Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, March 10, 1866, Image 1
<Tlic flail# J)uss. E. H. PUGHE, Publisher A Proprietor. ~ tdf- rife daily ritkss is his trib«t*d Gratuitnadf frerg morning, except thru**jk'**t the entire ( V/g, therein/ m««Wm fA« LARGEST CIRCVLA TtOS Aft% I liver led oh LlKhthl Trim*. .I#* OFFlCE —fVtrtur ©/ Broad and Re/mloak .Street*, oppoett* frftrOjftre, Ip- Stair*. QKA BARRELS O'tVr Choice Low-Priced WHISKEY 1 barrels I ui/ Stag Head Ronrbon WHISKEY IVI7 -lin MAUDE A WRIGHT. I in/(in nities. MARSHALL’S 240 in sun a nce 240 AGENCY. Horae Tmmraime Company, of New York Security Insurance Company, of New York Manhattan Insurance Company, New York Atlantic Insurance Cmnpauy, Brooklyn. New York Springfield Fire and Marine Insurancr Company. Spriupfield. Mass. Insurance Company Valley of Virginia. Winchester, Va. Florida Home Insurance Company. Apa lachicola Woodville Insurance Company, Wovdville. Alabama. Life and Accidental. Knickerbocker Life lusuranee Company New York New York Accidental Insurance Company. New York. Fire, Marine. River, Inland. Life and Ac cidental Risks taken in the above first clasp Companies, at reasonable rates. • Particular attention given to Farm Prop erty and Country residences. Losses promptly adjusted. JOS. E. MARSHALL. Agent, ja3—tt 240 Broad street. Fire, Marine & Inland Navigation INSI’RAIVCE. Hartford fire insurance co., Hartford. Putnam Fire Insurance Cos., Hartford. Home Insurance Cos., New Haven. Columbia Fire Insurance Cos , New York. Fulton Fire Insurance Cos., New York. Excelsior Fire Insurance Cos., New York. Laltic Fire Insurance Cos., New York. Southern Insurance & Trust Cos., Savannah. Home Insurance Cos., Savannah. The undersigned. Agent for the above named reliable Northern and Southern In surance Companies, is prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merchandise, Cotton, and other property, at the current rates. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. WM. E. EVANS, Agent, feb4—3m 210 Broad at., Augusta. WIGS AtfD TOUPEES, Ringlet curls, WATERFALLS, coils, puffs, HATS AND MICE, Etc., Etc We have received a large invoice (and are weekly ftceiving considerable additions) of RINGLET, BRAID, and other kinds of HAIR which we are prepared to manufacture into every article in the hair line our cus tomers may desire, in the moat fashionable and approved s»vie?. MKMENTu HAIR WORK, such as Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings. Vest Chains, etc., etc., faithfully made on the shortest notice. An assortment of WIGS. TOUPEES, CURLS, COILS, BRAIDS, FRIZETTS, etc., always on hand Orders by mail punctually filled. A liberal discount allowed to Merchant? and Dealers. Our Mr. Win. Ashton residing continually in New York, enables u? to avail ourselves ol selections from all the recent novelties and choicest importations. M. A A. ASHTON, 405 King street. Charleston, C. S. HO-lm JpLl'MB & LEITNEK. 212 Broad St, Augusta. Oa. WHoLE*ALK and retail dealers* in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PERFUMERY, FINE HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, Fine Toilet Soaps, Surgical ami Dental Instruments, Glass. Potty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye .•-tuffs. Fancy A Toilet Articles, Bni-hes, GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS, ju3—tf SOUTHERN FRUIT TREES! U The largoßt snd best selection of APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, ami other Trees. Also, superior GRAPE VINES, STRAW BERRY PLANTS. Etc., Etc. EXTRA LARGE TREES for im V EDI \TR BE A niNG. Send for a Calologuc. Address ja!2—tf D. REDMOND. Augusta, Ga I tHOICE PERFUMERY (j COLOGNE WATER BRUSHES TOILET SOAPS, And almost every article for the Toilet,for aale by PLUMB & LEITNEK, jaS—tf 212 Broad “t. Augusta. Bills of lading always on hand AT TUK DAILY PRESS JOB 01 EWE. Corner of Broad and Poet-Office streets, joAtf Up Stain. ~ -w, y Daily Press. VOI»U AUGUSTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1866. NO. 60. <El)f Jailj THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. SATUKDA? MORNING “ March 10, IMS. SCISSORS. —Dili-key Forney quackles. —Scarlet lever in raging in Massachu setts. ! Cleveland, Ohio, thinks it has had an earthquake. —A colony of ejj-Confederntes are about to settle in Muzatlan, Mexico. | —The gambling houses in Louisville have been closed. —Tennyson is at work upon anew poem. —Punch says fortified water is a good name for a grog. —lnsanity from the use of absinthe is filling the hospitals of Paris. —The Radicals insist that the White House sin ll he painted black, Victor Emanuel's youngest son is dead. . —Griso and Mario talk of revisiting this country. —Several ex Confederate officers are eu route to join the Pope's army. —Geerai D. H. Hill is going to pub lish a paper called "The Lund we Low.” —The population of Leesburg, Va., is 1,256. Before the war it was 1.500. —Since June, ISOS. forty-four steam boats have been sunk on Red R.ver. —Mexican guerillas still keep at their depredations ou both sides of the Rio Grande. —The people of Raleigh are going to hold a meeting to indorse President j Johnson’s great veto. —lt is rumored that Hon. James Brooks will be appointed to the New York Collectorship. —lt is said that uearly 100,000 of the immigrants who last year arrived in this country settled in New York. —The Treasury department have granted permission to open a bonded warehouse at Norfolk, Va. —The Western Union and United States Telegraph Companies have been consolidated. —The guano taken from the Chiucha i Islands, per annum, is worth $50,000,000 iu gold. —A woman in Calais recently ejected a lizard six inches in length from her stomach. It had been there lour years. —There will be about one fourth of a crop of sugar made tbis year in Louis iana. —Real estate has advanced 25 per cent, in New York within the last month. —lt is estimated that there are §55,- 500,000 in gold in the vaults of the Treasury. —An English widow has recovered $35,000 front a rail road company for killing her husband. —Four thousand dollars in gold is the salary of the North Carolina Gov ernor. —Thomas C. Gordon, one of the wealthiest planters in Missouri, died re cently. —The ex-Cenfederate Secretary of War, Mallory, is still in Fort Lafa yette. —The Charleston Courier is gratified to observe indications of the rebuilding of the burnt district in that city. —Fortvlhree indictments for dese eration of the Sabbath, were presented to a criminal court in Indianapolis in one day recently. —Ex General 0. M. Wilcox, of the late Confederate army, is iu Mexico, and does not want to return to the United States. —The post-mark on a letter was the clue by which the whereabouts of the Concord Bank robbers was made known to the detectives. Fifteen million dollars in gold has been sold for the Government in New York, during the last two weeks at a commission of J per c-nt. —The orange'and jessamine trees in the vicinity of Mobile, Alabama, were kited aud the fig cr ip destroyed by a fre-ze last week. —Within the last week or two, the Treasury De partment at Washington ha-e printed over $550,000 in fractional currency. Chas. W Delius, an accomplished y ung man of rare i romise, blew his brains.out in New Yo.k. recently, be cause a lady of Matanzas, Cuba, rejected him. , Newcomb, Bui hanan & Co’s gro cer,; store in Louisville, the largest pro- bably in the West, was burnt very re cently, with aloes of $200,000 worth of groceries. —The women dress for the uten, and the men for the women. If all would dress simply for themselves it would be a great deal better. —Boston was once the home of tea importers, but New York now monopo lizes the entire trade. Thirty million pounds, about a pound to each persom are annually imported into this country. —Clover is probably better than any thing that can he put in an orchard, as it is known that the long roots carry manurial substance to the under soil, and, the stem shades the ground. —A lady happening to express a wish in the presence of her son, a boy of five years, that she h and something to read t lint she had never read before, the hoy exclaimed, “Take your Bible, mother I” Preety sharp, that. —I wish you would not give me such short weight for my tnouev,” said tomer to a grocer, who had an outstand ing bill against him. “And I wish you wouldn't give tne such long wait for mine,” replied the grocer. —Butter and lard should not he kept in the same apartment with kerosene, as all fats readily absorb and retain odors, ami the fine aroma of butter may thus be seriously injured. —Out of a population of five thou sand, Fredericksburg, Va., sent one thousand two hundred to tlie Confederate army. Over one tenth of the number were killed, or died in the service, and at least ten per cent, more are disabled. —The Paris newspapers,. the Pits and the Guzet e de Frame, have both entertained their readers with an ac count of the execution of Poiicet, the murderer of Laverge, published forty eight hours before the unfortunate man was guillotined. —A Vermont Sergeant wrote t) a New York girl who pinned her name to some clothing he received through the Sanity Commission, and the correspon dence led to courtship and marriage; and the Sergeant finds .that he has a cool half million in monev besides. —The prophecy imputed to Daniel Webster bears peculiar significance al this day: “11 these fanatics and aboli tionists ever get power into their hands, they will override the Constitution, set the Supreme Court at defiance, change and make laws to suit themselves. Finally, they will bankrupt the country, and deluge it with blood.” —The burning oil well near Franklin, Pa., on the Alleghany river, is a wonder ful phenomenon. It shoots up a vast column of flame more than a hundred feet into the air, and lights the country for miles around. It has moderated the temperature in the neighborhood, so that the grass has rapidly grown up and is now from two to four inches high. The trees standing within this tropical range have budded and leaved out with ail the luxuriance of summer. —A family recently, in Columbiana county, Ohio, became so impressed with dreams and the‘‘spirit” influences that the whole family became insane. The father started off the other night and was met in the road by a neighbor and asked where he was going at that hour. He said he was going to Heaven. “Ruth (i is daughter) would be along in two days, having the keys of Heaven and hell, and she would let him in.” The authorities have had to take mea sures to break up the family by scatter ing them, sending three of them to the lunatic asylum. —A wizard in Loudon has just intro duced into his performance a speaking and automatic head, which rivals the famous one of Friar Bacon in its powers of elocution and apparent volition. A square box, with a flap at its side, is btougdt to the front of the stage and placed on a low table, beneath which you can see ; and the flap beiug lowered, you behold a head and neck modeled on that of the Egyptian Sphynx. but in tensely human in expression. Then the wizard, who is an admirable ventrilo quist, retires to the centre of the audi. enee, to prevent the inference that he is tiie speaker and not the head, which, at his word of command, slowly opens its eyes, turns them to the right and left, and then smiles. This is the most curi ous featurp of the exhibition. The smile seems to gather force, and gradually ripples over the whole face with so strange and weird an effect ns ordinarily to provoke murmurs of applause. The Spbyux afterwahle speaks. • W. B. GEIfPIN, Auctioneer. Auction Sale. POSITIVE SALE AT AUCTION <W A LARGE AXH WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Etc., Etc. t On Monday next, the 12th inst., at More No.-282 Broad street, few <1 ors above La- Fayette Hall, will he si.ld without reserve, a splendid assortment of FANCY AND STAPT.R DRY GOODS AI.SO READY MADE CLOTHING And a complete assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS SHOES, SHIRTINGS LINEN GOODS CUTLERY \ AJTKFfi NOTIONS, and various articles too numerous to mention. This is one of the best stocks in the city and will be positively 8-dd,* as the owner wishes to change hi? business Ladies are respectfully invited to attend the sale. B. PHILLIPS, fe2l-»d 282 Broad street. Conunissiou 31et chuuts. Milo Hatch—For twenty years Cashier Meehani.*Bank, Augusta, (la. Chas 11. Phelps' —For six years Agent and Cashier Southern Express Cos. IIITCII and PHELPS, jl ANKE RS . PROKZ It S, AVD GENERAL PURCHASING AGENTS, NO. y WALL STREET, NEW YORK, (Entrance on New Street). references: R. H. Lowry, Esq., President Bank of Re public, N. Y Josiah Oakes, Esq., V. Pros’t Shoo and Lea»her Bank N. Y. J. D. Vertqjjye, Eoq., at the Merchants' Bk, N. Y. Noursc A Brook?. 1*27 Pearl street, N. Y. Brodie «& Pettes, 122 Pear! street. N. Y. D. 1). S. Brown, Esq., Editor and Proprie tor'R ichester Democrat, Rochester,N.Y. John L Bunco, Esq., President Phenix Bank, liafelord, Conn. James M. Niles. Esq., President Exchdn c e Bank. Hartford, Conn. Francis Followed & Son, Attorneys at Law, Hartford, Conn. D. A. Ihvight & Cos., Boston, Mass. Calvin Taft, Esq., Worcester, Mass. Thoinirs.S. Metcalf, Esq . August**, Ga. John Davison, Esq., Augusta, Ga. U. B. Plant, Esq., President Southern Ex press Cos.. An rust a. Ga. R. B. Bullock, Esq. u Superintendent South- Jf eru Express (Jo.. Augusta, Ga. E. lluibert, Esq., Superintendent Southern * « ,Express Cos., Atlanta. Ga. James Shuter, Esq., Superintendent South ern Express Co*, Memphis, Tenn. A. B. Small, Esq., Superintendent Southern Express Cos., New Orleans. And Agents of Express Companies. feb6—3m rJi‘7o. NELSON Commission Merchant, '"- And Dealer in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES; LIQUOR*. Etc., Os Superior Quali’;/. 304 Broad Street, Auuusta, Ga. N. B.—Agent for Fairbank’s Patent PLATFORM and COUNTER SCALES. A constant supply od hand, f r sale at Manufacturer’s prices. Expenses from Sa vannah only added. fe27—lm JOHN CRAIG, Exchani/c and Commission Broker Office 28b Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Gold, Silver, Bank Notes, Bonds. Stocks, Sterling, and Domestic Ex change bought and sold. Collections made and promptly re mitted for. Cheeks on New York, Savannah and Charleston. Having secured the use of the Bank ing Room and Vault of the Union Ba nk, deposits safely kept and accounts opened wiyh depositors. ja9-3m. jg P. CLAYTON, . W A REHOUSE Asn Generul Commission Merchant, Augusta, Ga., Will continue the Warehouse and Com mission Business, in all its branches, at the old stand of Phinizy <fc Clayton, lie re turns his thanks to the patrons of the late firm, aud solicit a continuance of their favors. Having ample close Storage ac commodations, he will be prepared t® re ceive, store, sell ami forward Cotton and all kinds of Produce and Merchandise. He will also buy and sell, on commission. Bonds. Storks, Coupons, etc. (lensignmonts so licited. Augusta. Oct. 10. 18(55. jal3—2in THOMAS TOBIN, POTION FACTOR and COMMISSION MERCHANT 181 BROAD STREET. i«2t-tf AUGUSTA. Ga. TO RENT. My HOUSE AND LOW ON TIIE Sand Hills, about two or two and a half miles train the city. Said residence contains eight well finished rooms. On the lot there is a kitchen, negro quarters, stable, carriage house and other accessary outbuild ings. A good well of water, garden spui and many fruit trees. Possession given im mediately. fe2fi—t.f JOSIAH SIBLEY. Fertilizers. PHCENIX GUANO, piPORTED DIRECT FROM THE SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN THIS SPRING. This GUANO was used very exteniively in 1861 with such general satisfaction that, in offering it to theplanting public now, we deem it unnecessary to publish any of the many certificates which we have received from planters tbis spring, testifying in the very strongest terms in its lavor. All that we can say is to guarantee that we will pledge ourselves to furnish an article PURE AND UNADULTERATED, such as was analysed by Professors Joseph Jones, of Augusta; Charles A. Shepherd, ot Charleston, S. C*, and J. Darby,of Alabama, whose analyses we publishes in 1861, and were satisfactory to all. WE HAVE ONLY A FEW HUNDRED TONS OF THIS WELL KNOWN AND VALUABLE FERTILIZER TO OFFER THIS SPRING, Consequently we advise all who want any of it. to SEND IN THEIR ORDERS AT ONCE. It, is put up in barrels of about 500 pounds, and the price will be uniform, as follows : .*6O per ton, of 2.000 pounds, in Augusta, or $55 ir Savannah, cash. All orders to be filled from Savannah must be sent in by the 10th of March. WE ALSO HAVE A FEW TONS JOHNSON ISLAND. AMERICAN axd COLUMBIAN GUANOS. All valuable, and for sale low for cash by D. 11. WILCOX & CO., fe27—lm No. 3 Warren Block. Guano! Guano!! r PO THE 1 PLANTERS OF GEORGIA AND SOOTH CAROLINA. We are now prepared to furnish I , GUANO AND FERTILIZERS OF ALL KINDS, AT NORTHERN PRICES, With Expenses added, which shall be as reasonable as possible. PLANTERS WILL PLEASE SEND IN THEIR ORDERS A* EARLY AS POSSIBLE, AS GOOD GUANO AND FERTILIZERS, ARE SCARCE. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO. felO—3m 200 Broad St. Physicians. Dr. HI. J. DOLAN, QURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. O Will attend to all Calls left al BARRY & BATTY’S DRUG STORE, OR AT RESIDENCE, No. 423, UPPER BROAD STREET. rohl-lm* Dr. Win. Pettigrew JJAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE RESIDENCE To 94 Broad street, opposite Engine House of the Gazelle Fire Company, fe2s—tf south side. <J P. HUNT, M D.. Ui HOMCEOPATIirC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur, No. 192 Reynolds St., (Goodrich Row). Augusta, Ga. jalo-ly-3m* NOTICE. f i ENERAL Vl GEORGIA LAND AGENCY No. 292 Broad Street. P. O. Box 63, AUGUSTA. GA. Negotiate loan? for Farmers. Minors, etc. Procure White Laborers, of either sex ; Or tranize Associations for the Development of Mining and the Settlement of Geonria Land : Purchase and forward Machinery. Implements, Sup plies, etc., for Farmers, Miners, Ac. All land left at this office for sole or lease is advertised iu pamphlet, free of charge, to the owner. fe!3—lui JACOB R. DAVIS & SON. \\7HITK LEAD YY LINSEED OIL VARNISHES PAINTS of all colors For sale, wholesale and retail, at the lowest figu.es, by PLUMB A LEITNKR, j&3—tf 212 Broad Augusta ■ flit Dnili; srrss. BOOX ’AttD job mum i or . EVERY DESCRIPTION ■XK£UTED IN THE BEST MANNER. The Fartent Poutr Pretie., and Beet of Workmen etuikU* it. to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Bate* than tleewhtn. Jewellers. Notice. jjSL J- KENNEDY A RUSSELL Have associated themselves if—‘ for the purpose of carrying on the Repairing of Vva itlißa, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, and solicit the public patronage, at 290 Broad st, np stairs. J. B. G. KENNEDY, mh7-3m THOS. RUSSELL. Established In 1844. FA. BRAHE HAS RECEIVED < and offers tor sale at his old fttand, 194 Broad street, a fine lot of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND RINGS, and a variety of fine and new style Jewelry. ALSO, A LARGE LOT or SOLID SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, FRUIT KNIVES, SOUP and GRAVY LADLES, SUGAR SPOONS, BUTTER KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, and many other articles. He is giving his personal attention to the REPAIRING of Watches, Clocks and Jeweler-.*, in that well known and punctual manner. fo2o—3m J£EROS£NE OIL MUNGER’S. Lamps, SHADES, CHIMNEYS, Eto., AT MUNGER’S. GAS SHADES, asn LAMP REPAIRS, MUNGER’S. PRETTY ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ FANCY BEADS, SPANGLES, Etc., MUNGER’S. REDDING PRESENTS ASD - NUPTIAL RINGS, Os the FINEST GOLD, MUNGER’S. SELECT ASSORTMENT' OF GOLD WATCHES. GOLD JEWELRY, And the usual variety of FANCY GOODS, AT MUNGER’S. \,TR. MUNGEK DEVOTES HIS PER irx sonttl attention and skill on Jill WATCH WORK entrusted him, at 150 BROAD STREET, fel3-1m 2d Door below Monument. aTiTstrom, TEWELLER AND DIAMOND SETTER, J McINTOSH STREET, Between Broad aud Ellis Sts., (opposite Post- Office), AUGUSTA, Ga. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired Promptly and Cheaply. fetC—lm • Dentistry. DR. WRIGHT, sQgsjq DENTIST— Having increased facilities, is now prepared to perform all operations in the lino of his profession, to the ent.ro sat isfaction of his patients and friends, and those who desire bis professional services. Artificial teeth set on fine gold plate or v'tilcanile base; always guarantees a perfect fit and restore the natural expression of face. * Office at the old stand, No. 266 Broad street, Augneta, Ga. mhfl-Im wTe. spears, Dentist rooms 264 BROAD STREET, Over W. H. Tut fa Drug Store, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is constantly receiving all necessary ma terial appertaining to his profession, ol the latest improvement and best styles. fe6—6m Plant the Com. PLOUGH IT— AND SHELL IT— AND SELL IT. J. & T. A. BONES Are now receiving PLOUGHS, GRINDSTONES, And many other thing. NEEDED AT' PRESENT. ja3l—tf FRENCH ROLLS DAY, BRANDY, FOR MEDICAL USE. AT THK FRENCH STORE, f»2s—lm 200 Broad street. SELECT SCHOOL: ‘ ■ am Prepared to give instruc -1 tion in Classics, the Higher Branches of the English Language, and the Primary De partment. Strict attention will be paid to the younger F uolars, as well as to those farther ad vanced. Terms reasonable. JOSEPH T. DERRY, jan27—3m* S2 Walker street. you want your Printing done in the best manner, call at E. H. Pughe’s Office, corner of Broad and Mclntoah street*.