Newspaper Page Text
No. 40
Bv G. % VV. Robertson,
A2 f 115ItT f» *!.f.ARi MU'. ANNUM,
»*tAM.K IN Al'VANtfc.
™hlisl~d lo .rc.ct the arratwoment nt .•*>>* :1 ' ; - SAturdaj) ft the Oi'Kr.eyl »!,.
a OaT.*'i:»r. ; iiml rout Meg *1 *he in oil)-
9ro' - *)itb Volition) »nd Mis.'.-linr.-
i \v. .Vcbivu fiuvtnisuiBCuts. piib.iblitd in
■‘’■••r < rottlVj Puerto set to nil parts of
•he state ci’S. Union, or delivered in the oitj.
,,.. .'i ilarsperanmilti, pry-We in .ovhuci .
■ ivcr‘iji twins are nwcrtcc in both p» u>
'■• -cvnpc-c *«>', o f I*' n«», for -r fir."'
It,-.. I, Itnd 374 in: every weieeding pub-
!!,'nnl«lcnli:i -. bv M'i', mint he Post p liil
? I,.-, "..f I-., 1 -.’il n' l'i'oo* by yilmioisl'r
v. or itnaroinoi, »rc required
|f... .be li.-l ) oo th" - firs Tiicsil'iv ill ifir
V„ •!, . tiv-jf, 'll' linnM of te.-. in In: fore
nfrori"-hrooin the afieiii"'"'. »l'he Court
iV or.- it ■ ' c'lOtv in " hi'.ii ton ptupeitv •»
—fCuf.iye !•♦**!: bo ra’-s in list b»* given
j!‘,,v,5: c sixty -hiy-. previous to th*-
^uiVtf’hc “'de f F»ierw'.nl prr»per*v mus ,
br -tr/e in i m nicer, l\iy d»/i» prcvuii, :
to- iUc »*y »f ’”»'*• .. c
ivt jJ’.t- dH'tn-s and credent* of (u.
C ri t'- ■' 'tyi^t b»* cMbh* !,, * , d Wi J’ovly dirt*.
N'll co th-t. *»ppl' .tmn will Ik* Mwuln Vo tin
Oiur* (TCMhw fir h-.veto t>eli lu ! *<l» mva'
iw obli died .Vim* Ah.^ths.
Whiskey, Share Moulds, l'u-
c. C. G R IS Jr O L D, ojferijbr sale.,
4 v. ( „ HMDS, whiskey
L> ions share moulds
3 ton* 5 stool
l , ;»u kugs \\ Into
l« iio Verdigris
12 do black paint
Ifjo mains copying and letter paper
IH'V 25
liudcr, Lard,«’ c.
juttl ne.ivrd hy ship )FiHinm Wnllnrr,.
KEGS first quality Goshen Butter
'20 K ogb Lard
30 Bn rude prime he of
. 2(H) Buskotb tabic salt
•40 lbs superior American mustard
10 Barrels S-TgantV* crackers
5 Barrels smoked Iwet*
■20 llurrnl.-prime perk
10 Ilalfbarruib F. Market beef
y<?r rule is v
mu u II \\cLd o uoff. \\v jroon.
Anciaux-s VV hurt*.
dec 9
1\ MMkrmott,
wrAF Just received by the ship Globe.
1.1 from riiilad-lpliia,
15 barrels beef, put up expressly for
iVmily use, bv Mr. minister
G ]*uiH:h**f , )i‘ ; N .Orleans rum, *ltli proof
35 barrels whiskey
6 cases lints
0 bales domestic goods
20 jack screws
4 Vmz. patent cotton gimlets
200 barrels supf. Philadelphia flour
100 ie* If do do
200 bids No 3 maekeral
20 ha: s black pepper
ll*T ■'
* or
rouUTEEMTH rr.A»s—new seuif.s.
To lie ilrinvn on l In* 5th of January, lfiiS,
ami (inialioil in a few mirmtea.
u* WW xj
\W r
J. r,.YATES S: A. M’INtYRE, Manager#
1 Triae of
50,000 Dullsr, is 850.00''.
5 "00
4,7 0.
4 m
24 060'8
1 6,040
12. U.'O Prises, 1
00 HlsitUsJ
34, r 20 Tickets, j
H AS removed his DRUG STOIIE, to
the corner of Bro^ton and iPhillu-
kcr-slrcdt) opposite Col. Sin-liman's Mansion
House, where lie exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his line,
lie abstains relating the whole string of
names of the things tie oilers, and only men
tions a few which are not commonly found
in every Drug Store, viz
Fol Sabina $ Church’s Cough
Pyro Uittbrllata e Drops
Dcgitalis Purpurea \ Aromniie VinegHr
ScuHcap, Hyssop $ Toilet, \i-r*efut'b < ’*'&
German Leopard’s | oilier Soiijw
Baue,(arnica men-; Macassar Clil
tuna) 2 Phosphorous
Elecampane, (Inula \ Ox.Mur. Potassc
Holciiimn) \ James’s Fever Pow-
Mops, Ergot t dors
.Tonquin Beans J Infantile Powders
Squire’s Elixir \ Read’s Stiptic
Dutf’s do > Spirits Soap
Ess. Mustard j Fumigating Po^tills
Ess. Tyre < Pvrolignious Acid
Jesuit Drop * Black Drop
Respecting the utility of this last article,
he refers to the It.* i, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
oct9 70f
Dry Goods.
Ri'envcd per sloop Delight,
A N invoice of t»-4 cambrics,
Shirtings, Garment Dimities
Fancy prin’ed check muslin
Fancy chintz printed jaconet muslin
Marseille.-: bed quilts
ran-brie prints, &c.
Tor sal* hy J. B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 7 *
Shoes and Quills
I ADf ES’morocco honied and spring heel
4 cd thick and thin soles
I)o. leaf her, thick and thin soles
Do. Denmark satin
Gentlemen 1 ,, fine and common boots
Do. Bootees and shoes
Boy’s shoes and boots
^Children’s morocco and leather bodices
Also Negro shoes, and
10.000 Dutch Quills
Tor sale low at
nnv lit
Liverpool Ground Salt.
BfjflllKI.S admit—li.r wile
by J. II. HEiUlKltT & CO.
dec 1:1
In this C ?cb*»»ne, w ; tb ei.vrbt drnwn ’’allots,
there wiP b'~* 5fi prizes with tlirce raimbsm or.
vho»r», 14)6 with two numbers on them, and
*• 6.<>L with one number oo them. Tbtw-
t ck*Ms having none of the drawn ballots 01
them being blanks
To dcternvnc the fat?! of all tho ticket in
ihoi.bove lottery, 60 nundie s, fio.n one l”
xt’* rnrlunivt, will scversHv be placed in
•.vUe*d on fhc day of drawing, «nd eight of
them drawn, and that ticket huvmg o»
•v h combination, the li»t, 3d and third min.
berg drr.wn, will be e/tdled to g.jO 000.
buvtug on it :fu.. 4th, SUi tfiidCilh, wil
te emi li d in ^ 0.t ,o 0.
Ti k li -vise n th rn the 3d, 4 h and 5t!
u ’ fid, 7*ii and 8th, «».< h g5,050
T .t i: vino • n >t the Al, Hd and 4th, wi’
he entitled to g4,7 0.
Those Ir.vtig onthem*he
“■\ 5 b pp.*’ 8. • 3d, 5'.h a-.f; 6t*- t:h Sth and 7V
.1 6'.ii nn l 7'h 3d, 5'U and /th 4<l-.6'hand 8s
■V. 6th and Pil. 3d, 5«b snd 8 h ‘»k>th r d 8
7'L and 8t ; 3 i, and 7tii /'th.6tb and 7
* 4'!i and 6. 3 6dj act 8v;. V'di.G'.h and 8
1 , 4'!» un ‘ 7' 4 i 5'hantl 7 h Sih,7th an- 8
id. 4 h and 8*k 4u',5ih andOthj each giOO'-
AH f.thrus, being (30 lickets) having 'hre
•»f the tl'v.wc mtmhers on them will tach h
•ntdled <- $50Q.
▼he 53 ic'ii t* having -\\p. 3d and4th draw
•lumbers on theta only uid eucli be entitled '
S 90.
Tb« 156 tickets having on thorn the 4>
v.nd 5th, n. 4t.» an«l 6*h, oi 4'h and 7ii), thuw
numbers on y. will!» bs ki t tled to gJ(>.
All mht’.s (being T’48 tickots) with a-’;
:w> of '.he drawn utimbets on them, will eac
c -.titied Vo jgc'O.
Ail Ih «;•- having «-n them any c?ie of th-
him hr s, (brent? '0,608 I ckettf,or 13- 0
■. c ob driv-n number,^ will eaeh he eiiti-
j lied to ft *.0.
No tic.', t wh'ch shall have drawn a priz
m u vjprrji'rchuinrrt' dioti can be entiih.d •
tut inferior p.P:iz?9 pi»y«l)lc t!*ir»y dayt
•fver fhc dr« • i:>;, «•’<! su' ject, as i;6U<u'y to f j
d durdioii i.l 1 5 net cent*
A eunsulerubiM prrd.nn •• ft his lottery h r>\\ j
on in parcels of i'O tieheis, tmiirKcing all ti*
•mnbina'ii >n rurnhes, from one to si/.tv
-.Licit parrel* are warranted o dmvv at low,
U -a lie ded'iulion of I5 per r.ent, witf.
nmuy chances f • lh<i capital prize.
(T. The ahovu is the most splendid Lot
tery in tin. 1 United Btntcs, and tho Tickets
arc at a comparatively moderate price.
OlliU RS i Oil TI KhTS,
from the Country {Pod-paid) directed to
tin* subscriber, at the OFFICE OF THE
GEORGIAN, Savannah, will be immedi
ately attended to, ami forwarded free of ex
Savannah, Movemher 23, 1824.
chewing tobacco.
fi UST received, n suj>ply of Cavendish
t.v l’li'gg Tobacco, and it is recommended
us being a very superior article, for sale by
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
nnv 1:1
Bloom Raisins,
J UST imported for family use, and for
sale by A. PARSONS,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
dec 10
.Marking IVrnftke.s,
O F a superior quality, just received and
for sale by GEO. RYERSON
nov 20
Hide AVliips
<Vf\ GROCE!”
«*w for sale by
dec 13
— — » » 111 1 lij.
GROCE Hide Whips, received and
for snip Iiu .at, if. WEED.
leather iiuls llolslcrs autl
¥ UST received, an assortment of the
*S nliovi! al l ides, warranted to be of the
best quality, for sale by
oet 26
Superior sweet Lit.
[ UST received in bottles and flasks, for
sale hy A. PARSONS,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbous’ Buildings,
liov 16
lie an Water.
\ FEW dozen superior French Rose Wa
il ter, in large bottles, just received and
for sale by GEO. 11YERSOM.
feWler a.
SUPPLY of Hair and Wire Sifters, rc-
. ceivud and for sale by
M. li. WEED,
26 No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
Carte A VI air Matrasses.
rivHE mibsi-ribor 1ms just received an as-
L sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to he of the best quality, for sale by
1. W- MORRF.L.
oct 2fi
r NF f )RMS his friends and the public gen-
erolly, that lie lias received by recent
arrivals, a largo and extensive assortment of
Groce ties, Hardware and Dry
which will he disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most iea”onabl6 terms. The
following nrtiili'S comprise a part of his
present stock, \ */..—
!U Mops' e 1, prime «t Croix e r ^ ar
1" Boxes W'lite “ml i
■0 Hexes Brown .{ d ''
6'.) B^rr-N LtiM io«d Lump dt»
5(1 Bq;» Uavuna Green Coffee
6 Pints supcrs-'T 4th ruooi Umndy
6 Pipes do Holland Gin
5 Tinea Imiuvion Uuoidy, 4th proof
5 Dj do Gin
2 Pipes very superior old Pcmcli Bnn lt
? Puncheons do d » I.ish tVhrkev
50 Hog^f. »ids and > Phil dclphia Uyc
100 Burra Is J VV hbkey
100 Burrcls Northern Gin
2 Ptpcs super! -r ohl Madeira Wine
5 Halfpipes stipcriov old Lisbon Jo
v 1L Q -urtor Casks Te* o«!fr.; do
Vefv flup niur old liadcira Wine and
Cognac Rratid)* in demijohns
150 Whi’ 1 © and? Barrels cupoifl e fresh
100 Half 5 FI nr
10') barrels No* 3, New fiuckarcl
SO B'ir'eiS No 2, do do
1600 Baskets Table
20 Casks G"sben Cheese
20 llArrels Copperas
200 Reams VVrspning Paper
5i» Bags IRack Pepper
10 Boxes Clioc«!otc
29 Five Gailoi: De nijohna
5 Bar els Glue
10 ’ Kegs ME Hid IfF Dupont’ Gunpowd*. r
5' Pound Gauls: e s of sui.enor do
100 Fleets 4j inch Colton Bagging
'i Baltt Uugg'U|f Twine
10 Whole am' j Boxes S. Whittimore’*.:
6 Half > genuine Cards
10 Boxes Worn Hals
5 i» tvs Straw C amels
10 Coils Bide Rope
5 - I.'-.zcn Bed Cur.'s
50 D j Plough L.’nes
100 Pounds S&uh Curds
6 Bal#*s Point, Londori D jffle
10 Cases colored and bleached and un-
bleanhed Homespuns
70 Gross I -n Table bpuous
15 D > do I t a do*
*0 Do Tfutania Table do 1
Plated Tsbh.* nrd Tea do
Copper,Ca;.t, Wi ought and Composi-
tmn Tea Kettles of all s''Z.:s
Bras-. K dtles for making preserves
20 Sets of Hi li Covers
20 To- ?; Shear Moulds
1 Do Sul Irons
1 Do (i«. Lead
1 Do Sheet Iron
100 Casks assorted Cut Nails
Mill, Provs Cut and Whip Saw, made
expressly for this market
20 Dozen Hai.d3tw», WooGStws and Ten
nant Saws
Black: rniih Sludges and Handhainmci s
Aitvils, item 1 to 2C0tbs. real unmet
Blicksm.tb’s Bcdlowr.f'om 24to 36 in.
Single and Double Screw Plates
Corn Mills, horn No. I to 5
2 Tons Boobs and Hinges
Brass'Andirons, from gi 50 to J|3
Brans and Wire Kendets, with shovels
sr d tonga to match
5 Casks Brand's Patent
100 Dozen Padlocks
L'teelys (Is to weigh from 200 *•» 500li*«
2 Ton.-; of riteei.cons sting «*l bhea^Eng-
Ibh, Bhstetcd anil Cast
Stoves with Tip s
1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Bsgr Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
200 Dozen Curry Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives sod Forks
consisting o( 50 p eces each
10 Sets UriUmniu Te.upulu
Sugar and Cre>m do
6 D zon Patent Shot Belts
9■ Dozen G. rce Bags •
2 D.tzvn Powder Horns and Flasks
1 O Sr. rl> able and single barrel Guns
10 D ?.en Wire and 2<» do* Hair Sitters
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Uais and 50 sets of
Table Mats
A general assortment of Carpenter's Planes,
??u *:es. end Fancy‘Bellows, with many other
trticles in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Tons of Carron Castings, which will be
sold low from the wharf,
nov 15
T HE subscriber ha? received by the late ar-
rivals a large and general assortment of
llar&Yiaxa Cutlery, f c.
Knives and Forks of all kinds
Pen, pocket, 2 bhde, Sports men*8 and
Dirk KnipM,
Knives si.d Scissord on cards
Razors in Ciises
Pr .-ud, Butcherg, Shoe, Cook, and Carv-
ing Knives
Draw'uig Knives
Pikne lions and Gwires
Fiiea aud Ba&pa of ail kinds
Te«Ak»nij«, Hritanma iron Tea 8t Table
Sf icons
G. ivy and Soup 5p f, ons
PlffVtd and silver lop Castori
Tea Trftys and Waiters
Bread ml K*iifc Tra\s
JdfiM D' e.'osir.g and Spine Boxes
Brans and Jupnr.ed T.unps
BrasH, J 'paned and Iron Car dlcit'cks
Polished Steel and curnmou bouffera and
8ntiffer Trays
Plated Srnjflc'T and Travs
Plated ar.d silver Pencil Cases St Torftl.
Pocket Books and V/i.'l :tv
Bruns - , Knobs and Rings
Cletik Mid Curin’n thus
Brass Socket Gant'irs
Wood and Ivon Red Castors
Wood and Bed Sci-evr.i
Wrought and Cut I’acks and Bisds
Bound Bolts
Knob, Closet and Mortice Locks
Stock and'Pad Locks of all kinds
Chest,Til!, Cup’d aud Uoset Lucks
Brass Flush Bolts
Plated Cham Spurs
PlatedStiriitp Irons
Gilt and Muial Bntt<*ns
Iron a'ltl tVi'.je nu^pendcr Butters
Con*, and Vast Mooh-s
Pcail and llone bhirt Huttons
Ivor*/ r-nd Horn Combs
Pr.rk.tiid Pound Pi"3
U>»89 >«ricl Block Tm Liquor Cocks
Com'non «nd fine sirigio*and double bar
red ihfles an '■ Fowling Guns
Fuzoea with Bnyone s
Mill, Cross Cut bml Hand Saws
Sash und Tenant Saws
Bench sod M uhling r,anes
H»ir, Ch»th, Sweeping, Scrubbing, Fur
niture and Dus Brushes
Boise uiwl Shoo Brushes
P. s'e Biscking
F nta
Shoe ’! bread and Twine
AnviK Vices, Sad Itoos, Trace Chains
and IIo**s
Smith hi d Smsl; BvPuws
B ss« Andi-vn? and Shovels and Tonga
B- Hsh-.d Gi -en Woe Fendcri:
Hif'ck T*n v.'uflee Pool •;u.i Caodlrsticks
Cast Irt.n Pots, Ovens, Dogs, Spidcis, cj
Waggon Boxes
Comp sitio;.. Copper nnd Japuncd Tea
K 1 tiles and Sauce Pins
Coffee Mills, Spit R.xea
Statitt and Pork, t G f-sucs
Compr sit ion Dlge-'turs
HulterHud .<«>ck Chains
W’n.'low GUiis
Bevw A>es
T«.getncr w th almost every other article
•a the line, whicli will be sold on accommO*
luting teinr, by
No* 6, Gibbons* Range. Sign of
the Pod Lock.
or*t ^6 " r *J
1 uturn\u,t\i.u W»vuV-d \
BF G.'.OttCE MILI.ER, otherw.-ieDAN-
1 tFLOLAiND Vlli l.KR who in the vein
1615, sur voe in S»;v:tn;.;4i, in 'he Abctduvn
'rnnspdt, b« !*”.:g!iig to JMcssrt,. D« Wflon &
Sous of London, is living, and will »«ppty to
uis f iends in En^loiu., he will lst-ai ol
something much to his advantage, Be left
the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannsh, *»!’•
has not been heard of by his f icnds since
that period. He had b. e.n many years s fc«i*
lor, and while on board the above vessel,
was employed »s h carpenter. If he left 9.i-
vatmah at that time, it is probable that he
entered some vessel going to the Brazil Is
lands, hs in h<8 Dst letter, he stated that it
was his intention to do so. Should he havt
died at any place where a register orceaifi
cate of his burial caq be obtained, it wotiLi b»-
ihan^fnl y received and ait expen ci attending
it, paid by
Sai.tnnah, or
vry>t O 57
Siivannah l-cmale Asylum.
4 N. rlection for a Matron to this Institu
L \ tion, will take place at the Apylum
House, on tho first meeting in February.—
Application lor the above to be handed in
to the siibr criber.
By order of the Board,
E. M. LLOYD, Scr'nj.
nov13 84
( CONTINUES to do buHiisrss- m Milledge-
J ville. and teiule''s( the offer of his 6er.
••icea to h s friend? and th*? public,in the trans-
action of igenc.y business generally.
n C ‘ 5 68|l>&4§
Glass, Paints, Oil, &c.
1U0 Kegs English White Lead,
first quality
200 Di American 1st & 2d quol.
500 Pounds Lamp Black
80 Boxes Window Glass, assorted
50 Canisters G e«n Paint
Vordigievse, dn and ground
Sran'mh Brown do do
Yellow Ochre do do
Spirits Turpentine
Painter’s Brushes. &c &
For sale by GEO, KYERSON,
Drug/mtOorner Ba* & Whittaker»8ts.
lieei’s’ Axes.
4 SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
and for sole by M. 0. WEED.
oet 'll
1 Prize uf*—840,000 is 40,000 Dollars.
1 Prize of——'.’u.OdG ;(4,(Hi0 Ooilvra.
1 P'ize of- —10,000 is JO.W‘0 Dollars.
2 P z-iff of.— 5,000 is '0,000 Dollars.
30 Prizes c.f “1/0) is 30,(100 Dollars.
‘/0 Prizes of.— 500 is 10,OoD Dollars
SO Prizes of 100 in 5,» 0J Dolbrs.
160 Pi lifts of— 5'0 is 5,000 Dollars.
5000 Prizes of——10 is 50,000 Dollars.
180,000 Dollars.
5 V5 j’rizes.
14795 Blanks.
20600 Tickets et $9, is 1P0,600 Pol’s a.
The whole of the prizes to be floating
from the commencement of the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz .*
On the 5th day, : : : : g 10,000.
On the 10th day, : • : 5,000.
On the 16th day, : : ; ; : 20,000.
On tlie 20th day, : : s : 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii,
TV(euty V v.vv(vi\§8 out} t\
Tho prizr’rt only to ho drawn.—TIih wliole
payable iii cash, sixty days alter the com
pletion of tho drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commissioner, apprinktl hy the Governor and
Tho above Lottery commences drawing
nBaltimore,on WEDNESDAY, Whinsl.
Tickets £l j—Shares in proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tic rets taken in payment, at
urn ie its
No. 8, Commerce-Row.
nnv I)
AT Ills
\CASSAR/ Russvi, Bears and Antique
lv JL Oils j Pniputums in iaige and email pots,
all sorts <•!' :»<-i|Mme
Rose, Orange IT'.w r ar:d Lavender Waters
"tsh.gne Wnt«r in Luxes
Milk of I?.< ft j 3, <»r B« aiiv’s Presprvative
L( W*» s»*iporii.^* scented Shaving and w».fh
Su'*pSi all suns of ncii'nme
Naples Po'fCske ar.d Q iint.-36enre~ „
Shavtoy. Soaps ? B Jl
Windsor P. rfumed Soaps, by^ g oa p 8
(lair Powder, Plain and Scented Powder Puffs
assorted .sizes
Ladies* ri.d Gentlemen’s Pocket Books, with
and without chsps, of all sizes
LaFaydt*-, Silk and H dr Stocks, an elegant
hi tide t< r Gentlemen’s wear
Lakes' Indispensables. assorted patterns
'iilt C<*rd CascH, er.suted siz. s
Veiling Cards do do
Silver Pencil Cases, best quality
D >. Tooth with twes2 A rs do
Lead Pencils, warranted of the best
Penknives, Sugar Box* s, Dcmin> ea do
Fancy Smell Bottles, Dice, Playing Cards
Ladies’ Toilet Dress
Gentlemen's Shaving do.
M n shail's Superior Dentifrice
•niton’s do do
Huttos *s do do
Prepared Charcoal, from the wil’ow bark
Do do Common Chat coal
Eye .Stones, Snuff Boxes, a fine asaortmev t.
Reevt.s* colours
Floating Nuremburgh and French Tapers, for
burning on oil
Durable Ink, Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar
Phosphorus B-'.Xf s, Hair Powder Boset;
Platina and Fancy Wood Shaving Boxes
Round Shaving Cake Soap do
Suptnor and large* Ivory, Bone and Wood
Tied Shaving B uslies
English, French and American Superior ai d
Fancy Penetrating Hair Brushes, ofall
Fine Hair Cloth Brushes, all sizes
Dj Whist Cl*’’its do
f’late, Nail and O-tmb Brushes
Furniture, Shoe and Whitewash do
Sweeping and Hearth Brushes
Aluo, h s tntiuh admired durable and Fancy
silver wire T ooth Brushes, made on an
improved plan, and to order, with plain
and fl.iiod Lundies
John Barbu: *s cl Thomas ScargiM’s superior
Razors, in single »«nd double cases made
to order, warranted to please the pur
chase r, or to be returned
D»y and fiat tin’s imported Shoe Blacking
Genuine * mo of Rosts, large and small size
bottles p
r, ear! Powdei F»>r beautifying the skin
M jceb.p, Scotch and Capliilir. fimiffs
f, irillarcl’s line cut Chewing Tobacco
IVnquin ai.d V-nnilo Means
’ putiteesry’s .Scales and Weigh'*
Evans' Crown Lancets. Spiing Lsncets with
extra blades, with a fine assortment of
Surgical lintrumen's, Apothecary’s
Glaus Ware, v jc.
Together with a very general and extensive
isaortment of Diugs. Medicines, Chemicals
°aunt Medicines, Spices, Dye Stuffs &C.—
All of which hug been selected by himsi If
Mud in lie u of the word Per Centage, are all
offered at Whoh s de and Retail, each and ev
ery article aaiow priced a*» his neighbors.
Druggist, No, 8, Gibbons’ Building*
Opposite the iicedeiny.
R espectfully informs imr friends
and the public, that her rciiooi. is now
opposite tho Chatham Academy, for
the kkckption OF i»limls. Assisted by
hor (laughter Miss E. A. Harrison, she
otters her services in teaching the following
useful nnd ornamental branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thunks for
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of 1u it ion and
her increased exertions to further the pro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve n still fur
ther extension of public favor. The.course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, ore—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, : S i 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, ::::::: 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
laec or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : 10 DO
Pointing on velvet, per quarter,: .* 8 00
ITT The most careful attention will he
paid by Mrs. Kf.r, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 a;,
Consumptions, Coughs, £jC.
CjiO.t the cure .foil., Cfu^hs.Consnmp.
L tions, Spitting of Blood j Asthmas, and
uaessea of the breast And lungs
There is perhaps no medical observation
better esiab iahed, none more ge:.orally con
firmed by the experience of the best pbysicU
ins of ail a^es and countvi s, and none of
nore importunse to the human family, than
lie fact that many of the most difficult and in
curable consumptions originate iu neglect* d
colds.. lAxehibninsnViirtaurrasnurs wT-t t«
he changes of the wea hor are tnquenlly
sudden and unexpected, it inquires more c»»e
nd utieniionlo gua;d against this uangerr us
r.uemy of life, than must people imagine vf
jre able and wiilingto bes’ow. The bills of
mortality exh bit the melancholy fact that the
proportion of deadiS by this disease may he
“onaidered as about five to one. I asmoch
il.en as (his fatal dh:e*se f-t quei ily M *» ('efi-
ancc to the skill of the moat learned ph; »ci*
^n», it is a gratification to the prnnnetqr that
•e is enabled to offer to those afil cted with
it, a go diy prospect of relief, in 'hat highly
valuable remedy, ihe Vegetable Lulmn Sp ti*
fie. The Indians a: e happy in their know*
vdge of m .dical plants; g .vr.rned wholly hy
xperience, they me certain nt, to their f fT ct f
and it is said by an author of g r eat character,
hat a t. »••• c* nsuv- ption is a disease i tvef
known among them.
This Specifln is obtained tty exfryctio» (rom
iieibs, root*, flowers, pl-nt-, fiac when in p« r*
faction. In const qurnce vf a happy cimbins-
tion of the mot't valuable.herbs, Stc. it
bakem ol s superior value. It healt, the in.
red'parts, opens the pn. es, and comp iNes
>e dia ttrhed neivea, after the mutin. rtf an
nofiyi.o / tonscq eritly tlie ob»iiuoitmr' «if
he chc*b srd the lungs which constitute tb.s .
lisease, particularly need it* use. It pr<«n>ot(S
xpcctorKtion, wh*eb is constantly called for,
.nd whilst it cleanses a> d heats, it also gives
s-rength to the tender lungs In this «rann«f
•t lemorest!^ hectic fever, improves diges
tion, givrssirengih to the neiv< s, repairs (he
■ppt bte and improves the *i iritv. This sped,
fic mav always be giV( n in safety it is rr id,
ileasunt to the taste, and m»y safety he given
o in fa. Vs, for which it is oFiiit*'iw>:*bl? Vtdut*
It affords ieliefia Lrrr? ; crimp,
whooping coughs, &c. and ii t« uno particu*
i r.y useful in hypoebondri cul, nervous and
•Hstericsl diseases. Fvch biil of direction
••or.tain« t detail-?l accoiu • ofthi- dhcasr-. in
j|I its d-fl'.-reiu stages, t ndwill b_- acim/npa-
•»icd with ;hr signature ot the prcpiietor in
lied Ink. is offered for >ale by GEO. BY-
F'lL’ G . only (ni) 8 -Ie agent) D.uggist, cor
iicr Mbv and Whittaker-sired*, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottic.
WM hU 11.EH,
dec 30 30
Northern Gin and >ew-Eup
land Hum.
B0 BARRELS Gin, high proof
iv'-O 30 barrels New-England rmn
J.andingfrom ship Oglctliurpo, nn.l lor j=alt-
low from the wharf.
dec 16
- Liverpool < rquntl ^ alt.
ft Liverpool Ground Salt,
12# received per sloop Good Intent,
nnd for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO-
nee 6 4
Lamp Glasses
G ROUND and plain, of every descripttoj
Glaas Peg Lamps
Tin japanned do with candlesticks
Tin Lamp Feeders
Lamp W'ick, assorted. Arc.*
Constantly on hand and for sale by
GKO. RYERSON, Druggist,
Corner of Bay and Whiitaker-Streets.
nov 20
Swamps Danacet
l» H DOZEN received por brig i
J V Druggists in this state will
plied at the original prices, by appl
^JVuggiat.No. 8, Gibbous’ Bui