Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, February 01, 1866, Image 1
DAILY flol. I— THURSDAY MORNING Keroncuc Oil. Lump n. We. I QQ l) 07KN!i AM p 8 A\n pU R E A' KliOS EA r E OIL, AT Wholesale ami Retail. PARLOR. HALL. READING, STORE, KITCriEN,} NURSERY', iW SICK ROOM LAMPS, With ami Without Chimneys, THK 3 A’S T l-V 7’ // / .s' AM r/O AT.' Metal Top, Min*, ami all the best C HIM NIKS. Also, LANTERNS OK AIL KINDS GENERALLY USED Wick., Scissors Brahe*.Cans, etc. etc., ,11 of wliic.li too warranted us rcprVuenfrd or mont-v re'iimleil. “Tcr-eb-nc’’ Burner, iltereil to Kero sene free of charge. Lnrli’il an,l oilvr t.amir* altered at •hurt Il 'tieo Anil, as lam I lie only expo riemvl "Lamp in tilts -merino (ami mil lie 'lie 'tae) an 1 know what l sell; Btui as the best in a l amp. ;ts well as in a watrh.i- always the cheipest, everybmlv w-vihl tin we I to come ami see me before purchasing elsewhere. I defy competi tion, an I will sell cheaper than the cheap est far like quality. Call an I see if these t|un<(* are so, at 131 Ilroa.l street, sit'll of the “Iteil l.an urnr W. J. KABII. ja3 —1 m __ tterosene Lamp AND OIL DEPOT— Wholesale awl Re'ail — No. ItOII Bi:oad Street— (Under the Planters' Hotel.) Haring (jjMblished a Depot for the sale •f Kerosenenuinips ami Oil in this city. I wiii ke.p always on hand a large anil varied V-'oftineiit of all kinds of Hall, Bracket. Parlor. Swing and Hand LAMPS (wijh and ,[tho .t ehimneya), with burners of the most improved styles. Kerosene Lanterns New style Night Tapers for the sick room (■round lllass and Plain Chimneys Burners, Wicks, Oil Cutis, etc., etc. I will keep on hand only one quality of Kerosene Oil, which will he the purest and bet, and warranted r.--t to he explosive. Respectfully, BOW'D S. BLEAKLEY. N. p.—We have Oil put up for the coun try trade in live gailoa oaus. No extra •tiarge for cans. E. S. B. ja9—fra . JTEROSENE LAMPS.— Chandelier, I’nrlor, Stand, Hall, find Taper Lamps and Lanterns —a large sup piv, with new and improved Burners, with and without chimney*. Just rece ved Lv DAVIDSON A- 00., ju3—lm 2!0 Brand street. puRE k r.iiusi: x c oil, 10 bids purest and best. Kerosene Oil 200 gallons, in live gallon cans Just received and fm* sale, wholesale and retail, at lowest maiket prices, hv DaVIU-ON it CO, ja3—lm 210 Broad street. M EAT I’ A \ TANARUS) CONFEC VIONERIES huffmed Foil WEDDINGS AND PARTIES, AT SHORT NOTICE, AT THK FRENCH 6TO RE. One of the best Moat and Pastry Cooks, ami Fancy onfectionery Bakers is now :it the French Store. That establishment can now furnish, in the best style and at shor notice, Moats, Fish, Fowl, (lauie, Pastry and Confectioneries, to Weddings and Par ties, tu the most reasonable terras. FRENCH gTORE, jalO—tf 200 Broad BlreeL fbc flail]) |kcss. AUGUSTA, GA. E. H.PTJ3HE,PtibliVnor & Proprietor. ll* riiK PI BLIP. |fe»V‘ THE •• DAILY PRESS'' IS Distributed Gratuitously every morning, except Monday, throughout the entire City, therein/ ensuring the LARGEST Cl ECU LA TION. Advert UfinenlN Inserted on Liberal Terms. OFFICE—Comer of Rroad and Mclntosh Streets, Oftwsitc Post Office Up-Stairs. -BT THURSDAY MORNING. FEB 1, lßtifl SCISSORS. Don’t examine anew book when you are in a .cross mood ; books shouldn’t be subjected to a cross-examination. One of the commonest eases of trail* formation is for a toper to turn into a grog shop. A distinguished female writer says that “the ineu are last.” Well, they must he exceedingly so to catch the women. By pulling your finger from the water you leave no hole in the fluid, and by dying you leave no vacancy in this world. Were it not for the mortality that results from duelling, drinking and to bacco chewing, the fools would overrun the land. Let us ask whether a lady who loves best one of the fine qualities of her love today, another tomorrow, and still another the next day, is constant or in constant. ' • —Whv is a husband like a Mississippi steamboat? Because lie never Knows when he mav gel a blowing up. I The births in London during the past year averaged 1,850 wee-tly. Deaths in same period 1,500 weekly. —The Bagpipe has been officially re pudiated as a Scottish institution hv the chief officer of State in that country. What about the Kill? —ln a certain parish in Yorkshire, not long since, an old clergyman, who had got a strong-lunged curate, observed that one of his hearers wis becoming rather irregular in his attendance at church. Os course, the divine felt it his duty to visit the backslider, and be ac cordingly went to the house, but the gudeman was not in. He inquired of the wife why John was so seldom at church now. “Oh,” she replied, with out the least hesitation, “that young man you've got roars sue loud that John caimnsreepsae comfortable as lie did when preaching yerself sae peaceably.” —ln New York recently a respecta blv-dressed individual called upon Mrs. Newm n—who carries on her late hus band's business of undertaker, iri Court street- —and nearly choked with sobs, and with a white handkerchief employed in wiping the tears from his eyes, in formed the lady that his dear wife was dead and that he desired the best coffin in the store. She showed him a num ber, and at length, when his grief had somewhat subsided, he selected one at the price of $2.5, which he directed to be -sent to a certain number in Henry street. He took.out a well tilled pocket book and handed Mrs. Newman a SIOO bill. Not suspecting that a man who was laboring under such a misfortune could be a rogue, she changed the bill, giving him $75, after which he depart ed. It was soon after discovered that the $lO6 bill was counterfeit, and that a coffin Was hot at present required at the house designated by the imposter. Gift Emporium. A U GUST A. GIFT EMPORIUM, 136 Broad /Street, Augusta. The Atrusts Home Association offers to the public an attractive stock of Fine Oil Paintings Revolving Castors Table, desert, nod tea spoons Fine ten sets Water pitchers Napkin rings Vest and neck chains Belt buckles Bracelets , Fine ear drops Watch keys California diamond scarf pins Engravings Fruit and cake baskets . Breakfast and diune* forks • Gold pens and pencils Butter knives Silver plated sardine boxes Gold and silver lined cups Plain, chased, and cluster pins Sleeve buttons Necklaces Watches Ladies’ tortoise shell pen knives Ladies' fine pocket books Photograph albums Sugar tongs and shells Call balls Gold lockets Gold and silver lined goblets Ladies’ gold and coral sets Ladies’ work boxes Gents’fine pocket books Gents’ pocket knives Sets studs Card' baskets And an assortment of fancy articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold for ONE DOLLAII EACE, without regard to value, and not be paid for until you know what you are to re ceive. M inner o f Distribution. —Certificates naming each nrti< le nnd its vajue tire placed in sealed envelopes, trh'tfh are well mixed. One or Uiesu envelopes, containing the certificate or order ful some article (worth at least one dollar at retail), will be delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of twenty five cents. The purchaser will see what, article it draws, and its value, which may lie from One to Five. Hundred Dollars, and can then send One Dollar and re ceive the article named. NO BLANKS. Every person gets an article of value. Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent to any address by return mail or express. Eu tire satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Six certificates $1; thirteen fur $2; thirty-five for $5. Agents wanted. Send a stump for a Circular. All letters should be addressed to SHECUT, BELL & 00.. I*. 0. Box 11)2, Augusta, Ga. j’alfl—lm TAR. L. S. HAY Offer, hi. Professional Services In THE CITIZENS OF AIMSTA. UesihkncE—l29 Broad streß. Office —458 Broad street. ja9—tf ' QT. CHARLES RESTAURANT, . 154 Ellis St., near Post-office, AuyVsta. On., LEWIS & BRADFORD, cuoff.i irons. Board with or without lodging at reason able rates. Meals served up at all boars. Booms for private parties always ready. jail—ts SEED STORE, No. 15 Washington (or South Carolina ItvUrorute S/reef), Between Broad and Ellis Streets, Where can be found a full assortment of warranted pure and fresh Harden Seeds, Onion Setts, Flower and Bine (truss Seed, selected in person by the stiliseriber at the North, in October last. A disc >unt to coun try merchants. jas -2m C. PEMBLE. PRESS. FEBRUARY I, 18G6- -3)0.251 Cirt Emporium. | N AUGUSTA! NO. 310 BItOAD STREET. GIFTS ! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! PROM TUB Charleston and New Orleans Joint Stock GIFT ENTERPRISE! NEW GOODS HAVE ARRIVED! - • $50,000 WORTH OF Fine Pianos . . . $375 00 Wheeler A WiJs.in Sewing Machines, 125 00 Fine Hold Watches, ... 75 * 0 Fine Silver Watches, • . 25 00 Magnificent T»r Sets, • 50 00 Superb Cake Baskets, . . 15 01) llich Castor?, . . . 12 00 Lady's Work and Toilet Cases, . 6 00 Goblets, . . . 4 00 Cups, . . . • 5 00 Card Receivers, . . 6 00 California. Diamond Rings, . 5 00 Solid Gold and Silver Rings, 6 00 California Diamond Pins, . & 00 rautten* t-Wfc.', . * & on Beautiful Photograph Albums, . 20 00 Large Pictures of Jeff. Davis. Generals Lee, Mo man, Lean regard, Stonewall Jackson, Stewart, Longstrcet, Johnston, And many others, together with a large collection of Fancy Goods, Rich, Rare and Beautiful! All (o be sold for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, and not to bo paid for till you see what you will receive. Photographs and Lithographs of distin guished statesmen and Generals of the North and South are placed in sealed envelopes, together with certificates naming each arti cle and its value, and well mixed. One of these envelopes will bo sent to any address upon recipt of 25 cents; five for $1 ; clever for $2; thirty for $5, and seventy for $lO. Oil receipt of the certificate you will see what you are going to have, and then it if at your option to pay the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold or Silver Hunting Case Watch, Diamond Pin or Ring, Cake Basket, Castor, or anything in our largo stock, foi One Dollar. In every case yon get the value.of your twenty fire cents in the Photograph or Lithograph enclosed, and in uo cane can yon yet lest than ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH, as there are NO BLANKS. Agents arc wanted in every town in the country, who can make from $4 to sfi ol every lot of seventy certificates ordered, selling them at our retail prices. Send 25 cts. for a photograph and cer tificate, which will inform you what you car obtain forsl. 8 On sending the order for the articles named on certificates, transmit therewith 15 cts. on eaeh article to pay Express or Post age thereon. Address POHL, RANDALL A CO.. jaO—lm P. 0 Box 132 Augusta, Ga. Gift Emporium. GIFT EMPORIUM, QORNER OF ELLIS AND CENTRE STREETS. We are now a fine STOCK OF GOODS, CONSISTING OF Gold and Silver Watches Cake Baskets Gold-lined Goblets Silver-plated Goblets Gold-lined Cups Silver-plated Cups Salt Stands Call Bells Napkin Rings Forks Spoons Jewelry of all kinds. Albums, a to. Manner of Distribution. —Certificates naming each article and its value are placed in envelopes, which are well mixed. One of Ihese envelopes, containing the certificate or order (worth at least one did la r at retail), will be delivered at our office, or sent mail to auy address, without regard t, choice, on receipt of :wenly-five cents. Th, purchaser will see what article it draws, and its value, which may lie from ONE to THREE HUN DEED DOLLARS and can then ssnd One Dollar and receive tile article named. Every person gets fti article of value. 1 .Certificate, 25 cents; fl for $1; 35 for $6. All letters should be addressed to PORTER & PUTNAM, Lock Box No. 190. ja!B—lm AiouftTA. Oa. I'umilj/ Grocericu, Etc. No. 315 Broad Street, lias in store, and is this day receiving, fresh supplies of choice G ft O CE HIES, which will be sold at Wholesale, awl Retail, comprising every article usually l-.pt in first class store (Liquors excepted), all of which will be sold qt the lowest market prices, and to which he invites the aiteutiou of the public. in 9—ts J) S. PELOT & CO~ HEALERS IV F A MIL Y Gll <)CE 11 IES, WINES, LIQUORS. Brooms, Wood tie Willow Ware, Etc. 129 Broad St, Augusta, (!a. Strict and lVr-oiul Attention given to all Consign meets, M. oTliiWI), j WM. MULUKIUN. Q’DOWD & MULHEIUN, Grocers ts- Commission Merchants, 273 Broad -Street, Augusta, Ga., Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale of produce, and will keep constantly oil hand a large stock of choice goods. Call and give ns a trial. jail—lm J A. BRUX, KAMI L Y GROCER, Takes this method <d’ inform ng hia friends and patrons that he may be found a! his new store 834 Broad Street, (Next door beloiv H. J Osborne’s.) A choice lot of groceries always on hand, ja3— lin JT3 P, CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE AND General Commission Merchant, Augusta, Ga., Will continue the Warehouse and Com mission Business, in all its branches, at the phi stand of I’hiuizy & Clayton. lie re turns his thanks to the patrons of the late firm, and solicit a continuance of their favors. Having ample close Storago ac commodations. he will be prepared to re ceive. store, sell and forward Cotton and aU kituls of Produce nod Merchandwe. He will also buy and sell, on commission, Bonday Stocks, Coupons, etc. Consignments so licited. Augusta, Oct. 10, ja!3—2a