Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 05, 1851, Image 1
FIVE dollars per annum, half yearly in advance. TWELVE CENTS A WEEK—-SINGLE COPIES TWO CENTS. VOLUME II. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1851. NUMBER 279. CHARLES P. COOPEIt, ATTOPNKY AND COUNSELOR A T I. A H\ JACKSONVILLE, ...FIOrldR. | RkkrkkncR8—Col. H. dibloy, R. Hilton,-Editors of J Ucorgiun; Messrs, Snider, Luthrop Sr Nevitt, llostnn , fc Gmiby, H. A. Crime & Co., Savannah ; Hon. Tlios. c Douglas, Jadgo Eastoru Circuit; Hon. Levi 8. Haw- kins, Jadgo Western do.; Hon. Isaac II. Bronson, , Judge U. 8. District Court; Urn. Wui. Bailey, ocl‘40 " aU1D\VIFI5KY. c Tt/TRS. DANNERFKLZER offers her profcssionul f u If J. services to tho ludios of Savummli. Mrs.D. is a c graduate of the German College of Midwifery at Hoi- ||j delborg, ns her diploma from that institution will testi- <; ly. Residence cornor of Bay uud Montgomery-Hts. g sept sat ly „| PATEN? WIRE RAILING 1 1,1 G. BUTLER, AGENT. k For the New Kugluud Wire Hailing Company. All vi orders promptly uttended to ly oct 18 si ED WABO II. BVNKEB, j” General Commission Merchant, * 80 Bay Street. Prompt personal attention given to consignments for sulc or shipinout. Liberal Cush Advance* made - on approved AlorchuudUo consigned to me, or to my New York, Boston and Baltimore friends, ly oct21 CABINET MAKING AND UPHOLSTERY 1 UT. A. NIJJVGEZEIt, * No. SO Liberty street. | lt Making Now nud ltcpnirlngOld Furniture. OLD rUBMTUBE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Tho Bottoms of Sofus, Divans, Chairs and Ottomans made over und ro-coVercd. — CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, ANI) MATTING CUT AND PUT DOWN. i Bells and Lamps Hung—Curtains und Roller Blinds v put up. §55?" Evory description of COFFINS on hand C and” made to order, of the best material and finish. Jj Prices low. ly mar 12 LAWTON, DOWliLL CO., ] NO. £10 BAY-STBEKT, savannah, gkobgia. _ WM. *. LAWTON Sc CO., COBNKB SECOND AND FOPLAB-8TBEKT8, MACON, QA. .. A. B. LAWTON Sc CO., OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA. „ FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i Flf EN'DEIt tlieir services to their fricuds und the X publie generally. They are mutually pledged not c to speculate in Cotton. Libcrul udvuuccs made on N produce consigned to them, uud Planters’ ordors filled r witli di ipntcli und ut the lowest market prices. t A. B. Lawton, S. L. Dowell, W. S. Lawton, of Raker County, of Savannah. of Macon. r july 28 ly t 1IENUY K. PRESTON. <' TEACHER IN THE CLASSICS AND MATHE- . MATICS. L No. 147 Broughton et. S sept 1 tf ° OEOt TIIO III* HOWARD, » ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office No . 01 B ay- Street. 1 dec 6 ly Sarnnnnh. “ PETEK O. THOMAS. r JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ACCOUNTANT, AND NOTARY l-LHLIC’. " Office, No. 153 Bay-street. ' Court Days, tho Second Saturday in each month.— - Return Days, 10 days previous to the Court, jungly n S. 1*. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW: - Commissioner of Deeds for South Carolina. Offico St. Juliun-street, corner Whitaker, sept 16 3m J. If. I’EldtT dfc CO., j FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 Williumson's Buildings, Buy-street. J. V. PELOT. Z. N. WINKLER, sept 3 6nio , Y O N G £ Sc ODEN, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r No. 94 Buy Streot, Suvuunah, Ga. wm. r. yonoe. (july 9) w. oden. JOHN E. McDONNAEI), o Commission Merchant, Hamburg, S. C., /CONTINUE* tiio receiving, forwarding, nud sel- VV ling of goods ami produco entrusted to him, and no pain* shall be spared to give satisfaction, apr 23 4 a w 1 JOHN V. TAItVEK, J Factornnd General CoiramiMnioii Merchant, AND DEALER IN HAY AND GRAIN Evory description of Produce und Merchan- | dize sold on consignment or purchased to order, oct 12 Exchange IV ha rf. SAMUEL A. OJLI>S, MANUFACTURER OF CLOTHING, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 51 Broadway, New-York—Upstairs. N. B.—Particular attention puid to all orders for sin gle Garments or Suits. ja« 6 SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING AND SHAMPOOING ESTABLISHMENT, Broughton Streot, opposite St. Andrews Hall, july 7-ly WM. J. HUNT, Proprietor. JOHN MALLEHY, DRAPER AND TAILOR, 155 BAY-STREET, Tf EE PS constantly on hand a complete assortment of IV vciyuioice CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS, of the newest shades and patterns, with a full supply of fashionable READY MADE CLOTH ING and furnishing (roods, comprising every article of Gentlcmou's Apparel. oct 26 E.O’BYKNE, AT TAYLOR’S BUILDINO, MARKET WHARF, Keeps constantly on hand a supply of CROCKERY WARE, GROCERIES. Sfc. oct d iy RA1E-KOAD HOUSE, OPPOSITE THE CENTRAL RAIL-ROAD DEPOT, EAST MACON. july 3 11Y 8. HI. LANIER. ly FALLIGAN'I' A TAYLOH, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Shop—corner of Igkitaker and Perry-sis., jan 28 ly Savannah. GlLBEItT. BUTLER, MASTER BUILDER, DEALER IN WHITE PINE LUMBER, York-street, Oglethorpe-sq. jan 23 ly JOHN CAMPBELL, HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP PAINTER, GILDER, GLAZIER, GRAINER, AND PAPER HANGER, Corner West Broad and Bryan Streets, apr 2 1 y Savannnah, Georgia. NEW DRUG STORE. JAMES H. CARTER. Jcflernon-st., 3 door, from Congress.Bt. VIAHE Subscriber having established himself here X in the nbove business, is now rcceivtn, a lurao nnd well selected stock of DRUOS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS AND FERFUMEIIY. Also, White Lead, Window Glass, Oils and Vnmishes. All of which lie warrants fresh nnd genuine. Merchants, Physicians, nnd others, wishing to purchaso any thing in the Drug line, would do well to call and examine liis stock. ... , Every nrticlo usually kept in tho abovo line, always on hand. «mo sept 10 P. PENT, CABINET MAKER, m OO.NEXMONTOOMZBT.ST. AND BAY LAME. • ' Cane Bottom Chairs repaired with neatness and dispatch. U i«“ 2s JOHN POOLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINE A. VARNISHES, French and American WINDOW GLASS, Puint, Varnish, and White-wash Brushes, Sabcl and Camel Hair Pencils, Badger und Camel Hair Blenders, Graining Combs, Artists’ Brushes, See. See. Paver Hangings, Borders, and Fire-Board Prints. N. B.—Ilouse, Sign, and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining, and Glazing, done on reasonable terms by JOHN POOLE, 11 Whitaker-strcet, mar 30 Neurly opposite Swift, Denelow Sc Co. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, No. IOa BRYAN STREET, f-allDERSkfiat tho'pJhilhigOffice^lt the Book T.VLOUR.—50 bids and 25 14 bids Baltimore llow F o ,rd Street. On hand, and^sMe by Q AND PAPER.—A good a ' , “ or ‘ n ' e " l J. u " l / I 0 ; y w d » ^ and Cor sale low by b. W. CO^RNVV^EL . u ,pv. 8 102 BryanS tree!. PUBLISHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY JOHN M. "COOPER. WILLIAM T. THOMPSON, EDITOR. TERMS: " Tho “Daily Moiinino N*ws' r is delivered to City tuliseribers at five dollars per annum, payable half ,arlv IN ADVANCE, or for twelve cents a week, Livable to tlic Carriers. Single copies, two cents. ■flic “Tbi-Weekly Mobnino News,” (for the .’ountry,) containing all the new mutter and new iilvnrtisomenta of the Daily, is furnished for tubes jollarb per annum, IN ADVANCE. Advertisements inserted at tho following rates: FOB ONE SQUAWK OK TEN LINKS, One insertion, (Riels. One Month, $6 00 J'wo “ $100 Two « 10 00 flireo “ 125 Threo “ 12 50 ir “ 150 Four “ 15 00 n “ 1 75 Six “ 20 00 • Week, 2 00 One Yoar,...........30 00 .'or advertisements not exceeding live lines three* fourths of tho above rates will he charged, i. a., For one insertion, 45 cents. “ two “ 75 “ “ one week, $1 50, See. Ac. I.egal Advertisements inserted ut the usual rates. Advertisements from transient persons or strangers ]io«t he paid in advance. Yearly advertisers will ha restricted to their regular lionesses, and all other-advertisements, not pertaining ;u tlieir regular business, as agreed for, will beoharged extra. Yearly udvertisors,exceeding in their advertisements die average number of lines agreed for, will becharged proportional rates. \dverlisomenta sent to this ofllco without directions, jj to the number of insertions, will be published daily until ordered to de discontinued, and churged accord ingly.. All new Advertisements appear ill the “Tri- Weekly News,” for tho Country. {All Lottersdirocted to this office, or tho Editor, mmi lie post paid. MOORE Sc HENDRICKSON, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS IN faints, Oils, Window Glass, Brushes, Garden Seeds, tyc., npr28 Gibbons’ Buildings, Savannah, Gn. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL! 157 Broughton .Street. BERNARD MALLON, Principal. Mias A. M. PARKER, Teacher of Primary Classes and Drawing. HENRI 1IEK1USSE, Teacher of French. Hr. L. KNORR, Classical Teacher. july 19 PJBTGK U. THOBAS). (SUCCESSOR TOCHAHLE8 VAN SOB N) Dealer in WINDOW SASHES, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS. jan 4 No . 15 3 Bay - street. ly WOOD! WOOD!! WOOD!!! riUI K SUBSCRIBER keeps coiutnutly on hand L ut the Canal Bridge, a largo supply Black Juck, Pine, uud Ouk Wood of the best quuiity, which ho will ki ll ul u reasonable rato. Orders left in order boxes at Carswell Sc Sweat’s, Market square, or at John I). Jpamo'h, Broughton street, will be punctually attended in, am 1 wood delivered immediately, fell22 PETER WHITE. WOOD ! WOOD!! WOOD !!! 4 LI. those in want of wood for Parlor, Bed Room, or A Kitchen, will plcnso take notice that the sub- n rilior keens constantly on hand, ut the lowest cusli price, Black Jack, Ouk, Hickory, Pino, Ash, and Maple Wood, at tho Rail Roud and Cunal Bridge. Orders led ut J. A. LaRocIic’s Drug store, will bo attended to, fri. 28 tf o. a. Laroche. 1.UFBUliKOW A II1NE, DEALERS IN HIDES AND SKINS. FIIANNINO AND CURRYING curried on, ncur the .1 junction of tho Louisville and Augusta Roads, where the highest market prices will be paid for HIDES uud SKINS. Tanners supplied with Hides on reasonable terms. All orders promptly attended to. ly aug28 HOUSE-KEEPER*’ TINWARE ESTABLISHMENT. flMIE SUBSCRIBER is now prepared to execute l all orders in TIN, COPPER «ml SHEET-IRON Work, at the shortest notice. House-Keepers and others, who regard economy and dispatch, would do well to giva me a call. sept 20 3m O. P. SELLERS, Jelforson-st., between Congress and Broughton. T. M. KOSIS, SEGAR SNUFF, AND TOBACCO STORE No. 107 'BAY STRKKT, (At the Blue Sign, one door west from Drayton,) K EEPS constantly on hand, imported uud home made, SEGARS of different Brands, line cut TOBACCO, and SNUFF of nil kinds; put up-care fully, at wholesale and retail, und ut tho most reason- ultlu prices. Orders from the Country punctually attend- 'd to. 6 inos. oct 1 111* UAsiovJHj SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. NO. tiii BULL-STREET, Opposite Sign of the Big Indian, near Monumcnt-sq. Keeps constantly on hand SPANISH, HALF SPAN ISH, nud AMERICAN SEGARS, at wholosulo and re tail. Also, Chewing und Smoking Tobacco, und Snuff'. 2t 10 ly S. Z. MUKPHY, CARRIAGE MAKER & BLACKSMITH, No. 96 uud 98 St. Julian Street, West Side of the Market, Savannah, Ga. Carriages repuirod at short notice, anil ut reusonablo J a no 26 prices. Cmr SMITH ft ULADDINU, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, QA. Guo. J. Smith. | War. 11. Gladding. oct 6 ly TO PLANTER*. GEORGIA SHOES, non FAIR* NEGRO BROGANS. 4UjvUU Tho Subscribers are uow receiving their Full Sup plies of Plantation Work. Gentlemen’s, l.udics’ and Children’s Boots and Shoe?, of every quality and style, selected by u member of the firm with tho strictest care, comprising the largcat and beat urrunged stock ever offered in this market. We are preparod to furnish great inducements to those who will favor us with a cull, and pledge ouraelvoa to k'ivo in every instanco/mtisfuction. vunawu.i.F. > The Subscriber’s stock is now complete— V consisting of Gold Hunting and Plain Case, J*Gold and Hard Dial Chronometers; Duplex, I^PDctachcd und Anchor Levers, uud Ladies' An- uud Cylinder Watches, some extra line and vulu- with Diamond settings; Diamond, Ruby, and raid Rings, in groat variety and prices, from $5 60; Sterling Silver Wure a largo stock, and a t supply of Children's Cups. Also a full supply of hi Pitchers, With covers, and plain; 1 lino old mod Tuukard; also Pitchers, 1 extra large; irs a very extensive stock, and of every putturu in narket; Tea Sets G different patterns of 4, 5, and res, from $25 to $40 ; Plates und Services of roul ield, ami a new style of Birmingham do.; Caudle- sail sizes and patterns, real Sheffield and Binning- ; Sun tiers and Trays to match, a very fine and style article; Cake Baskets, Sugar Bowls, Tea os, Urns, Butter Bowls, Forks, Spoons, and every ty of Plated Warn usually kept in my lino of bu- s. Silver and Plated Salt Cellars a variety of rns; Fancy Goods a largor stock than over opened o ; Pearl Ring, Watch and Jowclry Boxes, from $100; and many articles too numerous for au rtisemeut. Calls solicited by G. M. GRIFFEN, i 12 Successor to lute M. Eastman. MILLINERY. MBS. S. TOMBS, No. 15 Barnard Street, OPENS THIS DAY, her Full Stork of the latest styles of Fnshiouttblo MILLI NERY. Mrs. T. respect Billy solicits the inspection of the ladies of Savannah to iler choice selections of BONNETS and RIBBONS. N. U.—Press-Making in all its branches. ly oct20 MRS. J. F. DOF, No. 10 B a r n a r «1 Street. OPENS THIS DAY, her Full stock of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, nnd invites the Ladies to an inspection of her elegant assortment of Bonneta, Ribbons, Flowers, Luces. Gloves, Couibs, Bead Bugs, Fancy Cups, Ro settes, and a choice selection of Crimp und Velvot Ribbons, for Dresses. . ly oct 20 CARY’S COLORED DAGUERREOTYPERY. M. CARY would respectfully givo notice that !iisGallery is now reopened for the season. He be liuppy to wuit on all persons who would superior picture. —FOR SALK— cut variety of Plates and Casks, of the finoht r. oct 29 J. V. THORNTON'S SAVANNAH, GEO. The Subscriber is pleased to be able to uuuounco to his fellow citizens of Geor gia and Florida, that his Iron Front tho CORNER of WEST BROAD and KTS, in the city of Savannah, arc now id he offers for side one of tho most vn- i a Southern City. vliole stock hns born manufactured by tho most >ur years practical experience in thoCa * (eighteen years of tliut time in my ni , then the Subscriber feels emboldened to ask a of his fellow citizens’ patronage, and to assure that the inducements now offered in tho City of Carriages in this City. I have secured the services of some of the host work- i in the various branches, both native und foreign, 1 have now in mv possession two Medals, awarded j by the “ American Institute,” New-York,and the “irolinu Institute,” for specimens of my . would he pleased to show to anyone who io curiosi o see these tributes to South- J. C. THORNTON, Lute of Columbia. 8. C. HOME MANUFACTORY, SADDLES, BRIDLES AND HARNESS. 1 S3 Congress Street, Savannah. - The Subscribers manufacture ^ ’■UV ami keep constantly on hand, a jV largo and varied stock of Snd- dies, Bridles, and IlarncHs, and “ Ire to order every description of articles in their ■. Our stock comprises also a large assortment of inks, Carpet-Bags, Valises, Saddle-Bags, Whips, Persons desirous of supplying themselves, will veil to call ut our establishment. All article* sold is are wafrunted for materiel and workmanship. I). MALLETT <fc CO. . It.—For Repairing, our terms are moderate, our zutiou prompt. 6mo* nov 15 TO PARENT* AND GUARDIAN*. B OY S’ Tho undersigned would respectfully inform both Parents and Guardians, hav ing Boys to rlotho, that he * season. He bus taken much pains in having I de up to suit this market, and will offer - his patrous as low as possible. Eucli article will bo marked with the selling price, , nd no abatement from it. The following w ill ompose the assortment: Boys’ Black Cloth Cloaks uud Overcoats ^ “ Drub and bluck Pilot Oversncks Pi “ green, brown and hlk Cloth Sack* > “ funcy Tweed, Cas., Frock Sc Sack Coats q “ “ “ “ Polka Coatees “ full trimmed bl’k Cloth Frock Coats “ blue, bl’k,br'n, green Sc Cad’t Jackets 2 “ Id'k mixed Satinet R. Jackets ^ “ fancy Cussiuiere und bl’k Cas. Punts _ “ Tweed, Cas. and Sutiuet Pants “ bl’k fig’d SaiinValentiaaudMrsl’sVcsts ^ Children’s bl’k and luucy Dress Suits Bojb’ white uud pol’d Shirts ami Undershirts O “ fine blue and bluck Navy Caps, with and p. vithout Covers, with a complete assortment of Q , Cups of ull other kinds, from children’s Jockeys ! up. ' N.B.—Having n private room for trying on i 1 Boys’ Clothing, I must decline sending it out to ~ "io tried on, except in cases of sickness. Those 2 11 want urc invited to givo me a call, at the _ Hothing Store Nos. 09 and 150 Gibbons’Range. oct 24 tj2 GEO. 8. NICHOLS. MRS. SILBFK, No. 157 CoiigrcNN Street. HAVING RECEIVED, per steam-shin Florida, her Fall stock of fashionable Silk and Straw Bonnets, Ribbons, Trimmings for Dresses, Feathers, French Flowers, Silks for Party Dresses, Mantillas, Collars uud Under-Sleeves, respectfully invites tho attention of Ladies to her Store, No. 157 Cougrcss-st. All the uhovo Goods arc of Mrs. S’s. selection, oct20 ly AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TAltVElt A TIUJCHEEUT. No. 126 Buy Street. For the sale of all kinds of Merchandise and Pro duce, Ileal Estate, Negroes, Ac., Ate., at Auction nr Privato Sale. nov 11 NOTICE. All Persons, hero and else where, desirous of having procured for them WILD GAME, Ducks, Fowls. Tur- &e., &e., uud all other articles ne cessary for private use, as woll ns for hulls, und public occasions and parties,previous notice being given, cuu have them. Orders supplied by icnviug a written or der for him ut Mr. A. Mode's Store, corner of Jeffer son and Congress streets, nov 8 lmo* E. MENDEL. keys, HACK, LIVERY, ASID SALES STABLE, At the Old Stand, Whitaker-st,, near Guard House, Hnvanimli, Georgia. This well known stand, hav ing been thoroughly repaired in the most substantial and comfortable manner, with a good Lot at tached. is now open to roeoivo Drovors, Travellers, ami Boarding Horses. Its central position renders it superior as a SALE und LIVERY STABLE, and af fords facilities not surpassed by any in tho Southern country. Those who may favor us with tlieir patron age will find every attention paid them und tlieir Horses. Curringcs, Buggies, und Saddle Horses for hire. H$4 N. B.—We also run 11 lino of Four Horse Mail Couches from Savannah to Darien, leaving Savannah Mondays und Thursdays at 7 o’clock, A., M., returning Tuesdays und Fridays. Oflica kept at the Stable. SAWYER, HOLLISTER St CO. A. SAWYER, R. O. HOLLISTER, G. H. SAWYER. Savannah, Oct. 4, 1851. is ly DIBBLE A CAREY, MERCHANT TAILORS AND DRAPERS, N. 15. Corner Broughton anil Wliitaker-nta. Keep constantly on hand a largo and well-selected stock of Ready-Made Clothing,for tho season, together with a varied assortment of Furnishing Articles. D. & C.'s selections of Cloths, Cassimores und Vest ings are from the best sources, and for stylos uud qual ity catiuol be surpassed by any establishment in tl country. ly ■cpi 27 BUFFINGTON HOUSE, JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLORIDA. rpHE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs the pub- JL lie in general,that this House is nnwcomplutcd and prepared for the reception of Boarders, having above 50li foot trout, with piazzus in front und rcur, making it as comfortable us uuy House in the South; and will be able to accommodate ovor one hundred and fifty per sous. Ho would say more particularly to those visit ing Jim South for health, und the benefit of our delight ful climate, helms an eye to their especial comfort,and lias made his arrangements to make all who may givo him a call, comfortable and well cared for. His table will .be under supcreutcudcuco of Mrs. Young, a lady of much experience, by whoso uid ho flatters himself lieslmll notbooutrivullcd by unv Houso in the South. Ami in view of this fact the subscriber has determined that his exertions to niorit tho patron age which shall be bestowed upon him shall bo without regard to toil or expense. SAMUEL BUFFINGTON, Proprietor. Nov. 7 lino JU*T RECEIVED, A Lot of Gentlemen’s fine Culf Boots, made expressly to my order of tho best material, and by 4 experienced workmen, so, acboico lot of Ladies' Shoes und Boots, such Bluck and Colored Silk Gaiters, Morocco do., Pol- 1 wnift arc respectfully invited to cull und ex, r stock und judge for themselves. WILLIAM HEIDT. sept 6 VERST1LLE St BUTLER, 3mo Market-square. A 114. BARNUM A CO., 149 Congress Street. g HATS AND CAPS * 1 At Wholesale and Retail. a W 1101.15*ALE RETAIL 4 HAT AND GAP STORE." fpIIB Undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Suvaunah and Chatham County, us well us those of the adjacent Counties, likewiso tho citizens of South Carolina, who visit our city with p yiaw to tho purchase of HATS AND CAPS, that lie (« now opening, oil Broughlon-stroot, two doors Eoi- °f N. It. St II. Weed's, a large und woll selected Stock " liicli, for neatness and durability, cannot be s irpai illy 1 lie Country exccutod with dispntcli and fidelity. No abatement or deviation in prices, jail 24 H. R. BOX. TAKE NOTICE! from tho North with c Mock of Reudyraade . J ,e found in tho cit 1 Elephant, he cun give them a little touch of the Rhi- N. H.—P july 10 HAT*, CAP*, «fcc. Tiio above named articles uro offered at wholesalo or rotnil, ut prices thutwill^gbjff > please purchasers in the line. Call and ** "CLOTHING emporium. HOLE SALE AND RET A l I TIie .Subscribers, having just arrived ill thin city uml opened n now nud ele gant Storo un Jollbrson-st., noxt dour .. ■ VI ItnM.nut. n.llw Utnr. Ih.lflP irehants, and others wauling to purchase goods r lino, that they will keep constantly on hand s and woll selected **tock of DRY GOODS and All persons in city and country arc invited to ' examine our stock and prices, uud wo venture to they will uot regret huviug culled at the EMPO- JAI. (sept 25—ly) L. St M. L1HKNTHAL. TAILORING. •where will be found u !assimercs, Vestings, Si DIBBLE St CAREY. REMOVAL. IOBERTS, FOOTE St MARSHALL have re l moved to their large, now and convenient Store, uer of Broughton and Joflerson-stroots, opposite St. drow's Hall, where tboy are now opening a large ir stock being surpassed by nono io the country, l at prices equally low. They hnvo in store and uow receiving: 100 bales Brown Shirtiugs and Shcctiugs, 50 cases Bleached “ “ 50 bales Blaukcts, 100 casos Kerseys und Lindseys, 25 bales Red Flannels, 10 “ White “ And a largo assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods, ' '‘* ods, Cloths, Castfiraercs, Tweeds, uud mir 1 articles usually wauled by merchants fro 1 ■y. sept 4 J EGARH.—50,000 assorted brands, just receive and for sale by (nov 11) J, DeMAKTIN. WOOD YARD, FERRY WHARF. TERMS CASH. A LARGE supply of FIRE WOOD on hand. A Cash orders promptly supplied, and strict at tention given to measurement. Boxes for orders aro placed at tho Storos of Messrs. J. Murchison, J. M. Turner, J. M. Cooper St Co., at the office of the Morning News, und at tho house of JOHN T. THOMAS, Jones Street. Nov. 5 tf I). RE MS IT ART. MORNING NEWS. P LANTATION WOOLENS, ifcc.—Schley’s Georgia Plains, drab aild brown, nt factory prices. Cotton uud Wool Plains, Cordarile, Tennessee, Low ell uml others. Lcrsoys, Georgia, Southern, and other mukes. Linssye, plaid and plain. All-Wool Plains, assorted qualities ami colors. Culifornians, a very heavy, all-Wool cloth. Soldiers’ Cloth, such as is used in tho U. S. Army. Blankets, Duflil, Point und Mackinac, full assortment. Flannels, heavy red, twilled uud plain. Shirting Stripes, assorted qualities. Cotton Oshuburgs, of Southern manufacture. Brown Shirtings, 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, heavy stylos. Prints, Plaids and Stripes, in great variety. Wool Caps, Kilmarnock and Glengarry, dyed and all blue. Huudkerchiefs,Romall, Vernon und Ini. Madras, Stc —also— 44 and 45 inch heavy Seulsluud Cotton Bagging; j 11st received, and for sale, in quantities to suit, on liberal terms, by JAMES ANDERSON St CO., dec 20 No. 70 St. Julian nnd 103 Brvan-Sts O VERCOAT* AND CLOAKS—Just received per)Florida, a large variety of Overcoats, consist ing of Black uud Colored Cloths, Petersham and Nor way Coatings, Bluck und Colored Mohair; ulso, a few fiuc Black Cloth Clouks. All of tho latest style and for sale low by W. R- SYMONS, nov 14 17 Whitakcr-st. P ATENT MEDICINE*.—Georgia Sarsupa- rilla; Townsend's do; Marshall's Pain Erndicator: Marshall’s Tetter Wash; Lukina Cordiul; Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral; Dr. Strong’s Pills; Spnncor’s do; Peter’s do; Moffett's do. The obove articles uro for sale by JAMES H. CARTER, Druggist, nov 20 Joflerson-Htroet. WINTER TRADE. flAHE Steamer Floridu and brig Philura have just JL brought us more Clothing than we have room for in our small store. 96 Bryan s'.reol; which, in addition to our former stock, makes u large and varied supply us cun bo found in the city. Our fucilitios for the manufacture of fine uud FASHIONABLE CLOTH ING, cannot be surpassed by any other establishment. With light expenses, satisfied with small profits, uud strict uttcution to business, wo fcol confident tliut we can meet tho wuntsof the community, ut extreme low prices, and respectfully invite ull to look at our assort ment. No second price, the same to ull. HOUSTON & GIIOUNDESON, 96 Brywi-st. uov 27 One door West of Whitaker. B AKER’* COCOA.—Affords a delicious be- verage, recommended by phvsicians us very nu tritious, not only to persons in heulth, but to the sick und convalescent; us very tranquillizing to weak nerves. Also, Hockcr’s Prepared Farina, just receiv ed nnd for sulc by nov 27 MOORE St HENDRICKSON. H ONEY *0AP«—For softening and beautifying the skin, and preventing it from chapping; also, highly perfumed Walnut Oil Sand Soap, just received uml for sale by nov 27 MOORE St HENDRICKSON. AM* AND SHOULDER*.—6 hhds. Hams - ; 3 lihds. prime ShouldcrB; landing from schooner H' o uuuB. prime oiiouiucra ; iu .Mary P, Lutlerloli, ami for »atc by dec 1 COI1KNS & HERTZ. KW OULUAN8 MOL.AStiKH.-5U barrels New Crop lauding, ami for sale by WEBSTER & PAI.MES. N* H AJIB.-A few casks Hugar Cured lert. For sale by line 1 THOMAS, FRIERSON & CO. C _ 'I01«N.—Prime Baltiiuere old While Com, laud- ^ iug uud for aalo by DAVID R. DILLON, dec S Foot of We.t-Broad atreel. dec 3 Fool of Weal-Broad si reel. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. CoiTCHponiloiico of ]>atly morning Neva. Mili.kdoevulk, Dec. II, 1S51. Tho dclmto upon the lllll to pardon Cornell, of Morgan, was concluded yeeterdav afternoon, bv Mr. Milicdgo, ol Richmond. It was nearly night when ho closed his argument, and the Kill being upon its pnasnge, it was carried hv a vote ol, yeas Od, nays 118. This U tho third Kill that line been passed by this Legislature for ihc pardon of crimiiialecondemned lu death. The qiiesliou arises, why hnvo tlioy, in overy case brought before them, reversed the decision of the juries. I hnvo uu doubt that tho sympathies and Icelmge of benevolence of members have, hud some influ ence upon their action ; hut in tho cnee of Cor nett und liishop, the majority, no doubt, believed that they had been convicted of too high a crinio, and that they were only guilty at' manslaughter. No believing, they were hound to vole for tlieir pardon, notwithstanding that the ell'cct would lie, to let two bad men loose upon sueiotv uguin. Would it not he well for prosecuting oliiccrs to consider woll of this thing, nnd in all cuseu en deavor to procuro eouviuliimu fur such offences an will onBurc tho punishment of the criminal 1 The recurrence of ninny such canes, as (hose that have occupied tho attention of (lie Legis lature, will greatly increase the feeling that new prevails to noire extent among the people, in m favor of abolishing capital punishment. Mr. Russell of Lumpkin, luid upon tho table the following resolutions : Resolved, That his Excellency the (iovornor lie, uud ho is hereby requested to inform - this Ho.se, whether there is any evidence in tho Executive Department that a block of tunrble destined ns a doautioa from tho Stale of Uoor- gin to the Washington Monument, is soot thith er; and if so sent, fry wlmt authority, uml wheth er said block had thereon the inscription, “ The Union us it wan, tiro Constitution an it is,” und if so hv whoso authority nnd order it was there on inscribed. Also if any evidence iH in his pus- cssion showing that a block of luarhlo for tiro Buid Mouumoiit has been soul which was pro posed und subscribed for by members of the Slum Convention of 1850. HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES. On motion of Mr. Hurris, of Clarke, tho Houso gives tho uso of thoir Hall, this evening, lu Mr. Buylor, United Stutos Consul nt Amsterdam, fur tho purpose of delivering an address upuu “ tho agricultural, umimfncturiug und cummcr- oial interests ufUieorgin nnd tho South generally, uml the advantages of a diroot Irudo with Eu- ropo.” On tire cull of tho counties, the following Bills wore introduced for a lirst reading : By Mr. Tillman, of Appling, a Bill to appro priate tho Stato tax collected itr tho county of Appling, for tire year 1853, to tho building of a Court Huuho fur suid county. By Mr. Burtow, n Bill to provide for the edu cation of u certain number of Slum Cadets in the lioorgin Military Institute, It also provides lor the appointment of a Board of visitors und appropriates $5000 for tho education of not more than twenty five “ Stule Cadets.” By Mr. Murcll, a Bill to extend the laws reg ulating tile fees of Magistrates ami Cunsluldes in tho County of Chatham, and also the provis ions of un act entitled an act to amend the sev eral acts reluting to J usticcs, Cautts so fur as re gards tho County of Chutlmm, approved Dec 19th. 1849, to tiro County of Eflinghum nnd to tho Justices, Courts, Magistrates uud Constables ot said County. By Mr. Culler, a Bill lu provide for a Registry of the births, deaths and marringos in tho State of Georgia. By Mr. Walker, a Bill to prevent slaves at tempted to he omuucipnted, from remaining ill this Ntuto, uud to provide fur thoir salo if they re main. Also a Hill to make penal tho killing, purloin ing or enticing uwuy certain birds und domestic aimnuls. By Mr. Lowe, a Bill tu form a new County out of purts uf Wurrcu, Jcfi'crsun uud Washing ton Counties. By Mr. I’altorson, a Bill to repeal tiro law to compensate tire Relit Jurors of tire Superior nnd Inferior Courts of Cnmden County. Un motion of Mr. Chnstuiu, tiro Houso re solved to refer to tire people, at tiro general elec tion in 1855, thcqiicrtiun shall the Lieu of Judg.- meuts on property tliut bus pussod from tiro pos session ot the defendant or dependants in Ver dict or Judgment by u bona fiuo sale, be main tuiuud, and they urc requested at said election to endorse upon tlieir tickets “ Lion” or “ No Lieu.” Legal gentlemen will no doubt undersluud the obiect of tho resolution. Tire Houso then took up thc.spccial order, viz : the Bill to prohibit the introduction of sluves in to this State, for the purpose of hire, sulo or traf fic, nnd was engaged ill amending and debat ing the same till the dinner hour, when it ad journed till 3 o’clock this uftcruoou. IN THE SENATE. The Bill for tho relief of married women wus reconsidered this morning by a vote of Ycus 90, Nays 10, nnd made the order of tho day for to morrow' week, tho 11th instant. Mr. Farris, from the Committee on tho Deaf and Dumb Asy lum, mudo un interesting report, commending that institution tu tho . fosloriug euro of the Legislature. Tlioy propose un ap propriation of $11,000 annually for its Btippurt. Mr. Hardeman introduced a Bill which au thorizes county oliiccrs to advortiso in any pa per having a general circulation iu the county, uud which requires regular files of Bucli pupers to bo kopt in the clerk’s office. The senate took up tho Bill to incorporate a Saving’s Bunk in the city of Augusta. Mr. Hurman moved to amend by ridding a section pro viding lor the incorporation of tho Republican Blues’ Loan Association, the Savannah Mutual Loan Association, nnd other associations therein named, which amendments were agreed to and tho bill pased as amended. On motion of Mr. Anderson, lire Bill to ratify contracts for iron for the Slate Road nnd to pro- vido means to pay for the same, was taken up and passed. Mr. Knight, from the Select Committee to whom was referred the Bill authorizing the Brunswick Canal Company to make un assess ment for the completion of the canal, reported a substitute which revives the act of incorporation uf the company, and the hill passed. The Bill to alter and amend tho 8th section of tiro 4th division of the Penal Code, so as to make tho pnnishment for voluntary manslaugh ter, imprisonment in tho Penitentiary not less than threo nor moro than ton years, wus read tho third time uml pussed. Mr. Culhoun introduced a Bill to give Saw- mills a lien upon buildings for lumber furnished for the erection of the same. A similar Bill was also introduced, into tire House this morning by Sir. Billinger. The Senato then adjourned till to-morrow morning. Tur. Hillotypk a Dki.usion.—Tho Now York Stato Daguerrian Association recently ap pointed a committee to investigate the alloged discovery of Mr. L. L. Hill, with respect to his ability in taking duguerreotynss in colois, and tlioy report that not only Mr. L. L. Hill deluded many professors in tile daguerrian art, but that lie was deluded himself thoroughly and com pletely—tiio origin of the discovery was a de lusion—that tho ussumed progress and improve ment wns a delusion—and that tho only thought respecting it, in which there is no delusion, is for every one to abaudou any possible faith in Mr. Hill’s abilities to produce natural colors iu daguerreotypes—of which the whole history has beon an unmitigated delusion. J35 p ’ From the report of tho last annual meet ing of the Masouic Grand Lodge of Kentucky, we learn that there aro in tho state 179 working lodges, numbering from 10 to 233,91 lodges in- stiiutea the past year, 1,153 initiations: 54dealh»: 72 suspended: 22 expelled. There are 784 past masters; total number of contributing members 5,166: and 197 free members. Correspondence of Dnlly Morning New*. Griffin, Nov. 29,1851. Mr, Editor:—Having escaped with my life from tiio State Road, being very thankfill there for, and resting n night with my friend at the At lanta Hotel, who, by the way, knows how to make his friends comfortable, when all tho fire- plaoo rooms are preoccupied, I took the cars over tho Atlanta* and West Point Railroad to tiio village, town, or city (was, is, or is to he,) of Newnnn, in Coweta County, forty miles distant from Atlanta, which wo reached in a ride of about two hours, ovor u road as fine us any iu the State ami in a car manufactured iu Augusta, and cx- hihiiod nt our lust State Fair. Newnnn hus long becu regarded as one of the pleasantest villages of this part of Georgia, tho seat of justice of Cowotu County, and a place of considerable trade, which has very greatly increased since tiio Railroad lias been opened to it. Many new storos have been built, and nbundunlly supplied with overy description of goods; tlieir business has been done with Au gusta, Charleston und the North, Savnnnah having been quite out of tho way, uud such a tiling us one of our merchnnta among them quite a curiosity ; but, from what 1 can Bee and learn, 1 hope this tuny uot long continue to be so. Tho streola ol Ncwuan were literally crowded wills wagons and cotton bales, there having ar rived, ill otto day, no less than two hundred of ilia former and six hundred of the latter. The receipts uf cotton for tiio week were estimated at some two thousand hales. The town was full of people, and everybody scomod to ba engaged .. either in buying or selling, presenting altogether tiio most busy place, for its eiza, 1 have ever bcch in our State. Loads of cotton went arriving from within twenty miles] of Columbus, and ready nule at prices ranging from 7 to 7jc. was found for it as fust as it arrived, Augusta nnd Charleston money paying for it and control- ing its destination. Our present railroad connection (tho junction completed) gives us more direct access to this placo than Charleston, affording them, at least, as good a cotton and grocery market, and ia (hero any reason why we should not have their trade? Many of tho merchants aro old resi dents, men of character and wealth, anil in this respect thoy are very different from the business population of many of our now places, and therefore worthy of coufidoucc. As tiio Roud is extended on to LaGrauge and , West Point, some of the business now coming hero tuny be stopped at other points, and the anticipated receipts of cotton, for this year, of 3000 hales, may bo reduced to half that pormgv " neatly, which will Bcqm a good trudo bore, nnd' business worth seeuriug to Bavannah, which may ho hud by suitable eflurt, and wo may, at leust, sell thorn groceries and receiyo tlieir COTTON. L'nrre*pondenae ot Dully Morning News. Business Affairs of Baltimore—A Republican tce/come to Kossuth—The Christiana Trea son Trials—Steamer Palmetto— Thanksgiv ing Day—Murders, Ifc. Bai.timork. Nov. 29,1851. Mr. Editor :—Tho good old city of monuments hasjust passed through one of the most prospe rous nad extensive business seasons that it has ever been its goad fortune to enjoy, for which it is largoly indebted to oar brethren of the South ern States, who huve showered their favors on us with nil unstinted hand. To North and Boutli Carolina, especially, are our merchants largely indebted, whilst our mechanics have also turned out much valuable maehiueiy, &c., for the enter prising citizens of the same Btates. If Kossuth, tiio Hungarian Govoruor, sailed in the stoamor Humboldt on tiio 20th, ho may be cxpcctod at New York on orubout Saturday noxt. Ho will remain in New-York and Philadelphia hut a few days, intending to proceed direct to Washington, und tiio public receptions will tuke placo on hie return, lu this city the enthusiasm iu belmlf of him and his cause is intense, and one of tho most mugnifieont receptions in the Union awaits Him horc. He will reach Balti more at 7 o'clock in the evening, anti our Gor man Bocieties are preparing for a grand torch light procession, to escort him to his quarters.— The operatives in titc extensive piano manufac tory of Messrs. Knnhe &. Ghule will be in line, di&pluyiug upwards of one Hundred beautiful transparencies. Tho general procession will take place in day time, and will bo participated in by tho military, firemen, Odd Fellows, Bona of Temperance, Trades Union, with the Masons and other associations of the city. Tiio Christiana treason trial, now progressing in Philadelphia, attracts great attention in this city, one of our most estimable citizens having been the chief victim of the outrage. Judging from the testimony, so lar, the probability is that tiio prisoner, Gnspar Hanaway, who seems to have been tiio ringleader in the outrage, will be pronounced guilty of treusou, and if so, death must be Ilia portion, as no one con for a moment doubt that tho President will stand firm as a rook to all appeals for a commutation. Tito line steamer Palmetto makes h^r first trip from Baltimore to Charleston to-day, and will soon be followed by a mate of the same propor tions. It is expected that she will secure an im mense trade from the start, though she has taken her position on tho line nt rather a late period o f the season. Thanksgiving day iu Baltimore was observed by one portion of our citizens as a day of praise and thanksgiving, bat by another and very largo portion ns a day of rejoicing nnd metry- making, sumclhing similar to Christmas. The places of amusement were crowded to excess, and Owens appeared at the Museum ns the “Lire Indian,” to a crowded audience. The peace of the city was pretty generally observed, though a man named James McGovern received a fatal stub from the hands of a man named Slorgan,— Tho prisoner was promptly arrested, and com mitted for trial. ALPHA. Unusual Lirxrality.—Wo mentioned on Wednesday that a new Methodist Church was to bo dedicated yesterday in tho city of Newark, to be colled the Central Methodist Church* Tho building iB of the pure Gothic style of architect ure, and will cost about $44,000, including a. very fine toned organ. The morning sermon was preached by Bishop Waugh t that m the afternoon by the Rev. Dr. JesseT. Peek; and that in tbe evening by the Rev. Mr. Foster, of this city. The services were «U woll attended, and tho liberal sum of eight thousand dollars was raised in donations and subscriptions,—N. Y. Times. 5^* The Government qf SAXomr has seized all the journals which’contain reports of Kossuth’s reception in England. In St. Peters burg the Czar allows tbe newspapers to publish any amount the publishers may please of the pro ceedings from tnc English journals.