Newspaper Page Text
ATT.—Til “*1- ''"V 1
a u .- ilfif hi.sbt-t Tiif-Iitvi. nl n.i-
!.Kui,xna^ t .vf ot' M.,- Mowatt, i„
if t!«' Util nil” 1
Unciuestfcfoahfc.'tlw* < n '» x
, over came i« 3»i* p'.mnrj h'/uiAm-
lm- become a go' 1111 ‘“V’ 1 "’’ “”.‘1
1 i, or reputation h.v. countering cmi.n
, to br
•*,'Lulmrilie* of^unmut.on, an,
,*Uy l.eromiMffOim#-J|f tlie urtwiMnllew., a.rf *>«. ■* T »' the
uctrcsse* oil tin; tlu r r.
-tn ludqii ndent Commercial and Pitas Pape
Published in the City of Savannah.
John M. Cool* Eli', Proprietor.
\Y, T. Thompson, Editor.
Experience Its-prov.n. both tin. prmticnbility and
Usefuliiph ol* tins ,amity Press. Within the to "
past nil till' Northern and K
/ »V*nsi. 0 — T
IU . '.till not know- thqt Mrs. Mow alt had any
d peculiarities of enunoratum” that
i -if ho, Vo doubt it sin* hi
fiiinl curroctioiii
fined bv ex.-lninging tliem lor those of the
^ Stkam Site Com M»Cd.—Tho uer-
, of rhijyiolpliiu, it id stilted, have pro-
tested ugninst ibis ve*sej being transferred tn
tjnfi’ucilio, mid otic will, consequently, resume
[ t, r Kips to ClmrtiWtun about tbe lstof Fubru-
jjk- ,s*. Squadron in the Mediterranean.—K
.J w , firm. Malta of Nov. JO, gives the following
TIjbn position of tbe respective vessels,at last
tbe position
“'At Spezia.—Tbe Indepf ndcnce frigate, Item-
the flag of Commodore Charles U Mon;
*f,e Mississippi stpufii frigate, Captain Ling; and
r tho frigate Cumberland.
& I At Leghorn.—The Constitution tnga», Cap-
r 4in Conover. . .
; En route from Malta to Spezm, the James-
liwn corvette, Captain S. Mercer.
route from Gibraltar to Genoa, the Erie
Lsloup. '
item cjliea, as well as
liinst of lint o South and W, «t of ns, l.nvg linen sue-
i,tied with impure of this description, whoso small 'll-
uiunsiutis collide their publishers to issue tteiui at a
Ulice solovv as to ploun them within the reach .t all,
and ihu< to niaketkem the best mediums for the geo-
end difliisioii of Information on all subjects bearing
upon the interests of community. By cheapening the
Pu ss all lmve been participants in its bcneti.s. while
the publishers and conductors, by a greatly Increased
patronage,have been nude amply remunerated iortheir
expendituro of capital and labor.
Believing that the growing prosperity of Savannah
authorizes, and that her interests demand the estnb-
i Bailment of a cheap commercial and news medium.
I wo have determined to publish the Daily Morning
jVitcs ns nearly as possible upon tbo plan of the penny
I Press of the Northern cities.
The Morning ftitos will be cmphnticnlly a Com-
mercial Pncrpitper. devoted to tlm diffusion of useful
information on all subjects of popular intmest, and to
tbe advancement of City and State interests, goner-
ally; preserving at all times a strictly neutral and
independent position inregard to Politics and Parties.
Arrangement* have been mude for giving tbo paper all
the fuciliiiea enjoyed I y the best Daily Papers, and
mi pains will be spnred to mike itsutinfcictory in all its
departments, and tor give it tbe character of pi res
pectable, useful, tmjl reliable Journal.
In view of the great advantages which! must "result
to tbe eitisenMa.d business man from the establishment
of such a paper in Savannah, we feel that we may ask
and safely count upon a
Terms.—The Daily Morning Petes will be issued
and served to subscribers at $4. per annum, payable
half yearly, in advance; or, 10 Cents per week, pay
able to the Carriers.
Savannah, January, 1850.
voi'it nous*;.
warinq'b ranue, OPPOSITE TIM
1 111E Undersigned l.og Imive to Inform th-
public tlm. tin* allow Eslithlishincut Ills
just been en*civ renovated nntl t.'fitted fur tin
(•.lining seureui they will be liiippy to serve
all who may favor them with a cull. Tl.eir lttr-
der will always be stored with the choicest
viands the market affords, viz: Veiiiion, Beef
steaks, Mutton-chops, Woodcock, Snipe, Oys
ters, &c., &.C., which will be served up in the
best stylo.
The season for Oysters having commenced
a choice lot wiirnlwuys be found on hand, nr.d us
“trying is tbo naked truth,’* give us a call.
sept 25 if
UIIIN’S EXTRACTS (or the hunk
L etchief. J tiles Httti.T* nymph simp, de-
fyXl.c Legislature of New York is about*|>ttss a law to prcvT-nt burials in populous
in his Mes-
C^.TIm Mayor of Now-York,
ere, says there arc about three tliouruid juve-
tl.tit citv
, l i.n.t > . ,, s t .irfittil Ixtructof lira-
ssuh T van nnd'titfUiojjin.
Kid figipcepurutio" is a highly Ooacoiinttod Ex-
d, containing all the Active Muditiaal l’rop-
I of the Oony*a» (c itnini).ily know us Block
•.I*.;,) and the Stillingi.i, ». Queen's Joliglit.
'i'lWjju idants.'hiive been he'gsince '-i'd among
our lithern Negroes mid in practice,
jjwitKbye happiest results, in cases of Citornic
tf 1, itism. Ulcers el long stun.lit..', nod Ivec*
jphilig. It is much stijieriorto any pre-
,jjof SiirsapaiTlla as an altmtive, lining
I', rf v- ‘ ;ifc and prompt in its operation on the
blllY;, ,, "oTliese facts have indured tlm s.lbscrili-
’ >Hy. li'sent to the attention uf l’liysicians a
fnKrntibn prijpan d according to slfiet Cltomi-
.f makl’ormari'iuiciil science, devoid ol nil the
j dcnleilf and inert |-.urts of the roots, not dyubt
if; ^ tlmt it will supersede tbo 'nucifiitific and
t *i I’niparntiinis lotl.ei t.) used.
1 ."hce—$1 per bottle, or six boltlci fec$.>.
The fiber respectfully announces that he
has opened a School in llto basement of the
Second Baptist Church, in which will he taught
all the branches of a thorough English Educa
tion. 1’articular attention will lie given to tl
elementary studies.
liKKtiiiKNCK.s.—Rev. J. T. Robert, Rev. 11
3 GES.—The undersigned hns now on
Vt band and for sale, at Ncw-Yotk prices,
the Ingest and best assortment of Cooking
Stoves and Ranges ever offered for sale in this
city. They will be sold and warranted to give
satisfaction. They may be seen at Owens’
New Buildings, South side of Market-square,
pilntory powder for removing superfluous littir
wit hunt injury to the skin, shaving creams, am-
mints soup, entt litsirnl, for tbe liitir. colognes, ox-
mutt'ow. lienr's oil, combs, brushes, anil various
other perfumeries nud fititt-y atticles irotn this
eclebrutud perfumer, just received and for sale
by J. A MAYER.
Druggist, 150 Broughton street.
Fresh Camphine, for tale by J. A, M.
dec 15
O " BSEKVATIONS on Stevens’ Histo
ry of Georgia.—A further supply received
novSJ .1. M. COOPER.
M oiisliu Dc Lain.
soilntent plain col'd M. De Liiin, nil
wool, for sale low.
dee 11
A handsome os-
1. De Lain, t
S ASHES, Doors and Blinds. — 15.000
Bights of Sash, from 7 by 9 to 12 by 20.
200 pair Blinds, for Windows, from 8 by 10
to 12 l.v 20.
100 Panel Doors, various
Odd sizes furnished on the same terms us full
For sale by J. G. 1'ALLIGANT.
tmv 29
Hale, late Editor of the Journal of Com-
To Parents and Uuardiauffs
m, than
. tn keep
ch goods, M
M which he will sell at as low prices ua en. jjf
gbe unbilled. They having been n o b by ^
? men of long experience in boy's clothing,
The subscriber has just re- (
turned from the north, bring
ing with him a mnch larger u»-'
assortment of Boy’s Ready Made Clothing, than
•J lie lias heretofore kept, and intends tn keep jj|
ji^iip a general nssnrlment of suclt goods, jg
merer, witlt selections front his Miscellaneous
Greciun and Roman Mythology; by M. A -
, The Neighbors; Fredriekn Bremer—a new
edition, with a portrait of the authoress -
The Miscellaneous Works ol Olivet Gold
smith: by James Prior.
Tbe American Almanac, for 1850.
Miller’s Planters' and Merchants' Almnttac,
for 1850.
A copious and critical English Larin Lexicon,
by Joseph Edmond Riddle, M. A. Received by
deef, < JOHN M. COOPER. '
^ lie litis no hositiitinii in saying be cot. fit und J3
► pleuse any boy from six to sixteen years old, [ij
In any of the following garment*: i►
■■ Fine blnck cloth frock coats, sucks and gl
^ round J ackers, sat
N Fine mixed tweed socks and satinet round
N Jackets. B
® Black ensimer,fancy stripe tweed midis'
H satinet Pants.
p Fancy silk, alpaca, Valencia, fancy ntsr
us seilles and satin Vests. ^
Shirts, undershirts, suspenders, and a p,
general assortincm of cloth cups. a
^ An assortment of children's small suits
© beamifully trinimeii, for boys irom 5 tn 6 M
JJ years.
Ladies and gentlemen hovit^; levs ,M
cloth, are invited to call and examine my tn,
^ stock, and assist me in the effort to keep uj #
W UII assortment ol sttcli goods, at the cheap
Hclothing store, Ntt. I5U and C9 Gibbon's
sep29 Gm O. S. N1GHOL.S.
' Class Kfo. 3. for 1850.
To be d:awn at Savannah, Gu., on Tuesday,
January 15th, 1850.
a W E would respect fully inform the pub
lic, and especially travellers from the low
country, tlmt tve uro determined to do
awtty with the complaints tlutt Marietta docs not
utford the requisite conveniences by which visi
tors would be induced to sojourn in tiiis delight
ful locality.
The Howard House is now renovate J, and ac
commodations prepared which cannot fail to
please. The chamber* art - pleasant, und con
veniently furnished. The table will be amply
stippled with every luxury the country uflords.
Attentive servants are engaged. In short, il
Cherokee, u splendid assortment of TnfT.Sur,
n and Velvet Rihbm.a, Embossed Velvet Gitnp.Breids
Silk and Velvet NeeU Ribbons, Cuffs, Silk Rraida.
L. C. Hd’kfs. Love Veils, Kid Gloves, nod all kinds o(
Buttons for Dresses. For sale low for cash, by
157 Congress-street.
nov C
agreeable quarters, it well spread table, clean
liness und attention, joined with moderate
charges, can, we ttssuro our patrons that
tliev will be found at the Howard House. «■*’
sunt4—tf D1X FLETCHER.
J. TVs Maury «V Co., Managers.
14 Wawn Ballots out of 78 Numbers.
Prepared and snkljby
Monument-square, Savannah, Gu,
dsGnmilton, Atlanta; J. L. Kirkpntriek, W.Roberts,
; J. J. Rygn, Hamburg; J. M. Fawns,Savannali;
of $12,222
25 |»ri7.o ot*
40 ** 1
GO “
200 - “
A (i 5
Jtc., &e. «
vots, $4; lltilvuit,
$2; Quarters,
Sale by
4 10LL1NS ’ Remedy for Dis-
eased Horses.—This "preparation is war
ranted to cure lameness, spavin, big head, big
law, founder, spavins of the shoulder, leg and
back, swimtey of the fetlock, stifle joint, und
hock joint, splints, wind galls, ringbone, string
halt, swelled legs, cracked heels, thrush, pole
evil, saddle gulls, old sores, mid strains. Fog
sale by J. A. MAYER,
jan 5 154 Broughton-street.
A good wagon HOUSE for sale.
Apply at this office,
dec 13
received, it new supply of Ladies’ l l’k
and Col’d Gaiters. For sale cheap, by
nov R 157 Congress-st.
Y_y —5.bbls, Putty in Bladders; 30 bb!s
Whiting; 100 bbls C'ltalU. For sale by
n.,v 22 J. G. FAT.T JGANT,
D aguerkian bky-licsht
GALLERY.—The subscriber respectful
ly announces to the citizens of Savannah nntl
vicinity, tlutt he bits taken the rooms recently
occupied l.v Mr. Hughe*, corner St. Julian st».
nud Mtirket square, for the above business, ai d to assert that he will turnisli ns good, IF
not it better, likeness than uny person ever ll.cnl-
ed in Savnunah* He feels himself justified in the
above assertion, from a practice of several y. nr*
in Boston, assisted by all the most recent in*
provements in the art.
The sttberiber libs ut great expense fitted up
bis apartments so us to secnro light directly frem
above, which is considered one of the greatest
delirious in taking perfect dnguerrinn likenesses*
The citizens of Sovuunnh are respectfully invi
ted to call at hi* room* and exnmii.o.-specimen*.
Cr.St.Julian-st and Market sq. cpstuYi.
dec 29
J^ECEIVEl) per bmk Texas 20bbls Apples,
10 bbls Mercer l’otntoes, 5 sacks Almonds,
nud 5 kegs choice Butter. J. D. JESSE
dec 11
Wo cannot suffer tbo present oppuijuiuty
r tnl very
Apples, 2 hundred I
boxes Assorted Candy,
dec II
Its Sugar Toys, and 10
# leered ov oils* , m u.u wik-u sivic
Ptfntmq (tstabnshmcnt. /^ | ‘ io 1 n;- v»ujm..peno,i 1
f, • J r nots ulierpa^cluBned.niHl prenieu nt the biioi
f rhe snbarribrr is prepnrud to execute all kinds of nOticU* r All ordi*FB • f»om thu rouutry sin
. Widnmn mid, N.W.Williams, Augusta*
. Uinehman, N. York; A. W. Thiot, Effingham;
V ! gfll. Peeples, IzftwtpnsviHe, S. C.; W, Abner, S. O.
I 1 ! per steamer Metcalf, from Auguatn—»976 hafes Cot-
I teu to Brigham, Ki lly &. Co, S. M. Pond, J. H. Bur-
VoUgllH, K. Plir«OUrt.
...$1 Vf Per schr. Get*rpe KupN. from Mntanzaa—233 lihda
v “ * MoIhshdh, 11 trs do, and fruit.
-1' Persclir Sarah & Miry, from Franklin, La.—^1
, |(y liltds Pupnr, 14ll)l»l« MnlaeseR.
h ) X *■ ' Per »chr Savannah, from New River—380(1 thushel*
Ml'!* 1
at the shortest notice, and as cheap as it can be done at
any oilier office in the city. The materials are all
new, of the latest myle of manufacture, ami selected
by a competent and experienced hand; and be there
fore llatter himself he can please all who give him a
Orders may be left at the Bookstore of the eubscibcr
in consr. - ** street, or ut the office, G uidry's Buitdtng,
bull-street, sigif'of the Acorn J. B. I lUBBEDGE.
MILLINERY and Fancy Store,
No 15 Bartmr.l street, a low doors soitlli
of .NuSrket square.— Mrs. S. TOMB is
opening a splendid assortment of the latest fash
ions: full and winter Ribbons, Bonnets, Feath
ers, Flowers, Caps, and a general assortment of
Millinery Gnn4s..(Bilk and Velvet Bonnets se
lected ov Miss Tomb, of tho latest style nnd
II lie
thankfully received and punctually attended to.
tet 20 4mo
qld established
STORE, Corner of Whitaker and Con
gress-st—The Subscribers are receiving daily
ilicir supply of Spring and Summer Goo le con
sisting in part of Figured and l’lain Mode Bare
ges, Coloured and White Embroiue.ed Swiss
Muslins, Silk ami Linen Bareges, French and
Scotch Ginghams, Printed Cambrics and Lawt.s,
together w.ut a 'arge assortment.>f other Sea
sonable Goods. « hieh tl.ey will sell at the usual
low prices for rush.
july 16 M. l’RENDERGAST & CO.
to puss by without saying someUpngfurl
liberal patronage which you hove extended to ns.
Our success thus far, is without a parallel. 1 or
nil this, however, wo are indebted to you, und for
which you hove out unfeigned thank*. < ^ .
We l.uve now but one more n qur*t to nsw,
nmlitist' s—send all of your friend* and ypur
friends’ it. cds to see us—tell them thut bur stock,
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,'
is now completed. Tell them that we are diet
ing dally great bargains—such ns are seldom met
wtth at this season of the year. Tell them tlmt
our stock of Dry Goods is entirely new. That
our lights are superior l» any establishment nf
tbe kind in tho city; so that they need mu fi urtu
buy, us seeextic.tly \ the goods ore.
And. lastly, toll them that wgitre doing husines*-
entively on the Cash System—cotneqpi'i^jy wo
are compelled to sell low.
D 1
NERSHIP.—The copartnership here
tofore existing between the undersigned, un
der tbe name and style of E. D. HENI^’Y &
CO., is This Day dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will lie continued by E. D. HEN
DRY. w 13. D. HENDRY,
jua 15 8. II. FISK.
lionet. Rice to R. Habersham & Son.
Per sclir EIU«* flksed* from Turtle River—400^ bush.
K Kice, 8^ bales Feaifclaud Cotton, to G. W. A^uder-
BAn k Ilro , E. Reed.
Par 8»rhh, from Suubury—700 buahela
Rice, 3‘J bales lalaud Cotton, to G. \V. AndcV son
Sr. Bro.
(ffciimcvcial JlntclUctcncc.
Havre Dec. 14 |J^'.vana Jan.
ah Cottou MajA- et , Jan - 15
The market, was v.'ry buoyant yesterday
—the skies (mourned tn nales at U advance
pTevjous tnf es, and Hosin' Ion; at LI to 124*0.
JL I.ytton Bulv
fXPORTri, JAN. It.
Iigauot*>s3457 bale^ Upland, 9(i
lidas—258 casks Rico, !! empty
■(.ALTIMORE—Brig Vandalia—5*.387 feet Boards
bids Rosin. 27bsles{Cotton. Spkgs Mdz.
r, author of Clievelev.
Mary Moreton, or the Broken Promise; by
T. S. Arthur.
Part 4 Icon;.graphic Encyclnptrdia.
The Revellers, Jke.; by Rev. Edward Monro,
author of the Combatants, Dark River, &c.
Tl.e Mercy Seat; thoughts suggested by the
Lord’s Piayer; by Gardne. Spring. 1). D.
History of Spanish Literature; by George
Tiekno ; Vo's. 2 and 3 complete.
Life and Correspondence of Roliect Southey;
ed ted by bis Son.
MemorialsofG.nirge Bartra.n and Humphrey
Mnrslmll; by William Darlington, M. P.. L.L.
D.; will. Illustrations.
Confessions of Con Oregon tl.e Irish Gil Bin*;
by Clias. Lever.
The Chain of Destiny, or the Adventures of u
New Poems, bv Miss Hannah M. Gould.
The Seaside and the Fireside; by Henry W.
Long-fellow. Received bv
CARD.—Tim undersigno having re-
Y§f opened, with an entire New Stock o(
ARTICLES, at No. 139 South-side Brough-
ton-street, (formerly Walker’s Marble Yard,)is
now ready to furnish anything in his line, at the
shortest notice. SODA WATER, made in own peculiar way, sent to any part of the
oitv, and always to be had at the store, in the
highest state of perfection.
Pkesciuptksns put up with cure and de
The sultsriber having served the public long
nnd faithfully, respectfully solicits a share of
j„ly 10 THOS. RYERSON.
Pclir. Sarah <fc Mary, Bartlett, Franklin, La., tp J!
JL llurtqngbs. ,
Schr. iGeorge Ensi, Pmart. Matanzna, to Master.
,“cBV Savannah, Godfrey, Now River, to R. Haber
■j,I,.,, Si Sou.
Schr Eli** Reed, Andrews, Tarflo River, to E.Reed
pclir Sarah, Snow, Sunbury, to G. W. Anderson &.
T HE TRVELLEK; by Washington
Irving; Illustrated.
Knickerbocker, do do do
The Sketch Book, do do do
Oliver Goldsmith, do „do do
Genius., f Italy; by the Rev, Rnbt. Turnbull.
Poetical Quotations; by J. T. Watson; Illus
Essnv on Christian Baptism; by Baptist W.
Noel, M.A.
Cosmos. A Sketch of a Physical Description
of the Universe; by Alexander Von Huntholt—
Translated from the German by E. C. Otte.
The Works of the Right Rev, John England,
firrt Bishop of Charleston, in live vols.
Received bv JOHN M. COOPER.
T YPF. FOUNI1F.RY—5b Gold Corner or Ann
Sthiit n. YonK.—Tl.e sabseriber* have taken
the TypeFoundery, and willcontinnn tl.ebnaineea late
ly conducted by Robert Taylor. They wil! attend to
aN orders they may receive with punctuality and des
patch. All tbo Type manufactured by them will be
Hand Cast; and they will furnish all kind* of Printer's
Materials, of tbe beat quality. Mr. J. T. Overemi is
etill employed in superintending the manufacturing do-
Proprietor* of neu'Hpupers, who lmve not odvertsed
for the subscribers, who mny publish this notice lor
three month*, will bn entitled to receive jmy in type,
on pnrchnting five times the amount of their bill for
Old Type taken iu change for new at 0 cents, per lb
oetlG Successors to Robert Taylor,
.l an
. BARRELED GUNS.—Tbo subscriber
lins received from the Manufacturer direct per
ship Yeotnan, his stock of fine guns, gunge No
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 1G. Also, it complet.
assortment of Ely’s shot cartridges, which will
be sold low for cash or citv acceptance.
no v 17 No. 11 Barnard street.
M E R C H A N T T A 11. O R S ,
IW Ready-made Clothing of all kinds, con-
stanti hand at tho lowest Casl. prices,
sept 27 3 |n
EC’D. l’er summer Cherokee, 5 i.bls 1
jan 15
Steiger Metcalf, Postell, Augusta, with boats 9
and 1*2,1° J. M. Fawns.
— nEI.OW—Br. ah ip Elizabeth Barclay, Liverpool.
ph1|,John Merick, Stephens, New Orleans, in ballazt,
lirri BMs'nnt, Gardner, GJaagow, Wm. Iiateriby.
JLhr. Midai, Haradarn. Havana,, Fay & Co.
on, Vandalia, Roberoon, Baltimore.
Eieamer Rnb’t Collina, Taylor, Darien, Hawkinsville,
„ “ji^Mctamora, Barden, CharleHon.
1Y1 EW BOOKS.—Tbo Peer’s Daughter; by
J-1 Lady Lytto.i Bulwer.
The Chain <ff Destiny, o.' the Adventures of a
Yugubm.d ; by the author of the Orange Girl of
V e’firJO tf
Mary Moreton, or the Broken I’ronjise ; by T.
1 S. Ai'tnur.
. Confessions of Concregan, the Irish Gil Bias; -
by Chus. Lever, author of Churley O’Malley, &.c.
Also, new supplies of Agnes Grey: Sl.irlev;
Edmoud Dantes; llearis and Homes, complete;
Norwood, or Life oil the Prairies, &c. &c. For
sale bv «
j. B. CUBBEDGE,Congress-street
jan 15
•f bf bark Savannah, Martin, from Warron, R. L, ar-
• .Jtt Naw^tork on tho 7th bint. Tha 8. is 493 tons
,„d is intended for the Savannah line^of
.j', e «hr.4Jottb Catolins
llit 9tl.»n»i.
Manufactory.—The subscribers hav
ing completed their,arrangements for manufac
turing Shoes in this city, anil turned their at
tention exclusively to manufacturing Brogans,
would respectfully call "the attention of Shoe
Dealers to the fact that they are now prepared
to make to order, by the case, Kip and Farm
ers’ Brogans, at prices and terms' that will
compete successfully with Northern work.
We have a few rases of Savannah Brogans,
which wo offer bn good * terms and at low
prices, by the ruse only. Call and see for
yourselves, at No. 183 Congress-st.
1 jan 5 E. D. HENDRY A CO.
Harmonic Institute.
Corner of St. Julian-st. and Market-square.
7F1 HE subscribers respectfully announce tlmt
they have opened a complete
as above, and hope that in so doing they will meet
tl.e wishes and Wants of the musical public.
From its intimate connection with the Har
monic Institute of Chaileston, the same sources
and facilities will be equally enjoyed.
Piano Fortes by J. B. Dunham, Adam Stod
urd, Wm. Hall & Son, J. l’irsson nnd others.
Military Instruments, of every variety, includ
ing the lutest improved Sax Horns—complete
Band* furnished at New York prices.
Violins, by the dozen or single. Country
Merchants and dealers nro invited to inspect the
qualities and prices.
Also, Violoncellos, Double Bnsses, Hates,
Guitars, French and Germut. Accnrdeons, Fluti-
nas, Harmonicas, Violin /Jews, Bridges. Screws,
Rosin, Hair for /lows. Mutes, Capo d'asrrns, Mu
sic Desks, Tuning Hammers nnd Forks, und in
fine every article pertaining to tho line.
All of tbo above being directly imported by F.
Zogbnum, at Charleston, are offered Wholesale
oi Retail, at New York Prices.
Merchants and others who have been purchas
ing at the North are invited to test this asser
tion by n visit.
Instruction books for all instruments, Sheet
J/nsiC, &c., including all the new nnd standard
The best of Springs for all instruments,
dec 20 F. ZOGBAUM & Co,.
501b*. Smoked Salmon, 75 lbs, Boiona Sau»ages
5 half bbls.choice Fulton Market Beef, 1 bbl
Smoked Beef, West Indin Orranges and New
Raisins, 6 Firkins Butter, 1 bbl. Quinces,
nov 8 JOHN D. JESSE.
Groceries, Fruits, &c
mHJI Subscribers have now on hand and in store
JL the following goods, purchased in New-York the
past week, and will be sold at a stnaB advance
fro.ncost for cash or good credit: Woolsoys, Stu
art's and Harris'crushed, ground, loaf and graunloted
Sugars; I’orto ltico and Muscuvado do; fresh Rice:
smoked Halibu t; Hyson, Young Hyecn and Oolong Teas
of superior qualities for family use; Pork llama (ISan
ford Si staggdt Shay'acuring, equal to sny in the city,)
Herring; New-York City Mess Pork; superior 8tarcli;
London Brown Stout and Scotell Ale; u ouperior nr
tide bottled eider : Water Pails ; smoked tongues,
a few ball boxes Bunch Raisons, in layers of excellent
qunlity; a superior article Meuritus Syrup; Judd's
patent Candles, by the box, retail; together
with a general ossortment of dried Plums, Peaches,
ZsnteCurraats, Prunes, paper.shelled Almonds, Cit
ron, Cupers, Canton Ginger, Olive Oil, Pencan Nuts,
Tapioca Mucarono. Cayenne Pepper, Mustard, prepared
Barley, Farina. Pepper Sauce, Castile Soap, Mace
Nutmegs &C..&C., on hand and for 6ale by
•«n 25 6m Pit Barnard street
Patented July 1C th, 18 4.
V ARIOUS INSTRUMENTS, of mure or less merit
intended for ti.e same, having now beer
for some years before tire public, it is not ibonght no*
cessary to specify tl.e cases for. the relief of which lliia
is intended, as they ate supposed to be generally known
to most of those persons who feel an interest in the-
""prim, tl.e high lestimonjaels in its favor which the
subscriber is enabled toVeannt, it'» confidently hoped
it will soon become as extensively knuwn and us high- .
ly appreciated in this city n» Rbaa. ffir some time pant. -•*
been in bo.i.o of tl.ff Eastern Stntrirtfnd iu New*lurk
city; where its me. its were first !hRy !, te*Wf> nnl1
inwledeydS before offuringit for ink i» fb*ff«!ity.
The Iijwntagpi that this Instrument has over all
others are: i»t, It in simple and not Buhlato getjput
of order. 2d, It will not rust nor soil tile clotl.e*.
3d, It lifts more, and supports the whule epit'aLiol-
uimi in nil parts alike, ur in any one part more ot leaiy^
as the case may require. * >«
The following distinguished ge.itlem.n have ktniiry
lent their iad iu making it more favorably known, by
signifying their approbation over their own signa
tures. , 4-.
Richard It. Arnold, M. D , and H. K. Burroughs, M.
D„ SuvuniiHli, Go.
Prof. Valentine Molt, Professor of Surgery in the
University of the city of New-York, aud Consulting
Surgeon to the New-York Hospital.
,1. Kenruy Rodgers, Alfred C. Post, ami John C
Clieetinso, Surgeons to the New-York Hospital.
Prof. W. Parker, Prof, of Surgery in the College of ..>
Physicians and Surgeons, New-York city.
David P. Holton, M. D., and W. Murray Leigbtor.
M. D., New York ci y. , . ,
A Premium was awarded to this Instrument at the
fair of the American Institute.
The above Shoulde. 11. ace nud Supporters are otte:
ed for sale iu tins city, over the Savannah Cn-h Htc. •
•Jd (lour, Front Room, in Congress street, for a (* •
days only, by the Proprietor ; where a Lady of mans
years experience ill tl.e business will wait upon ladies th
or on receiving a line, visit them at their residenc.ei ' ™
Pamphlets descriptive of the Instrument muy If obtain
ed free by applying for them. i
By drawing a tape snugly around the body, one halt.. J
inch above the hip ooue, and sending tl.e measure, an ^
accurately tilting Instrument may be obtained Physi- |
cians are requested to cal I nod examine for themselves.
Manufactured und sold. Wholesale and EetaB, by
M’HOLTON, Proprietor, No. 11 Amity srs
where nil orders fur Country and City will he
tteuded to.
sreet., N. Y„
tty ;
E nvel©pes And Note f’aper. For
sale by j- B. CUBBEDGE.
jan 15 Market-square.
A nnuals for The Brii-.
Hunt, n Gift Bonk fot 1850. . The Sacred
Annual, a Gift Book for all seasons, by Rev. H.
Weld. The Gem of Beauty, or Literary Gift for
1850, by Emily Percivnl.
The Rosemary, a Collection of Sacred and
Religious Poetry.
Tho Poet’s offering, for 1850, edited by Sarah
Josephs Hall.
Christmas Roses and New Year’s Gift a pres
ent for Young People,
The Rosary,or Illusjrations of the Bilible, ed
ited by be Itov. Edward E. Hale.
Received by J. B. CUBBEDGE,
„ nov 6 South of the Market.
EW ARRIVALS.—The v.bseriber has
_ _ j us t received, per steamer Philadelphia a
very largo stock of seasonable Dry Guods.con-
sisting in part of fine French Ginghiims; plain
and fancy colored Mousliti de Lad e, Afutrino
Blue; changeable and funny colored Aipacu, at
25 to 374 cots per yard.
Slate and lead colored French J/t rluo, G-4
wide, at 25 to 37 cents per yard.
Black Lustre*, at 25 to 374 ccnt ' P cr >" ,d '
Fine Blanket Shawls, and Long und Square ■
Shawls, at 75 cents to $5. - .
Linen, Thread, and Lisle Lores, at ull prices
nnd qualities, together with a great many other
articles, all of whiclt will he -old at very low
prices. R. EINSTEIN,
Congress-st., opposite A/ui sIibII & Aikin.
1 *» .
The subscriber respoetfolly ditliru* uttentk
to his stock of
Prayer Books
Annuals, Bibles
^Juvenile Books
w , # „ Fancy Articles &c.
sstimble for ch> wtmas present*.
dec 18 Jv B.CUBBEDG!