Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, January 23, 1866, Image 3
■it Riilj f*. It** Slew idrerUaemenU. Hn-mYiM c*m. Km,,! t’w.ttt-K Muitiii an Pugh*. KiMvr- l)r Um»m. —l»»ilv t*rr>» ■local matters. S t/i KK <»r mk W*. (lihbov*. “f tbi* »t tamer, when >hc >v»§ itu' city. received an order from «»* irans|K»rt * Lieutenant mid ■ku Ikshlui u to Homo peiut <>n tho ' Teh ur appointed for tue sailing 0 (~harrived, but no frecdmen B,; IU r tho -Mtainer proceeded without H u> Savannah. On the arrival of the Hp n>i Sundiv. aif nurd wh< sen! down to K, nt . r f ri ,m leaving the ♦YeedtUv a bv- ________ Nk-is -The Fannie Lehr left for Savaiinah. the U rn. G. Gibbons and Man ■„,M,dn.,l K. U. May yesterday. a tier boat left Savannah at 12 M < n H v . and arrived here at 12$ yesterday Carrol w*s expected np last ■ the wharf Mary Klia, Gibhona. and May. of the river at the bridge, ten feet, Hsr of per Steamer R. roH* ',‘4v<d to Get* rye T. Jack*un «f --■j H Adams, J W Baron, J X T A H.J ti l’ailojr A Bro, K I* Clayton, Cook Cooley, lterce A Cos, J M Clark T W FUuiing. Fleming A Howland. Frederick, S D Heard. M 11 A Cos, T W G Jessup, liamey A Timber {■l F Tutt, Jones. Smptli A Cos, KK K Muktin A Cos, Lesser A Levy, J 0 K Must in, Z McCord. W C Me A Cos, L Me Laws, Mrs Nixon, J J H A Cos. W L Piatt. J H Platt, C A W H Potter.S H Bobbins, P A Scran- Tiu ait A May. Geo T Jackson A C< , ■ a J W Walker. Wilkinson A Fargo, Jessup A Cos. mi it*. — i iii* aui.oancpnn i t |HL»thvr fdutau of the copartnership eu by W. H. Goodrich A Cos., needs as practical worker*. Tho sane may apply to Walker, Pondlct- n dinan. We wi-h them «m ‘cess. acknowledge the receipt of a hot- Sarsaparilla from Dr. J. Denuis. aud his Pain Killer, have botL H (rod by several gentlemen eonnectuu •■dice, and wo have no besitaucv them good things—just th»* Doctor says they are. —We would call the at of the public to the notice ot Pro! in another column, prating that tb of the Stereoscopticon is una- postponed, lie will soon b all however, and we can promise all who |H pleasant evening, and the worth of money. KKMKMit KR I S<i. — The total of Cotton shipped from this city by to Savannah, during the past ■ was 3,200 bales. This looks well tor prosperity of the city. j^^BtutX'TioN.—-In our Sunday’s paper v W ll r: \ gave credit to sci. Charles for the lunch vve received the previ m a good plnce we know, for u man to go to. Mi mi\ is an old hand at tin has.n >'», it will he st< n by refer - B "nr advertising columns that he is and a* usual, has everything in "enilotnaiily attaches of tin* for their kind altencions to the pub- Ti kkts for James’ Stindav rabieaiix xre now ready, and may be ■ any of the Committee, and at the L- lb-lot A Cos. This is a noble and 'hould be encourag and. Stiihk Nhw lif.Ki*.—Tin* R. H. -up anew res I f..r Citizen N<>. ar, ‘ ; 't «?ce our Fire Department i^^^Bettcr K Kir aam is disposing of h‘s luits, ;n order to dose consign - HH r j inske a note. Panics do.iiritig to purcliast* and do we.ll to read the advertisc- A. Byrd. Hi'ffiN'tM UmK<Tx)itY.—Any of our readers oho | thw following house*, uiay ha aura ol haing tally satisfied in tha various liaea **f basioesa they represent. The - Lamp Mott/ 9 at l.ff Broad street, baa always on baud an assortment of lamp*, | harner*. wirka.ato. Ilia advertiaeineat de- 1 aerrea perusal. Mr. Kdward S. Bleakley.un ' dor toe Planter*' Hotel, will do the tame thing for U><»i*n who dwell np t>wn ; while , thoae who reside in the heart of the city ! may get every thing they need in the lamp ad Kerosene Hne front Muaara. Davidson A Cos., at JlO Itioad street. Bui, bes de luht, a man must buy gro. ' • erle . and to do so cheaply, he would do well to call on B. 8. Pelot A Cos., C. L. Wil liams, J. A. Brux, O’Dowd A Malhcrin, W. H. Potter, J. H. Hollingsworth or C. Estes, cither of whom art* ready to please. Hare you a sweet tooth in your head, and desire som4 flue pastry or confectionery, the French Store Is the place to get it. U ypu want a good fit in clothing, J. A. Van Winkle or G. W. Shackleford will make you a good suit to your order; but if y u prefer ready-made clothing, George F. Kidd always has a good supply on hand at the corner opposite our office. If you are sick. Drs. L. S. Hay or S. P. Hunt will minister to your afflictions. Dr. George Paterson is always ready to cure the tooth ache by relieving you of the offending member. lu the dry goods line, I. Kahn A Cos., V. Richard.'* A Pro., Churchill A Johnston, J. D. A. Murphy, Mb* Lucy J. Head, E. D. Long. T. Savage Heyward A Sons, Mrs. E. H. Pu :he or D. R. Wright are well supplied. " ilium Barrow aud J/G. Coffin are prac tical paiutere, aud will do justice to their work. Have you had the misfortune to lose either j an anu or leg, yon can get it replaced by calliug on G. B Hoggsou, At the Mansion House. Have you goods to dispose of at auction, C. V. Walker A Cos., Y. Savage Heyward A Sons or S. A. Atkiuson aro the men to call upon. They will cry over your wares. Do you desire a tine photograph, or in fact, a picture of yourself in any style, G. J. Gable or J. W. Perkins are masters of their art. Goods on commission will be promptly and faithfully Attended to by J. A. An sic y A Cos., Claghorn A Herring, E. P. Clayton, •*r W. A. Ramsey. When sick send your prescriptions to Plumb A Leitner, or Dr». Hatton A Sim tnons, and they will bo carefully and cor rectly compounded. It is the duty of every man to insure his property and life: and tod«»*u to advantage he would do well to see B. U. Brodnax. or Joseph E. Marshall. Do you need Garden Seeds, Plumb A Leitner, or C. Pemble wili supply you. Men who have money to deposit, or who deal in Stocks, should read John Craig’s advertise ment, and give him a call. 4 If your Watch or Jewelry i? out of order A. I. Strom or Thomas Russell will repair it neatly and cheaply. D. R dmotid has large quantities of fine Souli ern Fruit Trees and Lumber. Are you getting to feel the need of spec acles. consult 11. J. Osborne. He is a piac tical optician. It is ** a fact worthy of notice ” that a stove is a great saving in a family, uud D. If. Fullerton is the man who has them for 'ale. Sportsmen, and all who need pistols, cartridges, or ammunition, had better see E. 11. Rogers. Mrs. Smith makes an announcement in another coluui . rbich we call the particular attention of Car loner* to. Gift Enter; ns -i seem to be the order of the day. Ti*nre ere three in this city, all managed by polite gentlemen, aud where many valuable prizes are daily drawn. Pobl. Hand.ill A Cos., opposite Planters Hotel; Shecuf. BeH A Cos., 186 Broad street; and Porter A Putnam, corner Broad aud Ellis streets, are the firms in this city. For cheap reading, Messrs. Quinn A Bro., 1; 7 Broad street, can supply your wants. jpg" The above are among some of the leading business houses of Augusta, We will have something to say about all who ad vertise in the Daily Pickss. Mas. Tkaviis at her old stand, '.ifi Walker street, has on hand a desirable stock of Millinery Goods. The ladies will do well to give her a « all. £ Wkiuuvc, Visiting, Address, At II *iue, Cards, etc., etc., printed in the latest and most beautiful styles, on fine cards, at tiie Daily Pkbss Job Office, opposite Post- Office, up stairs. j gggrJoß Puixtim;—ln plain or col -1 nred inks, on white or colored paper, cards, etc., neatly and cheaply printed ai the otfice corner of Broad and Mc- Intosh streets. HOME AFFAIRS. Valuable*.—At the Emporium,* on tho corner of Centre and Ellis streets, man aged by Porter A Putnam, are drawn daily •one beautiful aud costly articles. Below only a few of the many are given, a num ber of parties not leavirg their names w€o have drawn valuable prises. They wsre drawn within the las' few days. Mra John Koerer. 2 gold-lined goblets, s22.and I gold watch, $100; Henry Levy, 1 gold watch. $100: M M Hill, 1 gold watch, $100; Robert bristian, 1 silver watch, $25: Henry Abbott, 1 silver watch, $25; Henry Christian, 1 set table spoons, $5; E Ham mond, richly engraved silver plated oup,ss; G A Hamlet, photograph album, goblet and cup, s2l: F Martin, large goblet, $8; Win Bay, fine album, $7 50; Wm Moore, call bell and cup, $10; Mrs Holcomb, small goblet, sfi; George Williams, jne album, $4: Henry Thompson, fine album, $8; Kobt Christian, Jr. large goblet aud salt stand, sl4; Daniel Jefferson, goblet and gold-liued cup, sl4; ••Win Irvine, small gold-lined cup. $6. Remember the place and give them acall— corner of Centre and Ellis streets. fife#* Advertise Your Business.— Now that the Railroads in this section are resuming their regular schedules, the conn try people will come to this city to purchase their supplies. No mau cau make any pretensions to en terprise, or entertain a true estimate of bis own interests, who fails to make known far and wide, through the columns of a news paper, his particular calling, and tho goods and wares he keeps for the accommodation of the public, as well as for his own and its benefit. The Daily Prkss being read by more people than any other morning news paper in this city,offers universally facilities for business men and others to present their wares before the community at a tri lling cost. f®* Business Men — Before you go on North to make your Spring purchases, order your Cards, Bill Heads etc., to be printed at the Daily Press Job office. The proprietor guarantees he will do work at New York prices, aud in a satisfactory man ner. „ The Dry Goods Trade. New York, Jan. 17.—The dry goods trade continue dull, and the volume of busi ne.se is light. There are some few samples of spring dress goods exhibited, but very little done as yet. Holders of domestic cut ton fabrics are reducing quotations, but the decline is not sufficient to induce activity, and it is thought lower prices will be made. The following are the quotations from the Dry Goods Exchange: Brown Sheetings—Pacific A, 82c; Park. 2fite. Pleached Shirtings— Wainsmta, 50c; Androscoggin, 40c; Bates’ 88, otic; Home, 45-inch, 40c. Prints—Pacific, 26c; Rich mond, 26c; Hamilton, 26c. Delaines—Pa cific, 28c; Manchester, 29c. Cambrics—Mar cillc, 24c; Victotv, 22c. Silccias—lndian, 22c: Clinton, Btlc. Canton Flannels—Pem berton A, 55c; Naumkeag. 40t ? . Tapes— Blackstone River, 40c; Everett, 424 c. Stripes—New York, 40c; Haymaker, 40c; Albany, 22c. Hoop Skirts—Bradley’s du pi«x elliptic, 20 to 50 hoops, ss£c to $1 05; Empres* trail. $1 25. SOUTHERN FRUIT TREKsI The largest and best selection of APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, and other Trees. Also, superior GRAPE VINES, STRAW BERRY PLANTS, Etc., Etc. jpg- EXTRA LARGE TREES for im MEDIATE BEARING. Send for a Catalogue. Address jal2—tf D. REDMOND,*Augusta. Ga. DH 0 1) E S ‘ SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. We are ajra'd the Agents for the sale of this standard Manure, to which we are pleased to call the attention ol Planters. Its quality is uniform, and testhno nials from Georgia and South Carolina planters can he shown to prove its supe riority over all other fertilizers hereto fore sold in this market. Now iu store, tor sale bv J. A. ANSLEY & CO., jalO-lm No. 300 Broad at. L. J. READ, AGENT FOR GROVER & BAKER’S S E WING MAC H INE S , 320 Broad Street. A complete Stock ol Needles, and all the improvements, together with tiewing Ma chines, always for sale. jot,'i—tf r>VERY “KINlf OF Ti and BOOK BINDING Nea/li/ o.i<d Cheaply Executed AT Tula OFFICE. GIVE Uti A CALL. lo y iMVittlMy Ac. jp KA H N A CoT~ In order to reduce our flock, we offer great inducements to customer*. CALICOES, DeLAINES, AND ALL GOODS IN OUR LINE, WILL BK Sold at Prices lajwct than have ever been offered in the City l In fact, many Goods at New York co»t. Tliis we propose for the purpose of oh taining Kami in our e-tablishmeni for the largesi Stock that will |a>asihly lie selected for any Southern city this tipring. We' de-iie to retain our former IMMENSK THA DE, and hy lining so we mus have the Sti-ck uni s- II Goods chenp. which we intend to do Augusta must lie the point fur Southern Trade in future, and 262 BROAD STREET, TUB PLACE TO BUY YOUR GOODS. jail! ts L KAIIN A CO._ HOBE NEW GOODS~ JVST RECEIVED AT NO. 314 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT It EDUCED PRICES , RIBBONS, SILK and SILK VELVET, Dress Trimmings, great variety Bugle Cloak Sets Dress Buttons, large assortment Black and Colored Dress Silks Black Bn in ha 'ine Black. Colored and White Alpacas French DcLaines, figured and plain French Merino Poplins and Muslin DeLaines Tarltons, Swiss, Nainsook and Jaconet Muslins (’heck and Plaid Muslins Dotted Swiss Muslins Kid Gloves Buck Gauntlets Ladies’, Misses’and Gents’ Hosiery Dressing, Back, Round and Fine Combs Silk, Cotton and Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs Bird-eye Diaper Towels ami Towelling Damask Tabling ami Napkins Brown and Bleached Shirtings Fronting Linen Linen ami Cotton Sheetings Linen and Gotten Pillow Casing Colored Cambrics and Paper Cambrics Colored and Bleached Jeans Kentucky Jeans aud Tweeds &attinet.s'.and Cassiineres Fine French Broadcloths Pins, Needles, liooks aud Eyes And many other artieles too numerous to mention. * Call and see our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods at wholesale and retail. J. D. A. MURPHY & CO., 214 Broad street, Augusta, Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. jal2—lm t More New Goods. T)ALMORAL Flouncing, black aud 1 ) white —variegated Collars and Cuffs—imitation Valenciennes Linen Collars and Cuffs Ladies’ Paper Collars and Cuffs Waterfalls, Nets, Fancy Combs, etc. Embroidery Silks—white and colored Black Crape Veils Received this day from New York. Hiss L. J. READ. ja74—tf 326 Broad Street. f PO THE LA DIES: i MADAME DEMOREST, EMPORIUM OF FASHION , Branch at Augusta. No. 226 Broad street. PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed and Untrimmed, for sale.} NKW PATTERNS RKCEIVKH MOJITIIT.Y. ja 12— ts Miss L. J. READ. DR. WRIGHT & CO., • Globe Hotel Building , 250 Broad Street, Augusta, (la.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple arul Fancy DRY GOODS . Keep constantly on hand a complete and choice assortment of all kinds of Dry Rond*, (Vanin % Shawl*, Bradley's Dupletr Elliptic Skirt*, lire** Quads, Linens, Da masks, Hosiery, etc... etc., all of which they offor at low pricks, and invite an examination of their Stock. Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad Bank notes received at par for goods., jal I—lm Gentlemen’* lurniohti.y CVENTLEMEN’B CLOTHING t AND FURNISHING GOHDS. Just received, at f'lark’* Forner, n large and select stork of (tontlemen'a Clothing and Furnishing Gouda, constating in part of; GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS, OK Every Style and Quality. Cae-imere Hifaineas Coate, Klerk Cloth i out*. Black Due.kin I’ants, Fancy i n-aimere Pants and Vesta, Black and Fancy Cassitnce tioits. Fancy Traveling Hiawla and Blankets, Shaker Flannel Drawers and tihirta. Canton Flannel Drawers and fchir's, English mid French Half Hose, Sue penders, Ties, Scarfs, Hand kerchiefs, Gloves, Shirts, and Collars. ALSU Every Style of FELT AND PLUSH HATS. All of which will be offered at reduced prices to make room for a .spring stock jao—l in /1 W. SHACKLEFORD, It, * MERCHANT T A 1 IMO R , 25 Jackson Street.. NEXT DOOR TO WAkREN BI.OCK, Aug n * t a , (fa. Has constantly on hand a lurge sunplvof CLOTHS, OASSIMERE* and VEti l I NOS, Which wiV/ be made to order in the most fashionable style. ja3—tf . PHOTOGRAPHS ! pHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! A MB RO TYPES, IVORYTYPES, Etc., Etc., AT GEORGE J. GABLE’S, Corner Broad and McTntosh Sts., ,i»l7-lw (UP STAIRS.) pi M S AN TT l ITG ST ' O. B. HOGOSON, ARTIFICIAL LI MR MAKER. Mansion House. No. 260 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Mr. 11. takes pleasure in publishing the following letter, which speaks for itself: Edgefield District, S. C., { •January 9, 1866. j Mr. G. B. Hoggson — # £ir: 1 have received the Leg made by you; find it satisfactory, and am pleased with the same. I have no hesitation in re commending the Artificial Limbs, made by you, to my comrades.who, like myself, have been unfortunate in the late war. Yours, etc., T. W. GETZEN. ja!2—l2t M E4T8 ’ I ' iSTKV ' AND CONFECTIONERIES SUPPLIED FOR WEDDINGS AND PARTIES, AT SHORT NOTICE, AT TUB FRENCH STORE. One the best Meat and Pastry Cook.*, and Fancy < oufectioilery Bakers is now at the French Store. That establishment can now furnish, in the best style and ot short notice, Meats, Fish, Fowl, Game. Pastry and Confectioneries, to Weddings and Par ties, cn the most reasonable terms. FRENCH STORE. jalO—tf 200 Broad street. P. nt'NT, M D., IIOMfEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Surgeon and Accoucheur, No. 102 Reynolds St., (Goodrich Row), Augusta, Ga. jnlfl--ly-3m* SEED STORE, - No. 15 Washington (or South Carolina Railroad Street), Between Broad and Ellis Siriets, Where can be found a full assortment of warranted pure and fresh Harden Seeds. Onion Setts, Flower and Blue Grass See... selected in persou by the subscriber at the North, in Oetober last. A discount to coun try merchants. jns—2m C. PEMBLE. HAY AND LIME. SHAVE opened a store on Ellis street, i»» the roar of T. li. Rhodes’ building, where I shall keep HAY AND LIME for sale as low as anv other house in th.f city. R. J. BOWE. jal 6 —3m