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About Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1867)
<£ Oailn ress. City Printer—Official Paper LARGEST CUT CIRCULATION AUOTJBTA. OA. THVRSDAT MORNING JaM J*. IMT Immigration in Virginia. The laaigtalioa Convention recently ts«mbU at Alexandria, wok some practical *tep*,for promoting the intro' and action of farmer* from abroad. They pasted reaolatiooa crying a poo the land owuer* of Virginia the advantage to themselves, and to the State, of sub dividing their lands into tract* of such aiae aa will meet the demand* of the market, to gather information of the location, soil, and character of the land* no offered for ante, and the price* of the •ame; and also to establish agencies in the leading eitiee of the United States, and in foreign coantries, where it may be deemed necessary, folly believing that if the proper information can thus be spread before the people the natural advantage* which Virginia offer* to parties desiring to emigrate are such a* of themselves will draw into that State a voluntary emigration adequate to her need. They also took the preliminary steps to form a land company, with authority to secure subscriptions of land, at fairly estimated values, to be held and disposed of in the interest of the company. Almost everywhere else in the Sonth, save in Georgia, something is being done to secure an increase of population from abroad. Female Suffrage. We recently noticed the espousal of the cause of female suffrage by the able and erratic Senator Foote. The Mem phis Bulletin, edited by Admiral Se mmes, also declares in faror of the same movement. We fail to understand the reasons which lead to the evident growing conviction in favor of the enfranchisement of woman. It appears to u* to be against reason, against nature, and violative of all the dearest interests of society. If the standard of political capacity and purity be thereby possibly elevated, the purity and modesty of the sex would be lowered iu a ten fold degree. Woman rules amid the sacred altars of the fireside; and when she mounts the hustings, or elbows herself throogh the vulgar and drunken crowds that throng election precincts, she loses those retiring and modest graces that constitute her highest glory. It may seem idle to write seriously, in this latitude, of a question that has been considered the favorite crotchet only of a few visionary reformers; but when we see the measure adopted, as it has been in Kansas, by both branches of the State Legislature, and submitted to the |>cople for ratification ; and when men of talent, like Admiral Semitic v. es[>oiise it, the subject begins to U«i n up into the substance of anew national problem. [cOHMBSUCATID. The Belief Question. Mr. Editor : The decision in the case of Heard r*. The Mechanic's Hank, if not reversed by the Supreme Court, will create incalculable mischief throughout the entire State, and if it be true, as the Chronicle & Sentinel remarks, that u there is not a single surrender of a Bank Charter in the State, and all the surrenders and sub sequent assignments are illegal and void,” then it is but justice to all bill holders who are willing to settle with the Bank that they should be paid forthwith pro rata in such assets as our Banks have at command, and let those who prefer to sue take their chances for what they may get out of the wreck. Every intelligent man knows full well that it was no fanlt on the part of the directors that the Banks are unable to redeem their circulation. The whole 'ircumstances are so well known that ( wholly unnecessary to discuss that j t j The sacred honor of the proud p 0 j nt _ q tate” of Georgia was pledged -Empire. ’ treasury notes, which to redeem he. our Banks - * nd haT * were forced upon Her circulation, our jng failed to redeem . a matter of moneyed institutions, n ' a “ d while course, became insolvent; '* lu f * he our wise legislators are in n ' wnh sole cause of this insolrency, they v a larger portion of the community would fain throw the whole responsi bility on the directors; and although thousands are clamorous to be relieved from debts contracted before the war— for bread, meat, and clothing—not a few arc eager to saddle responsibilities on innocent stockholders, whose stock has been rendered worthless, at the instiga tion ol men now holding bank bills at a cost of five to ten cents on the dollar, with a confident hope of further swin dling the widow and the orphan out of the last vestige of property they hold on earth. And their nefarious schemes will be carried out to the letter, if sus tained by the Supreme Court; for other stockholders more sagacious will not sit down quietly with folded arms, waiting for a pack of speculators to obtain judgment and pounce upon their property ; and the inevitable result will be that every man who has any thing at stake will remove it (with biuiselt) to another country, where such executions will be about as available against him as Confederate bonds or State Treasury notes. The present condition of affairs in the Southern States is not so very attractive at to induce men to stand still and be fleeced in any such unmitigated man ner. We have enough in all conscience to contend with, without stirring up strife among ourselves, and whoever buys up hank bills, buys them at his 'own risk, and should be compelled to settle with honest bankrupt corporations as with individual* ia like circum stance*. Is there, therefore, no justice in the land, to crush out impositions that roast impoverish the country, by driving off our best citiaens to a country where they can feel secure, and bid defiance to such verdicts as are likely to be rendered against them. We make great professions as to security of property, in order to iedece capital to come from abroad, while the keen capitalist at a distance can readily see that, in various ways, we are moving heaven and earth to drive what little fee have left away from him; and oar own citisena, who would willingly make advances to planters, are thwarted in every possible way, so that they feel they are doing a safer business ia letting their money lie idle in the Bank of England or elsewhere than accumula ting interest on any securities that can be offered in this country, when there is such an antagonistic feeling existing against moneyed institutions, or men who have the means and disposition to help his poorer neighbors. A recent writer, “J. A. in the Chronicle and Sentinel, boldly urges a *• partial if not total repudiation of all debts,” as the only remedy of “relief for the dear people.” Now.that is decidedly cool, and certainly very encouraging for capitalists to step forward and lend a helping hand to an industrious farmer, who may in return brand him with tbe epithet of “ Shylock,” and threaten repudiation for payment. This matter of “relief” has been discussed long enough, and every man who is insolvent can be relieved by making a fair showing to bis creditors. Not many months ago two of our mer chants advertised to settle with their debtors on snch terms as they might feel able to propose, and if we mistake not, few if any of their country custom ers called in for a settlement. “ Get all yon can, and keep all you get,” seems to be the kind of relief many folks crave. Augusts. [communicated. The “ Sherman Bill.” Ms. Editor : As the “ Sherman Bill'’ ia the political topic of the day, and a strict legal interpretation of its various parts and meaning, together with the manner, mode and authority by which they are to be executed or enforced, are engaging the great minds of our coun try, permit an unpretending citizen to lay before your readers the following view from an impartial stand point, and based upon the provisions of the Act itself: Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That until the people of said rebel States shall be by law admitted to rep resentation in the Congress of the United States, any civil governments which may exist therein shall be deemed provisional only, and in all respects subject to the paramount authority of the United States at any time to abol ish, modify, control, or snpercede the -line; and in all elections to any office under snch provisional governments, all persons shall be entitled to vote, and none •.thers.wbo are entitled to vote under the provisions of the fifth section of this iicl ; and no person shall be eligible to any office under any snch provisional governments who would be disqualified from holding office under tbe provisions of the third article of said constitutional amendment. From this (6th) section of the bill it will be readily admitted that our civil government in Georgia, as in the other nine States, is provisional only, and in all respects subject to the paramount authority of the United States at any time to abolish, modify, control, or supercede the same. The only remaining question is, ns to the paramount authority of the Uuited States. Who is that authority 7 Where does that power lie T It evidently rests somewhere, and certainly not with the President, for he was opposed to the passage of the very Act now to be enforced. It must be conceded, therefore, that (on this occasion at least) Congress is the paramount authority of the United States, and in the first section of the. bill—which we give below—it delegates that power to the military, as prescribed by the second section : Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That said rebel States shall be divided into military districts and made subject to the military anlhority of the United States, as hereinafter prescribed, and for that purpose Virginia shall consti tute the first district; North Carolina and Sooth Carolina the second district; Georgi i, Alabama, and Florida the -hird district; Mississippi and Arkansas ' fourth district; and Louisiana and ,L v the fifth district. Texa- ’• And be it further enacted, ij*c . U be the duty of the Presi- That it sha ' command of each dent to assign « office . r lhe arm J of said districts ot brigadier general, not below the rank 'ent military force and to detail a suftit perform his to enable snch officer . Hority within duties and euiorce his aui. <tned. tbe district to which he is assi, power It will be conceded that the _ 'ury delegated by Congress to the miln in the first section remained with the military or war department, of the gov ernment only, until the President ap pointed and assigned to the command of each of the districts an officer of the army,under the provisions of the second section. This being done, the President bus performed the duty assigned him i and the military or war department iu duly, and as the President said in his veto objections to the bill, “ the power thus given to the commanding officer over all the people of each district is that of an absolute monarch,” and is, as I have shown, the paramount author ity of the government, to abolish, modify, control, or supercede any government that may exist in their respective districts until the first section of the bill is complied with- True, us Attorney General Stanberry says, in bis opinion, “With all its severity the right of electing their own officer* is still left with the people, and it must be preserved.” But, suppose, as in the case of the municipal authorities of Auguste, the law granting these election* ia dis regarded or not complied with, ia there any provision* mada for officers of the civil government—other than by election provided for in the first section of the Sherman Bill —to retain their offices beyond the specified time for which they were elected, except by the will of the district commander? Civ is. S. ecial Notices. J|@“ Cokriokkes Pta South Ia so il* a Railboad, June 19, 1867.—Uyam* A Cos, Sherman J A Cos, Cook A M, 8 Perry, C H Warner, Bows, at C, Or L D Ford, J D Rountree, H J Greenwood, T Stoy, B J A Cos, Both well A Cos, W B Griffin, C T * Cos, J W Moore, 8 A Frsiu. 16“ Consignees pis Czntbal Rail uoa>, June 18, 1867.—R (PD, Levy AA, C A 8, J F M, C A Williams, S Mustin, O’D A M, R F Urquehart. X®* FOR HAVANA, CUBA.—THE splendM new Schooner, M. E. GRAY— Piiliberry, Master—will sail from Charles ton, South Carolina, for HAVANA, on or about the first proximo. For Freight or Measurement Goods, or Passage, address 11. F. BAKER A CO, No. 20 Cumberland Street, jel9-2t Charleston, South Carolina. fl@“ NOTICE—GEORGIA RAIL ROAD, Augusta, Jane 17th, 1867. On and after the 20th inst., and until farther notice, this C.mpsny will transport at HALF THE LOCAL RATES, all provisions for free dis tribution to tbe destitute, whenever the shippers wifi satisfy the Agent at Atlanta or Augusta THAT THE PROVISIONS ARE TO BE SO DISPOSED OF IN GOOD FAITH. E. W. COLE, jelß-lm General Superintendent. fiST* H. M. AKEROYD, ARCHI TECT, of Nashville, Tennessee, (late of Cincinnati, Ohio), Plans, Elevations, Sec tions, fall sized detail Drawings and Specifications, with or without personal superintendence, for every class of Civil* Ecclesiastical, and Domestic Buildings. Also, Designs for Tombs, Monuments, and Decorative Art. Address 286 BROAD STREET, my S3—if Augusta. JB@“SODA WATER-WE HAVE commenced drawing SODA WATER at our Counter. PLUMB A LKITNER. aprt 2—ts THE UNDERSIGNED HAS received the appointment of UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER, for the South ern District of Georgia. Office at Augusta. may7—3mo JACOB R. DAVIS. NOTICE.—ALL PERSONS having WATCHES or JEWELRY for re pairs in the store of the late J. E. MUNGER, are requested to call and get them by the 20th of June, in order to close the busi ness. Also, several fine SHOW CASES for sale. H. S. MUNGER, Executrix. L. M. MUNGER, Executor. ap2.A—2m* REGISTRY NOTICE.— IBth Senatorial District, Richmond County Pre cinct. Tbe BOARD OF REGISTERS will meet in this county, at the time, and daring tho period specified, and at the following Preciote, for the purpose of Registering Qualified Voters under the taws of Congress, known as the Reconstruction Acts ; Tuesday amd Wednesday, 18th and 19th inst., at tbe head of Delaigh’s Avenue and Boundary Streot. Thursday and Friday, 20tb and 21st, at Sand Hills, by the Burnt Lot Church. Jane 24th and 25tb, at Bel Air. June 26th, at Poor Honso. June 271 h, at Richmond Factory. June 28th and 29tb, at Pine liill. July Ist and 2d, at Mcße&n. July 3d and 4th, at Tarver’s, 121st Diet. July stb, at Beoj. Palmer’s, Esq.. THOMAS S. SKINNER, E. .1. PANNAL, WM. HALE, (Colored), Board of Registers, 18th Senatorial District. Augusta, June 15th. jel6-tf FKEE TO EVERYBODY.—A large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, tbe despised respected, and tbe forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to send tbeir address, and receive a copy post paid, by return mail. Address, P. 0. DRAWER 21, mh2o—6m Troy, N. Y. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Extensive and attractive sup plies of Rich Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, and solid Silverware of every de scription, Diamond Rings and Pins, ladies’ Gold Leontine and Chatelaine Chains, Gent’s Guard, Vest, and Fob Chains, Wedding Rings, Bridal Setts of Pearls,, ALSO, sterling silver FOR 4. BRIDAL PR BS AND A GREAT VARIETY OF FANCY ARTICLES. Fine Watches and Jewclrj repaired at A. PRONTAUT’S OLD STAND, 163 l>road street. One door below Augusta Hotel, jelfi—tf “THE DAILY PRESS” j-ob Office HAS RECEIVED , "Y NEW SUPPLY AN ENTIREi. or LA TEST ST YLE AND THE FINEST ASSORTMENT or ALL KIXDB OF Printing Papers! IN THE CITY. Colored Inks kept on hand AS USUAL. New Advertisements. LECTURE B* lUITlTIO). REV. A. J. RYAN, Os Knoxville, Tsonssscs, will delivers LECTURE - . AT THE CATHOLIC CHCRCH, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 24 THE PROCEEDS TO BE APPLIED TO BUILDING A HOME FOB THE OR PHANS IN CHARGE OF THE BIBTEBS OF MERCY. Tickets One Dollar. To be bad at tbe Book Stores and of the Bnilding Committee. je2o*td Cotton Yams, gY THE BALE ONLY, FOR SALE BY CLAGHORN, HERRING k CO. Agents for various makers, NO. 7 WARREN BLOCK, Augusta, 6s, je2o-lm EMPLOYMENT FOR EVERYBODY. WE WISH TO OBTAIN AN AGENT in every county and town tbrooghont the States of Georgi-i, North Csroiini, South Carolina, Alabama and Florida for oar PATENT METEOR SAFETY Hand Lamp. It ia the most wonderful invention be fore the public; for UTILITY, SIMPLIC ITY. and DURABILITY it is unsurpassed ; is two hundred per cent. CHEAPER than candles, and a saving of fifty per cent, in oil : can be carried into the highest wind without any fear of its being extinguished; requires NO CHIMNEY, and is NON EXPLOSIVE. Sample sent by mail, $1.28. Call on or address. 6TANPORD a MURDOCK, Augusta Hotel. Parties are invited to call and see the Lamps in operation. Sold at WHOLE SALE and RETAIL. jelv*—tf Notice. MY WIFE, MARY J. DAVIS, HAVING left my bed and board without my consent, I hereby gire notice that. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her from and after this date. JAMES H. DAVIS. Augusta. Ga., June 17th. jel9-tam2m The Great Problem Solved. DR. A. HOLSONBAKES Cholrraand Diarrhoea Syrup, The great remedy for all Bowel Complaints. It cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Vomiting, etc. Every family should have a bottle of it It is speedy and effectual, very pleasant to the taste, any child will take it. Kept ia all Drug Stores, at FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. jelS-3tn. C, H. KINGSKOReT^ Having returned to your City, is prepared to PAINT from any kind of Picture or from Life, PORTRAITS in oil or cabinet rise,and colored. PORCE LAIN IVORYTYPKS, after the latest and most approved Style. CARTE 1)E VISITE or IMPERIAL PHOTOORAPnS tinted or colored CHEAP. Studio at Dr. A. F. BIGNON’S OFFICE, opposite Augusta Hotel. je!B-tf Bacon Jolts and S. Ft Flour# 2000 LBS ’ JOL£S 100 BBLS. S. F. FLOUR For sale low at corner Washington and Ellis streets, by ap24 ts M. A. DEHONEY. New York and Charleston Steamship Line. SAILING EVERY °SATURDAY FROM ADGER’S SOUTH WHARF. HK elegant Side Wheel Steamships MANHATTAN, M. S. Woodhull, Comd’r, CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander leave each port on SATURDAY, and for speed and comfort have no superior on the coast. Both ships have splendid Cabin accommo dations for Passengers. All outward Freight* for this Line should be consigned to Courtrray A Trenhoi m. who will forward same free of commission. Freights received daily at the pier. For Passage and business connected with inward freights, apply to Street Bros. & Cos., 74 East Bay. HENRY R. MORGAN k CO., Agents, 26 Broadway, New York. STREET BROS. <£* CO, COURTENAY k TRENHOLM, Joint Agents N. Y. k C. S. S. Cos., june 12—lm Charleston, S. C. TO TAX PAYERS IN THE CITY OF AUGUSTA- U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE,} Collector’s Orrics, 3d Dist. Georgia, - Angusta, June 8, 18*7. j Notice is hereby given that the Annual List of Taxes assessed in the Third Collection District of Georgia, on income to December 31, 1886, special taxes formerly called licenses, and vehicles, watches, and silver plate, for the year end ing March 1, 1868, has been placed in my hands by the Assessor of said District for collection, and the same is now due and payable. Payments must be made at this Office, daily, between the hours of Se’clock, A. M., and 4 o’clock, P. M-, until Saturday the 29th day of June. Non-payment within the time prescribed, will incur addi tional expense. WILL. D. BARD, juß—l2c Collector. Later Still!! -SHOW FllIS” AND “FRENCH TINT.” ANOTHER NEW STYLE OF Visiting or Wedding ARDS, CAA.LED THE « F RHN TOH TINT.” Also, the Beautiful called the “snow s' x. K E ’ Just received at the jus DAILY PRESS OFFICE. "■ Provisions, Etc. HAMS. Innn POUNDS choicr uncov jUUU BRED Baltimore Sugar Cured HAMS. SO Choice Smoked Beef TONG UEB 500 Ponnds Nice Breakfast BACON AH of whieh we offer at RETAIL at tb* ▼cry lowest market prices. jel» JAMBS G. BAILIE A BRO. Cheese* Butter, Etc. 3 NEW SPRING CIIEKBB, (Choice.) 5 Factory CHE3SE 20 New Young America* CHEESE, » to 8 pounds each. » 5 Tubs and Firkins Choice Goshen BUTTER Just received and for sale by je!9 JAMES G. BAILIE A BRO. Crackers. SODA CRACKERS, in Barrels and Boxes Batter CRACK ERB, in Barrels and Boxes Milk CRACKBKB, in Barrels and Boxes Bgg CRACKERS, in Barrels and Boxes Walnut CRACKERS, in Barrels and Boxes Fox CRACKERS, in Barrels and Boxes For sale by Pouud, Box, or Barrel, by jel9 JAMES G. BAILIE A BRO. FISH. MACKEREL —in Kits an Half Barrels SALMON in Kits CODFISH, New, No. I Smoked HERRINGS For sale LOW, by jel9 JAMES G. BAILIE A BRO. Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, ETC, BTC, ETC. -J Uk DOZ PURE OLD BRANDT, 1860 A V-r Genuine Pure Rye WHISKEY Old Port, Madeira, and Sherry WINE For sale by jel9 JAMES G. BAILIE A BRO. Bacon, Lard, Hay, &c. A ft HHDS. choice SMOKED CLEAR RIB SIDES, All BOXES choice UNSMOKED CLEAR RIB SIDES, Os) HHDS, choice SMOKED BACK- X/\J BONE SIDES, Q X HHDS. choice SMOKED SHOUL /CO DEBS, 25 KEGS LARD. f»fk BALES Tennessee HAY, TIMOTHY UVJ and CLOVER, 10 THOUSAND GRAIN BAGS, Car loads TENNESSEE CORN, Choice yellow TENNESSEE BUT TER, in pails and kegs, For sale low, by jane 11—20 t C. A. WILLIAMS A CO. Furniture. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! TAYLOR , §7 and 89 BOWERY AND 65 CHRISTIE STREETS NEW YORK, Hare the best assorted stock of PARLOR, DINING ROOM, and BED ROOM FURNITURE! SPUING BEDS aud BEDDING IN THE CITY. CANOPY and HIGH POST BEDSTEADS, Expressly for Southern Trade. STEAMERS AND HOTELS FURNISHED AT Wholesale Prices. KNOCK DOWN CANE WORK AND TURNED POST BEADSTEADS, In Cases. All Work Guaranteed an Kcprr. sented. Our facilities for Manufacturing defy COMPETITION. je!9 ly Furniture and Fiauo Hauling. JJAVING A NEW AND LIGHT SPRING DRAY, I am prepared to haul Furniture, Pianos, and anything else, without scratching or bruising, as is too often the case. Orders left at my store, on Washington street, between Broad and Ellis, will be promptly attended to, at rcasonaole rates. Particular care given to moving Furniture and Pianos. WM. HALE (Colored), Dealer in Family Groceries ja!s—tf Boarding. Private Boarding. TO REMAIN CONSISTENT WITH the times, Day Board can be obtained for the present, for a limited number of single gentlemen, at Five Dollars per week. And Board and Lodging for six single gen tlemen at Six Dollars per week, in a pleas ant locality, centrally situated, and conve nient to the business part of tbe City. Apply with satisfactory reference, To North East corner je!s—lm Monument and Ellis eU BOARD C'IAN BE OBTAINED FOR FOUR OR J Five Persons, on reasonable terms, by applying at NO. 189 GREENE STREET. ap2s—tf BOARDING. A FEW SINGLE GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated with BOARD AND LODGING, by application to J. J. LATHROP, Corner Lincoln and Ellis streets. fcß—tf J. J. BROWNE, QARVER AND GILDER. LOOKING GLASS And PICTURE FRAMES CORNICES, BRACKETS, i CONSOLE TABLES, Made to Order Old PICTURE and LOOKING-GLASS FRAMES REGILT, and OIL PAINTINGS RESTORED, LINED, and VARNISHED At 135 BROAD STREET, Augsuta, On. Old CHANDELIHKS made to look EQUAL TO NEW, at a moderate price. jel6—tf printsT - A FEW OASES— NEW STYLES— At Wholesale or Retail, cheap, at a22—tf D. K. WEIGHT A, CO. For Rent and Sale. To Rent, THE LARGE BUILDING IN THE rear of 255 Broad street, Bailable for a Storeroom or Workahop. Knqnre on the premia**. CUAS. H. WARNER, aps—tf Plumber and Gas Fitter. For Bale, A A SHARES SOLDIERS’ LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION STOCK. Apply to JOS. E. MARSHALL, —lt 297 J Broad Street. For Sale, An eligibly located place at Bel AD, containing ten acres, well watered, partly fenced, and with four good Buildings. It is admirably adapted for a truck farm. Apply at the Office of the my2s—tf DAILY PP.ESS. For Sale. FIRST CLASS LARGE SIZED ■KFEIGEBATOR! May be sees at JONES, SMYTH A CO., my2l—tf 192 Broad street. Doable-Barrelled Gun FOR SALE! AMAGNIFIENT AND SUPERIOR Laminated STEEL BARREL GUN, will be aold. For farther particulars apply at the myl9—tf DAILY PRESS OFFICE. COKE FOR SALE. CIOKE CAN BE HAD / At the GAS WORKS AT ALL TIMES. Tickets ean be procured at the Office from 9 A. M. until 2 P. M., every day. de* -ts G. 8. HOOKEY, Sop’t. Dry Goods and Clothing. atteMonT MW GOODS AND Good Groods, AT LOW PRICES, AND One Price Only. I. SIMM! & EBB., MANUFACTURER S OF AND DEALERS IN MENS’, BOYS’, & YOUTH’S CLOTHING, 224 BROAD STREET, OFFER THEIR WELL MADE AND FASIONABLE CLOTHING to the public and to their friend*, at LOW PRICES. Their stock of Clothing wu carefully and fashionably manufactured, and therefore guarantee to all who favor them with their patronage, a good and fashionable fit. They offer Gents’ Ready Made .Clothing FROM $8 UP TO S4O PER SUIT. In connection with their stock of Gents’ Clothing, they have a fall stock of BOTS’ k YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, which they likewise offer inducements to their yoang friends. In their GENTS’and BOYS’ FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT they are entitled to special notice. Among them they have fine LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, of the best Brands and Manufactures. GOOD GOODS FOR LOW PRICES is their advertisement. They ask their Patrons and the Public to examine their Prices in either line of their Goods, for their own satisfaction. I. SIMON & BRO’S. FASHIONABLE Clothing Emporium, 224 BROAD STREET. jo6 GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Gauze Merino Shirts AS LOW AS 75 CENTS. Lines and Cotton Drawers I LINEN SHIRTS. Silk and. Linen HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC., AT Julius G. Tucker’s, 322 BROAD ST&EET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, jnH—tf TO~'MERCHANTS. QN HAND— AN ASSORTMENT OF T AGS ! FOR PACKAGES AND MERCHANDIZE or AbL -KISDS. The, are made of Linen Paper, very strong, and are Eyeletted. Designed to bear a Business Card, which will be Printed upon them «t very low rate. Also, JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at tho DAILY PRESS OFIICE. fed—tf Dry Goods. GREAT BARGAINS nr DRY GOODS. TREMENDOUS REDUCTION In Prices OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. DRESS GOODS, of every description SILK and LACK COVERINGS LINEN GOODS, PARASOLS, BLEACH'D SHIRTINGS, and SHEETINGS. Not only New York Mills at 40c., Lonsdale at 25c., bat other makes and styles, and OTHER GOODS AS WELL, equally cheap. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET Bargains. D.R. WRIGHT & CO. may9—tf CHANGE OF BUSINESS. closdiglui sale. AT 190 BROAD STREET ! Goods at Yew .York Prices! Mrs. pughe begs respect fully to announce to the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity that her stock of DEY GOODS Dress Goods, Fancy Motions, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES Usually Found in such a Store, WILL BE SOLD AT YEW YORK COST ! In consequence of a projected change in Business. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS BE FORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. 190 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. fel3—tf 1867. 1867. DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE! D. R. WRIGHT & CO., (Globe Hotel Building), 250 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. WE BUY FROM FIRST HANDS— MANUFACTURERS, AGENTS, and IMPORTERS. Goods arriving almost daily. COCYTRY MERCHANTS need go no farther. We are prepared to show them a very complete and choice assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc., Etc., Etc., at prices as low as they can lay them down, bought of Northern Jobbers. For proof, EXAMINE OUR STOCK! jalS—tf PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. New Style MUSLINS, JUST RECEIVED, AT 20 CENTS PER YARD. Julius G. Tucker, 322 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. jnl4—tf AT JULIUS G. TUCKER S 322 BROAD STREET, French, English A American CALICOES FROM 12 TO 25 CENTS. jal4—tf CHEAPER THIN EVER ! DRESS CHAU BRAT, Every Color, AT 25 CENTS PER YARD. JULIUS G. TUCKER, 342 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA, GA. jul4—tf WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, NEW STYLES ! JUST RECEIVED, BY THE UNDERSIGNED, A SUPPLY OH ES6LISH MOTHER OF PEARL CARDS, LATEST STYLES IN THE NORTH! They are tho most beautiful Cards ever gotten np for the purposes intended. K. H. PUGHE, sp3—tf Proprietor. 1 City Ordinances. " AY ORDIJ 4J(e "" To amend an Ordinance entitled*, nance to License aad T ai 9fti- Lottery Ticket..” Tlx ' teler. Sac. 1. Be it ordaieeA t, „ of Augusta, a,4 it « hsr.L C .', authority of the ~,m . S? f****i U adopted at the ' '"W. Conned, reqn.ring Utt,ry Ve od „** t ™l * out a lieen-e of Five H» , r! tout, «and tee ,am. i. hereby a'^ iU ”t make said lieenae fee TANARUS», J*®' 1, «to - militating again., this Ordl the same are hereby repealed *’ I Done in Conneil this ia»k a A. D. 1867. ’ ! * tb **l 1 [U B ’l hosier Blodgett I Att»t= Ujrßto.s, c. I AW OKD|\* Ue — ' I To protect the Ceme-e-y used bv ,k. , citizens of Augur*. * | Sac. I. Be it orda'.uvi ry», r of August a aud it i, hrr./J I authority of the That the ihU" 1 ’ I clauses of the 12fltb ree'km , r ,l“ I Ordinance be and b « 1 applicable te the I colored citizens in this city • * I ties attached to the same ’ the P*«- ] Sac. L Beit further 'ordained TV., „ I ordinances and paruof *“ 1 against thn ordinance be and thed' 5 J hereby repealed. ' sce i Done in Council, thi. 7th and.» „» , i A.D., m 7. FOSTERtl &££’ j Attest, L.T. lW, C .C._tey; j _ OHDINANcI i To amend the One Hundred and 5«... 1 Sect,on of the General Ordinance. 1 | k.*C. I. Be ts ordoxned by the Cit* Can*l I of Augueta, aud it i, hj.u author, ty Os the.ame, That * tnneh^i 1 I £eneraU> A* *' l ' l ° so General Ordinances es the Cifv of A„Jo « requires the beiisa, the If’artot hSJ I to be rung forfive minute, every nigh t 1 and the same is hereby repealed. E Sec.lL And be it further ordained, Tl a , l all ordinances and parts of ordinances(j teting against this ordinances, be andh. same are hereby repealed. j Done in Council this 7th day of j FOiTEK BLODGETT,'’ I Attest, L. T. Bloke, C. C. Inne 1 ,-;'; i AN ORDINANCE To abolish the offices of Inspectors nd S Measurers of Wood. Vheren*, The offices of locpectors f .Measurers of Wood are of do reveaae is I the citj. And, 11 herta», The duties of those officer? m I discharged in such a manner as to be of no j protection to the purchaser. Therefore. j fcBC. I Be it ordained by the City Cow? | j of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained 6y tii authority of the tame, That for the purpote of reducing tbe price of wood, and thereby ! relieving in some degree the expenses Jf j the poor, tbe offices of Inspectors and iki surera of Wood, be, and the same are here by abolished. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained , Hat all ordinances and parts of ordinance* mili tatieg against this ordinance, be aad the same are hereby repeated. Done in Council, this 7th dav of July, A. D., 1867. FOSTER BLODGETT, (L- S.) Mayor C. A. j Attest, L. T. Bloke. C. C. june 9—lot j AN ORDINANCE To License and Tax Venders of Lottery Ticket*. Sec. I. Be it ordained by the City Council of Augneta and it it hereby ordained h] authority of the tome. That every Vender of ■ Lottery Tickets within the City of August, shall take out a lteense from the Clerk of tbe City Council previous to vending as? tickets, the price of which lieense shali te Five Hundred Dollars per annum. And be fore said license is granted by tbe Clerk, fbe receipts of tbe Collector and Treaiurer shall be produced for tbe amount ot t&ii license. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That each and every person violating the pm> sions of this Ordinance shall be fined in sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollar*!.! each and every day be or she common i? vend Lottery Tickets without said iicetie. Sec. 111. And be it further ordained, Tl it all ordinances and parts of ordinance? e taring against this ordinance beand'iK same hereby are repealed. Done in Council this 7th day of Jure, A. D.. 1867. FOSTER BLODGETT. (L. S.) * Major C. A. Attest, L. T. Blome, C. C. june 9i 4 i AN ORDINANCE To Reduce the Kates of Wharfage n Wood. Whereat, It is the duty of all City Authori ties to foster and protect every enterpn.*e having a tendency te improve the city xni promote tbe public gooi. And Whereat, There has recently been or ganized a Company for tbe purpose of sup plying the citiaens of Augusta with wood, at a low and uniform rate, at all season?, thereby relieving the people of tbe exorbi tant prices demanded for that necem'j article at times when it is most Deeded, And Whereat, The rate of wharfage ir higher than in Savannah and other cities, Bec. I. Be it ordained by the t-i*y Cowed of Anyunta, and it i* hereby ordaieed by tit authority of the tame, That the NVharfig* on Wood, which is now twenty cents p«r cord, be reduced to ten cents per cord. Sec. 11. And be it further ordain* and, Tbit all ordinances and parte of ordinances ciH* rating against this ordinance, be and .a same are hereby repeated. Done in Council, this 7th dayof Jaoe» A. D., 1867. FOSTER BLODGETT, (L.S.) Mayor C.'- Attest, L. T. Bloke, C. 0. *-'']! AN OK 1)1 V * ffC E To provide for Notice of Poiitirsl Meeting* in the Citj of Augusta. . Whereas, General Orders, No- 0 Maj. Gen. John Pope, commanding tne Third Military District, makes it tbe doty» certain civil officers to attend all ponota meetings, for the preservation cf order, w authorizes such municipal regulation s “ will enable said officers to efficient]/ pertorm such duty: Therefore, _ Sec. I. B'itardaiu-dbylhtCitfCom'd of Augusta, aud it is hereby or authority of the same. That from , the passage of ibis ordinance, it sb? 11 ”™ duty of aii persons designing to hold *nj political meeting within the limits 0 City of Augusta, to give notice ia to tbe Mayor of the time and piece of hoi ing said meeting, twenty-four hoursp»»' to the time appointed for holding **Sec. If. And be it further ordoil'l, *) the authority aforesaid, That any T*”* persons who shall call, b»ld, ora P hold any such political meeting limits of this city withou' bsTingg said previous notice, shall, upon con •*, -.j be fined in a sum not exceeding five n dollars. , Sec. 111. And be it That all ordinances or parts of militating against this ordinance, he same are hereby repealed. , Done in found, this » ***** A. D., IStiT. FOSIKK BLODGETI. SASH, BUND, AND DOOR manufactory. rB UNDERSIGNED, HAVING I>l> ehaaed the entire BLIND, and DOOR MANUFACTOR w Mr. Jcsm Osmond, i* no w F execute nil orders entrusted to nim- LUMBER DRESSED TO ORDER MO ULDINGS of all description, Constantly on b»« Factory, ot corner of Fenwick aad M-J u ' ne,rtb< H 0 G U;t wjm^ WHITE ALPACA, BY, 01 ” 1 "- "“SSyffisL. 190 Broad street-