Newspaper Page Text
Sheriff's Sales.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
W ILL he sold st the Court Home, in tl».
citv of Savannah, between the hours t
ten and four o'clock,
The following 5 negroes, viz : Peter and
his wife Sarah, their children Mary, Tyro, at d
Percdla, levied on as the property of James
Udbo, to satisfy an execution in favor of the
President, Directors and Company of the
Ha.ik of the U. States.
All that lot of ground known and designs*
ted as warden lot No- thirty-nine (39) and also
that adjoining half part of another, known as
lot No. forty-two (49) containing, together,
eight and a half acres, be the some more or
less, situate to the east of the city of Savan
nah, and hounded to the northwest of lot No,
twenty six (26) to the south and east by
lands hel niging to the estate of Hampton
L'llhiidge, and to the west by the pubi c
rnsd leading to Skidaway Island, whereon a
brick yard is now establulud and known b>
th* name of Fahm's brick yard, together with
all and singular the improvement ai d appur
tenances thereunto belonging {levied on as the ,
property of Jacob F«h-n, under a rule abso
lute, from the Hon the Superior Court ol
Chatham County, in favor of Aaron Cleveland
and Susan his wife.
All that tract of land known by ti e n»n>p
of Tweed Side, containing (346) acres, 264
acres high land, third quality, 82 acres low
land ft st quality, oour.ded on the north by
Savannah river—levied on under u fi fa in fa
vor of Simon Donald and wife, complainants,
•gainst Tlnmas N. Morel, and ulhut, heirs oi
John Morel, dec.
Buddings on part of lot No. thirty one (31)
L'berty ward, in the city of Savannah, bout.*:
ed north on York-street, sowh by a lane, and
weft by other part of said lot—levied on as
the property of Wm. M*hew, dec. to satisfy
an execution from a,justices court, »n favor ot
Thompson & Bonney, against Wm. Mahew,
security for E. Swift.
Jan 31 56
Sheriff's Sale.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
II.i be sold in the Cuurt-Hnuic, be
tween the tisu.l hours o ten and (uur
Eighty negro slave., Tie. Nelson, Rsehel,
Sen), Morris, elm Irs, Miller, Hsnnth, Harry,
Flora, Ann., Sem, Silvy, llttrcules, Br.boy,
John, David. Nanny, Philip, Ju-'y, John, Har
ry, Eve, Philip, Anna, I.uoy, Monday, Tenah,
Molly, Henry. Ben, Venus, Cain, Rumbi,
Celia, Flora, Nelly, Hannah, Simon, I.ukey,
Paddy, Jenny,Bmtus.Cinda, Beck, Fanny, 'oc,
Heater, July, Fhcbe, dark, Bella, Fanny,
lack, Robert, Isaac, Fompey, Caeiar, Caty,
Willoughby, Fortune, Rachel, Phillis, R ch-
ard, Miner, Jane, London, Davy, Ilhmael,
Ussy, Susy.George, Grace, Ondjo, Caty, Bet
*v, Sampson, Billy, Molly and Abraham, to
gether with the future iistte and increase of
the families, levied on under a fi fa. on
foreclosure of a mortgage, from George L.
’’ope, in favor of Peter Mitchell, John
U’Nish, and Robert Mitchell.
I. D’LYON, A' C C.
del ill 31
fclic itV’s Sale Continued.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
\4MiJ. he Bold at the Court-House, in
W city of Savannah, between the hours ol
ten ai d four o’clock.
Eighteen negroes viz.—Charlotte, Buccuh.
Eve, Tennb, Titus, S.imbo, Nero, Belinda,
Dorcus„ Isaac, Hess, Sippio, Carles, C!oe, I'eg
gy, Anne*, B tty, and Momlav, levied on h\
*5 *1 s.'nt, as the propeily of N. G. Rutherford
under a ti fa. on a foreclosure of a mortgage
n favor of the Hank nf Darien.
Feb 11 66
Sheriff’s Sales.
VCOILL he .old, it the Market II mse,
t## the Town of 8 1 . Marys, on the fi
atunlay after the first Tuesday uf P
nest, between the hour, often snd four o’
One negro man named Cato, levied , n
the property of Joaepli Rain, to sstialy an ex
ecu'ion in favor of Helton A. Cnpp.
Also, One undivided third of throe negro
slaves, o wit: Sophy, J2sacnter„ ard Sandy,
levied on as the property of Jane O’Neal, ti
satisfy an execu ion in favor ot U Brunet, by
hi- Guardian.
A so, One tract of land on Crooked Hirer,
containing 150 .ores, bounded north by v.
cant Ur d, east by A. J Pratt’s land, scuth b>
Crnoked River and marshes, west by E.Shear
man, the greater part nf said tract is undn
cultivation—one pair Card Tables, one psi
fir - logs, hovel and tongs, one clock, half .
d sen (si'ver) l able-spoora, levi d on as Iht
property of Abram Pratt, to satisfy an eiecu*
tion in favor of B. A. Copp.
St- Msrvs, Jan. 9, 1825.
Fe ■> 2 58
Georgia—Bryan County.
By Joshua Sm 'h Cleric of the Court nf Ordin
a y of he County aforesiul,
r » ALL * »0 4 It’ MAY i.OWCERN
$ WHEREAS William Moor, of the C-ninM
•.*•# of B illoch, applies fur Li tters of Ad
itritiou on the estate and effects of S tm
Bacon, formerly of Liberty County, dec i
ae are therefore to cite and admonish al
't dnguLr the kirded and creditors of naif'
,i .cease, t fi • their objections (it any they
•ave) in my fHa«, on oi before the first Mon
day in March next, otherwise letters of ad*
ministration will be granted the applicant.
Given under my hand and private seal,
(there being no seal of office) this third
day of February, one thousand eight
hundred and twenty five.
F.*» 8 63. f
Attachment Sale,
On the first Tuesday in March next,
\4 (/II’L be su'd at the Court* Monte, be
vy tween the hours of ten and four o’clk,
fwo negro slaves named Sampson anil Al-
ier, attached as 'he p operty of William E.
Ferguson, and sold oy ord r >f Court.
I. D’LYON, S C. C.
Ian 30 56
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in April next.
f VW'LL be sold at the Court-House in the
V## city of Savannah, between the hours of
ten and four o’clock.
The following seven negroes, viz : Davis,
Maria, Patience, Dublin, llcck, Trephina an*
Oscar, with the increase of ih» female* lev.ed
on under a fi fa on a foreclotu e of a mortgage
as the property of Joseph Carruihers to satis
fy the Bank of the State of Georgia.
Also, ! In* following 35 iKg' i> s, viz: CufTce,
(Cooper, i Harriet, AftV, old Charlotte, Jacli
Sky. Churl itte, Pendaw, Bess, Precessa and
child, Budget snd Peggy, Wiil.atn, E : sey,
B lb-y, Phdip Phyllis, olei Gumbo, Jem y. old
Peggy, H utus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Maria,
Cynda, Dick, Tony,Sophia, Daphne And child,
Jacob,Sye,B*ckiy and John,with the incrcaie
o' '.lie females, levied on as the property of
Nicholas Gruger, under a fi fn on t foreclosure
of a m rtgage in favour of John Carnahan and
James tic lenry for use of Chiis tans Levett.
Alsu, a n* gro man named Sam levied on ti
the property of Chfir'es E. Fhn, under fi. fa.
on a lorcclosure of a mongage in favor oi
James Anderson.
Also, the following 19 negroes, viz ’.—Abra
ham. Harry, Cato, Chance, Daniel, Aaron,
Sambo, Lucy, Sc.pio, Maryan, Rachael, Lon
don, Aggy, Simon, Grace, Eliza George, Ru
dy, and Jim, with tat increase of the females,
levied on as the property of Flemming Akin,
dec. un Ier aft fa. on a foreclosure of a mort
gage in favor oi Wm. Dixon & Go* assignees
of M irdoeh M’Lcod- I. D’LYON. S. C.C
f 1 56
hlieiiil's ales.
On the fist Tuesday in March next,
i,l, he- sold at 'he Court-House between |
the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock,
Tue following -ix negroes, Hmnah, Dane,
London, William, Peter, and Hannah, levied
onund'ra fi fa, on foreclosure from John
i.ut’ter to the Planters’Bank.
V* 'Ur negroes, Billy, Moses, Will and Jen
ny, levied on under a fi. fa. on foreclosure
of a mortgage from C. U. flajden, to J^remi*
ah Cu-. Ier.
A q tanvity of Household and K.'chen Fur-
nitu e, levi»don under a fi fa on foreclosure
of a m >, from Fjle zer Eariy to Amos |
j m .1 39.
(ity heriff’s bales’
On the fust Tuesday in March next,
W l ,L be laid in front of the liourt-
.wuse, in the city of Suv.nn.b, between
tti • soil nours often »nd th«e o’clock,
A I the buibl'nK* 0I ' 'he ens ern hsif ol lo<
Nj 5 ive, St Gill, Ot-lelh-op-i w.rl, levtin
on mb the proper* 1 of E bis B. Roberts to : nt
is y «n eieeution in favor ol tbe tie■ ne.n l.i
therm Ghnrsft, v«- Elian E llobei ti-
.Joe nrgi'i wool'll n.meri Maria, and her
child Uo.1, leii'd on ss the property > f Robt
ChaHtJO, doc. to satiafy an execution IrniP
tile Gou t of Common Pleas, and Oyer and
Termin.r fi- tbe City of Savannah, Salma
Mnntnnvi. F, Zi Charlton administratrix i
Robert Charlton, dec.
A1. D’LYON, (■ V.
1- "0 58
auenlf's sales.
0 - lie first S.mrilsy, after the first Tues
day in March, will be sold at ihe Mar.
ket House, in Ilia town of St. Marys, between
the liuurs of ten and four o’clock, a negro
buy named M sos, levied on as the properi)
of Cornelius Rain, to witisly an execution oi
foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of John
Chevalier. M. H IIKBBAUU, S, C. C,
St- vlarys, Jaiiutry ', 18 5-
J- 8 n ' r
Tar, < itch. It sin c^c.
O A l!lll ' s TAR
ml\J 10 (In Pitch
ID do Kosin
o do bright Varnish
l’or anlc bv A. 11ASS 1,1 1,
No. 1, Mongiu’s jNuw-Jtuiliiing.
Fell 4
Administrator’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in April next,
[ WILL sell st the Court House in Jeffer
son Camden County, between the usual
hours of bale,
Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and he
four children, Daniel, Stephen, John and Yor
ick, tliu property of the Estate of Ge g*
Morris .u, deceased, for the benefit of the
creditors and heirs of said estate, pumia it to
leave granted by the Court of Ordinary of said
Administrator, with the Will annexed, of
Gen-’ge Morris m, Sen. deceased.
MlWaon, 24 b Jun. 1825.
Feb 2 58
Marshal's Sale.
On the first Tuesday in March,
RLL be sold before the Court House,
in the city of Savannah, between th»
hours of 10 and 2 o* lock
h se TWO LOTS, Nos ?7 and 28, Jack
son Ward, and improvements thereon, levie
on as the property of J -hn H. Morel, to sati*
fy the decreed to be due on a dis res
warrant, issuing from the Treasury Depart
tnent of the United States, A.S. Bui
loch, John H. Morel, ai d David Leion*
Marshal Dis. Geo.
Jan 21 47
Adm n st ator’s sale
W ILL hr sold oil the first Tuesday in
April next, at the Court-House in
the city of Savannah, by permission of the
Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court
of Chatham county,
One undivided fourth of a tract of land,
containing about five hundred acres, on
Cumberland IMand, Camden County,known
ns Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth
of a certain tract of laud situated on said
Island, containing about five hundred, acres,
originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M'fn-
tosTi, and bounded on the south by the said
Plum Orchard Tract.
.Also, a tract culled Lottery Hill, situate
on th? Offcechoo Road, three miles from
Savnunuli, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S.
Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of
the iieirs and creditors, of said estate.
Administrator estate N. S. Bnvard.
Feb 2 bfittf
A dministrator s i’’alc.
\kW/lLL be soul at the Gomt-Hoiise in Sa-
vannab, on the first Tuesday in M.»rc
next, between the hours of ten and two o’clk.
| the personal estate cf John Clark, deceased
Terms oi sale cash.
Admiuisirator of J- Clark*
Jan 14 42
Administrator's Ea'e.
IX7ILL be s d < n the first Tuesday ii
▼ ? Hirch neat at the Court-House in the
city ot Savannah, within he Ivuirs prescribe
PLANTERS’ BANK S! O. K, belonging t
he es.atc of Coivlsnl Freemen, Esq deceus
ed* Sold for tne benefit of the heirs ami
creditors of said eftnle Trmi of sale cash*
Jan 14 42
Georg iu— Camden County.
SrPF.moR Court, October Term, 1824
Timothy Ilopkins, vs. Langley and Silvester
j^N petition of T'mothy Hopkins, stating
• that in consideration of certain prom-
isanryj notes, made to the said Timothy, by
them, one p*\able with inte es‘, from firs
of January, 1821, on the first of January. 1822
a second payable as sforessi i, on the fist of
January, 1823; and a th ; rd payable as afore*
- j «td, on the first of January, 1814 executed
mortgage to said Timothy Ilopkins, hia her 1
and assigns, on all those four trues of *-„.d.
situated in 'he county •forenaid, conveyed oy
the said Ti nothv, to the said Langley and
Silvester, and lying on the south side oi
Great Satilla River, one truct containing sev
Mity-sevenjacres, more **r less; two tract
containing fifty acres, more or less, ai d on 1
•ther tract, containing one hundred and eigh
y-eight acres, more or less, conditioned fur
be payment of the three said several notes
»n the days above mentioned, and that suui
evcral notes remain unpaid—on motion ol
Archibald Clark, snorney for plainti”, it i
ordered, that th said Langley and oelvestc
their heirs or assigns, pay into Com*, witlii
welve months fr M m this date, the sums due
said notes, snd ihe iutcres and cos's, oth
erwise that the equity ot redemption be fo*
ver foreclosed, and that sm h other proceed
gs lake place, as are pursuant to law.
True e xtract from tin* min tes, 27th Octo
ber, 18 4. JOHN BAllsBY, Chute.
nov 4 87 ^re
Jin opening for enter prize!
AUO \ otw.xtAp. LOT i*,
Situated on the principal streets in Lmcer
HnndiurgJJiwprneedcaul unimproved.)
W lIJj be eulil to thn biijliest bolder, on
Tueadny, the Ibtli Jmiuury next, in
the Town ol' fhirnbnry, S. 0.—One hall* ol'
the purdin: !’ money, ensli; the other hull,
to bear un interest of seven per cent, per
annum—the interest to bo paid annually.—
My individual Notes, and the Notes of the
following Bunks, viz. The Bunk of Hum-
burg, Bunk ol'tlie United States, the sever
al Bunks of this State, und the Bunk nf An
imsta, will he taken in payment. The pnr-
ehnsors of unimproved lots will he required
to improve thereon. The sale will contin
ue from day to day, until the whole is dis
posed of; when the terms of sale are com
plied with, indisputulde Titles will ho nmde.
Hamburg, Nov. 21.
Side Continued.
T 1IE enic of tlie above Lots litis been
postponed until Tuesday, the did "J
I h'chruury next, on which day thn sale will
| rc-comineiico.
The Charleston Mercury, the Charleston
Courier. Southern Patriot, City Gazette
Columbia Telescope, Nnuth-Carolinn Re
piihliriiii, Pendleton Messenger, August
1 Chronicle, the Constitutionalist, Savannah
Republican uml Georgian, will publish the
I above once a week ter tlirce weeks, and
forward their accounts to me for payment,
January 20
Jan 30 56+p
Wire tenders a d Cast-Iron
Chimney Hacks,
and fi»r
R ECEIVED per ship Corsair,
stile by N. B. WEED,
d m 27
, ,t. Croix sugars.
j f* HOGSHEADS of St. Croix Sugars,
J 1) of very prime quality, landing from
schooner Nancy, and lor sale by
Jan 20
N otice.
I FFSIlATon the second Saturday in Marc
| .1. next, at the Inte residence of Job
Brvnn. dec. all the personal properly ol'tlie
aforesaid deceased, will he otl'erod tor sale,
to the highest bidder, fur the benefit of the
heirs, consisting of
\ Untile, lings, /'/nutation Tonts, Household
and Kitelien h'lirniturc, together with
sundry other articles.
Terms' made known on thn day of sale
ISAAC BRYAN, > Executors,
Scrivnn County, (Geo.) Jan. 22, 1(125.
Jun 20 Mi-t
N otice.
T HE undersigned having boon appoint
ed by bin Honor the Judge of the
Court of Oyer and Terminer, assignees for
the purpose of Nettling the accounts of the
late firm of Nosier & Griggs, of Savannah,
they having made a surrender of all their
estate, both real and peraonal, for the bene
fit of their creditors, do hereby give notice
to nil persons indebted to said concern, that
they must pay or liquidate their nccouutH,
within THIRTY DAYS from this date,
after which time thono unsettled will with
out diticriminnlion, be put in suit. All per
sons having demands against said concern,
are required forthwith to present their
claims, in order that the trmt may bo set
tled us early os possible.
M. HERBERT, ( Assignees.
Feb 4 60fu
Thomas Cnmmintf ami others, Complainants
and William Wallace and others Defendants,
——Chatham Superior Court, January Term,
182 *
I T appearing to the Court, by the a Ifidt
vit of Joseph Gumming that William Wa!
*05 and Sarah his wife, Mwry Clay, Ann Clay,
hza Clay, Mary Jane Clay, William C!a>.
Joseph Clay, Ralph Clay, Mary Ann Clay,
Henry Clay, and Elizabeth Clay, who are par.
'iea defendants in the above case, reside
beyond the limits of the state ol Georg h.
and within the United States, und th. I James
Clay, also a defendant, is in fereign pu ts,
beyond the limits of the United Sta'cs. On
motion of complainants'solicitors, it t» order
ed that the said defendants, first named, do
respectively appear and answer the cnm- lum-
ants’ bill, withm four months from the dste of
■his rule, and the said James Clay, within nine
months. And it is further ordered, that this
role be published once a week, during nine
months, in one of the public Gazettes of this
state. A true copy from the min ites.
A. U. FANNIN, Clerk,
may 11 42fna
A LL persons having demands against the
estate of Oliver Slurgcs, l'Lq. late of
the city of Savannah, deceased, are request
ed to hand them in, properly attested, and
those indebted to said estate, are requested
to make immediate payment, to
WM. P. HUNTER, Adm’r.
FH) 10 Oof f
IN KQUl i Y.
Between W Duvius Adm-nistrator, Complain
ant ami John t amoeban Administrator, de
bonis non with the will annexed of G'cor re
ihuhnrdson and others, Jhjendants In
equity, Ch ithorn Superior Court- Chancery,
Oth A gust, • 8*4.
I T appearing iba*. John Murray Carnochan
L one of the defendants in the said bill of
complaint n. mcd, resides without the state of
Geo gia, in that part »f the United Kingdoms
•v Grout Britain ami Ireland, called Scotlacd :
II is ordered that the snid John Murray Car
nochan, do appear ai d answer to the com
plainant’s said bill, w.Uun nine months from
ilie date of this order, otherwise that the
said billj us to him, be taken pro confess*» .•
and it ia fuither ordered, that a copy of th»*
.rdeT he publish' <1 a week, in one of
he public G zettes of this state, th cx«
pita ion of the t*me within wnicb the fluid de
fendant is iequit’cd to appear and answer as
frue copy frmn the Minutes, this Cist day
August, 18-14. A. IUHNMN, Clvdt.
•ng”‘ '4. *■+
very oy
(siedto the Pub .f rj,
J. ishinn’s Panacea.
7|^!1E subscriber having discovered th* com
1. position of SWAIAVS CKLEBUA TED
PAJSACEA, Iihs iiow a supply on him! for
sale ; he bus reduced thep-ice from JO, to
g2 50, or by the dozen §$24.
All charitable institutions in the U. States
and the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities and
towns, will appoint an agent to order am'
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
This medicine is celebrated for th»' cure of
the following diseases“ scrofula or king’*
evil, ulcerated or putrid sore throat, lonj;
standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous dis-
liases, white swelling <tvl rpgease of the bones,
md ail eases generally of Uv ulcerous chsrac
'er, and chronic diseasns, generally a ismg ii.
debilitated constit’ tL»”s, but more especiall)
f o n syphilis or affections arising therefrom ;
ulcer- in the larynx, nodes, 6fc. and thu 1
dreadful disease occasio.xed by a long and
excessive use of mercury, Uc* It is also use
fu! in the disease of the liver’*'
I lifeve within the hisi two yean had an op
portimlty ot seeing at-.verai cases of very mw
teruie ulcers, which having previously resist*
ed the regular modes of treatment were
healed by the uaeof Mr. Swrim's Panacea,
and 1 do believe, from what I have seen,
that *t will prove an important remedy in scro
fulous, venereal arid mercy iid diseases.
Profuisor of tne Institutes a..d practice
of Physic, in the University of Pc un
I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaitn.
in nuiiierotis instances, within the last three
vtars, and have always found it extremely
efficacious, especially »n sec-ondarv syphilis
and mercurial discuses. I have no hesitatior.
in pronouncing it a niodteine of inestimublc
vulut. W. GIBSON, U. D.
Professor of Surgeiy in theUm’ty ol Penn
pliiladciphia, Fcbruarv 17, 1823.
JOHN SHINN, Chemist.
P'it deiphid. *Vov. 1 7 1 d .3.
^HAT three months alter date, applica-
B tion will be made to the Bank of lli*.*
^tate of Georgia, to issue a new certiliivati’
offltock, for one lost, i^ued on the. 17th
March, 1819, in favor of John M’Kimie,.Tun.
or twent.v-live sdiures, und numbered 24J.
Guardian of John M’Kiune, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. 16, 1824.
doc 18 21||)0
ATIVB months after date, 1 sh ill apply to
Ll the Court of Ordinary of Camden conn*
ty rf for leave to sell the. real estate of Juhn
D. Young, late of said county deceased, for the
benefit of the heirs ofutiddeceas-d.
Administrator estate of John D. Young
Joiv 17 20
N INE months afterdate, application will hr
made to the Hon. the Judges of the Hour:
•>f Ordinary Chatham county, for leave to
seh all the real estate of the late William Craig,
■Ircrunl, fm the benefit ot* tl»* ho.M «t.#l ar«<l
it*>rs of said estate.
JOHN M'NISH, Executor
oot 12 71
N otice,
INF, months after date, I shall apply to
the Court of Ordinary of Camden coun
ty, for leave tos'ell a lot of land, tying »n Mon«
• ue county, in the tc-uth district m nber
ninety-one, belonging to the o* phars of Levi
Johns, dec. for the benefit of said orphans.
Tun-17 20
Camden Superior Court.* liAHFon,,, l VerdictMnrtl,Term,
Thomas Kino. $ ' liU< "
O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain
tiff, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not he entered in
the above ease, as of March Term, 180*3 ;
and that publication be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, iu one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
he served oii*the dolendunt, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extractfrom the Minutes,
dec 23 25On
State of Georgia.
Ity Elijah Bate r, Cleric if the Court if Or-
dinary, for Liberty County.
M *tS. EllZAQE'lH vv Al.» UR, sp
plies for ‘etters of administr tion on
.•state srd iff eta of Thomas G Webb,
s next of km: These* are therefor**, t« c ? tt
.d admonish, all ard singular th? kind e
v\ creditors of'he said dccea-ed, tofil *hei
Ejections if any tl ev have, in my f»fibe at
iveburough, on or t-efor* the first M'»n a;
March next, otherwise letters of udmin-s*
-ation will be granted t</ tbe sa.d applicant.
Given under my Ii nd and se#l, tins tenth
day of January, *n the the jear of ou
Lord eighteen hundred a- <1 •wi-*nty-fivc
r L. S.) E’ BAKER C. C O L C.
Ian 14 41
Camden County.
I'OAv.L WHOM 11 MAY t o ; E ’n.
COHERE AS Bciton A G«»pp,E q ipplie 1
to the Court of Ordinary of said coun
ty, for Letters of Administration on the estate
nf Joseph Bixby, Lie of said cotnvy, deceas
ed : These are, therefore, to cite and admon
ish, all and biqgulur, the heirs a’ dc r editor%
of siid deceased, to file their ol je tioni, ii
att) they have, in my office, on or u* fore the
first Monday in March ne\t, otherwi e letters
will he gi anted th* applicant.
Witness the Honorable William Gibson,
one of tbe Justices of said Court, this
twenty-scci n t day of January, 1825-
T • 7 5 •
Between Low's Leconte, and John Leconte, Pom
pUnnants, and Peter L cunt John Thomas
Chapman, Hey no'do and Valeria
hi s Wife, D f admits Libe ty Superior
1 111 »•! Comjilaimmts having filed their bill in
. this Court, the object of win h u to p» r-
petuatp the testimony ol certain persons there
in named, an I it appearing that he Defi nd-
ants respectively reside beyond the limits of
estuuofG orgla, and within the United
Slat s : It is ordered, that set vice upon the
said Defendants be effaced by piibiica'ioa in
• of the G' z ties o Savanna)), teq>ji*i«g
the said Defendants to appearand answer *h“
said bill of Complainants, on or before the
leventii dav n April next.
A tnie copy
E- B K V R, Clerk.
February 10,1825.
Fe • 7 71f
NO i I OK.
N INE MONI IiB after the date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the Honorable
th : Inferior Court of ClMham county, when
sitting for ordinary pi'poses, for leave to sell
a, with the improvements, situate in the
City nf Savannah, in the s-uid county,and kiv wu
in the plan of said citv by the No. 53, 11 ••own
Ward, ii>r tile ben- fit -if the* heirs and lrgatecj
of the estate of tht late Hugh M’Cail, de
l 1 111 LIP BiiASCH,
net *4 7‘>
Inf *yy mat ion Wanted
A NY information from, or relative to Mr.
FaKOKfifcK Lowk, 1’rintor, a native of
Manchester, England, und who, when last
heard from, resided at Monticello, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was understood
he had married a young woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert C. Low e, to
the care of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
flj The editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, will
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
ther, by giving the above one or two in
sertions iu their papers.
jun 22 49
L*>oking-ti lasses.
J UST received, per schooner Retrieve,
an elegant assortment of Mantle and
Pier Looking-Glasses, at manufactory pri
ees, by ‘ "
dec 18
t asi o, licet iron liox
t n<_)l( SALE by
1 N. B. WEED,
No. 6, Gibboiiu’ Range,
nov 24
Spanish Segars.
$}© ?M X qr S .lo \ S ' ,anish Se S" s -
Just receiveil ]>nr Globe, anil for pule by
dor 4
Webster’s spelling Books,
R ECEIVED and fer snlo by
Jan 1J X. IS. WEED.
N EVE MONTHS allc-r the date of this
notice, iqqilirution will he made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Libor-
ty County, lor permission to noli u port of
the real estate uf John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs anil creditors ul'snid
deceased. JOHN \V. STACY,
dec If! 21
4 LI. persons hsving demands against the
estate of Constant Freeman, Esq late of
the city of Washington, deceased, are re
quired to hand them in, Icgnlly a'toted
within the time prescribed by lavy : and those
indebted to said estate, are rtqurtd fo imk.
immediate payment, to
Jan 14 4-»»i
N otice.
T HOSE who have any demands agninst
the late MOttilias 'Sublessor, late of
Chatham County, deceased, are requested
to ronder in their demands, properly at
tested ; and those indebted to said deceas
ed, to make immediate payment, to
Qualified Executor.
Jan 15 43i.f
Hide Whips.
GROCE Hide Whips, received and
for sale by AT. B. WEED*
dec 13
Bi ot Bread
■g C\ HALF BBLS. Inj-lis’ Pilot Bread,
J. Aal just received and (or sain by
dec 29
T? «. U V 0 55 A L S
n omhi h B s'on fo" publishing •V'JO r 'T\
PA \ULY ’ll BLR containing nit th*
final Bete'cnc s >o be comp ised in ty
bsilishcd with a likrues> of the Audiior*
I ** shall be well nrinted, on good pnper. nj
he c»*nnp '» d *nsix handsome vi Iu «. Si p
W‘C' i.rsifi th«* ScrinRPra uf tfu» 0*/
.V tj Te ta'nents,{ . Int oduciory Ohs-rvu
Rj pi, atory ‘ otes, ■, > P me lie 7 Ohs rvaihm
-i. ail ;lie oop.-.u . Marxian’ References, i, t !
•u printed word for *orj (lie t, <U4 » nn
S'eveoivpc Edit on, pub!.shed n>nnc; th*
hor'adec— v The pri* r» will he ‘A*>1, j n
^•>«rn- } g n 4. * 3li^?<er), S >0, i-.: c«l* l» 1?
1 ue m h * wor* will be ready fordclivi
•A iy, Vi 15,
P.x rads of Lctic's addi
I esteem Dr S > t’ - F. m > Bible, em.ii ( ,tl«
calculated to promote the cans, of truth and
piety It reen 8 scarcely pots fc'.e for *»nci 0
rend dail'’ th • N ites and Obs- rvaTcius inil c
Family Bible without becomi • wi* rani
letter man. EDiVAUDD G'i lTIN’.
1 have seen no no run ntury t.f the Su'rH
Scrip’ureg wliic 1 »j aua|*,e.i"to
general use and edificNtmu. Ii is r t.r.jn ; , u:e
whichever, funiaij ought to uvss as.
It is a work distingu shed for the timj lici-
ty and convenience of its art^ngemerd, the
clearness and fi lelity of iis expositionn, ti e
-.eatneas and t>?rspicmty of it” style, the os*
nevofi nee and candour of its .-y.ri , the c^n-
c’seness and pertinency of us appleh'
and for its uniform t.-d ncy U» pro note t’.u.i'
^e>ical truth and piety.
Of Dr. Scot’s Family Bible, I *«.d t’r.-e to
say, th ,t in my estimation it clese *v».*d’y r
»ong oui ublost nod b *ai ''.o*nm 'da
T‘I0M\S B V! DfV'N.
Df. Scott’s Family ll bie ii»t,-rdeu mare »*.
pecially for t' v. use of Oh*istisn *. i; \
work high y ev-ing dical, extensive.) -.ithuc*
ive, und deeply i' leres'ifig
Daniel o. s andebs.
Tha charnel er of Dr. $co"’b'hry
on tin* Bible 13 so general!) known, r - i «
uglily approved amongst the rn st int** !-g t
and l ions Cl.v st ans throughout our cn, ,• •,
n-.l hus prsstd rapidly through so rr.nnv i* .«
editions, rl at 1 deem further rec:.nm*,.;.i V
lions needless*
J VOi'.i\
I am acquainted with n*> Com ~»ei.iar\ •«)
?h Sacred 'c iptuies will h l would tr ■
•ord kily' *or g neral u e,
pian of the work is good
Perhaps in no way, can .iuiiis i s i si
* f youth, and private Christians, d
-i rv'ce to society, than by exe tm,.
selves to disstminute this tmlv invR,.
I know of no Hommentaiy which *• h’tn.’
calculated for diffusing correct vi* s uf tin
grtrt truths of Cliriati«iuiy t si d U-v ,.g s, h,.
fary impiessiotis on th» mind when rising
’icm the pe*u>al of it, than the one you tire
about to pubtibh.
No writer s em« less d sp-sed to ccri'cml
for barren specuUui ns. None momunil'oim.
ly or mere pow* • fully inculcr/■ :sthe grent es*
entiala of religion The spirit wl-.h pir-
vuDs the work is exculltn'; i is the me.k,
nffectionart, healing, yet faithful *thri> of th(t
From particular ex-iminoti ^n. snd corr.iir-
rng lustimonv, them is no dtuib* on my trfiirl
that Scott's Family Bible »» superior to i>ll JOSEPH EMF/.lSON.
You will plei.s- to «e d ae six ccpict ’.•(
Sc ’it's Bible ; I refer to your lately p'o* »»>*• 1
edition Peri.ap:; I; hall induce five nvre to
bke the same number. H- f,
It is wdh extreme pleasure I pa-rnei^e
you are about to publish a new e h «o » 1
Scott's Bible. Having been in puss ‘s' > n i
it more than 20 y ai. c , I trus' I know s-’r.;:’
•ig of its ralue, and a n dete. mil e:' t - *o.
n ote ns c rcuiation among my frien Is Y u
will please forward six copies as sooit »s i•
i.shid. _ r.M
1 lirtve obta*nod four subicribsrs f»r tl.e
exet'.lent work you are publishing H. v
I propose: to take seven seis of Scot'.''s iJi*
blc, bud will be accountable for the ssi.te,
I have obtained lobsc.ibersfornini copies
of Scott's F mily B.ble. ,t 'l
I shah probably need eight or ten s* is i
Scott*s Family Bible. .1 F*
Rev. S. S. of I*, has o' lained ten s-d.^v
b< rs. K. if.
I have observed that you aro about |-'n<
li‘hing another edition of Scott's B ble
tope you m«y su'C?e ! ss you h ve dmeia
ormer editions. I l ave been endeavoring b
procure subscribers anim g our people, ani
enor more subscribers wiii be obtui. ed.
0. .S.!»
I will take ten sets (of Scott’s B SVJ
bound and loitered. J. ¥■
l have obtained ton subscribc-is f>r y •*
edition of the Fam.iy BiLle—und have r’
ubt but ‘here might bes -mc'li" g hk.’l -
copies ■ ol 1 in this place if you had in r,’
ierc—I thought tbe work ought tob*--
coil; aged and for hut reason to k a saba.
tion paper. It is a work that every
should have that is able to purchase.
J. E M fi-
I um glad, 'bat y^u propose to piiat IT
Scott's excellent Family Comm,
should be very glaJ .fit were in my power to
give a more Jibaal patronage to ihe tv
than, hb circumstances are, I can. I *-*•
>wever, be able to do snmctirng ; eight ■'
n se's I shall certainly take; and it way ^
i- uble that number, A. 8* ^
1 have p.ouired fifteen subsetib-r* l -
Scott's B ble. J A.U.^
1 think 1 shall dispose of 20set3 orni'i^^
*.he Family Bible.
I have circulated proposals for S<*.oii'
B bl<* ; l ow many have been engaged in
esnnot ii 1! ; but between 20 and JO sets 1 '
ill s vicinity. J* 1 ?;,
I have concluded to become response
to you fo: thirty sets of Scott’s Cumii«e"t»7’
I have procured 106 subscribers to
Bible; 6 lets to be bound in calf; 3 8et '
be done in hoards the other 97 -c’s. built-
and lettered as described in th-' prosp^ectu?-
1 presume I could procure 500 sunset
hers for your edition of Scott’s Bible
demand is increasing for them IVY *!"
finally supersede every other ? arge or rj ‘J
Bible. Fifty of my subscribers live wjnj
circle of 8 miles! * 8|
Just published an edition of the sakk »
completed in six volumes, without ,
references; price in boards ^13; ‘ n s . j
g21; tn calf g27. Either of th.te ^
msy be had of the publish r in Boston ,*
S. C. & J* SCHENCK, Savannah. ,g
.la' 11 J-
Carron Castings,
fi©o®(D0 P0UN ’ DS Carran Ca8 i
dec 18
ings, for snlo low, liy
Marking Brushes,
O F a superior quality, jest rercit™ *■'
for sale by GEO* RVCli^*
nov 20 ’