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rr*+r.< r*vn*xrr-jrr*&»^wyimtmmn’w ■wtrfwmxr
1TY 40221% itt. CCOPEli. ~
»Al,t.T rAI'F.R $1 00 | TKI-WKKKI.T >}'( OU
ill. Nr v\ Ail’ in Dements appear i.i belli papers.
f'imgr»sp in-iv hr said slill in ho without nn
organization. Thr snuic difficulty which so
A>iig deferred tin 1 election hi n Spun),t;r of llie
llpusn, promises to prevent llie elcriinn of a
Cnirk to that body for some limo to mini’.—
Thu standing Committees nro stnniling idle,
ond tlio important business rtf tho mmilry in
neglected, while parties nro wrangling nod
sqnabling about the election of n subordinate
officer, ns if it wore a uintter of any inipnr-
tanco to tint nation whether the man who calls
the roll of the member# and record# (bo pro-
reeds, ho a whig or democrat.
The letter due from our correspondent not
giving reached ns, we make the following cx-
tracts from the correspondence of the Uniti-
morPBun setting forth the aspect of affairs at
the latest date# :
The discussion that ingoing on in the Sen
ate Upon tile anti-slavery resolutions of the leg*
lature of Vermont anficipiites much that Vouid
bosaiduprin any proposition for the prohibi
tion of slavery in'Inc territories. Tho whole
question pending between the north ai d .be
# uth is Ijrotighl into vieji. I llcre
a disposition in the Senate to conticiie the
«lebat.o indefinitely, in toe absence i fui.vr em
ployment. The Southern Smmtnrs are pre
pared to say tlmt the South will ri'sisldirect
legislative i uteri'- roice with her rigiils I
hibiting slavery in the new territories; 1
lyn portion of them go so far ns to declare
that tho South will resist the admission of Cal
ifornia os a State vyirli her self imposed re
striction of shivery.' It will ho a very long
time as J imagine, before the mutter will mine
to a point.
The result during the present, session, tho’
prolonged till August, will evidently lie ihe
admission of California as a State, and the
postponement of all propositions for any terri-
toriiii government for Now Mexico apd Dcse-
Thn ad' aotagf' of lids scheme is, that it. w ill
enable the Northern Senators to dodge the
jU ilinot proviso question, as they are desirous
of doing; for, if brought up to’“face the nut-
sir.’' they must vote for the proviso.
Some oi (Jie Southern Senators will pcr*isi-
ipUtt'ir demand I hut the Northern S'ntes shall re-
jieAbcprtnm lows which obstruct tho arrest and
jjaeKvesy of fugitive slaves. Ii would he hypos-
silili/lo ohtain such legislation. Km nn equally
direclmiode of attaining tho object is to pass
the IfilJ now before tlm dndicitiry Committee,
-x_. ivjjjidi nndics it die duty of United Slates otlicers,
the postmasters, rollpc.lors and others, to arrest
and deliver fugitives. Whether this net. will
pass or no: is ail other thing, h will pass the
Senate, ami 1 do not see upon what ground the
F ..Northern members of the House can resist it.
They ciiunot do it. without counlonniieing a uni
fication <>l n constitutional provision, which
-.was pronounced by the hue Chief .lustre Kald-
winto lie the corner-stflne of that, instrument.
The House is further < ff than ivo.fnlbi elect
ing a clerk,
■$ 'I donut think that Congress will he fully or
ganised before the, beginning ofiFeln iuo-v, uud I
doubt much whether any nniionid luisim ss will
■e he done the middle of April „r May. ' It
e ’ "'ill require, weeks to calm memhers and Scnn-
*‘>i s, au’l tile speeches mw making inlue Senate
y or ” not ofa iiatuieto pour nit on tho troubled
, waves.
He wondrous wary of your first comport
ment-; got a good name, ai d be very tender
of it nfit-rw in its :for ’rip like the Venire-glass,
quickly crackud, never to lie mended though
patent-d it may be. To this purpose, tube
along with you this faille. It happened that
Fire, Water, und Fume Wont to travel together,
(a* you are doingiiow) ; they consulted that,*
if they lost out! another, how they might be
retrieved, and meet again. .Fire said, Where
you see smoke, tjiere yon shall find me. Wri
ter said, Where you see marsh, and moorish
low ground, there you shall find me. But Fame
said, Take heed how you lose me; for if you
do, you will run a great hazard never to meet
me again ; there’s no retqiqviug of me.
A volcano called theYMiiriqm, in the island of
.lava commenced in<&*p'£eml>.-r last, throw ing
out stones and ashes with Iqful explosions. The
inhaliltiiiils fled in liing^iftii, a million of coffee
trees were destroyed. Also the entire tobacco
Kern Retort*—During tin* Inter cunvnis in
Michigan, a flurg* on flautist win making an
o\c( l.ent apcccti in mu* of the interior towns.
A low tHiow hHongjng to tlm otls«*r pa ty Inter-
ruptiMl him with the (juogtion, “what do you ask
to pull a tooth doctor?" “I will pull all vonr
tm-th for a shilling, and your nor? gratis/’ replied
the sptg&kor.
A Sleepy Deacon.—who sometimes engages
in popular games, hearing the minister use the
words, ’Sh.ifllr off this mortal coil,” started up,
rubbed Ids eyes, and exclaimed, “Hold on, it’s
my turn to deal!”
Murder Instead of Marriage.— A young
man, named W. J*. Anderson, at Van Bunin,
1 eon., was lately shot dead, drlibeiately, by g
Mr. Wm. A. Moore, whose house he was ap
proaching with u view of earning off his daugh
ter to tnarfy her. *
Taking the Veil.—It iobsseiu-d by the Oiri-
cinnati Times tlmt Miss Irving, of Mobile, a fa-
ut on- vorito grand daughter of Henry Clay, has ex
pressed her determination to take tho'veil. This,
determination Inis occasioned much grief to Mr.
luca/an.—By the steam ship Ohio we have
Havana papers Ui$he ‘ of December. They
contain nothing-inefuil, however,exedpt accounts
from' Merida t#t«s 9th, which represent the war
witli-the Indiiqjyms still in desolating progress.
with little or no prospect of its termination,, A
series o! decrees has beeu issued by the Govern
or, railing for contributions both of money and
provisions, the resources of the Government be
ing well nigii exhausted. Indian corn especially
has become excessively scarce and dear.—A'. Y.
Com. Atlv., 8th but.
.1 Sad Fnii.—Years ago a Air. YVaiawright
was a literary lion in London, mid had the friend
ship of such men us Charles Lamb. Ho was dis
tinguished by the elegance of his costume,-and
his abilities aiFn writer and an artist. His scien
tific acquirements and iinHi,sing qualities in socie
ty, made him the centre of a brilliant circle. l ie
was convicted of poisoning several persons, for
the purpose of defrauding the Insurance offices,
in[which he hyti effi-c.ted policies on their lives,
and was transported to Sydney, where he died
not long since.’
Quick Pass,von.—The Steamship Philadel
phia, Capt. Gallagher, from Havana, arrived
Mj at Kavanath Bar ul 7 o'clock on Smorday
We this morning p es.-nt to the public the* *’'cni;.g, making the shortest run ever made
first number «f the Daily M.mmvo Jvkw.h. ,min Havana to this port. She-made the trip
Custom would require tlmt we should hero sot * nim the Morn Castle to our bar, u distance of
forth tin 1 aims we have to accomplish, and the miles, in 48 j lwurs.
course wdesign to pursue; and if it were as The Philadelphia is one of tho finest stenm-
eusy to perform us it is to promise, wo might ; ships nlloat. Wo had the good fortune to test
pul forth suHi an array of good inteutidiis as ! l"' c strongfh and hooyance in the gale which
would he found perfectly satisfactory to ullfi 8 ' 10 encountered on her passage out from Pliil-
But as we design to base our claims to the con
fidence and support of the public on the merit
of our performances, we will not occupy our
splice with more than a brief outline of our
plan, leaving our readers to judge how nearly
delpliin. We say good*fortune, for we should
liuve considered ourself in a perilous situation
had her qualities us a sea bout not boon of the
first order. This demonstration of her sailing
qualities, while it is the most satisfactory rc-
ootim.a i-
morning for 1’hiludclphm.
we come up to it in future, nod to give us what ! ply to tiiose who have sneeringly spoken of her
credit or censure they may when we shall rise j “")' Btur boat speed,” cannot but he highly grut-
ubove or full below our standard. j Ifying to her amiable and gentlemanly
In^our prospectus, w hich will be found ' d ° r - leaves tffis morning for l’
another column, wp have given expression to
llie views which prompted our eiitoi-prize, mid
which have inlhioticed us in adopting the plan
therein set forth. We are happy to find that
these views are concurred in by many on whose
judgements wo have reason tu rely, and who
have already given us the most gratifying us-
surance of their good will and support.
Our “platform” is embraced in the words
neulratiti/, independence, and industry. Our
aim will ho to give to our subscribers a cheap,
reliable, and comprehensive newspaper, and
to tho business man an advertising medium
through which he may reach all classes of the
community. While wo shall preserve our neu
trality in violate, w6 shall in no instance com
promise our independence; ami wliut patient
industry can do to make our sheet useful and i
popular shall he accomplished. In so much '
we have defined the position of our paper. j. gf
For ourself, we may say that we enter upon j Si.avkiu in Mauvlanu.—A bill has been in-
the task before us with a full appreciation of j traduced into the Nlaryland House of Doles
its requirements and responsibilities, and with j gates by Mr. Harris, of St. Mary’s, providing
a resolute determination to spare no effort to for the abrogation of all laws prohibitory of
meet the wants atnd expectations of the public | tho introduction of slaves into that State,
to whom we look for support. Aftm 'au ah- I —
Savannah I’iiht Societt.—The report of
the Board of Managers for the past year was
made by the President, Capt. YVm. CuAnTHKK,
in his usual felicitous mariner, showing a pros
perous state of the Society, and the probability
of their continuing the faithful services of the
present preacher to tho seamen, the Rev. Thus.
The cause of tho Sailor was noldy advocated
by addresses from the Rev. Mr. Hutchins, the
pastor, Rev. Mr. Earn, of the Lutheran, and
the Rev. Mr. 1’enniman, of the Unitarian
Churches.' After which, the Society made
choice of officers for the present year, and the
audience were dismissed with prayer offered
by Rev. Dr. Neufville.
The music was conducted by the Choir of
the German Lutheran Church, vvliti acquitted
themselves admirably.
senco of four yegjp, wo return to the State of
our'early adoption, with our attachgS'ut to her
soil tuid people unabated, and with a heart as
devoted us ever to her institutions and her in
terests. For the preservation of those insti-,
lotions and the promotion of those interests, it
will he our privilege in future to labor with
what ability we possess in tho. field we have
markoMout for our exertions.
It is but due to ourselves to state that our
arrangements have not yet been fully com
pleted, and that we have labored under some j
•'disadvantages in tlie preparation of our first |
number, irom the absence of exchanges and
correspondence, with ’which we will he in fu-
tiyre pYovided. The publisher has made liber
al arrangements, which will give us all the
The Parkman Murder.—The Grand Jury
which met in Boston on Monday of last week
waste investigate the Paiksnmi murder. In
cajethey find a hill against Webster,'it will he
forwarded to the Supreme Court, where he will
he arraigned, and then a time tor trial will he
assigned. A during attempt was made to obtain
the evidence given before the Coroner’s jury in
the rarktnun case. Supposing that tlm evidence
was in the possession of the Coroner, his office
was entered and his desk and safe forcoij open.
A list of the witnesses in the case was carried off
but the document wanted was not there.
requisite facilities for obtaining commercial
and other information from the various points sa ' s
The Death of Oeorgc Washington La-Pay
ette, son of General L., is announced by letters
from Paris. He accompanied his father in the
final visit to the United States, and deservedly
shared tlm manifestations and regards of thoJ’of interest.
American people. In all the relations of life,
enjoyed tlm wannest esteem in France; ho never ! " Publication Outce.—The publication of-
swerved from his republican principles and the i
example of the illustrious parent. I Iis dis-ohe
timi took place at Lagrange; the family sent,
about tlm 1st of December. The c orpse wns in
terred within the walls of the ancient convent "of
From California. — The latest accounts
1 brought by the Falcon,at Ncw-Orlesns, represent
I affairs in California to be in a flourishing condi-
t ion. The private correspondence of the New-
Y ork Tibiinc, dated at San Francisco, Dec. 1st,
Sr It I*-"* been computed says the public
Ledger, that the U. States have n frontier line
of 10,710 miles, a sea-eoust of 5,400 miles, a
lake Const, of 1,100 mile. Oim ot its rivers is
twice us long as the Danube, the largest river
in Europe. The Ohio is 000 miles longer than
tlm Rhiue, and the noble Hudson has a naviga
tion in the “Empire Stnte” me hundred and
twenty miles longer than the Thornes. Wiihin
Louisiana age havous end creeks, almost un
known, that woyld shame, by comparison, the
Tit re or Seine. The Slate of Virginia alone
is one third larger than England. The State
ot Ohio contains three thousand square miles
more than Scotland. Tho* Harbor of New-
York receives the vessels tlmt i.uvignle rivers,
canals and lakes to the extent of three thou
sand miles, cqiutl to tho distance irom America
to Europe. E#om-*tlio capital of Maine to iho
‘ Crescent City” is two hundred miles further
ihan from London*to Constantinople, a route
thgff would cross England, Belgium, a part of
Prussia, Germany, Austria and Turkey.
Cuba-—Tho Haviu,a Diario, of December
19, says llmt uiimJ|jmoish vessels of war will
speedily ho on llie const of 11 avann, Irom Europe
among which are the ship of the line S .hei-om
frigate Esperanta, corvette Bilhoa, brig
\ ahli’z aijjLf<ie:mii-i- Colon. This rohilorrnoierl
will cnttbloTtlm Spanish Government, loth'-same
something like un important attitude it: the West
of Pioptts, where, under a simple tomb, lies Gen.
Lafayette. George Washington Lafayette, w-ns
during the stormiest days of the first revolution
a member of the fumily of Gen. Washington, by
whom ho was formally adopted.
q From Frazil.—Few Kingdonbto be Made.
—Tlm correspondent of the New York Express
gwrttes as follows:—
Finnic Janeiro A'eg. ‘25, 11)49,
'L'he Prince do Joiiivilfe iiiid wil'eVra# expected
-V hv the E nperor very soon, and report has it that
three provinces sdjuiniog Pernunibui-.o me to he
couverted iWo « Kingdom, and the Prince uud
Pi incess »ri-gj he crowned Kingaml Queen there
of. Louis Pliilippe and the Emperor Imve been
in close corn *i»ondeiicc for the last thi ef 1 months,
nod no doubt ihe above is the result of his wiles.
General uproar und vepuhliea-ism subsequently
will be llie consequence, mid the Empire uiti-
, nintely b'lltod entirely out of existence.
Trade has ghnitly uicreused wit Woreign coun
tries, und with mute, move thun the United
Saval.—The L T . IS. store-ship .Supply sailed
(Hi Tluosduy from Brooklyn Navy Y ard, for ijnn
“ ' 'Ffit!iLi-st’iv,." She takes out stores for lip Pacific
(qoadioo. The m wlv appointed iffir-iids for
Oregon Territory took passuge with tltejr familh.s
in the Supply. The followii.’g is u list of her
s otlicers; ‘j- ~ ■
Twenty ritots Vrutcncd.—An English paper eouiaiua
i nisuu.i lioly trcuuut of tho Inn of twenty pilon
srinrhed U) tt.-u atvina, who were drmvu, d in
i Unnsne r.ttt nptlo rsacne the r.tuw of i wr-ck«f|
Horrible Outrage.—A gentleman from the
neighborhood of Greenville, Ky., informs the
Louisville Journal tlmt a most horrible out
rage was committed in tlmt vicinity a few
nights ago. Sometime after a family by the
name of Ingram had retired to lost,'a negro
man, belonging to the family, entered the
sleeping.apartment of Miss Ingram, seized her
by the throat, choaked her to death, and then
violated her person. Her parents, who were-
sleeping- in the adjoining room, heard nothing
of wlmt was taking place, nml were ignorant
of the unhappy fate of their daughter until af
ter they arose in tic; morning. The negro
confessed the crime and was secured. There
was great excitement in the neighborhood,
and it was feared that the people would not he
willing to await tiie tardy proceeding'of the
legal tribunal, hut would inflict more summary
The State election is over, and fifteen thou
sand votes were cast. Peter H. Burnett has
been elected Governor, und John McDugal,
Lieutenant Ci overuor. George YV. YVright and
Edward Gilbert have been elected to Congress.
They ure tdl Democrats. There is nothing yet
lice of the Morning News will be at No. 117
Biiy-st., where the business of the paper will
he transacted by Maj. L. YV vlly, and whefe j decisive us regards U. States Senators,
advertisements to be inserted should he left j Public, order reigns throughout the entire
pievimrs to 7 o’clock P. M. ■' ! country; at least us much so as could he ex-
Mr, 11. S. Bell has been engaged as City I 11 ‘"‘H ,
p . , n ,, •, . . ° , _ 1 1 Labor is consantly becoming cheaper in con-
lu porter and Collector of Shipping and Com- j sequence of tho great number of persons com-
niercial news for the Morning News, and our
friends and the public will confer a favor on
us by nlforjliog him whatever facilities they
may in the discharge of his duties. His desk
is also at No. 117 Bav-street.
ing from the mines into Sun Francisco and oth
er towns and cities to spend their winter.
It may sonlewhut surprise you, but it is nev-
• i crthelcss a fact, that what are called heavy,
‘a | boots, are selling here at the inormuus price of
j ninety-six dollars a pair.
The growth of this city (San Fraqcisco) in
of without a parallel, even in the records of’mugic
lo Exchanges.—YVe send this numbe
the Morning News, with this paragraph mark- \ It now numbers twenty thousand inhabitants,
ed, to those papers with whom we desire an
Oil for Machinery.—The Reading Press no
tices an oil recently discovered by Dr. Jacob
Marshall, of that city, which possesses pecu
liar and valuable qualities, ns a single ounce
will go further in oiling machinery than a quart
of common oil. If this he crtrreci, the dis
covery will proven mutter of no. small' im
portance to rail-road companies and manufac
turing establishments. •
A Hungarian Ole Bull.—Lieut. Remengi,
the young exile of Hungary, gave a private
musical entertainment to a few friends at the
Astor House, N. Y., on tlm evening of the 7th
inst. His performance upon the violin, it is
said, surpassed any thjhg heard in New-York
since the days of Sivori, Vieux Temps, or Ole
Shadows of Bostoli Life.—A man was ar
rested in Boston n few days ago for stealing
wood. He had a wife and four children in the
extreme of destitution, not a stick of wood
nor a morsel of food in the house, und mi
shoes to the children’s loet. The prosecution
wus abandoned, and a sum of money raised lo
supply their present necessities'. This is one
of the unseen miseries of a great city..
Cy YVe staled u few days since that a com
pany of blacks were performing burlesque
opefns for the amusement of the Bostonians.
The following, which vvq copy from a Northern
paper, gives us the sequel:
“Darkies” in Trouble.—The introduction
of some obscene passages in the burlesque
opera of N'ornin, called the “YVicked Darkio, - ’
on Saturday night, a; Boston, led to u Smash
ing of benches and chandeliers, and driving
the troupe precipitately from the theutre.
xclusiveof the transient population. Its trade
and commerce is growing more and more ac
The departures during the month of Novem
ber were equal to the arrivals.
Some seventy teams of overland immigrants
encountered severe snow storms near Sampson’s
1’ass, and suffered greatly. Relief has been
sent out to them from Sacramento city.
The raihy season bas set in, and the roads in
the vicinity of the mines have, in many places,
become impassible. It is certain that the mines
must sutler much from this cause.
At the town of Stockton (lour is now selling
at one dollar per pound?
The quantity of gold dug and digging con
tinues to increase. ,
The carpenters at Sacramento city are re-
this tribunal so much needed, and in the abili- I reiving sixteen dollars per day.
t,v and dignity of the gentlemen whom thi-y j ,- Bxec P. t thc rain > we have pleasant weather,
have selected to preside over it.
exehangtft- YVe shall feel under obligations lo
those who will extend tons this courtesy, and
will endeavor to reciprocate the favor.
v Supreme Court, or Court for the Cor
rection of Errors of the State of Geor
gia.—A regular term of this Court commenc
ed in this city yesterday; present, their Hon
ors Judges Lumpkin, .Warner, and Nisbit.
YVe understand tho docket is one which will
occupy the whole of the present week, and
perhaps run into the next week.
The citizens of Georgia have catisc to con-
grutidiVte themselves upon the establishment of I
The Indian summer is now prevailing
shall endeavor to give in a brief man- j
tier, from day to day, a statement of causes !
brought up into it for hearing and the decisions j
thereon. \,
Seaman’s Fair .—YVe learn it is the inten
tion of the benevolent ladies, who have hither
to taken great interest in the welfare of sea
men, to organize and hold a fair, in the course
of a few months, for the benefit ef this class of
our citizens. Their last fair was w ell attend-
eiL and we have no doubt the public will wil
lingly und liberally patronize the contemplated
Armament foil California.—The ship
Monterey, Capt. McManus, chartered by the
Government for a voyage to California and
now leading ul Baltimore takes on hoard twen
ty cannon, each weighing 7,500 pounds. The
Sun says that the goiis are designed fur, a bat
tery, to he erected, at sujpe point on the Bay of
San Francisco, and tliut one of the urtillerv
•tompanies, now at Fort McHenry, /w'ill go out
in the same ship. .
I ii* Fer-stutistios of the Commerce of the
United States and othorintcresting matter see
first page.
[ C irnmunicated. ]
Tranks Returned and Favors Request
ed.-^ wish to return thunks to all who have
assisted the Society of which I am agent, and
should they or any others bo disposed to lend
their aid, donations, if sent to tho book store of.
Mr. Cooper, they will lie thankfully accepted
and faithfully applied, by the Sficiety which
lias given instruction to upwards of 2,500
children of emigrants and others needing as
sistance. A box fur money,[and a box foi byoks
arc at .the above place.
This' institution called the “Seubian and
Strangers’ Friends’ Society of Canada,” is
well recommended by Ministers of the- differ
ent denhminntions both in Canada and in the
United Stutes. It is recommended by Drs.
M’Dowell, Cuyler, Jones, Barries, and ethers
in Philadelphia ; ulso in this city. It furnisho:
Bibles' and Christian instruction to SeiNnuj
and emigrants ; also gives clothing and insmic-
tion to orphans and poor children, us will be
seen by those who may look at thc lust Report,
S that inuvbe seen at the place abuvp mentioned.
agent of the s. & s. f s-
Savannah. July. 14, 18o6.
WAS Hi N’GTuN, January 7, 185(1.
federal city was never before tin
“I stimuli interest, and I may soy of so inticli
n i .p, as it is now—as is likely to be dining
the t. sent session of Congress. New qnes*-
ttoiifiuve arisen, unit old ones have bi i-onur
m"i complicated. New political organizations
are;miied nod forinii.g, while the old ones are- j
•‘Hj.tniggling with each other for the mastery.
A iiv administration comes in at this juncture,
nuqjpiin nn ebbing tide, luniug nt its emu* •
meijj.incut lost the control of the House of
Repj sent utives, nod having already experienced
a ie-4 ,e jo the principal Slates which created
■ t- 5 c acquisition of new territory, and the
devel pinrnt of new resources, claim the nt-
tentiiLf Congress, while, at the stmu time,
quest ji^of foreign policy, but intimately con-
necleJ ftli our domestic concerns, have sud-
deiilyr^len. Questiens involving tluT rtgTit•
and i-Lotsts of the Southern portion of tho
UiiionJ 1 * pressed upon the House of Rej>r<-
semntll i, io which neither the administration
parly il .tjie'demooratic party have a ttnijority ,
and wlA tjs controlled by a fiorce, reckless,
and niiA ( jyvoiis fuetion.
I he (k .'Unity w hich five weeks are present-
ud itscltlijthe election of the speaker, is ntiw
an ohstul to the election of u clerk nnd Otlst-r
officers l- the House. The fret-soil party,
holding I e, will not permit eirheftlr
wings or I e democrats to nmkp an olectibn,
and to ret pt again to the plurality ruin is put
of the qujjiun.
1 lie lira duly of the (Senate is, the ongk'n-
eioosifaiid p illions one of sciiiiiiiug the merits ,
or denieritlof the nominees who are before
tjlem. Mi|y of them will, doubtless, he j-e-
jeeted, ann with the assent of some of tjie
Whig Seimirs, uud -t the YVliig party. The
denote nreijlso determined lo reject some of
the nominn(1|iis, not so much on necuimt of tin
demerits ot die nominees, ns of the merits
those who vj’re removed from office. Tile-
Fenate will institute a searching inquiry into
the charnctej, not only of the nominees, lint
also ot those who w ere proscribed, and rej- -t
nomiimtiims m account of injustice dqr
the latter, as veil us on account ;of the t
ness of the foiner.
llie delmtciou Gen. Cass’ resoluti
suspension of Diplomatic relations wi
ll ia, lias liecn^ io far, exceedingly brilli
interesting. Gin. Cass’ speech is w\
some of the efiirts of Burke. Mr. I
deuimeintions oi’AVehb, the Minister toAustr
was sutineal aid scathing in the logic's! d
gree; and Mr. (ilav’s speech to-day, t long
adverse to the insolations, was one of etc
nmiiding eloquenie and solid argument. ■ •>
subject, which is hub full of matter ttfur- I
the piqiular suseejitibilities, is to be furkli
'1 lie British Minister now here, Sir Henry
Bulw cr, is, I learn) to romuin here but a Hmr
timi 1 , and is to he transferred to Canada?
Governor General. , j, ’
13$*“ On the 7th Vast, the following genv'
were re-i-lected Directors of the .Muscogi-
Road: Maj. John |j. Howard, Maj. 1 ^;.
Haudkwat, Dr 1^ A, VVauf., Go*. S.|i
Bailey. Hon. K. B.'Alexander, II. IJ ■
Esq., and Col. J. Wimberly. > >
a"?'’* A Mr. Duffik, a merchant of Col 1
bus, fin., n German, was killed a few dr
since, in tlmt city, by YVm. B. Martis, of f
rai d, Ala. There had been uu undent feud' 1 !
tween the parties, arising from family dilliitti
ties. Tho weapon used by Martin was a] is j
tel, the ball from which passed direitj'i
through the heart of Duffik, killing him it
Maryland (Senator.—Ex-Gov. Thom a 4^1
I iiatt was, on Tliutudny last, elected by i
Legislature o( Muryltmd to till tho vncaucyl
casiomid bv the resigiVation of tltc Hon.
erdy Johnson, and raise for the full tern
commence the 1st oil March, 1851—n
his election for eight fill) 1 sessions''of Congnlj
Ohio Legislaturw. 1 —Confusion still ]|
vails in tlie Senate. Wn the 8th instant,
(Swift read a speech nn|d closed with a re»J
tion to remove! Mr. BlaVye from theSpealj
Chair. The debate, which fttqstml all day,]
sisted of personalities. ChargVs of faiseU
were made and retorted, nnd, tij
bf hilliegsgate almost- entirely 'tix^Baa^
The House adj'ouVned WhYm-e-tHf
Slavery in the District. —TboJ
Tribune gives the following from a|
ten at Washington on thc 8th inst.:
“There was some talk Saturday i
Unionists about H,' 1 ’Ji'titfiHfcjki
pates about tip DistrictqfCblt
ting for it n sclf-gflvciument ac'c. i
tion, w ith the power to ubolisR |«J
its limits. 1 here are hut fewM
here—not more than one in Jen oV 1 !,
population being owrtbrs or hirer-
and the moderate wages uud supe-
ot the numerous t'UejgnerH hore V'*
more undesirable seri-ants every dv
A Long-Pen Holder.—On ffutu;
neon, an operator in the Easter j
office, in New-York, succeeded ii'fjl
reel to Ilalifux, N. 8., a distance o*ff
thousand mites of continuous wi> |
the greatest distance that any tti
yet wprked intelligiblv, fYVt.cider
doit when a steamer arrives
Certainly not if there* chuiic
vancc in cotton,
t Three druuk.inls, namej
hurst, and Evans^w'cre fid
May villejN. Y., U v ?ng wiy#'