Newspaper Page Text
* #
% raiso amah
Sheriff's .Sales.
On the first Tuesluy in April next,
N\%#11 .L he sold ultue Courtdtouie, in th
>JJr city of S*vr n»h, between the hours <
ten h cl four o’clock,
AU that Northern half part of that Lot 1
prcH of Land, lying, being and situa'ed in
the ri y of Savannah and county of Mi dhnm,
known in 'he plan of said citv as Trust l«ot
(letter I’) »n Iteynoida Ward fronting on Rey-
n'd-USqu ir -together with all and singular thr
eil '•nil null lings 'hereon, levied on un
cfor a fi. fa »n foreclosure as he property of
Oliver St urges, in favor of J hn Gumming.
All thut I. *t of Lmd in the city of Savannah,
Containing 60 teet in front and 9 J feet in depth
known in thr plan of sod city by. the No
ftf-ee (3) first Tything Reynolds Wmd levi
cd in under a fi fa on a foreclosure as thr
property ot lohn Hunter, in favor of Rober>
lll'chell, ass gnee-
All that tract of Land on the Island of Sk : d
away, Chath-m cou ty, called Springfield sab 1
♦o contain 750 acres, bound d .orthwardiv b
lands of the Estate of John Milledge,ea t ward*
jy bj lauds ot James Bdho, southws-cl y b.
lands torn.erly Sutcliffs westwardly by rivi
and marshes with improvements thereon le
vied on as the property of Lhis. Stephens, t<
satisfy an execution in favor of diehard Rich
ardson, for use, &c &•?,
All that tr ct nr nnreet of Land containing
567 acres more or less wiih 100 acres of llarsl
Land, called O • eland, situate, lying and be
ing in little Ogechee District, in the count'
of G latham, b mnded on the north by la»<'s
o' Fleming Akin, on the east by lands of D
Parker, on the south by lands of the late H,
Walburger, and on the west by a northeav
branch of Little Ogechee River together with
all and singular the efi fi :ea, imp o • ement
and appurtenances levied on under a fi. fo
on foreclosure as the property of George L
Cope, in favor of J >hn M’Nisb, Pe er Ifitclv
ell and Robert M tchell.
Ail that ti c*. or parcel of T at d s'duate, ly
ing and being in the county of Cl-a'hani,
known by the imme of Muir Hall, containing
1097 acre* more or leas bonnded on the sout
by lands of James Forrest, on the east by Co.
J. Marshall's lands, on the north by George
Jones’s land, and on the west b Little Og-*e-
chee River ; Alan, Two Lota of Land in <h
city of Savannah, known by the Nos. (.9
twen'vnine, and (30) thirty, in Columbia
Wh d. wi'h ’h» appurtenances ihereunt < sp
pet tM.nir g, levied on under a fi fa. on fire-
cfomre as 'l.e property of Fleming Akin,
dec m favor of Wm. Dixon & Co. assignees ot
II M’Leod.
Fif.y-four Shares of Stock of the flunk of
the State of Georgia, subsc. ib. d for by B
M*K mi", in the names f bis children F-hx
MK nne. aud John M’K >me, Jr, on wh<h
g JJ has been paid in un each share levr d
on as the property of B. M’Kinne, to satisfy
an execution from Hichmo. d Jouoty, in favor
of the Bank of the State of Georgia*
A negro woman n.imed Mary otherwise cal
le-lConatMi’C, and her two children named
Lucy aud Margaret, ev * d :s the property of
Wm Wayne, to satisfy an execution from
Svrivnn county. »n favor of Alex. Hunter.
18 rleid * f (M>le, more or less, 2 horses, 1
Plantation F alt, 1 four cured boat,2F o» G-ns,1
Lot Plantation To* Is, 2 though*, and the bud-
d !,, g-! on a Tract of Land belonging to James
P stell, consisting ot a B«rn, 1 Threshin'
lia bine, 1 0 el ing House, K clien, and out
bu ki ngs, a df »ur negro boos a, lev d m a
the roperty of the E t of Thus. Melrose
dece a-d, to sa >sfy an execution in favor ot
Won Inglis & f’o
Two Negroes named Ssncho and Andrew*
levied on as he property of Thos. Metro*-,
dec. to satisfy a warrnt for rent in favor of
James Pus'eil
Lot No. 2, 'wo, and improvements, Liberty
Ward, in tue c.ty of Sayminah, I'-vied on as
the property .if Thus. Lucena, dec. to satisfy
•n**xec. to from a Just ices’s Court, infivo
of Justice's Court, and returned to me by a
H i| r Lot and Buildings, No. 4, F.winsburg
Oglethorpe Ward, in toe city of Sava nah,
the u.inxpir^d Itnie of sai * $ Lot for three
years from i .nuary las<, levi i on a* the pro
perty of C»bt- Lewis, to satisfy an execution
from a Justice* Court in favor of J W S4. Pcn-
dergast, returre 1 to me bv a cm a ame.
All that Lot of Ground in Savannah, known
as L it No. 4, Wtim.n^ on Ty', Dirb
Ward, 60 feet in f o» t on the Bay, and 90
feet in depth } bounded westwardly by Lot
No.5, easfwardly by Lot,No,3,and southward
ly i-y t lane , together «ith ail the houses
and out houses thereon“dhe said lot being
that on which th* City Holel stand.*—
o-* under sn execution, upon s rule absolute
of the Super,or Court of Chatham couuty, as
the properly of Eleuxer Early, to satisfy the
Bank of Danen.
A negro woman named Charlotte, levied on
as the property of Elizabeth Whiting, to sa*
tis y an execution in favor of Willis R. Frank-
lin, against Augustus F. Darker, and others
Mnch 7 ISAAC D’LYON, S C. C.
C’ty Hieiilf’s
On the 'Jirst Tuesday in April next,
ffJtLMu; a \i\ hetore in*'. C «r House,
/# between the usual hours, the following
operty to wit:
One negro man, named Andrew, levied on
as the property of Mart G Ibert, to satisfy sn
cxecu'ion f nm the Court of i .oimno- Pleas
and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Sa
vannah, in favor of Miller & Fort.
A n gro wt#m»n named Ruth, levied on a»
the property of Ben. Sliefl-'.l, '-o satisfy an
execution in favor of J ihn I Dews, agaii a:
derj.imin and Mprdecai Sheftall, isiued (iom
aid Court.
A sorre' colt horse, levied on as the prop
erty of Wm. Brew john, »o satisfy an execu
lion from said Court in favor of Alexa-idei
A Billiard Table, with Maeeg. Q les, CJc.
evied on as the property of the Eat of F.u
((die M'Cnnalottghe, tosutisfyan execution in
avor i.f Francis Doyle, for house r-nt
All th» buddings on lot Nc. 34 Warren
Yard, bounded s >uth by Broughton-street
orth by a f a ie, east bv lot No 33, west b
Lot Vq 35 levied »>n as the property of C
H. Hayden, t >s>< sly an execution f«»r rent
•’ru itees t h h v nAcademy, vs. O. H Hayden
wo buildups on the wt stern h rd part«f
Lot No 2, JekylTy hing D< by Ward, mi
n b lilding on the «eirof th- cent e
art of said L* t, levied n as h * nroperty ot
'. H. Hayden, to satisfy two rxt cm ions fu,
-ent. Trustees Cougr -.^a lonsl Church or
leeting House, vs C. H liaydf n.
AH the buildings oo Lot No * } 0 Warrer-
Ward, bounded north by Congress street,
s m' h by » lane, east by L *t No- 31, v es by
Lo No- 29, levied on as tin property oi Mr*-.
\nnM- Pmder, to satisfy an execution f<»'.
nt in favor of the t rustees of ilv ChrUinn
Academy A. 1. D’LYON, C. S.
march 7 H7
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
Sheriff’s Sale.
O N the first Sa urday after the first Tuea-
duy in Muy next, between the hours of
n and four o’clock, will be soil at ih mar
ket house in the town of «-t* Mary9, he fo -
wing negroes, viz: Judy a .dher snn John,
itnon, and t hn.les, levied on as the proper
ty of James Williamson, dece .sed, to sa'isfy
n exerntion on the foreclosure of a mnrt
age. nf ivor of Edward F. Tattna 1, ad ninis*
trator f John ifam-lton-
St. Marv*». February 25, t825.
Marc* 2 82
T HE subscrihtr havingdia.soveiv l the com
position of SLUM’S CELEMUTEI)
PAJiACEA, has now a supply on hand f<»
tale i he has reduced tht p ice from £3 50, t*
02 50, or by the dozen $24.
All charitable institutions in the U. State.-
and the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities am
towns, will appoint an agent to order am
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
This medicine ia celebrated for th** cure of
the following diseus^s 1 " scrofula or king*'
evil, ulcerated or putrid sore throat, 1 >ng
standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous ilia-
eases, white swelling »nd diaesse of the bones,
and all cases generally of iff ulcerous charac
ter, and chronic diseases, generally a i*>ng in
debilitated constit"|ioi<s, but more especially
fro •> syphilis or afil-ctiooB arising therefrom ;
ulcers in the larynx, nodes, dfc. and tliv
dreadful disease o. cuau>, ed by a long am*
excessive use of mercury, &fc» It is also use
ful in the di8 :ase of the liver ”
I have within the lust two years had an op
portunity of seeing several cases of very inve
• rate, ulcers, which having previously resiw
••cl tlie regular modes >f treatment, wer-
leuhid by ihe use of Mr. Swrim’a Panacea,
ind I do believe, from what 1 have seen,
that it will prove an important remedy in scro
fulous, venereal and mercu-ial diseases.
Professor of tne Institutes and prac.ticf
of Physic, in the University of Penn
sy I vania
I have employed the Psnscea of Mr. Swaim
•0 numerous instances, within tht Lst thre
ears, and have always found it extreme!)
efficacious, especially in sec-ondary syptii!>
and mercurial diseases. 1 have no hesiutin:.
: n pronouncing its medicine, of inestimable
value, W. GIBSON, M D.
Professor of Surgery in the Un *iy of Penn.
Philadelphia, February 17, 1823.
JOHN SHINN, Chemist.
Philadelphia* .A or. 17. 18'3.
Adnvn'at a tor’s -ale,
W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in
Ajiril next, at. the Court-House in
the city of Savannah, by permission of the
Honorable the Justices of the inferior Court
of Chatham county,
One undivided fourth of a tract of land,
containing about, live hundred acres, on
Cumberland Island, Camden County,kuown
as Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth
of a certain tract of hind situated on said
Island, containing about, five hundred acres,
originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln-
tosh, and bounded on the south by the said
Plum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract call' d Lottery Hill, situate
on th? Ogaechee Road, three miles from
Savannah, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. ,S.
Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of said estate.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Feb 2 58af
Administrator’s Sale,
On the first Tuesday in April next,
[ WILL sell at the Court-Hmr-e i»’ .l-ffr-
•jii Camden County, between the usu-l
mura of sale,
Harry, N-»d, and his wife Tam-r, and he-
mir children, Daniel. St-phen. John aud Y-v-
ck, *h- property of 'he Estate of Ge . ge
Morrison, deceaseo, for the ben* fit of the
creditors and h irs of aa\4 estate, nursuant to
enve granted by t lie Court of Odinarv of smd
Admin 1 atrator, with the ’’ i»l annexed, id
George Morrison, Sen. deceased,
rfferaon, 24' b Jan. 1825.
Feb 2 58
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in April next.
p!LL be sold at the C »urt House in the
city of Savannah, between the hours of
ten and four o’clock
I he following seven negroes, viz i Davis,
Maria, Patie< ce, Dublin, Beck, Trej hina am.
O'icar, with the increase of th-.t females levieu
on under a fi fa on a foreclosure of a mortgage
as the property of Joseph CHrruthcra to satis
fy the Btnk of the Sta»« of Georgia,
*!*•>, 'h** following 55 n« gro -s, viz: CofiVe,
(Hooper,' lionet, Afly, old CliHrlotle, Jack.
Swy, Uh .rl-’.t 5, Vetidaw, B ‘ss, PreCfeR i a an*;
child, Rrdg-t and Peggy, Wiliam, fiiaov,
B llny, Ph lip Phyllis, old (bimbo, Jcn. y. old
Peggy. B utUN, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Maria,
Cyn-'a, Dmk, Toiit,Sophia, Daphne and child.
Jacob,Sye.Beck, y and John,with the increai
oi th.* lemtle*, levied on as the propeity o!
Nicno as Cruger, wider a fi fa on a foreclosur
o am >tg«ge in f*vour of John Carnahan dm
Jam s McHenry for use of Chris ian* Level*
Also, a u g o m tti named lam levied on a
the property of Char'es B y :n, under fi fa
on a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor u
James Anderson.
Also, the following 19 negroes, vizAbra
ham llarrV/ Cato, Chance, D.miel, Aaron,
Sambo, Lucy, Sopio, Maryan, Unchacl, Lou
don, Aggy,Simon, G ace, Eliza Gen'g-i, Ru
dy, and Inn, with tht increa se of ihe fo males,
levied un at the property ot Fi-mm mg Akin
dec. under a fi. fa. on a foreclosure of a mort
gage in favor of Wm. D*zon & Co- assignees
of Murdoch M’Leod. I. D’LYON, S. d-C
l < H 56
Sheriff’s oale.
On the-Jirst Tuesday in May next,
ta^li.L be sold in front of me Court
House, in the city ol Savannah, between
the usual hours often and four o’clock,
The following eight t-egroea, viz. Cufiee,
Peggy, Koaannan Carolina, Joseph,Mary^Re v
ty and Jim, levied onuuder a fi.ia. on a fore
closure, as the property of Charles H. Hay<
deu, in favor of Frederick W. Ilienuman*
march 7 ISAAC D’LYON, S. C. C.
JS otice
rs irr.REDY r./r/iv,
'J*HAT three months after date, npplica-
f tion will be made to the Bank of the
State of Georgia, to issue n new certiliicate
of stock, for one lost, issued on the nth
March. 1810, in favor of John M’Kinne,Jun.
or twenty-five shares, and numbered 243.
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. lo,
dee 18 2l+]»f
A LL person*, luving demands agains? tbe
estate of ilonstnnt Freomnn F,*»q t«*eo
the citv of WHS’>ingt -n, deceased, h e >e
q ired !o hand them in, lec'idJy aitefted.
within the time prescrib d hv Jaw : and thus
indelit-d to said M de, are r- qu; cd lo m*. k
.mmed’ute payment, to
Tan *4 4 i.
N INE MONTHS afertlu date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the Hon -abl*
the Inferior Court of Chatham count', wh-?r.
sittii g for ordinary purp ises, for leave to I
a lot, with th-. improvements, situate intfo
city of S .vaiiiinh, in the said county,km* know
in 1 he plan of said citv by th .* No. 53, B ow
Ward, tor tne benefit of the heirs and legatee 1
of the estate of the late Hugh M’Uall, de
f»rt ^4 7 ”>
N INE months afterdate, application wll b<
made to the linn, the J o frsol thoCour*
,n Ordinary of Chn ham county, fur leNV«* t
sel all the real estate yt the late William Craig,
d ceased, for 1 he benefit of the heirs ai d cred
itors of said estate.
JOHN Il’NISH, Executor
0"t 15 T*
Georgia—Camden Comity.
Supkiuoh Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Helvcsltr
{ kN petition of T.mnthy Hopkins, stating
• ** that in consideration of certain prom-
saury notes, made to the said Timothy, by
them, one pi table with interest, from fir*/
of January, 1821, on the first of January, 1822:
a second pavnbie as aforesai', on the fos </i
January, 1823 • and a th'rd pnvable as afire
satd, on the first of January, 1824, executed a
mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, hit hei
and assigns, »»n all those four tr.-.c’s of L„d
tasted in the county aforesaid, conveyed hi
he said Timothy, to the laid langley an;
Sidvester, and lying on the south aide «.
Great Satilla River, one tract containing sev
euty-aevenjiicres, more or less; two tracts
containing fify acres, more or less, and on
•her tiact, coi tuining one hundred and eigh
■‘eight acies, more or less, conditioned fi.
he payment of the three said several note:,
n the daj s above mentioned, ami that fan
vcral notes remain unpaid—on motion o
\rchibald Clark, attorney for plaintP’, it i
. dered, that th - said Langley and Seiveate
heir heirs or assigns pay into Com-,, witlii
welve months from this date, l .e sums du
n said notes, and the intere* and coats, nth
rwise that the equity of redemption "be fo»-
ier foreclosed, and that sirh other proceed
gM lakt pi-*ce, as are puts jantto la v.
Tru« extra u from th<- mm tea, 27th Octc
her, 18 4. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk
nov 4 87 $re
VJ1NF. months aft.-r clito, anpliction will be
m»He lo the l.if .nor Cm.ivt ofi.hiihsm
Counlyj sitting for ordiouiy piirpos.s I -r sn
order, ;.hso)utL, to Sell loisN. s f.uran five,
;4 »>.<! 5) in C« |je-iter’« How, ami lot \ i.
one, II) Green WjHi,. n he oi'yol Savannah,
being the real estate nf Fr.inria Jalinoau, dee
for tne benefit of th.' heir, an I eretlilnis of
.aid estate WII.LIAM GAS : O V.
Qua'ifird Executor,
7 97
N otice.
A LL persons having demands against the
estate of Oliver St urges, Esq. late of
the city of Savannah, deceased, are request
ed to hand them in, properly attested, and
those indebted to said estate, are requested
to make immediate payment to
WM. P. HUNTER, Adm’r.
Feb '0 ft"* +
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will he made to the
Honorable the Court, of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec 18 -.'I
tletwe m Lou-% t, come, and John Iscvite, Com
plat aunts, ui.d Pier J,cont John Thomas
l/.apma i, — ——— Heyno ds and V-tleiia
his Itif,;, Dfindunit 1a wiy Superior
1 1HK Complainants having filed their bill in
. this Court, the object of vh'rh i * to p< r-
>etuate the test.moiy ot certain persons there
in named, an i it appearing tlut the Deft ml-
ants respectively reside heyond the lim*t3 ol
the stile of G orgia, and within tne United
S aka : fi'. ia ordered, that service upon the
said Defendants be effected by pub i.-a'inn in
one of the G-zdtes o' Savannah, requiring
the said Defendants to appear and answer the
mid hill of Complainants, on or before the
eleventh day o April next.
A true copy,
E- BAKER, Clerk.
February 10,1825.
Feu i7 nt
lie'ioeen IV. Davies Ailin'nistrntov, Complain
ant. and John < a not him Administrator, dt
h-tiiis non until the wiit annexed ot Ueorfe
Richardson and others, D jemlants In
equity. Chatham Supe ior Court- Chance*y,
2U//i A iff ust, I8J4.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochan,
one of the defendants in the said bill of
complaint named, resides without the state of
Georgia, in that part -if the United Kingdoms
o! Great Britain ana Ireland, called Scotland :
it is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
nochan, do appear and answer to th? com-
jlainant’a said bill, witnin nine months from
•he elite of this order, otherwise that tht
Slid bdlj as to him, be taken pro confess*) .-
and it is further ordered, that a copy of this
order be publish*d once a week, in one ot
the public G izettes of this stale, until Ihe ex
piration of the time within which the suid de-
tendant ia required to appear aud answer as
t rue copy from the Minutes, this 21st day
August, 1824. A. II.FANN1N, Clerk.
august 24 50f
hills on New-York,
F OR HALli by
Feb 24 C. C. GRISWOLD.
Vegetable Catho/icon.
i UM K siibsrrib* r res * ctfuily sol r-.its the a*
Jl ! entiun of every Mend of suffering hu
n-»n , ly, to to ti e above ntw and .nvaluabl*
*:fnedv, w .oie unequal power* in ehmitiatii g
from the H' st m the very seed* of liiaease,
i.-din rest ;ri tg the deranged and morbid
condili- n oftlic orgn*is of life to a free and
healthy exerc'ie ofthjir functions, has exci
ted the a t -rtiahmen*, and completely ailcn
c#»d the ohj-'ciions of tV 1 most incr* d tlous —
Facts are the best arguments. In order to put
the virtues of tne Caiholicon to m severe a
scrutiny as possible, it wsh offered by a lver*
taement together with the attend nee »f »
ohys'cinn, gratuitously to any perg-ui wU*»
would Hpply for it, and - h *se cause migh
seem t' come within he ii»nge of its healing
power—numbers of severe cases of long ta d.
mg, and s me of them seeminglv de • r *.t
o*i,-s, pr - ented themaelves, all of ■width have
been cured won mueii relieved<m ti wjThrl
*h»- asAeriion that a little p ’rs*. veranee wi 1 do
so In fart, such is the coufi tence of the pb> ai
cian under whoso ca r e these patients were
daced, in this remedy, a co, fide ce renii t
ing from the irre*istible coovLu n that has
• •ecu forbid upon his mind by ocu ar demon*
s*ration, u d » person d trial **f it on h*'ms»jt!
dial he pr nuts me to declare it as h'S d ci-
i- d opinion^ ihkt he Cath *licon is not only *»
porlitctly safe and i.inocem, hut a m. sl pnw
er(u! sod invulunble rem<-dy in ceriam di-*
east-8 and states of tiie »• s.eni, such na the f t
owin g —
Debility resulting from in’cmnerance am!
dissipation; Ol i ;»nci inveterai U-cors. Pa:na
in the bon s attended with swell.ngs * f the
j*i»na| I tdigcs inn, B tdies on the face,
,nmp'e-, &c.; Al 1 complaints of the Liver;
f’etier.- Yaws; Syphilis.- Cufone* us diseases
general y ; Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Cxtholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnlv pledges h s word consists exclusive!
f veg .-table tiwtu*) with the exception of »
sight detei mi mtion to the bowels, winch it
preserves in a soluble slate, acts ti-sensibly, is
pleasant to the taate, and n quires n oarticu-
ar regimen, ^abstinence tr^m spirtuous h-
qjors ,-Lvays exceptrd.) or confinement. A-
Hgrntle, safe and agi ee-*b’e cathar.-c m-d
e. improving the a;-petiteand rest, r eg tin-
general tone if *he ay stem, it in confid- nt!.
recommended to iadies in a delicate situa
tion. W.W. POTTER,
66 Ghe«nu;-8tiect.
Phiihnlelphia, Muy 3!, 1824
At the request of Mr. *V. W Potter, I hive
1'ite y exhibited, in several in*t»i*irer,a modi
caletl sirup, csil*. d **o tor's Veifufobie Oatho
•icon, with the most dec'tied advantage. 1
is tt, uevi>r failed • -tf.-ctmg a cure in
every cast- in which f have thong 1 ,t proper t*
v-mpio> it. H. M’MURi’HIE, M D
Pie aiiep/ii'1, July 26ih, 1824.
Mr. W W. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that I
would give a concise statement of my s- ff v
ings, from ‘ the hopeless commencement t>
the prevent, propitious staye of m disease.*
Ab-.ut five years ago, on my pa s;.ge from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, l was seized
with a violent fever Having no medical at-
•endautson hoard. I whs compelled to bear
it, as t iT:.g'it for two weeks, when on my ar-
• iv»l a« Charleston, S. C. it w^s t' ested as
t’yphus. The skill of my Physician subdutd
the fever, but P! amix-fike, the termination
>f this gi*ve vis*' to a disease c qnally that' ea*.
ug, an*t which, till now, 1 had Ji -ught incn r -
ble. Various abscesses made thei unwed-
'ome p.ppearance, pariicnl'irly on the j »tits,
which were swe ltd to an enormous mzu.—
llvsse gradually subsided into hard iu no rs,
one of which on my left knee affected the
hone—mi incision was now ipade urn* a large
evacuation of fits, mixed with pfoc-'s of bcue
took place. 11 a ddition to this, 1 s-ift’.-rec! the
most excruciiiting pain? in my j unts that m*»,
ever experienced Every thing that was
sdui*ni v tc*r*»d tiilier gave me no relief r sei-
ved to agg-nvate the .lisea«e f the seventy' f
whi* h increased wi h every succeeding year.
Such w s my painful si ustion ttiat I e^paire ;
of ever being restored to my heal h ; I had
not o dv trie 1 t 1 e e-rular m a -ins of rt-bef, used, though in va n, every popular rum*
rdy 1 co,ill hea> o r - It war, in thisavfiil and
dcRpond'ng condii O'\,ihat 1 waspersio-de-i tn
..ornmittcea course ofyou. Veg».tahie Ca»h-1
and t! e ha-pv re r lilt »s, * f nm the use
of the two h itU.% my whole lys < m has under
gov,'a complct • revo ution, my p ms h v fo s:i«
ke. me;'* the discharge from mj xnet- beg n
o <i ninish, and soon cease J altogether, h.
nice* from --v hence it proceeded being com
pieteh- healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which 1 hove tried in vain move remvdua
an l cao - ame, are rapidly d'-crerning ; my
appetite, v. Inch was gone, bus return, d— I an
fact, near ) well, and feel coid.d *..t tnal a
few bottles more of your, (to rre) invaluable
medicine, will m ke me per eel ly so.
Your obliged friend,
Philadelphia, July 6, 18 4
Mv confidence in the v- gci k *dc caiholici.n
is undiininisl -.d, and as fresh m homes of its
powers arc daily oectirri g, in niv own prac
tice I ave n*> hesitation in recommending i;
in the peculiar 'diseases to which it is applies.-
ble, as superior to any rente Iv I a-’.quau.t*
etl with. II. M’tiUlt l U1K, U. 1).
Phihclt Iphia, May ‘28. 18 4
Sin—In conrrquince of imprudent expos
ire four -ears ago 1 had thi misfortune >o be
come : IH clod with a disease, the painful re
subs of whibh induced me to apply in suc
cess on to several respect .ble physicians of
this city, frmn whom, however, 1 received
either no relief, or from *vhose ren ed es I ie-
ceiveu another complaint quite as distressing
;*8 the former. My whole system became a -
fcclcd. 1 could get no rest at night on ac*
ou it nf the violent pain that I felt in every
part c f my bodythe weakness and eriacia
lion < f which was su* h that I could scarcely
walk. In this state 1 fortunately heard of
y ur vegetable catholicon- f »ur bottles of
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain; my appetite is good; and m>
strength restored With many thanks tor
he relief your mid cme his given me, 1 am
your obliged f.iend, &c
Sworn and aubscr bed to b fo*-e me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, A derman.
Phi ailelphia. May 28, 18?4,
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a
hearty ma . F *r nearly six years I have been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravag-a threat
ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
comnlaint at last got to such a height that I
could not swallow without great pain and
difficulty. Tumors fi rmed in different parts
of my body, and 1 began to think my situation
almost desperate. The five bottles of the
Cathol con which I have taken have com
pletely cured me, and 1 am now as well as I
could wish to he. With mv thankt, I am your
Sliced humble servant, &fo
City of Phi'ndo'phia, ss
George, of the District of Sou»h.;
• ark, personally appealed, and, being dul
•worn, d *th declare and say thut the abov
m«nt is in all respects correct and true
<rd that the sigra tire to it is in the hand
writing of this depo-.ent
J JH Bl 'INS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28, 18 4-
The Vegetable Catholicon is oeculi rlv
adapted to those liseases vlnch are prevale t
among ihe cofiiur- d popuiat.on of the smith
In that disease which i9• ail'id vsAS. it sa
sure remedy ; a single trial of it, will convince
planters of its s iperior *-ftioac\ to any rerne
ly of a sim.lai- natu e in the United States*
The advantages ol tjiis medic'n * are, not
confining the pa font unnecc‘B*arily to the
house, or keeping him from his business.—
With one solitary e-.cepthm. hat of siiri 'j-
m • liquor, it Joes not lay any restric ions upon
hisnpptiite I; man gentle n its oper* or
i tnep tient finds himself getting well he
cannot tell ho w. A j it in not the w sh of the
pro, t i *tor to take any thing lor which he
cannot give n co isi leration equal in vafoe
persons at a distimce who may w»»h to try
*is medicine, but who are not certain if it
be applicohle to thcfocomniaint, are request
cl to decor be heir cas*”' and symp.o ua in
• tetter, p .st.paid, aud directed t*> him—th s
etter will be immediately daced in lnrnis
fo*ly competent to de d bi question,—
•ho tld h * remedy not se m o suit the dis
ease, they will be frinklv told so.
To prevent d nt it is well to
ff-te that it takes in or linary cases from 3 t *
5 bolt e« to effect a cure so that pe s *r«s who
are labouring under any serous infirnit),
Tuirt make up their mind to pc'severe to tlm'
vtxt* n at least—if h‘.-y do not, they might a.- -
veil save themselves the trouble andexpen-e
f usings seller •im n'ltv.
All o de s p 8 -p iid and enclosing the m >n?y>
i nmedia.ely uUc:»d j u*, and ru-
•incite i and delivered with directions for uac.
• any place in the city, and forwurded as df
r? I* d
N B To prevent the possibility of all im*
o sition, it wid bi 8 d- : in the city of Fhilade *
•liia, at tne ofHc • in Fifth near Kact-str et,
i**a- the dwelling of clue >ropri tut, Ni. 66
diesivr street, only, «n ! abroad by his au-
dioriz-dage; ts W W P- *T7 E 1 !,
66 C!ic nu* St eel, PhJade'p/ii<v
I have appointed G lORGB RYE iSON.
Druggist of Savannah, m so engt-ov. D ug
gi.-t.s wu ting t ie above valuable medicine
will b supplied by him for cash, at th» sruh
rd«-, if ordered direct from me—v»z. ^.>t)
pe* d. z *n, or t-.ree dollar a a ngle bouir.
W. W. POT* EIL Philadelphia.
Any pcson on applcation to the auhsc ii- v
will be furnished with Cv-ttifichtos of 'h** fli
c-cy of ihe . b.. e me'licine, sufficte d »
v nee tfipm nd of th»: most .icecticat althoug.
• on numerous «nd I ngthy fo,- n vapaper n-
serlion. GEO. RYER>0 • D gist,
Corner of Bay and IVhiUafcer Streets,
der '3
LitYocnvatVvm vY anlviA
A NY information from, or relative to Mr.
Frederick I.owe, Printer, a native of
Manchester, England, and who, when last
hoard from, result'd at Momicollo, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was understuod
he had married a young woman of the mime
of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the care of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
IU The editors of papers iu the State of
Georgia, aud in the Western country, will
cotifor an obligation upon un anxious mo
ther, by giving the above one or two in
sertions in their papers.
jail 22 49
L oking-cilasses.
J UST -received, per schooner Retrieve,
an elegant assortment of Muutle aud
Pier Looking-Glasses, at manufactory pri
ces, by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 18
Carron Castings.
POUNDS Carron Cast-
dec lfl
ings, lor pule
N. II.
low, by
Pi ot lu-eail.
HALF JILLS. Inglis’ Pilot Bread,
just received aud tor sale hv
dee 20
Fe.ither Beds
J EST received by the William Wallace,
a large supply of the above articles,
with Bolsters and Pillows to match, war
ranted to be of the beat quality.
Jan 27
Webster's pel ing Hooks,
j EC RIVED and for sale, by
Jn n 13
Spanish Sugars.
150 qr. do f Spanish began,
lust received per Globe, and for sale bv
dec 4
S3) 1
l ast M f beet Iron Box fctoves,
nov 24
No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
Tar, ritcb, Resin ojc.
£i\J IU do Pitch
10 do Rosin
5 do bright Varnish
For sale liy A. BASSF,' T,
No. I, Mongiu’s Now-lit. ing.
Fob 4
iTkatoTTPn ai„„ 0 ,
Wire Fenders and OA-lron
Chimney Backs,
R ECE IVED per ship Corsair, and for
• sale by
dec 27
N. n. WEED.
wt. Croix Su<i rs.
1 G HOGSHEADS of S roi • Sugars,
X U of very prime .|uali ‘ landing from
schooner Nancy, and for sale by
Ian 20
V. I t VYI'Holt.
2 wnln " a ••»» a- F'litiiihi,,, '• i
fa •nr.r uni i.f. y on
rnal liefo-enc. 'o he “ 'h .l/o
VU.ITAF.H HOr.lf.0r-iA%*<* to
boiliihed with a, o/iAe‘j ul { l) ^ ,ni * <«r
| ■»- sha'I he well -rimed, on
■- be comprised in.ix hani'iome 'J
will coiit.iii thr* 8crin»n..a or ’’ e,i ItJ
jY. to Tettammu, t :■ /nt, oiluco-, oi >l '"j
Explanatory A ole., on i H.„ c:ic ' ri1 ' •«,!
me copious Mur.'im lt e g"'[
Print. - word lor worn fr 1,0 u,H
Stereotype Edition, .mbbshed since
bur’s don* ri- The price w ill h. a,, 1 'I
boards 1 8?4,inabeep, glO, in cilfhi,,." 'I
Extract, of Lettr, atlifetsaho tht ,
I r«trem Or Soon’,, F.m ,y im„
calculated to prom ite the ca w of tru'i
piety It seen.a scarcely pnu'Hc
ie»d d»il\ the Notea and Ohserva iona m th°
Family Bible without becon,:,,, “ " lh J
.etter mao. BUWARbuq ,ym
I have acen no "o.'im nit try ,f '
Scriplurea whict I'Innk ao well !,
Kcneraluae and ed.fie.tlon,
vhich ever, famaly ought to p 0 £s- is. e
It is a work dinting,, shed for ihe
tv and cm.veni^nc'i of ,t s arr ■nc^pni •
clearness ■« i fi iehty of i„ e^S ,v
•leatness and perspieu ty of ( h ’ ^
nevol nee and candour of its 3p,ri, \h e ' r ’
cseness and pertineuev of . l8 a p n j |Ck n ‘*
♦ud for its uniform tendency to n;-o .'.otteve!’
gehcai truth Vi piety. lCfc an
OF Dr. ‘iCO't s Fa-nilv Ihblf, | fe..j f r , e , 0
sa>, th .t in my esrimction it de^.-vodly r-xi.lis
a nong oui abfosr v n d *a u \U.
THftMts HAI,l)W N
D'-- Scott’s Family B bic mtrmk- mo-' e «.
pc rittlJv for t' e- Hie of (jh 118\ 1 an 'v.m'd
vork high y ev -ngelicsl, extensively inyi.uc 7,
uve, and deeply imerfstiug 1
The diameter of Or. Scott’s Cubin'
on fh. B-ble is sogeneiT«l|> k .ovm, nml go
■Rhty nppruvea a^iongst tht- mm intelligent
il piaus UuiiRtiaus throughout o-irco .-iVv
n I has p*i**std rapidly tt.roughs*. many »a ,-e
editions, tlmt I deem fuither reconuneniji*
ions needless*
I am acquainted with Un Com urinary on
! h Sacred he w'lirh I vrotilj j v .- f r
;ord aiiy rf-cummn-.o for gv ikthI u.-e. ih
plan of the work ib good
Perhaps in no way, can minis*.* rs. i-tsi •..-lors
f .otith, and private Ch* fftian.-, do yr?j r
trv : ce to soco-t , tlian by exerl.nif tia> m.
selves to disst mi*i-te tliis t p uly inva-u-ble
I <nowofno Honunenta y wl’i'h ii b l‘
a.cuLtf d tor diflusiug evnect vic«,i 0 <’-
gr>. > t r ndhs of Chrirti'srily, ai d le»v.r
tarv imprt ssions on th • mind when
’r- m the pe u l1 of it, than the one yo
b -ut to publish.
No writer seems foss disp-.set! to cant,
far barren specula! i ns None more uniform.
ly or morn poW' fully in.*u*c.*ieji/ie great e»-
-entiala of religion. The spirit Ytucb ynt
'«<les the work is uXcelh oi, ,t ia fhe mp k,
..IFectionare, healing, yet fimhful ipiri* of the
d’Mpel* da v ikl Dana.
From particular ex»mir,ati >n. and con-
r ng t jstimon , the e is no d nibt on mi A
t’.ut Scon** Family Bihl * is sttperiw a, m
h'rs JO * PH EMEffSON. \
You will pleis^. lose time s*x copies of I
*7.c dt’s Bible ; l refer to your lately proposed m
-dition Perhaps I -hall induce five unre ic S
tike the a-:menumber. H L.
I‘ »» " dh extreme pleasure 1 ptrreue
vot are about to publish a new euiiott if
8n(»tt’s Bible. Having been in put8-*Biin of
t more t' .a ; i 20 ycB’--, I trus* 1 kn -.w g.<nie*
• lung of its value, and am deti” n-ii e 1 t*i "o-
mote its c.rciilation among my fraiiJs V-u
w*r- please forward sis copies ns for. ns puo-
!ished. vu
1 have obtainud fotK subicribers fnr ' a
exci-.lent work you an- publishing 11.
I propose t-> take seven sets of Scot'.V i»i
ble, and will be accountable for ihoftnn*.
J C.
1 have obtained subscribers fornin* cipici
of Seott’b Kimilv B ble. ,1.0.
I shall probably need eight or ten 8-rs *f
Scott’s Family Bible. J {*•
•lev, S. S. of P. has o turned ten 8"bcri*
bers. B. d.
1 have observed that you are abu t pub.
ifching another edition of Sco ps H'b.’e
iiopeyou miysunceeiaa vmi l» ve dorr in
former editions. I have been endeavor:gtu
procure putiscriher? amo- g our people, and
en or more subscribers witi be obtai* ed.
I will take ten sets (of Scott's Bbej
bound a* d lettered. J F*
f hav*. obtained ten subscribes fin V '*r
> ntiun nf the Family limit—anti l av> n «
cl ubt bu* there might tiescTV'tlit.'g like lW
'.‘ip-e-' ol*! in this place if you hs< an ng “ l
hire—l *ln>wght tie work ou^ht to !>r «»♦
•inurag* d urd for hat re-isou ton* « s:ii)8C f| i>-
>ion paper. I: isavork Hut every I m»ly
should have tlut is aclc to pu< > li 'sr-
j. K M’C.
1 am glad, that y-u propose fo punt H*-
•icon’s excellent F amily Cummui «ty,
mould be very glad if it were in my to
give a more libeial patronage to the wots,
than, as circumstances are, I can 1 shad,
howe'er, be able tn do something ** " r
ten se’-* I shall rciainly take; amid may be '
double that number, h% 8.
1 have procured fifteen subscriber* to
Scott’s Bible. J A. D.
1 .hink I shad dispose of 20set* ormo-^ol
'he Family Bible. B*
I have circulated proposal for ScoUA
11.ole ,* how many have been engaged ins'l*
on not 1.1) . but between 20 and JO ** ,s |B
It s victuily,
I have conchrfod to become responsible
to you fo. thirty sets of Scull** Uuin oenury.
C. o.
I have procured 106 subscribers to tlit
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in c.df,- 3 set*
be done in botr-J* the other 97 ‘Cs, h"U r -
and lettered as described in the proapefut-
1 presume I could procure 500 siihscj"
hers tor your edition of Scott's Hitde * ^
demand is increasing for them
finally supersede every other arge ur r»‘ y
Bible. FJty ol my subscribers live wdi't
circle of 8 miles! ** L ’
Just published an edition of the si** J
completed in six volumes, -without
references,* prim* in biihrJs ^18; tn *&
*21 ,* in calf *27. Either of th?se ed t’
m»y b<* had of the publisher in Boston /
S. C. & J. SCHENCK, Savannah. ^
.?*'» 11
.Marking Bvwslies,
O F a superior qunliiv. just r'-Miv 1 ’" f n
for safe by GEO. RYERSOA