Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, May 17, 1866, Image 1
fuss. tuWisher A Proprietor. B. '••‘Bi.i;,-. v r/:i'-s is /< > '* mrj «■ • !■ Wmm llr rutir, ' V'„ ihrrrl.f, B- 4U" - Term*' —<'artier .'/■ I "»'< -arh jagg! • «j/.-»••»* /'••*< 1 /'■ DIRECTORY - M»s IN- IKK I>All V t’ll^S • : «^^4?>B* FK IN ' :rK ' N ’’ l; . - i.J^f^pT^HKSTAt'HAN'T, I. M. Ellis street. in rc.ir Hi CKA< KKU BAKKKY. XYat- <fi Cos.. 311 Promt street. i..'.?--f HOTEL, Broad street, Jones ft"' O' A S. 0. A PRO., Carpets. Dry ele., 205 Broad street. Painter and (ilatier, 48 J| £*-!?®il near the 801 l Tower. HmITII if- CO.. Tohse-n Ajeney ! flSktnissUiu Merchants, "O' H; nd .• i " Dealer in Signrs, Snuffs, etc., 320 Broad street. A TIIOS. A., Hardware, -•reef. BdOIH). lee Dealers. Kills Street, £:• , Conceit Hall. F. A.. Jeweller and XVatch -194 I ,rn ad street. _ Sjlfif|9pi. B. H., Insurance Agent, Jp?"»sv and .Taeltson streets. J. J.. C.ilder. and Picture .5;-.. i ’ *,*4’ D. <t CO., Stock and Rea! -. -' .j- 234 Broad street. P»Ti TYPE FOUNDRY, 201 Cincinnati. Ohio. Mrs. S. S., Dress Maker, M.t- WfSfeß between Broad ami Reynolds ■ ox, XV A C. 11., Boots, Shoes, %.S S>Vo MProa 1 street. Hay and Unto, Ellis jjw Thos. P. Rbodesj t * * |p-o 0., Painter. Jackson street, XVink'c Range. Boots, Shoes, cte., IS2J K,r et. A CO., Boot Hnd Shoe \j- Broad, near Globe Hotel. / >j' t HHI.V, Commission and I'x- 2S9 Prosui street._ BOOK A JOB PRINT *f , BBFICE, E. If. Pugbo, proprie- e*c; and Mclntosh streets, up <{- SON. (iencral Georgia ■fcenov, 268 Broad street. "&*i}if Bx XV., Phoenix Iron XVorks, fer.Y street, near the Cotton Fac- A BENJAMIN. Aue §§§§§§iO| and Commission Merchants. SHpiftS FAST FREIGHT LINE, Jt ' ■ Hi Express Cos., proprietors. ffVl Augusta lee House, opposite R. R. Depot. ' CU.NN INC. HA M. Pleasure HSpfjHfor hire, Hamburg. S. C. £ j\ \K, 50ft Broad street. f'dV, yiMMIGi; XIIt.N t<v ' V. ■HUB Broad stre. >. corner Brotid and Mclntosh Duly Pur.ss Office. t *§§l? 11EI • I’S. Banl-ers ami Hr. !:cr . street, New York. '*"(>+€, SpllS- Boarding. Brc. m .•!«., ,Y 5 t l i below the Bell Tower. -a Weekly Lit. rare Pm - . I Hir. Pughe, publisher. Cffu-e, and Mclntosh streets, up is I ' 1 nLS. P„ Horn pathie J’hysi *-4, siers, Btßeynolds street. l!f#l* : X«leolored Family Grocer, and M- Hauler, Wushiitg'-.n street, U <-sv * ,K~ LADKYEZE (colored). Isl Mclntosh street, opposi'e A CO. (colored), Mr £3 lee House. P. if- CO., Dry Goods, 3JO I . York. CO., Dry Goods, Notions, m Broad street. *+ ** t.V HCivANA i:<4ll, Painters, 33'» Steel. IpßfS’Glft* RUSPELL, XVatehmakcrs, I’S. 200 Broad street, up 'll*, KhIMP A Cos., Augusta j f Maehine XX'orks. ’ Ajli, JOP. E., Insuraneo Agen eXi *s, .■ Broad street. XV., dealer in XVall Paper, *»11 It' ,*-SPhades, cte., 306 Broad st. V X r « THOMAS & SCIIAUB, fflt'f! - K, 244 Broad street, under Yf',*! »TE. A. k CO., Dry Goods, -At. street. ■ e IBITT.OCK A- CO., Cnmmissinn to Broad street, near Southern INSURANCE COMP’Y, S®;,; ;! :«| ! (la. B. 11. lirodnax, • .■Wk, Git. HSaBLEp7~M- -A- Dehoney, £ J"pi' - K 11 '“ at -> licnr Washington. BfrlS' PA IN KILLER, sold ■Hals every where. Hf VAPOR PTOVE AND J BbiX COMPANY, at Branch, HBder Planters’ Hotel. Pnroni ''■' '"■fcrr t • Furniture Ware- street. -J KeITNER, Wholesale and 4. IVtc , 212 Broad street. E. 11. Millinery, Dry M r ' sssd F«»«Hwodr. 190 Broad rdreet. Daily Press. AUGUSTA, GA.. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1866. VOL. I. BUSINESS DIBECTOBY OF ADVBRTISERB IN THE DAILY PRESS. PUGHE, E. }I , Book and Job Printer, corner Broad and Mclntosh streets, up atairs. READ, MISS L. j. Agent for Grover A Baker’a Sewing Machines, Millinery, ete., 32A Broad street. RISHEY'S EXTRACT OR BUCIIU, for sale by all Druggista- ROBBB, C- A., Gas Fitter and Plumber, in rear of 272 Broad street. ST. CHARLES’ SALOON, Ellis atreet, near Mefaitoeh, Samuel P. Bradford, Proprietor. SCHREINER, JNO. C. <f- SONS, Pianos, Books and Music, 199 Broad atreet. SC OFI ELD, XVTL LI AMS A CO,” ManvT facturers and dealers In Tin Ware and Rooting Material!, corner Jackson and Ellis atreete. SCREVEN HOPPE, SavanuTh.TaTGeo. McGinly, Proprietor. SEGIN, Mmes. French Millinery and Dress Making, 142 Greene Street. SHARKEY, PATRICK, Blacksmith, on Centre street, between Broad and Ellis. SOUTHERN ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY—A. G. HaU, agent, Au gusta, Ga. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, EjT- press Forwarders. Office 179 Broad st. SOUTHERN MEDICAL A SURGICAL JOURNAL, E. H. Pughe, publisher, Dr. Joseph Jones. Editot. Office, corner Broad and Mclntosh streets, up stairs. SOUTHERN MUTUAL” INSURANCE CO., Athens, Ga., F. Phiniay A Cos., Ag’ts, corner Campbell and Reynold streets. SPEAIiaT DR. W. E~ Dentist, 2678r0ad street, over W. H. Tntt's. OTEX r ENS, A., Wholesale and Retail bl Grocer, 299 Broad street, near Planters’ HoteL OUM£ER, E. H., Jeweller, Mclntosh st, one door north of Broad. THE CHARLESTON STORE C. C. Drake, Dry and Fancy Goods, 23fi Broad street. THE FANCY BAZAAR, Dry Goods etc., 253 Brond street. VOLGISR. (}. A CO., Segars and Tobacco/- 192 and 254 Bro&d street. WARNER, C. 11., Plumber and Gas Fitter, in roar of 255 Broad street. WARREN, XV. HENRY A CO.” Commis sion Merchants and Wholesale Deal ers, 175 and 177 Broad street. WEST A MAY, Furniture, 137 Broad street, opposite Monument. WJ ILLIAMS, O. L., Grocer, .315 Broad, V » street. Jewellers. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Eh. summer, • Mclntosh Street, One Door Below National Bank, AUGUSTA , GA. Watchmnkor’s Tools,Material and Glasses. Watches and Clocks repaired and warrant ed. Jewelry made and repaired. All kinds of Ilair Braiding done. All work; done at the shortest notice. [roy3—lin Notice. KENNEDY a RUSSELL ave associated themselves jß&g fer the purpose of carrying on tho Repairing of WATCIIE^TCROCKB and JEWKLRY,and solicit the public patronage, at 2«0 Broad st, up stairs. J. B. G. KENNEDY, mb7—3m TIIOS. BUSSELL. Established In 1844. FA. BRAHE HAS RECEIVED • and offers lor sale at his old stand, 194 Broad street, a fine lot of GOLD AND SILVER XVATCHES, DIAMOND RINGS, and a variety of fine and new style Jewelry. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF SOLID SILVER*SPOONS, FORKS, FRUIT KNIVES, SOUP and GRAVY LADLES, SUGAR SPOONS, BUTTER KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, and many other articles. He is giving his personal attention to the REPAIRING of Watches, Clocks and Jewelery, in that well known and punctual manner. fe2o—3m NOTICE. &ENERAL GEORGIA LAND AGENCY No. 258 Broad street , P. O. Box 63, AUGUSTA, GA. Negotiate loans for Farmers, Miners, etc. Procure White Laborers of either sex ; or ganize Associations for the Development of Mining and Manufacturing Interests, and the settlement of Georgia Land ; Purchase and forward Machinery, Implements, Sup plies, eto., for Farmers, Miners, eto. All Land left at this office for sale or lease, is advertised in pamphlet, free of charge to the owner. • JACOB R. DAVIS & SON. mhl 6-3 m GLASS*! GLASS!! •yY INDOW GLASS!!! 25 boxes 10 by 8 French Glass 10 boxes 8 by 10 American Glass 25 boxes 12 by 10 French Glass 10 boxes 10 by 12 American Glass 10 boxes 12 by 14 American Glass 10 boxes 18 by 12 French Glass 10 boxes 20 by 12 French Glass. Just received and for sale by JAS. G. BAILIE A BRO. myll—fit 205 Brood street. S~ HEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PILLOW CASE COTTONS, and all kindn of White Goods, at MRS. PUGIIK’S, 190 Broad Street. ft|t gaili |«ss, LARGEST CITT CTBcYIATK)N. THURSDAY M0RN1NG..;...Ma417, IBM SCISSORS. —The Troy firemen Ae getting esthe tic. One of their engine houses has been furnished with a fine piano. —Thirteen Massachusetts sportsmen recently caught 40,692 pounds of fish in eight hours. —The latest Masonic statistics report there are 1,800,000 brethren of the mys tic tie in the world, and S,QQO lodges, scattered all over the world—in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Oceanica and the Indian Archipelago. The Murfreesboro’ Monitor mentions the singular fact that on Monday night, the 31st ult., three men, one in Murfrees boro’, one in Shelbyville and the third in Nashville, committed suicide, about the same hour, by shooting themselves, and strange to say not one of them assigned any cause (or the rash act. —lt is observed that on Fridays the omnibus travel of Paris diminishes in proportion of twenty-five per cent., so strong is the superstitious avoidance of doing anything that can be helped on that “unlucky” day. It is also further remarked, that when Friday happens to fall on the 13th of the month, the om. nibus receipts decrease at the rate of fifty per cent. —A New York milkman recently had his milk forcibly analyzed by his cus tomers. The fifty gallons he furnished were found to be three parts of water to one of milk, to which xvas added starch to give the mixture sufficient thickness, grease to make it oleaginous, and a small portion of roasted sugar to give it a rich, yellow creamy color. —The accommodation for reporters in the preseut British houses ot Parlia ment leaves nothing to be desired. In addition to the spacious galleries fitted up for them in both houses, they have five well-furnished apartments in which -to transcribe their noteg, aod also a re' freshment room and smoking room. In the old houses they had to stand up and write on the crowns of their hats, and were even then lucky if they escaped arrest the next day. —An immense work is at present under way at the entrance of the Paris terminus of the Western Railway, in the Rue St. Lazarre. It is an iron roof constructed over the tbirty-oue lines of rails which start from that point, and which was formerly called the “Placede Europe,” under which the trains passed through two stone tunnels. The tun nels have been removed, and, a road will be constructed over the iron roof. —A curious apparatus for propelling balloons through the air has been de vised by Mr. Butler, one of the members of the Council of the new Aeronautical Society in London. It consists of a pair of wjjigs, operated from the car of the balloon, whose downward blow is calcu lated to strike with a force exceeding forty pounds, a power equivalent to an ascensive force of one thousand cubic feet of carburetted hydrogen. The ac tion required is somewhat similar to that of rowing. —The stables of the St. Louis Fifth street Rail Road were burned on Satur day at noon. There were one hundred and seventy head of horses and mules in the stable, only thirty of which were rescued. Sixteen cars and all the har ness and forage were also burned. The fire is supposed to be the work of an in cendiary, and a man has been arrested on suspicion. The loss on the building and stock will reach $50,000, on which there is $20,000 insurance. —Killing comes natural in Ireland, for half the places begin with Kill. There is Killboy (for all Irishmen are called boy) ; and what is still more un gallant, there is Killbride ; Killbaron, after the landlords ; Killbarrack, after the English soldiers; Killcrew, for the navy ; Kijlbritain, for the English pro prietors ; Killcool, for deliberate mur der ; Killmore, if that’s not enough i and last, though not least, Killpatrick. —The following, taken from the New York World, is a significant “sign of the times:” “This morning the gallery of the House directly in front of the Speaker’s chair, was occupied by 134 of the blackest contrabands ever raised in Virginia. Strange to say there was not a white person among them. They seemed highly pleased with their privi lege of appropriating such a larger space of the gallery of the House of Representatives exclusively to them, selves.” Wjell, why not ? It would be eutirely appropriate if no white people were ever again seen in ..that gallery— nothing, in short, but negroes and Jacobins.— Lynchburg ( Vd.) News. —Boston uses 15,733 gallons of milk a day, and her milk bill for a year is very near $2,000,000. Fully 10,000 cows are milked for the Boston market alone, and a good deal of water finds Its way into milk cans. There is an inspector of milk, whose duty it is to look after its purity, and last year he prosecuted sixteen persons for “extend ing” their milk. The amount of water that these persons added ranged from 25 to 50 per cent. —James Stephens, the Head Centre, or rather, C. O. I. R. (Chief Organizer of the Irish Republic), as he signs his name, has arrived in New York. He is holding his court at the Metropolitan Hotel. He has had a great ovation, such as New York alone is in the habit of bestowing upon her distinguished gnests. Mr. S. is sanguine of success in the “good -cause,”—says that a fight must come on this year, and if the Fen ians will but be true to their [the Irish] country, success must be theirs. He did not approve of O'Mahoney’s great expedition to Campo Bello, accepted his resignation, at the same time hauling him over the coals for his impudence. —Under whose care soever a child is put to be taught during the tender aud flexible years of his life, this is certain, it should be one who thinks Latin and languages the least part of education ; one who, knowing how much virtue and a well-tempered soul is to be preferred to any sort of learning or language, makes it his chief business to form the mind of his scholars, and give that a right disposition; which, if once got, though all the rest should be neglected, would, in due time, produce all the rest; and which, if it be not got, and settled so as to keep out ill and vicious habits, languages, and sciences, all the other ac vurupllshmetita of education will be to no purpose, but to make the worse or more dangerous man. Boots & Shoes. The Oldest Shoe House in the State. a ■ XVE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, LASTS, SHOE PEGS and SHOE FINDINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS For Sale at Wholesale or Retail. No. 258 Broad Street, iwo doors above tho Globe Hotel. ap2l—2rn CONLEY, FORCE <9 CO. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES ||jjL M. Cohen, BROAD STREET, Has just received a largo SPRING STOCK of the Latest styles of Ladies’, Misses’, Gents’, and Boys’ SHOES consisting in part of— Ladies’ GAITERS Misses’ SLIPPERS Ladies’ Kid SHOES Ladies’ Morocco SHOES Gents’ Pump Sole BOOTS Gents’ OXFORD TIES Gents’OXFORD TIES, patent leather Boys’ Red Top BOOTS Children’s Copper Tipped BOOTS and SHOES All styles of BOOTS and SHOES, for Boys and Girls ; the latest styles Gents’ IIATS ; a largo lot of TRUNKS' and VAL ISES. Also a fine assortment of STRAXV HATS, at New X’ork Prices. Don’t forget the place— 182* BROAD STREET, ap4-3m Opposite Augnsta Hotel. Down With High Prices! fjn BOOTS AND SHOES, VJ j/Bj BROGANS and TRUNKS At Wholesale and Retail. We would respectfully inform the people of Augusta and surrounding country, that we have opened a branch of our New York city Store at .314 Broad * treet, where we are now prepared to show all in want of BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS and TRUNKS, The best selected and finest stock of Goods in this section of the country. To City and Country Merchants, we would say we can sell you Goods in our lire as low as you can buy them North ; for our Goods are direct from the Manufactu rers, as one of the firm is in tho wholesale business in New York City, and our motto is “quick sales and small profits,and to do a big business. One trial is sufficient to prove the truth of the above statement. Don't forget the place. W. & c. H. CLARENDON, 314 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. apl-tf NO. 117. Dry Goods, Notions. SPECIAL HOTICE. WE HAVE NOW IN STORE A LARGE and varied assortment of SHOES, GAITERS and BALMORALS, In Cloth, Kid, Calfskin and Morocco for Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children, all of which will be sold low AT THE CHARLESTON STORE. ap2s—tf COPPER TIP SHOES PROTECT THE TOES OF CHILDREN’S Shoes, one pair will outwear three without Tips. A large assortment just received at the CHARLESTON STORE. ap2s—tf FRENCH REQUA CLOTH. FOR GENTLEMEN’S VESTS AND CHILDREN’S WEAR A Full Assortment at the CHARLESTON STORE. ALSO, Misses’ White and Brown Cotton Hose, all sizes at the ap2s—tf CHARLESTON STORE. MORE NEW GOODS. IN ADDITION TO OUR BEAUTIFUL AND VARIED STOCK OF LADIES DRESB GOODS LINEN GOODS COTTON GOODS HOSIERY HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES VEILS PARASOLS CUFFS and COLLARS TABLING TOWELLING HOOP SKIRTS and SKIRTING BONNETS and HATS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, And our endless variety of NOTIONS and FANCY GOODS, —we have just received. 8-4 Black IRON BEREGE 8-4 XVhite IRON BEREGE 8-4 MANTLE BEREGE MOURNING DRESS GOODS COLORED DRESS GOODS 10-4 and n-4 LINEN SHEETINGS 6-4 LINEN PILLOXV CASINGS LONG CLOTHS, ranging from 221 to 50e. IRISH LINENS, Assorted GALLOON RIBBONS and TRIMMINGS, FANCY TIES, RIBBONS, BUTTONS, etc., etc., and many othor articles, too numerous to mention. Call and examine for yourselves, and thereby afford us an opportunity of proving that we can and do sell Goods as Cheap or Cheaper than any house in the South. Being in receipt of Fresh Goods almost every week, wo are enabled to offer great inducements to Country Merchants as well as to our retail customers. j. r>. a. zrearmr a ero. 314 Broad street, Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. ap24—tf Selling Off at Very Low Prices 1 rPHE ENTIRE STOCK OF 1 DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Segars, etc., etc. To make room for Goods constantly arriving at THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad streot. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ WHITE GOODS SILK BASQUES AND JACKETS, HOSIERY AND DRESS GOODS Just received, and for sale at a bargain, in THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. rPHE LATEST 1 and BEST STYLES OP SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS At lowest prices, at THE FANCY BAZAAR, No. 253 Broad street. Country Merchants Will find it to their advantage befo r pur chasing elsewhere to call at THE FANCY BAZAAR, mh2S No. 253 Broad street- L. J. READ, AGENT FOR GROVER & BAKER’S SB WING MACHINES, Broad Street. A complote stock of Needles, and all the improvements, together with Sewing Ma chines, always for sale. jal3—fijn O THE LADIES: MADAME DEMOREST, EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Branch at Augusta, No. 326 Broad street. PATTERNS OF ALL KINDS Trimmed and Untrimmed, for sale. NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED MONTHLY. ja 13—6 m Miss L. J. READ. E. S. JAFFRAV & CCL JMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP Dry G^oods, 350 Broadway, NEW YORK. fe27—6m Dentistry. W. E. SPEARS, ~~ DENTIST ROOMS 264 BROAD STREET, Over W. 11. Tutt’e Drug Store, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is constantly receiving all necessary ma terial appertaining to his profession, of the latest improvement and best styles. fe6—6m ft-iie Jailg frfss. ioOtAiri) JOB PR I* TUG oa EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER. The Favtevt Power Preetee, ami feet of Worbmm enablee ue to do Superior JOS WORK at Cheaper Rates thaw elsewhere. Dry Goods. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS A T THE WELL KNOWN, AND POPULAR STORE or Z. Kahn & Cos. 262 BROAD STREET, CAN NOW BE FOUND A COMPLETE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, HAVING REFITTED OUR STORE - AND LAID IN A STOCK EQUAL TQ ANY EVER OFFERED TO THE TRADING PUBLIC WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO OUR PATRONS. COUNTRY MERCHANTS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVAN TAGE TO DEAL WITH US, AND TO CONVINCE THEM OF THE FACT, WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILLS PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON SAVANNAH OR ANY SOUTHERN CITY, THEREBY SAVING ONE HUNDRED MILES FREIGHT. WE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED AND ARE CONSTANTLY RE CEIVING A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OP a o o X) s i CONSISTING OP CALICOES MUSLINS GINGHAMS LAWNS CAMBRICS NANKINS TWEEDS BAREGES CRAPES LINENS BRILLIANTES DRAPERING TARLETONS CASSIMERES SHIRTINGS CLOTHS JEANS SHEETINGS BOBBINETS COTTONADES TISSUES Lisle Thread SHIRTS and DRAWERS Lisle HALF HOSE, Ladies’ HOSE Childrens’ HOSE and HALF HOSE Ladies’ and Gents’ LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS Embroidered COLLARS and CUFFS Embroidered SETS, EDGINGS, eto. OUR ASSORTMENT OP SMALLER ARTICLES SUCH AS Pins, Hooks and Eyes, Tapes, Bobbing Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Belts, and Buckles, Portmonies, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Hair Nets, Table Cloths And a thousand other articles too numerous to mention, defies competion, both in PRICE AND EXCELLENCY. especially call the attention of tho Ladies to our beautiful assortment of LADIES’ BASQUES SAQUES AND CIRCULARS, Trimmed in the latest Spring atyleg of Bugle, Beaded, and Lace Trimming. ALSO, DUSTERS, CASSIMERE SACKS, etc.,Etc. I. KAHN & CO., 262 Broad street. mhl B—ts