
John Parker deceased, I
These are therefore to cite, summon and idmor. ■
tsh all and singular, the kind ied and crediturs l ll ? 1
said deceased, to be and appea/ toy ollice "d ll I
the time prescribed by law*, tr show cause, it an * ■■
they have, why said letters should uol be gnu ■ ■
Given unuei rny hand, a 1 olfice, in Jack.>onarc, Hp
this Bth day ol Ce'tober. IS-i d - - f/|
oct 13 * ALEX AN DER KEMP, Cl
Georgia, Coimnbia c« Jl,ut y • ‘ „ fi
UHEREAS, William Dunn, Exerutoro- |
the will of Winfi*f‘« d Duuti,
aj plies for letters dismisses■>’ fr° m '“'d ,||
1 hese an therefore to c^ e
singular, the kindled and c redltorso * sa, d \
tr be and appeal at my offi' -0 wiflim lb* 1
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they b* ' |
why said letters st-oufd n' >[ be granted. ,
tiivui under mj hand.- at office, this 4tlrJ»
1840. ga BBIEL JONES, tUAy
(Borgia, Burke s'" j '.u
UHEREAS, Atel ad,n,l|,s,ia ,
estate of Stephen ] Boyd, deceased «lt
or letters dismissing (i-om\ sa 'd estate; ..
These aie thereloiv lo cif« and aitaioiii*» a
singular, the kii died ard cit’dilois* «|1 saidJf
to be and appear at my o.i ci- w ithin die fi” l * f
scribed by law, to show cause,'- D a,, T 1 ie>
why said' letters should not ue al,te( '* sbtt »
(ii\en under my hand at oltc* in .W, PI v , I
this 10th July, 1840. T. li. B
Georgia, Columbia count : w ,
\l7 HEREAS Owen W. Bald^ in b ad "\ ,n iw,i
Ts on the estate of Thomas 'L " 1
ed, applies for letters dismissorf R° m *** ji yif
These ai-e therefore to cite a dl’ ‘onfjn fj. C e»se< :
singular, the kindred and creditor .°* sal prr
obe and appeal at my office,*” *“ e 1 , ijjye,
scribed by law, to show cause, if an J t “
why said le'ters should not be grai^ te , .
Given under my hand, at office, ,j w k.
her, 1840. GABRIEL
Georgia, Li colu county ; ]{l# |
George W. Lewis |
f f ters of administration on the e sl
emiah Blancf-ird,deceased : ;sh ,|i»n<l
These are therefore to cite and j
singular, the kindred and creditois of sak . (
to be and appear’at my office within the <,. w,avf)
scriticd by iaw, to snow cause (if any thtj,
why said letters should not be granted. . Vorem*
I*l ven under my hand, at office, this c *hi„
ber, 1540. HUGH HENDERSON,!