Newspaper Page Text
^etW»—V«V VVt
edited and published
lit THI
By G. flf W. Robertson,
fob the country,
18 aul/iMhctl to meet the arrangement of
tht, nail, three tone* » week, (VUet#';’.
Thursday and Saturday) at Use Office u» v>
li» I, (ieorgian, and conisins «!' the m plli.
wence. Cornice. ci»l, Political end lltumUai"-
ecus, .noluding idvertiiementa. pub shed n
th Ihui'iVry Paper!# *c tto ill part* of
the Stale and Union, or delivered m the city,
,t five dollar* per annum, payable m .dvano .
AdvertieeineuU are in»ertea tvi hot., pa era
it 7 j ,;enta put innate, of 14 Unee. for e Ida
insertion, and 37| to, every aiiccoeding pub
^Communications by M ill, mul UP.upM
8ale« of land and fl'Troat ny k.i.nmiaira.
ton, K.voutore or pnardiam, are required,
by law, to be held on the Bra Turadsj in the
m nth, between the lumra nt 'e in 'hr Jure
noon a id three in die 'afternoon, at thn.t,nurt
Hmo id'the comity in athieh the property w
altnate.— Notice h'-h.-aesal'i mint b." given
in a piibio* gaaetio nifty uayt pienoua to the
day of sul*:.
Notice ufth* tfle of pm^ny mMB
be fcive in S*tc.* ifiminer, Fo ty day* previous
to the jay .vf ns{«.
F tic*? to the debtor* »n4 «rri »'nrg of ti
eatnir must be putmitisM lor Forty (inys.
Wot.ce that a|iplic<it<on will ue nutdftlo the
O.iurf of Ofahnarv f-rV.iveto tell Una, mufli
»be miTiB ’he l .Vine Month*.
N otice.
N INE months after date application will
be iiniilu to the Honorable the Jua-
tiuea of the Inferior Court of Chatham
Comity, for lenvo to sell-4 bract of loud,
known" ns number eight, titfi District, l’ike
(formerly MnnroijJ County; for the benefit
ofthu heirs mill creditors of the estate ol
of N. 8. Bayard.
Administrator nefato N. 1J, Bayard.
Jim 5 . H ini
I >ERFONS having rtehinmta tCgfrittf*' the
estate ofThonmfi Johnston, will pletmc
present thorn, properly uU*»i»tod, at tin
Counting-Room ot‘R. & J. Habersham.
Executrix of the estate of Tuuuiub Johnston.
the i« •'It'*
T '>iY t suh»‘'rih**i P being ■boi:t to decline bn
sineaa in '!>'» place, riqtr. -t pers ns i.a
in; domaodv »K ui». them, to present ther.
fur Payment "
m&Mi <& WM?$\£ 9
Off Ell Pou SVLB,
oi\ HOGSHEADS prime anil second
'O'W quality St. Croi* Sugar.
SO harrela do do do sugar
70 hags prime green coffeo
30 crates bine and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
6 pipes cognac brandy
6 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica mm
halfpipes, quarter cuskB, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar f
30 coils halo rope
?op grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia dint corn
t-KKsH garden seed s
HuYhwu Y tow at TLoot3*
J U3T reeved Sy the rubacnbqr, snd ws •
rallied nf the ns! season’s growth. 2
hoitf.s Sir-leo deed,, put why A. M* Mahon «
'O. Phil'! lel ihis, evpr-,»<v f-ff t .is market.
e-" turning 'he foilo i-iogas-ortm nts, vi2.
1. (Vum'ievl Obh.g- 4 B.rl curled Let-
2 ’..tit tted Beet tuce
.1 *,«•«: Ormigr. Carrot IS Royal Rabbsgedo
4 P riley 'S. .’utipeg. Melon
If !., ek IT. Spinach
fi. (}iii.,'n 18. fluff!Birr Onvny
T. Snlman Radish '0. Sweet B ail
8. Early Purple do. 0 S.ign-
V Hound leaved 'll Ns lurtium
10. Burly Turivpa 3!. Olcry
if. t,»te do '1 Early Peas
3 Salsify 4, hate do
3- As,.r agus iJ Burl' 1 ns’, hear
, 0 tted F such dll
t I.S 8,
"0 faeY’gea conisio ng the following Bn
Noes Bhiiver Ifupts, V'S.
1. T) mb c Hvseintlis I t.*’"iie"Ut ! gerfluwi
/. F e Tulips I ■' D mble Tuberose
3 Nureissua | 6 afar of Hetldeheir'
ForsRie by P.M’DEditO I'T
T-he /q
T IIE subscriber intending to dose bis
business in this city, olturs his stock
at. reduced prices, fur CASU, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tallies,Com-
jnodes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inelosed Busin Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribhs, Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Colts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs,
dtc, at the Ware-House, comer of Whitta-
kor-Street and Bay 1 .uiv-.
J. H, 0.„»lsofequests that,those who are.
indohind,'wOTTpleasp! to un ke payment urN li
mit delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 51II
Adniiaislratt t’h A mice.
N N:'.Mif . l HSf'om this dale, wcs’i'H 'P
plv lo the H.morabh'; the Inferiwt Ciwi.'t
Chathnm county* w he * uittr.*# f»r or’in* )
S urpoves, lo Btn i*»« *-~ii estate of WtlhEU*
MnenfBt 19 4t
iiy the President <if the United Hiatts.
pnrmiunce of 4,,1ami>h Moubo*, P r •
irteut f the TT .:i‘eU .S.tttes, d»» !.er«?by d» and ai»k-» kuf)’i:»v thul a public aai? w ;
e held it the T,an ’ OfRst. at rullahasse.
fWidt, on *he third Wuiuity of litv n<. xt, I
b<» ?H • ot the f boil’, »• z
Township 1, south of Rnnge 1, west oftl»
Meridian line.
I anti 1 north of Range 1, do
IJnctional 3 do do do do
Township 1, smith 1, 2, 3,4,, &. 5, east
! & north 1, c ^. 3* 4, ^ 5*
TraHiohartownRfup 'd 1, 2, j, 4, «, o. •
rl»-’ «de wdl co-'Mienoe VItb ’he l w
•tundv-r of ■ee’ion, 'ownubif, >*nd 'nntrr, r-
rocetd in regular numcrietl order »'
i mda reserved bv lu v for the use of sth ■ "
«r purposes, will id from i.
• »le
Given under mv hard, at iha Ci«v of I
iugion, thiB d ' v of Ivnuar, ' 3.‘5
JA.U&S ikONitObi
Uv the PT**Midftot.
<iWO G|(4U4*4«
fJmi'miKS'onerof die Genera! T.nnd
rtj* Fruiters of ?1i- f awa of the Uni'e:
Sio’es, in the Terrtory o' Fl »ri la, mid in ill
StHi^a of \ ’eb- roa, bouiaisna. Teoe*Si e, Mi -
•fNginpi. Georiria, and 8Hitb«0aro1n»», ave
thoriz'dto pub Hi the foermni? Proclwn*.-
Don on<v» *i Week "n;ii lb d«v ol snle
P. b 7 d f
('omnac i randy.
G PIPES “Soignettn’s Brand, 1 ’just re
cowed per Louisa Matilda, for sale by
50 Tierces new Rice
10 Pipes Holland Gin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
60 Barrels Flour
3'» Barrels Hams
75 Barrels Gin
60 Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
60 Barrels Maekarol, No. 3
20 Cases Port YViue
10 Casks Oil
.Tan 12
Goshen tUitier, Lard frc.
r UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
other late arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butte/, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
8 bbls Butter Crackers
20 half and quarter bblsBuck Wheat
and Rye Flour
10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. Mongin'sNew Buildings
feb 12 67
Phare IMou'ds, P irk, Gin, fcc
C C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, Inn-
. ding from ship Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
In Store,
58 barrels Northern Gin
18 do Moss. Pork, Ncw-Vork
city (inspection
1 ton Steel
100 kegs White Load
"f ' of’ligris
■« do Spanish Brown ■
frbi 10 barrels Whiting
' 67
Damascus Start Razors,
V UH'P rocnived, a supply of the above ar
it tide, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by N. B. WEED,
nov 2-i
nijcrivF.n pf.u hrig gf.orgf. Washington
KEGS New Leaf Lard *
150 Hums
3 Barrels Cantor Oil
ft Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale hy J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
Q^oalttttUe Academy
' MlV*. KEU,
IJ ESP ECTFULLY informs her friend.
• ti and the public, that her school ts now
open, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
the rkckption or ripri.s. Assisted b)
her daughter Miss F*. A. II innisov, she
offers her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental brandies of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi
the polronage hitherto extended, sin
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertion* to further the pro
grew «f her Pupils, t«*~ deserve a still fur
■her extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms oil which scholars
are received, are—-
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Scwinp
Marking, per quarter, : g
’d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography 1 and Arithme
tic, :::::::
Tim French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : . : : : 10 00
’ninting on velvet, per quarter, : : R f)0
17* The^mnst careful attention will be
.•aid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
lorals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov2* ' 85
;4 Oft
8 00
‘trade’s onipany’ S o-s.
CASKS Bradehs Patent Hons, for
sale by N. B. WEED,
dec 18
Ucorgin— VunuUit County
O y the fi-fli Tuesd-iy lo March next, 1 -i"
sell al J . tTcrmn, in said connty, a utgn
ann, named Daniel, tho properly of the ts
ate of Mic.jih Drews, de enaod, purtuani ti-
• CRVe gruilleU by *tic Ouiirt ..C O-tllnary.
MAY JHEAVS, Executrix-
J e14 ti
dmiiiisirator’s Notice.
N fNR MONTH'* after date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol
•ualham county, (*.vlien flitting for ordinary
•urpi scs) for leave to sell the real estate oi
Isaac H. Robins, to satisfy ihe heirs »nd cred
•tors. C* H HAYDEN,
augutit 12 as
A8rpprv Beers ’ Axes.
A anil for allov 8. Axes, receiveil
on /
oct 27
0. IVMD.
Hunch Muscatel haisius.
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 IIoxcb Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
F V.l An-imik’. WI.,,-1
brisk Jens, Hums, b'luur. L c
On CHESTS Hyson Teus
£i\j 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
- i Him Richmond Cut Glass Wnre
Hcccivcd per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hains, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, tiir sale bv
- - J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Feb 5
\J .> tates Bank .Vote#,
F OR SALE at ’
Jan 20 • •
F OR t^e cure of Col 8, Coughs, Tons'imp
lior , ftpitti g oi Blood j Aa'huit»s, and
:i«e n scN of the b: east aiid lungs.
There is per hap? no medK-al ob.wvatio'.
better . stab.Rh' d, nonr more icoerally con
nned by the experience o? ti e best phystM-
ns of Ml H/.ea and count'i * and none ol
• ore importance to the hurn»tn fnmily, t ar
;te fuel that many of the moM difficult anil ia«
curable coitaumntions origii-at* in neglect- ti
colds.. In Hclinaieio'.nriubleaSourH, where
ho changes of the wea'h t are fr? qa9htl',
Hudtlcn and unexpected, it requires more c*; t
F.nd attention to guaid against this d:u>germ
en?my of Me, than most people imagine or
tre y.blennd willing to beso'.v. The bills i *
mortality exit bii the melimolWdy fsrt th*»l th-
"irnpnition v-f liemhs b*. tij’s uisewse m«y b#
onhitkwed vis about five to one. I asimeh
tiien a» iliis f»tul disease f -quently bps d* fi
»nee to the skill oftlie most learned phjsci
ns, it. is a »rrat*ficHt«o«» to the proprietor th«t
•e is enabled to oftci to those afflvc'ed wit'
•*, » goodly prosp* c.* of redcf, »o (list l ig { *l’.
valuable remi-dy, \\\'. Vegetable Inditin
fie. The Indians j,;e happv in their know.
• -dge nf mt-diral ptanis} guVerned wholly bv
‘•xperience, they are cerium us to their (.ffet,
*nd it ii said by sn •.ulh .r of great charucter,
bat a true consumption la a disease nevc-r
know among them.
I his Specific a obt ined by extraction from
erbs, ro .tH, fl jwt rs, pl.nt, Sco when in per
lection. 11 consequence 'fa happv comninr..
ion of the most valuable her^s, 6tc. it beconies
i bilsiim of a superior value It Heals the i. •
Jn-eJ opeim ‘he n^ea, wnd ce.mno*-e*
i ve dis'urbed nervei^ after the manm r rf a-
oodyne i const q ie.itly the obstruction ot
Me ches and the mi,pa which constitute th
disease, partimlariy need i'.s use. It promotes
expectoration, which is constant!) called for.
»nd whilst it c’eniis- s a d beais, it also gi‘e.-
; rtngth to the ter,tier lungs In this naimei
>t removes ihe hectic fewer, improves digef,
‘"m, giw8 S’r< ngth to the nerves, repairs ihr
ppotite and improves the st ints. This apeci
He mav always he g : vi n in safety U is mud.
•lersant to the taste, and may a«fe)y be given
o 'nfants. tor which it is of im siimable value.
(t affords relief in bowel complaints, tething,
whooping -gl’s, and is found particu-
nv useful in hy pochondri <c*l, nervous am-
i.sicricBl aise'jsts. Each bill oi directior
ontain* a detailed accoon' of this dis ease in
II its diffen nt stages, i.r.d will bj accotnpa
• l’*d »hit the signature d tilt proprietor ii-
tied Ink. It is offered tor rale by GEO. HY
KR-rO , only (r«> sole.agent) D uggist, cor
"eeBxv and Whitvtke.-streets, Savannuh, a'
>ne dollar per bottle.
dee 30 dd
V'INBMONTHS after ds’e,, ''prl'Cation will
1.1 be made to the Honorable luf r or Court
>i i/hkthani coun y. for tsnve to sell the res)
nd personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Him-
•lion, deceased, for the benefit of the heirt-
■ad cied tmsof s id esuitc,
Mareh 10 b9^e
brig Pheasant, from Philadelphia,
'IDS and &00 bbls* Philadelphia
. jV« *V\\kt>y
I|itrh Bemipihna
kfT* Sahnetre
Y|>le ai d 10ft ha 1f bbls, f rcs!i Fhmr
5000 Htihe<9 Liverpool g-ou d Salt
5 tija. & C'O bbla. prime bt. Crjii Sugar
3 mm end .'5 demijohns best" HoiLm’
5 pits and 3D demjahna beat Cognac
10 hbv, and 95 bbls. auperior Northern
75 l>b*l Northern Gin
5 ' bvftlG e* n C ffe -
5 ca/kVstine’do' ,'d LiV on W : ne
25 \>¥iifAtBp .i' d 72 ''Mis. I.oef Sugar
5 tnk?.n salute and 7 do brown Have: a
f ’
SSftagf black pnp*»cr
5h ; p*!fi Ini’tKiU'ii G-a
-p»!e< ^lagging Twine +
?5qr bi-XfS M) ion Tea
5<Acani* Wrapping Paper
15f*ox -8 Pipes
5ms "8 Wool H:*ts
IQMh'fs best Ox;t«: urge
3b ies unble.’ic rd Ilomesptui
Boases n ou»ii. d dit'o
• 3ft It eg DupoutK Gun Powder
10UC h.ifihirU TahU Suit
kegs manuf'Ctured Tobacco
25 t ins ^Hort rt (Barren) f’.as in^a
.4 large Smith Bellow*
5 kegs r.s«>’t r d Gut N.Mls
lfil bags assort d Shot—*1*” sn
Asjo tment of Ced;»r Wn-e, Market and
Clothes Baskets
Ali of which w : ll be sold low f*>r cash, or
good|tuv>n acceptancts.
ntif^h T 4
P M»1)ERW0 5T
C ider, Porter, IVine, (Sc.
(j ** BOXES fir.t quality Ci.lur
A J 5 ilo ila Loudon Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Buncli Rnisins
10 Barrels Soil Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Fnh 18
a ) rex TONS carron castings, just rccciv-
od from Greenock, via. Charleston,
con .feting'of tbo following assortment, viz :
2600 pots from £ to 3U gallons
200 American spiders, from ft to 13 inches
60 get flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
4 lbs.
1 ?fl London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
- cuinn <ivon«, tV<»m 0 to 18 iiiciios
\30 untimied tea kettles, from one to 5
For laic by P. M’DERMOTT.
Ivnndea Superior court.
llB,Rl HbfW > J VerdictMarchTern.,
ti r
ioma8 King.
4 i.. N motion of the Attorney of the Plain-
* r iilf, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
firmlyiidgment should not he entered in
the above case, as of Mart'll Term, 1808 ;
and that publication be made of this rule,
oncij a month, for four months, in one of
tho Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty dayB be
fore the next term.
Extrudfrom the Minutes,
* dec 2:1 $5fu
luf Dr lUfttiin W anted \
I F U-.i)'i.G v . Mil,I.Lit, others* DAN-
FLOLAHU Mil t t it, ivlni in the if .r
• 8i5. nrr vei* i»* Savannih, in ihe Aheide* o
'nnsptot, belonging to M« bits. D< wsoii &
S«ma, Lm-.iloo is living, and will app*y t<*
in# rionda in Enplane, he will hea: oi
s uneti'V.g mur.h'to bis advantage, lie lef
the Aberdeen whileahe hy al Savunn*h, an"
h«i not,been he-’.d of by his fiends sine
i* at perjori. Hi had bien umny y^arsa .-a-
'•>r, and while on board the above vessel,
wfcs employed as a carpenter. If he U*ft S -
v'urnKh that time, it is probable that !
itlorcrt tome vessel going to the Brazil Ii
ts in hia letter,!), sta ed that it
U' It>b intention to do so. S’.ould he hav
fudat 8'iy piuce whe-e a register orcertifi
cate of b?i burial chi, be ( would b-
* bin* fid y received and all expert 'e* attending
4, paid by
Savannah, or
0 I **
0 Administrator's dale.
N th J fi at slur* ay af m: h« fi *t Tues
day In May next, hetw- er, tiie houra of
t ii andAur o’clock, will ho sold at the mar-
lut-h ui£ in t‘ e town of St. Ma y*, pursuant
u au ot'ier of the Howrah e the Court ot Or
dinary ffr tl-e cour ty of Camden, a nt gro wo
rn o "awed J'-ru y. b longinc to the estate of
Ditv d If. Jones, dece-'t d, for the benefit of
■he crtnitoi* ofgiud estate.
\j.rtb 9G
N otice.
A IL pinon. h.ivinx a<-m»n!l, »j>»in?» the
estate uf .‘he Me John Wakeiiy. (plsni-
r) den are requt. eil to render them, prop
erly .tested, imm.tdi.tely i and all pertot.s
i debted, to make irr.fnadirte pa» tat nt to
D YUVU’r ilflV
Fe u H
K3UEHT HOY, Exucutdr.
* r 7
N INE MONTHS after date of this notice,
application wilt be made to the Honora*
ole the C, urt of Ordinary of Chatham Conn
ty. for perm anion to tell all the real estate of
John Wakerlv, dec. for the benefit of the
heir* and creditor* *»f salrt rtr revsed*
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
Feb 24 ,67
Remaining in the Post-Office, Savannah 31
March, 1825.
fHl* Persons wishing letters from this list,
will please ask for Advertised letters.
Mr. Arnaud
Susan Admns
Jainos Adams
John Avery
•loliti Atherton, 3
Jos Allen
Dr H Ames
Seth T Ames
Abraham Andrews
R J Arnold
John Abbot, sen.
Cnpt James
Mrs Baker
I L *
j John Lawson
j Master G A Luthrop
5 Miss Janett Loyon
j David Lee
] G Lee
| Hugh Lear month
l Mis Mary Long
| James Luce
i Bucmbus Luce
\ M.
5 Andrew Marshxll
} Win Mallory
i Putty iM'ieks
Blan-1 Owen Maktd 1
{ Mias Ma ry Manyon
} Mrs Metzler 2
$ Miss Ann C Millen
Isaac Biudoy
Miss' Amanda SBa*<John Myrich
' ker. 2 l Tims Miller
George Bailey, 6 \ James Mints
Miss Elcnor Batfet $J«hn Morrel
Saudi C Brown
Miss C Barnes
Jedcdtuh Burstow
David Brandon
4 G Mount fort
r Master Chas Morrell
: Hetirv Mornitigstar
5 Jus Mntchersou
\ Neal McLaclin 2
< John M< Rae
| Wm McCormick
11) McCarty
l Isaac Me Kim
j Rob Me Dow
5 Pollard M’Cormick
• G YV Mi. AI lister
\ Mrs B B M’Cnll
\ James McCoitkey 2
< Suml McFaddin
\ David McMillen
? Boii(h& M’Henroy
\ N. &. O.
: Miss Ann Now Ian, 3
Theadoro Nelson, 3
| Cupt Stephen Nye 3
\ Mrs R S Norton
| Miss C Norton
- \ Win Nye
jH H Nye
> George Oliver
^ Wm Oglesbay
Miss R T Burnes
F Bardon
John Basely
Geo W Bee It ford
Richard Berrio
John A Bentiy
Nathan Bennett
II H Bevins
A Beryrfiit
Edw’d Bourquinc
Mrs L Bollough
I) Brown
S D *S Brown
Jacob Brown
Mrs Mary II Brown
Win Bones
Mrs E A Boyd
Edw’d Butler
Thus Bags haw
London Butler
Jas R Benedick 2
Wm. Campbell
.... — ' “ P.
ham county | VY'ni A Pollard
L L Crauo | David Parry
John L Clark {Hand Patterson 2
Christiana Campbell S Goo II Parker
Mrs M Callahan i Cap Jas Perry
Stewart Campbell I ”
John Caswell
Iittcy Camhredge
Betsey Carpenter
Lunas Clark
diaries Chase
J»hn Chilrfe
Mrs Francis Cale
C Cormolley
John Coftbat
E Cooper
Henry Cooke
Cap C Cooper
John Coit
M. Correghan
John Cooper
Miss C Cruse
Messrs J & C Cum- i John J Richardson
tilings > Saudi Richardson
Henry Cunningham jDr C W Rodgers 2
Wm Cutterson } Tlios Rodgers
Mat hew Cachbo- ? John A Rowell
$ Ann E Roles
Waller G perry
l Francis Preble
1 Rob Peltgrew
< Phillip Pierce
l Lewis Phinney
i Cap David Pinge
l John.W Pomeroy
< Maj C Powers
| Gideon Powledge
i Geo Randall
j Jno Ruin
| fidw’d Ryan
| Datdl B Rider
l Henry Ringold
l Alex Ryburn
t Abraham Riker
Christian Dasher
A Dan forth
YVm L Davis
H» nry Dttrbeck
Gilmore Dexter
Rev L Dewight
YVm Dcgniaud
Rob Dillon
John Diver
Wm B Dopson
John Doore
Charles O’Donnell
B Donovan
Farris Dorfley
Oliver Dudley 2
Aug Durkie
Cap Dewforce
Lucy Durkeo
Gilford Dudley
Paul Dupon
Miss Alary Davis
Joshua Evrett
Jessee Ellerbeo
Anthony Evergreen
John Ellis
Rev Mr E'ton
Mrs Mary Fare
Pat Fay
Mrs Margret Fegan
Marline Frederick
John B Klinu
John N Fry
Michiel Fosher
Miss Caroline Floyd \ James Sims
Rob Galt 4i
Evans Grant
Thos Garnett
Joseph Gilford
Wing S Green
John Gibbon
John Grimes
Capt Anthonio Gi- {Richard Smith
t CaptMuaes B Robin-
J son
(B B Rutland, 2
{Green R Ruther-
5 ford, 2
| Cnpt J W Russell
\ Miss R Russell
\ . S *
* Miss MaryStafTord 2
5 YVillinm B Savage
| Jonathan Sawyer
t Amos Salsbury
? Thomas M Sanders
l George Starbuch
j John R Shad
< Naomi Stanton
\ Sarah Sawyer
| Robert Sawyer
\ Cap John Shaw
j Joseph Sacket
< Bliss Alurtha Spal-
1 ding 2
l Miss Fluster Shcftall
\ Miss Margaret Stc-
\ veils
| Duvid Set6on
5 Richard Stewart,
$ (colored man)
S Alfred Shearman
* Capt Michael Sele*
} wicb
5 James Scaly
\ Mrs Bethia Seabury
< Levaitt Steevens
5Mra Ann Seagrovc
\ James Smith 3
| Daniel C Smith
5 Mrs Mary Smith
| William II Smith 2
5 Capt Reuben Swift
< Misti Jane Stihbs
| Thomas B Smith
5 Mrs Sarah Sims
Mr A Ginn
Jos Gibson
Rebecca Giridon
YVm Gi fiord
Mary Griffith
Abner Gifiord
Tlios M Goddard
Jas J Grogan
i David B Squires
\ Mrs Slone
> William I Sott 2
Ezra Spooner
William Spooner
< Abraham Strohhar
| Mrs Sarah S'robhar
| Duvid A Strohhar
LJames Hi Suydam
Capt Nath Gookin \ T.
S H Goldsmith, Jr ? Capt C E Trentlin
Jacob Gould * Cnpt Wm Tommer-
Miss Selvey Guy J son
II. | John Toebert
Robt Hamilton * John S Thompson
Miss Surah Harri- \ N Turnbull
son ' 1 Joseph Tuttle
John Hance j Mrs Mary E Turner
Thos Hawkins l'urberville
*iK^ -45W. ’
Grto lImmiidnH ' (‘Win Tilfii'cK’ “
afe«t'4!nnil>ffy liar- { * W.
Tlios ilnrifiir.l
Hunicl llnrolicr
OHaHf« Hurt
Copt M 1 Infillv
H I) Hanoi,iii'il
Wii D Wornrr
« Mr« At.afy Warren
? Wra Marv Wallace
j Jnli;i F Willimna
: Uhriatinn Wircnbk-'
5 ker
Mrs Mary llarjiaon Fa|rt..Iiid Winkle,.2
n T Iln’Cn. • Win VVilliarna 7
0 T Halacy
Clias HaimuonJ
Charles Flart
Pat Hnyiion
Lewis liiiips
Charles M Hill
Miss M llyltnn
Owen Hippina
Sninnel Hino
)ohn B H> hkirk
Patrick O’Hare
; SiJwV Willey
■ Mrs M Willy
? Elir.iibelli Whitlns
jjiis Winp
j John Wilier
' Pears Wiiliirg-trn
5 Miss A ii lift Wil-
| liamsnn
< Tlios A William,
atnek O’Hare . ’ Gep U'.Wgod
Mms Jane H Hoc® i ,t»s m«it
Elma Hunffineton 1 Klepheii Wood
Col John Hunter t
Sitnon Jackson ' y,
Lewis Jackson \ Mrs Philip Voting
Mrs Rose Jaleneau ^Barnabas If Youn*
Joseph Jordon 'JohnY. nnrr b
Joseph Jordon
H YV Jordon
Mrs Saruli Kuscn
Dutiiel Kean
Geo Kursenkie
: John Y - .
• Ph. R, Young
t Antonio Kanong
| John R ZitrnWrr
5 Miss Ann Zachman
Yrcnp\i l ettPTA
Mi Joanjacques Lau- Mias Olanl Jlen •
rent, 2 ilresae
"Pi'll 1 - 'OH
16tii Class—New Semes. '
WILL he drawn on tho.Ilth of May
» Y 1895, ami finished in a few minutes,
bixty Numbers—Eight Ballots to he Drawn-
5ft,bl'(i Dolivrg is £5’ 00ft.
I Prlie of
2i> OoU
4 720
10 000.
lc 6oo
4 730
' POO.
24 "60
1(16 (.(jo
&$«£&!*•»**eto. { V 73 ™
3*,2 >0 Ticket, at g8,
In this Scheme with - io-hr rtr,» n h,ll„ts.
there wiP he 46 p a s with three ri mi-ms on
• ,45 .® Wlth niml era on them nod
106(18. with one number on them. Thus*
ticket, having none of the dr«. n hallo-, on
them being bum lit.
To deteim ne the fate of all the ticket, in
the shave lottery (to i.un.l-e from one to
vxtv inclusivi, will Sever.:]v be placed in t
wheel on the day nf thawing, anil eigi, of
them will he drawn, and tha't tirket havine on
•t aa a eombinaiion the 1st, wd am!-hire "um.
hers drawn, willb. entitled r St.5(JW'0
That having o- i' h - fitli, 7 n a: >1 8 h, will
be entitled to g 0t"’0.
That having on it the 4th 5th aid6.ti.wi1l
be entiM -ritn g .ptiOO, 1
T ' a i.h'Vv•( 11 Item the 3d 4 h and 4ih
*n-' 3d. 7 hard fit 1.^ esch gJOOO
T a! hcvii-g 'in It the Set, 3d -. n d 4th will
ne entitled to 4,7?0,
Those 20 iuv : eg on them ihe
^ Jthan.. „ .
2 6-h and 7l..
rt d 6-hondHih
21. 7'hand Htl
3d 4-h anil 6''
3 4th end 7' 1
3d, 4lh am’ 8.1.
3fi. 5th inn! 6 ' |'!h.6|hard 7i
a.I Cl I. ... .1 »».t, ... a. . 1
3'?. 5i»i si>d 7tfi 4*h 6 h and 3*„
34 5>:b«m:8tb • h,7baid8h
3 :. fithan(17tf t|i.6thatw 7^
3^.6 h am Pf fc>. 6ifi Mrf ’ q-h
4 5 hand 7 V rh,7th an 8 b
lft',Jthand8ti e*rb g 'LOO.
All other,, (being 30 ticknls) having three
nt he d'ewn nnmhera on them will each bo
-ntitleo m 8500. "
-’-he 52 tick, to having on h m two of the
ffrawn numbers and thoac 'wr>, the ,3d and
4 ., - alt each be entitled to jj.00
.The 155 tickets having uu them the4th
■ nd 5lh ur 43) end 6 nr 4'lv smt 7lli drawn
umbers only, willeac' be entitled o a so.
AH '-then (being 1248tickets) bating .wo
Ul , e *wi numbera on them, will ear), be
e titled t, g :o.
And th b. having nn them any .us of ’he
t awn numbers, (he : ng -0,608 I ekets, nr 1.3 8
nr ei-ch drawn number.) will each be enti-
tleu to g!0.
No ticket which ahall hare drawn a r-v : a«
o' a superior dencminatiun can he entitled <o
.a inferior re * ■ frizes payable thirty da\§
- ter the dra i> g, and subjrct, sa usual, to 4
d. dilution < I ts percent-
A ccniiderable portion i f this lottery it put
up in parcels o* 20 tickets, embracing all the
■ omhination numbera, from hue lo aiatv,
- ch parcel, are warranted to draw at leaat
5 0, lest the deduction nf IS per cent, with
many chase-, f ■!.. oanital pi- : ie,
J. B. YATES, )’IntyreJ Wan “e er »-
Philadelphia, »1. oi » 825
Orders received and forward at the above
price at
exchange opejcb.
March 3^1
F or sale by
Foh 23 T. R. UTTHER
Hills on New-York,
F or sale bv
Feh -M ' C. C. ORISWOI.n.
fr-ot ket Spades.
1 CA8K Socket Sjmdi B, just r
and tor sale hy N. B. W1
Jan 4